Log of OOC Meeting 2/1/2014

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Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:56 pm

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     a ceramic tankard commemorating the Queen Regent

The sleek ceramic tankard is painted with a woman's cameo in regal blues
and golds, a tall crown upon her head. A label arcs above and below her
portrait, proclaiming in scrolling script, "Her Royal Majesty the Queen
Regent Katerina ab Samael, 361." On the opposite side, a glorious Samael
Hawk spreads its wings.

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, let's get started. Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics.

Does anyone have anything they'd like to add to the agenda to ensure we speak about it?"

Honor raises her hand, "If there's some time I'd like to do a quick poll about a reoccurring ST idea I've had."

Kinaed nods at Honor.

Kinaed says to Honor, "Adding it to the Player Topics agenda."

Casimir claims, "Community Standard's discussion. Basically just wanted to touch on what I suggested and see if the things are doable, real quick."

Casimir states, "Of course, that could be discussed on the forums. But it feels like forum conversations eventually... aren't discussed anymore."

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "I have no issue with discussing it here also."

Casimir nods.

Kinaed wonders, "Anyone else have anything?"

Kinaed states, "Okay, I'll kick off the staff updates. Last week I refined House Bidding a bit. We're still considering if we'll allow money to buy influence points, but it seems like that'd be letting people spend XP on influence because you can buy silver with XP."

Kinaed says, "We're not keen on influence being tied to XP because it's not ICly realistic."

Casimir states, "Could always provide more ways to make money. Especially more ways for nobles to make money... and remove XP buying money."

Kinaed claims, "The spec is here if anyone hasn't had a look at it yet."

Casimir rubs his hands together greedily.

Honor raises her hand again, "What about spending QP on buying IP? Is that being removed?"

Kinaed states to Honor, "No, that's staying."

Kinaed claims, "I did double the amount of IP required for a vote, however, instead of 1:5 ratio, it'll be 1:10."

Kinaed claims, "Other than that, I've been reading and responding to requests. Processing recommends, etc."

Kinaed questions, "Anyone have any other thoughts or questions before I pass the torch to Az?"

Beronica says, "Gives me reason to continue to raise my charisma."

Kinaed says, "Oh, I'm thinking if we do allow IP for money, we might just make it heinously expensive."

Kinaed gives a ceramic tankard commemorating the Queen Regent to Autumn.

Casimir states, "I have... fifty silver to my name. Influence ain't my game."

Jamik says, "At the end can we do a brief overview of how the voting is going to work for those that may of missed it from previous talks."

Kinaed states to Jamik, "Sure, adding that"

Estone seconds Jamik there.

Beronica trails off to Casimir, "Reminds me, I have a bed for your character..."

Casimir says to Beronica, "Awww yeeeah."

Kinaed says, "'voting' might be a bit of a misnomer, btw."

Temi nods.

Jamik claims to Beronica, "Yours doesnt bount. =P"

Kinaed claims, "Since it's not actually an election with votes."

Temi claims, "We're not going democrac."

Kinaed claims, "That's just what I find myself calling the 'score' so to speak."

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, added that to the agenda for discussion later."

Casimir queries, "Speaking of which, who will decide who is disqualified for illegal actions?"

Beronica claims to Jamik, "It is one she made especially for him in a fit of frustration."

Kinaed raises her hand.

Kinaed says, "Me."

Casimir claims to Kinaed, "Well that's lame. I can't bribe -you-."

Kinaed says, "I'll also make it clear that it's like Clinton being impeached. It might succeed, it might not."

Kinaed says to Casimir, "You never know. :P"

Estone wonders to Casimir, "With 50 silver? :D"

Temi states to Casimir, "She's also more likely to be amused at your trying to assassinate folks than say.. the Justiciar might be."

Kinaed claims to Estone le Serlok, "Good point."

Casimir says to Estone le Serlok, "With this hot bod, man."

Estone claims, "Point made."

Kinaed grins at Temi.

Kinaed questions, "Okay, Az, you're up. What did you do last week, what are you planning to do next week?"

