Log of OOC Meeting 7/12/2014

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 166
Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:45 am

Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:43 pm

Kinaed queries, "Okay, today's Agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Does anyone have anything they'd like to add to the Agenda to make sure we talk about it this week?"

Kinaed has transferred Samantha ab Vortina from The Court Malenta [5007] to A Comfortable Room [69]. [OOC]

A lanky girl with dark red hair claims, "Nothing here. :P"

Kinaed gives Samantha ab Vortina some coins.

Kinaed nods at a lanky girl with dark red hair.

Kinaed claims, "Sorry, a few tells there. Okay, well I'll kick off the updates."

Kinaed states, "Last week I didn't really do much of anything. Supported Az through the first wave of mail bugs, answered a few forums posts, but not much else really."

Kinaed says, "I'm still planning on finishing up the hide/sneak spec as my main priority this coming week; having a strangely full set of days even when I'm not working though, because I'm looking after the kids two days a week, and job searching for the rest."

Kinaed states, "That's it for me. Temi, you're up. :)"

Temi says, "Well, I.. have been a busy little Temi."

Temi claims, "Lots of work on tailoring. And wool and light cloth are now ready for testing use."

"Ahem." Nedyra pulls the little Temi out of his pocket, plops her on the floor. "There we go."

Temi finishes abruptly, "It can be accessed still through craft_ weaving - and we'll eventually convert it over to a tailor command (and change the skill name to tailoring)"

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls bounces excitedly.

Temi says, "I'll make sure the necessary supplies are available in the shop after the meeting, though should be mostly the same. But I still have silk, velvet, cloth of silver and gold, and sets to go."

Temi says, "The strings for new items get sort of default later on, after the ones I received from Honor, but I can change those on the fly if people get irritated by it and suggest ideas. Still completely toolable anyway."

Temi grins.

Temi says, "And... I dare say that's enough to have kept me busy."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "It's a big project; thank you for taking it on."

Kinaed asks, "Any questions about new weaving?"

Samantha ab Vortina smirks over at an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls as she bounces

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls is quite, quite excited.

Kinaed exclaims, "Okay, into the silence, I'll call up Nedyra - your turn!"

Nedyra states, "Website things. All the website things."

Nedyra declaims, "Lots of new blogs, new blog content - reminder: it's worth QP!"

Kinaed nods at Nedyra.

Nedyra states, "Also, on that thread: there will be a topic on the forums, probably tonight. I'm looking at giving the website a bit of a lift. Will take player input."

Nedyra claims, "And staff inpout too."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls peers. "Ooh, what sort of website things?"

Nedyra grins at Kinaed.

Nedyra claims to an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls, "There will be new themes shortly."

Kinaed states, "Https://www.facebook.com/TILegacy <-- please go and like this page if you haven't already. If you want to receive notifications to your email when blog posts, or forum posts come out, also click GET NOTIFICATIONS on the front page (otherwise, please just like it)."

Nedyra states, "Still researching things for seasonal economy - this thing is going to be huge when it happens. I'm just saying.l"

Nedyra states, "Also waiting on a few more code changes to come down the pipe - like the ability to explicitly make items unavailable during $season, but we'll get there."

Samantha ab Vortina exclaims, "Oh! i got a question there"

Nedyra says, "This week, new website/blog themes go live. May give the forums a bit of an update - there's a new version of the software out. More research. And hopefully more QP for blog content."

Nedyra says, "That's it for me. Shoot, Samantha."

Samantha ab Vortina questions, "You are saying that an item will be unavailable during a specific season, what if a person stockpiled said item prior to that season? Would they still be able to use it in recipes/crafting?"

Nedyra says to Samantha ab Vortina, "Yes. They just wouldn't be able to replace what they've used until conditions allow."

Kinaed states, "Yes, this is only for store sales."

Samantha ab Vortina nods

Nedyra states, "I'll give a minute for any other questions, then it's back to Kinaed."

Kinaed claims, "We're a bit of a subdued group today. :)"

Kinaed asks, "I'll try to give Az's update on his behalf if no one here has anything for Nedyra?"

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls claims, "Also, can we make sure that the 'unavailable' items aren't too widely spread? I can definitely understand some things being raised in price, but having a bunch of absent items sounds rather frustrating, more than anything."

