Log of OOC Meeting 2022-05-28

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:56 pm

Sat May 28, 2022 5:45 pm

Temi queries, "Okay, so our agenda for today as per usual: 1) staff updates, 2) player heartbeat, and 3) player topics.  Does anyone have any topics to get onto the list to start with?"

Temi queries, "Topics, anyone?"

Lans says, "Not me, ma'am"

Deedee states, "I'll let you know if any come to mind"

Temi says, "Okay, well, if anyone does remember something that they wanted to bring, please feel free to let us know and we'll get you on the list."

Temi declaims, "So, getting started with staff updates!"

Temi says, "Since I'm already talking... I finished the set of crafts for large decorations for different crafts."

Deedee says, "Nice"

Temi states, "So I think that finishes up that request.  Already pretty happy with the options that artwork and tailoring have for that."

Leta has transferred Jasmine.  [OOC]

Temi gives a porcelain cookie plate painted with a commemorative image to Jasmine.

Temi claims, "I also added a new magecraft for those wiley heretical sorts to have fun with."

Temi states, "It's high level and was requested on the forums."

Temi questions, "So!  Ghed?"

Ghed states, "Hi I'm Ghed, this week I did little because finals. My lower back hurts but I've been doing minor fixes and considering some subsystem improvements."

Ghed states, "I also added a new inn to grid, expect rumors"

Temi queries, "That's a player owned one, yes?"

Ghed says, "Aye"

Temi states, "Very exciting."

Temi nods.

Temi questions, "Anything else?"

Ghed states, "Nnnnnope"

Temi muses, "Okay, Leta?"

Leta pontificates, "I did the usual with requests, recommends. I got to build a phome or two!"

Temi claims, "Thanks for that!  Always important to keep up with."

Leta states, "I am also going systematically through the crafts and making sure that salvage yields and ingredients are standardized. Today's task will be jeweling."

Lans says, "That's some very intensive work"

Deedee nods.

Deedee muses, "Thanks for that! Will cooking be looked at too?"

Leta says, "We have a LOT of recipes, so it is slow going for sure =)"

Leta nods.

Leta wonders, "Anything in particular with cooking you'd like us to look into?"

Temi says, "Unfortunately, we did determine that cooking is not very salvagable"

Leta nods.

Jasmine states, "That's a ton of work, appreciate the effort a lot, it really makes a difference"

Deedee claims, "I just want cooking to salvage to scraps"

Temi claims, "Because it gives multiple items, so nothing can be reverse engineered."

Deedee states, "Scraps can be used to make compost"

Temi claims, "There's technical limitations."

Deedee says, "I see."

Ghed says, "She's a real trooper our Leta"

Leta says, "We can look into this, but our normal salvage code will not work for recipes that produce multiple items at a time, as Temi said"

Jasmine claims, "You can just use the raw ingredients to make scraps"

Leta states, "There might be an alternative though, so I will get back to you =)"

Deedee states, "That doesn't help with the massive amounts of food laying around on grid though"

Temi queries, "Okay, anything else?  Or we'll move onto player heartbeat"

Jasmine wonders, "Is food decay still something being thought about? That would fix it quick"

Jasmine claims, "Alternately, eat the food you don't want when no one's looking rather than hoarding it"

Earthworm states, "Especially after I 'season' it."

Temi states, "Yeah, we're still looking at some of those options"

Leta claims, "We discussed food decay, yes, and had some ideas but held off implementing at the time (since we were anticipating the famine plot!). I will make sure this is added to staff talking points for us to brainstorm"

Temi states, "Thanks, Leta."

Jasmine claims, "When I moved from trying to only use the most 'efficient' food for MV and just eating whatever I picked up in scenes/cooked to train it helped immensely with too much food sitting around"

Temi questions, "Okay, player heartbeat.  How's RP been for everyone this week?"

Violet runs MV almost entirely on random teacups she keeps collecting.

Deedee states, "Been pretty quiet"

Deedee asks, "Also, where did the week go?"

Kalana claims, "The RP I had was excellent, but during the week things were pretty quiet during my hours"

Deedee nods at Kalana.

Jasmine claims, "IRL has been very rough lately, haven't been able to be around as much as I'd want. Hoping to get some quiet time to get back into things"

Violet claims, "It's sad to see no one on whereRP when I log in fs :("

Leta has transferred Taxius.  [OOC]

Temi gives a porcelain cookie plate painted with a commemorative image to Taxius.

Temi nods at Violet.

Temi claims, "Please do consider sitting around somewhere accessible whenever you can, rather than just logging off if you don't see people."

Temi states, "The more people do it, the less other people will just log off because there's no one around."

Temi claims, "Helps us get some momentum."

Ghed states, "It also makes me implement staff plots more easily"

Ghed had to ditch the werewolf conspiracy coverup plot

River ponders.

