Log of OOC meeting - Dec 31 / 2016

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Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:01 pm

Temi wonders, "Alright then, our agenda for today is: 1) staff updates, 2) player heartbeat, 3) player topics. I have a topic from Leech, who may not be here for it. Any other topics people would like to get on the list?"

Merick declaims, "Well he better get his butt here!"

Merick grins.

From now on, you won't hear tells.

Merick states, "Nothing here from me I'm just here to listen"

Haizea says, "Nothing from me"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi says, "Okay. Let's get started with staff updates then."

Ariadne shakes her head.

Temi has transferred Rimilde. [OOC]

Temi gives a delicate spun sugar butterfly with translucent blue wings to Rimilde.

Ariadne opens an amorphous satchel of softened homespun upon a worn strap.

Ariadne puts a hand-held butterfly net with a long, wooden handle in an amorphous satchel of softened homespun upon a worn strap.

Ariadne closes an amorphous satchel of softened homespun upon a worn strap.

Temi states, "Since I'm already talking... I created a butterfly event, did some RPA bits and pieces, and am trying to figure out what needs adjusted for diseases. I'll be reaching out to the people who noted some thoughts on it... so hopefully should have some updated specs this week."

Temi states, "And that's about it. Enjoy the butterflies today and tomorrow! Feel free to plot advance for stuff beyond the mobprogs."

Temi questions, "Az?"

Ariadne smiles.

Melania begins to count their money.

Azarial states, "I believe I have managed to pull my foot out of the morass I stuck it in, and am in the long tedious process of clearing the rest of it out."

Azarial states, "This should hopefully reduce the overall amount of weird untraceable crashes."

Temi states, "Well, that certainly sounds like a good thing."

Ariadne nods.

Merick chuckles.

Azarial claims, "Some poking at the bug list, and as it looks stable enough i'll alternate the buglist with other spots of possible buffer overruns"

Temi nods.

Temi wonders, "Anything else you'd like to tell us about?"

Azarial states, "Not that I can think of."

Temi queries, "Okay! Ismael?"

Gothan declares, "Eeek! I've gotta disappear, new years guests have arrived!"

Ismael states, "I'm getting a stealth spec done today which will help modify the skill for much more realism, much more risk vs reward. It will take the environment into consideration and it will use it to create, I think, an enjoyable experience. Hide also now works with furniture. Hide & sneak are now combined into a single skill called 'STEALTH,' and 'stealth' is a command to go into stealth mode (the equivalent of sneak). The difference is that some more actions now will also be able to be smothered out."

Temi waves.

Gothan has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Ismael states, "Some requests, I've tackled and grappled with the recommend list, and general Ism duties."

Ismael declares, "That's all!"

Temi states, "It looks like a really good improvement so far! I think people will like updated stealth."

Ismael smiles at Temi.

Haizea queries, "Will we get an exp refund on one to add to the other?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Azarial asks, "So it's active-ism week?"

Ismael pontificates, "I think so. Got a spec done in one week! :D"

Ariadne nods at Haizea.

Ismael says, "I'm not sure how the change will work. That'd be up to Temi & Kin, I think."

Azarial trails off, "Unless there was a deadline, and then it was race-ism... <_<"

Ismael laughs at Rimilde.

Ismael laughs at Azarial.

Temi states, "The way we've done it before, if you have both skills, you'll get the xp back for one, and get the skill level of the higher of the two."

Ismael nods at Temi.

Haizea nods at Temi.

Temi says, "If you only have one.. well, that's the higher of the two."

Alexander scans the area, looking for somewhere to hide.

Alexander edges towards his chosen hiding spot.

Alexander reaches his position.

Alexander conceals himself as best as possible.

Temi states, "Maybe Ismael will be able to share the spec with us next week."

Alexander moves suddenly, revealing his position.

Ismael nods at Temi.

Alexander claims, "Oh, sorry, just grinding real quick."

Temi claims, "Okay! That's staff topics unless someone snuck in on us... don't see anyone."

Merick snerks.

Temi queries, "So! Player heartbeat. How's RP been this week, folks?"

Haizea states, "Awesome"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Rimilde sits down and rests.

Esmerelde states, "Good for me, when I could be around."

Alexander says, "Just kind of puttin' around, waiting."

Merick states, "Touch and go, I missed some fun stuff last night, boo, but otherwise good."

Barcus claims, "Funsies from my alt! Still on the drawing board with Puppy Bark."

Temi nods.

Haizea states to Merick, "You should have just barged in uninvited like the rest of us"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Merick laughs.

Merick trails off, "I will next time..."

Temi grins.

