Log of OOC Meeting 1/4/2014

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:47 pm

Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:08 pm

Kinaed muses, "Okay, today's agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Does anyone have anything they want to add to the agenda and make sure we talk about in our hour?"

The short, mouse-like young man drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.

The short, mouse-like young man asks, "...Mmn. This is delicious. What is dis crazy stuff?"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "Nothing from me."

Kinaed states, "Okay, with no one rushing to speak up, I'll kick off the Staff Updates. I haven't really done much this past week, though I did throw a couple of specs up on Az's board for minor things, mostly internal."

Temi grins at the short, mouse-like young man.

Kinaed claims, "Next week, I'm going back to work, which means I'll probably become a non-entity except for what I can get on the train to and from, alas."

Kinaed wonders, "Az, you're up if you're available?"

Azarial says, "Sorry"

Azarial states, "Putting the sickies to bed."

Kinaed comforts Azarial.

Azarial claims, "I've finished up the major parsing portion for temi to start on her work, as the tea demonstartes. some of the underlying code is not fully in yet, soe some of the effects are not supported"

Azarial claims, "Fixed a few bugs, eyeballed some hunting code, and fixed a few typos and such"

Beronica von Bellatos drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.
Beronica von Bellatos discards a tiny cup of fragrant tea as empty.

Kinaed asks of Azarial, "Anything planned this coming week?"

Azarial states, "Finishing up temi's stuff primarily, working on more bugs."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.

Kinaed says to Temi, "That means you're up, Temi. :)"

Lawrence Lytton drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Temi, "Dosing tea with ecstasy, I see."

Lawrence Lytton "I was wondering...."

Temi claims, "Pfft, it's not ecstasy."
Gordon Stewart drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.
Gordon Stewart discards a tiny cup of fragrant tea as empty.

Kinaed has created a powdery white sugar cube!

Kinaed gives a powdery white sugar cube to Lord Casimir ab Azadar.

Temi claims, "If everyone wants to look at concoct show 565"

Beronica von Bellatos states to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "I can make some for you later."

Kinaed says to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "That's ecstasy."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar eats a powdery white sugar cube.

concoct show 565

Name : (565) Warming Brew
Unknown recipe
Notes: Highly popular across Vandago and Northern Lithmore, especially in the
long winter months, Warming Brew is slowly sipped. This results in a
lingering warm feeling, emanating from the body core, elevated mood and a
pleasant tingling. It is mildly addictive and can cause insomnia if enjoyed
too late in the evening.

Skill: Herbalism
Ranks required: 22
Steps taken : 1
Energy spent : 2 (2 total)
1x a tiny pouch of dried tea leaves, from the inventory.
1x a floleaf petal, from the inventory.
1x a tiny cup of strong tea, to the inventory.
Other required components:
1x a wooden spoon with a long leather-wrapped handle, in the inventory.
1x a copper kettle, in the inventory.
1x a brick-lined hearth, in the room.
OR 1x a small cooking fire, from the room.

Temi says, "That's warming brew, which is what your tea is.. and it's now released."

Beronica von Bellatos stands up.

Lawrence Lytton claims, "It still lists itself as unknown recipe"

Temi claims, "Still skill dependent."

Azarial claims, "For those that read the tmc forums, I cannot use the code provided becuase it uses the current position of the tracked person, and I need the entire route, not just the direction to take out of the room you are in. tracking will use a different paradigm altogether"

The short, mouse-like young man claims, "Awesome. So I can make some yummy stuff."

Lawrence Lytton says, "Er nevermind. one rank short ^_^"

Temi says, "Something you may not be used to doing is checking affect command"

Lawrence Lytton asks, "Ah so it doesn't who up in score yet?"

Temi says, "That will show things that are currently on you, with the detailed description of a reminder"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar muses, "The TMC forums?"

Temi claims, "The plan is going to be that the name will show up in score, but you'll want to check affect for details."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar questions, "Or our forums?"

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes sits down and rests.

Temi says, "Score will just be a 'hey, there's something to check affect about"

Beronica von Bellatos sits down and rests.

Kinaed says to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "TMC is where I posted an inquiry about pathfinding."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says, "Aaah."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims, "Thought it was in reference to what I brought up on our own."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "Was a little confused =P"

Lawrence Lytton flips a hooded cloak of black linen, dramatically full in its cut back over his shoulder.

Kinaed nods at Lord Casimir ab Azadar.

Temi claims, "Anyways! With Az's additions, I've been able to make several releases."

