Log of OOC Meeting 1/30/2016

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 166
Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:45 am

Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:10 pm

Kinaed asks, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Jozafat shakes his thick head.

Oscar goes to sleep.

Oscar wakes and stands up.

Oscar sits down and rests.

Misune states, "I have something in mind, and it's something I already touched upon on the forums"

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Kinaed states to Misune, "Got you - please prewrite your topic introduction for when I call on you."

Misune claims, "Will do"

Kinaed states, "Okay, if anyone else thinks of anything, send me a tell."

Silrie has returned from AFK.

Vistarch claims, "I have a minor one I ought to throw in."

Kinaed says to Vistarch, "Okay, adding you."

Arland says, "I'm the newb, I'll mostly be listening"

Arland grins.

Kinaed smiles at Arland.

Oscar says OOCly, "How goes the train? 'Newb newb'"

Temi exclaims, "Glad to hear from all ages!"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Arland says OOCly, "Laaaaame...."

Oscar winks (OOC Emote)

Arland stares at Oscar

Kinaed claims, "Okay, let's kick off Staff Updates - this week I have a few policy cases, but it's the holidays in Australia and my girls are just starting school also, so I'm behind. My major project is still the spec for automating jail."

Kinaed queries, "If you haven't seen or reviewed this topic on the forums, please comment with your ideas to make the spec the best it can be: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1177"

Kinaed claims, "That's it for me - Temi, you're up."

Temi exclaims, "Okay!"

Temi claims, "Unfortunately, I haven't made a whole lot more progress on livestock. I think I'm to the point where I'm stuck waiting on some code changes, so I am sure I will be back to it soon."

Temi states, "Beyond that, some RPA and plot stuff, started up the plot that the court requested for the Charali colony, and dealing with the Queen in Vavard stuff"

Temi claims, "So that's pretty much it for me"

Kinaed looks at a book in her hands.

Silrie swings her leg over her mount, preparing to dismount.

Silrie easily dismounts from a sleek, coal black Charali bred stallion.

Kinaed has transferred Evrald. [OOC]

Evrald asks, "I'm here I swear! Have we started yet?"

Kinaed nods at Evrald.

Kinaed says to Evrald, "Temi's giving her update."

Kinaed claims, "Wait, she finished."

Kinaed declares to Vistarch, "Your turn!"

Temi gives a tiny, handheld mirror cut to the shape of a winged figure to Evrald.

Arland exclaims to Evrald, "SLOW... I mean... Hi!"

Kinaed states, "Vistarch is just writing. :)"

Silrie reads Vistarch's head while she waits.

Kinaed has transferred Addienna. [OOC]

Addienna thought she was an hour early.
Temi gives a tiny, handheld mirror cut to the shape of a winged figure to Addienna.

Vistarch claims, "This week has been patching RL messes for the most part. The time I've gotten here has been fixing/testing a few things, roaming the Urth as one of my more demonic creations and mostly trying not to brick the website while expanding what we've got. Thus far that has mostly been backend stuff to make it easier on me going forward. Ideally I'd like to properly integrate the Wordpress and PHPbb we have currently."

Kinaed says to Vistarch, "That'd be pretty cool, Vist."

Kinaed questions to Vistarch, "Anything else to add?"

Jozafat is drinking a cold, honeyed banana milkshake.

Vistarch says, "That's it for this portion I think :)"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, as Azarial isn't here, I can tell you that this week, most of the game changes were cosmetic or bug fixing - ie, fixing where line bleeds were occuring."

Kinaed states, "New in the pipline of things for Az to add is a new Earth spell that's fairly high level to create familiars. Hopefully we'll see that soon."

Kinaed says, "Not much else that I think would be interesting."

Kinaed queries, "So that concludes our updates - any questions before we move on?"

Jozafat nopes.

Addienna pontificates, "That sounds need!"

Addienna claims, "Neat*"

Kinaed nods at Addienna.

Collun nods.

Kinaed claims to Addienna, "The spell is quite neat, looking forward to seeing it in play, yep."

Arland hops a bit in place

Temi claims, "We know people have been requesting something like it for a long time."

Kinaed asks, "Okay, next agenda item - Player Heartbeat. How's RP been this week, folks?"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Tomas states, "Ehhh"

Oscar claims, "RP was very scarce for me, but good when it happened"

Arland wonders, "Off and on, if I may?"

Kinaed states to Tomas, "Uh oh, doesn't sound promising."

Addienna was in Tubor- has noooooo idea.

"rp has been rather hectic this last week, but good for the most part..." Misune sighs [Misune]

Silrie shrugs.

Kinaed states to Arland, "Certainly. :) We'd love to hear about how it's been for you."

Tomas says to Kinaed, "Just some disheartening, discouraging things"

Margaux claims, "Slow here with work and waiting."

Jemven says, "Didn't have a lot of RP but what I did get in was alright."

Evrald pontificates, "RP was a bit troublesome for a bit for me, but that's because I was changing from days to nights on my sleep schedule. I think I might be able to get more RP in though hopefully!"

Jozafat says "I just started but liking it so far."

