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Log of OOC Meeting 4/25/2015

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:02 pm
by Voxumo
Kinaed asks, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Bryce states, "I'd like to talk about bows getting damaged"

Kinaed nods at Bryce.

Misune says, "I had something regarding um editing of board notes"

Kinaed states, "Nod"

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed questions, "I have both items written down, which I'll raise when we get further on. Anyone else?"

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, before I start with Staff Topics..."

Kinaed says, "I understand that our player, Emma ab Courtland, is having a baby."

Kinaed states, "I believe I have her email address from the blogs, so I'm putting together a donation for her and her family, which I'll send to her as a PayPal donation. If you want to add to it, please click on the donation button."

Hunapo gives a round of congratulatory applause.

Kinaed says, "You can donate here:

Kinaed states, "Okay, to kick off my updates:

I have mostly been keeping up with the boards, handled a small policy case or two - just a note: Please do not use messengers to send other players text that has nothing to do with messengers (it was used in a harmless way that was no doubt just to players having fun, but the message command is for sending messages, not simulating other events). I've also approved a few player recommends. Basically, not heaps. I'm still focused on getting the roles specification together. It's big and a bit clunky, so I'm thinking I may need to review the design."

Kinaed queries, "That's it for me. Any questions before I move on to Temi?"

Kinaed states, "Okay, Temi - you're up."

Temi declares, "Okay!"

Temi states, "So, started up a new plot spurred on by a certain player's actions, so it's taken on a bit of a life of its own. Hopefully it doesn't just fizzle now."

A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad grins.

Kinaed smiles.

Temi says, "And I got through basic seasonality stuff on everything."

Misune arches brow "Is the plot public? Or is it still awaiting official announcement?"

Temi claims, "Plot header is public."

Kinaed questions to Misune, "Type 'plot header list'?"

Takta has returned from AFK.

Kinaed says, "I'm assuming it's "The Culling" since there are no other plots opened under Temi's control at the moment."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Misune was logging onto alt to check "Oh, I was thinking it was some other plot. Interesting still."

Temi states, "So, on seasonality, item cost varies a bit based on its material and the season. Generally 90 to 110%, so it's not huge, but can make a difference. And things are generally more expensive in the winter, and either the summer or spring/fall are cheaper, depending on the items."

Temi states, "I also added some special case materials for builders to use to represent imports, with more drastic price fluxuations."

Temi states, "So, Tubori imports, etc."

Temi queries, "Any questions on all that?"

Kinaed states, "I take it that's a no - anything else to add, Temi? Good job, by the way. Thanks for the hard work."

Takta cheers Temi!

Temi claims, "I suppose I need to decide on my next big project now. But that's all for me."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed says to Takta, "You're up."

Delilah smiles.

Takta trails off, "Well, last weekend I was on vacation and this is my last week of classes, so not my most achievement-heavy week..."

Kinaed grins.

Takta claims, "Did some tweaks to repair so hopefully all the right materials are set on the items for repair to work."

Takta says, "Worked with Iain for his excellent Wednesday ST event. :D"

Kinaed trails off, "(In her less productive weeks, she just makes all of the craft repair stuff work. No big deal, folks, no big deal...) :P"

Takta claims, "I haven't done much else, but after I finish my final grading I'll be tackling a lot of little things."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Takta states to Kinaed, "Az did most of the work there. ;)"

Takta pontificates, "That's about it!"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states, "Speaking of Az, who just logged in - we had quite a few changes last week. I'm not sure if they're all tested and help file-released though."

Takta says, "We are waaaay behind on that."

Kinaed says, "I do see that we have a new command, Effort, in game, that I believe has been tested from the notes on that."

Misune ponders

Kinaed states, "Throwing has been patched up some, Sacrifice came in last week, a few bug fixes... I think that's mostly it."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

A small arctic fox darts past you, then pauses and grins. Nine tails flutter behind her as she stands and becomes Azarial. [OOC]

Takta claims, "Throwing now has a command like shoot to throw at targets. Needs testing."

Kinaed claims to Delilah, "Okay, Del, you're up."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Misune wonders, "What exactly does effort do if I may ask?""

Delilah says, "I haven't done much of anything. Handled some minor requests, processed a change or two, recommends. My mother is in the hospital doing not so good, so between that and homeschooling.. I make no promises.. "

Bryce says, "It sets the level you want to show off when you use emote-skill"

Kinaed states to Misune, "There's a help file. Basically, you can set the effort you want to put into using a skill if you want. By default, all people use their maxium skill."

