Log of OOC Meeting - 2020-07-25

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:09 pm

Kinaed states, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they
can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this 
and each other at all times."

Kitty wonders, "As long as they are sincere, I don't see a problem with trying to recommend everyone. But, I can see how it would be 1) hard and 2)
less.... I don't want to say special, because they are special, but... when they become expected instead of a bit of a treat, it's... harder?"

Kinaed claims, "Today's Agenda is:

   - Staff Updates
   - Player Heartbeat
   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're
ready to present it when called upon."

Joel says, "Topic here."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "One small topic"

Kinaed states, "I have had one topic posted on the boards. Got you, Joel. And TheHeresyAgenda."

Hammertime claims, "Yeah it's more having to be judicious due to the potential for rejection than anything else"

Christoph lifts a subtlety flower carved out of watermelon and strawberries to his nose and sniffs at it.

Christoph grins.

Sparkles states, "I have a topic but I can go at the end as it might be stuff that naturally comes up regardless."

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Kinaed says, "Okay, adding Sparkles."

Cat says, "A small topic"

Kinaed states, "Got cat too."

Kinaed has transferred Marcus.  [OOC]

Temi gives a subtlety flower carved out of watermelon and strawberries to Marcus.

Kinaed says, "At the risk of moving on too soon, I'll kick off Staff Updates. If anyone comes up with a topic, please send me a tell."

Kinaed has transferred NotaMage.  [OOC]

Temi gives a subtlety flower carved out of watermelon and strawberries to NotaMage.

Kinaed says, "Last week, I popped in to check out some underlying data to see how we're doing now that we've shifted to the 5 min rpxp timer. I
handled a few posts, and one minor policy issue."

Kinaed queries, "On my desk - still Turf Wars... and I think I added something last week or two weeks ago, anyone remember what that was?"

Lans queries, "The assets change?"

Hammertime says, "I remember there was a call for demon summoning suggestions"

Condensation shivers.

VyStarlit states, "Osay toggle"

Kinaed claims, "Osay Toggle is in."

Hammertime claims, "Oh the osay toggle was a big one"

Joel claims, "Thank you for that one, didn't need it yet, but love that its there."

Kinaed states, "I think it's called 'osay disable'"

Deedee says, "I do worry a little on that"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I can't remember - does not bode well, hopefully I was smart and wrote it in my notes. If anyone remembers, remind me, otherwise
I'll check some OOC Logs"

Kinaed questions to Deedee, "Want me to add you to the topics list to discuss?"

Jennifer says, "Deedee I worry too."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "I think that's it for me, please go ahead :)"

Kinaed has transferred GhostRoast.  [OOC]

Deedee says, "Nah, just concerned if it's toggleable people might get the idea it's like ooc- "If you don't want to hear it, turn it off" kind of
thing and be less incentified to use osay as it should"

Temi states, "Okay.  I have been pretty buried under new noble applications, but working on processing those and getting a few new nobles in."

Kitty states, "It toggles it off for the entire room, I think, Deedee."

Kinaed claims, "Oh, it's not a toggle, it's a disable in a room."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Osay disable disables osay for everyone in the room"

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

GhostRoast queries, "I lost the game I was in, and therefore I arrive. Osay discussions?"

Cyan says, "Thank you"

Kinaed says, "Only for a scene."

Temi states, "Other than that, trying to keep up with plots and requests, but I think there's a little backlog."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi gives a subtlety flower carved out of watermelon and strawberries to GhostRoast.

Yinadele states, "It is a temp room disable, yep."

Joel pontificates, "Plooots! I love plots!"

Kinaed says to Temi, "I've been seeing those - pretty substantial applications too. Thank you as I imagine that to be a lot of work."

Joel thanks Temi

Steak wonders, "How many nobles should we be expecting, Temi?"

Temi states, "I think I'm aiming for 5 or 6 new ones for now"

Kinaed smiles.

GhostRoast states, "Three hundred nobles. Everyone a noble. Davite class structure disintegrate."

Steak states, "Sounds cool :) Thanks for your hard work."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Joel states, "On behalf of brotherhood, we thank you for all the new nobles."

Boobermann has lost link.
Boobermann has reconnected.

Sparkles questions, "Are there going to be wrap ups for the inactive apps?"

Hammertime rubs hands together greedily

TheHeresyAgenda claims, "Thank you :)"

Kinaed states, "Alright - just checking the changes board really quick to see if there's anything notable."

Kitty trails off, "There are quite a few inactives. One that hasn't logged in since February..."

Temi claims, "As needed when someone else wants to take it up generally"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, so the osay disable command came in last week, and we finally adjusted noble project drop off times so they last longer (or

Lans states, "Excellent."

Kinaed says, "Fixed payments to inactive NPCs so they go through."

Deedee wonders, "Payments to inactive npcs?"

Kinaed claims, "That's everything I can see, it is untested."

Kinaed says, "Right now, if you use the pay or gpay command to someone inactive, the transaction doesn't go through."

Temi nods.

Kinaed says, "We changed it so it will if the character is flagged an NPC"

Deedee says, "Ah, I see."

Temi says, "Since NPCs are rarely active, that got patched."

Hammertime claims, "So that people can pay feature npc characters I presume"

Lans states, "You can pay Amir, for instance."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Hammertime claims, "Amir should pay ME"

Kinaed nods at Hammertime.

Kinaed grins.

Yinadele states, "For plots and things."

Sparkles claims, "If you just want to bribe the King directly, lol."

Kitty claims, "For plots, I think you can just put the money in the plot as a contribution."

Joel states, "I want to extort the king directly. Unrelated, just dreaming."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Cut out the middleman"

Sparkles says, "I almost want to be able to recommend you be able to send payments via courier profile."

Kinaed asks, "That's it for Staff Updates :) Next on our agenda - Player Heartbeat :) How was the game for everyone this week, folks?"

Lans states, "It's been better. I feel the lack of OOC respect for the Order and for myself. It's making me want to play less."

Joel states, "I saw some of that on OOC, it made me wince."

Kitty nods at Lans.

Boobermann claims, "I echo Lans."

Kitty points at Lans in agreement.

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Really good :) Some super interesting RP coming my way. Aaahh loving it. "

Sparkles claims, "The OOC channel is getting ... problematic at times."

Joel states, "A lot of times lately tbh."

Hammertime states, "I've seen a lot of passive aggression on OOC in general"

Jennifer states, "I don't know, it's been... okay? I guess? Just merp."

