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Log of OOC Meeting - 2021-12-11

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:54 pm
by Deedee
Temi wonders, "So, agenda for today:  1)  staff updates, 2)  player heartbeat, 3)  player topics.  Anyone have player topics to get on the list already?"

Temi claims, "No one so far?  If you come up with something later on, you can let us know, and we can get it added to the list then."

Anonymous states, "I have one actually. But its real simple."

Temi nods at Anonymous.

Temi states, "Got you, we can do that"

Temi pontificates, "Okay, continuing on!  Staff updates"

Temi asks, "Alright, Salem?"

Salem claims, "I made some cool things happen. We got a new thing for contests that hopefully make tieing less likely. Otherwise I got a big thing done, that needs testing."

Deedee states, "Oooh. that's been an issue for a long time"

Ghed states, "It's a subtle but great improvement"

Temi wonders, "The big thing is for roles?"

Salem states, "Yupp"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "Exciting!  Thanks Salem, great progress, honestly."

Deedee nods in agreement.

Temi questions, "Okay, Kinaed?"

Kinaed trails off, "Last week, I..."

Deedee pours Kinaed some coffee.

Kinaed ponders, "Did request queue, think I responded to some policy requests, and I updated HELP MUDSEX with a new item, 6, to cover lurkers. This week, I intend to help Salem with testing the roles."

Kinaed states, "It'll be a pretty big game change, and I hope players like it."

Temi asks, "Okay, Leta?"

Leta declaims, "I added some small changes to grid as a result of our summoner plot: various monuments to our heros, The Grieving Knight and an associated bard (thank you, Ghed!), and a set of new wilderness rooms. Also handled some plot RPA!"

Leta claims, "I did some player requests and processed bug board items, made a few typo edits to helpfiles, and also did a couple quick recipe fixes (flavored teas are now toolable, lightweight tunics are salvageable, glue can be made with more types of horn)."

Kinaed has gone AFK.

Temi exclaims, "Thanks, I heard lots of great things about the plot!  I think people really enjoyed it"

Ghed claims, "I read 'flavored tears' lol"

Leta claims, "My tears taste like caramel."

Leta grins.

Anonymous claims, "I liked the plot."

Ghed grins.

Anonymous states, "I got to stab a demon possessing a suit of armor through the heart."

Trajen states, "Wow"

Temi makes a note to make Leta cry.

Deedee states, "Wish I had had the time to get involved with that"

Deedee claims, "So many deadlines"

Temi comforts Deedee.

Temi exclaims, "Real life makes things tough!"

Temi muses, "Okay, Ghed?"

Deedee nods in agreement.

Ghed nods.

Ghed declaims, "This week I did mostly 'maintenance', the usual, plus helping Leta and Salem with their own stuff a little. Nothing too interesting to report!"

Temi nods.

Temi declares, "The help definitely helps, all the same!"

Temi trails off, "Myself then..."

Temi says, "So, I've been pretty busy getting ready for the holidays, and some more of that to do still, but I have also been preparing for our political plot.  We're starting slow to give folks a break after the demonic plot, but expect stuff starting later next week.      For my crafting progress, I've been going through concoctions, medicines and drugs to look at potential stat boosts, upping them a bit.  Still more to do on that, but hopefully players find them more appealing."

Sparkles states, "Exciting."

Temi says, "I've got some player RPAish sorts of things to finish off as well, hope to do that today or tomorrow"

Cat is idle.

Temi muses, "Alright then.  Player heartbeat!  How's RP been this week?"

Deedee says, "A little stressful"

Cat is no longer idle.

Cat has returned from AFK.

Temi nods at Deedee.

Temi wonders, "The stuff we already know about?"

Sparkles states, "I've been super quiet at times this week but had a few interesting scenes."

Trajen says, "Good. Fun scenes"

Deedee nods at Temi.

Temi nods.

Jasmine states, "I've been able to sneak in several scenes, once being naught and logging in at work lol, I paid for that the next day"

Anonymous claims, "I have been doing interesting things."

Anonymous is also super vague.

