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Log of OOC Meeting: 10-9-21

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 11:07 pm
by Sparkles
Temi says, "Okay, so our standard agenda for the day: 1) staff updates, 2) player heartbeat, 3) player topics."

Temi asks, "Anyone have topics that they want to get on the list?"

Sparkles claims, "I have a topic if there's time."

Temi nods at Sparkles.

Temi states, "Okay, not hearing others beating down the door, so bet we have time."

Temi says, "If anyone else comes up with topics, feel free to let me know and I'll get you on the list"

Temi states, "On staff updates, for me, not a hugely productive week with some headache issues, but doing well right now. And added a new olive oil craft, for the new craft of the week."

Temi questions, "Wasn't able to fit in a new skill mini-quest, but hey, there's still this pair from last week?"

Temi grins.

Ghed wonders, "Olive oil? that's badass"

Temi nods.

Ghed says, "And healthy"

Temi muses, "Other staff then... Leta?"

Leta claims, "I did the usual requests, recommends and player questions. I added a few lore entries to grid and I edited a helpfile or two."

Leta claims, "So helpfiles: I added a recent staff decision to help real estate; now new phome owners will get one free room subtracted off of the costs listed in the real estate office if they choose to buy rather than build.

help class now clarifies that class boosts associated with roles are temporary and not complete after some staff and player discussion.

I edited a few items in help technology that now clearly exist on grid in NPC shops and crafting recipes.

help history Inquisition now has current statements on the role of the Grand Inquisitor and Cardinal.

I edited help screenreader to provide the correct commands needed to turn off colors.

Help background connections has been edited to add clarity about active vs. inactive connections and what requires a background connect. "

Leta claims, "Help Roland now includes his treason charges and execution.

A new helpfile, help majority, was added to reflect King Amirs decree that changed the marriageable age. Help age, help mudsex, and help En passant should all reflect this. The relevant help X family files for different duchies were all updated with the correct age of majority."

Ghed claims, "Leta is a busy bee"

Leta claims, "I think thats all of the big ones. There were also typo fixes here and there."

Leta says, "I was also asked to remind our mages friends that summoning is active. I look forward to making abyssal pacts with you all. It may require scheduling by request board. "

Temi nods in agreement with Ghed.

Ghed says, "Very busy bee"

Leta states, "A reminder that I will trade QP for being alerted to helpfiles that are out-of-date or confusing."

Leta grins.

Sparkles wonders, "Is Typo the best board for those?"

Leta nods.

Temi nods in agreement with Sparkles.

Temi claims, "Yes please, Typo board for helpfiles."

Temi asks, "Alright! Ghed?"

Ghed states, "This week I left my country and moved continents. Quality of service was affected! So I mostly didn't log in from sunday to tuesday."

Ghed claims, "What I did do was some phome requests and some plots related to my staff plots. I also fixed a design flaw in the Palace where guests within the 'search and seizure area' could enter it but never leave."

Temi states, "I think an international move is a good enough excuse"

Ghed smiles.

Ghed says, "Pretty please reminder to write rumors, cnotes, and recommends for other players. There were barely any recommends this week."

Temi declaims, "I did see a few new recommends pour in from today at least!"

Sparkles says, "Remember anything that happens in a public room a vNPC might see so could be good rumor fodder."

Temi nods in agreement with Sparkles.

Temi questions, "Okay, Salem?"

Salem says, "I finished the role code refactoring. Now it's onto testing and then dual guilding is here. That has been my week."

Temi cheers for Salem! "That's huge progress. I'm sure everyone's excited!"

Violet exclaims, "Hurray!"

Souless cheers!

Sparkles claps her hands.

McChubble states, "Wow, very cool, i am excited"

Temi states, "Once that refactor is done, it may open up some more options, too"

Salem claims, "It's a matter of time now. It was hard work, so I hope it will go well."

Temi nods in agreement with Salem.

Ghed says, "Salem is like a Matrix operator"

Ghed claims, "You know the ones who look at the green letters and say "oh, Neo's flying around again""

McChubble states, "I'm sure the unit tests would capture anything wrong... amiright? ;-)"

Salem claims, "XD What unit tests? C 1990 standard my dudes."

Temi asks, "Okay, I think that's everyone we've got at the moment for staff, so on to player heartbeat. How's the RP this week folks?"

Jasmine says, "Its been great and very fun"

Temi pontificates, "That's what I like to hear!"

Sparkles says, "I've had some interesting scenes this week. Thanks to everyone who came to the little event earlier."

McChubble states, "Very fun for me, albeit lots of fat fingering things on accident"

Violet states, "Lots of socializing :)"

Temi says to McChubble, "I think that's to be expected. Hopefully nothing that's messed up the enjoyment"

Jasmine claims, "Ive bene super impressed with people coming TO events and staying for a bit, keeping those going longer really makes a difference"

Jasmine claims, "And also people have been reaching out more which is great"

Cat says, "I barely found time to play. I'm busy a lot lately."

