OOC Meeting 9-7-2024

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 23
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:23 pm

Faith holds a plush, toy reeve equipped with a similarly plush pole-axe in her hand.

Karrin pats InvestSouthside. "Sorry."

Temi gives a plush, toy reeve equipped with a similarly plush pole-axe to InvestSouthside.

Faith stops using a plush, toy reeve equipped with a similarly plush pole-axe.

Valora claims, "What a lovely toy. I adore them."

InvestSouthside declares, "Yay the immortals ahve summoned me!"

Karrin says, "This is not always a good thing."

The following information is recorded about it:
Fashioned out of a light fabric, each of the parts of the little toy are sewn
together and generously stuffed, making for a detailed, plush model of a
dashing Reeve on patrol. The emblem of the Scales of Justice is appliqued
across the front of his uniform, while the Eye of Justice peeks out from
behind the shaft of the soft pole-axe that can be strapped to his back, when
not secured into his hand instead. The head, equipped with suspicious,
observant eyes, has been created as a separate piece anchored within the toy,
allowing it to turn from side to side.

It is priced at approximately 7 silver.
This 'a plush, toy reeve equipped with a similarly plush pole-axe' is a kind of prop.
It appears to be made of linen.
It looks to be in excellent condition.
It weighs around 2 pounds.
It can be worn as follows: take hold
It could be easily held in one hand. (Actual size: 10)
Its value should be approximately 7 silver.
This can be embellished.

Karrin questions, "But THIS TIME, it's great. Ok. Any volunteers for scribe today?"

InvestSouthside claims, "If no one else wants it"

HIEROPHANT stops using a silver bar.

HIEROPHANT holds a plush, toy reeve equipped with a similarly plush pole-axe in his hand.

HIEROPHANT turns the head of his plush toy reeve from side to side, directing his suspicious gaze
over the room.

Scarry says, "Yeah, Southside."

Karrin says, "Alrighty then, let's get a-moving."

Karrin claims, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, or specific policy violations, please address
that with staff privately."

Karrin wonders, "Alright! So, how was RP this week?"

Rambling says, "Screaming and running"

Faith says, "I barely did any"

Scarry says, "Pretty alright. People asked me for advice IC :)"

Katarina says, "Literally dragged to see the queen fifteen minutes after stepping out of chargen. It
was pretty good."

Temi grins.

Karrin questions to Rambling, "Screaming and running?"

Karrin states to Scarry, "That can be good or bad. I won't ask for whether you lead them astray."

Faith questions, "That event was fun. Was that this week?"

Capitalism claims, "I did things."

Capitalism states, "Sorta"

Capitalism begins to count their money.

Karrin has transferred Ikeala. [OOC]

Temi gives a plush, toy reeve equipped with a similarly plush pole-axe to Ikeala.

Karrin says, "Uh, Saturday, right? Right after the OOC meeting."

Temi nods.

Temi says, "A week ago"

Temi claims, "But since the last OOC chat"

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Valora states, "It was a good week. Wasn't really on after friday or much today... still was good.
The event was great."

HIEROPHANT says, "I had a very packed and active week, it was fun and dramatic :)"

Faith says, "Any RP with boogers is good RP"

HIEROPHANT states, "Hard disagree"

Karrin questions, "Do we have any topics this week, or anything bugging someone that is appropriate
to bring up during this meeting?"

Rambling questions, "Screaming and running, yes. Also I sort of mentioned a topic in a board

Trogdor states, "I do, i am typing it up right now :-)"

Karrin claims to Rambling, "If it was a topic for this meeting, I missed that. You're welcome to
send me a tell if you'd like, and I'll let you know if it is appropriate to bring up here. I thought
I'd addressed everything in the post I read."

Karrin claims to trogdor, "Sounds good."

Karrin states, "Alright, we'll start with staff updates. Temi first."

Temi grins.

Temi states, "Well, I had the big scene with the Queen last week, hopefully everyone that was
interested enjoyed that."

Temi claims, "Since then, some typos and requests and such, and I've gotten a few house evictions
processed - still a few more to go."

Capitalism claims, "I heard she was a joy to be around and heard the entire scene was lovely."

Temi grins.

Temi claims, "Well, no complaints at that, if so."

Temi nods at Karrin.

Katarina claims, "It was quite a nice scene to be my first one. Gave me things to talk about when I
ran into people all week."

Rambling states, "I was interested but my brain said 'no'. Unfortunate timing."

Valora says, "I was up way too late for that... I enjoyed it too much."

