Log of OOC Meeting 2/1/2020

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Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:06 am

Temi states, "Sorry about the late start!  Kin isn't able to join us today, so I'll be running things for us."

Kitty says, "Haha. Totally not your fault."

Erika grins.

Temi wonders, "Our agenda for today is 1) Staff Updates, 2) Player Heartbeat, 3) Player Topics.  Does anyone have any topics to get on the list to start with?"

Kuzco states, "I think no."

Kitty listens to the crickets, swinging a wooden shield toy brightly painted with a battlefield map around absently.

Temi claims, "Okay.  Well, if anyone comes up with anything, let me know and we'll slot you in there"

Sparkles states, "I have a reminder I could toss in at the end."

Temi declaims, "Starting off with the updates, since I'm already talking - more of the big plot stuff.  I got the big battle outcome out that I was planning on - hopefully people are happy with that for a little while!  But I've got a couple of updates I still owe the people that have plots out"

ToffeeApples crosses their fingers (hooves)

Temi claims, "As a reminder, if you want to be involved, you can use staff sponsored plot type for it to not cost QP or Guildpoints, but I'm not auditing that you are doing that, so it's up to you."

Kuzco states, "Do consider it, those of you who aren't GLs"

Temi says, "And we have two periods a week - submitting my Monday night and submitting by Thursay night, and I'll process in the next day or two after that."

Temi states, "Alright, so that's been what I've been up to, pretty much."

Temi muses, "Az?"

Temi asks, "Okay, looks like Az may be busy, we'll come back to him.  Erika?"

Erika says, "Lots of background work for me, still working hard on progressing with our new webclient. Reached the point where it's mostly useable now, so very exciting to see what comes next. :) Pretty short, but yeah, that's it for me."

Temi declaims, "Excellent!  I'm sure everyone's excited for a more functional webclient"

Kuzco nods.

Azarial says, "I've managed two crash bugs and responded to a few notes.  it's been a rough week for the kids, which takes up most of my time for code."

Temi nods at Azarial.

Kuzco states, "Aw."

ToffeeApples questions, "Any reasons to use it over a more traditional client? Will it be mobile friendly?"

Temi states, "Some people can't download clients onto their machine"

Temi says, "Shared location or something like that."

Erika claims, "Mobile friendly is also something I'm working. But there'll also be functions that most offline clients have, like split screens or multiviews, basic alias and trigger support and theming."

Erika claims, "Just to give a few examples."

ToffeeApples declaims, "Neat! Hoping I can finally uninstall blowtorch"

Kuzco says, "That's badass."

Temi claims, "Nice"

Kuzco states, "Blowtorch is a nightmare. Mage made likely."

WhiteRabbit claims, "MUDRammer isn't too bad."

Temi trails off, "Okay, then, checking any changes for this week..."

Kuzco claims, "I like that one."

ToffeeApples says, "Not android though. "

Wimpled has lost link.

WhiteRabbit states, "Oh yeah :/"

ToffeeApples's opportunity to accept the Personal Event has expired.

Temi claims, "Looks like a few bug fixes, mostly, and not sure how many of them were this week.  Those cloaked mobs that stuck around and wore out their welcome after lawfulness was low should be properly unloading now, as one of those things"

Kitty cheers.

Temi says, "Nothing else that should garner too much interest"

Kuzco says, "That's a great thing"

Temi asks, "So!  Player heartbeat!  How's RP been this week folks?"

Kuzco says, "Pretty excited for the tournament and the huge battle"

Kitty has officially gone completely bonkers after this week. "But, RP has been good..."

Sparkles says, "The noble party was fun this week, and the tournament today is great."

Kuzco claims, "Oh yeah Nadir threw a good party"

Brando says, "The tourney was fun so far. :) aside from that i had real life bushfires to watch. :("

Temi grins at Kitty.

Francesca says, "I've had a good time! And shout-out to Temi for saving my sanity with some tailoring bugs last weekend because I legit started crying from frustration over that crap. And shout-out to Kitty for taking on this huge event and doing awesome with it."