Temi claims, "So, all of the medicinal teas are now out."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar flips cape back over his shoulder, too. Cause cool.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims, "Oh."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "That's right, my cape is gone."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar cries.

Temi states, "That includes the herbal tea, humoral teas, gutcalm, willowbark, this warming brew."

Beronica von Bellatos listens attentively to Temi

Temi states, "And sugar cubes are also out."

Nayiv de Reymes sobs.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar questions to Temi, "As in the drug, or...?"

Temi claims, "As in the drug."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar asks, "Were they not out yet?"

Gordon Stewart queries, "What about addiction? Is that a coded feature?"

Temi says, "They are on the new system."

Temi says, "Addiction is not in yet."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says, "Oooh. Just got the echo. Shit, that's cool."

Kinaed claims, "Not herbalist-creatable before. Now you can make your own dope at home."

Temi finishes abruptly, "Sugar cubes also display something the warming brew doesn't - warm up time"

Kinaed claims to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "Yes, some things you take have a delayed effect."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed states, "Affect. Oy."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar questions, "And the teas, will they have coded affects, or echoes where we can RP the affects? Or both?"

The short, mouse-like young man states, "So, great. I can make loads of warming brew."

The short, mouse-like young man claims, "Relatively cheap, mildly addictive, and it makes you happy."

Kinaed says to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "Type 'affect'."

Temi states, "The teas have messaging in affect, and when you take it, and lets you know when it fades."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says, "God damn, that's pretty friggen cool guys."

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes wonders, "Could I try one of these sugar cubes?"

Kinaed nods at a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes.

Kinaed has created a powdery white sugar cube!

Gavin ab Harkness gets a powdery white sugar cube from a twice-wrapped leather belt with a sword and dagger sheath.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar highfives temi.

Gavin ab Harkness flips a powdery white sugar cube, arcing it gracefully towards a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes.
Kinaed gives a powdery white sugar cube to a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes.

Temi claims, "If you have old sugar cubes, I can trade them out for you."

Flipping end over end, a powdery white sugar cube sails towards a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes.

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.
A lean man with greying brown hair and beard discards a tiny cup of fragrant tea as empty.
A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes catches a powdery white sugar cube, snatching it from the air.

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes eats a powdery white sugar cube.

Kinaed says to Gavin ab Harkness, "The old ones won't have converted over."

Azarial claims, "As i can, i will get the rest in, so it can affect stats, provide instant heals, affect pregnancy chances, and I think drunkeness"

Kinaed trails off, "I think..."

Kinaed has created a powdery white sugar cube!

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard muses, "Can I try the new sugarcubes as well?"

Nayiv de Reymes queries, "Can I try one too, while we're at it?"

Temi claims, "Yeah, the ones now for sale in stores are updated."

Kinaed has created a powdery white sugar cube[10].

Lawrence Lytton says, "Same"

Kinaed drops the following:
( 11)a powdery white sugar cube

Nayiv de Reymes gets a powdery white sugar cube.

Temi states, "But the ones previously on people are old vnums."

Gordon Stewart gets a powdery white sugar cube.

Lawrence Lytton says, "EVERYBODY DRUG YOURSELF"

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard grins at Kinaed.

Nayiv de Reymes eats a powdery white sugar cube.

Temi claims, "So let me know later if you want to trade those out."

Lawrence Lytton gets a powdery white sugar cube.

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard gets a powdery white sugar cube.

Kinaed smiles at a lean man with greying brown hair and beard.

Lawrence Lytton eats a powdery white sugar cube.

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard eats a powdery white sugar cube.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "I mean, it was cool being a drug addict before, but now I don't have to wiki my drugs."

Beronica von Bellatos gets a powdery white sugar cube.

Gordon Stewart lols at how much we all like drugs.

Beronica von Bellatos eats a powdery white sugar cube.

Azarial queries, "Or set up a prog on the seller to swap them out?"

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes claims, "Interesting. Ecstasy in game. That should be interesting"

Gordon Stewart says, "This is where we hope the NSA isn't watching."

Temi grins.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes, "It's actually been in game, but they did a great facelift of it."

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard nods. "I am loving the affect commands on these things, they help clarify excellently for RP."

Temi claims, "So that's mainly what I've been working on."

Gordon Stewart eats a powdery white sugar cube.

Temi claims, "I'll continuing making and releasing more things as we have the code to support them."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar wonders, "Question about this though?"

Temi nods at Lord Casimir ab Azadar.