HIEROPHANT states, "Events are great for the week's gossip, is true"

Scarry states, "I liked the part where she was impressed by a dirty barbarian."

Temi grins.

Capitalism states, "Not barbarian. Savage."

Capitalism claims, "Get it right."

Capitalism nods towards Scarry.

Karrin states, "Sorry! Tells. I have been working on some behind the scenes. There will be a header
plot starting soon, I just need to get some of Temi's brain to add to my brain to make it good. I
will try to get it up this week or next week. And I'm intending to catch up on book submissions this
week, too."

Karrin claims, "Life has been DRAMA (understatement), and it has zapped a lot of my energy for
things that I need to do, leaving little for things I want to do."

Musketeer declares, "I've been debating a book for a while. Also, hope things take a turn for the

Valora claims, "Note to self be ready to spam more books."

Scarry claims, "Trust me I know how life drama is like. Take your time."

HIEROPHANT says to Karrin, "I think Temi will agree with me when I say header plots tend to suck up
-all- your TI time, so a delay for some post-drama R&R might be in order :pray_hands:"

Faith , considers writing joke book

Temi grins.

Karrin states, "BRING ON THE BOOKS. When I sit down to do something, I do it en mass until it's
done. So, if there are 3 books or 12, I'll do them all. Just may take me a bit to have the
brainpower to get to them."

Temi says, "We'll make sure Karrin's in a position to do it before kicking it off, but hopefully on
the sooner side."


Capitalism says, "I've been writing out a book of sorts as well. Decently detailed I think... only
like twenty pages'ish though."

HIEROPHANT says, "Can't wait to get up to no good in YOUR neighborhood."

Karrin claims, "Oh, so. I'm planning a slower start, and I'll admit that I'm not like past plotters.
I can explain what I'd do differently, if you'd like. Glad to."

Meiari trails off, "Careful I think several of us have book WIPs... you may get what you asked for
in abundance"

HIEROPHANT muses to Karrin, "Maybe put that as the last topic for the meeting at the end?"

Temi says, "We do have a new scheme for how to do header plots that we want to try out, get more
people involved. Karrin's been looking at it in depth"

Valora declaims, "That sounds like a cool topic to hear about!"

Karrin says, "Unlike past plots where I have felt like it's, 'Whoever is the fastest gets the most
information, and everyone else gets left way behind and eventually it gets to the point where no one
else feels they can contribute, so only the main people do and it becomes like 3-5 people in the end
doing everything', I... intend to do things differently."

Karrin claims to HIEROPHANT, "Which is, I think, why it feels like it takes up every second of
someone's time. There's a rush to get the information, and whoever gets it first, rushes forward

Trogdor states, "A frog hops; the pond is disturbed."

Faith states, "That sounds good. Any change is good. I never liked the plot system so I mostly've
ignored it or it ignored me."

HIEROPHANT exclaims to Karrin, "I meant for the staffer running it, actually. In my experience,
header plots often boil down to figuring out your group's sponsored plot for the week, submitting
it, and waiting for a response.

So a header with equitable opportunities for involvement and engagement sounds great!"

Karrin claims, "So, in an effort to make it so people have more of an opportunity to participate
(and hell, don't have to be logged in 17 hours a day to be able to participate), I'll be taking
things in sections. Something will happen. We'll affect the grid appropriately as needed and get the
initial information out there, and then everyone will have an amount of time (say... one or two
weeks? It will vary depending on what is going on) to get their plots, investigations, whatever in.
We won't process anyone's until after the deadline."

HIEROPHANT claims, "I know a few weeks ago you mentioned there's been improvements to plot
processing on the staff side of things so I'm excited to see what's coming :D"

Karrin states to HIEROPHANT, "It was me picking it apart and proposing something new."

HIEROPHANT says, "I can smell what The Rock is cooking."

Karrin says, "Then, after the deadline, we'll give you something to interact with for the next week
(whatever it may be), and we'll be processing each plot. So, whether logged in 5 hours or 50 hours,
you will have the opportunity to, by yourself or with others, post up what YOU want to know about
what's going on with the plot. And everyone gets their answers around the same time."

Karrin claims, "You can interact with multiple plots or just one. Remember that header plots don't
require QPs or GPs. Just actions."

Temi states, "But may require money or supplies, depending if you're, well, doing something that
requires money or supplies."

Temi grins.

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Ikeala says, "I have a follow up if/when there's a good moment."

Capitalism states, "Also being Lucky."

Capitalism says, "Being Lucky never hurts."