Temi declares, "Barging in uninvited isn't always the best way to make people happy, but it does tend to result in RP!"

Haizea states to Temi, "To be fair, he left the door open and whererp on"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi nods in agreement with Haizea.

Temi claims, "That's just -asking- for barging."

Alexander states, "Dipping out."

Temi waves.

Alexander has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Temi queries, "Anything bothering anyone? Anything staff ought to know about?"

Ariadne shrugs

Melania muses, "Nope. can i get a trans out?"

Melania has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Temi says, "Okay, player topics then."

Ariadne states, "Not really feeling the game lately."

Temi nods at Ariadne.

Ariadne says, "So I dunno. Maybe I need a drawing board too."

Temi muses, "That's too bad. Any idea why? Or just a slump?"

Ariadne claims, "I kind of feel like I'm in a rut. I have an ic connection who's never around, and when I try and reach out to get some clarification on ok, did he come back and then leave, how should we rp this, etc... nothing. So that doesn't help. And I kinda just feel... like I've hit a wall."

Temi nods.

Temi questions, "You've tried a pboard to them?"

Ariadne trails off, "And without any explanation as to how I should play this connection, since it's a big part of her story... "

Ariadne nods.

Ariadne claims, "Boards, emails, etc. etlls even"

Ariadne states, "They just ignore me."

Temi nods.

Barcus muses, "Isn't there a rule for inactivity on such connections?"

Ariadne states, "I know he was in school, but he even told me he was off for the break, so I've tried to get rp, reach out. I even sent a tell yesterdaya when he was on but he logged off without responding. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep rping his absence when I'm forced to pull it out of my ear."

Temi states, "Yeah, if they are inactive for 4 weeks, we can clear them up for you. But you may be good just writing a pboard saying 'Here's what I'm assuming is going on and moving forwards'"

Ariadne nods her head.

Ariadne claims, "I even asked"

Temi nods.

Ariadne says, "Him that if he didn't really feel the character anymore, could he rp some off screen closure like assumed death or something, retiring, etc... but again. ignored. "

Temi says, "If you've asked and gotten nothing, I think it's safe to assume something reasonable and go on with it. Considerate to tell them what that is."

Ariadne states, "But yeah, I'll... figure it out."

Ariadne nods at Temi.

Temi states, "If you need staff mediation on something, let us know and we can help work it out."

Temi claims, "We won't tell you how to play, but we can make sure you're not doing anything outside of the reasonable for OOC assumptions or such."

Temi wonders, "Alright then. Player topics.. anyone else have anything they want to get on the list?"

Temi says, "Okay. I have a topic from Leech to discuss."

Temi claims, "He's suggesting an Inquisitor contest... let me see if we've got that request board post."

Temi says, "So, anyway, we've previously held a villain contest, where players submitted their ideas for best villains and backstories."

Temi states, "Staff would receive all of the villains, decide on the best one, and the winner would receive their villain character free of cost, with the expectation that they would play it to bring RP to the game."

Temi says, "Past villain contest winners have included like the Hillbeast, and the mage... Autumn? if anyone remembers or has heard of those."

Haizea nods.

Ariadne shakes her head.

Temi queries, "I'm not sure if Leech is suggesting holding one specifically for inquisitors, or just holding a villain contest that could get inquisitors, or what. Does anyone have thoughts?"

Merick asks, "Not sure I understand, is it purely for inquisitors?"

Haizea says, "I like the idea of more inquisitors"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi claims, "Previously, it was for villains of all sorts."

Temi claims, "But it theoretically could be for just inquisitors."

Temi says, "I don't know that inquisitors are necessarily cost intensive though... I don't think that's why people don't play them."

Haizea nods.

Ariadne states, "They're just... intensive."

Merick says, "Could use a few more order in general but I get why people kinda shy away from the roles, hmmm, I might make one in the future"

Temi wonders, "Would you play an inquisitor if you could get a free one with higher skills?"

Merick says, "But me I'm kind of a 'one character at a time' sort"

Ariadne claims, "I probably would. It can be a bit much on the brain though sometimes, especially with paperwork and interrogations, but yes, feeling like a half arsed inquisitor with low skills where, depending on back story, they should not be doesn't help the immersion"

Temi nods.

Ariadne states, "Granted, they're not supposed to be full combatants or anything, but some skill doesn't seem unreasonable, especially if a backstory supports that where code cannot"

Barcus muses, "What skills does an inquisitor need anyways?"

Temi claims, "An inquisitor could theoretically be fully functional with no skills but Lithmorran, but I could see people definitely wanting more than that."