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard claims, "On the sugarcubes specifically, I've always had doubts on what I've specifically supposed to be RPing after inadvertendly being drugged."

Kinaed states, "I just got a tell asking for some spells to have affects that list in aff list, like nullem."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar questions, "Doesn't this make the Brotherhood's Harem a little less unique? Any plans to give them more to do in this system, later?"

Kinaed says, "And maybe a few of the potions in magecraft too."

Kaerrick de Winter has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a tiny cup of fragrant tea to Kaerrick de Winter.

Temi claims, "I'll be putting all of the harem items onto this new system."

Temi claims, "Eventually."

Temi states, "And some of them won't be craftable by herbalists."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Temi, "I added a medieval sort of laboratory to the Brohood GH, it might do well with something like this."

Kaerrick de Winter muses, "Harem items? "

Temi says, "They'll also have some special access to certain ingredients for nastier poisons, perhaps."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says, "IC info, I'll leave it to somebody else to say."

Temi says, "But that's all down the road."

Kinaed asks, "Someone want to send me a tell...? I'm curious :)"

Samantha ab Vortina has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a tiny cup of fragrant tea to Samantha ab Vortina.

Temi states, "We should also discuss the tooling policy."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "Please don't retool drugs into something they are not. You can tool them to be your own flavor and such, but no making sugar cubes into cakes and such."

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes says, "Heh."

Kinaed states, "We have a lacing command planned for that sort of thing, by the way."

Temi claims, "We trust you guys to handle that, and lace will handle the code for adding thigns to other things."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Shaylei de Roldan has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a tiny cup of fragrant tea to Shaylei de Roldan.

Kaerrick de Winter muses, "Lacing, eh?"

Kaerrick de Winter eyes his cup of tea suspiciously.

The short, mouse-like young man drinks tea from a tiny cup of fragrant tea.
The short, mouse-like young man discards a tiny cup of fragrant tea as empty.

Shaylei de Roldan declaims, "Why, thank you!"

The short, mouse-like young man says, "Mmn. Delicious, if "

Temi says to Kaerrick de Winter, "That's 'warming brew'"

Kinaed claims to Shaylei de Roldan, "We're talking about re-tooling policy for herbalism, which we've released more recipes for."

Shaylei de Roldan claims, "I did want to mention a herbalism idea, when there's some empty coversation space."

Temi claims, "Well, that's my update."

Kinaed claims to Shaylei de Roldan, "Sure, now is probably a good time."

Kinaed states to Temi, "Thanks :)"

The short, mouse-like young man states, "Ahem. I don't say so myself."

Kinaed gets a powdery white sugar cube.

Samantha ab Vortina eyes the sugar cubes but resists temptation

Shaylei de Roldan claims, "Alright, it's nothing big, but-- we can plant up to ten plants in a room, right? Ten in a room at once makes the room look a little spammy. Is there the possibility of having 'plantable containers' in which we could plant all our items without having any of the same 'look' spam? I'm thinking that, instead of 'tend wheat', for example, we could do 'tend row wheat' as a target. Or omething."

Nayiv de Reymes gets a powdery white sugar cube.

Nayiv de Reymes takes another on Samantha ab Vortina's behalf.

Samantha ab Vortina smiles to Nayiv de Reymes

Kinaed says, "I like that idea, personally."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says, "I love that. More accessible, tidier, enjoyable."

Nayiv de Reymes states, "I'd love that too. My garden rooms right now are a mess."

Temi nods.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Nayiv de Reymes, "You should see my suites."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Nayiv de Reymes, "And usally, ICly, that'd be with all sorts of sexual innuendo."

Shaylei de Roldan nods.

Kinaed claims, "I'm not sure how present Az is- entire family is sick."

Azarial says, "It might be doanle. depends on how it needs to work"

Kinaed wonders to Azarial, "Probably the same way it would if the plants are in the room directly, but rather if they're in a container?"

Shaylei de Roldan says, "I was thinking (when I was mulling over it), that it might be in the fashion of a coded woodworker's item, or something."

Kaerrick de Winter says, "But the fact is...a greenhouse or garden IS kinda spammy, visually. "

Nayiv de Reymes nods in agreement.

Temi states, "I like that it's possible to have decorative gardens where you have plants you want to display."

Kinaed questions, "Might be worthwhile to be able to plant them both in containers and in the room, so poeple can choose how messy they are? Or just force people to plant in a container later on?"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims, "Choice is good. I like choice."