Temi muses, "But sounds like things went fairly good for folks, besides a bit quiet?"

Deedee states, "I'll try to, but I'm always worried about missing someone while I tab out."

Ghed says, "Chances are you won't"

Kalana says, "I have a flash set up on my mudlet window so if I get an update to it, I can swap over and look at it, even if I was on a web browser or such"

Deedee nods.

Kalana states, "I can help others with setting that up if you use mudlet, if it helps."

Jasmine says, "Mudlet should flash by default if you have the most recent update, but I wish it would beep or something"

Kalana claims, "Oh, nice.  There may be a beep function, maybe, though."

River says, "You can definitely set up sounds somehow with triggers."

Ghed nods.

Temi questions, "Anything bothering anyone that staff ought to know about?"

Temi says, "I'd say other than topics, but currently we don't have any topics on the list."

Ghed asks, "Anything you wish to talk about? or ask us?"

Temi nods in agreement with Ghed.

Anonymous questions, "What is the average airspeed of a laden swallow?"

Deedee wonders, "Farin or Tubori?"

Temi grins.

Temi states, "Depends on the swallow."

Anonymous trails off, "Well I don't know, I..."

Anonymous gets catapulted off the bridge.

Ghed claims, "Please remember I'm still accepting ambiance proposals"

Ghed states, "Https://bit.ly/3sKwxhB"

Temi questions, "Well, if folks don't have anything they want to discuss... what types of plots are you currently interested in having, or currently feeling tired of?"

Deedee claims, "I think we still have some loose ends from the last one"

Ghed nods.

Temi says, "Yeah, once that one is fully done, of course."

Ghed claims, "But that doesn't answer the quesshun"

Deedee nods.

Deedee says, "Well, the last one was able to get a good portion of the player base involved"

Ghed questions, "So you think a plot of that kind is palatable?"

Ghed questions, "Anyone else? Please?"

Jasmine claims, "I definitely like the larger-scale things that anyone can interact with, and which we can talk about when we're not interacting"

Jasmine states, "I also enjoyed that there was some monsters to hunt down/report, I think that blend of social and combat hits something for everyone"

Ghed nods.

Temi nods.

Ghed states, "Thanks"

Earthworm says, "I did feel kind of like I must have missed key points that owuld have revealed the truth about things in the last plot"

Ghed nods.

Jasmine says, "Sometimes the noble-level plots are difficult to access as a freeman, so I appreciated having something low-level "

Jasmine says, "Since often high politics ends up being 'important people talk about it in a room, not important people dont care'"

Ghed says, "That was the plan yeah"

Ghed claims, "That and the famine"

Ghed declares, "Well, if that's all, thanks for your input!"

Temi asks, "Are there certain types of things that feel more accessible to the common folks?"

Jasmine states, "I think if its something aimed more for the genteel folks, at the very least including some easy way to hook in common folk, like having a speech or sending their servants out to spread the good word makes up for it by giving a themely reason for freemen to talk about it and thus get involved"

Temi nods.

Jasmine says, "Like during the tubori succession, the guys sitting the bar prosletyzing is a good example of that, made it easy to get involved"

Temi grins at Jasmine.

Ghed nods.

Anonymous states, "I appreciate being able to punch things. That is all."

Temi claims, "Glad you thought so.  Though I'd been hoping for more engagement on that one."

Temi wonders, "Any other thoughts from anyone?  More demons, less demons?  More combat, less combat?  More silly, more serious?"

Ghed asks, "Politics? heretic religions? off grid? lethality?"

Deedee states, "Silly could be fun"

Temi wonders, "Anything else people want to talk about, or should we just send everyone back to the grid?"

Jasmine says, "We have had quite a lot of seriousness, silly might be welcome, I'd say a good mix of demons/combat/etc. I don't believe our heretics have gotten much directly aimed at them either, could be nice"

River states, "It'd be neat to see some magical mysteries aside from demons. Old forgotten places, lore, etc. Silly and heretic religions also sounds fun."

Ghed nods at River.

Earthworm states, "'Aimed at' sounds ominous"

Ghed states, "Truth be told I want to put the classic baddies to rest a bit"

Temi nods in agreement with Ghed.

Leta states, "We have had a pretty magic-heavy and demon-heavy plot yield in the last 6 months"

Temi states, "Okay.  Thanks everyone for your thoughts!  Seems like we're running out of steam.  If there's nothing else, I'll just go ahead and send folks back"

Leta says, "Admittedly, I am very much partially to blame for that, but it might be good to have some non-demon heresy and/or magic, as you all have suggested."

Leta ponders.

Lans says, "Bring it on, Leta"

Leta exclaims, "Alright!"

Leta says, "3"

Leta trails off, "2..."

Leta trails off, "1..."

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