Kuzco nods.

Naomi claims, "Slow here"

Darkness says, "More or less fine, except for some annoyances."

BagLady states, "Speaking of the tailoring bugs."

Temi pontificates to Kitty, "A big event can do that to you, but everyone really appreciates it!"

Satoshi trails off, "Been a lot of fun, lots of RP gotten in the time I manage to steal, trying to get some big stuff done IC so..."

BagLady queries, "I forgot to contact staff - I think I lost about 4 bolts in the two times that I reported it a few months ago. Too late to cash in on that offer?"

Miripoix states, "Please consider recommending event hosts for their work if you've not already. And others too! It's nice to thank people for helping to further your stories."

Kitty asks, "I just hope everyone enjoys themselves. If they do, all worth it. By the way, did you pick someone to scribe and I missed it?"

Naomi trails off, "My bolts were never returned, either... I did bump the thread I posted"

ToffeeApples says, "I can scribe"

Francesca exclaims, "The first melee was very entertaining to watch! I'm looking forward to the other tournament events :)"

Temi claims, "No, I forgot to get a scribe."

Temi muses to ToffeeApples, "Thanks, if you can do that.  Can you get the stuff we already did?"

ToffeeApples pontificates, "Already got it!"

Erika says, "Otherwise I've got a log if anything's missed, woops."

Conrad states, "Sorry I bonked vena on the head a second time, I honestly just forgot about it in the excitement and was trying to come up with good combat emotes"

Temi says, "I think we said we'd cap it at a replacement per recipe, but I'll make a point to go through the bug board today.  That's usually Az's domain, so the replacements we did were on the request board"

Temi says, "If it happened at some point in the past and you didn't post it, that may be late now for us to look back in on"

BagLady cries in several lost bolts of silk.

BagLady states, "I bug boarded it twice."

Francesca comforts her fellow tailors.

Naomi claims, "I just tried one recipe, twice, and presumed the rest were broken too, so didn't bother"

BagLady says, "With logs, I might add."

Temi says, "I'll check the ones on the bug board already"

Temi nods.

Kitty says to Conrad, "If you had fun, the bonking on the head can be forgiven."

Kitty trails off to Conrad, "At least, OOCly. ICly, well...."

Conrad says, "Oh dear"

ToffeeApples says, "Wimpled owes you an 'ab Meadows' :)"

Conrad claims, "I dont know what that is but it sounds unpleasant."

Francesca states, "Not that my opinion counts for much but I do feel like tailors should get their full mats back for those full outfit bugs since it's been a known bug since like... before last August, I think? I only know that because a previous tailor told me they had bugboarded it back then when I brought it up last meeting. But there was never anything posted about it to give us the heads up like hey be careful or you'll lose mats."

Naomi says, "Yeah, I had no idea :("

Temi claims, "In general, it's good to not do something again after it screws up unless we ask you to"

BagLady claims, "It usually works when there is more than one trimming. Sometimes, I don't keep track of how many trims I have stacked."

Naomi wonders, "I did it a second time because I wasn't really... paying attention and was like 'wait, what? I have those mats' and pulled out another, like a clueless person"

BagLady says, "I think I've made close to 20 outfits by now. Burned out, and just losing your mats is... really demotivating."

Temi states, "I think I fixed the reported recipe, but I need to double check for the others"

Temi claims, "We'll get through the ones that are reported."

Naomi smiles.

Temi claims, "I would like to remind everyone that staff are volunteers, and keeping up with time intensive things takes away from other stuff we have to do."

Brando nods

Tasker places her right fist over her heart in salute to Temi.

Darkness pontificates, "You're the ones who make sure we can all stay and have a fun time. Big kudos to staff for that!"

Temi asks, "Anything else bothering people that staff ought to know about?"

Miripoix says, "Darkness Pontificates would be a fantastic black metal band name."

Kitty says, "Staff is doing a great job, IMHO. There's a lot going on all around, and I appreciate you taking the time to volunteer."

BagLady claims, "Not really. You're all crushing it."