Beronica trails off, "Offer to fly out to her place in Australia and take her kids for a week..."

Casimir claims to Beronica, "That's called kidnapping."

Beronica states, "Not if she agrees."

Azarial states, "Herbalism, bids, bugs. herbalism, bids, bugs."

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

Casimir pats Azarial.

Kinaed muses to Autumn, "That's a quick synopsis. Anything you want to delve into further, or should I move on to Temi?"

Azarial says, "If someone ahs questions, sure. otehrwise it just all runs together"

Kinaed states to Temi, "You're up."

Azarial states, "Data structures, memory recycling, string noise."

Kinaed gives a ceramic tankard commemorating the Queen Regent to Kaerrick.

Temi claims, "So Az has completed all of the functions that I need to finish the rest of the concoctions until addiction comes in, so I've been working at that."

Temi says, "Not making as quick of progress as I intended, but making a point to finish at least one a day. Will try to get a few more over the weekend."

Kinaed muses to Temi, "About how many are outstanding at the moment?"

Temi wonders, "20ish?"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "In preparation for the house bidding, I'm also working at preparing known player history of each of the lands to make it canon. So if someone played a baron of someplace, and disappears, we don't later have someone else coming up as baron of there and there family there for ages."

Kinaed says, "The code bit."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Honor claims, "Sweet! Ambitious project."

Temi says, "Basically, this won't affect you guys much, but allows for us to enforce consistency when bringing in new nobles."

Kinaed claims to Jamik, "That'd be something we'd expect people to experiment to find out about."

Temi says, "We won't be determining histories of ones that haven't already been determined."

Temi states, "I did also add a help mage ashes."

Temi says, "Just surrounding the religious implications."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "Okay, yeah, that's my week."

Kinaed smiles.

Casimir claims to Temi, "If you need help with that, I'm always game to write up long, overly boring House History descriptions, and climate traits."

Autumn queries, "Can it be smoked? :D"

Loreth states, "Will they continue to decay? Ashes, I mean."

Kinaed states to Autumn, "Dust, I think."

Kinaed nods at Loreth.

Kinaed claims, "They still decay, though we may extend the decay a bit."

Jamik states to Autumn, "You need help"

Loreth nods at Kinaed.

Estone le Serlok has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kaerrick states to Autumn, "Do a line of mage ashes.."

Casimir states, "Keeps me young."

Temi claims to Casimir, "We don't want to determine stuff that doesn't already exist. We want people to be able to be creative when they get a domain still. Just recording things that someone else already determined, so every new noble doesn't feel like a retcon."

Kinaed ponders what kind of effect that might have.

Temi grins.

Loreth cheers for continuity!

Casimir states to Temi, "Aaah, I see."

Kinaed queries, "Okay, let's see... Player Heartbeat. How has RP been this last week? Anything staff should help with?"

Casimir states, "I'm all set =)"

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Aios states, "RP's been awesome."

Kinaed declaims, "Great!"

Jamik says, "Ive been trying to get into stuff but poking at a dead end."

Kinaed says, "Our activity has steadily been trending upwards since before Christmas."

Kinaed asks of Jamik, "Anything we can do?"

Beronica states, "Rather slow week for me."

Kinaed nods at Beronica.

Kaerrick states, "Did we ever sort out the thing with fleeing and how code handles fleeing vis a vis guarded exits? Someone, Gavin i think, said that guarding an exit during combat doesnt seem to have any effect on a person fleeing, the code bypasses it and puts the person in the other room."

Kinaed claims, "Let me add that to the agenda. I think we have a bug on it, but might not."

Jamik claims, "I dont think so honestly"

Kinaed claims, "I've gotten a tell from a player saying there's a lot of mage stuff going underway, they don't want to reveal themselves in the main room, but things have been great."

Loreth says, "Woot."

Cyrio locks the doors.

Cyrio op Fiore says, "No one leaves until we figure them out."

Kaerrick says, "Good! I hate it when people get blabby here about sekrit stuff."

Kinaed snickers.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, Player Topics."