Arland trails off, "Granted my first big moment was running into a hulking pile of armor wielding an eye covered claymore, anyway..."

Kinaed muses, "Why so many people finding it hard to get RP? *curious*"

Temi grins at Arland.

Arland wonders, "For me, maybe it's because I'm a newbie? "

Silrie claims, "Meh. Part my fault since Sil's avoiding most people, but... meh. Kind of disheartening in some ways as well."

Kinaed says to Arland, "Yes, that might be troublesome."

Jozafat nods in agreement to Arland.

Silrie states, "But that is probably just theme and all that."

Kinaed claims, "Oh, being a newbie shouldn't make it hard to get RP, I'd hope. :("

Temi queries, "Does it seem like just a down week, or like there might be something we need to fix?"

Jozafat states, "Not hard. But I tread carefully."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Misune trails off, "I should actually think the opposite... being a newbie should encourage others to seek you out and drain the sweet sweet cyan bonus from your rpable bones"

Tobius claims, "It seemed like a down week. even i had a bit of trouble getting rp"

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Jozafat states, "The where command is extremely useful :)"

Arland says, "I'm getting sponsors, all that, but inbetween it's a bit sporatic, all chance, though I've met some crazy people and had some good rp"

Kinaed claims, "People get XP bonuses for playing with new characters *cough*"

Addienna grins at Misune.

Oscar states, "Mhmm. down week. Let's just shove aaaaalll the blame on the mages. Like aleays"

Evrald states, "For me? Only 1/3rd of the people online were available on Where and half of those were usually in a private area. And aside from that, when I did get to a scene with a lot of people in it, it was a bit 'too' crowded."

Oscar says, "Always*"

Estrilda pauses, "I've been seeing a lot more people out in public lately, which I think is good for generating more interactions."

Kinaed says, "I emphasize new characters as opposed to newbies also."

Kinaed nods at Estrilda.

Arland states to Jozafat, "Problem is a good amount of the time I've ran into people that either walk off, are afk, or just not interested in newbies maybe"

Misune grabs his silly straw and sticks it into Arland, draining that bonus

Arland pontificates, "Ow, hey, whut!"

Kinaed queries, "Okay, if I may ask - is there anything staff ought to be turning their attention to? Anything that's shitting people about the game at the moment?"

Vistarch says, "Don't forget about messengers. Just because someone isn't at the pub doesn't mean they don't want to RP."

Jozafat nods at Arland

Kinaed says to Arland, "It's rude to just walk out of RP in our eyes."

Arland nods at Vistarch.

Jozafat says, "Still trying to grasp the courier system."

Misune coughs coughs "Well making sure freakin flying works the way it should would be nice..

Kinaed says to Arland, "Not that there's much we can do about people behaving like cads."

Kinaed queries to Misune, "What's wrong with flying?"

Arland declares to Kinaed, "Rp is rp, there's a wee bit of adjustment but eh! "

Jozafat claims, "I've noticed quite a few seemingly AFKing peeps."

Temi says, "Yeah, we found a lot of edge cases and weird stuff in that scene."

Evrald says, "The only time i've walked out of a scene is because of RL. Aside from that, I try to not AFK in the middle of RP."

Temi claims, "Az fixed a bunch of stuff like the day of, or next day."

Kinaed wonders to Temi, "I don't recall anything was broken with flying though?"

Kinaed nods at Evrald.

Temi states, "A couple things like not falling and such"

Tobius claims, "Rp has been weird this week. and sad in some ways."

Kinaed claims, "Oh yeah, we got that one."

Jozafat says, "It could be that my previous mud is fast paced and afking is dangerous."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Misune nods to Temi "Temi knows what I mean. And flying itself isn't broken, it's it's role in other parts of things, specifically combat."

Margaux states to Kinaed, "Nothing major from my point of view, although you did ask me to remind/bump you about my request, come today."

"Splat." Arland says with a deadpan look

Misune trails off, "And yeah... that whole not falling thing was weird"

Oscar wonders, "I bet you're from Arm, Jozafat. No?"

Kinaed states to Jozafat, "AFK should be dangerous here, but we don't have as much open aggression and more back-stabby stuff."

Temi trails off, "I did suggest a tool for scenes like that and running off..."

Jozafat says, "No, Sindome."

Oscar says, "Ah"

Kinaed states to Margaux, "I've got that up on the staff board, thanks for reminding me."

Silrie shudders.

Temi queries to Kinaed, "Did you get a look at that? Should we field it off players or you want to think more?"

Kinaed says to Margaux, "I'll follow up after this meeting."

Margaux says to Kinaed, "Thanks. :)"

Kinaed claims to Temi, "Sure, go ahead."

Temi states, "Let me grab that spec-let"

Kinaed says, "Note: This spec isn't approved, but we're thinking about something like it."

"I will say this, I like this," Arland spreads his arms out, "It's quite personal and involved, something I've never really seen in a game like this, I'm gonna be in here a lot, heh."

Kinaed smiles at Arland.

Jozafat nods at Arland.

Temi starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Jozafat says, "I like it too, heh."

