OOC Meeting 2-8-2025

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:02 pm

Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:55 pm

Karrin questions, "All ready to go?"

Valora exclaims, "Let's go!"

Karrin claims, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin queries, "So! How was RP this week, guys?"

Scarry says, "I have PTSD now."

Karrin states to Scarry, "Hehe. You have been sending me tells."

Temi says, "Hopefully enjoyable PTSD for you if not the character"

Temi grins.

InvestSouthside says, "Been pretty good"

Valora says, "RP was good. Very eventful and exciting! Quite the week all around."

Karrin claims, "Sorry that took so long to conclude. I'll be careful when I start next time, and
avoid major holidays in the middle before conclusion."

Meiari says, "Been very busy and I wasn't even involved in some of what happened"

Fiath states, "Been good. Been finally getting some scenes, thanks largely to one player, but been
very fun to get going again."

Scarry declares, "Has been good overall, yuh!"

Karrin claims, "Hey! Sometimes it is one player that makes a big difference."

Eeel claims, "RP has been good for me too"

Karrin nods.

Rambling says, "I was not involved with the plot much. Outside of it... I shrug."

Karrin muses, "So good to hear. Do we have any topics for today?"

HIEROPHANT states, "A terrifically busy-busy-busy week culminating in getting COVID from a coworker
at the end of the week, with many more plot threads to follow up on for the next few weeks."

ThatBard claims, "Yes"

Karrin declaims to HIEROPHANT, "Oh no!"

Karrin claims to ThatBard, "Alright, I have you down."

HIEROPHANT claims, "My brain is full of fog."

PositronicJune queries, "One player? hey thas me"

PositronicJune claims, "Also excited for the plot threads"

Temi grins.

Fiath claims, "My last PC felt like a glorified vNPC. Hopefully this one gets deeper into the world
this time. "

HIEROPHANT states, "I like to feel like I'm a random encounter"

PositronicJune claims, "What's your boss theme"

Karrin claims, "Alrighty, if we have no more topics, we'll jump into our work this week. And, then
if anything comes up, just let me know, and we'll add to the player topics then."

Karrin says to Temi, "You can go first."

Temi exclaims, "Whew, okay, well. Plot!"

Temi grins.

Karrin has transferred Capitalism. [OOC]

Temi claims, "I've been getting a bunch of stuff ready for the event today, which we'll start after
the chat today. Hopefully everyone enjoys themselves, but if it's not your thing, you'll be hearing
more soon, and hopefully will be able to find something which is more you thing"

Temi gives a teardrop candle wrapped in vivid tongues of scarlet flame to Capitalism.

Capitalism says, "Read scarlet flame. Had flashbacks to old character being kidnapped by white flame
and almost pyred to kick off an event."

Temi pontificates, "It's probably late for folks to get desserts ready if they wanted to do that,
but if you do still need a cloche, please let me know ASAP so you're not left out. But definitely
not required. Hopefully should be exciting though! This isn't the crux of the new plot in the end
though, so you'll see"

Rambling says, "Report White Flame rhetoric to your local Inquisitor."

Valora dances excitedly. "Always love a good party!"

Temi grins.

Temi nods at Karrin.

Temi claims, "Probably starting 30ish after we get done here so I can set up"

Karrin chuckles.

Temi claims, "I will start a header plot tonight after it would no longer be spoilers"

PositronicJune declaims, "Oh boy! !!FUN!!"

Karrin claims, "As you all know, I am sure, I wrapped up the demon plot this last week. There is
still ONE little demon running around, but a guild has a plot out about that one, and we'll schedule
a time to get that scene done. That's the last one that hasn't been handled through other plots or
circumstances - if you wonder what's happened to a certain demon, start poking around ICly. Every
demon has had an end somewhere, and this last one will, too."

Rambling claims, "Fear."

Scarry states, "Lmao"

Meiari trails off, "I swear to dav if that punk shows up tonight..."

Valora claims, "Nasty little things these Abyssal Spawn are."

Temi says, "Muahahaha"

Karrin states, "Haha, no. I am not mingling the plots, I promise. Just, that one was already
submitted, and we all needed to find a time to meet and just hadn't yet."

Meiari thanks the Lord.

Karrin states, "I'll be settling back into support mode to help Temi with this next one as best I
can, though it's definitely more her niche than mine. However, with the conclusion of the last plot,
it *does* mean that demons summoning is returning as a magey interaction that CAN be done. So.
Whether you see more or not will be up to them. (may, may not!) The intention of the plot was to
reorganize and get it back open for people to do."

Karrin says, "NOW."

Karrin nods at ThatBard.

Valora says, "If you need help summoning a demon ask your local Inquisitor or Knight. We know all
you need."

Karrin claims to ThatBard, "Your turn."

PositronicJune asks, "Was demon summoning not possible before?"