Marcus states, "This is why I keep OOC off."

Hammertime states, "It's made me uncomfortable."

Kinaed comforts Jennifer.

Steak claims, "OOC makes me uncomfortable, yes."

Kitty states, "I also keep OOC off."

Wimpled states, "I keep OOC off."

Cat claims, "I'm had some really coll scenes this week."

Lans states, "Me too, but I was informed of stuff going on."

Hammertime claims, "It's why I've kept it off recently"

VyStarlit claims, "I had a lot of fun. Finally rid myself of my cyan status yesterday. Exciting. People have been very inclusive so I get plenty of

Yinadele states, "I saw someone under anon in visnet discourage newbies from going order."

Kinaed smiles at VyStarlit.

Kinaed says, "Okay, I'd like that sort of thing to stop please."

Condensation claims, "Bleh. Been tough to motivate me, and the times I could step out and not craft/prep crafts, I couldn't find anyone"

Steak claims, "I've seen that several times, Yin. Unfortunately.."

GhostRoast states, "I've been less active for various reasons, most of them unrelated, but a lot related to OOC discourse. Feeling a bit alienated."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Yea visnet has had a lot of anti order sentiments. "

Jennifer states, "I'm sorry, this just upsets me. Can I just make a super quick PSA, to say that sometimes, people's ic behavior can go a long way to
making other people feel super unwelcome in a scene? That's all. I get it, it's ic, and it's fine. But it just super bothered me this week. I'm done. 
Shutting up and slipping in to obscurity."

Kinaed ponders.

Joel wonders, "What sort of IC though?"

Kinaed states, "This is probably the lowest heartbeat I've seen or heard in ... maybe even years."

Steak questions, "What do you mean, Jennifer? "

Temi nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Jennifer states, "No I'm sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. Sorry, shutting up now."

Lans says, "I lament speaking but do not regret it."

Joel says, "I mean, we literally had a person call out another player as "bug abuser"on OOC."

Steak says, "If you don't explain what you mean, we can't really help. I don't understand @Jennifer"

Kinaed states, "I heard 3 issues here - OOC Passive Aggressive comments, people using visnet to discourage people from joining the Order (and I gather
the side effect is making the Order feel bad), and finally, how people treat one another in scenes."

Joel trails off, "Over him not liking a mechanic..."

Marcus states, "I don't really understand why people don't just remove themselves from OOC channels that frustrate them. It's very possible to play
this game entirely In Character."

Yinadele claims, "I?ve also seen a lot of good newbies lately and its super fun to RP eith them, on a positive note."

TheHeresyAgenda declares, "Agreed!"

Joel says, "Marcus you do that and then that person will name shame you there still, happened this week."

GhostRoast states, "Yeah, the cyans have been wonderful."

Sparkles claims, "Because ignoring it isn't stoppping it from happening."

Steak claims, "It's one thing in OOC, but when a player is behaving badly in visnet, that's spreading misinformation to others."

Jennifer says, "Oh yeah, totally agreed. The one scene I had from a cyan totally made up the crappy scene I had just before. So yeah."

Boobermann states, "I mean, Marcus... the problem is the OOC insults over visnet and OOC. Ignoring it doesn't make it stop."

Sparkles claims, "I've had RP that has been enjoyable, but ... there seems to be a lot of sentiments within the OOC that are creeping into IC and kind
of affecting overall community morale."

Yinadele claims, "Agreed with Steak, though."

Kitty states, "I think, in scenes, it needs to be really understood whether the treatment is OOC or IC. IC, not everything is going to be roses. The
game is designed that way. Being OOCly rude, that's different."

Kinaed states, "For the record, my policy case this week was speaking to the person who called someone else a bug abuser, clarifying the
misinformation and assumptions they made - I'll post the clarification to General Board later so everyone can see it - and requesting it stop. I had 
reassurances it would stop, at least from that person."

Condensation states, "It's togh to imagine many scenes I had as cyan where I felt welcome. Only aroudn the training hall, it's been like that,

Kinaed says, "If there are other instances, please alert me."

Cat states, "Sometimes i had trouble finding people to roleplay with. But i found them, the scenes were very good."

Steak claims, "I do like the idea of labeling Anonymous visnet posts with a #. Makes it easier to report bad behavior"

Hammertime claims, "I don't mind when people use OOC to vent. I'll just turn it off. I do mind when it casts shade toward other players and their
playstyles, as it makes me feel unwelcome"

Kinaed nods at Hammertime.

Joel says, "There needs to be a differetation though, just because a PC is not warm to you, doesn't mean they are not welcoming you to the rp."

Kinaed states, "I agree with that, and I don't want to see it."

Marcus states, "I vote we just disable OOC if we've gotten rid of tells, personally."

Sparkles claims, "I feel like people might need to decide 'logging out and walking away for a bit' is a valid option more than salting out on the OOC

Jennifer states, "No sorry, my statement earlier, was just me wanting to get something off my chest and out of my system. Because it is ic. And no it
wasn't they weren't warm to me. They took issue with me... entering the scene or so it felt like. But it's fine."

Joel says, "And I saw some people take less-than-friendly RP invitation to the extreme and just felw off."

Kinaed claims, "I think disabling the OOC Channel is something I'd put to a forum vote before taking it out."

Kinaed comforts Jennifer.

Condensation wonders, "We're really moving away from 'being a community', huh?"

Boobermann claims, "I think one thing that should be understood as well is that just because Order PCs are playing as the Order, it does not mean we
are religious nazis IRL"

Boobermann says, "Lol"

Kinaed wonders, "What if we remove the anonymity on OOC Channels?"

GhostRoast says, "I will say it is pretty hard for me to differentiate between people genuinely being OOCly antagonizing to others and people being
ICly antagonizing and getting interpreted as the former."

Hammertime says, "I think the state of the OOC channel is less in of itself an issue, than it is a canary in the coalmine for community attitudes and

Lans states to Kinaed, "A bug abuser and having obscure influence on staff."

Kinaed states to Lans, "I know, I was informed."

Kinaed comforts Lans.

Joel claims, "I took my share of insults on OOC after making the asset sugestion here, boy did I enjoy this community feeling. SO hey, you tell me
about nuking it from the moon, I say - yes please."

Kitty states, "If they keep it IC, then they keep it IC. If they get insulting in an OOC manner - taking things to osay, OOC, etc, then it's OOC."