Kinaed nods at an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls.

Temi says, "Commonly needed stuff won't be unavailable, I imagine."

Kinaed states, "Even seasonality is mostly focused on food and resources products."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Nedyra states, "Exactly. Things that might, for example, be traditionally shipped by water may be more rare/limited/restricted."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls states, "Alright. I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't be crazy :)"

Kinaed nods at Nedyra.

Nedyra states, "Certain types of fruit as well."

Zeita von Zarrova muses, "Will it impact the growth of plants at all, or just shop sales?"

Nedyra isn't crazy, he's just a little unwell.

Kinaed claims to Zeita von Zarrova, "It already impacts plants."

Nedyra claims to Zeita von Zarrova, "Plant growth is already affected by seasonality."

Temi claims, "Plants already have their stuff that's going to be in, yeah."

Kinaed states to Zeita von Zarrova, "Certain plants won't grow in certain temperatures, for example."

Nedyra claims, "Also: bonus points to the first person to send me a tell if they can ID the song my emote's from."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls states, "That sounds like a matchbox twenty song."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls states, "Unwell"

Nedyra states, "Win."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls states, "I was about to say that earlier, but I wasn't sure you intended it :)"

Kinaed states, "Okay, I'm going to go for Az's update."

Tomas states, "I fail at most music after the early to mids 1970's"

Kinaed grins at Tomas.

Kinaed says, "As most of you know, Az finished the preliminary mail code and has spent quite a lot of time bug fixing it."

Kinaed claims, "Thank you, everyone, for your patience through the bug fixing phase of that."

Kinaed states, "Now he is probably about half way through completing forgery."

Kinaed queries, "Can I ask how people are relating to the new mail system? Is it okay?"

Tomas asks, "I haven't used it extensively. it was a bit confusing at first, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it?"

Kinaed nods at Tomas.

Temi states, "All of my characters have started to use different aspects of it, which is sort of nice."

Nedyra says, "One of mine will have a very good reason to shortly. Which will be awesome."

Kinaed asks of Temi, "Do you struggle with it, or is it becoming second nature to use a profile?"

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls says, "It's a bit challenging to learn at first, but I'm slowly starting it on my characters."

Karrina ab Vazien claims, "I haven't really messed around with it."

Temi states, "Had some issues, though some of it was bugs. And some of it was initial learning curve."

Temi nods.

Kinaed asks of Karrina ab Vazien, "Have you been able to get away with that without encountering any signficant problems?"

Samantha ab Vortina shrugs a bit "I'm slightly indifferent on it. Not really amazed nor annoyed. Just kind of meh." looks to Temi with a surprised look "Did not know you had any characters."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls claims, "I spent a long time dreading having to figure it out. But now it's alright."

Nedyra claims to Samantha ab Vortina, "That just means she's good."

Nedyra grins.

Temi grins at Samantha ab Vortina.

Kinaed says, "Thanks, guys."

Temi states, "They get neglected sometimes to staff work, but, yes, I do."

Kinaed claims, "I haven't had to use it much."

Karrina ab Vazien queries, "As long as I remember to put 'default' in before the name of the person I'm sending it to, I'm good. Though where is the default profile registered?"

Temi claims, "Town hall courier, I believe."

Zeita von Zarrova queries, "Could default be put everywhere?"

Zeita von Zarrova says, "Nm, won't work."

Nedyra claims, "Default technically -is- everywhere, as you can only really use it for sending mail."

Kinaed claims to Zeita von Zarrova, "I'll check that. If not, at the very least it should be in the help file."

Nedyra claims, "No one ever receives mail at the 'default' profile. That's just there for if you need to send mail and don't have one of your own."

Kinaed nods at Nedyra.

Kinaed asks, "Okay, I think that wraps up Staff Updates, so moves on to Player Heartbeat - how's RP been this week, everyone? Anything you'd like the staff to be doing to improve it?"

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Hmmm... for me RP has been rather good. Have stuff in the works on several characters"

Karrina ab Vazien says, "Been feeling like RPing more this week. Last night was the first time I've stayed up until 3:30 AM my time RPing."

Kinaed states, "Wow, glad to hear something was engaging."

