OOC Meeting 2-1-2025

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 35
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:47 pm

InvestSouthside examines a shadowy puppet inhabiting an inquisitor's scarlet red hat.
Clearly intended to resemble a hat traditionally worn by inquisitor's, it
bears a bright, scarlet red that comes about as close to Cardinal red as one
might expect without actually using the dye. However, no mind has been paid
to making the hat actually functional as such. Where the crown would be
expected, there is instead a bunching of shadowy cloth. When a hand is
inserted up through the cap, the dark material expands into a vaguely
human-shaped form, allowing the fingers to animate the devious, shadowy
puppet that it takes shape into.

Karrin claims, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin muses, "So! It's lovely to see everyone here. How has RP been this week?"

Karrin states, "Why the heck... ooooooh."

PositronicJune wonders, "What?"

Karrin claims, "Better. I like pink."

InvestSouthside states, "Its been a busy week it feels"

Karrin says, "I was speaking Lithmorran and couldn't remember why."

Temi grins.

Temi claims, "Probably demoning or something."

Valora claims, "I had some good times. Fun times all around."

Faith states, "Haven't had enough to comment yet"

Karrin says, "I was absolutely demoning, yes."

Renata declares, "I had so many crafting and planning scenes. I think I made people sick of seeing

Eeel says, "RP has been good this week. Met a great new character, which is always good to see."

Meiari claims, "There's been a lot of interesting moments"

HIEROPHANT says, "I have had a blast this week, really feels like a return to form on my end, great
times with everyone involved all week"

Karrin says to Renata, "Impossible."

Ikeala says, "It did seem lively this week."

Temi says, "That all sounds excellent to me"

Rambling claims, "I dunno anything about demons, do they have bureaucracy? If no then they're lying.
Bureaucracy is truly devilish."

Temi says, "Loads, I'm sure."

Karrin claims, "Uh, I'd... yeah. I'd say they definitely at least have a heirarchy? But I won't go
more detailed than that."

Karrin asks, "Any topics anyone would like to bring up?"

HIEROPHANT claims, "You won't, but I might. Send a letter! No topics from me, I'm good."

Baz says, "One minor thing, but it's kinda code related"

InvestSouthside claims, "More a question then a topic"

Rambling claims, "I know you used the Heart of Lorkhan (Lochan?) to create the most repulsive little
imps of the abyss and call them forth to ruin everyone's day."

Karrin states, "Ok, so Baz and Southside. got that. If anyone else has something mid-meeting, feel
free to send me a tell and we'll get you added to the list."

Karrin defers to Temi, "You can go first."

Temi states, "Okay! Well, I am deep in preparations for plot, starting next weekend. Don't forget
to reach out to the chamberlain if you want to do the dessert centerpiece contest, but if it's not
your thing, don't worry, there will be plenty of variety going forwards"

Temi claims, "Other than that, I've been working with someone for a fun special set-up for Merchant
events, working on finalizing that today"

Temi claims, "As such, we've added a new mobjob onto the list to set-up temporary camps - at a
permanent location, but should still be fun."

Karrin claims, "I love it, honestly."

Karrin states, "Love, love, love."

Baz trails off, "Temporary... permanent..."

Temi claims, "It can be there or not, based on the prog, but when it is there, it's always in the
same place"

InvestSouthside says, "Oh I suppose announcement at end of meeting if I dont forget"

Ikeala asks, "That's really awesome. Will that be something people can request after this trial if
it works out well?"

Faith claims, "I think she means, there will be a certain spot that will sometimes have a camp and
sometimes not (permanent spot for temporary camps)"

Temi nods.

Temi says, "We've added it to help mobjobs"

Baz brain explodes, Scanners style.

HIEROPHANT says, "Oh wow that's great"

Renata pontificates, "Oh dang! that sounds amazing!"

Rambling states, "Will Harold the Holiday Hawker every come back to us"

Karrin says, "I believe that was mostly Leta's thing, and since she is no longer here, I'm not sure.
But, we will look into it."