Steak says, "I feel like IC? People can behave as they want! Grumpy characters, rude characters, mean characters... that builds RP."

Cyan says, "That would be preferable to removing the channel. "

Jennifer claims, "I think before we take any drastic measures, we wait a beat. I mean this happening was just this week. I don't think it's a trend."

Steak claims, "In osay, OOC, visnet, that behavior is inexcusable."

Joel says, "It was happening before too. Jennifer."

Jennifer says, "Oh was it? Sorry, I wasn't present last week."

Kinaed says, "Okay, so if people are going to OOCly harass one another for differing OOC opinions, I have to admit... I'm more than disappointed, I'm
pretty disturbed."

VyStarlit claims, "I think it's good to look at what your character is as well. For example certain races are going to be treated with hostility from
the get go. And if your character isn't following the laws of courtesy too."

Kitty states, "The OOC misbehavior has been a problem for a while, and has been escalating."

Kinaed states, "It makes me think 'this is why we can't have nice things' kinda vibe."

Steak says, "It's been longstanding, Jennifer. I do think removing OOC isn't the answer-- that's punishing a ton of good people for a few bad apples"

Sparkles claims, "If it's the same people repeateadly maybe they just need to lose channel access."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Can we report ooc titles"

GhostRoast states, "Hammertime approximately frames my thoughts there, yeah. I don't think the channels are the problem. It's... there's really no way
to say it nicely, but my problem has been with people. Which is a hard stance to properly state without it sounding personal - it's not, there's just 
a bunch of things people have said that have gotten me down."

Kinaed says, "So can I please ask that people behaving this way - and I'm sure it's not just the policy case I had this week - be circumspect because
this kind of behavior OOC is the kind of thing that makes channels disappear."

Kinaed nods at GhostRoast.

Kinaed claims, "I'll take that on board."

Hammertime says, "What I worry about is that all removing OOC is going to do is just conceal people who are approaching the game with a less than
healthy mindset and attitude rather than addressing the root of the problem"

Kinaed skips back to read Hammertime's comment.

Kinaed nods at Hammertime.

Marcus questions, "How does one address an unhealthy mindset to a game?"

Steak states, "I agree. As Lan's said, this is just the canary in the coalmine"

Joel says, "'beatings will continue until mindset improves'"

GhostRoast claims, "And... I'll note that does extend to a lot of the people who think they're just responding in turn. There has been OOC nastiness
from a ton of sides about... everything."

GhostRoast states, "Everything."

Christoph is idle.

Kinaed says, "I'm not certain we can fix that though - for example, in 15-odd years we've had our share of truly mentally unstable people. "

Joel exclaims, "Hey!"

Kinaed says, "Most people aren't bad enough to warrant banning."

Hammertime claims, "I think it's a mix of things that really depends on the player."

Joel claims, "The ban level is very high in ti hah, true enough."

Kitty claims, "And, I do feel that the OOC nastiness is a contributing factor to people feeling that IC nastiness/aggression/irritation/etc is OOC and
not IC."

Yinadele says, "Staff intervention and/or mechanics adjustment can usually settle things."

VyStarlit claims, "Perhaps anon should be turned off in the OOC channel"

Condensation states, "There's some things you can't ever get rid of. Cliques, the occasional nastiness, folks being in bad moods temporarily, etc."

Kinaed nods at VyStarlit.

Temi claims, "I do think we've always had a really good community of people here, but this does sound elevated and tense lately"

[OOC] TheHeresyAgenda: "Id just be sad if the only community thing about the game vanishes too. i saw the meanness but i tend to undermine it. (also
you can be a nutcase and nice, i can guarantee that :) )"

Kitty claims, "People are sensitive because of the OOC nastiness, and so any sort of antagonistic actions are seen as OOC instead fo IC."

Hammertime states, "Like some time people are just nasty or upset for some reason or another. Some people are feeling 'overworked' by the game. Some
people are disgruntled by code changes"

Lans states, "I'd rather it didn't come to nuking OOC."

Kinaed claims to VyStarlit, "That's what I was thinking. It's one thing to talk trash, it's another thing to talk trash where everyone knows it's

Joel states to Temi, "It takes just few people to poinson the well."

Marcus says, "I really don't think mechanics adjustments fix people being rude OOC"

Hammertime states, "These are all different problems. Some can be resolved, some are just the nature of having a community"

Yinadele states, "Agreed with Lans."

Joel claims, "Not my favorite solution to nuke, but also I have it off as a result of it so... How is that better."

Jennifer says in a teasing tone, "People should just totally talk about food on ooc. it's what I do like... ninety percent of the time."

TheHeresyAgenda claims, "I whine about my exams "

Jennifer says, "Oh yeah, so do I when I'm at school."

Jennifer laughs.

Lans nods at Marcus.

VyStarlit claims, "Yeah and that way it'll be easier to see if it's one offs or a long term person sowing disharmony"

Kinaed says, "Okay, so here's what I'm thinking: I'll post a note to the General Board letting everyone know we discussed this in OOC Chat today. If
behavior improves, we'll leave the channel alone, otherwise we will begin taking measures like removing anonymity and/or removing the channels."

Lans claims, "We should move on to topics."

Kinaed wonders, "Sound fair enough?"

Yinadele states, "Well, Marcus, nuking OOC would theoretically solve it: But, that is inefficient and takes away from the game. Still an option,

Joel nods at Kinaed.

Hammertime nods.

Marcus nods.

GhostRoast nods.

Kitty says, "It wouldn't. It would just move the nastiness to somewhere else."

Yinadele nods.

Sparkles queries, "Maybe can we revisit the topic of bringing back the Helper code so we can have some ability to moderate Visnet and OOC?"

Kinaed says, "Okay, thank you guys for sticking around despite some of that being your week."

Deedee questions, "I did wonder on this topic, can OOC titles be ignored?"

Condensation trails off, "That sounds prone to favouritism...."

Kinaed claims to Sparkles, "I'll note it."

Cyan states, "Using account names instead of fully anonymous titles, would allow the channel to no longer be anonymous, but also wouldn't tie channel
names directly to character names."

Kinaed states, "I need to move to player topics."

Kitty wonders, "If there's no coded benefits, and people are actually required to do more - job-like, how is it favoritism?"

GhostRoast claims, "'I stamp on the people I don't like, or who are saying things I dislike, but leave other things up.' is how I imagine
Condensation's worry would happen there."