Misune claims, "Oh, well that is nice."

Takta declares, "'I am not left-handed!'"

Kinaed claims, "But let's say you are going to a tourney and don't want everyone to know you're a champion at sword... you can put in less effort and only appear adept."

Kinaed states, "Similar with crafts, etc."

Hunapo states, "Sounds like a good way to become a pool shark."

Bryce uses his bow.
Bryce appears to be inept at bows.

Bryce bow uses the bow again

Kinaed states to Hunapo, "Good point; I don't know if it affects pooling, but I'll double check as it ought not to."

Bryce - bow uses the bow again

Bryce uses the bow again
Bryce appears to be competent at bows.

Azarial states, "Sorry, mobile and dictating"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Bryce queries to Kinaed, "Is that what the bracketed numbers mean now?"

Bryce states to Kinaed, "On skills i mean"

Kinaed states to Azarial, "It's come to our attention that we need to double check that effort doesn't affect how people pool - ie, make it easy for people to pool at high levels, for example."

Kinaed nods at Bryce.

Kinaed starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Karrina says, "I think Hunapo means a pool shark in the way that someone deliberately misrepresents their level of skill in order to fleece another."

Kinaed finishes her note.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, let's see. Az, I've mostly given your update for you."

Hunapo declares, "That is exactly what I meant, Karrina, but the question on pooling is fun too!"

Kinaed claims, "Since you're dictating, any issue if we consider you done? Or, if you have a special message, please let us know."

Azarial states, "Bugs, stuff, driving"

Kinaed nods at Hunapo.

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Delilah is heading out. Has another child sleeping over with her daughter tonight.

Kinaed questions, "Okay, Delilah, let's get back to you? :)"

Kinaed pontificates, "Oh, okay. Take care then!"

Delilah claims, "Take care, I didn't really do anything but be a face this week.. Like I said."

Delilah hugs.

Delilah has left the game.

Kinaed asks, "Okay, I think that's all staff updates. Next item: Player Heartbeat. How's the game this week, folks? Anything you'd like to see the staff be doing to help make it better?"

Misune states, "Rp has been surprisingly good this last week, Alot of conflic on the plot level and personal character level. Wasn't really around an uber lot but when I was it was good."

Marisa exclaims, "I need to get some more. But just got back!"

Kinaed says, "Well, I'm glad to hear that and will assume that no one else feels they have much to contribute on the question."

Kinaed asks, "So, with little else - Bryce, you wanted to talk about bows taking damage?"

Bryce states, "It will take me a minute to type it"

Azarial asks, "Good story, i thought?"

Kinaed nods at Bryce.

Misune states, "I thought it was"

Bryce says, "So with the introduction of targets, I practiced with my bow. Within approximately 40 arrows, my bow became damaged.At the time we could not repair them, that's been fixed. I then got another bow and had the same exact thing happen. So I'm asking that bows either get the damage lifted off of them or something. I understand weapons need to take damage, but right now with how fast bows take damage, it's not making the skill worth it at all. Plus players that use bows already have to contend with losing arrows to disappearing corpses(demons) or damage. So the skill is probably more expensive than even a blacksmith's skill if bows get damaged also."

A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad has lost link.

Kinaed claims, "Bows take 1 damage per shot and typically have a condition of around 80, so you take 80 shots before your bow dies."

Takta says, "Now. That was a quick patch fix I put in to try and improve it."

Takta trails off, "For what it's worth..."

Takta says, "I think given arrow loss, bows probably shouldn't need repairs."

Kinaed says to Takta, "Hmm, not sure I agree about that, but we need to acknowledge that most poeple will practice with bows to advance skill since that's the only outlet."

Takta nods.

Kinaed wonders, "When did you make that update, Takta?"

Takta states, "After Bryce's initial problems on the forum, so it won't likely have affected new bows."

Takta states, "Er, old bows"

Kinaed asks, "Can you make an offer to swap out any old bows for people?"

Takta ponders.

Takta muses, "Bryce, do you have an old bow on you?"

Bryce states, "I have both of them on me"

Takta questions, "Hand one to me?"

Bryce gives a maple wood composite bow bearing a slender, recurve shape to Takta.

Takta has created a few scraps of common wood!

Takta inspects a maple wood composite bow bearing a slender, recurve shape.

Takta muses, "Oh, this one is brken. Do you have one that's not broken but just damaged?"

Takta has created a few scraps of common wood[20].