Temi states, "We're trying to keep them more rare, but not never again, so I'd expect at some point
again. Possibly in a different form though, we'll see"

Baz claims, "Harold is dead, long live henry the holiday hawker "

Temi says, "But yeah, that was a Leta project, and we have some different approaches for it"

Karrin nods.

Temi claims, "But, that's about it."

Temi nods at Karrin.

Karrin says, "We had the butterflies come out recently during one of our slow times - we intend to
create more events like that. Passive things people can do when server pop is slammed by people
adulting and being socialed out by holidays, etc."

Karrin claims, "And we'll bring them periodically around during times we have seen as slow in the
past, so those who DO pop on will have something they can do if no RP is available. If they want

Temi nods in agreement.
HIEROPHANT states to Karrin, "It would be cool of there were a pool of those that would auto-launch
one when activity gets below a given threshold for a given period of time"

PositronicJune says, "Killing everyone to make way for the events"

Temi claims, "I don't know if auto-launching will be something we'd have the room for setting up,
but we do want some options for us to be able to set them up more easily"

Karrin says, "A pool of them is exactly what we've been talking about. At least four or five based
on IC seasons of the year that we can just launch when things are slow, and no matter what time of
year it is ICly, we'll have something going."

HIEROPHANT states, "If not auto, a one-button deployment command or similar"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Event-in-a-box"

Baz says, "Butterflies, migratory birds, sex cultists, roaming herds of buffalo"

Karrin claims, "Let me phrase that better. It won't be CONSTANT, but we'll have 4-5 things that can
be used when things are slow to just easy set up."

Temi nods in agreement with Karrin.

PositronicJune wonders, "Sex cultists?"

Eeel declares, "Awesome!!"

Baz states, "Also buffalo"

Karrin claims to PositronicJune, "Well, only if in the Cult."

Temi states, "She doesn't mean that there will always be something, but that whenever we want
something, there will be something appropriate in the pool."


Karrin says to Temi, "Thank you. My fingers and brain aren't working well together today."

Temi claims, "So, if you have ideas for something like that, feel free to let us know. No promises,
but inspiration would certainly help"

PositronicJune asks, "There are NPC sex cultists?"

Baz says, "(not really, I think)"

Faith queries, "Who you callin' an NPC?"

Rambling says, "Fiath."

Karrin claims, "Alright! Last Sunday I was demonic for a plot conclusion, and I am working on
wrapping up the demon header plot. I know it got stretched out over the holidays, I'll be more
careful on scheduling launch next time to give people adequate time to interact before we hit one of
those lulls, because they very much affect me, too. I have two more live plot scenes - the main one
we've scheduled for Wednesday, and then there will be another one-off for cleanup based on a plot
already submitted. And then that one will be done."

PositronicJune claims, "Fiath."

HIEROPHANT states, "Fiath."

Rambling claims, "I'm not correcting that."

Ikeala nods.

Temi pontificates, "Should hopefully be a lot of fun!"

Rambling states, "Anyway, plot ending? Nice. And ending to the Unfortunate Events."

Karrin claims, "I have some building and things to do this weekend to make sure Wednesday goes
smoothly, AND... that does mean that the demon system will officially be back open for magey mages.
If mages have any questions, we can address that privately."

Karrin asks, "Ok! Any questions before we get on to topics?"

Baz wonders, "Should I start investing in silver weapons?"

Karrin states, "Well, I guess that says enough."

Karrin says to Baz, "You first."

Baz claims, "Two things - I really like how things like how there are contextual commands like shove
and masonry, and it would be dope if they were used more often, or more widely know? Shove in
particular would benefit from some tweaks, but it gets used so rarely I don't really know if it
would be worth it? My second thing is, I wish there were more obvious ways our mages could screw
with the normies, esp. during slower times. It's really neat seeing the dark cloak fellows appear
when lawfulness gets low, it'd be really funny to see heretical preachers appear if piety drops too
low. (or cultists, can never go wrong with cultists demanding people join them in prayer to heathen
gods >_> )"

Karrin claims to Baz, "Our coder is currently buried by life, and so changes like that aren't likely
right now. You are welcome to submit via the ideas board and we can keep it on hand, though."

