Log of OOC Meeting 7/19/2014

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:54 am
Location: Delta Junction, Alaska
Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:02 pm

Kinaed asks, "Okay, today's agenda is:

- Staff Messages
- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Does anyone have anything they'd like to add to the agenda to make sure we speak about it?"

Yvelle says, "And I'm -so- glad to see you seeking the Order, new player. <3 We're the best, trust me."

Maxwell claims, "...Oh, dang. My Death XP is at exactly 155000. My OCD is nice and cozy.."

Carmen claims, "I have some not very important announcements that can sneak in if we have time."

Kinaed has awarded you 1 QP: on-time attendance to the OOC Chat

Kinaed claims to Carmen, "Noted"

Lakali RPs with Max so it goes up by 1.

A petite blond haired woman claims, "The nice bible-y book got me, very well done."

Casimir claims, "I think everything I had is already on the forum. Nothing, as of yet."

Temi gives a dainty sewing basket lined with bright cloth to Maxwell.

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, staff reminders..."

Carmen beams at Tomas.

Casimir states to Carmen, "Ha! She read your book."

Temi gives a dainty sewing basket lined with bright cloth to Zeita.

Samantha stands behind Yvelle shaking her hand and mouthing 'don't do it'

Carmen states, "Wrong blond! Alas."

Kinaed wonders, "Please vote if you haven't done so. Please recommend other players frequently when they do something to give you plot fodder to play with. Lastly, can I get a volunteer to write a review about TI this month?"

Casimir claims, "That's gotta be the most gratifying thing ever, to have somebody join your guild because of an IC book."

Lakali declares, "I might be able!"

Nedyra finishes his note.

Kinaed exclaims to Lakali, "Thanks!"

Yvelle states, "It was a -very- good book you wrote, Carmen. The one the newbie likes."

Carmen claims, "It feels awesome. :)"

Zeita starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Lakali asks, "Where will the review be going? The voting sites?"

Kinaed nods at Lakali.

Casimir states to Carmen, "I wish I could put -my- book out there for mass circulation. xD"

Kinaed says to Lakali, "TMC is a great place."

Zeita finishes her note.

A small arctic fox darts past you, then pauses and grins. Nine tails flutter behind her as she stands and becomes Azarial. [OOC]

Lakali nods and can likely do that just remind him.

Azarial claims, "Mobile"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Lakali says, "I am on a mobile also. Let us combine forces."

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Okay, that's announcements - and thanks for volunteering, Lakali :)"

Kinaed says, "Okay, updates! I'll start. Last week I did a lot of approvals of things and trolled through a lot of information, but didn't get a lot of spec work done. On the bright side, I did have a good job interview or two, so am hopeful to be working soon."

Kinaed states, "That's it for me, Azarial, you're up."

Casimir says, "I like information trolls."

Azarial claims, "Bug fixes, mail tweaks, looking at pevrnts"

Carmen read that as looking at perverts, at first.

Azarial says, "Funerated yesterday, so sliw welk"

Katarina is with Carmen.

Kinaed comforts Azarial.

Lakali is with Carmen on that.

Azarial claims, "Sorry. old iphobe. shityy keyboard"

Kinaed smiles at Azarial.

Lakali hugs Az.

Kinaed declares, "No worries, assuming that means - Temi, you're up!"

Temi states, "Well, I... have finished tailoring."

Carmen declaims, "Woot woot woot!"

Yvelle cheers.

Kinaed claps and cheers.

Temi claims, "All that's left is to pass it over to Az to make it tailor command, and I think we're changing to tailoring skill."

Nedyra sets off fireworks.

Lakali pontificates, "Grats!"

Katarina grins.

Samantha does a slow british clap "Congrats."

Kinaed nods.

Katarina cheers for Temi.

Yvelle muses, "When can we expect it to be implemented?"

Temi says, "But it's currently accessible via craft_ weaving until we do that. I expect there may be typos with it, so please let us know on that."

Shaylei queries, "British?"

Azarial heaves a sigh, her ears and tails drooping with her expression.

Kinaed claims to Yvelle, "I think sometime this week."

Azarial has left the game.

Yvelle nods.

Casimir wonders, "So... I haven't actually been to privvy on the crafting updates. Cause, y'know, haven't played a crafter. So what exactly is changing with it all?"

Casimir queries, "Will my clothes be outdated?"