Temi claims, "Maybe an object you can apply to a plant that makes it 'plantered'"

Shaylei de Roldan claims, "Yeah, I wasn't thiking an 'either or' situation. Just making the choice of containers available."

Nayiv de Reymes states, "Yah, choice would be the best option."

Azarial says, "Depending, spamming the room would mean tending individually, versus ending all fo a pot at once."

Temi says, "And then all plantered objects show up in the room as 'And some plants in a planter.'"

Samantha ab Vortina states, "I like the first option kinaed.. i mean i know i enjoy having a pear tree in my garden but the others are kinda of just there"

Shaylei de Roldan nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Kinaed nods.

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "Agreed. Like... the roses, a few trees? Those are nice. The others build up quickly though. Especially all the herbs."

Shaylei de Roldan states, "I'd personally probably maintain a mix of both, i.e. trees outside, small clumps of herbs/flowers inside, depending on the room and what i wanted a player to ee immediately."

Kinaed states, "Well, the idea is officially brought up and floated, we seem to like it, and can figure out implementation details later."

Temi nods at Shaylei de Roldan.

Beronica von Bellatos claims, "Plus I can see it making it to where we are able to grow more per room than just the ten."

Kinaed asks, "Right now, shall we move on to the next agenda item? Player Heartbeat! How has RP been in the last week? Is there anything staff should support or assist with?"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Kinaed, "I'm going to be giving my currently posted STPs a major facelift, now that I've had a whole three months to mull them over."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Kinaed, "So uh, might be asking for some removals."

Kinaed wonders, "STP?"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims, "And fires. I mean, fireworks."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar muses, "Storyteller Plots. Damn it, that still hasn't caught on?"

Beronica von Bellatos says, "Storyteller plots."

Kinaed says, "Oh, story teller plots."

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes claims, "I had fun"

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed says to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "Sure, we can do that for you."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar hugs Kinaed.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Kinaed, "I promise, I'll get around to doing them. Some day."

Beronica von Bellatos says, "RP has been a little meh for me, but then again, I've been occupied with other things."

Kinaed grins.

Gordon Stewart says, "I just had an idea for one, I'll put it on my to-do list ;)"

Kinaed queries to Beronica von Bellatos, "Any idea why it's meh, and anything we can do to help?"

Beronica von Bellatos trails off to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "Do not forget that you're going to kill my baby..."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Beronica von Bellatos, "SHHHHHH."

Beronica von Bellatos shakes her head to Kinaed. "I was tired most of the time, and did not feel like pursuing much RP."

Kinaed nods at Beronica von Bellatos.

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes claims, "To brown We should RP more, that was fun last time"

Temi claims, "Everybody has those weeks, days."

Shaylei de Roldan states, "RP's been good. This new mage activity has drummed up a bit of it."

Temi nods.

Kinaed queries, "Okay, well if that's our player heartbeat, how about Player Topics?"

Kinaed queries, "What's on people's minds?"

Samantha ab Vortina smirks "Well after having to wait for my internet to switch over to the new month my rp has been great.. A character of mine got married so that was nice

Kinaed claims, "I posted something on the forums about... mob upkeep costs."

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Sorry was typing slowly kinaed"

Gavin ab Harkness states, "Don't even know what this new mage activity is. So, if it's public-- maybe some IC board notes, etc., would be nice."

Kinaed queries, "viewtopic.php?f=8&t=732"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to Kinaed, "Not a whole lot. I've been pretty meh logging on as well. Not for any particular reason, but I just want to do a plot, but I want it to be perfect. And plots are hard at the best of times. It's hard to hook everyone."

Kinaed states, "Mages are about 27% of the active pbase atm."

Shaylei de Roldan says to Gavin ab Harkness, "You were in the room, Gavin. The walls over the exit."

Lawrence Lytton says, "Thats a good number"

Lawrence Lytton claims, "Not to many not to few. :)"

Gavin ab Harkness says to Shaylei de Roldan, "I'm afraid I don't recall what you mean. The only thing I remember lately is wind-related stuff."

Samantha ab Vortina states to Kinaed, "If what i am assuming your mob upkeep idea is i totally support it.. Especially for guards and stuff.. "

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "That's a large-ish amount, considering the low numbers of Knights and Order."

Kinaed states, "I've been asked to bring up a tell to ask if people "like the Wind RP stuff that's been happening, or if they find it lame?"."

