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Log of OOC Meeting: 9-25-21

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 12:03 am
by Starstarfish
Kinaed states, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Kinaed states, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Ikeala states, "I have a thought/suggestion thingy."

Kinaed says to Ikeala, "Thanks, putting you down"

Tasker states, "I've a topic "

Deedee states, "I have one of those too"

Kinaed muses, "I have three people with topics registered. Anyone else?"

Neekzor claims, "Thankfully, my mind is a blank slate and thus have no thoughts :-)"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, kicking off Staff Updates :)"

Kinaed claims, "Last week, I did some minor stuff - I think I may have looked into a policy concern, and I did process the Request Queue. Held a staff meeting."

Ikeala muses, "Anything exciting decided?"

Kinaed says, "On my plate - trying to get through Staff Talking points with the staff. We'll make an announcement later of decisions."

Ikeala nods.

Tasker says, "The Sanctum now gets ballistic missiles"

Kinaed claims to Ikeala, "Probably not :) I did go in and make Eld easier to pool for mages."

Deedee says, "Ballista missiles*"

Tasker claims, "Haha"

Flower exclaims to Kinaed, "Nice!"

GeeBee declares, "Thank you, Temi!"

Kinaed claims, "Even though I know we have no mages in the room, if a mage hears a rumor of this and tests if Eld is pooling appropriately, please do get back to us."

Kinaed states, "I think that's it for me... from the top down."

Kinaed asks, "Eos is link dead... Leta?"

Leta states, "I can go, sure! I was busy this week."

Leta claims, "I handled the usual phomes, requests and recommends with Ghed and Eos. I also bug tested a few issues. Thank you to those mortals who served as my guinea pigs. Your sacrifice is noted."

Leta says, "Several spell helpfiles were edited for clarity to assist our witch friends. I consolidated instrument performing helpfiles into help strings, help drum, help brass and help woodwind. The old files were a remnant from when we had individual skills for each instrument and have been retired. "

Kinaed grins.

Leta states, "Help king should now direct to King Amir's file, which has been updated. Help Celeste was made more substantial. Help queen should direct to a new helpfile on Cristiana dul Acris."

Tasker cheers!

Leta states, "I have begun collecting data on noble domains and their most recent PC characters to improve continuity with applications. A few players are helping me out with this."

Leta says, "If there are any helpfiles you find confusing or outdated, please inform me. I award QP for such help =)"

Flower says, "Very nice. "

Kinaed queries to Leta, "Thank you. DId you have an update on Ghed's behalf as well?"

Leta nods.

Leta exclaims, "Ghed says: This week I did my usual sleuth of requests, phomes and plots. I also assisted Leta in some helpfile fixes, and I'll be running a short story tomorrow for thieves and reeves. If it turns out well I'll do others in the future for other guilds or groups!"

Kinaed claims, "Nice :) Looking forward to it."

Kinaed claims to Leta, "Thanks for carrynig the message."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "Your turn :)"

Temi claims, "I have been overseeing the raffle plot, which currently has a number of tickets hidden all over the grid. Hope people that like that sort of thing are enjoying the hunting. I will state that every one of the hidden tickets is in a room with some interesting city lore. For those that don't like that sort of thing... well, they are for sale too."

Trajen says, "I thouhgt they're fun, like easter eggs"

Temi states, "Like I promised from the beginning on this one, should be more of a fun diversion than something with serious stakes."

Kinaed smiles.

Temi questions, "Other than that, new craft this week is something for our magey.. erm.. friends?"

Kinaed smiles.

Temi states, "Hopefully they enjoy it. Won't spoil the surprise for those who are not magey."

Kinaed claims, "Nice work :)"

Kinaed pontificates, "Thanks!"

Temi says, "And the new addition to skill mini-quests is this poor historian, dealing with a forgery."

Kinaed states, "Anything else for staff updates? I've heard from Eos and Salem that the roles/guild code is coming along well."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "Oops, didn't realize there was even more :)"

Temi grins.

Flower claims, "I wondered if they were found yet. "

Deedee muses, "I wanted to ask if help quest points has been fixed? I left it for the one who noticed to report it, but not sure if they followed up with it or not"

Temi says, "That's it from me. More I need to get done"

Kinaed claims, "I'm not sure it has been, Deedee."