Carmen claims, "Existing items are fine"

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "Nah."

Carmen claims, "But how you make new ones changes."

Casimir sobs as he clutches a large cloak with side-slits hemmed with a pale gold color.

Kinaed states, "It's how you make them."

Zeita states to Casimir, "That is -so- 361."

Shaylei grins at Zeita.

Casimir says to Zeita, "I'm bringing the funeral look back."

Temi claims, "In your sewing basket gifties, I have included the stuff you need to make an embroidery sampler too, which is a 0 skill recipe."

Yvelle is still bouncing about with excitement.

Temi trails off, "To discuss the main sort of changes..."

Temi claims, "It allows us to make different items include different sorts of ingredients, and get different results depending on materials. It's a lot more customizable, different messaging and everything."

Lakali watches Yvelle bounce. Places trampoline.

Temi claims, "Also, velvet is a new material, and linen and cotton are both considered light cloths."

Shaylei states, "Yeeeees"

Maxwell queries, "...What's the command to see the list of crafts, may I ask?"

Yvelle squeals.

Casimir states, "Cool beans. Excited to see how it affects the economy."

Temi states, "You can continue to string as either, but they aren't considered codewise distinct."

A petite blond haired woman trails off, "Ooh, brocade time..."

Shaylei wonders, "Is it going to be a gentry fabric, Temi?"

Carmen says, "-Codpieces-."

Temi states, "Velvet is considered on par with silk. Though it's heavier."

Kinaed says, "The same material rules that are currently in place for crafting (ie, making a linen dress and stringing it as silk) remain in place. This is particularly important in that we have introduced cardinal red and tubori purple as dyes, so please don't string an item as made with those colors unless you've made the right item."

Shaylei velvets it UP.

Lakali claims, "I will rock a velvet winter coat."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Nedyra claims, "Because people are looking, there is no tailoring help file yet. It's coming."

Casimir will rock... his poor commoner clothes.

Carmen wonders, "Huh, wait, so Tubori purple and Cardinal red are different recipes?"

Yvelle muses, "Will existing skill levels be converted over?"

Lakali claims, "I would hope."

Kinaed states, "I'm not sure if they're recipes or ingredients."

Temi says, "I do have different things that take different ingredients. Like you can make a gown with segments of silk cloth, or segments of dyed silk cloth."

Carmen says, "Ahh, I see. So you need to be using the dyed ones."

Temi claims, "The dyed ones are specifically refering to those rare dyes. Please use those ingredients if you want to use those rare colors."

Temi states, "But unless it becomes a problem, it's going to be by trusting you guys."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi states, "One other fun thing I added is the differnt trims."

Casimir wonders, "TRIMS!?"

Casimir says, "I love trim."

Temi says, "There's different trims you can make at different skills levels. And then in a recipe that uses a trim, you can choose which one you want to use."

Temi states, "So, that'll help training, and you can RP it up to get that perfect lace trim and use it in the recipe."

Carmen muses, "...if the Regent has the same rank as a Duke can the Regent wear cloth of gold?"

Carmen asks, "Re: Sumptuary?"

Carmen shifty eyes.

Kinaed claims to Carmen, "I'd prefer you asked a Reeve than a staff member. :)"

Carmen says, "Haha, okay."

Zeita states, "Last regent did, if it helps. :)"

Temi claims, "Oh! That's another addition. There's a set of cloth and silver and cloth of gold recipes as a rank 75 capper piece."

Samantha trails off, "Um, why? Will you really notice different trims unless it is stated in the string... just seems kinda of unneccesary"

Temi states to Samantha, "It's not really necessary. I just thought it was fun. And you can train longer."

Temi states, "They're actually made of gold and silver, and havier and nice and ridiculously expensive."

Temi grins.

Temi claims, "But anyway! That's the highlights of the system."

Kinaed beams.

Kinaed wonders, "Any questions?"

Temi declares, "And enough to have kept me busy this week, I think... oh!"

Temi claims, "I did put notes on each recipe about where they're worn and what's bigger than what - for layering purposes."

Kinaed says, "Oh, that's cool."

Temi claims, "But yes, next person."

Kinaed claims to Nedyra, "You're up."

Nedyra states, "Wiki! ... Sort of."

Casimir wonders, "Oooh. Where can I contribute?"

Kinaed wonders, "Oh yeah, I need to check that out. Can we navigate to it from the main page? Also, can players have individual character wikis?"

