Log of OOC Meeting - 2020-10-31

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Sat Oct 31, 2020 6:27 pm

Kinaed says, "Today's Agenda is:

   - Staff Updates
   - Player Heartbeat
   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're
ready to present it when called upon."

Kinaed has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

Kinaed says, "If not, we can just chatter when we get to it."

Kinaed says, "Kicking off Staff Updates - last week, I worked on Turf Wars a bit... got a bit of feedback... happy to show you "where it is at" with
acknowledgement that it is still a work in progress and shaping as opposed to anything set in stone. "

Kinaed has transferred Deedee.  [OOC]

Kinaed gives Deedee some coins.

Deedee waves.

Kinaed claims, "I have also accepted the help of some programmers to look at the key points we discussed last week around things like covert dual
guilding. I've been helping get them set up and in the code, which I will be doing more of at the end of OOC Chat."

Sparkles states, "Sounds awesome. "

Kuzco declares, "Excellent!"

Kinaed states, "Also, last week Staff met and have discussed that, due to low activity and needing to access talent pools, we will be changing our
limitations so that staff may hold "one power role", such as a noble OR a GL, etc - but not multiple."

Kinaed says, "I hope this change isn't unpopular."

Deedee claims, "Does that include kings and dukes/duchesses? would be neat to see them on grid more often."

Kinaed says, "Potentially."

Kitty claims, "I think it will depend on how it goes. And if we know - I'm not a fan of knowing who staff is playing, necessarily."

Kinaed says, "But if we did open those roles, it wouldn't be *for* staff."

Kinaed has transferred NotNaomi.  [OOC]

MAMI claims, "Yes, please don't tell us who those staff characters are. I feel it can cloud judgement for other players, based on past experience."

Kuzco claims, "Well, but we know that Amir ain't gonna be one of us fellas."

Kinaed says, "Staff members are not supposed to expose who their characters are, but often cannot avoid being pegged for odd things like timezones and
other outstanding characteristics. Regardless, they'll be under the same kinds of limitations as all other players - one GL or noble or "high powered 
character" limit."

Kinaed claims to Kuzco, "Amir will never be a PC, but there is no reason dukes and duchesses cannot be PCs."

Kuzco nods.

Kuzco questions, "Staff didn't have nobles before today?"

Kinaed claims, "The Seneschal is essentially the social equivalent."

Kinaed claims, "They did, but they can't have a noble AND a GL just because we said they could be GLs if they want to go that route."

PraiseTheBolt is idle.

PraiseTheBolt is no longer idle.
PraiseTheBolt has returned from AFK.

Kuzco nods nods.

Kuzco says, "Thanks for clarifying."

Anonymous says, "The social equivalent of what"

Kuzco states, "Of a duke."

Anonymous claims, "Oh"

Anonymous claims, "Okay then"

Kinaed says, "Yes, a duke :)"

MAMI states, "I personally wouldn't like to see the Dukes and Duchesses as pcs in the current dynamic, given their relative power level to other
leadership roles."

Anonymous says, "Me either honestly"

Kinaed claims, "If they came into play, it would be because other things came into play, and at the moment we're not in a game position where those
other things are likely."

Kitty states, "I think the playerbase needs to grow before we have something like dukes/duchesses. I don't think adding those two roles would make the
pbase grow, necessarily."

Kuzco claims, "Dukes can't be pegged down with subversion, remember that"

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Deedee states, "They can be pegged down with a hammer though."

Kinaed claims, "For the record, adding those roles isn't the current direction of TI."

Wimpled claims, "Hammers are useful."

MAMI is also a fan of duke hammers.

Kinaed claims, "This was answering a general question in response to the announcement that I'm easing restrictions on Staff GLs to "1 power role" in
the game, no matter how staff cut it"

Deedee nods.

Kuzco knows something about hammers.

Kinaed says, "This is to give us access to the talent pool of players for potential staff hire without making them want to leave :)"

Anonymous uses his fists as hammers.

Kuzco states, "Thanks Kin. And thanks for be willing to revise policies."

Kinaed claims, "Well, since I'm the only staff member online today (Temi's on vacay, and the others mostly have kids or it's a bad time for them) -
Staff Announcements are done."

Kinaed questions, "Are there other policies people want to look at?"