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard agrees. "I can live with 27% Enough to feel paranoid, but so much that everyone in the game has it out for my orderite self."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "Haven't seen any wind RP stuff, but I haven't been on much."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims, "To spice it off you could always ask around for people with characters to lose. That's what I do >.>"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims, "Up** not off."

Samantha ab Vortina keeps her mouth shut about the wind rp and merely whistles innocently "What little i have seen it is pretty interesting..

Gordon Stewart says, "I got in some wind RP yesterday, dropped a rumor today about it."

Nayiv de Reymes says, "I feel like the wind is kinda annoying. Somewhat like the shadows. There's nothing we can really -do- about it, and it doesn't really do much for RP. I liked the wall of flame, and when people try to blow things up, that's fine."

Shaylei de Roldan nods at Nayiv de Reymes.

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard says, "I was in a scene for it. I liked the idea.. hoping for some more shenanigans and stirring up trouble."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to Nayiv de Reymes, "Wind makes my hair look cool."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Nayiv de Reymes, "That's really useful."

Kinaed says, "I personally like shadows."

Beronica von Bellatos states, "I'm waiting for someone to get really creative with Earth."

Gavin ab Harkness claims, "There are a finite level of spells in this game. There are even fewer that mages can use that don't pose a direct risk to themselves, while also influencing RP. The wind RP is some of the best you're going to get under the current paradigm."

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard does as well. "I have no issue with magic I can't counter."

Samantha ab Vortina sighs as he remembers the days of vren and seymor.. "So much antics..

Kinaed says, "Not sure about the wind RP because I haven't seen it, but in my humble opinion, at least magic is visible instead of radio silence forever on end."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Nayiv de Reymes states, "When they cause injuries, or really -do- something that bothers, catches off guard, or scares, I think that's a bit more fun then some random wind voice we can't do anything about. I'm not completely against it, but I do feel like I wish they'd do a bit more."

Kinaed gives a tiny cup of fragrant tea to a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair.

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard nods to Kinaed. "I just like having to run around from magical incident to magical incident. It keeps things interesting."

Kinaed nods at a lean man with greying brown hair and beard.

Gavin ab Harkness says, "I really enjoyed the cathedral possession, with the explosion, shadows, fire, and snakes, for instance. But you can't have that all the time. That's where the wind and shadows come in."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair bounces up in down, "It has been ages since I have been to one of these!" Kisses and hugs everyone*

Samantha ab Vortina states, "You know nayiv.. you bring up a very good point.. one that is kinda of dual-sided"

Kinaed says, "I think it depends on what people enjoy, I suppose. I'd have lots of fun with that."

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes pats a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair.

A lean man with greying brown hair and beard nods to Gavin ab Harkness.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Kinaed, "Are you sure I can't redo parts of the grid for a plot...? It'd be cooooool."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Kinaed, "And totally temporary."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair questions, "Is someone doing the minutes?"

Temi nods at a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to Kinaed, "Actually, I'm not sure if it was you who shot that down."

Kinaed says to a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair, "Yep."

Samantha ab Vortina trails off, "I think whether people enjoy mage rp or not depends on the spell in question.. I don't know how much bloody complaining i have heard when someone used breathbinder... So really it depends on the spell"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar wonders, "I breathbinder the vortex thing?"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "Is**"

Samantha ab Vortina says, "No.. that one is a pain in of itself"

Azarial claims, "Might be able to do a 'drop in place' temporary area and just redirect exits"

Lawrence Lytton "I think Breathbidner would work better with the new Affects code, as would other spells, such as perhaps Nullem Oblivum."

Kinaed says, "I don't mind temporary re-write or re-arranging of the grid for a plot."

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "Thanks, Samantha. I think that a lot of it depends on the quality of RP."

Kinaed claims, "Or even permanent changes, provided they are quality and beneficial to the grid rather than just rampant burning of buildings."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Azarial, "That's what I've been thinking! Like an instanced dungeon, sort of, and then the things that happen there can be represented on grid."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "I also think nayiv people just get turned off by the amount of time.. like if youhave a fifth circle mage their spells last like.. 5 or six hours"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Azarial, "Like say somebody was attacking the palace. That plot would be off grid, in its own rooms (probably the palace walls) but I'd need to represent the damages after. Moods? Maybe, but I think that'll get too large for a room desc."

Kinaed nods at Lord Casimir ab Azadar.

Azarial nods.

Kinaed states, "It should be fine for us to give an ST a zone to work their stuff into."

Gavin ab Harkness says, "Make the palace fly and shoot magical ether lasers out of its base. I'd sign off on that. It can be death from above."