Tomas muses, "Not really a concern, I'm just curious how the regency quest continues from here, or how it ends. I'm not entirely clear on how that works as a new player? It seems to be sort of on idle now"

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls says, "Not bad! I'm finally getting into my priestess character. Held a mass, took confessions, the like."

Tomas claims to Karrina ab Vazien, "That was fun. Good character development stuff"

Kinaed states to Tomas, "If you type 'bid list', you'll see the characters in their order of popularity."

Karrina ab Vazien grins at Tomas.

Kinaed claims, "On Monday, the timer runs out and we freeze it by declaring a winner."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls says, "It's pretty much already frozen, unfortunately."

Tomas questions to Kinaed, "I understand the bid list part. Ahhhh okay. so monday it ends?"

Kinaed states, "There will be a post on the IC Event board, and the winner is set as the GL for the Order."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls claims, "It's quite difficult to compete with Ari."

Karrina ab Vazien claims to Tomas, "We Knights cannot be training all the time."

Samantha ab Vortina trails off, "What vanessa said... and you mean court kinaed"

Kinaed nods at an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls.

Kinaed says to Samantha ab Vortina, "The Court Guild."

Temi asks, "I think there was discussion of tonight or tomorrow a debate?"

Zeita von Zarrova says, "I'd say that the competitors have mostly given up."

Nedyra claims, "There was, but like the attempt to do so last week it hasn't really gotten off the ground. Only a couple expressed any solid interest."

Tomas says to Karrina ab Vazien, "That's true"

Kinaed says to an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls, "That's why we're looking at sweeping changes to the bid system next quest - and that said, it's not because we have a problem with Ariel winning or anything; we just detect that the basic system wasn't well balanced for fair play."

Kinaed nods at Zeita von Zarrova.

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls says, "I definitely have. I made an attempt, but there's very little I can do against Ari. He's a great player, but it was impossible to do anything :)"

Karrina ab Vazien states, "I noticed that the bid events happened around the time of the IP turnover."

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair queries, "Yeah, was that planned?"

Tomas claims to Kinaed, "On that note, I would rather see it restricted to existing characters than just NPC's if there was a choice between the two. If there are virtually no existing PC's throwing in, then throw it to NPCs"

Samantha ab Vortina jumps out of the bushes all frazzled "Surprise competitors! you thought you were fighting for regent, but actually it was for cardinal! What a twist." jumps back into the bushes

Kinaed claims, "Yes, we wanted IP changed before the bid events."

Kinaed says, "They happened the same day bids were opened."

Temi says, "If you mean the approvals of events, we tried to approve them when we got them."

Temi states, "Though I think IP turnover did spur people to action one way or another."

Kinaed states, "And I think it helped, but the problem is that Ariel walked in with huge amounts of support, which is taken into account. Some of it dropped off as supporters went inactive, and also - let's keep it in mind that Ariel wasn't trying to game the system or do anything wrong. The issue here that Vanessa encountered wasn't Ariel's fault, it was the system's."

Kinaed states to Tomas, "I would also like to restrict it to existing characters, but we don't have enough existing characters who are remotely interested in trying. So it won't work."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls says, "I definitely don't blame Ariel. I just gave up because they system made it practically impossible. I gave things a good show though, I think."

Karrina ab Vazien says, "I remember this last week, I came home from work like tuesday or monday, to see a whole bunch of those events. I do wonder how much IP was needed to create that Majestic event of Ari's"

Zeita von Zarrova claims, "Ariel is literally the toughest person that anyone could have competed against, with the possibly exception of Cellan."

Kinaed claims to an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls, "You certainly did."

Kinaed nods at Zeita von Zarrova.

Kinaed claims, "That's true too. Either one of those characters would be very hard to beat if the players came out and declared."

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair claims, "I saw there was a thread baout it on the forums. There were a lot of ideas on hwo to change. Someone said the bids should only be open to new characters."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls trails off, "Yah. I had a bunch of events, and then Ari had one 'Majestic' one that pretty much invalidated them all..."

Kinaed states to a tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair, "I'll have to go check that thread out again."

Zeita von Zarrova claims, "I gave up after Majestic, yeah. :) Sorry Ness."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls states, "It's alright. It was good fun in the meantime :)"

Kinaed states to an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls, "Yeah, thank you for sharing your frustrations; it gives us a better sense of what we need to target to fix the inequities of the system."