Kitty has lost link.
Kitty has reconnected.

Kitty claims, "Easily caught and reported."

Hammertime states, "The helper role isn't for moderation, afaik."

Kinaed states, "Okay, the first topic we have today is an anonymous one posted to the Request Board: I don't like how the CHARGE command incorporates
luck into its success. Particularly since luck is set randomly upon log on, and you have no way tosee what it is.  I believe that the usage of luck in 
the charge command misrepresents characters abilities. getting good luck with it can make a character look unusually competent as they keep an 
opponent with greater skills at range and get free hits, and similiarly, getting bad luck means that it's basically impossible to maintain range with 
an opponent, leading to a likely defeat.

I would be far happier if charge relied solely on coded skills similar to other combat abilities, and did not include the luck stat in determing its
success or failure.  I think that removing luck from charge will allow fights to more accurately reflect the skills of the individuals involved in 
them. "

Condensation claims, "Because if someone doesn't really like this particular player, and they so much as cough with a hint of frustration to their
tone, what's to prevent the Helper from instantly unleashing hell, while potential friends could be given free reign to do as they wish and fire away 
on their frustrations without a frown."

Marcus states, "Charge is mostly skills and only partially luck,"

Condensation states, "I odn't know. never liked player moderation. Look at all IREs and the insane amount of favouritism going on between all the Gods

Joel claims, "All combat skills take quite a bit of luck in, I don't think charge takes more than others."

Joel states, "And then it is powerful when it works."

TheHeresyAgenda says, "From what ive seen in fights it is very swingy. "

Hammertime boggles. "What combat skill modifies charge?"

Jennifer says, "No I agree with this person. Because again you can't see your luck roll it's no good."

GhostRoast says, "If charge is along the same lines as other combat skills, I don't see the problem with it. Fights are generally very swingy."

Kinaed has transferred OneWing.  [OOC]

Wimpled says, "I think it'd have to be a stat vs. a combat skill for charge."

GhostRoast says, "If it's a big issue, the luck stat is a big issue."

Deedee queries, "Do charge and flee both use the same formula for rolls?"

Steak states, "Luck is incorporated in a LOT of things. Not just charge"

Boobermann claims, "I think luck is involved in a fair bit of combat. Don't see why it can't be in charge."

Wimpled claims, "Stat instead of combat skill rather"

Temi states, "Luck should also be recalculated each time it's used, not once per login"

Condensation says, "I have felt where being a Champion in defenses and offense would mean you could out-footwork someone who is a total rookie, but
that at times has felt impossible sometimes."

Joel says, "Charge does work of a skill afaik."

GhostRoast states, "Agreed @Temi."

Temi gives a subtlety flower carved out of watermelon and strawberries to OneWing.

Condensation claims, "Luck is cool, though it does feel liek you need way too much luck right now"

Marcus states, "Work is defense skills versus offense, IIRC"

Temi says, "I mean - it is now."

Marcus states, "Charge*"

Lans says, "I do feel at times unusually incompetent regarding charge"

Jennifer questions, "I guess my thing is though, if luck plays such a big roll, what then is the point of training up your combat and defenses?"

Jennifer asks, "If one bad luck thing just kills it all?"

Boobermann says, "Luck doesn't play a big role"

Joel says, "Skill overcomes the luck, but it impacts all skills in similar amount."

Sparkles states, "Luck is already kind of a factor in combat overall giving stat cap RNG."

GhostRoast states, "I am willing to bet that most of the perceived issue of luck is confirmation bias as a result of people expecting a certain result
and counting the times it didn't work out the way they expected without realizing it worked fine most of the rest of the time."

OneWing states, "Charge is, from what I remember reading, your defense skill versus your enemy's defense skill. I wish dex felt like it had a greater
affect on it."

Steak says, "As far as I know it's a minor component. Charge does feel a bit more wonky than some other combat commands though."

Marcus states, "Skills and stats play far more of a role in combat than luck."

NotaMage is idle.

Kitty says, "Even with a really high skill, a roll against that skill can sometimes fail."

Joel states, "Well, charge allows you to go across almost entire room when ti works, unless you have complete domination over an oponent, it shouldn't
work every time."

Jennifer claims, "Right, that'd be fine if it was your defense skill against your opponent's, or your opponent's stats or something. Without the luck

NotaMage is no longer idle.

Marcus states, "It doesn't ever allow you across the entire room."

NotaMage has returned from AFK.

Temi claims, "I don't think the use of luck is a problem, and there should be a luck component, or it would just be the same result every time.  But
if it's too wildly unpredictable, that might be good knowledge"

Christoph is no longer idle.
Christoph has returned from AFK.

Boobermann says, "But if it was your defense skill against your opponent, then that'd defeat the entire point of TI combat."

GhostRoast claims, "Combat is messy. If you fail, that doesn't mean it was your luck stat. If you get six critical hits in a row, that doesn't mean
that was your luck stat. That's... just randomization."

Kitty claims, "If there are multiple factors, it could be something else that failed."

Hammertime claims, "Charge definitely feels like the most random combat command due to its binary nature"

Boobermann says, "Where you shouldn't -need- to minmax to at least do something in combat."

Temi states, "But sometimes failing with high skill I don't think is wildly unpredictable"

TheHeresyAgenda questions, "Might be good to gather data on how swingy it really is? can you do that easily?"

Kinaed states, "Combat is intended to be dangerous and to have risk associated with it even when one is high skill. As for why train - well, if you'd
prefer to have low skill with good luck than high skill with bad luck, more power to you, but high skill with low or high luck is probably 
statistically the best position to be in."

Jennifer claims, "Right, I guess my thought is that if you're training all this time to raise combat, which isn't so easy to raise depending, it kinds
of feels... meh to have it nooced by bad luck."

Kinaed claims, "In my mind, this is something for staff to look at simply because players have noticed it's wonky, but I'm not swayed to change the
construction or design, just maybe tweak the impact. Maybe."

Steak claims, "High combat does not make you perfect, Jennifer"

Jennifer states, "No of course not."

Boobermann says, "One failed charge isn't going to change the outcome if you're a high skilled fighter and your opponent is a rookie."

Marcus states, "Also high combat will win 99 percent of the time."

GhostRoast states, "You won't get beaten by someone with 36 skill at 75 skill if you're not already half-dead. If you do, it was a fluke and a
miracle. There's a humongous difference between them."