Kinaed asks, "Honor has the floor about some ST ideas?"

Azarial claims, "Flee has not ben sorted to my knowledge"

Honor queries, "Hey guys. I've been refining an idea for creating more regular adventures and I wanted to poll the people here: Would you be willing to pay IC coin to participate in STs? Specifically ones that were likely to include criminal and/or magical conflict? Y/N"

A person wearing a sturdy cloak of thick black wool, lined with white cotton asks, "How much coin?"

Kaerrick muses, "Pay an IC amount to participate in a story?"

Casimir queries, "Under what context is my character providing money? What do they know, what do they think it's going to?"

Aios claims, "Depends on the range of conflict, but strongly leaning Y."

Cyrio states, "...You're going to have to elaborate some on the IC justification."

Kinaed questions, "So you're thinking of setting up some sort of Adventure Tours kind of thing?"

Cyrio states, "Yah. Roll up, roll up, see the bearded sorceress."

Jamik puts hands up, "Pick me pick me. I like conflict. Il be your conflictor."

Kaerrick muses, "Thats what I was thinking, kink, pay a gold and get to smack a mage in the face?"

Casimir rolled 1d100 for a pool of: 19.

Cyrio wonders, "Can we get a kissing booth?"

Honor says to Kinaed, "Kind of. It depends on the story crafted but there'd be IC reasoning for putting in coin. Basically investing in some risk."

Kaerrick says, "Glory hole."

Autumn claims, "I like conflict but.... Coin is hard to come by especially if you are saving for things."

Argider facepalms.

Jamik says to Kaerrick, "Too far."

Beronica states to Honor, "Not really, since I view stories as more of something that happens rather than something that she seeks."

Kaerrick states, "My specialty."

Cyrio claims, "I'm just curious as to how you justify people paying to go into a fight."

Cyrio claims, "Usually it's the other way."

Kaerrick trails off, "Particularly with mages..."

Casimir says, "If there was some reward for me, I would pay, yes. Especially for criminal/illegal activities, considering who I play."

Honor nods at Casimir.

Casimir states, "But I'd have to have the opportunity to make that money back, and then some."

Kinaed states, "I'd say if it's ICly justified, may as well try it."

Azarial wonders, "What would the coin be for?"

Argider states, "Sure, if the IC justification makes sense and my character can afford it, would totally pay to participate in certain kinds of stories."

Kaerrick muses, "And the ST in question receives it?"

Kinaed says to Autumn, ""There are bandits in the hills. Pay some cash to join the raiding party", I think."

Kinaed states to Autumn, "..."

Autumn states, "I don't think I'd pay to join any ST."

Aios claims to Kaerrick, "Maybe participants, depending how the story goes. I would think."

Casimir claims to Kinaed, "I read it more as 'These thieves will steal Sevoi's knickers from his crypt, if you pay them.'"

Autumn states, "Unless I was going into a builing which required"

Kinaed says, "Well, that too, potentially."

Beronica states, "If the story requires that kind of investment, probably, but I will most likely will not pay to play."

Honor claims, "Or the example I've been using, you put up 100 silver to take a carriage ride, carriage gets held up by bandits, thieves guild players might be 'rented out' to play the NPCs, depending on if you fail or succeed, you might get some percentage of your money back but some small portion would still go to the thieves guild."

Kinaed says, "I can say for my PCs, I'd probably pay to be on either side of the equation."

Kinaed claims, "But I'm fairly inactive as a player overall."

Kinaed states, "Seems like there's a spectrum of response. I'd just try it adn see how it goes."

Honor nods at Kinaed.

Honor declares, "I definitely appreciate the feedback, thanks all!"

Kaerrick states, "I can think if circumstances that might require coin...'this scout has spotted the rare Silver Stag northeast of Lithmore and will, for a fee, lead a hunting party to him' or things like that but, for the most part Im not sure how I would feel about regularly paying icly to participate in stories. I mean after awhile it would feel a bit contrived, I think."

Casimir trails off, "In that case, unfortunately, I wouldn't pay. There are a few ways I'd love to get involved with STs like that, but they'd have to be on my own terms. Now, if I happen to take a carriage ride and you just happen to know where I'm going..."