Nedyra says, "We have the platform in place. It's contentless, for now, and I'm still tweeking. But the software works, and nothing broke in the process."

Carmen wonders, "Oh, that is cool. Are there any plans to tie in-game helpfiles to the wiki, so you can read the wiki in-game?"

Casimir claims to Carmen, "You lost me."

Casimir muses to Carmen, "Can't people just open up a browser and peruse it while playing?"
Nedyra says to Carmen, "No. But we do plan to tie help files created in-game to the website."

Carmen says, "My last game we had a wiki and the in-game helps were drawn from the wiki, which made them far easier to update."

Casimir claims, "Aaah."

Carmen says, "It was a totally sweet system."

Casimir says, "That would be nifty, yeah."

Carmen states, "Same content written once, posted twice."

Lakali pets a pair of heavy steel manacles, inside lined with leather, soothingly.

Samantha wonders, "Really a wiki? I have mix feelings on that, especially given wikis are often made so just anyone can edit them"

Black pulls closed his cloak, hiding his garments.

A petite blond haired woman states, "So simplified in game wikis? That is neat."

Carmen exclaims, "Just a suggestion here, sorry to derail!"

Kinaed wonders to Carmen, "Yes?"

Nedyra claims to Samantha, "The wiki is restricted. If you have access to edit it, it's because the staff (probably me) said you did."

Samantha states, "Thank goodness"

Casimir states to Kinaed, "About the tying wiki to helpfiles thing stated above. Re: Carmen's suggestion"

Carmen states to Kinaed, "I mean, what I was saying was a suggestion."

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed says, "It's noted."

Kinaed queries to Nedyra, "Anything else to update with?"

Casimir claims to Nedyra, "You are going to get entirely sick of me if you let me loose on a wiki."

Nedyra declares, "Other changes to the website are still in the works. There's a thread for it on the forums - feel free to suggest!"

Casimir still wants to describe each individual county. >.>

Nedyra claims, "That's it from me for this week."

Yvelle claims, "Help domains describes them a bit, Casi! At least some of them, their histories, what they're known for, etc."

Kinaed asks, "Just so everyone knows, the suggestion thread is here: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=836"

Temi states, "To some extent we do like to leave some things undecided so that new people, such as taking on a barony, get some influence in defining it, without retconnin."

Kinaed claims, "We are very keen in particular for players to provide us with maps, there is a lot of QP on offer if you give us some maps for TI."

Nedyra says, "I'll entertain specific questions in tells so we can move on to the next topic."

Lakali states, "I want to be the Duke of Earl."

Casimir says to Yvelle, "HELP VOSTOCK is one of mine, and what I wanted to systematically do."

Carmen states, "Maps. Hrm."

Tomas claims to Temi, "I liked being able to describe Vees"

Zeita can do ASCII maps, graphical... not so much. :)

Casimir states to Kinaed, "They're coming! Just... slowly. This weekend is Archeage Beta."

Carmen claims, "I may be able to give us some maps, I'll see if I can resurrect the auto-mapper."

Katarina is distracted by laundry

Carmen says, "Grid maps, I mean."

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, that's staff updates - now for Player Heartbeat. How's RP been this week, folks? Anything staff could or should be doing to help out?"

Lakali claims, "More IC weather storms."

Samantha states, "Rp has been nice."

Kinaed says to Carmen, "That'd rock."

Yvelle got cardinalized this week.

Carmen states, "RP is fun. Running around like crazy doing Regent stuff. :)"

Casimir says, "Just been twiddling my thumbs, waiting to see if I get that villain, and hoping that I have enough time to do them justice."

Kinaed says, "Btw, I'm happy to take maps from multiple players and put them up as "Carmen's Maps" "Casimir's Maps" to give people choice and showcase all work."

Casimir states, "I was going to do a demographic, drawn world map. Cause screw grid maps."

Casimir says, "Ain't nobody got time for that."

Kinaed claims, "Ahh, yes, I need to announce the villain contest results sometime today. Staff will deliberate on that and return a post announcing the winners later on."

A petite blond haired woman trails off, "Been standing around awkwardly wondering where to go..."

Maxwell has been fishing. Fishing. FISHING.

Kinaed comforts a petite blond haired woman.