Temi claims, "Didn't see a report"

Kinaed queries, "Was it a typo board?"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Deedee says, "I see. The helpfile is missing"

Deedee says, "I told them to make a typo board, yeah, but they might not have"

Temi claims, "Huh, looks like it's index none"

Kinaed says, "Oh, I see. Someone's changed the index to none"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "If you typo it, you'll get the QP when it's fixed. it's a simple fix."

Deedee states, "Okay."

Kinaed asks, "Any questions or anything before we move on to our player-focused portion of the OOC Chat?"

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Alright! Next up - Player hertbeat :)"

Kinaed queries, "How was the RP this week, folks?"

Deedee states, "Busy busy"

Kinaed muses to Deedee, "That's good, I hope? :)"

Neekzor claims, "I had a blast, the community is very welcoming and understanding"

Deedee exclaims, "Yup!"

Temi claims, "I've seen lots of preparations for Yule starting"

Kinaed states to neekzor, "I love to hear that about our pbase :) And I'm glad you had fun."

Tasker states, "I've been doing some cool spooky things lately."

Kinaed claims to Tasker, "Sounds exciting :)"

Sarathi claims, "Can you not. Spooky makes me frightened."

Kinaed says, "I like the spooky. :)"

Kinaed asks, "Beyond the RP, how was the game for everyone?"

Lance states, "I have been learning how to craft things in game. pretty fun. "

Temi says, "Frightened can be fun too, if you go all out."

Tasker says, "Just been telling people the dangers of a trickle down economy, it's scary stuff"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed chuckles.

Flower states, "This week was amazing."

Kinaed states, "That's excellent to hear."

Violet claims, "I've had a lot of fun this week :)"

Kinaed says, "I want to thank all of you for participating in making it fun for each other."

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Alright - let's open up Player Topics :)"

Trajen claims, "Lots of fun"

Flower claims, "For sure, if not for the other people we'd definitely be bored. "

Kinaed questions to Ikeala, "You're up first! Please introduce us to your topic?"

Ikeala says, "So one thing I've been pondering is that the sewers/underground is a pretty significant part of our grid but nothing can be foraged there."

Deedee claims, "Ewwww"

Deedee says, "... I like it"

Kinaed questions, "Nothing at all? Not even compost?"

Tasker says, "I don't think you want what you might be able to forage there"

Temi says, "I don't think we had the sewers terrain when we set up foraging"

Temi ponders.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "I wonder if we forgot to give that terrain anything."

Taavi says, "We can open up a medical craft set for fecal examination"

Tasker questions, "Does it not scatter items down there that are junked?"

Kinaed asks of Temi, "Is this something we can do with a front-end edit, or something that will require code changes?"

Violet declaims, "Manure is already coded i think!"

Trajen says, "Ehwww Taavi, you're really getting into it"

Temi claims, "I think we can do it front-end, unless the forage system is hard-coded with eligible terrains"

Deedee claims, "Yeah, we have manure in certain areas already, could add that for sure"

Temi says, "If it just takes them from the building system, should be good to set up"

Kinaed queries, "Besides poop and its many varieties, are there specific things people think would be cool to forage from the sewers?"

Deedee claims, "Junked items can show up in the sewers, yes, but they're just there"

Temi states, "I imagine there should be rocks."

Sarathi claims, "Mushrooms"

Deedee claims, "Not foraged for"

Tasker says, "Bones"

Sarathi declares, "Mushrooms grow in the dark poo piles!"

Ikeala states, "That moss for perfumery. Mushrooms. Bones. Fabric scraps. "

Deedee states, "Poop"

Kinaed states to Deedee, "And many permutations."

Kinaed nods sagely.

Flower chuckles.

Temi says, "But yeah, that's probably something we can improve"

Kinaed states, "Okay, I think it's a good point and a good suggestion. Thank you, Ikeala. I've put it in my notes."

Leta queries, "Do we have imm forage helpfiles?"

Kinaed states, "I'm not sure how much is code and how much we can adjust front end though."

Leta claims, "That was meant for staff channel, ignore me."

Kinaed says to Leta, "Staff help files are usually in an 'imminfo' section on any given help file. :)"

Tasker claims, "We saw everything"

Flower will never ignore Leta.