Temi grins.

Temi states, "Sounds pretty positive in general except for the expected"

Anonymous says, "And I also rescued osmeone from a terrible terrible bear+wolverine combo that KO'd them."

Anonymous claims, "They are still very scary. Watch out."

Temi grins.

Temi questions, "Anything bothering anyone that staff ought to know about?"

Jasmine says, "Tell my job to stop giving me OT so I can actually play >:V"

Trajen says, "Lol"

Anonymous says, "Mandatory Overtime is the devil."

Temi says to Jasmine, "Well... that may not go over great."

Anonymous says, "Then someone told me 'well at least they get money for it'"

Anonymous says, "To which I responded that it's a Faustian Deal."

Sparkles says, "I have a quick topic if there's time at the end."

Temi nods at Sparkles.

Temi questions, "Alright.  Not hearing much that we can do anything about.  Anybody else?"

Temi declaims, "Okay, sounds like a no!  Player topics"

Temi muses, "First off, something quick from Anonymous?"

Anonymous queries, "I'd like to throw out an idea regarding herbalism and plants. I've grown to kind of hate the whole 'is well tended for x hours, then needs attention' thing, because it places time constraints and I can't ever remember the damn things. What does everyone think about switching plants to not needing tending until after they're harvested? So you tend them, they grow, you get a harvest, then you tend them after, and that's it?""

Anonymous states, "Also I'm pretty sure that if a plant drops to ailing then it loses its ability to be harvested, if it was done growing before"

Deedee says, "It does, yes"

Temi has transferred Tasker.  [OOC]

Temi gives a linked chain bracelet of small holy banner charms in clay to Tasker.

Violet claims, "There are also plants like dahlias and avocados that seem to need tending at a much higher frequency"

Jasmine claims, "Sometimes you can still harvest it if you catch it soon enough"

A male voice declaims, "I have a topic if I can be slotted in at the end!"

Temi nods.

Anonymous states, "Oh my god its a ghost"

Jasmine says, "I personally don't mind stuff needing tending frequently because it combats item bloat"

Jasmine says, "If you mess up, you just don't get that harvest, vs constantly getting a full harvest for only one tend"

Temi claims, "Different plants do require different amounts of work"

Deedee wonders, "Perhaps what was done to herds could apply to plants though?"

Anonymous queries to Deedee, "What was done to herds?"

Deedee says, "Not losing the entire progress if they become ailing"

Sparkles questions, "Also would changing that effect how newer players can help tend things for experience/a job?"

Sparkles says, "Because sometimes you have enough skill to tend things but not harvest them, depending on how skill rolls go."

Deedee says, "I don't think that would be affected"

Jasmine says, "You can continue tending stuff even if it doesn't need tending, so that's an easy way for new players to raise the skill"

Jasmine states, "I also just blanket tend everything every couple of days and that seems to work just fine"

Temi claims, "I'm not actually sure what the current state of loss is for plants"

Temi nods.

Jasmine says, "You get a couple uses per compost so"

Temi says, "Tending isn't a yes or no, it's a time since last tend"

Jasmine shrugs.

Deedee claims, "If plants become ailing, all progress is lost"

Anonymous claims, "I'm mostly complaining because of a good... 50~ish plants that I have to see to, and I frequently forget to do so."

Temi states, "So even if it's only been a day, another tend gets you an extra day"

Leta slowly dissipates, her form flickering away in a tiny mites of stardust. [OOC]

Jasmine queries, "Are the plants that neccessary if you are forgetting them frequently?"

Cat says, "Sounds like you need to hire a freeman for that."

Trajen claims, "Lol"

Anonymous states, "Kind of yeah, got no willowbarks."

Deedee states, "I'd agree with Cat."

Temi claims, "I think requiring some investment of memory to get the stuff back is fair"

Jasmine muses, "Are you able to just tend them every other day? I can't think of a single plant that needs tending EVERY DAY"

Jasmine states, "Make an alias for 'tend 1.plant, tend 2.plant' etc etc so you can hit that command once and get them all"

Deedee states, "But some plants, like avocados need attention every day, and take a long time to become harvestable"

Temi says, "I don't think any even need tending every other day."