Kinaed claims to an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls, "Also, I'm very sorry that you walked into something that was so heavily stacked against you; it just wasn't fair."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Part of the reason i just stayed out of the regency this time."
Tomas says to a tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair, "I wouldn't have wanted and really didn't want to get involved with my first character. In the future I might be interested once I've got a good handle on things, but I've already got a noble and wouldn't be able to if bids became restricted like that. It's a personal thing, I know. I don't even know if I would run for sure, but there might be others who feel that way too? I dunno."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls says, "It's alright. I think that in the long run, it'll all work out. Plus, Ari is a great character, and I'm sure he'll make a good regent."

Zeita von Zarrova muses, "Can we have a cardinal bid war? :)"

Kinaed muses to Zeita von Zarrova, "I'm not sure I understand?"

Kinaed nods at an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls.

Samantha ab Vortina smirks widely to Zeita von Zarrova "You are speaking my language."

Zeita von Zarrova wonders, "Bid to be the next Cardinal?"

Zeita von Zarrova nominates Alphos.

Kinaed trails off, "I don't see why we couldn't..."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls trails off, "I feel like that isn't such a good idea... personally..."

Kinaed states, "But we'd similarly have to bring in NPCs and the like."

Samantha ab Vortina turns to Kinaed and just utters "Please god no."

Zeita von Zarrova is joking on the Alphos thing, but not on the Cardinalate.

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls states, "I feel like that would be a bit much. I'm pretty bid-ed out."

Kinaed nods at an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls.

Zeita von Zarrova states, "Not the right time, yes."

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls declaims, "Maybe someday though!"

Nedyra claims, "Let's work the kinks out of the bid system before we talk about expanding it."

Nedyra grins.

Zeita von Zarrova claims, "Wouldn't mind church politics and different stances getting a closer examination some time though."

Kinaed claims to Nedyra, "Now there's a good idea."

Kinaed nods at Zeita von Zarrova.

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Allowing people of the street to become regent is one thing. but cardinal is, really in my opinion, a far more powerful position than regent can ever hope to be.."

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, is it alright to move on to Player Topics?"

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls declaims, "Sure!"

Samantha ab Vortina says, "And as such needs to be handled with care"

Kinaed asks, "Anyone have anything on their mind they'd like to bring up?"

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls says, "Though actually, I need to run an errand. I should be back in about half an hour."

Kinaed waves.

Kinaed exclaims to an olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls, "Take care!"

An olive-eyed woman with tight sepia curls has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed states, "If not, I have a couple of things that are on mine."

Samantha ab Vortina strums fingers, not thinking of anything

Tomas asks, "I can't really think of anything?"

Kinaed nods solemnly, "Okay, I'll raise the things I've been thinking of."

Kinaed states, "The first one is recommendations - please recommend people if you've had some good RP. They've been a bit lower lately, though that's probably due to some lower activity."

Temi exclaims, "We love seeing recommendations and you guys love getting them!"

Temi says, "Win win for everybody."

Kinaed states, "Yes, and also - especially remember to recommend the people who are giving you a headache."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Also recommend list is a good picker upper if you are ever feeling down about your ability as a player"

Kinaed states, "Conflict is a great source of RP; and it reduces the OOC tension for what is legitimately IC tension, if you can demonstrate your OOC respect and appreciation of the activity."

Zeita von Zarrova got a wonderful rec the other day, very much appreciated it. :)

Temi nods in agreement with Samantha ab Vortina.

Samantha ab Vortina says, "I know i can view my recommend list and have fond memories"

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Nedyra didn't recommend Kinaed this week for her usual awesomeness. Fixes immediately.

Kinaed says, "Also, if you haven't voted today, please vote at http://ti-legacy.com in the links in the upper left hand corner."

Kinaed blushes.

Temi exclaims, "We're super close to top 10 on TMC!"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "We were #10 for awhile, so we've slipped."

Karrina ab Vazien says, "Speaking of Recommends. I still have not received mine from two months ago from my old character's death."

Kinaed asks of Karrina ab Vazien, "There are none in the system pending at the moment. Az told me he set it up so that recommends to already validated characters will still go through; so that sounds like a bug. Would you mind bugging it?"

A lanky girl with dark red hair is idle.