Carmen states to Zeita, "There is an event happening right after this OOC chat. :)"

Tomas claims, "Rp was fun. I really liked the storytelling scene that happened. Busted my poor ribs rply"

Casimir states to Kinaed, "Is the contest over today? O.o"

Carmen states, "Sigh. I'm sorry, 'petite blond haired woman', I keep mistargeting you."

Kinaed states to a petite blond haired woman, "Have you entered game yet? If you want to find RP, you can type 'where' to see where people are RPing, then travel <location title> to get there."

Azarial wanders into the vicinity. [login]

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "Oh, tomorrow for you guys (it's the 20th already here in Australia)."

A petite blond haired woman claims, "I just, just finished CG."

Kinaed smiles at a petite blond haired woman.

Casimir declares, "Oh! Right! So it's tonight for me, I guess. Cool!"

Casimir claims, "The sooner the better, IMO."

Nedyra states, "Said it before, and I'll say it again. Timezones suck."

Nedyra grins.

Lakali says, "I really wish there was more ST plot stuff."

Kinaed claims to a petite blond haired woman, "Let me know if you have problems with finding RP through typing 'where', then 'travel <location>'."

Carmen declares to Lakali, "Try running one!"

Casimir pontificates to Lakali, "Careful what you wish for!"

Kinaed states to Lakali, "I have a couple of stories in the queue - Casimir has one approved, and I'm reviewing one of Ariel's that I didn't have time to yesterday."

Zeita begins to descend.

Zeita leaves down bustling along energetically

Lakali claims, "I really want to see more of the game's dark undercity."

Casimir says, "Mine will probably be next weekend, pending me getting a j."

Carmen states, "I'm going to be working on others, missions as the Regent I'll round up/pay people for. I think. Concept still under development."

Kinaed says, "Yes, also - do raise one to run."

Yvelle tests targeting a petite blond haired woman.

Casimir says, "Job**"

Yvelle declaims, "Hurray! I can target now!"

Carmen declaims, "But seriously, we can't rely on just a few players to always run STs. It's something anyone can do!"

Kinaed nods at Carmen.

A petite blond haired woman questions, "STs?"

Lakali claims, "Sometimes I feel the game is too pretty."

Kinaed claims, "Please, if there's a story you'd like to see run, raise a story."

Yvelle claims, "I've run a few impromptu things once or twice, and I'll be trying to hold interesting masses to help people along, but I've never used ST before."

Carmen says to a petite blond haired woman, "Storytelling plots."

Shaylei asks of Lakali, "Too pretty?"

Kinaed states to a petite blond haired woman, "TI has a system where a player can become, for lack of better terms, a storyteller/game master for themselves and other players to run a plot."

Yvelle claims, "They're like player-run quests."

Kinaed nods at Yvelle.

Carmen says, "We just had one where some people fought a ring of slavers in the sewers."

Casimir states, "Most of mine will concern dark, supernatural themes and secret societies. So contact me if you want to get involved in that. OTherwise Lakali, aren't you involved with a fundraising drive? I was going to do a horse race for that, or a contest to see who can break a wild Charali stallion (str, con checks all around)."

A petite blond haired woman exclaims, "Aah, I love those!"

Lakali says, "Like too often it feels even the darker stuff is too everyday casual."

Kinaed states, "When you join a story, the ST is agreeing not to kill you without permission, and you're agreeing to abide by the "arbitration" of the Storyteller."

Carmen states to Lakali, "Seriously, man, you gotta be the change you want to see."

Lakali states, "I can ride a Charali like a boss."

Carmen questions to Lakali, "What stands in the way of you running a plot of dark, gritty stuff?"

Lakali says, "Errr. Horse."

Kinaed snickers.

Shaylei claims to Lakali, "I can only speak from personal experience, and that's that I'm all too ready to crank up the hysteria."

Carmen gives Shaylei a "Number 1 Victim" t-shirt.

Casimir hides in the corner.

Shaylei claims to Lakali, "I'll even throw in some vomit for QP."

Lakali states, "We need a new Manus."

Casimir says to Lakali, "It's in the works. Staff just don't know it yet."

Kinaed says, "Okay, so... that's player heartbeat! Thanks folks, please remember to raise stories. Next: our favorite part: Player Topics."

Kinaed asks of Carmen, "You had some things to raise?"

Yvelle says, "Hopefully the villain quest will assist with the need for the darkness and doom"

Carmen declares, "Not things of much importance. Well, one thing: WINTER MARKET event right after this!"