Leta declares, "Awww!"

Kinaed says, "Okay, let's look at our next topic :)"

Kinaed asks of Tasker, "That's your topic. Care to introduce us?"

Tasker says, "A topic concerning support for Covert Guild leaders! If you've ever lead a covert guild you'll know that support is pretty hard to get, usually. You're sort of locked out of getting easy support from people outside your guild and other guild leaders, and people are more apt to subvert you simply for being what you are. I propose maybe giving a little boost to the support power from guildmembers for covert GL's (and perhaps remove the savage penalty), so you don't have to rely so much on people outside the guild where it makes little sense for outside opinions to really matter. "

Kinaed thinks about this.

Deedee questions, "I think support already matters more from guild members, right?"

Temi nods at Deedee.

Deedee says, "At least in regards to the GL barometer"

Kinaed claims, "It does, but coverts don't get a special boost."

Tasker says, "Maybe, but I've been here for years and still have no idea how support works"

Murrcognito claims, "It does see that covert GLs tend to always be pushed into poor support."

Deedee claims, "Hah, true."

Murrcognito nods with Tasker.

Kinaed says, "Having said that, people should not be subverting because they 'are of an opposite political persuasion' - they need to subvert based on personal RP and experience."

Temi claims, "And there shouldn't be a savage penalty for covert guilds, unless they are set up to expect gentry leaders"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Deedee claims, "I think for brotherhood at least, the opposite is true. gentry get a penalty for holding GL roles"

Neekzor queries, "Maybe that could tie into the city metric 'lawfulness', the less lawfulness the more influential covert guilds are, as a representation of the efforts to shut them down?"

Violet asks, "I think that's already a thing?"

Tasker claims, "The subvert thing isn't much of a problem right now, but I can see it happening. It's more leaning towards just giving covert GL's a bigger boost from guildmember support as those are the ones you have to rely on."

Violet states, "GLs get boosted by whatever city metrics benefit them"

Violet states, "Though I'm not super versed on the system so I could be wrong"

Murrcognito has left the game.

Deedee says, "The whole support system is intentionally opaque I think"

Deedee states, "But it does make it hard to know if it's working as intended or not"

Tasker says, "I wish it wasn't, as that gives a hefty advantage to people who've worked out the OOC meta of it."

Temi nods in agreement with Deedee.

Temi states, "Staff don't necessarily have all the insight into everything that's affecting things at any one time, more a few places we can look."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi states, "I don't necessarily love the system, but I don't know that more transparency is what it needs"

Kinaed says, "It's not hard for us to check if something isn't above board though."

Kinaed states, "We can see who is supporting who, how the math works, and check cnotes and the history of why people are doing the supporting to confirm it's IC or not."

Deedee questions, "Well, the reason is attached when you do the support/subvert, I don't think cnotes are required for it are they?"

Kinaed states, "It's worth noting also that if you're a GL and not getting your 1 hour of RP per week, there's stacking activity penalties that lead to auto-ousting, and you'll get hit with them regardless of what people think of you."

Deedee nods.

Ikeala questions, "Is that in the helpfiles?"

Tasker queries, "When do those penalties vanish?"

Kinaed states, "It's not a cnote, it's auto-recorded what your reasoning is in an Activity History file we can read as staff."

Deedee nods.

Temi says, "I think it may be a rolling four weeks or something like that"

Kinaed says to Tasker, "1 week of activity erases 1 week of inactivity, and 4 weeks of inactivity in 6 is enough to oust anyone."

Kinaed claims, "The minimum requirement is one hour of RP."

Deedee claims, "I missed my hour 1 week, and took a pretty heavy dive on help guildleaders, but it recovered the next week."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "That sounds about right."

Temi claims, "But if you're inactive 3 weeks, being active on the 4th won't be straight back to normal"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "Yeah, that'll move you to two weeks of inactivity penalty on your overall status, which will roll off at the three week mark."

Tasker states, "That seems pretty punishing to me"

Kinaed states, "A GL gone for a month needs to make way for another person to be a GL."

Deedee says, "I'm fine with it."