Temi says, "I think that was already bugged and investigated and not really recoverable at this point."

Karrina ab Vazien nods at Temi.

Kinaed states, "Hmm. I'll see if I can find the post that was on the bug board and evaluate it."

Karrina ab Vazien states, "I just wanted to see what the comments were and not really worried about the QP."

Temi nods at Karrina ab Vazien.

Temi claims, "Can't blame you for that. Those warm fuzzies are nice."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, the last thing on my mind - a player (who shall remain anonymous) told me that players on TI (in particular older players), feel like they cannot raise topics or concerns to the staff."

Kinaed says, "That's sort of what this forum is for, and I'm not sure how much credence to give this claim."

Kinaed wonders, "Anyone have any insight?"

Nedyra claims, "I got a tell from a newer player just yesterday declaring this game "stupid cool", if that means anything."

Nedyra grins.

Tomas says, "I dunno, I'm new. I don't really talk to too many people here to know"

Kinaed nods.

Nedyra says, "I like to think at the very least folks can tap me on the shoulder and I'll see it gets where it needs to."

Kinaed states, "I think player feedback is hugely important, I'm just wondering if we're failing somewhere. It seems like no one here is aware of anything like that, so it may be more limited."

Samantha ab Vortina shrugs "I perhaps can see where they are coming from though I feel that they blowing it a bit out of proportions.

Kinaed questions to Samantha ab Vortina, "Is there anything the staff can reasonably do to help with that?"

Zeita von Zarrova claims, "I don't feel that way, but I may be skewed on that."

Kinaed smiles to Zeita von Zarrova.

Tomas claims, "For me and it isn't necessarily to do with this game is that I've been burned in the past bringing stuff up to staff in games at times and then I also feel like I am annoying the hell out of them with questions/worries. i think is pent half of my creation process apologizing to temi for all my questions"

Kinaed nods at Tomas.

Temi grins.

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair states, "Dunno. Too new to offer any real suggestion."

Temi declares, "Promise, I'm not and was not annoyed!"

Samantha ab Vortina shakes head "not that I can think of. I am viewing from an angle that said person probably brought up an idea for something that has been in place for a long time, and when something is working well, you just don't change it..

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes has returned from AFK.

Samantha ab Vortina says, "However kinaed when you are done, i do have a player topic"

Kinaed states, "We are navigating the desires of multiple people; and on our part, it really is a judgment call."

Kinaed queries, "I do want to make sure everyone knows that we will do our best to be respectful and listen to anyone's point of view, even if we ultimately choose not to implement the idea of a player. Anyway, thanks for the comments on that. Sam, what's your topic?"

Samantha ab Vortina nods to Kinaed "Well my topic is about the sable masque, and what the heck is going on on that front. I notice in guildleaders they aren't even listed with a guildleader, and frankly i don't think much of the game has seen much happening from said guild

Kinaed states, "I know; we shut it down as a failed experiment due to a lack of GL activity. It's still in play, however - the characters who were a part of it didn't lose the RP and are probably still RPing being a part of it; just no guilded support."

Samantha ab Vortina nods slowly as she hears this "Interesting. Well that is.... not exactly good to know but good to know... not good that it failed, but good to know about it

Temi claims, "We always knew it was a bit of an experiment."

Kinaed says to Samantha ab Vortina, "I agree; we're sad that it didn't work out. I think the seeking model is part of what killed it."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Samantha ab Vortina trails off, "I highly agree with you their kinaed... however i have another topic that links into that one"

Kinaed says, "Well, first and foremost was the GL simply not being active."

Kinaed says to Samantha ab Vortina, "Sure."

Kinaed questions, "Anyone mind our going over the time limit?"

Tomas claims, "I don't mind"

Temi claims, "Fine with me."

Temi grins.

Kinaed nods solemnly.

Nedyra is in multiple windows, but still listening.

Zeita von Zarrova says, "I"

Zeita von Zarrova says, "I'm good to continue."

Karrina ab Vazien says, "Fine with me."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed is waiting for Samantha ab Vortina to finish writing her introduction to her topic.

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Yeah an inactive gl does put a hamper on things... and my following topic is just the overall lack of baddies... The brotherhood is being rather reserved, compared to brotherhoods of the past, and what mages there are, seem to have gone into a lull... i am curious if there is something we can do to spur baddies. "

Temi says, "Maybe we should do another baddie contest, like what gave us the hillbeast."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims, "Someone raised that - personally, I'm game."