Lakali chants 'doom' a la Conan.

Carmen declares, "Go buy or sell things and eat delicious free food!"

Samantha asks, "Is it even winter icly yet?"

Carmen claims, "Second: I'm really working on trying to define the PURPOSE of Court and what it can do for the game as a guild. I really welcome suggestions/thoughts as to 'holes' in the game Court could fill."

Carmen states to Samantha, "As of tomorrow, yes."

Maxwell claims, "Lt's see. October."

Carmen states, "Autumn's End is tomorrow ICly. "

Lakali queries, "Will the market be up tomorrow?"

Carmen says, "The market is RIGHT after this."

Samantha states, "Perhaps we should find a different name for the court guild since they are in a way not really a court"

Lakali states, "I mean how long does it runny."

Carmen says, "Not sure why they're not a Court."

Azarial wonders, "Nob squad?"

Carmen claims to Lakali, "Just through tonight til nobody's around, I guess."

Kinaed claims to Samantha, "We changed it from 'nobles' to be court because they didn't actually represent the noble population, just those nobles in Lithmore hanging out at Court."

Lakali says, "I have to nap a few hours after pm but will be awake then."

Kinaed snickers at Azarial.

Nedyra says, "We call it a court because 'in crowd' is too modern for TI's theme."

Casimir says, "It's the court... of the Queen."

Casimir claims, "I don't see how it's -not- a court."

A petite blond haired woman questions, "Maybe they could be the fashion police?"

Carmen grins.

Kinaed claims to a petite blond haired woman, "I think they did, technically, write the sumptuary laws (even if it was really staff)"

Lakali flaunts a lengthy scarf alternating black and silver diamond detail. Best piece in game.

Casimir says, "Pfft. Fashion police ain't got nothing on me."

Kinaed questions to Carmen, "Did that cover your announcements?"

Casimir flashes his emo.

Carmen states, "Yup."

Carmen claims, "(Seriously, though, guys: think about Court)"

Casimir says to Carmen, "I think you pretty much know what to do with it. The thing is, doing it."

Nedyra wonders to Carmen, "Potential forum topic, if you haven't stuck it there already?"

Katarina hums.

Kinaed's ears perk towards Katarina.

Kinaed has transferred a solid built man with gray eyes and black hair from The Crossroads [12608] to A Comfortable Room [69]. [OOC]

Yvelle trails off, "Oh! I had one random thing I thought up..."

Azarial has left the game.

Carmen says to Nedyra, "I probably will."

Carmen states to Casimir, "And I have SOME ideas but I'd like more."

Kinaed questions to Yvelle, "Yes?"

Casimir claims to Carmen, "Weapon permits."

Casimir sagenods.

Carmen says to Casimir, "No. ;)"

Casimir states to Carmen, "I hope you go bankrupt, goody-two-shoes."

Katarina chuckles.

Yvelle claims, "If we were ever to add another trade, I realized there could be a big use for stone/pottery of some sort. Unless I'm mistaken, there's no current trade that really works for making ceramics, porcelain, statues from marble or granite, etc. And that it would be cool to have."

Maxwell wonders, "Stonecrafts?"

Carmen says, "That'd be nifty."

Temi nods at Yvelle.

A petite blond haired woman agrees.

Casimir poses for his statue to be made.

Lakali says, "I would agree with the stoners on this one."

Temi states, "Something on the radar as something that would be cool... but a bit worried it would suffer from not enough demand and things it can make."

Casimir claims to Lakali, "Clever."

Lakali coolshades.

Kinaed nods at Yvelle.

Lakali claims, "Yeeeeeeeeah."

Yvelle claims, "Even being able to build/install a hearth or stone bath, make things like teacups and tile, statues, etc. It would also be a big opportunity to give Vandagans a bit more practical in-game stuff to do."

Carmen states, "Half-craft it, maybe. Or to rank 60."

Yvelle shrugs.

Kinaed states, "Radar? I missed something with the kids coming up and asking me to make them chocolate cake."

Casimir trails off, "Oh my gosh. If there were people actually making stone fountains..."

Kinaed nods at Yvelle.

Carmen trails off, "If it's sculpting AND pottery combined..."

Kinaed claims, "I think that's an interesting idea."
Temi says to Kinaed, "Stonecrafting or pottery type stuff."