Francesca states, "I definitely think all of us here are very appreciative of the time staff puts in, as volunteers. My pointing out that the bug in question has been known since before last August wasn't me trying to be a c-word or anything. Just trying to justify why I think the other tailors should be their mats back :)"

Naomi states, "That would be a pretty neat metal band name"

Francesca claims, "SHOULD GET"

Francesca states, "Don't be the mats."

Temi claims, "We're happy to get people their mats back once, but once you know about it, you're just going to make Temi pull her hair out"

Temi claims, "So, after you know, please be careful."

Naomi claims, "Too late, you've convinced me to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a bolt of wool"

Temi states, "It's a tricky bug that requires some deep level stuff, and maybe we should have made an announcement, but it is what it is"

Kuzco states to Temi, "Thanks for the hard work, T"

Brando says, "There is a joke in here about maddonnas mat-erial girls eh .. :)"

Temi claims, "Usually we don't post these things because Az manages to fix them as soon as they are reported, but this one's trickier."

Temi queries, "Anything else people want to bring to staff attention?"

Temi queries, "Alright then.  Player topics!  Sparkles had an update?"

Sparkles claims, "It seems a time with a lot of stuff going on, so after the excitement of the tournament, I'll be looking towards my ST. So ... any last minute noble types who want in on that, do write or contact. I don't want anyone who wants in to miss out."

Wimpled is idle.

Temi questions, "Is there an announcement somewhere with what's going on?"

Sparkles claims, "I mailed all the nobles ICly, but I'll me making an announcement, yes."

Temi says, "Okay, great.  A reminder to the nobles about their mail then, and the rest of us will expect some fun to come."

Naomi questions, "Are the rest of us included?"

ToffeeApples says, "I'll have a noble one day. "

Tasker sets ToffeeApples back on the ground.

Miripoix claims, "Make sure you marinate it first."

Naomi states, "There are so many now"

Civetta queries, "If you eat one you steal their powers?"

Darkness declaims, "Just get yourself ennobled, problem solved!"

Naomi says, "Haha"

Kuzco says, "It's easy to read your mail and forget to answer because you are distracted with rumors, pboards, etc"

Temi asks, "I think the plans were for public consumption at the actual event?"

Tasker claims, "Make sure to drink all the blood if you won't infuse their powers "

Kuzco can turn y'all into freemen, remember.

Naomi claims, "Ah, I thought the plan was for nobles only"

Sparkles claims, "It will be an open event everyone can attend, I've been asking nobles to give some insight about special things from their domains as a way to get some of that fun background stuff into active play. "

Naomi nods.

Kuzco can also turn the freemen into the next worse thing, crossfitters.

Francesca claims, "Lol Kuzco"

Conrad says, "No, not crossfitters, anything but that"

BagLady says, "Here I was expecting heresy and magic."

Kitty suggests Sketchers. They have air cushion support and fun colors!

Temi queries, "Anyone else want to discuss anything while we're here?"

Kitty says, "Don't forget the rest of the tournament events! All of them are on the general board. (Sorry for the spam there.)"

Kuzco states, "Hm. My Seneschal term is ending. If you have requests, hurry them up to Norrig."

Tasker states, "Make a new domain for me called Swagistan"

Venamelia exclaims, "Ennoble me and everyone! *cough*"

Kuzco states, "Too late."

Francesca says, "I would like to formally request you buy more ridiculous codpieces, Kuzco."

Francesca nods seriously.

ToffeeApples wonders, "Can you give my horse a small march?"

Kuzco claims, "Yes"

BagLady states, "And the signature dish of the domain is Swagetti Yolonnaise"

Tasker asks, "Can the Knights succeed into their own domain like the Teutonic Order?"

Temi muses, "Well, your horse can march, how about that?"

Kuzco states, "If they become protestants."

Tasker says, "Wow that would actually be sorta cool"

Venamelia states, "That'd be pretty cool, actually o.o"

Tasker makes notes

Civetta trails off, "Vavard has that! sorta..."