Kinaed claims, "Basically, it's an ongoing problem when someone flees a scene."

Jozafat muses, "Well it can simply have IC consequences like the offending char being considered rude, hm?"

Arland nods.

Kinaed claims, "Flee only works inside combat, and we need some sort of arbitrating system to say 'if you're fleeing, does anyone get a chance to stop you, and how might that work before you just type <direction> and disappear without 30 people calling foul or twinkery'"

Temi has written a new note, Initiative/Reaction Idea, on the General board.
Temi finishes her note.

Evrald says, "I think this is more of a combat related thing."

Arland states, "Or they get chased after, so on"

Temi says, "There, take a look at that."

Kinaed nods at Evrald.

Jozafat states, "Aaaah."

Temi states, "Poke holes in it"

board 3
Current board changed to General. You can both read and write here.
There is 1 unread note.

note read

[ #27 ] General Board
A note has been posted by: Temi
In subject of: Initiative/Reaction Idea
Date : Sat Jan 30 16:22:10 2016
Expires : Fri Feb 19 16:22:18 2016
To : all

We discussed maybe we need a quick initiative sort of system, to determine
who should get to react.

I'd propose:

- Player does an emote or action to which people will want to respond, but
requires quick action and follow up. Like: player emote they are starting
to run, player launches into the air with fly, etc.

- Player uses initiative command.

- Code rolls 1 d Dex for each player invisibly. Code orders player numbers
by roll number.

- Code prints out a list of who can act before the person calling for

PlayerA has called for reaction times: - PlayerC can act before PlayerA. -
PlayerD can act before PlayerA.

Alternatively - PlayerA has called for reaction times: - No one is able to
react in time.

- Players determined by code act immediately with one-turn immediate

- Initiating player acts: leaving, letting off their spell, whatever.

- Normal behavior resumes, no accusations of twinking at PlayerA.

I would not code enforce this, just a tool for the RP culture. Could also
call it 'reaction' or something like that.

Evrald says, "Rather than just walking out of a scene"

Arland nods at Evrald.

Misune sighs faintly "I've always hated how fleeing a scene currently works... because all it evolves into is a giant Gang beating."

Mika stumbles out of some nearby bushes wearing a bear suit. [OOC]

Kinaed states, "Yes, last week's situation was a mage covered in flowy aura of sanct standing in River Square, mocking the knights and inquisitors. At some stage (I wasn't around for that part), the mage decided to fly away."

Jozafat states, "The 'begins to walk' is useful."

Temi gives a tiny, handheld mirror cut to the shape of a winged figure to Mika.

Mika waves.

Margaux says to Misune, "I agree with that. It doesn't feel very real to me, when I've observed it."

Arland grins at Mika.

Kinaed claims, "They emoted leaving and left, a whole bunch of players left behind cried foul saying that they didn't have a chance to emote/react/try to do anything."

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Misune states, "And I came back did I not, knowing full and well what it would evolve into"

Temi claims, "And it makes sense people get a chance to react... but -evryone- shuldn't get a chance to, because that's a bit of a death sentence."

Temi says, "So neither option is really fair."

Jozafat nods.

Jozafat muses, "Make it a skill check?"

Kinaed claims, "On one hand, we don't want a person to just go 'em flies away. ; u' but on the other, we didn't think it was appropriate that every darn person in the room would have been able to react, even the dumb kid with 35 dex."

Temi claims, "My idea is posted up on general board now"

Kinaed nods.

Arland claims, "One word, lasso"

Misune claims, "And to be fair, there was like 10 people against 1"

Arland peers around

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Jozafat asks, "Or the closer people in the local map?"

Silrie nods at Misune.

Kinaed claims to Jozafat, "I like the idea of taking that into account as well as some sort of "initiative" roll like tabletop games use."

Silrie trails off, "That was something else, that scene..."

Kinaed claims, "We just need to find a way to make it feel intuitive."

Jozafat smiles.

Temi says, "One other thing we want to do is create a helpfile about what exactly is a 'one action response'."

Kinaed wonders to Temi, "I don't understand what you mean there, please clarify?"

Temi says, "Ie, if you have a weapon out, striking with it in range works. But moving closer and striking is not. And drawing weapons and striking is not."

Jozafat questions, "Well isn't the turn based rp system here (not combat) used for those situations?"

Kinaed nods at Jozafat.

Temi nods at Jozafat.

Temi states, "Yeah, that's what we want to clarify. How much action fits into one turn."

Kinaed trails off, "Yes, but if combat isn't actually engaged and people are just glaring at one another before shit breaks loose..."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Jozafat nods.

Mika claims, "With the turns system you have to decide as a group how to organize turns, too"

Jozafat claims, "Ahh."

Mika states, "So this would do it for you"

Kinaed states, "People can enforce turns, but rarely do."

Kinaed claims, "I think we forget that we can also."

Tobius trails off, "Can i ask an honest question...why is drawing and striking not one action? realistically, if i have a decent amount of skill, i can draw and slice about as fast as i can bring the axe up and swing. i mean, it doens't make sense for bows, but things like swords...getting off a lower damage swing makes sense to me"

Temi says, "Plus it wouldn't have helped in this situation."