Deedee says, "Mmmmmm"

Kuzco states, "Hmmmm"

Sparkles says, "I do have a question."

Kinaed says to Sparkles, "Of course :)"

Sparkles questions, "With the new 'unretire a previously retired PC' option with QP ... what are the restrictions there?"

Kinaed claims, "Can't be dead, must pay QP."

Kinaed states, "Probably had to be in good standing policy-wise."

Deedee questions, "Does that mean pulling them out of backups, or just re-starting it?"

Kuzco asks, "What about a noble from a domain which was unilaterally declared dead by a new noble of the same domain?"

Kinaed states, "Restarting it. We can't pull characters out of backups past a certain age easily because code changes can make pfiles incompatible."

Kuzco says, "Specially if the new noble was rolled in and never played"

Sparkles states, "Yeah ... because we seem to have 'died IC' and 'was written off as dead by the next noble/spouse etc.'"

Kinaed claims, "With QP, we can pull the pfile and email it to people so they have their descriptions and stuff."

Deedee says, "Ah, well that's neat"

Kinaed says, "I think we'll have to play it by ear and have a sense that whomever we're letting back is good for the game, that the character
continuity makes sense, and doesn't seem to super disadvantage anyone."

Kuzco says, "There's a bit of a possibility for contention there"

Kuzco wonders if he made up a word, there.

Anonymous claims, "No that's a word"

Kinaed says, "There is, yes. We would have to weigh up whether the benefit outweighs the disadvantages."

Kitty says, "I like it, for the record. Being able to come back."

Kuzco nods at Kinaed.

Kuzco says, "I'll trust staff's judgement then =)"

Kinaed states, "For the record, the inactivity of nobles was always a 'If you go inactive, we wrap you up, but you can apply to return provided there
is room and it's beneficial to TI'"

Deedee questions, "Is it possible to bring back a character from the dead via necromancy?"

Kinaed states, "At this point in time it is not, but we have pondered if adding it would be beneficial in some way."

Kuzco trails off, "Uhhhh........"

Kinaed states, "Theoretically magic could go there."

Kinaed claims, "But historically we've always been permadeath."

Quartz says, "I would love that"

Anonymous wonders, "What about raising the ghost of the dead person, and they could pass on IC information that character knew?"

Kuzco claims, "I would hate that."

Anonymous says, "So not really 'hey I'm back', but 'hey I buried the gold in the tree where Lans's statue is, go knock it down and get rich'"

NotNaomi says, "I can see that having potential to be both amazing and awful"

Kinaed states, "To me, ghost raising for info would most frequently be about winning or getting revenge rather than character continuity."

Anonymous says, "Probably"

Kinaed claims, "So I'd prefer that if we were to allow the return of the dead, it's actually about people doing what they can to bring whole
characters back."

Quartz claims, "I appreciate your honesty Kuzco"

Kuzco states, "It would fundamentally alter some things about the game's metaphysics, not to mention davism"

Kuzco nods.

Sparkles says, "Hmm."

Kinaed says, "Overall, though, I'm not particularly sold."

Deedee says, "I mean, we have spoopy skeletons already"

Kuzco says, "Those are reanimated constructs"

Quartz states, "But is Davism the law? Or just an idea."

Kinaed claims to Kuzco, "Not necessarily true. We have an 'afterlife' and whole metaphyics around demons and the like that would technically allow for

Kitty states, "Davism is the theme"

Sparkles states, "I can imagine scenarios it could be interesting ... it would have to be rather carefully done though I imagine. "

Kuzco nods at Kinaed.

Kuzco claims, "I have spoken."

Kinaed claims, "I'm just not keen for other reasons, but honestly - it's because those things (like permadeath) are a personal preference for play."

Deedee says, "Things are open to interpretation. there are other religions"

The Mandalorian theme tunes in. [Kuzco]

Kimaris claims, "Or the soul passes into some sort of fey realm >.> and you can speak to Feys to get that information I guess? Hrm."

Kitty states, "I think it would open up a can of worms. because then people who die-die would want to come back, too. Not people who just wrapped up a
liquidation with death."

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Wimpled claims, "Agree with Kitty."

Kinaed nods at Wimpled.