Temi ponders.

Violet queries, "What is the time table for avocados? Because they certainly FEEL like every day"

Sparkles claims, "Avocados are more of an RP addition than anything decidedly needed in a vital craft though."

Anonymous states, "Avocados are the devil"

Cat states, "I agree with Sparkles."

Sparkles muses, "On the willowbark thing, maybe a consideration is adding that as a forageable in certain places? As that would expand how many people could help you get it?"

Temi claims, "I'm sure we could add that option"

Temi nods.

Jasmine says, "I support adding it as a forage"

Temi trails off, "All of that fever reducing out of balance..."

Temi grins.

Jasmine claims, "Maybe give raw willowbark a mild 'it makes you hurt less' and then scrubs who can't make willowbark tea can lace it into their stuff xD"

Deedee claims, "Might be nice around forest areas that are near water"

Temi finishes abruptly, "Okay.  I think that covers that topic - sounds like people don't necessarily think it's a big issue, but more accessible willow bark wouldn't hurt"

Deedee queries, "Is that a pun?"

Temi states, "Not this time"

Temi grins.

Temi queries, "Sparkles, you had a topic?"

Anonymous claims, "Unintentional puns are the worst."

Sparkles claims, "So I brainstormed this before and I'm uncertain if it made it to staff topics this week (it might have, if so sorry!) but was curious about the idea of Funeral RPA getting a helpfile like Wedding RPA has. "

Temi claims, "This doesn't sound familiar, so probably not"

Temi questions, "I don't know if funeral need RPA?"

Temi says, "Anyone can bury a body, doesn't need some specific code like weddings"

Jasmine states, "I think Sparkles means for 'official funeral'"

Jasmine queries, "Like how I did RPA to bury the NPC? I heard there was people giving IC shit for not having a funeral ASAP for some NPCs"

Deedee states, "I think funeral RPA can be covered under the general event RPAs"

Temi claims, "Honestly, I do not have the bandwidth to run a bunch of funerals for people"

Sparkles asks, "So if there's no active/interested Orderites is submitting for an ST a valid option?"

Deedee claims, "Bodies tend to pile up since there's often a shortage of Orderites to give a proper funeral"

Jasmine trails off, "You could just... RPA it and put out a rumor, unless its a very important NPC"

Temi states, "I'm okay with it, and memorials are totally okay, I think"

Jasmine states, "I doubt Miss got her face melted off's family wants half of lithmore to show up"

Ghed says, "I don't see why you couldn't have an ST"

Deedee nods at Ghed.

Anonymous says, "Eaten off*"

Temi claims, "You wouldn't need an Orderite to run a memorial type thing"

Kinaed says, "Definitely do an ST if a funeral is important to you and no one is available to do it, I think."

Anonymous wonders, "Would that not be like, intruding on the order's domain though?"

Anonymous states, "Since weddings and funerals are religious in nature"

Kinaed says, "I'm not aware of any rules or laws that say a funeral must have an Orderite present either. It just seems to be some sort of expectation people have."

Kinaed has returned from AFK.

Temi says, "We'd probably clear it by the Order if you want to run an NPC orderite"

Kinaed claims, "Well, my view is that if you want something done and no one is around to do it, better do it yourself rather than getting upset that there's no one else to do the thing for you, esp since the tools are there."

Cat questions, "I'm mean the soul is gone after death, so I don't think the Order needs to care much about the dead. They might do it to guide the families grief?"

Kinaed nods at Cat.

Sparkles says, "Mostly just wanted to clarify on the best way to address it. "

Deedee says, "Up to the players I'd say"

Kinaed claims, "I think a story is fine if you're tired of waiting."

Sparkles declares, "But, got it!"

Temi says, "Okay, sounds like that sorts that out"

Temi asks, "Disembodied voice, you had a topic?"

Tasker slowly fades into view.
Tasker moves suddenly, revealing his position.