Rambling states, "So, to summarize: header plot coming our way looming like the meteor that killed
the dinosaurs? I wait with anticipation."

Karrin states, "It will have some drawbacks. It won't be as smooth, and it won't be as fast. But, I
really want us to try it and see if it allows more people who want to interact with the plot the
opportunity to do so without it feeling like if you aren't logged in 24/7, you aren't going to have
the opportunity to."

Karrin claims to Rambling, "Hmm. tucking that way away for future reference."

Karrin taps her temple.

Karrin states to Ikeala, "Go ahead."

Rambling claims, "Too late dibs for my ST"

Karrin claims, "So, the labor intensive portions for staff will come in spurts. Unlike the others
where it was constant."

Temi nods.

Ikeala states, "So, I'm notoriously forever online (TM) so the 'fastness' of header plots isn't
often a problem persay, but more that headers sometimes seem designes for certain groups/individuals
moreso than others. Where often those falling outside of the 'expected victors' for lack of a better
term kind of don't really have direct ways 'in'. So when the majority of grid RP ends up focused on
a header, folks who fall outside of that scope get kind of lost. So I'm wondering if there's any
thoughts on that."

Karrin states, "With the way we're running it, I'm hoping that there will simply be less left out.
Since there won't be the frantic running around on grid of the people who are participating (as all
will be expected to wait), they will still have to RP about other things in the meantime while
waiting. So, that should leave those who don't want to participate with more of a chance to get RP.
So, yes, it was considered, also."

Temi claims, "We definitely try to leave multiple ways to get involved, though there certainly will
be types of characters that we don't have any thoughts for."

Karrin nods in agreement.

Temi states, "And anyone that's not a part of the general on grid community is going to be harder."

Karrin claims, "Sometimes a header plot just doesn't interest some people. And that's totally fair.
I mean, things will be going on around you, but sort of like anything else, people can choose to
ignore the most vast things. This particular one is designed to... if we do it right... at least
draw interest, even if "helping" may be outside the spectrum. Rumors, interactions with the outside
world, all of that will be coming in hot, so always something to bounce off of if someone chooses to
use it for a scene."

Temi nods in agreement.

Karrin says, "My first ever time doing it, so... leaning heavily on Temi (the poor girl), and we'll
see how well it goes."

Valora pontificates, "Well I'm excited to see what you cooked up!"

Karrin wonders, "Alrighty, we can discuss it further at another time, but yes, while I say 'OMG my
life has been drama I have done nothing', my nothing is... mainly referencing things you can
outwardly see. My poor staff sees me shuffle through a hundred posts in a day, or blast through
completely new ideas that take hours to come up with, or overhauls. It's just outside of the player
sight, so... that's what I mean by 'I did administrative things'. Hah. Let's move on to Rambling?"

Rambling claims, "Oh hi, I'm good to mention it? It's not much, just a reminder."

Trogdor states, "Yeah, mine is certainly more a topic of discussion"

Karrin claims to Rambling, "As long as you leave specific IC events out of it, totally ok. Feel

Karrin nods at trogdor.

Karrin claims to trogdor, "You'll be next."

Trogdor says, "Sounds ominous, but okay "

Karrin shifts her hand on her sword, "I don't know where you could get that idea."

Rambling says, "Alright. Hi, hello, funny individuals of Lithmore. Are you doing FUNNY (illegal)
things? Of course you are! Remember to throw moods around when you're doing FUNNY things, and to
leave a mood in every relevant room. MAYBE you're worried that you don't have time to leave a mood
somewhere? In which case I propose... asking staff to do it?

Seriously, if you do something that trips one of the many alarms in the city, Knights or Reeves (and
even our Southside friends in SOME cases) remember to leave a mood. Even a short one. If you do it
by accident? Uh... 'there was a misunderstanding here that was cleared up' is fine as well.

That should do it."

Trogdor claims, "And also people who are searching houses.. such as Inquisitors"

Temi nods in agreement with trogdor.

Trogdor states, "Not just those up to FUNNY business >.>"

Karrin says, "Really, anything people would notice if they weren't zipping through."

HIEROPHANT claims, "Yup. Every room you enter is expected to have a mood, not just the point of
entry. Moods in general are fun, even if they can sometimes feel like you're self-sabotaging a

Rambling claims, "It may seem self-sabotaging to help people who will follow up on your COMPLETELY
LEGITIMATE business but it's policy to challenge yourself with their existence."


Temi claims, "Plus, it leads to a story that includes you further. Can't have a good cat and mouse
with just missing cheese."