PraiseTheBolt claims, "If you die in life you get to play in hell :D (/s)"

Deedee says, "I'm not sure how popular a zombie PC would be, but it seems like it could be a fun option sometimes"

Anonymous says, "Well the idea of the afterlife right now is that you either go to the springs and presumably merge with the lord, roam around in
purgatory being tortured by demons, or become a demon yourself"

Anonymous claims, "At least thats what the davites thing"

Anonymous claims, "Think*"

Sparkles says, "This is why you pyre everyone, people."

Deedee states, "Something like the undead thief from Malazan Book of the Fallen"

Kinaed grins at Sparkles.

Anonymous says, "Yeah that always was weird to me"

Anonymous trails off, "Like... why wouldnt you pyre everyone then"

Anonymous says, "If everyone thinks that doing so automatically gets you into heaven"

Anonymous queries, "I have yet to ask this question ICly but is there some rule against suicide by pyre like (if you go to the pyre just to get into
heaven, you don't get in)?"

Quartz states, "With the right cost of QP, I think it would be rare enough, and with staff choice, it would be only done in certain cases."

Kinaed claims, "Well, death by fire is hard to deliver to everyone as death can occur literally millions of ways. Burning a corpse after the soul has
left doesn't do much."

Sparkles states, "Except not leave one they can indeed, come back in."

Kinaed states, "As for suicide by fire - no one knows, they just have a lot of opinions."

PraiseTheBolt claims, "Theres one way to find out, and no way to report back"

Kinaed grins.

Kinaed nods at PraiseTheBolt.

Kinaed declares, "'Let me know when we meet up in the afterlife!' *burn*"

Kinaed asks, "Alright-y then - shall we do a Player Heartbeat? How was the game this last week, folks?"

Anonymous states, "There was the seneschal bids, which entailed a lot of running around for me, and bothering every single person I ran into :)"

Quartz exclaims, "I camed back as someone new!"

Kitty claims, "I have enjoyed the RP I've had this week. Thanks to everyone who came to Lans' birthday celebration yesterday evening."

Kinaed muses, "Was it fun? And welcome back, Quartz :)"

NotNaomi exclaims, "It was pretty quiet. The RP I did have was great, though!"

Kinaed says, "A big thanks to Norrig for the Silver Horde, and to Raylene for the impromptu social event this week :)"

Kuzco says, "I enjoyed running the first part of the STs =)"

Wimpled states, "As someone who has not been able to play much, appreciated Norrig's story as a thing to do. "

Kinaed smiles.

Anonymous states, "Yes the silve rhorde storyline was amazing thank you norrig"

MAMI says, "Good here. Yesterday, played TI for the first time in probably 2 years."

Kitty claims, "The first part of the ST was EXCELLENT."

Kuzco bows.

Anonymous states, "I very much enjoyed knocking out 6 hillmen with my fists"

Kuzco says, "That's racist."

Anonymous claims, "Too bad"

Kinaed states, "Please don't forget to recommend the people who are putting in effort to make these things happen for you :)"

Kuzco laughs.

Anonymous says, "I actually did recommend every person who was in the ST"

Kinaed states, "Brilliant :) I haven't processed them yet. "

Kinaed declares, "But Viridis did! Go Viridis! :)"

Anonymous pontificates, "Hurray!"

Kitty trails off, ", is awful at rolls in STs..."

Kitty states, "Emote, even."

Kinaed queries, "We don't have anything registered for Player Topics - is there anything shitting people about TI at the moment?"

Kuzco claims, "I have a request, a tiny thing, a topic-ish"

Sparkles states, "I did have a question."

Kinaed asks of Kuzco, "Happy to hear it. What have you got?"

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Kinaed claims to Sparkles, "Adding you next on the list"

Kuzco says, "I'd like to ask for staff to allow players running an ST to be able to teleport to the ST rooms without the need for an intervening
staffer. This is because it can happen, and has happened, that staff isn't around when the time comes and the ST has no rooms! But to avoid abuse I'd 
suggest to only enable specific vnums, maybe just one, for the ST GM."

Deedee says, "There's already a command for tha"

Cat is idle.

Kinaed says, "I think you can already."

Deedee claims, "Help story execution- stransfer: transfers a joined player to the storyteller."

Kuzco claims, "Nope, I tried"

Kuzco claims, "It does -not- work"

Kinaed says, "I think that's a bug, not a decision."

Deedee queries, "Bug boarded?"