Jennifer claims, "That wasn't my point. I only meant... that I wouldn't want it totally nooked. If that makes sense."

Kinaed states, "Okay, in the interests of time - sorry guys, we did get carried away earlier, my fault - Joel."

Joel questions, "So I have a topic about merchant OOC culture. I've seen a lot of people make quite a bit of OOC complaints about merchant life, and
some people even say that the merchants guild isn't also as much about merchanting but just crafting.

I think that is wrong, we had a long string of merchants in the past who were very much craft-free, or at least didn't focus on it as much and were
very successful. Would it maybe be a good idea to make a forum topic or a helpfile with examples of how merchants can RP their roles without having to 
fall back into crafting, etc.? As there is plenty of that, just off the top of my head, the endless attempts to revitalize southside, which means 
going and organizing support, running ic_events about the effort which, ultimately, can as far as RP goes impact the vnpc population. It is always a 
nice compliment to donating items for the southside players to use.

The another part of it is strings. There seem to be growing expectations for merchants to take the entire chore of stringing onto themselves, and
that's just apparenly the default. As far as I can tell, there is no pricing in place to charge more for original designs.
I don't think that's fair, and in the past, it was pretty standard that if you ordered with designs, you expected to pay multiple times the material
cost, which resulted in excellent compensation for the effort it takes to write strings. Maybe we could help an assistable help file that explains all 
that to players for those merchant players who do not want to confront players directly over it? Like we have other assistable helpfiles to gently 
remind people of some things, without having to possibly run into an IC/OOC argument?"

Yinadele claims, "I agree with Kin because this requires formula knowledge, not confirmation bias."

Jennifer claims, "Sorry, slipping back in to obscurity."

Condensation trails off, "Oh here we go..."

Steak says, "Condensation, if you have strong feelings on this, voice them"

Deedee says, "I know at least one merchant who charges more for desinging and less if you bring a design"

Kinaed states, "Hmm, when I was playing TI, the expectation was that if I wanted an outfit made by a merchant, I had to provide the strings."

NotNaomi just sighs.

Kinaed states, "So that's new to me."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

GhostRoast trails off, "There's... a few tangled things in there. My opinion is that merchanting does not mechanically exist in most scenarios and you
can't expect someone to consistently RP something they can't, actually, do. Crafting is most of what the Merchants Guild is. It has mechanical access 
to, you guessed it, the craft skills. That said..."

Lans says to Kinaed, "This hasn't been the case for a long while"

Joel says to Kinaed, "There are few, but most just... do not. "

Lans says, "Some merchants provide discounts if the customer provides strings"

Kinaed claims, "Seems easy enough to change, if it would help people."

GhostRoast claims, "Yes, it's very troublesome to constantly do strings for everyone. When I was a Merchant, I charged according to the effort I put
into the strings, and appreciated very much when people provided theirs. Most people don't write their own strings, though."

Jennifer states, "See... I don't kow. Because some people, just aren't good at stringing. Like me, I'll never get the colors and stuff right. So like
for my char to have to pay double or whatever, to get the strings right seems a touch unfair."

OneWing says, "I always thought people charge more for stringing and so always am prepared for higher prices."

Steak states, "Well, I think people should take initiative to require strings if that is what would make their lives easier"

Kitty says, "I don't understand how it was mentioned you can't charge more. You certainly can."

Jennifer states, "No you can"

Jennifer claims, "I just meant I don't want it to be like a policy thing."

Sparkles states, "Also the Merchant PC themselves doesn't need to be the person who helps with the strings."

Steak says, "Some people like writing strings (myself included). Some people find it time consuming and arduous."
Kinaed finishes abruptly to Jennifer, "That's like saying 'I want X from someone else's time, but I don't want to pay for it' - I can't see it as

Wimpled states, "I'd pay quadruple for people to do the strings. "

Condensation claims, "Nobody provides designs. It's always up to us to prepare those. I've only once had someone else prepare them for me. Meanwhile,
with how I've hardly ever seen even a single word of praise towards any of my merchants - our work, our preparation, our commitment to other's peoples 
benefits while all we seem to reap is some silver.. Yeah, I see why so many folk continue to lose interets in any of the mage chars. Then there's how 
nigh impossible it seems to be to keep a single member in the ranks for long, as plenty lose interest or love for the job, leaving LOTS of gaps to 
fill.. which, in turn, just means those remaining have to take in more load."

GhostRoast claims, "I spent multiple hours on an outfit once, Jennifer. If I can get paid 30 dollars for that time IRL, you can bet I'm either going
to charge more or not do it whatsoever."

Lans states, "It sounds entirely possible to hire a third party to design strings"

NotNaomi claims, "I haven't had anyone write their own strings in a long, long while."

Kinaed comforts Condensation.

NotaMage has lost link.
NotaMage has reconnected.

Jennifer claims, "Well touche, but then does it go the other way/ if someone writes their own, do they get a discount/"

Cyan says, "Just put "Addtional charge for custom designs" on your price list in store. "

Condensation says, "I do all the stringing. All the extended descing. beacuse I have a certain level of quality I like to provide. But that's never
come at an increase of cost, because I don't want to make people who struggle with stringing or descing feel as if they can't profit asm uch as I 

GhostRoast claims, "Yes, if someone writes their own, they get a discount because it's a simple exchange on my end."

Kinaed nods at cyan.

GhostRoast says, "... not currently a merchant tho."

Temi claims, "I think I have noticed less string providing in the past year or so, but I have noticed discounts given to those who have a design

Kinaed says, "And make the price differential enough that people can't afford it unless they write their own stuff more often than not."

Kinaed shrugs.

VyStarlit says OOCly, "In another game I play in where I'm a merchant, I qute people the decorated and undecorated price when quoting. It gives people
a choice upfront"

Condensation trails off, "How am I to RP, if I have seriously all the carpenting work to do solo now. There's also no active blacksmith now, with them
all being lost to us, yet we get shade thrown at us the second we've JUST finished one event..."

Kinaed states, "Merchants don't OWE anyone anything."

VyStarlit says, "In another game I play in where I'm a merchant, I qute people the decorated and undecorated price when quoting. It gives people a
choice upfront"

NotNaomi states, "And the charge generally is less if you provide your own designs. Alternatively, merchants have hired other people to string things
for their commissions."

Kinaed states, "They're 'making a living'"

NotNaomi claims, "I feel like that's not the case at all."