Kinaed says to Tobius, "I'm not sure it's not - I think Temi was just suggesting examples and saying we need to define them."

Misune says, "And there should also be a reduction in accuracy for combat if the person is flying... idealy if they are flying and moving at the same time... The auto-aim is a bit ridiculous"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Temi claims, "Yeah, we don't have the definitions yet. Part of what we'd need."

Kinaed queries to Mika, "Welcome, by the way. Did you have an update to give us?"

Mika says, "Not really, most of my staff time was dark and eldritch behaviour. I did typoes and fixed a helpfile."

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Temi says, "My first version of the idea was just it rolls initiative for everybody for a sort of turn order, rather than who can react before the one person. I don't know which would be more useful."

Mika declares, "I learned way more about the object creator than I ever knew before !!!"

Jozafat stumbled upon a non working help file but can't remember which one...

Kinaed holds up the Papercraft SPEC, "I'm reviewing this, by the way, folks. When it's been reviewed and any tweaks I've asked for made, then we'll let you know more re: new papercraft."

Mika says to Jozafat, "If you find it and post it on the typoes board, we can award you for it"

Temi nods in agreement with Mika.

Jozafat stands up.

Jozafat dances happily.

Jozafat sits down on the ground.

Addienna listens.

Kinaed queries, "Anything else players want staff to be looking at, considering or focused on?"

Jozafat nopes.

Kinaed claims, "We're half way through the hour, so if we're all happy to move on, it's Player Topic time. :)"

Kinaed claims to Misune, "You had the first go."

Arland says, "Like I said I'm the new guy, I don't really know what to say"

Arland laughs.

Misune claims, "Yep. I have it typed up, and it will be a two parter pose due to length"

Misune clears throats "Alrighty folks, this is more of a point of view open for discussion versus something else. What I wish to bring up is that sometimes it doesn't hurt to let the mages win. This is an ooc point of view of course. I have many reasons for stating this, but I'll start with the easiest. What is The Inquisition: Legacy? Well according to the Theme page on the website, it's a game that focuses primarily on Mages against the Order, or More correctly Mages against Non-mages. It's because of this theme that two things are needed above all else for this game. Mages and the Order. If the game didn't have either well... it wouldn't really be TI:Legacy. The game could function without reeves, brotherhood, physicians, etc. I mean it would be boring but it could function and still be thematic." Pauses for dramatics

Kinaed smiles at Arland.

Misune continues his thought "As such as somewhat pointed out in the topic on the forum, Mages are an integral part of TI's Ecosystem. The rp they bring more specifically. And it's because of this unique rp that only mages can bring that I ask you to consider this; If a mage isn't immediatly attacking or hurting a character icly, what is the harm in letting them go, if it means you have more chances for rp in the future? I'm not saying you should let them go once you have them arrested and in ahalin, but in that initial arrest phase." takes a breath "On top of this, mages don't have to bring mage-related rp to those who normally wouldn't get it, or even those who would. Nothing is forcing them to risk their characters just to bring rp to others, but many do because well they care more about the story than the code." pauses to catch breath "And the most important reason I bring this up, is because the mage community on this game is slowly dying... Not icly but just... in all other senses. In the last two years I have personally witnessed the mage community diminish into something horrible. Most mages are so afraid to do anything aside from the occasional demon summoning which gets boring fast. It's hard to get other mages to work together, and I have no idea what can fix this. I tried to get a group of mages to work together, and it ended up only being two who decided to join rhea." shakes head "I'm sorry if I'm rambling and bitching, but this is a very near and dear topic to me. I've always had faith in the mage aspect of this game, and I've always been a strong supporter of it... and I don't want to see it go down the drain because for some reason people forget this is a game about rp and story. And that means working with others to create an amazing story that expands beyond the typical."

Kinaed states to Arland, "No worries, eventually you will."

Kinaed pauses to read Misune's stuff.

Kinaed says, "Hmm."

Jozafat nods.

Silrie states, "I agree."

Temi says, "One thing I would say... those mages creating dramatic moments are totally the most exciting for Knights and everybody to catch too. So while I applaud and encourage people who OOCly want to let them escape, I don't think it's right to shame those who are excited and want to actually try too."

Kinaed claims, "I know you recently suffered a rather large defeat that was pretty shitty given how much time and energy went into that plot."

Addienna states to Misune, "It is true- there are sects out there though. A lot of times it is safer to keep all magicy business to yourself though."
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Collun is idle.

Addienna states, "Even though that defeats the idea of causing a stir."

Collun is no longer idle.
Collun has returned from AFK.

Tobius trails off, "I just found it was a lot more fun to simply...be a bad guy as non mage"

Kinaed states, "I personally have no issues with mages getting away, even if they are hurting people, but I do agree that in a scene people forget that the story can be better if they don't win on the spot - so on all of those points I agree."

Tobius states, "I do SO much more damage that way"

Temi grins at Tobius.

Kinaed states, "I don't think the mage community is dying though - I think it's very vibrant and alive."

Mika nods.