Temi claims, "We do think it's important for a good GL to be consistently active"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Deedee says, "An active GL usually leads to an active guild"

Temi claims, "But going on vacation for a couple weeks when they are normally active shouldn't be the end"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Trajen nods so he doesn't go idle too

Kinaed says, "I think this topic has some food for thought, but I'd like to revisit the log and read it through as well as discuss more with staff."

Deedee nods.

Kinaed says, "In the meantime, we have another player topic :)"

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "It's your turn :) Please introduce us to your topic."

Deedee queries, "Ohh, who could it be?"

Tasker declaims, "My main point was that covert guilds should be much, much less dependant on outside support. Thanks for considering!"

Deedee exclaims, "Ah hah!"

Deedee says, "I've already posted this to the ideas forum (, but I wanted to bring some attention to it. I had a suggestion on how to make poisons more feasible by not always immediately informing the victim, but only doing so after the warm-up period ends. This could be applied to other things besides poisons that give affects as well."

Temi finishes abruptly, "1) I like the idea. 2) It might be hard because we use the system for other things that aren't poisons - like beauty products"

Tasker states, "Yeah, I like that. The one time I've ever encountered poison on an old character, knowing straight away and knowing what poisoned you is a pretty big give away if you were given that item by a specific person."

Temi says, "I don't know if we can change how the system works without ruining the non-poison things"

Deedee asks, "Beauty products don't have a warmup though, do they?"

Kinaed muses, "Do people always get informed of poison at the moment?"

Deedee says, "Yes"

Temi states, "Some do"

Taavi states, "The warm up effect usually gives it away, like the forum post said"

Ikeala claims, "Also there's the OOC proc if it's deadly."

Kinaed is reading the post.

Flower states, "Can I get a transfer? Gotta head to pick the daughter up from her band competition."

Trajen states, "Oh wow. I thought there were deadly ones, but I hadn't read of any except the one that killed the queen"

Temi nods.

Kinaed says, "Well, in a general sense, I tend to agree with this post re: poisons"

Tasker says, "There are some preeeeeetty nasty poisons out there."

Temi claims, "We have had very few uses of the deadly poisons."

Kinaed claims, "That is, a hallmark of poison, and a reason people use it, is to disguise who or what did it."

GeeBee says, "I -cough- tried ingesting some toxins before on my PC, and the effects output is immediate. I do like Deedee's idea a lot and think there is merit to it, if it's feasible to split the poisons effect from the system being used for beauty items."

Kinaed asks, "I agree. Temi, is this something we can fix front-end wise or only backend?"

Temi says, "This will need a code change"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I think it's something we'd accept, but it is probably a while off."

Sarathi says, "There's a poison that seizes up your muscles so your lungs don't work and you suffocate to death."

Kinaed nods at Sarathi.

Temi claims, "Probably a relatively small code change, but yeah, not something we can do without it."

Deedee states, "Let's not get too much into IC info here. :)"

Kinaed says, "Depending on how quickly the onset is, I could see some variability."

Ikeala says, "If poison becomes more common place/easier to poison people with, would there be an adjustment for the present 24 hour window? Because depending on your play times it can be super hard to find someone to potentially help with it."

Kinaed questions, "What do you mean? Are you referring to cnoting the intent to kill someone?"

Temi claims, "If you get poisoned with a deadly poison, you have 24 hours to resolve it with staff"

Deedee says, "I think they mean for their deadly poison roll"

Kinaed claims, "Ahh."

Temi claims, "Which gives you some time to get a doctor, etc, to improve your chances"

Deedee states, "If they want a doctor to help with the roll"

Kinaed claims, "If we change things, I think we'd have to consider revising that policy at least."

Kinaed says, "I'd say - not sure. It's dependent on our revising some things."

Temi states, "If it gets too long, it pretty much allows anyone to get the help, but if it's too short, no chance for anyone. Probably needs deep stafff discussion"

Kinaed claims, "And that is dependent on our finishing up the roles and guild changes that are blocking other code adjustments"

Ikeala nods.

Deedee states, "The reason I suggested this not only apply to poisons, is some other things could have fun effects as well"

Kinaed states to Deedee, "I'm keen to hear examples :)"

Deedee states, "Spiking the punch with recreation drugs at the court, for example"

Kinaed chuckles, "This needs to be a thing."