Kuzco states, "I thought it was a feature."

Quartz questions, "Then perhaps a bug board is more appropriate?"

Cat is no longer idle.

Cat has returned from AFK.

Kinaed states, "Please do bug it if 'stransfer' is not working when people are added to a story."

Deedee says, "It would be nice if there was a 'sreturn to return them to their last room before being trans'd though"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed says, "Adding that note"

Kuzco claims, "To make it clear: stransfer does work if you are the ST GM summoning people in"

Deedee says, "Or maybe just transing them to the almshouse"

Kuzco claims, "I want to be able to be the ST GM and teleport to a room without a PC present already, which is currently undoable."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Deedee says, "Ah. that could be convenient yeah."

Kinaed states, "Oooh, I see. Yeah, that's hard without making you staff because you don't have a reference key, and we can't teleport by name, only

Deedee claims, "You can add room vnums to your prompt"

Kinaed says, "But I see what you want. I'll have to think on it."

Kitty says, "But you can add vnums to your prompt, right? So when they are making the rooms for the ST, they can write down the vnum."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kuzco claims, "Okay. Just a reminder that this, if not tied to speficic vnums, means I can teleport anywhere. Like old staff plot rooms or the Manus

Kuzco exclaims, "Or here!"

Kinaed says, "Won't help to go to a distance place without a lookup, and we currently use OLC commands to lookup vnums. It's not impossible, mind,
just not suited at the moment and will need some thought."

Deedee says, "I think event rooms are within a certain range"

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Deedee says, "But then, some events take place on grid"

MAMI claims, "Assume it echoes to staff when players are using story magic to teleport around- should discourage abuse."

Deedee says, "Might just have to be left to trust. and logging."

Kinaed states, "It does, and that's how we caught a player using story commands to restore themselves while fighting in a training hall."

Anonymous states, "Oh dear"

Kinaed says, "Still, it's not perfect - we need to be around and watching."

MAMI says, "Oof"

Anonymous says, "I just use the basin. Works of rme."

Quartz states, "Don't do things to get banned, problem solved. *shrug*"

Kinaed queries to Sparkles, "You had another question?"

Kuzco states, "He also summoned magical aberrations and daravi mages."

Sparkles wonders, "I was curious on the discussion about 'buy ins' to Guild roles, etc. Where did that conversation end up?"

Kinaed states, "It looks like people polled a 'yes' but there were a few vehement nay-sayers."

Kinaed says, "The yes was about half the pbase."

Kinaed states, "So I'd consider that a door open to do it. Priority wise, I preference a monthly reminder to GLs... actually, let me show you what I

Kinaed has redirected a note, Monthly Promotion Reminders (Edited by Kinaed), on the Bugs board.

Deedee says, "Board bug"

Deedee says, "Ahem."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed declaims, "I do it too!"

Sparkles claims, "Well ... I think it might be seeking to address more than one issue. And that might be where various opinion (sometimes strong
opinion) comes from."

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "That's why we did a poll - so people could express their views and potentially dodge the stronger opinions if they didn't
want to engage :)"

Kinaed claims, "I'm happy to discuss it if people want to."

Kinaed claims, "But I think the reminder to promote people is a positive no matter how you cut it."

Deedee claims, "I never came to a conclusion. will depend on how it would be implemented"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Wimpled has left the game.

Sparkles claims, "Oh, absolutely. I think one of the biggest issues that I've seen is time = promotion factor."

Kitty says, "I have had people, in the past, that get upset because they don't get promoted weekly."

Kitty says, "So having that reminder might reinstate that it takes time to work their way up through the ranks, no matter how much they grind specific
skills, etc."

Kinaed claims, "I would expect it would be something like 'role purchase <guild>' or 'role purchase <guild> <role>' or something along those lines...
and I was thinking QP rather than XP so that people coming in like that were probably experienced players, but I also wasn't sure if I'd want to bias 
it like that."

MAMI claims, "Weekly? that sounds very unreasonable of them."

Kinaed nods at MAMI.

Kitty states, "It felt it, at the time, yes."

Kinaed states, "I also think that people who expect to be promoted weekly are pretty rare and also easily recognized as unreasonable."

Anonymous says, "In the past, I tried to stay on top of promotions as much as I could. I think the average was about a month for each rank, assuming
that their IC skills were up to snuff"

Kinaed nods at Anonymous.