Azarial claims, "Still be mostly by hand, I think."

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "I'd like what Casimir is saying. It would be really helpful for storytelling... I have a plot I'm trying to figure out, but it would be hard to put on grid. Not because of... causing damage to rooms in grid, but because of it being a place that might not legitimately -be- on grid."

Kinaed nods at Nayiv de Reymes.

[Action: Samantha ab Vortina is in a corner talking to supposed mages of past.. or she is just crazy.. take your pick]

Gavin ab Harkness claims, "Well, what Cas is saying is an argument that's been mounted before: in order for plots to feel worthwhile, there has to be the possibility of real, lasting, permanent change. Changing up the grid has to be a part of that, otherwise plots are by their nature consigned to being short-term departures from the status quo."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Kinaed, "*nod* I've had areas assigned to me before to build around in for a plot, just flaked out early because I lost faith in it. Anymore thought on making that a part of the code though? I can't remember how long ago, but Ari, myself, and others tried to float the idea of giving STPs limited access to the OLC, from the get-go."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar asks of Kinaed, "Is that just too much for too little?"

Kinaed states, "I think it's a big deal code-wise, but other than having a lot of work to do from Az's perspective to make it available, I don't mind it."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar nods.

Kinaed states, "The plan is to give ST's a lot of general power, right down to mob creation, etc."

Temi says, "I think we just haven't gotten back to that yet."

(AFK) mode removed.

Kinaed says, "I don't want to make them staff members though, I want it to remain a player thing, which is where things get complicated because, underlying-wise, the way the game allows and manages that is through checking if you're staff or not, and if you are staff, the whole kit and kaboodle is mostly open to you."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "Until then, I'll think up ways to maybe make the current state of things a little less daunting. Logging onto the player builder account is a little overwhelming, especially if you've never played in an OLC - and then staff have to teach you and make sure you don't frak things up."

Kinaed nods at Lord Casimir ab Azadar.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims, "So it takes a lot of your guys' time."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair states, "Honestly, I would like to see a few things in place so we could travel to other dutchies for the purpose of accomplishing minor goals. Examples. The Brotherhood wants a couple extra gold. or a lot. They can go somewhere, and have a ST set out like breaking into a Gentry/Nobles house, stealing a ton of stuff, but with the understanding that there will be problems, and I would even personaly go to the extent of splitting the story in two, for combatant and non-combatants. I would loves to desc out a huge house, and even a few streets for said stories. "

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, it'd be better if every story teller, on having a plot approved, just got a zone assigned and had access to build anything they wanted in the zone and load it as they please."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair, "That's the end goal here, really. Little mini-Dungeon and Dragon like adventures."

Safir Mara'aye has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a tiny cup of fragrant tea to Safir Mara'aye.

Kaerrick de Winter says, "Maybe hire a staff member whos sole job is to liais with story tellers to provide assistance and approve/implement room changes."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair says, "I volunteer as tribute. "

Shaylei de Roldan has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed states, "We're not looking to hire staff at the moment."

Azarial states to a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair, "Blood sacrifice is not needed"

Kinaed says, "With regards to travelling to other duchies, we probably want to avoid that."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair, "Right now, I love the option that STPs provide - with small, intimate settings. I can take Gavin to Avonna to investigate events, for example."

Temi says, "We don't want a lot of game focus to be away from the RP going on in the city."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "Or not."

Kinaed says, "That's one of the plots on the list we have as a 'turn down'. We've split the pbase before for 'other duchy RP' and felt the result was bad for the game because there weren't enough players left in Lithmore."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair claims, "The only thing that I would say, is that the ST cannot have an alt in the Guild Or opposing guilds. Keep any problems like that out of the way. "

Kinaed states, "I think it'd depend on how widespread it was and how many players were involved."

Kinaed peers around the room.

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair says, "In reguards to not splitting the pbase to travel or anything, keep the setting in Lithmorre then. There should be like thousands of VNPC's around, and houses and things. Keep it in Lithmore, just not directly attached to grid. It would be easier to then clear the zone or whatnot"

Kinaed nods at a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair.

Argider states, "If there's time and/or we happen to circle back around to magic, I've got a concern to raise."

Samantha ab Vortina has nothing to truly say on this matter so shall be keeping hisher mouth shut

Kinaed claims, "And I don't think we'd be against the occasional, short duration plot - but nothing like the week-long things we did in Daravi at the outset."