Takta repairs a maple wood composite bow bearing a slender, recurve shape.

Kinaed claims, "There was also a bug that applied armor damage to bows incorrectly, and that has been resolved."

Takta claims, "Oh interesting."

A curly, blonde-haired green-eyed lad has reconnected.

Bryce claims, "They are both broken, that's what I was talking about"

Takta says, "You can repair full-out broken items, not just damaged ones, now."

A winsome caramel-blonde girl questions, "Another possible solution? Bows of different qualities? "

Takta gives a maple wood composite bow bearing a slender, recurve shape to Bryce.

Takta states, "Okay, old bows won't need replacing, just repairing."

Kinaed asks, "Takta, can I ask you take this offline with Bryce, then make any recommendations necessary? I think as a weapon becomes damaged, it should let someone know if they keep using it, it'll break. Do we have good messages in place to keep people appraised of the condition of their objects?"

Bryce queries, "To repair a bow, do you need to be able to make it in woodworking?"

Takta nods at Kinaed.

Takta says, "I don't think we have good messaging."

Takta claims, "I'm not sure what skill is required to repair vs. create."

Karrina says, "Probably the same skill that is used to create such an item since everything is becoming craftable."

Kinaed states to Bryce, "No, but you'll need a certain level of skill in woodworking. Repair takes a basic crafting skill level with the materials required to make the item, but you don't need to know how to make the item per se."

Kinaed queries, "Takta, do you know the minimum rank in a craft to be able to repair objects in that craft?"

A winsome caramel-blonde girl begins to count their money.

Kinaed claims, "Just caught up and saw the answer was no."

Kinaed states, "Okay, I think repair-able skill needs to be somewhere below 36, but let's take an action item in this meeting to check that later."

Takta nods.

Kinaed claims, "Bryce, does that cover your query far enough? We have a few more agenda items to get through."

Bryce nods to Kinaed, " Mostly yes."

Kinaed nods at Bryce.

Kinaed claims, "If it keeps being a pain in the rear, contact me."

Kinaed trails off, "Okay..."

Kinaed muses to Misune, "Editing notes?"

Misune states, "Writing it up"

Misune wonders, "So my topic is regarding editing of notes, specifically personal board notes. Now I don't know how many times I tried to edit a note, only for it to be the wrong note. However currently there appears to be no way to stop editing a note without it showing up as an update. At least when writing mail you can use @a to stop writing it and undo anything you may have written. I'm curious if it is at all possible to have something like that for the boards or if it's just beyond code capabilities?"

Temi says, "You can @a out of notes too, just not edits on them."

Kinaed says, "I think it's pretty hard. When you edit a note, it's held in memory, then assigned when you post. It'd probably be a fundamental rewrite."

Temi claims, "I think it is code issues, because the old version has to be saved."

Temi nods.

Kinaed states, "Anything is mostly possible, but whether or not the change is worth it depends on the utility versus the effort and the opportunity cost of not focusing our time elsewhere."

Kinaed states, "I'd say this is a no."

Kinaed claims, "Az says it's beyond code capabilities, so I think that means - fundamental rewrite."

Misune nods to Temi "I know you can @a out of notes, but only ones that you just started, once it's been posted it's not able to be done." nods to Kinaed "I wasn't sure so just figured I would bring it up."

A winsome caramel-blonde girl asks, "Hate to interrupt, but RL calls and I have to go. Can I get teleported out?"

A winsome caramel-blonde girl has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Azarial states, "@a will delete an edited note due to the system"

Kinaed states, "Okay, I think that item is resolved then... so, finally, a request to discuss in tells... children characters and how they're RPed."

Temi claims, "Actually, I suggested we talk about this."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "And mainly, I've heard some frustration lately from different angles, and was wondering how happy people are with the current child situation, the limitations, etc."

Kinaed muses, "What kind of frustrations were people raising?"

Bryce says, "From the kid standpoint, it's frustrating sometimes. I've actually been told by a few players that they avoid rp with kid characters."

Kinaed says, "I tend to, personally, albeit I mean no offense to you, Bryce. We've never RPed together."

Temi says, "RPing with them, getting them in guilds, dual-guilding, being able to play sufficiently fulfilling characters as a child char."

Takta says, "I think it frustrates a lot of people on both sides."

Takta claims, "And we might do better to put in a lower age limit of 13 or 14."

Takta claims, "So you would never be stuck playing a PC who can't join guilds, do things, etc."