Kinaed states, "It's worth noting that the Storyteller System exists, and that we do give STs QP for running stories, either as part of a recommend response or raising our own recommend."

Aios claims, "Could be a "wager" on either side too. Like as a player I agree to risk 100s, and a thief agrees to risk 100s, and depending how the scene goes I might get mugged for part/all of that, or I might get the thief's money as a "reward" for bringing him to justice."

Kinaed claims, "So if you haven't run a story and are interested in doing so, please let us know."

Casimir declares, "For example, Casimir has been tromping all through the woods with his merry band of men. Raid them!"

Aios states, "So we've each put up 100s to participate, but it's not like the char is literally buying entrance."

Temi says, "People hve been vry good about recommending their storytellers. They really do appreciate it."

Kinaed claims, "If we can wrap this topic up, we've got a few others to get to. Casimir wants to discuss the Community Standards discussion on the forum."

Honor states to Kaerrick, "Right, it's a more specific set of circumstances for a general idea."

Honor says, "Thanks again, folks. If you have questions or suggestions for my thing, I'd be happy to chat about them them through pboard or tells sometime."

Kinaed states, "Jamik wants to discuss how House bidding will work, and Kaerrick wants to discuss fleeing and things that should affect it, like guarding, closed doors, ice fences, etc."

Kinaed wonders, "So, Community Standards... Cas, want to go into that a bit?"

Casimir claims, "Oh, right. So for those who haven't given that a read: basically the problems presented are: grappling having no real set of rules during combat, mage invoke threads being too quick compared to emotes, and approach/move commands having no set of rules outside of combat (I can autoapproach you and start stealing/immediately combat you)."

Kinaed questions, "Why is grappling a problem?"

Kinaed questions, "People aren't agreeing to contest strength or something?"

Casimir states to Kinaed, "I've always been asked to use the drag code, in the past, and that drains MV at a disproportionate amount of time to how actual scene time carries out. I only get like two emotes before I'm out."

Casimir trails off, "Anyways, the one piece I wanted to bring up - as a solution..."

Kinaed says, "I wouldn't think drag is the right way to do it. I'd think someone would contest strength to grapple someone, and only be able to grapple if they succeed. Then, getting out would be about beating a strength contest in a round or something along those lines."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Temi says, "Or dex, but yeah. I wouldn't use drag... I'm not even sure how that works out."

Kaerrick states, "I think Dex would be used to grapple someone, being faster then they are to grab them, but then strength to escape."

Kinaed claims, "Waiting to see what Cas has to say."

Casimir says, "Was that how we enter combat be changed into a single command: fight (person). I could initiate this command on a person across the room from me and it would drop us into the turns of combat - this would mediate the approach code, and allow for flee checks, which is really the jist of my concern."

Kinaed nods.

Temi says, "I like that, except for magic currently wouldn't play nice with it."

Kinaed muses, "Any other players have thoughts about that?"

Autumn asks, "What was it?"

Casimir claims to Temi, "There are other suggestions on there about deleting invocation threads and instead making it require a number of emotes to cast a spell."

Temi states, "Not necessarily as the way to enter combat, but a way to enter combat without using up your turn."

Kinaed says, "Right now, in absence of any code changes, I'd request players contact staff for mediation wherever possible."

Casimir claims to Temi, "Or, in reality, a number of combat turns."

Temi says to Casimir, "Yeah, I saw, but it becomes a bigger project."

Casimir says, "The link to the discussion is here: /viewtopic.php?f=8&t=745&start=10.

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed states, "I'll have a read, but I think we need to attack this offline or spend a whole meeting dedicated to it."

Kinaed claims, "So with that said, please have a look on the forums, folks and get your say in. We'll definitely be looking at resolving some of these issues."

Casimir states, "For sure - in reality, I just didn't want it to stagnate, as it's a whole group of things that need to be touched upon to facilitate tense RP."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Kinaed states, "Okay, next item on my Agenda is that Jamik wants to understand more about how 'voting' will work in House Bids."