Yvelle says, "Just a thought I was thinking of today."

Casimir declaims to Nedyra, "I wouldn't have to bug you for all the stone fountains!"

Nedyra claims to Casimir, "Which reminds me: I seriously need to tackle that list."

Nedyra grins.

Kinaed claims to Yvelle, "Can I ask you to raise that on the forums? I've made a note about it, so I'll chat with staff about it later, but it'd help me not forget."

Casimir claims, "It's only two! ...so far. There are a lot more, but I'm lazy."

Yvelle nods. "I will! I just thought I'd bring it up."

Nedyra claims, "... Yes, but I just priced out your stack-o-books (TM)."

A petite blond haired woman claims, "Maybe with the option of lining it with precious metals and put jewels on it for some bling."

Casimir says to Nedyra, "And I love you, by the way. ^.^"

Kinaed says, "Thanks :) It's a good idea to explore at the very least, and may be a great idea for the game."

Kinaed says, "I was always wanting to build masonry, actually."

Temi says, "I do have some ideas for jewelrycrafting's update to the new system too."

Kinaed states, "Where players could build rooms, they'd go in a queue for staff to review, then be added to the game directly so players can build phomes, etc."

Carmen queries, "Is woodworking the next conversion?"

Carmen says, "It's sad and bad. *cough*"

Casimir trails off, "Better get in all my furniture before the prices raise on it..."

Kinaed says, "The problem is that it'd be pretty big, I think, to write it."

Temi states, "I need to talk with Az on plans for woodworking. He was talking he might take it over."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Nedyra says, "Woodworking is lined up for a complete rebuild."

Lakali curls up on Kinaed's foot.

Kinaed claims, "Well, if you're done with tailoring, I've no issue with your picking up woodworking. Depends on which of you wants to do it more."

Nedyra states to Temi, "Az has officially taken it over, I'm pretty sure. Hence the complete rebuild comment."

Nedyra grins.

Kinaed pats Lakali on the head.

Lakali states, "I literally set an alarm to be at this OOC. Ugh."

A petite blond haired woman asks, "Is there an artisan skill, per chance?"

Kinaed declares, "Fifteen more minutes to go until the Market Event. Anything else anyone wants to raise or talk about? Don't be shy!"

Yvelle would love a better woodworking.

Lakali states, "Just the manus thing."

Kinaed says to a petite blond haired woman, "We have a bunch of trade skills. What would you expect an artisan skill to do? We can then tell you what it might be."

Samantha can't help but smirk

A petite blond haired woman says, "It would help free space formore specialised wares."

Carmen asks, "Like one catch-all skill for all sorts of random items?"

A petite blond haired woman pontificates, "Yes!"

Carmen claims, "That is kinda cool."

Kinaed states, "That's not a bad idea."

Kinaed says, "We don't have one yet, but jotting that down for staff discussion. Thanks, Inais. :)"

Lakali says, "Most games have a general crafts skill. Can be awesome."

A petite blond haired woman exclaims, "You're welcome!"

Carmen states, "That really lets people make stuff that can't justify a full nother craft."

Kinaed questions, "Can we have some examples of what might go into it?"

A petite blond haired woman states, "Basket weaving, rope making, accessories, things like that. Instruments, and tools, too."

Carmen states, "Honestly, papercrafting could perhaps get dumped into it."

Kinaed states, "Thanks, noting those down for specific reference."

Lakali asks, "I think instruments is woodwork?"

Nedyra states, "For right now, yes."

Carmen says, "I'd look at items that exist in the game but can't be crafted yet."

Kinaed nods at Nedyra.

Kinaed nods at Carmen.

Lakali claims, "Papercraft as a skill by itself doesnt make much sense. "

A petite blond haired woman says, "It could free up, as honestly more than woodworking is needed for an instrument."

Nedyra says, "I love these ideas by the way, folks."

Kinaed nods at a petite blond haired woman.

Casimir declaims, "I would rather all of them be dumped under the pre-existing crafts, to fatten them up more. Like basket weaving could go under tailoring!"

Yvelle loves a petite blond haired woman already.

Casimir trails off, "Cause... weaving... tailoring..."

Casimir states, "Similar."

Kinaed states to Casimir, "I'm sure that will be part of the staff discussion too."

Carmen states, "But there are things like papercraft that just don't fit anywhere but are kind of short on their own."