Temi declaims to Jasmine, "Indeed! Being accessible for events throughout different time zones really helps those who can't make exactly the start"

Temi exclaims to Cat, "Sorry to hear that! Life happens, though"

Sparkles claims, "Speaking of which, I'll be about after the OOC meeting for anyone who missed earlier but wants in on the fun or might want to bring another char by."

Temi pontificates to Sparkles, "Thanks! That's great to see"

Temi queries, "Anything bothering anyone that staff ought to know about?"

Souless exclaims, "Nope!"

McChubble says, "Hmm..there is a lot in the helpfile about what one SHOULDN'T do with vNPCs, but not a lot about how to incorporate them.. i saw a few more experience people seem to have an art to it where it really accentuates what is happening"

Temi questions, "Sounds pretty positive in general, at least. Anything at all staff need to know about that's not already a topic?"

Temi nods at McChubble.

Temi says, "Those people might have some good recommendations"

Temi claims, "Staff do try to not give too much guidance on how to roleplay, since that can shut-down outside-the-box thinking"

Temi states, "But we're certainly happy for people to discuss things they have found that work well"

Sparkles claims, "Perhaps a forum topic? And/or if you see people who do that well consider a recommend? Not everyone who does it well might realize they are one of the examples."

Temi nods in agreement with Sparkles.

McChubble says, "Outside the box is scary, i like my box.. it comforts me"

Temi claims, "I think we would be happy to see that"

McChubble states, "Next time i see it i'll call it out after the scene.. i can do a two-fer-one and make a recommend about it"

Temi claims, "And boxes are just fine. We just don't want to stifle those who are interested in branching out"

Temi grins.

Temi wonders, "We were just finishing up player heartbeat - any comments for the week?"

Murrcognito states, "Slow one for me."

Temi nods.

Temi declares, "Fair enough!"

Temi asks, "Okay then, on to player topics. Sparkles, you had something?"

Sparkles says, "So I know that Prestige and the present system for it is something that's been discussed a bit, probably a number of times by myself. However something that I've been pondering of late now I'm interacting with it a bit more with making projects etc is the kind of disconnect between the coded things that go into the system and it playing out OOCly. "

Ghed questions, "Example?"

Sparkles states, "IE - how does the general public know that you put on your diamond earrings before bed? How do people know that folks donate to the Church - is the Order publishing that somewhere? How do people RP 'knowing' this information? As there's no real front face for it so to speak. And I'm wondering if there was it might be something that could be talked about IC/RPed about more and feel a bit less ... gamey for lack of a better term. "

Ghed states, "(please)"

Ghed says, "Oops"

Temi ponders.

Sparkles muses, "Should for example a big tithe publish a rumor?"

Ghed states, "Definitely"

Temi says, "I think those are the sort of things that are represented in how people treat you"

Ghed says, "I mean, it's your responsibility"

Dreams claims, "I don't think, necessarily, a large tithe should publish a rumor. Some people do charity behind the scenes, and some flaunt it."

Temi claims, "People don't necessarily know that you made a big tithe (though you could certainly start a rumor about it), but they would see how the Order people who might know treat you"

Dreams says, "I think it's more character/based."

Temi states, "And just putting on your gold earrings before bed seems a bit cheaty."

Temi claims, "That's just code used to represent that you are actually going about wearing that sort of thing"

Temi claims, "And we just can't detect if you only do it in private"

Jasmine claims, "I do get that like, re: tithing, its hard for people to know how much does what with the vague helpfiles"

Sparkles queries, "Should perhaps NPCs react differently to you based on Prestige level then?"

Jasmine states, "Especially since the people who 'know' just sorta do that quietly to get the maximum rewards and someone else would have to considerably experiment over a long time"

Temi says, "But, I think it's possible doing various things for prestige might not affect everyone, but be targeted at a certain subset"

Sparkles claims, "I'm just in general trying to ponder a way for some of it to seem more uh, lively I guess for lack of a better idea."

Ghed claims to Sparkles, "That's doable in mob script code"

Temi says to Sparkles, "Well, vNPCs certainly should"

Ghed claims, "Well, no, no, come to think about it it's not"

Temi states, "I'm not opposed if real NPCs do, but I don't know how much coding it's worth"

Violet states, "There's the general rule that any big tithe = IP"

Murrcognito agrees with Jasmine's point. Prestige seems to be a system that becomes much more beneficial once it's been OOCly 'solved', but that is fairly opaque to those just learning it.

Violet states, "Not IP"

Violet says, "Uhh prestige"

McChubble states, "As a new person, i have no idea how prestige and such works, tbh, the only thing i've noticed is that onlly a few people have it, and it's at the 'maximum' for them. doesn't seem like much gray area"

Jasmine states, "But what constitutes 'big', is the question. That means different things to different people and characters"

Temi finishes abruptly, "There's two types of prestige - there's prestige items, which gives the P on you"

Temi claims, "And then the prestige system, which measures how prestigious you are, one of the factors of which is wearing prestige items"

Deedee says, "I still want an equivilent infamy system for non-nobles"

Ghed says to McChubble, "The prestige system has five 'tiers'"

Ghed says to McChubble, "All levels but the first (a sixth level that I don't count) give benefits"

Sparkles queries, "Maybe some ideas about adding rumors with big donations and/or RPing about vNPCs etc could be added to the helpfile?"