Kinaed queries, "That's how we got the hillbeast... albeit the last time we did that, we had three winners and only one really strong success story as I recall?"

Kinaed states, "But I'm happy to do that."

Kinaed asks, "Beyond that, any further suggestions?"

Nedyra states, "I've said this before, but I'll say it again."

Temi says, "Two winners, but yeah, one sort of fizzled for availability."

Nedyra claims, "The best type of villain is the type that doesn't easily get caught."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Nedyra it isn't about being caught, it is about creating some risk"

Nedyra says, "We've had villain type stuff happen. Not daily, but it's happened often enough, IMHO. There's just no one you can point a finger at right now and say "that's the guy"."

Kinaed says to Nedyra, "I'm not sure - the best thing for an RP game is for RP to occur that people can get involved in. I'm not saying baddies ought to get caught or offer themselves up on the alter of the gaming experience of other players at all - but I think there's definitely room for the occasional villain to be openly stirring shit up and rewarded for playing it."

Kinaed claims to Nedyra, "I dunno, everyone can pretty unanimously point to Casimir and say that *cough*"

Kinaed says, "Surprised and glad he's still alive."

Samantha ab Vortina nods to Kinaed "Like a good example was saama, yeah she was a slippery little mage, but her rp caused rp for many many people... heck firewalls.. need i say more?

Temi claims, "I think both obvious baddies and inobvious continuing isidious one in a good balance is best."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "An open baddie can carry the game for months."

Kinaed says, "But it takes a certain personality to enjoy it."

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes claims, "Offer yourself up as RP fodder. I've done it with Shaylei a couple of times, in the interests of stirring baddie-related RP."

Kinaed claims, "And also be good enough at it not to end up breakfast day 2 of creation."

Kinaed queries to a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes, "Did it work?"

Kinaed muses, "I mean, did people take you up on the offer?"

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes says, "Well, the first time was offering to take part in Casimir's event, which ultimately had me chained to a guillotine and made the Knights go crazy."

Kinaed grins.

Kinaed nods at a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes.

Nedyra is actually sorry that was before his time. The log looked fun.

Samantha ab Vortina nods to Kinaed "Exactly, I mean I feel theme wise the game has drifted from it's original theme of conflict, to one of more.... relaxed measures

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes claims, "And yeah-- after that, people approached me in tells because they knew I was willing to stir shit as a damsel in distress."

Kinaed claims, "Casimir's asked us to extend the story system, but it's so rarely used that we haven't gotten to implementing things with it, like the ability for STs to load and string mobs."

Kinaed claims to Samantha ab Vortina, "That's really cool to hear."

Kinaed asks of Samantha ab Vortina, "What do you mean that the theme has drifted? Relaxed measures?"

Kinaed claims to a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes, "That 2nd to last say to Sam was misdirected. It was meant for you."

Kinaed asks, "I wonder if there's a way we can get people to flag themselves as available for trouble?"

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Kinaed the inquisition... meaning there is to be conflict... I feel that the conflict has taken a more 'cloak and dagger' feel to it than something of noticeable conflict. People as players have become somewhat relaxed in terms of conflict, instead prefering for self-preservance"

Kinaed asks, "Would it be a waste?"

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes wonders, "Might not have to code it; anyone looking to start a trouble-making plot could just post a note on the announce board, anonymously through staff if need be?"

Kinaed muses to Samantha ab Vortina, "I'm not sure if that's changed all that much; possibly more your placement in the range of roles has changed, however. You're far more on the knight and Order side these days than you used to be (that's not a criticism, just an observation of changing role perhaps changing perspective on the theme...?)"

Kinaed states, "I'd love it to be something people can toggle on or off - though I'm not sure how 'willing target' will suit."

Zeita von Zarrova muses, "Surely as a non consent game, everyone is always up for trouble?"

Kinaed questions, "Maybe a handshake - look for a willing target OOC to see who has flagged it, but otherwise, can't see a thing?"

Zeita von Zarrova certainly is.

Kinaed claims to Zeita von Zarrova, "You'd think so."

Nedyra claims, "Isn't that what the general board's for? Advertise. I've seen it done."