Kinaed says, "Please excuse any confusion I've introduced, but there is actually no voting per se in House Bidding."

Temi says, "More like bidding to host the olympics or something."

Temi states, "Except with more backstabbing."

Kinaed says, "Players support their candidate or other people who will support a candidate. Direct supporters are generally worth 3 "points", indirect ones 2, and twice removed ones 1, and supporters further down the chain are worth nothing."

Kinaed states, "In theory, you can get quite a few 'points' by getting the right people, who have a lot of support themselves, to support you."

Kinaed claims, "In addition to this basic score, which can fluctuate as people change alliances, players can spend influence points to add or subtract points from a candidate."

Kinaed claims, "Points are tallied on a given day as the cut off, two weeks after nominations close."

Kinaed claims, "Also, beware, people can subvert you, and this will hurt as much as that person's support might have helped."

Jamik muses, "So basicly freeman has little pole but guildleads and supported gentries votes have more say overall?"

Kinaed says, "A freeman is worth 3 points directly, as is a gentry person or GL, I think"

Kinaed says, "A noble might be worth more, but I don't recall."

Jamik states, "Alright I misunderstood. I thought indirect would be supporters of one who support you type thing."

Kinaed claims, "Any person with support is worth more than a person without support."

Kinaed claims, "So a freeman with 3 supporters is going to be more desirable than Joe the Gentry."

Jamik claims, "Gotcha"

Kinaed states, "Okay, any other questions? Otherwise, we've got Kaerrick on flee."

Kinaed claims, "I personally added a bug ... I think about flee and guard. But it might be worthwhile to just hash out a list of all of the things that ought to affect flee chance and make sure they're in one bug report for Az to fix all at once."

Casimir states, "Distance from your target before attemping the flee."

Casimir states, "If I've managed to lunge five squares away and you're sitting there fumbling with your sword trying to look cool, I should get a bonus."

Kinaed claims, "Right now, that is accounted for. The closer you are, the harder it is to flee. I think also the more opponents targetting you, the harder it is to flee."

Kaerrick claims, "Okay, the two issues are this...guarding an exit doesnt have any effect on combat. Out of combat it can keep someone from leaving a particular exit but in combat flee ignores guarding. Also, it ignores positions of people on the map so even if you were guarding an exit you would have to be at the edge you were guarding and a person can flee in that direction even from the opposite side of the room."

Kinaed claims, "I got the first, but didn't understand the second item."

Kinaed asks, "Can you run me through an example scenario?"

Kaerrick says, "You are guarding the east exit of the room and so have to be all the way east. Someone is all the way west in the room and can flee east as easily as any other direction as their distance from the exit isnt accounted for. "

Casimir says, "I can't guard the down exit. =\"
Kinaed wonders, "I don't really see that as a problem - which direction they run in - but I do see it as a problem that if someone is guarding the exit to the east, that they can just skip over them. I think what you're saying is that you should flee the direction you're nearest, however?"

Kaerrick claims, "A person should have to be at the edge of the room they want to flee from, I think,"

Jamik states, "I flee in any manner is just looking for an escape regardless. so Distance should be an issue in my opinion. If Im being attacked and my only possible exit is to the west from the east side of the room then Im gonna do what I can to get the hell out regardless of distance. just a thought."

Kaerrick states, "The same as you have to be at that edge to guard it."

Honor states to Casimir, "I don't think you can flee 'up' either."

Kinaed states, "I think it makes sense that you should have to be at the edge to guard an exit though."

Temi states, "Though rooms are, in many cases, just an abstraction."

Kinaed says, "Theoretically, you're putting yourself between a person and an exit. Fleeing is running towards something."

Kaerrick trails off, "But you shouldt have to be at the edge to flee from it? I mean, youre going to have to pass through that space to flee that way..."

Temi states, "Streets aren't actually divided into roms."

Kinaed claims, "If a situation where you want to stop someone from fleeing in a direction where you are not at, you'd be chasing instead."