Sulak claims, "You're supposed to leave a mood in a room if you're breaking in anywhere you're not
meant to be, right? Like you have to."

Karrin says, "And everyone loves cheese."

HIEROPHANT exclaims, "It's also your opportunity to leave red herrings! Or frame someone else for
the crime!"

Valora says, "Please make sure all moods are at least 5 sentences long. Knights and Reeves love to
read and if you make them funny enough I hear you can get off with a warning."

Scarry says, "I love cheese but it does not love me."
Temi nods at Sulak.

Karrin chuckles. valora

Karrin states, "Alrighty, PSA aside."
Karrin claims to trogdor, "Your turn."

Rambling says, "So please remember to leave a mood when you throw up in the Fountis Major. On
accident. Smiles.

Also ignore Valora."
Faith is idle.

HIEROPHANT says, "Also, since you might be on the clock while doing a breakin, it is entirely
acceptable (and recommended) to pre-write as many of the moods as you can externally, where
possible, so you can just copy-paste them in."

Scarry trails off, "Given recent events IDK if knights even CAN read..."
Faith is no longer idle.
Faith has returned from AFK.
Karrin states to Scarry, "Low blow there, smalls."

Trogdor states, "They can read the Erra Pater"
Karrin says to Valora, "Feel free to slap."

Scarry says, "Well, I'm small so my punches necessarily are all low."

Rambling beats Scarry. Severely.

Valora states, "Damn... I mean have you seen the letters Valora sends... I think she's proven she
can read."

Capitalism states, "The knights can read... probably."
Karrin states to Scarry, "Sometimes a well placed pointy fingernail does the trick."

Rambling says to Trogdor, "Can they?"

Karrin defers to trogdor anyway.

HIEROPHANT claims, "Anyway, I believe our local burninator had a topic"

Valora looks at the Inquisitors.

Trogdor states, "One of the largest aspects of the traditional real life Inqusition was that it used
torture to get answers -- whether those answers were reliable or not is a different issue."

Trogdor states, "Unfortunately, that tool doesn't translate well to this game. Perhaps not
surprisingly, quite a number of characters in this game are immune to torture. As a result of this,
it really does strip the tool away and, IMHO, makes the game a little less thematic."

Sanura holds a book up to Valora mockingly.

Trogdor claims, "I propose the following: 1) That there is an OOC XP bonus that can be offered from
the tortuer to the victim. If the victim accepts, then they give some sort of information -- truth
or lie, whatever. Just some information. Once that is done, the torturer "agrees" and the XP bonus
is awarded. 2) This can only happen in certain rooms with a special flag. 3) fade-to-black policies
still apply. 4) to prevent abuse and give a sembelance of reality, there is the potential for the
victim to die. They immediately get the 3x XP bonus if that happens, on top of the regular bonus.
I'm unsure what the ramifications are if the torturer "disagrees" (eg: states that no information
was given). My hope is that this incentivizes people who are captured to log back in and really get
more XP, and also makes players more likely to RP 'cooperating' with torture scenes (regardless of
if they are FTB or not) "

Rambling states, "This scenario seems somewhat specific and I'm worried."

Trogdor trails off, "Finally, I really just want a dialogue out about how we can entice people who
want information to get it out of players who may be somewhat reluctant to get it... any suggestions
are welcome"

Scarry claims, "Wait, which inquisition are we talking about historically."

Karrin says, "I remember we talked about this some time before, but I don't think with as much
flushed out. I'm not opposed to it."
Karrin claims to Rambling, "I think it's just scene after scene of, "That didn't hurt.", honestly.
No one specific instance."

Faith claims, "I have an alternative proposal that I'm sure won't go over well, but it's an idea."

Capitalism claims, "You know... I was commissioned at one point for tar, pointy objects, and a
hammer to use said objects... never got paid so never made it. But still."

Trogdor claims, "Yes, what karrin said"
Karrin says to Faith, "Speak and you shall be healed."
Temi states to Scarry, "The one with the torturing."

Rambling says, "I can provide no personal comment on that."

HIEROPHANT says, "I don't know that I agree with the proposed mechanics necessarily, but I'd just
sort of assumed there was a minigame in place that handles this anyway.

Off the top of my head, you can probably handle the 'disagree' part by defining the information
provided as anything that would qualify as a discovery worth cnoting.

I would not make this process automatic, in terms of XP rewards or what have you, but would instead
refer it to either request-board or Guild plots for RPA for staff involvement."