Tomas states, "In my talking with others about mages, half the problem with mages not wanting to work together is other mages selling each other out. So not all the problem is non mages, some of it is the mages themselves who toss other mages out under the bus to save themselves"

Kinaed nods at Tomas.

Margaux says, "There is often an OOC 'must win' culture with regards to Order.v.Mages."

Tobius states, "That tomas a thousand times that"

Kinaed nods at Margaux.

Temi claims, "Should be lots of room for different versions of badguys to have fun in whatever version is most fun for you."

Temi nods at Tobius.

Misune nods to Kinaed "That's true... Two ooc years I spent on Rhea... two years I spent building a plot only for it to be destroyed in one scene. And I'm not just basing this on one point of view. I've been playing misune for the same amount of time as rhea. I've been on both ends, the enforcer and the trouble-maker

Mika states, "I do like the idea of enabling antagonists a little for story, though"

Kinaed says, "I think it's a shame - I also think it's because of reasons of pride - people on one side or the other just don't want to lose face."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Mika claims, "I get sad when I see a really hilarious but ultimately harmless antagonist get shut down socially and excluded from RP because they're an easy target"

Margaux claims, "Also, what Tomas said. When I played Zeita, I didn't get involved in most mage communities because most mage communities couldn't be trusted."

Kinaed wonders, "So what is the problem here - player attitudes towards one another or the system itself?"

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Tomas claims, "Player attitudes"

Jozafat raises a hand.

Kinaed queries to Jozafat, "Yes? :)"

Misune shrugs to Kinaed "Player Attitudes for sure."

Estrilda is idle.

Jozafat muses, "Maybe both? Create coded ways for mages to have an easier time?"

Kinaed says, "I think we've gone as far with that as we can short of handing mages wins."

Silrie states, "I think that... how can I put this delicately... I think that scene was just tough in the sense that everyone appeared to want to play hero, and icly, the mage did have a chance to escape but would have also been oocly pounced on for it even though much time had passed? So I think part of it may be code, and part of it is, as mentioned, ooc pride. And I don't mean to insult anyone by saying that. I think it's just how that scene fell."

Jozafat nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims, "Mages are very powerful, very sly beasts."

Kinaed says, "They are not built for direct confrontation, however."

Vistarch states, "The rampant turncoat RP makes for a lot of risk. Demons may be a more evil way to accomplish goals but they are at least bound to secrecy about identity."

Misune claims, "To be fair Jozafet, there was recentlya spell combo that would allow mages to safely do a scene like what I did, but it was nerfed because it was apparently unfair"

Tomas claims to Jozafat, "Mages with proper preparation are very formidable and have lots of tricks, but yeah they can get caught out and overpowered. anyone can get overpowered with enough people"

Estrilda is no longer idle.
Margaux muses to Misune, "What was that change?"

Estrilda has returned from AFK.

Jozafat nods.

Jozafat claims, "Thanks."

Collun states, "Well i had fun with my last mage though the only thing that i was a little put out over was how during my review the inquisitor in question didnt want to go all out torture scene so i had to change gears and make it a tear jerker instead"

Temi claims, "We want a well-prepared mage to have a good shot, but we don't want them to have a 100% shot either."

Misune says, "The sync between Aura of Sanctuary, the spell that prevents mages from being attacked and inturn attacking others, and Aura of Sanctuary, the flight spell"

Vistarch claims to Misune, "If a mage could walk freely and not have anything bad happen without engaging someone in combat first I don't think that very fair."

Kinaed says, "My perspective is that - staff can fix code things, but if it comes to player attitudes - the only thing we can do is have meetings like these and discuss the topic with one another... ultimately, you guys are the pbase and how you treat one another has a massive effect on the game that staff simply cannot control or account for."

Jozafat nods at Kinaed.

Margaux says to Misune, "I think that is a smart combo, in my opinion. There seem to be a lot of roadblocks going up for mages lately, which would probably discourage me from playing one."

Mika states, "We had this happen another time where a player kept shouting at a Knight who was OOCly trying to let them escape and then copy/pasting "enter portal" until the player got bored and irritated."

Misune queries, "And normally I would agree Vistarch, but in this case neither could hurt the other... where is the harm in that? If one could harm the other It would be unfair"

Vistarch states, "With cutting wind you could in theory turn everyone to mincemeat using it."

Silrie states to Collun, "Inuisitors approach reviews pretty differently, I think. Some torture, some don't leap immediately to that. :D"

Kinaed says, "By design, mages are meant to be working from the shadows and have a lot of trouble walking in the light."

Silrie grins at Collun.

Misune cringes "Yeah... I don't think cutting wind should work with Aura of sanctuary... it's part of the reason I never used it despite knowing it would work."

Temi states, "If we had flying mages going about taunting knights and not able to be attacked, it would get old very quick. And nything that's foolproof... we quickly see a lot of."

Mika nods at Temi.

Jozafat nods at Temi.