Temi says, "It has been possible previously, but it's staff-run and was sort of shut down"

Karrin claims, "It has been mostly closed for a couple years, actually. That's why they've only been
seen in plots - or maybe it's not the ONLY reason, but they all belonged to a staffer that has been
gone a long time. So, was closed. Yeah."

ThatBard claims, "So.. I wanted to talk about the skill monikers we have for different skill levels.
I have witnessed new players think they are competent fighters, by having combat skills at the
'Competent' level (36). And then they get dissappointed that they are not as competent as they
fought they were."

Karrin claims, "So, I am reopening it. With me being the staffer."

Temi claims, "Competent should sort of be competent, though that extends to some extent on whether
it's a competition skill or just a direct compare against capabilities in code thing"

Temi finishes abruptly, "A competent fighter should be able to beat an incompetent fighter - but
there's going to be a lot of master fighters, which is a different story"

Temi asks, "For the non-competitive things, do people feel like it's not true for a lot of skills?"

Ikeala is idle.

Valora states, "I kinda do think there is a misnomer. Of course you should know a Master/High
experienced combat centric character like a knight or some reeves should be most others. I do think
competent is a little... misleading when it comes to hunting actual animals for instance. Competent
is not enough to hunt things that really fight back."

PositronicJune says, "I feel like the monikers are fine"

Ikeala is no longer idle.
Ikeala has returned from AFK.

Valora says, "That said uh... getting your butt beat by a wolf and sent to the madison is a good
listen. I have no experience with this of course."

ThatBard says, "I think it would be more accurate to say that one reached Apprentice Level skills.
36 is a level anyone can meet."

Karrin states, "The fact that death is purposeful I think makes it a little better. Those wolves
aren't going to kill you."

Fiath states, "The comabat ones are probably the only problematic ones. And especially from the
perspective of character gen."

Meiari claims, "I think it's a bit misleading, at least when it comes to combat. I feel like since
crafting skills have desirable things locked behind rank level it becomes more aware what the
monikers mean."

Valora says, "Agreed Karrin. Like I said a good lesson."

Temi nods.

HIEROPHANT says, "Wander into a wolf and get a one-way ticket to the Madison is one of the first
things I did on my first character"

Temi claims, "I suppose we don't have a lot of people who combat with wild animals in real life to
have a great feeling what level of skill you would expect to be able to bop a wolf with a mace or

ThatBard says, "We also have other things where the ranks a not quite clear. For example the wound
levels compared to the levels in help scale."

PositronicJune claims, "Calling level 36 combat skills 'competent' is probably accurate in
comparison to the general populace, but PCs are generally exceptional"

Temi questions, "What should a competent hunter be able to take down?"

HIEROPHANT asks, "Anything less than a boar, probably?"

ThatBard claims, "A deer. I don't think you can kill a deer with 36."

PositronicJune claims, "A large amount of them are guild leaders and 0 percent are peasants and
serfs after all"

PositronicJune states, "Realistically a hunter should be able to take down anything with the right

Ikeala questions, "I do wonder if maybe it's that ... there's a big gap between like rats and
rabbits to boar?"

PositronicJune states, "The fact that you have to fight animals is odd"

Valora claims, "12 percent of Americans think they can kill a wolf in an unarmed fight... not that
we should use that as a scale but funny fact I remembered."

Fiath states, "I think the issue is more like, in character gen a player might decide to play low
ranking knight or reeve, and write up some background that they've been training for years. Then
they put in the max amount fo ranks into combat they can (Which is already a bit of an XP sink since
theres weapons and defense) and then when they get in game, they discover som rando bard who
practices playing the lute for hours on end can whoop their ass in a spar. It's a matter of
expectation at character gen I think. "

Karrin states, "The deer can be taken down by a 36. A boar is less likely, because they crash into
you pretty hard. However, we have a very cheap option where you can run around and explore all you
want, and engage only when you want, that is a clump. And... yeah. Right now it's less than 10

Temi states, "Boars should be an intimidating foe to take down, which isn't always how it feels it
should be to us modern folks who deal more with pigs than boars"

PositronicJune states, "Realistically you shouldn't be able to bop a deer with a mace"

Karrin claims, "Indeedie."

Temi nods.

Fiath says, "It's real easy to bop a deer with a 97 camry though."

Temi claims, "Yeah, sort of a weird set up with how combat works and us not really being well set up
culturally for actual monsters"

PositronicJune states, "Playing any character that isn't (relatively) new to something is kind of

Karrin claims, "Yeah, I am going to be blatantly honest here."

Fiath says, "I would propose combat stats maybe get their own set of adjectives"

Karrin questions, "Please name ONE GAME to me that you can come in, first day, and not need to work
on your skills to get them up to get to the more challenging things?"