Karrina claims, "I actually lowered the age requirements of the Knights just so that Bryce could join."

Karrina says, "And it at least was thematic for it to be such anyways."

An aquiline-nosed man of a dark umber complexion states, "I would probably avoid RP with child characters as a general rule."

Bryce states to Takta, "I know there was an issue with Bryce dual-guilding. In defense of that, the player that was going to dual-guild me(and myself) were not planning on having bryce do full guild stuff, just like gophering and stuff. Also, the two guilds in question were actually in line with each other, same goals and such."

Temi nods.

Takta says to Bryce, "I don't even mean dual-guilding specifically, but realistically, a kid can't make sense in many if not most of the guilds in-game."

Kinaed states, "I think GLs should have a right to control the membership of their groups, so am not fussed about that, and I'm generally pretty okay with people playing younger chars if they want - but that means they take up a realistic place in the world, and that place probably isn't a professional role."

Takta nods at Kinaed.

Bryce was going to be an altar-boy.

Karrina nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed says to Bryce, "You don't need to be guilded to do that."

Temi states, "I think we also need to be sure we're not using the age limits as somjethng that gets adjusted when younger chars want in the guild"

Takta nods at Temi.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Bryce says to Temi, "Didn't know that actually"

Bryce nods.

Temi claims, "Because that sort of defeats the purpose that people apparently wanted in there to 'protect' their guild"

Takta claims, "They represent a logical limit about who is mature enough to handle a guild's roles and responsibilities, too."

Kinaed claims, "Guild membership gives access to gnotes, for example."

An aquiline-nosed man of a dark umber complexion states, "IIRC, there was good sense that was applied to the age limits when they first went it. It wasn't just random."

Kinaed nods at an aquiline-nosed man of a dark umber complexion.

Takta says, "I really think a higher limit on child PCs overall would fit our game a lot better."

Karrina claims, "The Knights actually have age requirements in their promotions, just to be sure that there is some maturity with the new responsibilities."

Takta states, "You really can't do much under 13."

Bryce queries to Kinaed, "Can't certain ranks be adjusted to limit a player from using gnotes?"

Kinaed states, "Generally, I'm not inclined to raise the age limits. We've limited the population of child chars to a reasonable percent of the game's population."

Misune states, "I don't think this is a matter of rank, but truly age in regards to the gnotes thing"

Kinaed claims, "I think that the role of child has limited possibilities, however, and I think people choosing that role should do that, eyes-wide-open."

Azarial says, "Not until roles"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Bryce claims, "Maybe it was the retired rank I was thinking of"

Temi nods.

Takta states, "I think it's hard for folks to realize what the limits will be ahead of time. Maybe if we're more explicit."

Kinaed says, "Back in the day, I wrote a help file "HELP INFO CHILD" to demonstrate what children at different ages can and cannot do based on genuine psychological assessment of average children at various ages. At age six is when a child can be reliably counted on to dress themselves. So, guilding a kid below age 10, for example, seems extreme."

Takta states, "That helpfile might be handy if it went up to 12-13ish."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Takta states, "Er, not to say it isn't now."

Takta says, "But that might be a nice addition."

Kinaed claims, "It doesn't go up that high because the sources I had didn't."

Azarial has lost link.

Bryce says, "Yeah, it stops at under 10, only thing above states at 11 that a child is able to think like an adult"

Kinaed muses, "But do you have access to anything that can help, Takta? You're in psychology and are currently at a uni?"

Azarial has reconnected.

Kinaed states to Bryce, "THey've formulated their personality, but not risk assessement and other parts of the brain. THey're just mostly who they are by 11."

Kinaed says, "I'll assign updating that help file to Takta. :)"

Kinaed says, "If she doesn't hate me for it."

Bryce nods, " Then i've reserved my place as being 'a handful'.

Kinaed says, "Okay, anything else to add on that before we wrap up? I think we had a decent chat about child chars, but no changes to the system proposed."

Kinaed claims, "An update to the child help file is in order."

Azarial has left the game.

Kinaed states, "Well, no changes accepted."

Takta states, "Sorry, was afk. Yeah, I can update that file."

Kinaed states, "Thanks, Takta."

Karrina says to Bryce with a gring "A stubborn handful to boot."

Kinaed wonders, "Any last words or thoughts before we wrap up?"

Bryce was taught to be stubborn by everyone.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed declaims, "Okay, thank you for coming, everyone!"

Kinaed claims, "I'll begin putting people back now. See you next week."