Azarial states, "With flee, engaging them is better at slowing them down than gaurding"

Kinaed says, "And I'd trust the flee code to arbitrate whether or not you succeed in stopping them."

Kinaed wonders, "Other than guarding, which should affect flee - what else should stop a flee?"

Kinaed queries, "And when a player flees, should they auto-chase or something?"

Kinaed questions, "If a player flees successfully, should they be declared as 'free' and not allowed to be re-engaged in 2 rooms?"

Casimir states, "I'd like to see a 'chase' code worked up to handle that, Kin."

Kinaed says to Temi, "I'm not sure if we got all barricades, or just magical ones. Not sure if there are some magical ones we missed or if we got them all, and not sure what outside of magic might be a barricade."

Temi states, "I don't think there are non-magical ones"

Kinaed states to Casimir, "We have chase code on the docket."

Temi says, "Though that might be nice at some point."

Azarial claims, "Doors, wyrds, and some room spells are checked"

Argider says, "Yeah, I'm fine with flee working from anywhere in the room. The issue I had recently is that... I don't enjoy chasing people around the grid. It's just not a fun activity for me, so I don't bother doing it. It's not RP at that point, and the moment you're in a room by yourself, your RP gain rate drops to none."

Temi claims, "Chase code should probably handle someone fleeing to see if you can get them, when that comes in."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Beronica queries, "How about when the one fleeing is out of MV?"

Kaerrick says, "Well, in truth, I think it would be better if the code looked at where a person was on the map relative to another person and deternined if they could block them from the positions. Which is to say if I am blocking someone from moving east and they try to flee east the code looks at our relative positions, maybe some dex and luck sprinkled in and determines if the person can flee or not."

Kinaed claims to Beronica, "Good point."

Temi trails off, "In the meantime.. I don't thik it's a get away free completely. When I've mitigated scenes with someone fleeing..."

Temi says, "I tend to do a roll to see how many steps ahead the other person gets into the other room"

Noah pontificates, "Oh, that's cool!"

Temi says, "And then do another check from there."

Kinaed claims to Kaerrick, "That's already taken into account."

Kinaed claims to Kaerrick, "The code looks at how many people are targetting the player in a fight. If you're not targetting him, it's assumed that you're not engaged or interested in stopping him. So, then if it rolls a success, it's determined that the people trying to stop were ineffective."

Azarial says, "Hence, if you want to stop a flee, engage them, don;t guard"

Kinaed states, "Well."

Kinaed claims, "I'd add a check for guards on an exit."

Noah wonders, "Did we talk about guard earlier?"

Kinaed claims, "But certainly people milling around the room aren't assumed to be guarding just because they're there."

Kinaed claims to Noah, "Part of what we're talking about now."

Beronica Destral states to Noah, "Actually having that convo right now."

Temi says, "We're talking about flee and guard interacting now. And what all needs to be accounted for in flee."

Noah claims, "I think there might be something wonky with guard's algorithm period."

Kaerrick claims to Kinaed, "Yeah, but guarding isnt...so the problem is that if you change it so that guarding does have an effect then the guarding person will have to be at the exit guarded...while the other person will be able to flee from anywhere in the room...so they could be all the way on the opposite side of the room and the check for their 'flight' would see that they were far apart and give a better chance of fleeing then if they were close."

Kinaed says, "Saying that yes, flee needs to take guards into account (which is a bug), but people in the room aren't going to stop someone unless they're 1) guarding or 2) engaged in combat."

Noah states, "Not that it's bugged but that maybe the math behind it needs consideration."

Kinaed says to Kaerrick, "I already said, I don't see that as an issue - if you're on the wrong side of the room tryin to guard an exit, you're not blocking osmeone, you're chasing them."

Kinaed states to Noah, "That may be true"

Kaerrick states, "But theyre fleeing TOWARDS you."

Kinaed says, "I'll have a review of that."

Jamik asks, "Is there anyway to guard but group to be part of a person fleeing so you could like give someone and exit but stop chasers?"

Kaerrick claims, "Im on the east side of the room. Im guarding that exit. Youre fleeing east."