Kinaed muses, "Nice. Well, we've managed to make it through our agenda. Did anyone want to discuss anything else?"

Kinaed says, "Otherwise we can wrap up the OOC Chat a bit early. Or just socialize for awhile OOC."

Temi claims, "I think we can make it work with the non-poisons by use of the covert stat on poisons. But still needs a code change"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Neekzor states, "Could be interesting that some things over very long prolonged use, like alchohol do cause low level poisoning and toxicity "

Deedee claims, "Just a thought, when you're sending out OOC chat invites, it might be good to give a reminder to let RP partners know before you accept"

Kinaed states, "Oh, I think I did that last week and totally forgot to do it this week."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "Thanks for the reminder. I may alias it so I don't forget"

Deedee says, "We do have the tolerance system"

Deedee states, "But it's not very well tuned, and doesn't apply to alcohol iirc"

Tasker claims, "Just roleplay they've been sucked up into space "

Deedee says, "I should see if my client supports adding a sound to things"

Deedee claims, "I'll add a FWOOOP sound when people get transed out"

Leta queries, "How have people liked the invite command? I saw a recommend or two that mentioned its use recently =)"

Tasker claims, "I managed to make use of it, I love it"

Leta questions, "Has anyone tried it for antagonistic or covert RP?"

Temi claims, "I have seen some covert RP"

Leta grins.

Temi states, "Between fellow coverts, not covert to good guy."

Tasker says, "It gave me a scene I'd not normally be able to get, which is pretty cool"

Leta declares to Tasker, "Glad to hear it!"

Deedee says, "Still hoping we can use it in ghalls soon"

Kinaed states, "I'm glad to hear it's getting some uptake, and thus far, positive reviews."

Neekzor claims, "Wow, i'm going to use that a lot, i think ;-)"

Neekzor asks, "But is there a way to know if the person has RP turned on? I don't want to be inviting people who aren't publicly RPing and annoying them by mistake"

Tasker says, "It's a pretty low risk but while I do love it I hope it does not end up replacing the natural flow of scenes that happen on the fly via the Grid. As then we basically turn into a MUSH."

Tasker claims, "Pretty low risk of that happening though"

Deedee states, "You can use notify before"

Kinaed says, "You'll get a message if the person is unavailable for an invitation."

Deedee states, "Though hm, yeah, it doesn't work if they're with someone"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Deedee asks, "Maybe that could be removed? allowing people to be invited anyway?"

Kinaed states, "I don't think it has high enough uptake at the moment to cause danger of that."

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "The invite command transfers the person into the room with you and asks you to wait for them to emote how they're entering the scene."

Deedee says, "I haven't used it recently, but almost every time I had tried using it, it gave the error saying that they're currently in RP"

Kinaed says, "It'll transfer someone out of a room, so it's probably best if people can't be taken if they're already in RP."

Kinaed questions to Deedee, "Do you think that's happening when they're not in RP?"

Deedee says, "Can't accept it while in RP is fine, but can't be invited is another."

Temi claims, "I do think we're more interested in getting people that don't have rp into rp than just trading who is getting rp from one to another"

Temi claims, "Not that that is necessarily bad, but not as big a push"

Deedee nods.

Deedee claims, "Well, the person doing the inviting isn't in RP, so it's still having that affect"

Temi claims, "Like I said, trading who is getting the rp"

Deedee states, "I see."

Temi states, "Looks like we've lost Kinaed."

Trajen states, "Magery magery"

Tasker claims, "Someone find her"

Tasker says, "Check under the fridge "

Neekzor questions, "Company is here, can i get transfered back?"

Temi says, "Her router has died, alas. I do blame the mages."

Temi wonders, "But we're almost at the end regardless. Any last minute announcements or whatnot before we send folks back?"

Deedee claims, "Anyway, my thought is just moving it from the one trying to do the inviting to the one being invited. It was a point of frustration for me."

Violet pontificates, "Please put your hours/timezone in whois!"

Tasker pokes Temi with a gnarled, oaken wooden stave engraved with spiraling runes

Violet claims, "Makes it so much easier to find times and find people"

Temi declares, "Excellent idea!"

Violet states, "And also your RP preferences, if you're up for that :)"

Trajen nods

Temi exclaims, "Okay, thanks everyone for coming!"