OOC Meeting 1-18-2025

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:02 pm

Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:24 pm

Karrin says, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin states, "All that said, how has RP been this week? I have definitely seen a more-hopping
grid. Not max-hopping yet, but definitely more people around."

InvestSouthside states, "Pretty amazing"

Karrin has transferred Magdalena. [OOC]

Pippa claims, "Yeah, stuff going on, been very nice to see"

Temi gives a fine, horse-hair paint brush with a sceptre-shaped handle to Magdalena.

Renata declares, "Been having a great time getting fully into the swing of things after some time

Karrin states, "Awesome. I know that the holidays sometime - just by the very nature of them - can
social out people. So, I'm glad everyone is trickling back after. Give it a little time, and we'll
have a right-ol rocking who list again."

Temi nods in agreement.

Karrin questions, "Any topics for this week before we get into staff updates?"

Temi states, "Especially as folks have stuff going on, definitely feel free to make sure folks know
when you've got stuff"

Valora fingers crossed and prayers offered to the Lord of Springs for big who lists.

Karrin has transferred Sparkles. [OOC]

Temi gives a fine, horse-hair paint brush with a sceptre-shaped handle to Sparkles.

Sparkles claims, "Whee."

Temi claims, "We were just asking about how rp's been and asking for topics"

Rambling says, "The RP yesterday was goofy as I decided to visit the locale yesterday and"

Rambling claims, "It was something"

InvestSouthside claims, ""Only crazy thing was that next weekend I am looking to put together a
silly magebane thing. Might last for a bit longer depending on things that get done. Merchants
should expect theme letters soon otherwise collaboration with others has already begun icly.""

Karrin claims, "Oh, that sounds nice."

Temi nods in agreement.

Temi says, "Fun stuff."

Renata dances in place. "Looking forward to the party!"

Temi states, "That's always good to hear"

Karrin states, "Alrighty, I can start with updates. I have a scene tomorrow early afternoon that is
plot based, and have nudged some other players who have some key things chilling not yet submitted
that I intend to make key to finishing out our demon plot. I hope to get that wrapped up around the
end of January-ish, first week of February so Temi can run her plot next."

Karrin claims, "Other than that, I have a few more plots I see, and the second Samralier plot which
isn't quite as overwhelming. I'll be looking at both tomorrow or Monday."

Karrin muses to Temi, "How about you?"

Temi states, "I think one of those plots I'll probably be handling too, but yeah, the big prep will
be for the next major header plot."

Karrin nods.

Karrin states, "She's been peppering great ideas, I think it's going to be exciting. And the time of
year is great for it, too."

Temi states, "I put up a poll for the kick-off thing, which should be an on-grid event, and it looks
like I'm currently leaning towards Feb 8th, given the votes and other events people are talking"

Temi states, "So I'll work on getting some announcements for folks to start working around soon. I
think it'll be a surprise."

Temi grins.

Karrin has transferred Capitalism. [OOC]

Temi gives a fine, horse-hair paint brush with a sceptre-shaped handle to Capitalism.

Karrin says to Capitalism, "We were just giving some updates."

Karrin says, "Like any plot, it goes nowhere if no one is involved, so throw yourselves in if you
are interested."

Karrin says, "I know not every plot is everyone's cup of tea, but if it IS, jump on in there."

Temi nods in agreement.

InvestSouthside pontificates, ""All of the plottys!""

HIEROPHANT questions, "Where is/was the poll?"

ThatBard claims, "I have a question."

Temi claims, "On the forums"

ThatBard says, "Yeah that."

ThatBard says, "Oh."

Temi claims, "I have plans for lots of different aspects for folks to get involved in, so should
hopefully hit most people that would liek to be involved."

ThatBard states, "I'm not on the forums. tbh."

Karrin questions to Temi, "I think those who don't have the forums or Discord may have missed that.
Might want to link it here for them really fast?"

Temi asks, "I did link from the discord, but yeah, wouldnt hurt for sure: https://ti

Temi claims, "Feel free to also just let me know, but it does sound like others might be planning
some stuff for the first weekend now."

HIEROPHANT says, "Yeah I don't use the forums besides searching the event archives"

Karrin nods.

HIEROPHANT claims, "Mirroring announcements onto the announcement board would be great"

Karrin asks, "Alright! Any topics? If not, we can likely send most of you back to grid - GLs stay?"

Scarry says, "Ohno."

Capitalism muses, "Can I stay for it too?"

Capitalism asks, "GLs only or GLs required the rest are allowed?"

Karrin states to Capitalism, "GLs only, up until this point."

Karrin claims, "We post the logs for GLs only, also."

Capitalism cries about how the GLs get the special meetings... not really though.

Karrin chuckles.

Temi grins.

InvestSouthside starts helping kick people out

Karrin claims, "Alright, if no topics, I'll send everyone back, then pull the GLs back in."

Karrin waves.

Karrin pontificates, "Have fun!"

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