Kinaed claims to Kaerrick, "Then guard the exit."

Noah says, "It also could be clearer when guard fires and people get past it, versus if it doesn't fire at all."

Temi states, "You can guard all and guard permit."

Kinaed states to Kaerrick, "Then guard should try to stop an east flee. That's a bug."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kaerrick claims, "Yes, but if they are on the far west side of the room fleeing east and Im on the far east side, guarding it, the code sees we are far apart and gives a better chance to flee then if the person had to be at the east side of the room to flee east as well. "

Jamik states, "Let someone slip by and then football shoulder check the chaser. I like it."

Kinaed claims, "No, it's not looking at you at all because you're not in combat."

Kaerrick says, "Least that is the impression I got from Azarials comments."

Noah wonders, "Distance is factored in for flee but not for guard, then?"

Aios says, "Plus it's technically pushing them through several "turns" of step or lunge to get them across and out of the room in one go. But that's kinda a separate thing."

Temi claims, "If you're on the far east side of the room, and he's on the west, you're guarding, not keeping him in combat."

Kinaed claims, "If you're guarding an exit, and a person attempts to flee into it, it's not taken into account now, which we've said is a bug."

Temi claims, "Guard and combat are separatetings."

Noah hmmms at Aios. Good point.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Noah asks, "Should you HAVE to be close to an exit to flee through it?"
Kinaed states, "You don't have to be close to an exit, you need to be a certain distance away from the person who is trying to stop you."

Kinaed states, "At least, combat distance. Exit Guarding is not considered atm, but is bugged."

Kinaed states, "Mind, you CAN be right next to someone and successfully flee, it's just much harder."

Noah claims, "Well, I mean as a potential change."

Temi says, "It is a shortcut in the timing, but I think that's fine. We put all the checks for that whole timing in at once."

Aios claims to Kinaed, "But then "step" and "lunge" should not take up your turn. Otherwise you can take one step normally, and potentially a dozen steps to "flee" an outdoor room."

Kinaed says, "I don't see why I can't run across a room and flee towards an open door if my opponent's not close enough to me to stop me."

Temi states, "No reason to drag out people to a bunch of steps if we can keep track of their whole movement in one set of rolls"

Jamik says, "To hazel why do you have to be close? If I can flee away from you and slip around you. to go behind you I wasnt close to you."

Kinaed claims to Aios, "I'm not sure I follow that."

Kaerrick claims, "If you are fleeing east and I am on the east side of the room then you are going to have to pass right past me regardless of where you are codely when you type the flee command. Thats my point. Im on the east side of the room, youre on the west and you want to flee east...the code give you a good chance because we are so far apart but to flee youre going to have to move right past me."

Noah says to a massive tall Farin male with dark brown eyes, "To make sense of the whole step/lunge versus flee time discrepancy."

Jamik says to Kaerrick, "They said that was a bug"

Shaylei de Roldan is idle.

Azarial states, "Fleeing is escape. polain and simple. stpe and lunge are a deliberate palcement with readiness to defend or attack."

Aios claims to Temi, "As long as it's a set of rolls, sure. Wasn't sure distance was included, I'm kinda lost in the discussion. Gonna bow out so as not to spam."

Kinaed claims, "I don't think we're resolving anything and seem to be going around in circles a bit."

A person wearing a sturdy cloak of thick black wool, lined with white cotton queries, "May I be transed out, please?"

A person wearing a sturdy cloak of thick black wool, lined with white cotton has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Noah declaims, "I'm not strongly convinced on this either way, so yeah, might as well drop it. Sorry!"

Kinaed states, "We do need to look at guard and flee, definitely. That is a bug. We also may need to reconsider some flee aspects... but I don't think there's time today."

Kinaed claims, "We're also 15 minutes over! Thank you everyone for coming."

Kinaed states, "We'll start putting you back. Staff have a meeting immediately after this."

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Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:38 pm

Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:59 am

Staff, any chance we could have a subforum for OOC meeting logs? They're kind of dominating the general discussion board right now.


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