Nedyra grins.

Karrina ab Vazien questions to Kinaed, "Like a flag on the Who list?"

Samantha ab Vortina smirks as she hears this "That is very true kinaed, I used to always play a baddie, now I only have one baddie compared to my four other goodies

Kinaed says, "But I think sometimes the villains feel awkward OOCly picking on someone. I know I do sometimes."

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair states, "Sometimes people take it badly OOCly when getting caught."

Karrina ab Vazien says, "It can be hit or miss, if you choose someone at random to generate conflict with."

Karrina ab Vazien nods at a tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair.

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes nods at Karrina ab Vazien.

Kinaed nods at a tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair.

Nedyra trails off, "Advertise on the general board and that solves your problem. Someone did it once to have a character of theirs killed off, so..."

Kinaed says, "Well, I hate to say it, but it's almost 20 minutes after this meeting was supposed to wrap up. When our Scribe posts this on the forums, perhaps we can do a few ideas there? But I'll re-awaken the villain contest since no one protested that, and see what we get."

Karrina ab Vazien says, "I knew it took me a day or so to get comfortable with the loss of my first character. "

Kinaed nods at Karrina ab Vazien.

Kinaed says to Karrina ab Vazien, "I was surprised at how well you took it; you played that character for a very long time."

Kinaed cried like a baby when her first character died.

Kinaed states, "Gosh, that was some 10 OOC years ago."

Nedyra will probably still cry a little when any of his characters kicks it.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, everyone - thank you very much for attending."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "I think the first character i cried for was vren"

Kinaed nods at Nedyra.

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair questions, "Has anyone had a character who hasn't died?"

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Karrina ab Vazien states, "To be honest, I did not take it well at all when I first realized it. Took me a day to come to terms, then I started thinking of my next character."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "God vren was my ideal mage"

Kinaed states to Karrina ab Vazien, "You're still here - you took it better than some."

Kinaed says, "I've only had 3, maybe 4 characters get killed."

Kinaed says, "Only one was due to the stake, most of them tend to be being pkilled for messing with people (so deservedly)."

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair asks, "Is it possible for a character to die of old age?"

Temi says, "There's no code for it."

Kinaed claims, "Seriously, though - gotta wrap this meeting up! I have children crawling up my leg looking for breakfast."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "But after like 17 characters who have come and gone"

Temi says, "But we have allowed players to decide to die of old age."

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair says, "I remember having a really old character. Like he was in his seventies."

A tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair pontificates, "Trans me out Kinaed!"

Kinaed claims to a tall lad with amber eyes and waist-length hair, "No, they don't die here."

Kinaed waves.

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Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:35 pm

Firstly, I would like to say how much I love having these logs posted. Thank you guys for logging/cleaning them up - it really is a blessing for those of us who can't make it.

On the topic of not being able to bring up things to the staff: Sometimes it feels that way, mostly I think because of a misunderstanding in communication - or a lack of compromise, on one or both parts. You'd have to ask the player who brought it up about it, and ways to fix it (I'm sure you probably did!). Like, really ask, and dig, and take it with a level head and a grain of salt if you're going to get somewhere. We (players) all have our own ideas of how the game should be run, and we're all arrogant little shits sometimes. It's just a matter of meeting halfway I guess.

Tomas related how I feel alot (but strangely don't anymore, on TI) about not wanting to bring anything up to staff because I feel like I annoy them too much already and they must completely hate me.


Re: Sable Masque

The seeking method wasn't the problem, although it would have been hard for anyone without the moral freedom that Casimir, as a character, had at the time. At the time I could literally drop it on anybody without real fear of reprisal, as long as I made sure to cover my ass. I think that without the restrictions of the guild code, it can better fulfill its purpose - a purpose which, at its core, revolves around gathering intelligence. The problem, plain and simple, is as Kinaed said: at the time I was really disenchanted with the game and MUDing as a whole and shouldn't have taken on that responsibility. But, again, I really have faith that it will run better outside the guild code.

Yes, the Sable Masque is still in game. OOCly, it's very much a guild reborn (I.E. new), and eventually if I stick around I'm going to hold STPs as a way to test for potential members - and slowly drop hints at what they're all about. ICly, ask the Church, if you dare. I'm sure they've revitalized their own branch - there's no rule saying that there can only be one group of crazies calling themselves something, after all, and this might be one of the few non-coded, player ran guilds we've had for a while.