Azarial claims, "36 ranks in creepy laughter, 24 in pointed looks, 61 in 'i've seen this before, quit bleeding on my good robes and tell me what I want to know' and a few in paperwork adn report writing."

Ariadne bursts out laughing.

Haizea grins at Azarial.

Merick declaims, "Ha!"

Barcus grins.

Temi grins.

Azarial says, "Snape would make a great inquisitor template."

Temi nods in agreement with Rimilde.

Ismael nods in agreement with Azarial.

Ariadne dies.

Temi claims, "No, you can't name him Severus Snape, sorry, folks."

Ariadne claims, "I love you, Az."

Merick trails off, "I'd say an extra language might come in handy, high intelligence, wisdom and charisma.... OH WHIPS :D"

Azarial says, "Sometimes it just comes down to style."

Temi nods at Rimilde.

Ariadne claims, "Snape would be so effing perfect, man."

Temi nods at Azarial.

Temi says, "I think Inquisitors are very much a 'style' character."

Haizea nods.

Ariadne works on a template for a Snape-inspired inq.

Ariadne says, "In honor of Alan Rickman, may the Lord of the Springs rest his awesome soul. :D"

Barcus says, "I think Inqs are sickly coollll but you need to know how to play it."

Barcus claims, "I think it's the only role that doesn't only require good writing skills, but also a little bit of skills to play a mindset and a line of thought that might be a little bit intricate ."

Temi states, "Would people like an inquisitor contest or a villain contest or 'meh, don't really care'? We can talk to Kin if she'd be amenable."

Azarial claims, "And knowing the faith well enough to conversationally parry and reposte when someone mouths off."

Haizea claims, "I'd like an inquisitor contest if skills or starting resources would be enough; i sort of get the feeling that there's a few really good villains lurking about on grid that we haven't quite met yet"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Barcus claims, "I wouldn't like the idea of a contest."

Temi says, "I worry about a villain contest now, because I feel like the Order feel a bit overwhelmed with the current set of troublemakers."

Barcus nods in agreement with Temi.

Haizea nods.

Merick states to Barcus, "Yeah that kinda takes it outta the players hands a bit much"

Barcus claims, "I'm also against an inquisitor concept"

Haizea says, "I wouldnt want to ruffle current troublemakers by throwing an established villain in to immediately outshine them either"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Barcus states, "I don't think it's the thematic move to have an inquisitor with 36 combat, 36 survival, etc. I am generally against gifting out numbers."

Barcus nods in agreement with Haizea.

Temi questions, "Any other thoughts to interject?"

Haizea may play lawfuls but she covets her troublemakers -_-
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi questions, "Alright. Anything else folks want to discuss while we're here?"

Temi claims, "Or I can give you 15 minutes back and let you go hunt butterflies or whatever. Feel free to take a net if you don't want to stop by the NPCs first."

Ariadne asks, "How do we hunt them again?"

Ariadne opens an amorphous satchel of softened homespun upon a worn strap.

Ariadne gets a hand-held butterfly net with a long, wooden handle from an amorphous satchel of softened homespun upon a worn strap.

Ariadne closes an amorphous satchel of softened homespun upon a worn strap.

Ariadne stops using a slimly rendered yew shortbow with a deceptively fine draw.

Ariadne holds a hand-held butterfly net with a long, wooden handle in her hand.

Temi states, "Hold the net, use the net in the room with the butterfly."

Ariadne nods.

Temi claims, "It'll do random rolls to see if you catch them."

Ariadne wonders, "And they're just out west?"

Ariadne nods.

Temi states, "The butterflies are wandering the whole grid. The NPCs are in tents out west."

Ariadne states, "Oooo"

Temi declaims, "Okay.. sending everyone back!"

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Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:39 pm

*Reads through* Just want to give my two-sense on the Inquisitor Contest. Frankly I don't think it works in the same way a villain contest would. As Temi said, an inquisitor really doesn't need skills to be an inquisitor. I invested majority of my xp on Reynold into purely language skills, and that's really the only skills I could see being necessary. Furthermore, it shouldn't take a contest to get people to play an inquisitor. If somebody couldn't be bothered to apply for an inquisitor role before, than in my mind they have no right to expect to play one when the costs would be free to them. That is just scummy in my book. That's like following an artist and refusing to pay for their work, but the instant they offer it for free you jump on it like a starving rat.
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Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:33 pm

While I find Voxumo's expressed view couched in terms more negative than I personally see the question, I agree that an Inquisitor contest is unnecessary. What benefit would the player of the Inquisitor would get out of applying through a contest that they don't get by just applying? Skillwise, a complete, fully mature Inquisitor should be easy enough to create immediately out of the box off chargen XP.

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