Sulak says, "If there was a risk of death, like sudden permanent PC death, I don't think anyone
would ever accept the incentive."

Temi questions, "What about a recommend criteria for giving information or something against your
personal interest?"

Scarry states, "Well that's the thing, that's the irony - historically the catholic inquisition
didn't torture people. To the point where people rather confessed to heresy than secular crimes."

Karrin states, "It really depends on the person. Some of us don't mind so much if our characters
die, some of us get really shaken if they do."

Trogdor says, "I'm not sure where you got that from, Scarry, but its pretty well established that
they did, Pope Innocent IV authorized it, at the very least:

Ikeala claims, "Also I will ask, what makes one 'qualified' to give the torture bonus? Will that
just be an authority Guild thing? Because respectfully, some of the worst (or best? depending on
outlook?) torture scenes I've scene weren't from the authorities."

Karrin says, "Well, the Order, while a lot of people have tried to shimmy it right on up next to the
Catholic religion, isn't intrinsically Catholic. There are similarities here and there, but there
are definitions of 'an inquisition' outside of what the Catholic church did."

Trogdor states, "No, thats where the room flag comes in. anyone can have it :-)"

Faith says, "It's a very understandable problem, and one that I doubt can be solved mechanically.
Players don't want to lose their characters they've developed over time and grown fond of. even the
full RP Rec lev you get for being pyred often isn't enough to get a player to RP being tortured in a
'reliable' manor. I would propose instead of solving it mechanically, solving it thematically. Have
a plot where the inconsistency of torture is brought up to a synod, and they decide to no longer use
torture. That eliminates torture as an investigation tactic, and all the problems that go along with
it. It would be a big change in theme, but the Order is still very powerful, and has other resources
and tools it can use. "
HIEROPHANT muses to Temi, "This has less of an impact for characters already at 100 percent RP
Level, and I'm not sure there's a number of QP you can set that's worth potentially torpedoing
yourself (and we don't want people gaming it if they were planning on liquidation-by-pyre anyway,

But I do agree at least on the general basis that there should be incentive to creatively

We currently have per help captivity on the books a minigame for Ahalin break-outs; perhaps,
trogdor, we could consider adding to the 48-hour minimum time you need before you can pyre/execute
someone, to represent time spent under the question?"
Karrin claims to Faith, "I don't know if it'd be a huge change in theme. As long as the pyre is
still the ending if they are found to be a mage or too tainted, the torture aspect likely has a bit
more flexibility."

HIEROPHANT states, "Granted, that helpfile doesn't really cover someone just, like, being kidnapped
and beaten in an alley for information, it assumes it's the authorities doing it, but still"

Trogdor claims, "Honestly, the order doesn't really have a lot of tools we can use -- ICly powerful,
OOCly without teeth unless a mage REALLY trips up or plays along. And I'm not complaining, mind you,
I think its more important for the players that the Order can't easily find mages"

Temi claims, "I imagine xp is similarly not a big motivator in these cases. If someone isn't ready
to lose their character, nothing's going to convince them."
Karrin nods in agreement.

Temi says, "I more figure it would be the acknowledgment of appreciation for you participating in
the story in good faith"

Trogdor states, "Yeah, thats my goal, some sort of incentive for people to give up information in
antagonistic scenes"

HIEROPHANT claims, "I agree the Order is lacking tools and am just sort of - waiting for coder time
to open up to address that, if you recall that board note months back? Though that wasn't related to
torture, the general sentiment is there."

Trogdor states, "Eg: if they knew for a fact that they would get rewarded"

Temi says, "I just suggested recommends, since the system already exists with no coding."
Temi grins.

Trogdor claims, "Yeah, maybe more of a "if you do this, I am obligated to recommend you""
HIEROPHANT claims to Temi, "In a similar vein, there isn't really a good way to arbitrate 'is this
person lying', either, which is also the other side of the interrogation coin"

Faith states, "That's ideally though. If everyone was cool with losing every character, it wouldn't
be an issue getting rasied though. Also the Order isn't always fair, and can torch someone on no
evidence if they so please. "

Karrin claims, "We can talk about the order easing away from torture on the basis that it is
ineffective, but we'd need to replace it with something if we did."
Karrin claims to HIEROPHANT, "That's the best part, though. They could be lying, they might not.
That... tracks with real life investigations, too. Depend on who convincing they are, and if the one
questioning them believes them. People who lie about being innocent still get arrested."
HIEROPHANT states to Karrin, "I have thoughts on the mage/order evidence problem but they are
necessarily unfit for the general OOC meeting. They were in a pboard note a while back; I can post
it later and tag relevant parties in on it."
Karrin claims to HIEROPHANT, "I remember. It was a well liked idea."