Tasker claims, "It is me"

Tasker questions, "So! I'm not sure why this has never been done before (that I know of) but it sounds like a kickass idea to me. It would be a nice lore change that Mages receive a public trial before their burning, mock trial or not but just something public to get everybody involved. Also, gives the doomed character a bit more role-play and opportunity to show off their character before they meet the burning stick. Obviously this won't be possible for every single one, and reviews of faith will still be held behind closed doors, but I think it should be the default -rule- with caveats for exceptions. Thoughts?"

Deedee gasps.

Anonymous states, "Oh my god its a tasker"

Kinaed claims, "I think it falls into the too hard bucket, sadly."

Deedee claims, "I'd be for it."

Kinaed says, "It's good RP, but it's hard enough to process a prisoner who stole an apple let alone mage trials being the default"

Deedee claims, "Only concern I have is"

Deedee claims, "There might be too many Monty Python references"

Jasmine says, "I don't see the point of a 'trial' when the Order is the one making the decision, and they do publicly summon the game when they pyre"

Cat claims, "I think it could be suggested, but it should be up to the Inquisitors."

Temi says, "I do think thematically it should be the Order choice, not up for debate"

Ghed nods at Jasmine.

Kinaed says, "In big cases, for sure, but in practical terms, I think we'd exacerbate prison wait times and make an already difficult role that people don't play often even less desirable."

Ghed states, "It seems self defeating"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi states, "But happy for any orderites who want to hold public trials"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Jasmine states, "You can't really put on 'trial' something that is largely up to interpretation, sometimes. Since often hereticism/magery is either directly confessed to, or else decided based on how the character answers"

Ghed rolls Alweys ab Burnus

Anonymous claims, "'Trial' could take the form of throwing the mage in the river to see if they're a witch. Like the old days."

Trajen says, "Lol Monty Python tropes"

Jasmine states, "My past 2 experiences with 'are you a mage/heretic' both people just outright said 'yes im a mage and the order sux' to our faces"

Ghed nods at Jasmine.

Anonymous declares, "If they float to the surface, the water rejects them and they're a witch. If they sink to the bottom, they're not a mage, hurray! Except hey die from drowning"

Ghed claims, "Things are usually very simple"

Anonymous states, "Damned if you do damned if you dont"

Jasmine claims, "Even after extensive prompting of 'you can go back on this'"

Sparkles states, "I think the core of the idea is mostly are there ways we can get jailed folks more RP. "

Deedee says, "That would make for an exciting public trial I'd say, Jasmine."

Deedee claims, "But I agree, it's up to the Inquisitors."

Jasmine says, "But that stuff is not themely, nor for public consumption"

Murrcognito says, "I do like the conceptual space of 'ways to get jail RP / Mage RP' given that Ahalin truly is a timeout box most of the time."

Deedee nods.

Ghed states, "People have Ahalin passes"

Ghed says, "Priests, docs, reeves, orderites, troubs can visit, the rest by invitation"

Deedee says, "The passes are a bit of a PITA to use gonestly"

Ghed muses, "How come?"

Deedee states, "And those with the passes aren't really informed when someone's in the box"

Anonymous states, "I use 'em all the time, when I have an IC reason to go ther"

Ghed nods at Anonymous.

Jasmine states, "The jail channel is accessible to everyone who has access to passes"

Jasmine says, "You can 'history jail' to see if there's been recent chatter"

Ghed states to Deedee, "Unfortunatelt that has IC causes"

Deedee nods.

Jasmine says, "People also often leave RP on, so you can use that as a way to tell there's a prisoner"

Temi nods in agreement.

Temi says, "Those who want RP in jail should definitely leave RP on"

Anonymous states, "'My Lord, one of the prisoners turned up dead in the prison!', 'really now? Hrm. Well that's intriguing.', 'My Lord, the guards said that you were the only one to visit them...', 'Well, what a terrible coincidence that is. I truly hope they catch the ruffian responsible.'"

Anonymous says, "Which is my roundabout way of saying... it gets logged when you visit."

Temi nods.