TheHeresyAgenda claims, "Yea the merchants are having a really hard time rn. "

Lans trails off, "Regarding the feel that merchants feel like craft cows..."

NotNaomi claims, "If the Merchants refuse people, or just don't get things done in the time frame they were expected... It's a smear fest for the

Joel muses, "Not providing free-stringing also opens more opportunity for selling off-the-rack gear. WHy buy off the rack when for the same price
(almost) you cna get custom made?"

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Its like, burnout intensifies by the week"

NotNaomi nods.

NotNaomi nods.

Lans says, "... I have seen many merchants over the past year, and I don't mean just GLs, consistently ignore mail, and not just craft orders mail."

Jennifer exclaims, "Be nice to the merchants people, be nice!"

Boobermann states, "Plus one. The shade might not be because the Merchants are not getting things done, but because they are actively ignoring
powerful characters on grid."

TheHeresyAgenda claims, "Anad that is something that super worries me, but where i dont know how to help."

Lans states, "Or they just never show their faces around, because they are the 2nd alt of someone"

Cat is idle.

Cat is no longer idle.
Cat has returned from AFK.

Condensation claims, "Define ignore mail, Lans. I have no clue when this happened in the recent past, nor has anyone brought it up to me, excluding
ONE case where the player didn't inform the merchant in question over a pboard."

NotNaomi declares, "We are people behind the screen. We also like RP that doesn't have anything to do with crafting!"

Kinaed says to Lans, "I can't really blame them if people are, overall, acting pretty entitled around their time and energy. *ponder*"

Kinaed nods at NotNaomi.

Lans says, "'Ignore mail' means people write merchants and they never answer back."

Lans says, "I hear this complaint every single week since a year ago."

VyStarlit states, "I wouldn't mind buying untooled items as long as it's left unfinished for me to add my own strings"

Kinaed nods at VyStarlit.

Condensation questions, "Meanwhile, I get igvnored for three weeks at end after folk send ME a mail regarding a commission - ut I can complain?"

NotaMage muses, "Didn't we just discuss a bit of tension earlier?"

Boobermann says, "You can."

Lans says, "That's sad"

Steak states, "Yep, seconding Vy, I'd -love- to string the items"

Condensation claims, "No"

Condensation claims, "I can't."

Kinaed states to VyStarlit, "That's most of the game. Almost anything someone buys in a shop, they can retool."

Condensation claims, "Because they're too prominent, and they'd just throw shade right back at me."

NotNaomi states, "If it's me doing the mail ignoring... I'm exhausted. Like really, sorry. I just need to peel back a little."

Hammertime claims, "...I've made multiple commissions to Merchants over the years who all went VERY out of their way OOCly to please me, to a point
where I had no idea what was normal or convenient or inconvenient. It's hard to know what my expectations should be when they vary so wildly"

Kinaed claims, "Just buy it, retool it, then set the strings, then finalize it. Done. You don't need a merchant."

Kinaed claims, "Merchants are just cheaper."

Sparkles says, "I feel like some of this requires some behavior changes on both sides of the fence, but if everyone just wants to be angry rather than
fix anything nothing will actually change."

Lans says, "(I apologise if I sounded harsh, it was not my intention)"

Jennifer declaims, "Yeah but retooling is monies!"

Boobermann says, "It's also fine to say 'we need more additional time' rather than just ignore mail outright and refuse communication."

Condensation trails off, "I have not had any personal RP since.. what... weeks now, mostly becquse I'm constantly busy with all these commissions and

VyStarlit wonders, "I thought there was a charge to retool?"

NotaMage questions, "Clearly there's frustration on the side of people who arent merchants and of people who are and at this point it's getting to he
said, she said shitflinging rather than discussion?"

Boobermann states, "That gives the wrong flag IC."

Marcus claims, "One thing that I've always noticed is that people don't tend to keep shops stocked very much anymore."

NotNaomi states, "That said, also."

TheHeresyAgenda says, "Im seeing a major burnout of the merchants since i joined the game, a few months ago"

Kinaed says to VyStarlit, "There is because we don't want retooling to make merchants untenable."

NotNaomi states, "If you want 366 individual items finished in 4 RL days time... It's not gonna happen. Please, be reasonable."

Kinaed claims, "But that doesn't mean it's not an option."

Condensation states, "Take the plot stuff. We've been workign hard to preapre it, while dealing with multiple in-house issues, as well as an event..
and efore we get inquired whether or not we're actually working on it, we're already getting attacked. That definitely kicks folk in the stomach."

Joel asks, "No point for shop when custom costs the same price. SO how about having merchant guild enforce pricing, making sure that people who do
custom strings all charge the same fair amount, and then for just designs-provided they also charge by some template?"

Joel asks, "Evens the playing field I think?"

Joel claims, "Instead of "oh, but he will do it for free for me""

Cyan crosses Order and Merchants off potential guilds to join

VyStarlit states, "Makes sense. Thank you, Kinaed."

TheHeresyAgenda trails off, "And like they work harder to relieve pressure and it helps a little but as soon as they relax theres more pressure... and
if they dont meet it the approval goes very south"

OneWing claims, "The plot stuff is something that was proposed OOC months ago now. Mail sent, with no reply given."

Boobermann says, "4 RL days doesn't really relate because the plot has been going on for multiple weeks."

TheHeresyAgenda asks, "Oh the GLs are suffering, as a merchant player? im gucci"

Lans nods.

Condensation trails off, "Months? You mean about a week..."

Lans claims, "Three or four weeks."

Joel claims, "I gotta say that merchants are not without teeth if someone is giving them trouble."

Joel states, "Just... have to use that coin in an interesting way."

Condensation claims, "You say that as if we're all loaded."

Joel says, "It is not that expensive."

GhostRoast claims, "To clarify, it's actually been two weeks since that was posted - the Order charity thing."

Condensation states, "^"

Kitty has lost link.
Kitty has reconnected.

NotNaomi exclaims, "Joel: There is a loose guideline for merchant prices, but it isn't currently enforced for the most part (aside from severely
undercutting fellow merchants, which I haven't seen happen!)"

GhostRoast claims, "Two weeks, one day. Not really interjecting on the rest, though, just fact-checking."

Boobermann says, "The order charity thing was part of the plot, but it had been going on for longer before that."

Boobermann claims, "That's just a part of it."