PositronicJune claims, "If you make a character that's like 40 (like I did) then it's weird how
they're going to get a sudden burst in skills"

HIEROPHANT states, "I just figured, historically, boars were something people didn't hunt alone
because of how dangerous they are; it was a whole affair with special weapons and dogs and so on"

ThatBard claims, "Well my topic is not about rebalancing hunting or combat. But rather fitting the
expectations created from these monikers in chargen to what new players can actually achieve with
that level. Because otherwise we set them up for disappointment, in my opinion."

Fiath says, "This one, with enough QP. "

Karrin claims, "Perhaps. But I meant when first starting a game."

Meiari claims, "I personally second Fiath's suggestion of combat having their own adjectives"

Temi asks, "Would it help to get sort of a rundown on what sort of beasts a competent hunter would
generally expect to take down in a helpfile or such? Or what sort of adjectives would you expect?"

Karrin has transferred Baz. [OOC]

ThatBard says, "I don't think we need to single out combat. The other skills are mostly crafting
skills so it would be easier to gage what one can do with them, by looking at their recipes."

Fiath says, "Yeah, I mean, I think folk realize they're not grand masters when they start out, but
they have a higher expectation of their skill after the initial investment than its true
effectiveness. "

PositronicJune claims, "If it wasn't clear I'm talking about what's realistic and not. which might
grind against expectations and roleplay but something realistic isn't necessarily good balance. of

Temi gives a teardrop candle wrapped in vivid tongues of scarlet flame to Baz.

Baz lifts a teardrop candle wrapped in vivid tongues of scarlet flame to his nose and sniffs at it.

ThatBard states, "I would need to think about that. I did not prepare any adjectives."

Baz sniffs a teardrop candle wrapped in vivid tongues of scarlet flame(off), "It's too pretty to use

PositronicJune states, "Anyone play kingdom come deliverance and remember that bit where the dumbass
noble boy shoots a boar with a bow"

Temi grins at Baz.

Temi asks, "Would the helpfile description of what to expect help?"

PositronicJune trails off, "I was making a book that might help... a long time ago"

Ikeala claims, "I think maybe that might help, Temi. We have that list of skill level to animal for
husbandry but not hunting."

Meiari claims, "It might, I feel like it would help me if I opted to get into combat/hunting on a
future character"

Temi nods.

PositronicJune claims, "There is a significant factor of RNG in hunting I think"

Ikeala states, "Like what level should someone arguably be before they decide to go face-tank a

PositronicJune states, "I had a hunter and I didn't have problems, personally"

Fiath says, "I think a better helpfile might help. Tough to say unless I know how thoroughly newbs
read 'em before jumping in"

Temi nods.

HIEROPHANT states, "Well. I can say from experience, ikeala, that it's 75/75 in plate armor. :)"

Baz says, "Maybe for Lethal mobs, it should be like L75 or something beside their name"

Karrin says, "Alright, so how's this, too, on top of Temi's helpfile. Submit new adjectives (see
HELP ADJECTIVES for what exists now), and we can have a chat about them. Don't put them on the
personal board, please, those notes expire too fast. maybe on the typo board, and you can include
'all' to see what people think. Or we can bump it to the forums. it won't be a high priority change,
but I am not against having the conversation and making improvements."

Temi claims, "Yeah, not saying descriptors wouldn't work, but I think we would need to know ideas of
what they might look like"

PositronicJune says, "Only southside greycloaks are ]"

PositronicJune says, "Are ]"

PositronicJune claims, "Weh"

Baz states, "^ square bracket L"

ThatBard says, "There were also killer gators at one point."

Fiath proposes belt system, starting at white belt :)

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

PositronicJune claims, " [L]"

Baz states, "But if you see a wolf it may be L45, and a bear L75 for example"

HIEROPHANT states, "There's a lack of ranged-combat-from-hiding options that'd make hunting more
dangerous things more 'realistic', so to speak, but that's a can of beans I don't know that we want
to open up"

PositronicJune says, " [L] "

PositronicJune states, "Weh. Anyway. no animals are lethal"

InvestSouthside states, "Grizzly should also be lethal"

Temi questions, "Are crocs?"

InvestSouthside smiles mischievously

Temi ponders.

PositronicJune states, "Crocs are not"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Animals used to be lethal, from what I know"

PositronicJune claims, "Please doooooon't"

HIEROPHANT claims, "It mostly just resulted in dead fresh-spawns"

Karrin says, "I do not want to make any animals lethal. Period. Sorrz, but no."

Fiath states, "The Crocs X Lily of the Valey collab are lethal though. "

Temi nods.

Baz says, "We keep the bears claws corked for a reason"

Karrin says, "Especially if they aggro. I want new players to explore the grid."

HIEROPHANT says, "Yeah. that's a very anti-newbie feature to have"

Karrin says, "And, they just might not know about the clumps yet."