Jozafat says, "There should always be risk imho"

Tobius states, "I would probably be one to fly over the city screaming obscenities simply because i could, i admit"

Mika claims, "Temi more tactfully made the point that I didn't"

Vistarch states, "I think the amount of fun gained is pretty minimal, much like the old favorite that everyone loved to see: Someone getting breathbound in a big scene."

Silrie laughs at Tobius.

Tomas claims to Temi, "Which is why I really really hate that spell that creates a shadow. because on BP I saw people using that all the time to go out and taunt knights and everyone else. they never exposed themselves and it got old fast"

Temi states, "We just need to learn how to balance the risk so it's some risk, enough to make people think... but not the end to them if they do anything."

Temi states, "Which is waaay easier said than done."

Arland declares to Tobius, "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

Arland cackles

Temi nods at Tomas.

Misune queries, "It does get old, but I would like to point something out... It's even stated that mages are not meant for direct confrontations... why should a mage risk themselves, with little return for the risk they put in?"

Mika says, "You could do it for the story"

Kinaed states, "Okay, so where I'm at here - staff, we'll review Aura of Sanct and all other spells that can interact with it, make some judgment calls, and sort that out. We'll look at fleeing a scene when not in combat and sort out some "initiative" code. Finally, players - please remember mages are glass cannons. If you're a mage, secrecy is your best defense and that is by game design."

Arland nods at Misune.

Temi states, "With the new spells that we have come up with, we've been trying to add ones that add to the RP of the game without being a direct confrontation."

Kinaed says to Misune, "I don't think mages making big bang statements is necessarily where the heart of good mage RP is."

Misune says, "Indeed Mika. and then spend another year building up a mage to the same point just to get shot down again/"

Oscar is idle.

Temi says, "Hopefully as we go we're getting better and better about this spell design suff."

Kinaed says, "Mage RP is intended to be about finding or making covens (ie, friends) and building a life of control from behind the scenes."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Oscar is no longer idle.

Arland states to Kinaed, "Though having the ocassional mad man mage is kinda fun"

Arland grins.

Misune nods to Kinaed "Oh I don't doubt that kinaed, which is why you don't see mages do shit like I did, because it is out of the norm and incredibly risky. But even on the front page Kinaed, it says 'Is the order really good' under theme. some people have to take the risk of playing to that

Kinaed claims, "That being said, I think when mages *do* make the big statements - which is rare for obvious reasons, we should celebrate them and that effort."

Kinaed nods at Arland.

Temi pontificates, "Also a reminder to people - when people risk their character to do big scenes you appreciate, make sure you remember to do recommends for them!"

Silrie nods at Kinaed.

Mika says to Misune, "That particular situation did blow, though, which is why we're looking at initiative"

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Mika nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "Especially in those times. Though for anything people go out of their way to create RP for you."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims, "We have 10 minutes until the top of the hour - I'm sorry, but we have other people who have topics."

Tomas states, "It does suck when you try and create interesting rp/plot and get it shit on"

Tobius asks, "Question: are demons allowed in stories still or did yall nix that?"

Temi claims, "And if you don't know who did it - post on the request board. We'll find them."

Mika nods.

Kinaed says to Tobius, "RIght now, we're not approving demon-based stories because it seemed that was all we were getting and it was getting old."

Kinaed nods at Tomas.

Tobius says to Kinaed, "K"

Jozafat waits for the next topics.

Kinaed asks of Vistarch, "You had something to raise?"

Vistarch says, "I just want to encourage people to have courtesy around connection stability. I understand wanting to play and the frustration unstable internet can bring but keep in mind that if you're dropping link every few minutes and people are having to repose most of what they do it can seriously break immersion and cause problems for people that have limited time to play."

Temi nods.

Jozafat nods.

Misune nods" and I am sorry if I am coming off hostile... it's just this left a very sour taste in my mouth. One I don't really have the urge to experience again. also for those interested in continueing the discussion, there is a topic. http:/ti-legacy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1191." shuts up now due to slow typing and so that vistarch can have the floor.

Temi states, "Be nice to people that have connection issues, but if yours is really acting up, be nice to everybody else too."

Mika nods at Misune.

Kinaed hugs Misune.

Mika states to Misune, "I wasn't happy with how that turned out"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed questions, "Okay, Silrie?"

Silrie muses, "Hey, well, when it comes to emoting and leaving, I'll admit I get confused on this and have been guilty of it in the past. I just have a hard time understanding why, if someone says something and then storms out, why they would linger if they've emoted storming out? Maybe I'm just not getting it? Like, Jill gets into an argument with Jack, gives Jack the finger, tells him off, then turns and flounces out. If she's flouncing out, why would she stop then? Why not just emote stopping on your way out? Or, if you are indeed storming out, ... I'm confused. It's either one or the other, right? You storm out or you don't? But storming out seems to be a mite taboo here? I promise, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just actually really confused. Is it more an ooc thing than an ic thing?"

Mika exclaims to Silrie, "What i see some people do is change their action to like, "mika is stormin out!!! she's goin!!!""

Kinaed states to Silrie, "Just because someone wants to give someone the finger and flounce out doesn't mean they CAN."