Temi states, "GLs should definitely look at giving access to their trusted people.  More options for RP for those."

Jasmine claims, "Largely I am against giving a mage a 'trial' as 1) that's not for anyone but the Order players to decide on their fate, and that gives the impression that anyone other than the people making that decision are able to give their thoughts and opinions, 2) A lot of the time people just outright admit stuff instead of just lying like sensible people, meaning there's no point to a trial, 3) the stuff that gets discussed in the interrogation chamber often reveals information/sources/methods that thematically should remain behind closed doors and 4) the behavior of most arrested mages/heretics is not something that would, thematically, be given a soapbox, since most of it goes against the grain of 'normal IC behavior' and might give the impression that strongly anti-order thoughts and sentiments are accepted when they are not"

Deedee claims, "Not all of that has to be done publically."

Jasmine states, "Then literally what would be the point, since all of that happens behind closed doors"

Deedee states, "RP"

Ghed states, "We would have to extend it to reeves next"

Ghed states, "And then there would be calls for democracy"

Jasmine states, "Look at the jail channel and use your passes, ask staff to port you in if you can't get an invite, or reach out ICly"

Temi claims, "There could be certain cases where it makes sense.  But happy to leave that in Order hands"

Deedee nods.

Temi queries, "5 minutes left.  Did anyone else want to cover anything today?"

Jasmine states, "People in jail can put rumors out of their arrest/being in jail, can send pboards, can ask their captors to invite certain people etc"

Jasmine says, "Mr Knight you hacked my leg off, please let a physician in, etc"

Violet wonders, "Don't people also have access to 'guildlist jail' in certain guilds? Just so people know, it gives a list of everyone in Ahalin"

Violet says, "Not trying to comment on the public trial stuff itself, just as a general PSA in case people didn't know it exists"

Sparkles says, "I can say Guildlist jail never worked for me in any Bard GL spot so ... that possibly doesn't work."

Deedee claims, "Only reeves and orderies have access to guildlist jail"

Anonymous states, "I think that only works for order and reeve"

Temi says, "Some guilds do, but I think that one is not all the guilds with access"

Temi nods.

Ghed says to Sparkles, "Hm thanks"

Violet questions, "Would making guildlist jail accessible to troubadours and physicians be an option?"

Deedee says, "I think it was decided not to, but I would like it."

Temi states, "Staff could discuss it again, but I think we did decide no before, since it's not just info about those online wanting rp"

Anonymous says, "I do find it a wee bit strange that the reeves and order share the same jail"

Anonymous says, "I would've expected them to have their own separate jails."

Deedee claims, "They were originally, but"

Anonymous states, "PIckpockets being imprisoned alongside demon summoning mages"

Jasmine states, "There is a pit that mages are thrown into"

Temi nods.

Deedee claims, "They combined them for more RP opportunity"

Anonymous says, "Mmm"

Temi says, "It's mainly for more RP opportunity, with some connecting options for special cases"

Jasmine says, "Mage suspects/heretics/etc are usually kept in the common cells"

Deedee nods.

Jasmine trails off, "Confirmed mages go into... i forget the name but it's ominous sounding"

Violet says, "I think it's nice to have the potential for more visitors and fellow inmates."

Temi queries, "The Deep?"

Ghed states, "The Deep"

Deedee says, "The pit of dis-"

Deedee says, "That"

Trajen says, "Tis a gloomy nasty place"

Ghed says, "It's usually only for the worst of the worst"

Jasmine had a character spend a LOT of time there :(

Ghed states, "As rp is much harder"

Temi states, "Theoretically, the Order and Reeves are on the same team, so not having to fund two separate jails is not crazy"

Temi grins.

Deedee says, "Theoretically."

Temi claims, "I think in most cases they are, even if a lot of that is NPC cases"

Temi asks, "But!  We are past our end.  Any last call outs?"

Temi trails off, "Okay, returning folks in 3..."

Temi claims, "2.."

Trajen stands up.

Cat says, "Next week after OOC is the trial event."

Temi claims, "1.."

Temi nods at Cat.