Hammertime states, "I'm sincerely confused as to if this is a coded balance issue. people are saying the merchants are weak but I've never seen a GL
drop into the red except tenebrae in months"

Steak claims, "They were contacted before the plot went up, @Ghost"

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Naomi did"

TheHeresyAgenda queries, "Around yule, no?"

Kinaed claims, "I feel like I should pause this topic."

OneWing nods.

Lans nods.

Jennifer says, "Agreed, only because there's no real resolution"

Deedee nods.

Marcus nods.

Kinaed states, "It seems like there's a lot of OOC discomfort here, and I don't really understand all of the things involved - I'll need to talk to
Staff and some other folks."

GhostRoast says, "It's gone past issues and more into personal distaste for others' OOC behaviors and expectations, I think."

Boobermann says, "I think the problem here is that people are taking IC shade OOC"

NotNaomi states, "The SPECIFIC order was given to me 4 days before it was 'due'."

Lans states, "Let's just stop like Kin said."

Kinaed says, "Meanwhile, I think the way people are discussing this is not helpful to the players involved even wanting to be here... so I'm going to
say stop."

Kinaed states to Lans, "Thank you."

Lans says, "Don't. No need."

Kinaed states, "After this meeting, I'll meet with the Merchants and see if I can tease out a better understanding."

Kinaed says, "Okay - next up.."

Kinaed states to TheHeresyAgenda, "Please raise your topic :)"

TheHeresyAgenda says, "Diseases progress too slowly. You have to wait so long before anything interesting happens. Pout"

Marcus says, "I can get behind that."

GhostRoast claims, "It's randomized, I think."

Deedee claims, "Hm."

GhostRoast says, "I got white itch after, like, an hour, once."

Sparkles states, "That's not accurate in my experience and having then progress faster would be problematic to people who play less often."

Jennifer states, "I think that's to give people time to seek a physician. Because sometimes one isn't available, or you have difficulty getting with
one depending on time zone."

Joel pontificates, "Keep your pox away from me!"

Wimpled states, "I disagree.  Having it go through a delayed progression allows time for scenes with physicians, attempts to try and diagnose, to get
it wrong and it progress, etc."

Kitty states, "I do not think diseases should progress more quickly. There *are* times when a physician has a disease that they haven't seen before,
and it may take a few times to get it right. Each time, they have to wait for medicine to run out ot figure out they're wrong."

Steak says, "I don't necessarily agree with that. It usually progresses within an OOC week, right? If someone is active."

Deedee claims, "Rather than quicker progression, I'd like to argue towards less effective remedies"

Joel pontificates, "Yeeess!"

TheHeresyAgenda questions, "3 ooc days or 2 before i gave up? i only had sleepiness during that time. and got it diagnosecd right away... uhm, maybe,
if you could manually toggle it to be quicker?"

Joel claims, "Medicine is just too effective"

Kinaed claims, "Most diseases will run their full course in 5ish OOC days."

Sparkles states, "Also sometimes the less frequently seen diseases reveal some serious bugs."

Kitty says, "You say that, until someone throws a fit because their medicine doesn't work and their character dies."

Jennifer claims, "No I like the way things are now."

Kinaed states to Sparkles, "Hmm. Are they reported when found? Not that we don't have a huge bug backlog. :)"

Joel asks, "We have killing diseases now?"

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Yea but thats misbehavior on the player side, kitty"

Deedee claims, "There's a couple of deadly diseases, yes"

Kitty says, "Some have very severe consequences, even death. Yes."

Sparkles claims, "In my experiences, they have been yes, but it can take a while for someone to realize it is a bug if it's something that rarely
comes up."

Yinadele claims, "Yes, diseases are fine as-is I feel."

Temi says, "The deadly ones generally only come up if health is low"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Steak states, "I like things as they are now, as well."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Id be happy if i could toggle em to be faster. if i already infect myself to begin with"

Kitty claims, "Or if someone infects themself with it, which is an option."

Jennifer claims, "Also consider, that there are some people who icly won't seek a physician as soon as they have a symptom, and wait till it gets
worse. So I don't think faster progression or worsening medicine is the answer. I like things as they are."

Cyan claims, "I agree with Wimpled"

TheHeresyAgenda claims, "Yea thats what i did jennifer but it was too slow and i got bored from being tired all the time."

Kinaed claims, "I think we're fairly divided over this one, but it seems to me like as if it doesn't really need tweaking."

Kinaed states, "Most of the people on the side of like are the physicians who have to deal with them, so I think we'll leave this as is for now."

Sparkles says, "People using inflict with sparring more often would provide more RP than disease increases."

Wimpled states, "I don't know that less effective medications are needed, either.  Diagnose is wonky enough and enough diseases have the same causes
or initial symptoms that there's plenty of room to give people the wrong treatment and have a couple rounds treating someone."

Jennifer states, "Thank you muchly"

Kitty states, "Being in a situation were I thought it was a bug and a very serious disease with very bad consequences, and I couldn't figure out what
it was, that time to scene and work things out is absolutely necessary."

Deedee nods.

Kinaed says to Sparkles, "Okay, you're up next. Please introduce us to your topic :)"

Sparkles states, "Oh as I suspected my topic came up sort of naturally as a discussion about some of the community feelings of late."

Kinaed asks of Sparkles, "So nothing else to add for the moment?"

Sparkles shakes her head.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states to Sparkles, "Thank you."

Kinaed queries to Cat, "You're next on the list. Would you introduce us to your topic please?"

Christoph is idle.

Cat says, "Okay. I've been brewing a lot, because it was an irl hobby once, I enjoy it and I wanted take this into IC. And I noticed two things. One:
Yeast is  NPC magic. There is apparently one location, that I've heard of,  where you can forage for it and that's it. Second: I wanted to make dried 
tea blends. Like modern tea bags without the bags. I thought it would be a great gift idea and make tea more accessible, but you can only brew fresh 
tea. Yeah. I would like some opinions."

Christoph is no longer idle.
Christoph has returned from AFK.

Kitty claims, "But there are multiple places to buy it."

Jennifer asks, "Yeast is forageable? I thought you could only buy it?"

Joel questions, "Pretty sure you can have it as asset resource too?"

Kitty says, "Yes, you can."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "(i like the tea bag idea a lot)"

Lans states, "The yeast thing is a balance issue"

Deedee claims, "Multiple places yes, some cheaper than others. it's also a resource option"

Joel says, "Re new recipe: I love all sort of new themely recipes, so yes1"

Yinadele claims, "Heavily upvote tea sachets."