Tobius states, "The main thing is that even as you're storming out folks are going to react in some way"

Vistarch states to Silrie, "If you're trying to storm out I could equally be trying to punch you in the face for the insult."

Silrie states, "Ooooh."

Evrald is idle.

Kinaed states, "So you emote that's what you're doing and let someone react because their action may intervene. You can't just auto-succeed at fleeing/flicking the finger, etc, because you want to."

Temi claims, "If what they're doing is leaping to tackle you... that would make it hard to keep flouncing."

Evrald is no longer idle.
Evrald has returned from AFK.

Mika nods.

Margaux claims to Silrie, "Basically, give people a chance to respond. Emote leaving, wait for response, leave then if it is suitable."

Silrie grins.

Silrie says, "Very true."

Addienna says, "Addi stripped to her chemise one day in front of Emma and Farra because she was sick of Farra bitching about her dress.. I waited for the okay to leave. hehe"

Silrie claims, "Ahahahah Addy."

Kinaed claims, "Ironically, we just got through our three people with topics."

Kinaed states, "And have 10 minutes to go."

Addienna grins at Silrie.

Temi exclaims, "Another place the initiative type system would help!"

Mika claims to Addienna, "I was yelling the whole time i was reading the recommend for that"

Misune smirks and blames his overly long topic for taking up so much time

Kinaed questions, "For the new players in the room, may I ask what your impressions of TI are thus far?"

Evrald queries, "Isn't having little time remaining a good thing? It means everyone is able to talk about things"

Jozafat states, "I like changing your action and giving a little polite time to others to react somehow"

Kinaed nods at Evrald.

Temi says to Evrald, "It's not bad! Just surprising. We're good at talking."

Jozafat muses, "Impressions?"

Jozafat hmms.

Kinaed states to Evrald, "It just means that I didn't have to move on from Misune's topic when I thought we did."

Mika has coffee handed to her in bed and is now less of a grumpy bear

Margaux says to Mika, "Yes please."

Jozafat says, "The game is huge. A little overwhelming -- specially the sheer number of descentralized helpfiles and commands."

Kinaed claims to Mika, "I could use a coffee."

Mika grins.

Kinaed nods at Jozafat.

Silrie steals coffee.

Arland claims to Kinaed, "Unforgiving, though that's fine, so long as it's reasonable within a certain frame, I particularly enjoy the differences in all the characters, there are no cookie cutter characters lol"

Mika pontificates, "I apologize if i came off cranky!!"

Silrie claims, "Oh, I've axed a few of my own. haha."

Kinaed muses to Arland, "I'd think cookie cutter characters on a role-play game would be counter intuitive?"

Silrie asks, "Oh wait, is anyone else havin' issues with vanishing pets?"

Jozafat claims, "I really enjoy concepts like remember -- coming from Sindome, this is a hugely appreciated thing."

Mika says to Jozafat, "I made my first character a hillman so that i could read cultural helpfiles slowly and roleplay ignorance in the meantime"

Kinaed states to Silrie, "That's a bug we've been chasing for awhile."

Kinaed nods at Jozafat.

Temi states, "We have some rare bugs on pets going missing, that Az has been trying to track it"

Margaux says to Silrie, "I always find mine in Reeve HQ, eating donuts. X.X"

Jozafat nods to Mika: "Exactly my logic."

Silrie says, "I didn't check reeve hq ahaha"

Silrie grins.

Temi declaims, "If a pet goes missing, post a bug note, ASAP! With anything you know"

Kinaed states to Jozafat, "I only briefly played Sindome. Wanted to like it, didn't even get to the RP and had trouble getting into it despite liking the idea of the theme."

Temi claims, "And if you saw them stop following you, grab that right then"

Temi says, "We'd really love to nip this bug in the bud once and for all."

Silrie exclaims to Temi, "I posted one! XD"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Jozafat says OOCly, "How do I talk to someone using social commands?"

Mika asks of Jozafat, "Like this?"

Misune always sees banners for Sindome... and the banner has turned me off from it "It's so confusing on what it's suppose to be."

Jozafat nods.

Oscar has lost link.

Mika states, "Sayto"

Silrie states to Temi, "I'm just not sure if he's even codely alive anymore. haha. or if the maintenance made him go pooof."

Arland says to Kinaed, "Yeah but it happens"

Arland claims, "Just not here, which is good"

Temi nods at Silrie.

Jozafat says to Mika, "Thanks."

Temi says, "Yeah, Az is looking at it."

Tobius states, "Love the theme, but i couldn't get a handle on the commands needed to properly play things in sindome"

Mika states, "Generally used less in rp; we tend to have slightly longer and more detailed emotes than sindome, with less reliance on socials"

Kinaed states, "Mika used 'sayto' but you can also 'emote tosses her hair and says, "<insert>"'"

Mika states, "I think turn based combat does that"

Evrald trails off, "Mika! As far as the the ignorance thing goes... Evrald is my first, and being a Charalin I can be 'ignorant' of some things because savagery and what not"

Mika nods at Evrald.

Jozafat claims to Mika, "Longer emotes are awesome here; SD has a problem of over reliance on socials."