Kinaed states to Argider, "May as well use now since people seemed to taper off a bit on the other convo from response-time evaluation. :)"

Kinaed claims, "We only have 10 minutes left anyway."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair muses, "What is the topic of Magic that we are discussing, anything specific? "

Kinaed states to a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair, "Waiting for Argider to tell us his concerns. :)"

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair nodnods.

Argider claims, "Ah, okay. I know I've raised this before on the forums, but since we have folks in the room who play mages, I'm wondering if it's just me or if others feel the same: but a huge quality of life improvement for me, as a player, would be to have the option to refresh and/or cancel my own buffs."

Nayiv de Reymes asks, "Buffs?"

Argider claims, "I end up sitting around waiting for affects to fall off so that I can cast the spells again before I RP."

Kinaed says, "I think refresh was either added or is on the bug board to be added."

Argider claims, "Will to Power, etc."

Kinaed says to Nayiv de Reymes, "Like being able to extend Auspex without waiting for the spell to run out."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair says, "To farin I know that feels. "

Kinaed claims, "I think it's on the docket, just not implemented yet."

Nayiv de Reymes says, "Oh. Yah. That would be amazing."

Argider says, "Okay. Well then this is me rallying for that option. I'm desperate for it."

Argider hands and knees begging, here.

Temi grins at Argider.

Kinaed claims, "Request noted. :)"

Argider states, "Thanks. That's all from me, then. >_>"

Kinaed muses, "We have a little under 10 minutes to go. Anything else on anyone's mind?"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "I want money, guards who can whip people for me, and a nice house."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "Other than that, all good here."

Samantha ab Vortina samantha's mind is a blank

Kinaed claims, "I have a spec suggestion from a player for Domain games."

Kinaed states, "I intend to post it on the forums sometime soon."

Safir Mara'aye states to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "I can whip people for you. But not very efficiently. My whip skill is pretty slow."

Nayiv de Reymes peers at a lean man with greying brown hair and beard.

Safir Mara'aye states, "Low."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair muses, "Nayiv, do you have the fan and whip on you?"

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair solved this problem.

Nayiv de Reymes raises her hand for Lord Casimir ab Azadar and points to whip. "I don't have it on me Mar, sorry :("

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair says, "Nuts"

The short, mouse-like young man queries, "Can I have a nice hat?"
Gordon Stewart is idle.

Gordon Stewart is no longer idle.

The short, mouse-like young man begins to count their money.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Safir Mara'aye, "Save your whip for myself, love. ;)"

Gordon Stewart has returned from AFK.

Beronica von Bellatos wonders, "One of every seed?"

Safir Mara'aye claims to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "Don't make promises you can't keep. Never come 'round anymore. :( "

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to Kinaed, "I do like domain games. And mooks. I like mooks."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Safir Mara'aye, "I know =("

Lawrence Lytton looks at Kinaed and murmurs "Oh? ANything you can tell us?"

Kinaed states, "Probably it'd be too much to go into great detail over in 5 minutes, alas."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair exclaims, "Oh! Question!"

Kinaed queries to a lithe female with a copious amount of red hair, "?"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to Kinaed, "Oh! I actually haven't talked to you about this - how do you... and those here... feel about NPCs eventually being able to join combat on order instead of by defense? Especially with the upkeep costs posited, I think they're getting nerfed enough that it'd be balanced to allow mob groups to attack and defend."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair wonders, "I have uh seen a metric butt ton of my old alt's stuff at like the Tradepost and Auction house..... if it is a few alts back, can I buy and use them? "

Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to Kinaed, "It'd certainly give me a great representation of my status and money if people were scared to fight me because of my guards."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar wonders to Gavin ab Harkness, "You play a noble. What do you think?"

Kinaed states, "I'm a bit concerned about it, but if mobs did require upkeep, I'd be more in favor of it than I am now. I'd probably also only allow it for certain types of mobs. As it is, getting your maid to attack on command is probably less likely than your guards."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Gavin ab Harkness, "Then again, you have maxed combat. >.>"

Safir Mara'aye says to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "Hire PC guards."

Kinaed claims, "One thing I am a bit nervous about is the use of these retainers like they are extensions of your will instead of people."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar trails off to Safir Mara'aye, "I tried. They didn't stick around, and they were a new player, so it was kinda... uh..."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair points to Safir Mara'aye and says,

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair claims, "I like that better"

Safir Mara'aye says to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "Plural."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Safir Mara'aye, "Well, needless to say they didn't have the stats for the job. =P"

Lord Casimir ab Azadar asks of Safir Mara'aye, "Good point. Up for the job? On the side of your Queen washroom duties?"