Faith says, "Also, being in Jail suuuuuuucks. No good RP. Lots of waiting. No working on skills, no
pigsty. Nothing. Puts a player in a bad mood to begin with, even before having to contend with

HIEROPHANT says, "I feel like that idea might assuage some of the issues with torture being less
effective than desired by making torture only one of many tools in an Inquisitor's toolkit."

Ikeala claims, "I just think setting up rewards for something that policy recognizes that players
shouldn't be required to RP out might ... IDK make people agree for the XP even if they OOCly feel

Trogdor claims, "Not just Inquisitors, I'm sure someone on the FUNNY side of business would like to
use it too"

Karrin claims, "I am hoping we're all adults here, and can be honest and say, "Hey, I'm not
comfortable with this," and an RPXP incentive won't change that."

Faith states, "Also, while Fading to Black is a valid thing to do, for very very valid reasons. It
is also NOT rp, and RP is the point of the game in the long run."

Karrin claims, "When FTB is used, typically what would have happened is discussed in an OOC manner
(though much less graphically). But, yes. It's missing out on RP. People use FTB for several
reasons, though. Torture only being one."

Trogdor says, "Yes, FTB should always be respected, i'll die on that hill"

HIEROPHANT says, "I think it's a fair idea that any interrogation scene - torture or otherwise - has
an expectation of being logged and cnoted by both parties, and if you give up something valuable as
a discovery for yourself in particular, that should be grounds for a self-recommend, at the very
least, on top of the interrogator's recommendation.

Very old characters with maxed RP level won't be as incentivized, but, well, they're usually harder
to catch anyway so that's a rare case (and in my experience are likely to just do it for the drama

Karrin states, "Ok, we're getting close to the end of the meeting."
Temi nods in agreement with HIEROPHANT.

Temi claims, "I'd definitely award for someone self-reporting that they did something detrimental to
Karrin questions to trogdor, "Can you write up the idea for the idea board, and then we can poke at
Karrin says to Faith, "Yours, too. Because I'm actually NOT opposed, I just need to think on it.
Please include the Order in your 'to' so if we respond to it, they can see, too."

Trogdor pontificates, "Sure thing!"

Faith says, "Certainly, but Torture is a big one, is it not? Less Torture would mean less FTB, and
more RP. And torture historically gives the torturer what they want to hear, meaning more false
positives (All people who were burned as a witch IRL are quite obviously not real witches) Meaning,
mechanically, it favors the Order, and is more reason why players likely don't want to get involved.
Again, I realize its a departure from theme, but I think it could fix a lot of the problems torture
has always brought along with it. "

Karrin claims, "I don't think cutting the torture is a departure from theme. Please do post it."

Trogdor muses, "I don't really either, but whats to stop the non-lawfuls from not using it?"

Karrin states, "Torture never was what cleansed someone, so it doesn't depart from theme. Removing
confession or pyring for the too far gone would be a departure from theme."
Meiari is idle.
Karrin says to trogdor, "Can't stop that, necessarily. The only thing I can think about and consider
is what comes from the top down of leadership. Bad little inquisitors might also still torture."
Meiari is no longer idle.
Meiari has returned from AFK.

Karrin says, "Even if told not to."
Sanura nods.

HIEROPHANT says, "I'll be frank, I usually assume if a mage is in Ahalin they're probably dead, and
I don't know that I necessarily want to change that, but I'm obviously not privy to what actually
goes on in there."

Faith questions, "Nothing, and it could be handled as normally in those situations. But more often
than not its the Order that does it, and it's the Orders use of it we're primarily discussing

HIEROPHANT states, "If anything it was a surprise to me that this was a problem in the first place,
so thank you for bringing it up :O"

Karrin claims, "Oh, some have gotten out and wandered around after. Haha."

Karrin claims, "And not through breaking out. But, haven't had anyone in there for a while."

Karrin questions, "Ok, any closing remarks before I shoo you back to grid?"

Meiari dances

HIEROPHANT states to Karrin, "I only said 'probably'. :)"

Karrin baps HIEROPHANT.

HIEROPHANT crumbles into dust!

Karrin claims, "Alright! I hope everyone has an excellent time on grid this week, and I look forward
to seeing you at next weeks' thingamajig. I'll also be looking at scheduling a GLs meeting in the
next couple weekends."

Karrin waves.

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