Carmen says, "Poor poor papercraft."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, ten more minutes to go before our Market Event. Anything else anyone wants to discuss today? Anything on your mind?"

Kinaed grins at Carmen.

Casimir claims, "Papercraft could be expanded to include art (which could do a whole skillset by itself, mind you - medieval artists used a bajillion mediums)."

Kinaed states, "I like the idea of an artisan skill, and I think papercraft may well be a perfect candidate for it. I'll chat with the rest of the staff later today."

A petite blond haired woman smiles.

Lakali claims, "When I build my castle it shall be wondrous."

Kinaed asks, "Anyone want to discuss any of the topics currently hanging out on the forums?"

Katarina claims, "I love the idea of artisians."

Temi says, "Tailoring is honestly not lacking."

Kinaed nods at Katarina.

Lakali says, "There was a Forum post I was thinking on."

Yvelle claims, "I've used papercraft as 'art' before, it isn't too hard."

Kinaed queries to Lakali, "Which was that?"

Lakali trails off, "If I could kinda remember what it was..."

Carmen muses, "Oh, the ST builderbot thing, is that looking feasible/possible on the list?"

Katarina states, "To Willow well, no. But the idea of artisians is nice."

Lakali states, "That was the post. The ST thing."

Kinaed states to Carmen, "At this time, we'll probably let players who need to builderbot something, do so with Player Builder."

Katarina says to Yvelle, "Well, no. But the idea of artisians is nice."

Kinaed claims to Carmen, "In the long run, we'll probably do something else."

Casimir trails off to Yvelle, "Yeah, with a bit of imagination you can do anything. But if they wanted to expand it, codewise, they could add all sorts of different mediums for watercolors, mosaics, goat dung..."

Kinaed claims, "May make a new one Story Builder."

Carmen questions to Kinaed, "So is there a chance of getting to use the Player Builder to make mobs and suchlike for STs?"

Kinaed nods at Carmen.

Carmen muses, "And maaaybe to run STs? :D"

Kinaed nods at Carmen.

Carmen claims, "Yes! Then I'm thrilled."

Lakali says, "I have a question but its more fit for visnet."

Yvelle nods to Casimir. "That would be really cool, I admit, though in some ways I appreciated the freedom of it just being papercraft."

A petite blond haired woman questions, "Maybe there could be a sort of embassy for that IC?"

Kinaed states to Lakali, "Probably won't hurt to ask it here."

Casimir nods to Yvelle. "I can understand that. The whole MUSH versus MUD line, imagination vs code.

Lakali queries, "Can self-damage code be used to RP off-screen injuries from things?"

Kinaed queries to a petite blond haired woman, "Embassy for what? (I think I missed the context of the comment)"

Yvelle muses, "Embassy?"

Temi nods at Lakali.

Kinaed nods at Lakali.

Temi says, "Yes, that's one of its purposes."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Carmen claims, "I swear I wanted to discuss something else but for the life of me I cannot recall. :/"

Lakali says, "Sweet."

A petite blond haired woman says, "Like, the generating of mobs would be issued by either their arrival or census at an embassy."

Lakali claims, "Carmen. You are epic."

Kinaed states, "There's always another meeting :)"

Carmen asks of Lakali, "Hm?"

Yvelle muses, "Oh! How is that random events thing coming along?"

Lakali hugs.

Casimir claims to Yvelle, "Az is looking at it right meow. Was in his update."

Kinaed says to Yvelle, "Azarial has it in his pocket at the moment; it's his next focus."

Yvelle nods and bounces excitedly again.

Temi says to a petite blond haired woman, "Ahh, we've got places to hire servants and the like. This would be for OOC creation of NPCs for story plots."

A petite blond haired woman states, "Ah! I get it."

Kinaed claims, "Check out the Tubori Embassy if you want to hire an 'indentured servant'."

Katarina says, "Ooo."

Kinaed says, "Okay, OOC Chat is intended to wrap up in 2 minutes."

Lakali claims, "Kin makes that sound suspicious."

A petite blond haired woman declares, "Pfft, Pray in my place, servant! x3"

Kinaed muses, "Any last comments before we start putting people back for the Market Event?"

Casimir holds his arms up to the heavens, hoping for divine intervention to take him away.

Black says, "Thanks for the chat, then :)"

Kinaed pontificates, "Thank you, everyone, for attending our OOC Chat this week!"
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