Beronica von Bellatos says to Kinaed, "Though it would be one thing if they purchased a guard and they retooled them to be a maid."

Kinaed says to Beronica von Bellatos, "There's a few issues with it."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair wonders, "Is ranged combat in sight or still a LONG way off?"

Beronica von Bellatos muses, "Pun intended?"

Kinaed says, "Fundamentally, it's like purchasing an ongoing ability to PK a lot of people for nothing but a bit of silver."

Gavin ab Harkness claims, "You can always hire PC guards, but it's not reasonable to assume that they'll be online and be in the same room as you. As far as attacking with NPCs? Sure, I'd be okay with it. I'm not really overly concerned with balance, because there are ways to balance it out. To put it this way, if someone jumped me, and I've got 3 guards, it's "defensive" to knock the threat out rather than ineffectively sponge attacks."

Safir Mara'aye states, "Ranged combat is never going to happen. :("
Lord Casimir ab Azadar says to Kinaed, "I'll ponder that one a bit more - the whole extension of will thing - and see if anything else pops out. The only thing I can think of now is a legal system with morality dealt into it somehow."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair claims to Beronica von Bellatos, "There was some in there"

Kinaed says, "I odn't think a lot of people are likely to go off the rails with their guards, but it's just not balanced for a game environment."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair asks of Safir Mara'aye, "Why?"

Safir Mara'aye claims, "It's been a long wait."

Kinaed claims, "We've had a lot of things go in that are a long wait."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Kinaed, "Honestly, balance doesn't seem like such a big issue to me, but I'm also incredibly biased as a noble character with high charisma - I'll have a great advantage."

A lithe female with a copious amount of red hair questions, "5th circle mattack can be done anywhere in the room. That is ranged enough for me, but I would be perfectly fine if just throwing was in for now, you know?"

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes states, "Balance seems pretty big to me. "

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Kinaed, "But like with what Gavin was saying, if people have guards, there's a whole new layer of strategy added to the combat code."

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes claims, "Being able to purchase combat power for experience seems slightly unfait"

Gavin ab Harkness states, "The combat code isn't currently built for strategy, Casimir. It's not complex."

A pleasant fragrance wafts from Beronica von Bellatos's pipe.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes, "It's a large issue, what I meant to say is that is that I think it will -be- balanced."

Kinaed says, "There's a difference between strategy and auto-kill, and multiple mobs on the random freeman walking down the street who got mouthy is a flat out death sentence."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states to Gavin ab Harkness, "I'd relate it to the game Snake. It's not complicated at first, but you add in all these other variables - guards for instance, and then you have to actively position them, choose how to spend your moves, etc."

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes says, "It increases the chances that the nobles ranks with be stratified, and reduce chance of change."

Temi says, "It's something we want to approach carefully to ensure balance coming up, and we're going to be more defensive about it than 'we'll see what happens'"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Lord Casimir ab Azadar claims to Kinaed, "Do you think that would happen, with players who don't want to get banned/lynched? We're in a world of consequence here, after all."

Nayiv de Reymes points to a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes. "She has a point."

Delilah appears in swirl of fog, thunder sounding throughout the area lightning streaking through the clouds. [OOC]

Argider hugs Delilah.

A curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes also hugs Delilah.

Kinaed says to Lord Casimir ab Azadar, "I'm not sure, and I fall in line with what Temi said. It'd be a big thing to back out of once people are used to it."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar nods.

Kinaed claims, "I'd rather not go down that route without considerable, er, consideration."

Delilah is on her kindle and getting ready for the blizzard semi afk

Gavin ab Harkness claims, "The downside, of course, is that people with guards (provided they actually play them as NPCs, and some do but others don't) have 'characters' that really don't do much, and you've got to do post hoc justification. That's fine too, I suppose."

Samantha ab Vortina waves a dismissive hand to Delilah "Always with the fancy entrances...

Delilah hugs Argider.

Kinaed states, "The OOC Chat time is actually over, come to think of it :)"

Delilah hugs a curly blonde haired female, with blue eyes.

Temi says, "I'm definitely pro having some muscle behind NPCs, but I'd want to be veery careful in doing it."

Lord Casimir ab Azadar states, "I understand, and I'd love to promote more of that consideration, is all."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Delilah wonders, "Over? I thought it was at 5est ick"

Kinaed states, "Okay, OOC Chat is over for this week. Thank you, everyone, for attending."

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