Baz claims, "Cool beans, RIP lochan :'("

Valora quickly looks up the masonry and shove commands.

Meiari says, "I had to clean via masonry just the other day"

Karrin states, "He's alright, just has a lot on his plate. He needs to focus on the jobs that
actually pay something, and he's a volunteer here. So I'll take his attention when I can get it, but
can't get too salty when I can't."

Karrin claims, "Not checking your bathtubs for cleanliness can get embarrassing, but also funny.
Water fountains, too. Always check. Just in case."

PositronicJune says, "I imagine TI would have more commands like that if it were object-oriented"

Temi claims, "There are honestly a lot of options for screwing with normies, too, already. Just
requires folks being up for trying them. Though certainly possibilities for future development as

Eeel says, "Shove command. New thing to be paranoid about."

Karrin nods.

Temi claims, "At least if you're on roofs"

Temi grins at Eeel.

Karrin claims to Baz, "If you have specific ideas, throw them on that idea board. Just to staff if
you don't want other people commenting, to all if you are fine with them saying something."

Karrin queries to InvestSouthside, "I think you were next?"

InvestSouthside wonders, "I was just curious if it is known whether or not reboots are known to
clear moods in rooms?"

Valora begin buying more wax ball as mages are encouraged to be silly.

Karrin says, "They do not."

Ikeala says, "As a response on the slower times mage RP request, just as a thought/reminder being in
public places that can be accessed - not behind close doors or private rooms, makes that more

Temi nods in agreement.

Karrin claims, "Moods stick based on the amount of time."

Temi says, "Yeah, not by reboots, but on their own in time (significant time, really)"

Karrin says, "Also, remember that the INVITE command means you can both play with each other, mage
or not, and EVERYONE entering that room has to adhere to the invite rules. So there can be
mage/normie interaction that way, too. Without... risk... so to speak."

HIEROPHANT says, "Hmm. Well, okay. I noticed some moods missing, but maybe they just expired."

Karrin says, "Doesn't mean they can't go tattle and tell the Order what happened, but no one can get
in trouble for not arresting/etc in that sort of situation."

HIEROPHANT says to Karrin, "Which only helps if the person entering is in the same guild as one or
the other party."

Karrin says, "If they are default, they go like... a year. But people can set a certain amount of
time for their moods, too."

Valora claims, "I didn't know that."

InvestSouthside says, "Thank you was just inquiring. Otherwise I wanted to announce that tomorrow I
will have funny things set up out by the Harmon's Tower out the east gate. I believe we will be
having some funny games, things for sell, and the bards were discussing doing something in the tower

Renata declaims, "Songs and games and food! Along with a general hang out. Nothing high stakes just
hoping folks can come by as everyone gets into the swing of things!"

Temi declaims, "Whee! Sounds like a good time"

Karrin exclaims, "Oh, how exciting!"

Karrin claims, "Sounds good."

Karrin says to Valora, "Your turn."

HIEROPHANT says, "The, uh, room descriptions for harmon tower will probably need to be updated

HIEROPHANT states, "I typo board'd that one, but did so before the Great Crashening of 2024, so I
have no idea if that's been handled yet - they're still accurate to, uh. The civil war. "

HIEROPHANT states, "Like, with Roland."

Temi says, "Definitely let us know if there's still outdated things"

Karrin claims to HIEROPHANT, "Hmm, ok, I'll check. I thougth I updated it and removed it."

Karrin states to HIEROPHANT, "Feel free to check. I do remember updating that particular thing."

Valora wonders, "So this is a mix of a question and request. I recently heard that bows and
instruments are a specific type of wood and this can't use special @app wood. I really wanted to
make a jadewood bow but that doesn't seem possible? Is there a reason for this? Can it maybe be
altered/a craft added to make exotic woods into the needed wood for the craft?"