GhostRoast claims, "There are lots of things I feel should be craftable but aren't. It's... pretty ubiquitous across the crafts."

Steak states, "Speaking of tea" e have a simple tea but not a gourmet/fancier tea. I would love a higher-level tea, in addition to blends."

TheHeresyAgenda wonders, "But is the tea satchel idea codedly doable?"

Sparkles says, "There are ways to make yeast for some recipes. But without yeast having a cost you could basically craft Brewing for free."

Lans states, "We do have many types of coffee"

Temi says, "We do tend to have some ingredients in most crafts that have to be bought to keep things balanced."

Lans nods at Sparkles.

Kitty claims, "There are several fancier teas."

Jennifer states, "You can get around yeast too with some recipes."

Joel states, "No more maxing tradeskills for free"

Joel misses old crafting for that

Kitty claims, "Craft -search tea will show you all of them."

Cat claims, "Ah. Okay. So the yeast is for balancing. I#m okay with that."

Deedee claims, "There's a number of different teas already in brewing/medicine"

Kinaed questions, "I think you can probably buy yeast somewhere?"

Temi claims, "And they are not foragable in general - but one benefit of foraging is single-room special-themed things that aren't normally

Jennifer states, "You can"

Lans pats pats the Kin.

Sparkles claims, "You can buy Yeast in several places."

Sparkles states, "Some cheaper than others."

GhostRoast states, "In my experience, it only really, really affects new characters. Older characters have the hookup."

Steak claims, "I mean like a custom tea, Kitty."

Joel says, "Can also buy it from players, usually a lot cheaper."

Joel states, "Help job and so on."

Sparkles says, "Also you can write strings for various teas now without more recipes."

Temi states, "Generally foragable items are available based on room type, whereas other stuff may have a specific room, which limits things by amount"

Deedee nods.

Kinaed types job list and is super happysurprised to see lots of jobs listed. Nice.

TheHeresyAgenda trails off, "Tea satchel idea? yea but like youd just hand over the strings then and its not the same as... packaging it "

Joel wants all the blackmarket yeast

Lans cannot access the job market from here.

Cyan states, "Hopefully there will be hallucinogenic tea sachets as well"

TheHeresyAgenda says, "Hell yea"

NotaMage muses, "Isn't the job list the black market? like only?"

TheHeresyAgenda says, "Sorry wrong tea"

Joel exclaims, "Nope!"

Jennifer states, "No"

Hammertime claims, "No, non-anonymous posts aren't blackmarket"

Joel states, "It supports blackmarket and normal market"

Jennifer states, "Job list is for... everything."

TheHeresyAgenda states, "Ooooh"

Deedee claims, "A starter recipe for a yeast alternative might not be a bad idea. craft it, and it matures in a few OOC days"

TheHeresyAgenda claims, "That changes everything. i thought it was black marketz only"

TheHeresyAgenda states, "I couldve been advertising there"

Jennifer claims, "Absolutely not."

Jennifer claims, "Totally got stuff from there. When class relations were low. It's really cool."

Joel claims, "Everyone should be using jobs more, especially blackamarket."

Joel says, "Message sponsored by brotherhood."

Steak claims, "We do have mashes that can replace many roles for yeast.. but not all."

[OOC] Sleeper: "So many people online... not one with RP on... heh..."

[OOC] Condensation: "OOC meet!"

[OOC] Steak: "OOC chat"

NotNaomi trails off, "Yeast is very cheap and shouldn't really be an issue to get..."

Kitty claims, "And one yeast goes a long way."

NotNaomi nods.

Hammertime ponders.

Marcus starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

[OOC] Yinadele: "I advise joining the OOC meeting!"

Steak declares, "Also, can get yeast for cheaper in Southside!"

[OOC] Deedee: "Well, there's 2 minutes left"

Joel claims, "I heard that stolen is even cheaper! Ask around."

Condensation pontificates, "Always check Southside first, when looking for mats!"

Deedee says, "Specifics like that should probably be found out ICly"

Marcus finishes his note.

Hammertime says, "Or pay your Freemen to. :)"

[OOC] Sleeper: "Ah! Right! I completely forgot! That was today! Shoot... "

Kinaed states, "I think yeast is okay, and I'll alert the staff member who owns brewing about teas - but I think they're probably more embedded in
herbalism and medicine from what I gather."

Kinaed claims, "Do like the teabag idea though."

Condensation wonders, "Don't tea leaves already get turned into puches of tea?"

Condensation claims, "Oh no. That's coffee. When you roast it. My bad."

NotNaomi says, "Oh yeah! I forgot there's medicine teas."

Kinaed claims, "We'll definitely have a look."

Temi states, "I own it, and there may be complications with doing so codedly"

Joel claims, "Yep, we can make fun coffee, but not fun tea."

Steak says, "Well, things being cheaper in Southside is a pretty universally known thing"

Condensation states, "I see.. Five different recipes of tea around level 5."

Kinaed says, "Okay - thank you everyone who attended today. I'll be in touch with certain people and parties, and I'm sorry last week wasn't the best
for a lot of you."

Condensation claims, "Unless you're talking about adding specific shrooms in your tea."

Condensation winks.

Deedee claims, "I could see it being difficult to do, keeping the flavors when converted from tea bag to drinkable cup"

Temi finishes abruptly, "I mean, if you want to pass the flavor along - it would be easy enough to make a tea bag ingredient toolable thing, but it
wouldn't pass on its flavor"

Cat states, "I didn't look for any changes. Just sprinkling ideas out there."

Steak claims, "We do have multiple tea recipes, but they tend to be specific. A lavender tea, a sweet tea, a chai tea. I think a general recipe that
uses tea+a spice would allow for more creativity."

NotNaomi exclaims, "Shrooms in tea could be a thing!"

Joel exclaims, "Help lace!"

NotNaomi nods.

Kinaed says, "Okay, I'm going to wrap this up and send everyone back. If you have more ideas for teas, please Personal Board Staff."

Condensation declaims, "Beware the next Faire. All the laced tea!"

NotNaomi grins.

Deedee waves.

Kinaed states, "Meanwhile, I hope next week is a lot more fun and hope to see you all again at the OOC Chat :)"

Joel says, "Message sponsored by brotherhood."

Marcus starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Jennifer pontificates, "Bye bye!"

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