Eeel questions, "Are there no lethal animals any more?"

Temi nods in agreement.

Meiari fingerguns, "Come on down for you croc leather boots"

Karrin states, "I want death to remain a VERY purposeful thing here. And doing that makes it

HIEROPHANT claims, "None"

Capitalism states, "So... if we had lethal critters they'd probably be best saved for areas where
new players won't be roaming easily."

Baz says, "(we should have fresh water sharks in the bren that are lethal) >_>"

Karrin says, "I'm saying no to lethal animals."

ThatBard states, "I think... if we are talking guildranks compared to skill level then it is
usually: (0-36) freshly guilded/ Apprentice, (36-60) Journeyman, (60-74) normal guild member, (75)
Master. Something like such a scale might also clue new players in. "

PositronicJune states, "If animals were lethal I'd be dead from just not checking before I walked
into one"

Karrin claims to ThatBard, "Throw that into a note, please? Typo board, labeled to everyone."

Ikeala states, "The recent comment did make me ponder whether or not to suggest that the
Infrastructure MV tax shouldn't apply to cyans, talking about cyans exploring."

PositronicJune states, "I think I also said that in discorb"

Temi nods.

Temi claims, "Karrin and I have been talking about that briefly"

Karrin states, "Temi and I actually talked about that."

Karrin nods.

PositronicJune claims, "Cyans are gonna want to explore but they're punished for it and probably
don't even know what to do about it"

ThatBard starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Valora claims, "They can always buy a rather cheep horse from the really cool Charali Earl Marshal.
jk jk"

Karrin states, "There are ways around it, and a cheap horse is one. But, we do get people who want
to just explore FIRST before major interaction."

PositronicJune states, "Brand new players might not know it's an option"

PositronicJune states, "And it's a large expense"

Karrin claims, "Agreed."

PositronicJune says, "Half of the starting freeman money"

Temi states, "Yeah, sort of a balance between making it easier to explore and surprising them later
when they don't have as much learning options"

Baz begins to move west.

Baz says OOCly, "Whoops"

Baz slows to a halt.

Baz states, "We give them a start mule that eventually runs away after 24 hours of RP time"

PositronicJune claims, "Where are you going"

Temi claims, "I wonder if it should be a gradual scale from none to the full percentage over the
course fo their cyan hours or something"

Valora says, "I think a reduced or free movement for a cyan or maybe number of hours is a decent
idea. Especially because you may see 8 people in the Wolf and Lily but you need to be able to
explore to know where that is or how to get there from your guildhall and travel can be wonk."

Karrin claims, "It is something from that conversation that is genuinely being considered, despite
the... odd ending to it."

Temi nods.

PositronicJune states, "The what"

INFO> Aurele has written a new note, Skill adjectives, on the Typos board.
ThatBard finishes his note.

Karrin states to PositronicJune, "The odd ending. It just felt strange, to me, that it ended when
the person was told about the free tools around the grid, and that was taken the opposite way I
think the people who presented it thought it might be."

HIEROPHANT claims, "Managing expectations is hard"

Karrin states, "But, it is what it is. Everyone who interacted with them was very, very kind. Thank
you all for trying to help."

Karrin muses, "Alright! Any further topics?"

Karrin plays the Jeopardy theme song.

Meiari questions, "Expedited courier prices to deliver packages faster when infrastructure sucks?"

Ikeala states, "I just wanted to give a thanks for running the recent scene, Karrin, we had some
hustling on our end to get there, but getting a chance to join the fun was very appreciated."

Baz exclaims, "Indeed, it was a lot of fun!"

ThatBard asks, "The merchants want a prime option at the courier? XD"

Karrin claims to Ikeala, "I appreciate that. I really did try to make sure everyone who wanted to
get involved could, and relatively 'safely'."

INFO> Anri is EDITING the note Skill adjectives, by Aurele, on the Typos board.
Fiath starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Karrin says to Meiari, "I say, hire your local freeman."

Baz finishes abruptly, "Another way around bad infrastructure - hire freemen to carry you around
*sage nod*"

Karrin claims, "Lots of people who don't normally get to interact, got to interact! Be sure to
submit recommends for those you enjoyed."

Meiari side glances at InvestSouthside, "Ooof, but they are stinky and can't get everywhere..."

HIEROPHANT states, "Skeleton palanquin custom mount pet for QP"

Karrin claims, "Haha, no."

Fiath finishes her note.
INFO> Anri has edited the note Skill adjectives (Edited by Anri) on the Typos board.

HIEROPHANT says, "Damnit"

Baz claims, "Retool it to a single skeleton so he can give you piggyback rides"

Karrin says, "Alright, sending you all back to grid in a sec."

Karrin questions to Temi, "You said 30 minutes or so to prepare? So we can plan about... eh... 5:30
game time for the partay?"

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