Sparkles says, "Mmm"

Quartz states, "I think a monthly remind is a grand idea. You can easily get lost in the mail and responsibilities as a GL"

Kinaed nods at Quartz.

Kuzco nods.

Sparkles claims, "I think the thing is that what promotion from one rank to another means in terms of IC authority/ability/power varies widely Guild
to Guild."

PraiseTheBolt is idle.

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Anonymous states, "It does sparkles"

Kinaed claims, "That's why 'purchasing in' is limited to lower ranks."

Kuzco claims, "I think she means inquisitos"

Anonymous claims, "I wouldn't let inquisitors be buy-in, myself"

Anonymous claims, "Or knights"

Kuzco says, "Inquisitors are open apps often"

Kuzco says, "I mean knights"

PraiseTheBolt is no longer idle.
PraiseTheBolt has returned from AFK.

Kinaed says, "Not particularly fussed about them. We always need more, and when they screw up badly, they tend to be short lived."

Anonymous says, "Yes, but applications and buyins are different"

Kuzco states, "Fair"

Deedee asks, "I think buyin would be replacing applications?"

Kinaed claims, "Right now, I don't see the Order GLship letting anyone go loose cannon. "

Kitty says, "I've requested that inquisitor apps and priest/priestess apps remain open so people can jump into those roles. They wouldn't be needed
for a low-role buy-in."

Quartz states, "I am thinking in terms of Merchants. The idea that I, at rank 36 and knowing the ins and outs of crafting and tooling, need to start
at apprentice is annoying. Someone new to the merchants, or crafting, would join at the apprentice level. "

Kinaed claims, "Right now, we're only thinking it for ranks 1-2 of a guild, to help players 'get established' quickly and ease the burden on GLs to
meet and manage all new entrants."

Kinaed claims, "Inquisitors are rank 3 as I recall."

Quartz says, "They are"

Kitty states, "Right."

Kinaed claims, "So that'd be your pages and squires coming in."

Kinaed claims, "Acolytes."

Kitty states, "And acolytes. Right."

Quartz says, "Or acolytes and priests"

Sparkles says, "I think the thing with crafter types is that a lot of judgement there is ... well frankly on OOC skill than neccessarily IC skill but
that could be a whole discussion."

Kinaed states, "Having a quick look at the roles, but yeah."

Kuzco nods.

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Kitty states, "I am not sure I would want them coming in as a priest without an app, but an acolyte is fine."

Kimaris states, "There are just a lot of diffirent levels of skill needed with each rank, and certain.. guilds have a lot more that could go wrong if
someone just hopped in."

Quartz states, "There could be certain stipulations on the guilds then. "

NotNaomi says, "To be entirely fair, I can't possibly know who is and isn't a seasoned player to start them as anything but apprentice, nor do I think
that should apply IC... but I'm very on top of promotions."

Kinaed says, "Nothing is perfect, but I think a buy into low ranks of a guild would be a move in a 'better direction' or at least testing some waters.
If it leads to disasters, it's something we can reverse."

Kinaed nods at NotNaomi.

Kinaed states, "You're one of our stronger GLs across game history though."

Quartz trails off, "To be fair, NotNaomi is pretty great as a GL... >_>"

Anonymous claims, "@notnaomi In the physicians we would give practical tests to see if the person knew what they had to know to skip student and go to

NotNaomi smiles.

Kitty claims, "My suggestion would be to buy into rank 0 - retired. Gives them access to teh guildhall and guildies, and they can more easily find and
access the GL to get higher - and the GL can interview and determine how high."

Anonymous claims, "Though I dont know if that could really be done in merchants"

NotNaomi states, "I make the merchants make me pretty things for promotions. :P"

Quartz says, "Anon, that may be true for you, but not all Phys GL's. "

Kuzco states, "Badass"

Kinaed says, "The nice thing about Retired is that it can really suit any background, whereas coming in as a student or acolyte - you came in as a
student or acolyte. So, it has merit."

Anonymous states, "Delana does it too"

Anonymous states, "And I'm like 99 percent sure that my successor to epion will as well"

Deedee claims, "I might have started it, dunno about past GLs"

Kitty states to Kinaed, "Exactly. The GL can make it a priority to meet with them (because they need to do so for support and other reasons anyway),
then place them appropriately."