HIEROPHANT states to Karrin, "I haven't checked since last year, so I could totally be wrong? The
typo board note vanished so I have no clue if it got addrssed or not. I will for sure."

Karrin says, "Typos didn't disappear, bugs did."


Karrin says to Valora, "Bows specifically need to be more supple woods, I imagine? But, I don't know
if we have a coded way to limit that. They have to be able to stretch."

Temi muses, "Not all woods are going to be appropriate, yeah. Though they should be embellishable
for decorative bits, I'd expect?"

Baz states, "Softwoods are a little more limber, so I imagine some of the finer grain and harder
woods wouldn't have the flexion that softwoods would have"

HIEROPHANT claims, "I remember this came up during/after the Crusade. But, a fine-wood craft that
turns two fine wood blocks into one fine-grained wood block could be neat? As it stands you're stuck
with generic blocks from a shop."

HIEROPHANT says, "Wood laminates are like, 50,000 years old, and is how composite bows are made.
Maybe a separate recipe for that in particular, since that process involves horn and glue."

Temi states, "I think we were concerned about updating during the collection with things already
balanced around that, but we could discuss again"


HIEROPHANT claims, "As long as it's fine wood, I think it's probably fine? The silver cost of simply
buying the supplies would be higher than the generic blocks we have, and fine wood trees are fairly
rare in the wilderness."

Valora nods. "I can understand the concern. Wouldn't want people using mahogany or something. I just
though I'd bring it up in my curiosity since some unique woods might be fitting and how to handle
that if there was woods we felt fitting but not allowed due to the way code was handled. Not super
pressing and Heirophant has some cool ideas. I just thought I'd bring it up as a topic on my mind...
and a selfish desire for a pretty green bow. lol"

Karrin claims, "I imagine the only 'easy' access one would have to that is outright buying at cost,
or if they have a resource."

Karrin says to Valora, "Paint."

Karrin winks at Valora.

HIEROPHANT says, "I just think if someone's willing to spend a big chunk of QP on fancy wood, you
ought to be able to get a bow made out of it, probably. "

Valora huffs and pouts "I mean... I guess"

Valora states, "Lol"

Baz blinds himself with splinters trying to use a balsa wood bow

Karrin says, "Might end up with some bows more appropriate for whacking people than shooting arrows
if we're not careful. But, like Temi said, something we can look at."


HIEROPHANT says, "Something, something, tooling policy."

Karrin says to HIEROPHANT, "Damned policies."

Fiath claims, "Maybe some ingame resource (book) that explains which woods are hardwoods and
softwoods, and which can be used for which"

Karrin claims, "We have a helpfile that doesn't make people think dirty at all, called HELP WOOD."

Karrin says, "There's also HELP GEMS. They're both pretty detailed."

Temi says, "Yeah, if you should know about things like that, feel free to treat those sort of
helpfiles as IC knowledge."

Valora nods.

Karrin states, "Alrighty! I didn't have any other topics, but we have a couple minutes. Anything
from anyone else? If not, I can send you back to grid with your suspicious shadowy puppet hats."

InvestSouthside declaims, ""Silly games and stuff tomorrow, council meeting tonight!"

Meiari says, "Friendly reminder council meeting today for anyone who wants to listen to politicians
hum and haw"

Baz claims, "I do love humming, and occasionally hawing"

Karrin claims, "Ah yes, council meeting."

Baz puts a shadowy puppet inhabiting an inquisitor's scarlet red hat in a beaten navy blue linen
dispatch satchel, worn to the side.

Renata wiggles and waggles and waits to warp away.

Fiath drops a shadowy puppet inhabiting an inquisitor's scarlet red hat.

Baz isn't ready to say goodbye, wants this moment to last forever :'(

Karrin claims, "Ok, have fun everyone! So glad you're here."

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