Silrie states, "I love long emotes. I'm so guilty of that in good scenes."

Jozafat states, "Also the pace here is slower, and I really like that."

Silrie says, "As in, line too long, woman long."

Mika states, "My feelings on sindome are perfectly netural and nothing to express on a forum that's going to be logged"

Mika sips her coffee

Arland claims, "I have to work on my emote length, I admit it"

Silrie grins at Mika.

Kinaed says, "New players - please refer any ideas or changes for the new player experience to me. It's a bit of an issue that we haven't been new for so long that we don't get to see the game with fresh eyes."

Arland claims, "Just smack me when I'm not up to snuff"

Kinaed says, "Okay, with two minutes to go, friends- time for shameless plugs."

Misune trails off, "I love long emotes as well... but I've had the issue of running into a character or two who just because they do long emotes, they get oocly hostile when you don't as well, because for some odd reason they felt like you weren't serious about the scene"

Jozafat states to Kinaed, "Some centralized helpfile system could be useful."

Tobius waves

Kinaed claims, "Please vote for TI - this helps keep us visible on various mud sites so we get more players for you to play with. If you have the appetite for reminders, type 'autovote' to turn on the voting reminders, and with our gratitude."

Tobius begins to descend.

Tobius leaves down.

Kinaed says to Jozafat, "I'm not sure what you mean with regards to a centralized help system, so I might touch base with you further on that."

Silrie states, "My three-year-old's birthday party was a hit today. Not a plug, but I am pleased and therefore life is good. LOL End randomness."

Mika grins.

Kinaed cheers.

Misune says, "Congrats"

Arland trails off, "Threeeeee... good age, oh wait I don't remember 3"

Kinaed queries, "Okay, I think that's all for today. Anyone else have any shameless plugs?"

Jozafat states to Kinaed, "Like, a helpfile that gives you the bare bones basics and slowly lets you expand from there."

Misune declaims, "Oh I have one!"

Kinaed claims to Jozafat, "Hmm."

Kinaed declaims to Misune, "Get it out quick!"

Jozafat says to Kinaed, "Like the chargen room messages, but accessible from outside chargen."

Misune pontificates, "If you don't know about them, for you new players, go check out player blogs and perhaps create your own!"

Evrald declares, "I have a shameless plug!"

Kinaed claims, "Oh yeah, guys - it's MAGEBANE. Have fun, don't die."

Silrie so needs to update hers...

Kinaed states to Evrald, "Go for it."

Mika says, "Oooh yeeeaaahh happy magebane : ^ )"

Jozafat says, "I wanna know what Magebane is :)"
Collun is idle.

Silrie laughs.

Misune wields his shiny a katzbalger, fine-steel blade etched with a purifying fire and prepares to slaughter

Evrald pontificates, "Within a week or two there will be maps out in the form of items! LOOK FORWARD TO IT PEOPLES!"

Silrie claims, "Yay magebane! No party this year. I's sad. it snuck up so fast"

Evrald shows Kinaed a portable map of "Lithmore City".

Kinaed claims to Jozafat, "Mages cast spells very easily. Like freely."

Evrald shows Kinaed a portable map of "Lithmore City".

Kinaed claims to Evrald, "Ooo, sweet."

Evrald claims to Kinaed, "What it will look like"

Jozafat muses to Kinaed, "Like some feng shui alingment?"

Mika nods at Jozafat.

Kinaed nods at Jozafat.

Misune says, "More or less"

Arland pontificates, "MAPS! MUST HAVE"

Tomas exclaims, "Remember ennoblement quest! colonize those charali"

Kinaed nods at Arland.

Jozafat oooohs.

Silrie sticks her tongue out at Mika.

Evrald trails off, "Ennoblement quest..."

Kinaed states, "Ev Is creating maps that we'll have load on new characters."

Misune says, "Pretty much the moons are just perfectly aligned"

Temi claims, "Feel free to impromptu magebane party. We can help with free RPA for public events, quick food and such."

Arland says, "That'd be great for new players in particular to have starter maps, I think."

Jozafat says, "So much to learn."

Silrie sticks her tongue out at Tomas.

Silrie coughs.

Arland cheers!

Misune asks, "What are these maps for?"

Silrie says, "Wrong person"

Evrald asks, "WAIT! Does that mean I can become the first Charalin Noble!?"

Vistarch claims, "Nope."

Kinaed states to Evrald, "Good luck with that. :)"

Mika states to Evrald, "You will have a decent lithmorran ruler of course"

Vistarch claims, "Charali can't become nobles."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, it's after the hour... so it's... time."

Tomas claims, "I will ennoble the best person for the job"

Evrald states, "Hah! Got it past the hour. :p"

Kinaed slowly types out the command to dump everyone back.

Misune digs his claws into the room's floor "You can't make me leave!"

Evrald questions to Tomas, "Me too?"

Tomas says, "I said person, not charali. charali aren't people"

Jozafat screams in terror.

Silrie holds tight.

Kinaed declaims, "Take care, everyone. Thank you for attending this week's meeting!"

Mika waves.

Silrie waves.

Evrald claims, "... ;."

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