As a note: it's not going to be an easy guild to get in to, progress in, or be a part of. Nothing rewarding should be easy, after all.



Please, somebody besides me make a ruckus about this. -.- The easier STPs are to get off the ground, the more people will do them = more fun for you.
Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

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Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:18 pm

I make more ruckuses than anybody, but I'll chime in:

I feel like part of why we don't see more STs is the unwieldy nature of the code, and the fact you can't really make your own spaces/mobs/etc. to run a ST. The limitations of the code right now mean that you've got to have a staffer around to run a ST, and we've had a lot of odd bugs with crashing, difficulty joining, etc. related to STs that can make the experience uncomfortable.

I ALSO feel like part of the reason is lack of incentive - give people more than recs (additional QP?) for running STs and they might take off.

But! That said, to some extent, there is always simply the divide between folks who're comfortable being proactive and folks who aren't.

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Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:51 pm

I don't think people who have run stories have found that there was little reward for doing so. The recommends and appreciation from other members of the pbase alone, not to mention additional QP from staff, etc, I believe are very rewarding. If people have run stories and felt that the incentives weren't good enough, please do comment?

In fact, believe it or not, we have a LOT OF APPROVED stories in the queue, indicating that people are happy to set up stories at the current incentive levels... they just rarely activate the ones they planned to do:

Code: Select all

###    STORY TITLE                            STORYTELLER   SLOTS   APPROVED?
 21: In the Bleak Midwinter                   XXXXX         0/20        Yes
 22: Dragon Rising: Chapter One               XXXXX         0/50        Yes
 24: Into the Nest                            XXXXXX        0/25        Yes
 25: Thicker Than Water: A Prologue           XXXXXXX       0/50        Yes
 28: Democrazy                                XXXXXXX       0/50        Yes
 29: Rat-a-ewwie                              XXXXXX        0/10        Yes
 30: Trials and Tribulations                  XXXXXXX       0/50        Yes
 31: End of Summer Tournament                 XXXXXXXX      0/30        Yes
 32: The Unlucky Number Seven                 XXXXXX        0/50        Yes
 33: The Moons Align - A long-term storyline  XXXXXX        0/40        Yes
 34: An Unholy Bargain                        XXXXXX        0/10        Yes
 35: The Avenue of the Arts Street Festival   XXXXXXXXXXXX  0/50        Yes
 36: 12 Years a Slave in the Sewers           XXXXXXX       0/10        Yes
How many of these actually got off the ground? They're all approved, and most within 24 hours of being requested. I think perhaps three of them need to be removed from the list as having been completed, but... I think the real problem is that players on average, as Dice alluded to, tend to generally prefer to be the recipients of content than the creators. In this list are the same players over, and over again - with an active pbase of 42 people, we have maybe five players who submit.

But I agree with Casimir - if we had more player uptake on this system, it would definitely deserve more care from the pbase. Heck, if Casimir himself was running a quest a month through it, I'd rearrange the priorities. Right now, though - I'm sorry, Casimir, it's just not a viable system to spend time on when things like, as you say, sneak/hide, ranged combat, pevents, etc are around - but it's a shame because RP Events like stories are the sort of thing that fires people up to play TI.

Maybe it's just that people forget about the story system?

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Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:39 pm

I'll try to make the next OOC meeting and bring it up again, and make sure people get their teeth into the subject. :twisted:

As for incentives - I love getting recs, I love the positive feedback, but I would love to get more QPs for those big STPs that I can spend to enhance my character, to further drive RP. They're mentally, even physically demanding to no extent - events always are, on any game, but especially when you're the DM. I talked about it a bit more on the thread you put up dedicated to the subject, and I definitely think it should continue to be tied to recs - not a blanket amount of QP given for running an STP, elsewise we'll have a flood of small, low-quality STPs!


I totally understand STPs being down the pipeline a way - sneak/hide, combat, ranged combat, are definitely more important for me personally because they aren't optional systems. You always run the chance of getting attacked or being snuck in on. STPs are optional.

But these changes would make them definitely easier, and cooler! I'll see about stirring interest and holding more myself. Thanks for taking the suggestions to heart, Kin.
Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

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