Temi questions, "I'm not sure if I follow exactly where?"

Sparkles asks, "Maybe something like 'this popularity might be played out in roleplay with how vNPCs interact with the person or considered in things like plots'? "

Sparkles says, "Also I realize I'm not sure the helpfile notes that what 'lore leaders' shows varies by City Lore skill level."

Temi nods.

Leta says, "I can add that to my helpfiles list."

Temi states, "Something to look at. Though again, we don't want to necessarily be prescriptive about it"

Sparkles nods.

Temi states, "Thanks, Leta"

Temi queries, "Does that address people's thoughts and concerns on it?"

Sparkles says, "I do long-term agree with Deedee that like 'Infamy' or the general idea of there being non-positive ways to be socially well-known or notorious would help some segments of our populace. "

Temi nods.

Temi states, "Yeah, it could certainly be interesting"

Sparkles states, "Like IDK wearing Prestige items when you shouldn't or, it calculating how often you've done some of the thiefy skill-crafts. Something."

Deedee nods.

Temi states, "Though I'm not sure how much uptake it would get. I think a lot of our more notorious folks depend on not being known by name, and positive interactions are definitely preferred by many"

Sarathi claims, "I have noticed that there are some characters that have been around for a long time and are 'known' among other players, but this isn't reflected with coded prestige."

Ghed states, "Being codedly old adds prestige"

Ghed asks of Temi, "... right?"

Sparkles says, "True but if it worked the same as Prestige and allowed them to give themselves a moniker."

Deedee states, "I don't think so. and I don't think milestones count towards it either"

Salem states, "Not that I know off, Ghed."

Temi says, "Looks like they do get a bonus for it from the helpfile"

Violet nods.

Deedee says, "Hm"

Sparkles asks, "How old is old?"

Violet questions, "Pretty sure they do? It's like 30 +1, 40 +2, blah blah"

Temi claims, "Each decade after thrity"

Souless says, "I think the ability to add alias' and so forth for cloaked things would help a lot."

Ghed nods at Temi.

Ghed states, "I knew I was right"

Ghed says, "It's a decent incentive against rolling 18yo characters so often =)"
Temi nods.

Souless says, "It would help mages and thieves in just... E'erything."

Ghed claims to Souless, "It's not easy to code at all"

Temi states, "Definitely something to look at in the future, though maybe hard to code, yeah."

Souless says, "Sure. "

Souless says, "Yeah, no doubt."

Ghed states to Souless, "It's best if each thief takes care of the keywords regarding their mask or cloak"

Souless asks, "Could maybe be something associated with a swapdesc thing?"

Ghed shrugs.

Temi says, "I do think that whatever solution we eventually come up with for notoriety would need to somehow handle secret identities"

Temi claims, "Maybe after the disguises code is in"

Deedee nods.

Temi says, "Which is another huge hard to code system"

Ghed claims to Souless, "I appreciate the thought tho"

Deedee wonders, "Was there only one topic today?"

Temi nods at Deedee.

McChubble says, "I can't wait for the dread pirate roberts to make a showing"

Temi queries, "Yep, anyone else have any topics they wanted to get in?"

Sparkles says, "Oh, is the IC Event forum thread going to be updated? It might help newer folks keep up to date on recent stuffs like the famine."

Temi claims, "It will be, yes"

Temi claims, "We tend to do it in big lumps when someone remembers"

Temi trails off, "So... we'll consider that a nudge"

Ghed claims, "Yeah"

Leta claims, "Also working on famine and Jade Arrow helpfiles."

Ghed states, "That too"

Temi nods.

Temi finishes abruptly, "I do like to rely on the IC Events archive thread - big help for me"

Temi claims, "I honestly do a lot of my history investigations there first."

Temi grins.

Ghed states, "It's why I add the IC date to most IC plots if I can, now"

Temi nods in agreement.

Temi states, "Yeah, when I look back at old posts... gaah! I have to scroll through a whole year to figure out which year it was."

Temi trails off, "Okay, Yule! I know when Yule is... which Yule..."

Deedee says, "Not to mention, some of the holiday dates have changed"

Temi claims, "Same months though"

Temi muses, "Anyway, any last thoughts and ideas from anyone? Last minute reminders?"

Deedee claims, "Sounds like no"

Temi nods in agreement with Deedee.

Ghed nods.

Temi questions, "Well, shall I send folks back, or want to chill for four minutes?"

Temi pontificates, "Okay, not hearing any other preferences... returning folks!"

Temi waves.

Temi declaims, "Have a good RP!"