Temi claims, "Not going to rule out anything in the future, but I think we'd want to make anything a big deal."

Temi grins.

Naomi says, "Making that dish the next time I cook"

Kuzco says, "OoOoh"

Temi says, "I mean, we can rule out some things... but anything serious."

Temi grins.

Civetta claims, "All I heard was 'rule some things'"

BagLady states to Naomi, "It could be good stuff."

Kitty says tournament planning is enough, other people can rule.

Naomi grins.

Temi grins.

Temi muses, "Any other topics from anyone?"

ToffeeApples riles up the proletariat

BagLady trails off to Naomi, "With lots of avocado..."

Tasker exclaims, "EAT THE RICH!"

BagLady states, "Nothing I can think of off the top of my head."

Kuzco states, "So no, I've no topics really."

Francesca wouldn't taste good.

WhiteRabbit declares, "Please remember to engage with cyans!"

Brando claims, "And dont forget to recommend others."

Kuzco says, "And make rumors out of interesting events, parties, and stuff. PLEASE."

Kitty claims, "Yes. The rumors have been sadly very scarce lately."

Temi states, "I did get my rumor stuff approved"

Kuzco thinks 25 per cent of all current rumors were made by him

Satoshi claims, "Oh gosh i was going to remind peeps about that but had to get up"

Miripoix wonders, "What rumor stuff?"

Satoshi says, "Yeah if you do anything or see anything interesting, you can make a rumor"

WhiteRabbit states, "Tbh, I haven't bought a rumor since the update. No offense to staff, I just kinda don't see the point of it anymore."

Satoshi trails off, "If you leave the grid, for instance, you can leave a rumor--I hadn't even realized Ianthe wasn't on-grid until someone made a rumor being like 'wow she's not been around' because... i rarely saw her anyways"

Temi states, "To expand it a bit, with the circles and the retellings.  Each retelling will be tagged with a different demographic for the circles, and so what diffeernt people will see will b different a bit"

Sparkles muses, "Will Bards still see all of them?"

BagLady claims, "WhiteRabbit: A recent rumor manipulation went from finding a dead dog, to it being nailed to the door. The current system is designed for embellishment of the given information."

Temi says, "Bards will see extra"

Kuzco claims, "Rumors are more valuable if they are about stuff easily missed"

ToffeeApples wonders, "Can't anyone see all the variations if they've purchase it?"

BagLady claims, "Only the latest 3."

Satoshi claims, "No, you can only see the last three promotes"

ToffeeApples says, "Ah"

ToffeeApples wonders, "What if you're the originator?"

Satoshi says, "Old version you saw everything, new version you can only see the last few. So it can be pretty interesting if you see people doing various promotes to try to influence it"

Satoshi says, "Still the same"

Kitty trails off, "VNPCs are valuable to remember and a blast. Sneaking around somewhere that a vNPC would have caught you? Rumor it. Even if it leaves names out and just describes a cloak, or a horse, or something that would have been visible. If people *could* have seen it, even if a PC wasn't there..."

Miripoix muses, "Just to be sure I understand, you mean if there's a rumor about someone buying a new car, the rich circle tag version might say how it's embarrassingly last season, and the poor circle tag version might say holy toledo check out stan's new wheels?"

Temi nods at Miripoix.

Temi declaims, "Sure!"

Kuzco says, "Also remember you can make fake rumors"

Kuzco says, "Players are gullible"

Kuzco nods.

Tasker declares, "Yep!"

Kitty says, "Absolutely."

Kuzco says, "Mages too."

Tasker states, "WHAT"

Temi states, "And the rich Vavardi version might have a different take than the rich Vandagan version, and you can get insight from class, race and guild."

ToffeeApples states, "I tried to make a saucy rumor once based on an exaggeration of a really witnessed event. Got snuffed real quick though. :("

Kuzco claims, "Rumors against bards' interest tend to not last long."

Kitty says, "Which can happen if people are powerful enough. But, some will leave it for fun."