NotNaomi says, "I like that."

Kinaed claims, "There is something beautiful about when a guild gets enough momentum and culture to be a guild with continuity that lasts over time
and generations of players. We've seen that come and go in many guilds, but the problem is that the chain is easily broken."

Kitty claims, "As a past Physician GL, yes. We had tests for promotions, and projects for all the way up. The tests for promotion were there when the
previous GL was there before me, also."

Kitty claims, "When I was there, first test was usually humors, etc."

PraiseTheBolt states, "Gotta have a sense of humors eh"

Deedee nods.

Cat says, "I'm always running after the seekers. It's fun. I wouldn't mind 'veterans' or retired people to come join the guild either."

Anonymous claims, "In more ways than one"

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, I think we might do a purchase in for QP, and probably a reasonable amount of QP - and move them into the Retired role to
negotiate with the GL. Seems okay. I just hope we don't get the 'no way am I letting you play an Inquisitor for six OOC months. I'd have accepted it 
if you apped in, but not if you worked your way in' :)"

Quartz says, "I could be down with buying into retired, and having it notify the GLs and seeing where one could be placed.  It should still cost
something, but seeking still should be the main venue of enterance."

Kinaed says, "Which is what happened to me :)"

Kinaed states, "That's probably an exaggeration, they didn't say 6 OOC months."

Kuzco claims, "Oh."

Kitty says, "App is free, though."

Kitty claims, "Just... saying."

Kinaed claims, "It was, but I didn't want to skip the queue. I wanted to work my way up, but within the bounds of the system we had all agreed."

Sparkles states, "I mean speaking of things and policies and discussions, I suppose I'll toss this one out there."

Kuzco braces.

Kinaed cocks her head curiously.

Anonymous states, "Uh oh"

Anonymous takes cover

Kitty says, "Six months is a bit long, unless someone can't keep up with activity expectations."

Kinaed states, "(I was exaggerating)"

Kitty claims, "I've had someone stay there that long, but they were inactive. A lot."

Deedee states, "Top of the hour by the way"

Sparkles asks, "Has there been any review of the Order/Mage policy? "

Kitty claims, "But, legit, I probably won't be GL forever, anyway."

Kinaed queries, "Oh, sorry! Anyone want me to return?"

Kinaed says to Sparkles, "Not recently."

Kitty says, "It was changed to be more strict, recently. I doubt it'll be removed."

Kitty states, "Where not just if they are mages, but if they have an alt that is a mage, they can't join."

Kinaed states, "The current policy is that if you have an Order character, the game won't let you create a mage (as I recall) and as a mage, you can't
seek Order."

Kuzco says, "Or your non mage alt"

Kinaed claims, "This was actually at the request of the Order as I recall."

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Kitty says, "It was made more strict, recently, to where if you have a mage alt at all, you cannot seek."

Deedee nods.

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Kitty claims, "And, it wasn't at my request - heh."

Kitty claims, "It was a poll on the forums."

Sparkles says, "Ah, well, alright."

Kuzco pontificates, "Anyhow. Ready for trans! Remember that next week, on sunday, is the second part of the Silver Horde"

Deedee queries, "Did you have something in mind, Sparkles?"

Kitty claims, "Next week? For some reason, I was thinking tomorrow."

Anonymous asks, "@kuzco sunday november 1st?"

Anonymous says, "Or sunday november 8th"

Kinaed says, "The poll was actioned because I wanted to stop being asked about it and see whether the 2-3 people bringing it to me's sentiments were
echoed by the pbase at large."

Kinaed states, "For the record, Nov 7th (Nov 6th in US time) is my daughter's birthday, so I am likely to be scarce next weekend."

Kuzco claims, "November 8th"

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "I do need to wrap this up, I have some people waiting in the wings - but I want to say a big thank you to everyone who
participated today :)"

Kuzco declaims, "Thieves and bards will have priority!"

Kinaed states, "Please have a great week, and I'll look forward to (hopefully) seeing everyone next week (as I may be out for my kid's birthday) :)"

Kinaed trails off, "Here we go... 1"

Sparkles exclaims, "Later!"

Kinaed trails off, "2..."

Deedee waves.

Kinaed trails off, "3..."

Anonymous says, "Potatoes"

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