Kuzco claims, "Interests"

Satoshi states, "Also people can promote to change the rumor away from whatever you set up, too"

Sparkles says, "Bribing people to say what you want is always an option."

Satoshi claims, "I tend to avoid quashing unless it's something really undesireable because I've noted a lot of people just randomly quash to get the IP"

Satoshi claims, "Which kills a lot of our rumors because enough quashes and it leaves the rumor list"

WhiteRabbit wonders, "Can I get transed out?"

Sparkles says, "Yeah, a lot of people just seem to quash because it's quicker and gives IP, I almost wonder if quash should start needing a reason too."

WhiteRabbit has been transferred out by Temi.  [OOC]

ToffeeApples states, "I would argue quashing should cost IP"

Temi queries, "Hm, does quashing give IP?"

Sparkles nods.

Temi claims, "I wonder if that ought not be the case anymore"

Satoshi states, "I don't think it should cost IP but perhaps it should require a reason to do it"

Kuzco claims, "Or not giving ip"

Miripoix claims, "I didn't know quashing gave IP. Or that promoting required a reason."

Kitty claims, "It does give IP."

BagLady exclaims, "Anyway, I'm off!"

Kitty states, "To a point."

BagLady gets the Turf Wars Specification.

Satoshi trails off, "Promoting just requires the new... reiteration"

Temi says, "Promoting gives a retelling of the story"

BagLady begins to descend.

BagLady leaves down.

Temi says, "Quashing just says 'shush it'"

Satoshi states, "So if you're spamming to get quick IP and don't really care, quash is faster"

Temi starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Temi finishes her note.

Temi nods.

Satoshi trails off, "And that's the only thing I can think of when I see three random quashes on old rumors that don't... seem to require that"

Miripoix claims, "I thought it could be used as a basic signal boost."

Temi claims, "Since you don't have to really add anything to the RP, quash giving IP might be a little weird"

Temi claims, "I've added it to our staff discussion list"

Miripoix claims, "Sometimes I wish there was a way to remove rumors that are obsolete, that could be a reason to quash maybe."

Satoshi claims, "You can report them using the report command, if it's really neccessary"

Temi nods at Miripoix.

Temi states, "Report shouldn't be for outdated stuff, but only for policy things"

Wimpled has left the game.

Satoshi trails off, "I stand corrected then! But at that point you could plausibly ask the bards or your friends to just... quash the rumor then"

Temi states, "If rumors are behind the times, that's not really a problem for us"

Satoshi claims, "3-4 quashes from non bards seems to sink them, less with bards on high morale"

Naomi states, "I always thought quashing costed IP, whoops"

Kuzco states, "It is kinda weird when a rumor talks excitedly about an upcoming event that already happened a week ago."

Miripoix says, "Yes. If my free rumor of the day was about how nice Queen Celeste's coronation was, I'd be sad. :)"

Kuzco says, "Like, yes, tavern wench, please keep working."

Naomi nods.

Temi queries, "Okay, well, anything else folks want to discuss for a last minute or so?"

Satoshi states, "Then just promote it with 'Wow that event was so nice' like people have been doing. Boom, free IP"

Satoshi states, "The NPCs seem to pull from the whole list anyways"

Kuzco claims, "Remember to post a review on https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/"

Kitty says, "Recommend, recommend, recommend."

Temi states, "One thing I requested with the rumor update is that the random rumor chatters should only give rumors appropriate to their own circle."

Kitty reminds herself as much as everyone else.

Temi claims, "Not that you can't buy the rumors there, but the ones they spout off publicly in the room"

Naomi claims, "Makes sense"

Temi says, "I know people have complained about the courtiers babbling on about the fight in the blind horse or whatnot."

Kitty states, "That is a little funny."

Miripoix says, "Oh, they were there. The masks fooled nobody."

Kitty states, "Or Charali babbling on about 'damned savages'."

Temi says, "But!  We'll go ahead and wrap up.  Back to your regularly scheduled roleplaying."

Azarial peers about intently, then chases her tails once, twice, thrice--she's gone! [OOC]

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