Log of OOC meeting - Feb 11, 2017

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:54 am

Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:17 pm

Kinaed queries, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
From now on, you won't hear tells.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea will no longer see the Troubadours channel.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea will no longer see the Council channel.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia states, "A minor thing, moreso an idea to toss around."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed states to Vicannia, "Got you."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed asks, "Anyone else?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde states, "I've something."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Rimilde, "Got you."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Eirian is idle.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed queries, "Anyone else?"
Eirian is no longer idle.

Sansi claims, "(I'll make pboard about commissions, y'all)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed pontificates to Sansi, "Thank you! :)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela states, "I have something "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed says to Klaetela, "Got you."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial says, "Maybe a gen baord instead, if you want a geenral audience"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed questions, "Anyone else?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Azarial.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi exclaims, "Gen board, that's what i meant!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Sansi, "Please feel free to use the General Board to announce it to the whole pbase."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed smiles.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed questions, "Okay, anyone else have a topic to discuss today?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "I'll take the silence as "It's time to kick off Staff Updates"."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi grins.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Last week, I helped Niamh select a new website template, and negotiated an artist to do some work for us."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "I turned over the asset spec to Temi (maybe that was the week before) and now Azarial has it."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "That was this week."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi nods at Kinaed.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "I think that's all. Maybe a policy case or two. Oh, and so the only big thing on my desk at the moment is automating jail messages and such."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "That's me. Azarial, you're up"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed finishes her note.
Kinaed has edited the note TI Website Art (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) on the Announce board.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "I think Az is unflagged AFK."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial states, "Cleared out some bugs, otehrwise RL still sucks"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed comforts Azarial.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan hugs az

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "Just looking at HELP FEB2017 - gambits now last 5 OOC days. Finish is fixed, it works. We've added books to the book store. Oh, the consent command is in, but I think it needs tested and help filed."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Symon is idle.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Some changes in art."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Azarial, "Thanks for the work you did today."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed says to Temi, "You're up :)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial claims, "Welcome"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "Mostly just the usual, though also finishing filling out the details for assets."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi exclaims, "Kin had most of it, so that wasn't really that big a task!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi says, "I think that's about it."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed smiles.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "I think that's all for Staff Updates today then."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston claims, "Oh yeah, the help file doesn't really explain it in detail other than giving the forms of it"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed questions, "Player Heartbeat - how has the game been in the last five days, folks?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Dranston.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "We'll fix that up soon and release."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial only adds syntax so taht the code works.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Azarial.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia says, "What few scenes I've been in the last week has been fairly fun, if unexpected."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan says, "A bit quiet for me, although I've been trying out a new Alt to play around with. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "The error code often takes the syntax from the help file as default display if you mistype, which is why sparse help files exist. It's the rest of the staff's job to fill them in."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Dranston nods.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "I been busy. Orderites ftw."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed asks, "We all know the Seneschal Tenure period expires in 5 days, 7 hours, and 47 min?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea states, "Its been quiet for me"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Rothgar, "Glad to hear it."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela states, "It feels like it's getting hard to find people, like 15 people on, only me on WhereRP. So, sort of lonely."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "Also, apologies to people who've been trying to get a hold of me. I'm still deathly ill, but I'm getting better rapidly. I swear. I'm still just a bit loopy"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Margaux claims to Rothgar, "We don't mind you being loopy."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan claims, "You're always loopy, m8."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia states, "Loopy rp tends to be the best rp"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea grins.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar says, "I still gotta bother you and claim that amazing RPXP, Marg. But yeah, y'all are great. That I haven't woken up with a dagger in my arse is a testiment to the RP"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "Maybe we should trial run making whereRP default on and phomes default private. *ponder*"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea states, "Ive been trying to throw together some more spontaneous things but i keep irritating people and feeling terrible about it"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia tucks a slim-bladed bodice dagger made from ebony-hilted damascus back into their cloak

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi states, "Whererp defaults on, I believe"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea peers out her blinds
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar queries, "Oh shiz, that reminds me. Quick question. We can have multiple Phomes, yeah?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "I mean, without the ability to turn it off."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "As per forums."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea says to Rothgar, "2"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial claims, "I thought it was a phome and a pshop"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar gets busy on setting up safehouses throughout the city.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia nods in agreeance with az "Same here."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Azarial.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi says to Kinaed, "Ah, yeah.. I worried about that causing people to be less willing to do mischief."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston claims, "The shopfront is just a cover for the backroom being a hideaway then."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea states, "I think it's 2 distinct types of properties like a house and a shop or a shop and a ship or a house and ship"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan says, "That could be a problem when trying to arrest people using sneakery"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi nods at Haizea.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial claims, "Though ships are limited in supply."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed muses, "Anything about the game bothering anyone? How are people going with the subject removed from rumors? I heard it was making things a bit hard?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston says, "There are almost too many to read now"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Symon is no longer idle.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Yeah, our rumor system is majorly hopping."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "Gentle reminder that befrending a Bard means you can get them for free. How you befriend said Bard is left to the imagination."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "This is the highest, most rumor-y it has ever been."

Gothan claims, "I kinda miss the subject myself, it makes it hard to remember which one was witch. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Rothgar.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea nods in agreement with Rothgar.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Gothan.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde states, "I find the lack of subjects confusing, especially with how many there are (which the amount is great btw) but the lack of subject is the challenge."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "We may put in a modified subject"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Rimilde.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Margaux states to Rothgar, "A human-sized sack is what I suggest."

Haizea claims, "I would like some way to organize rumours or reference them quickly"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela asks, "But shouldn't you use a cloak to hide who you are, not hide where you are? "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "I liked the idea of a freeform subject, that should only refer to info that's in it. Maybe 20 characters"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Okay, we'll reintroduce a subject, but we won't make the code force it to be a player's name."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Temi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia claims, "Subjects certainly did make it easier to figure out which rumor is which"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Rothgar says to Margaux, "They make those, I've checked. You know you can just get bodybags off Amazon? 2-day shipping."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde says, "I wouldn't mind a flag that colours what rumours I've commented on as a way to organize as well."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed states to Rimilde, "Not useful for screen readers, but we can consider that."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia nods towards Rimilde "That would be amazing."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "We try to be screen reader friendly."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde claims, "Doesn't have to be colour but some sort of indicator"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Rimilde.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan says, "That would be pretty neat. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed questions, "Okay, anyone else have anything they want staff to know about or consider before we kick off Player Topics?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Margaux pontificates to Rothgar, "That information may be useful!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea states to Kinaed, "We are all hanging by a thread above the grave"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea sips her coffee
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Haizea, "Good thing we're all just a bunch of pixels. :)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar says, "I swear I have never offed a person in the United States. Also, God has abandoned Lithmore, and we steadily pay for our hubris."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi says to Rothgar, "Really, if you need a bodybag, two days is a long wait."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Rothgar claims to Temi, "Well, trash bags and duct tape, yannow."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed declares, "Okay! Player Topics!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed doesn't sound at all concerned about where the current discussion is leading.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed declares to Vicannia, "You're up!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed declares, "Also, if I forgot to say it earlier, if you've registered a topic, please pre-write your introduction so it is ready to be copy/pasted and hit enter on when I call on you. Thanks!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia clears throat "So I doubt many present would remember this, but about... 4 years ago there was a plot that I believe was partially ran by staff. It involved people being turned into... Newts or Salamander, one of the two. While I only joined during the tail end, it seemed like an incredibly interesting plot and one I don't believe has ever been reproduced. I am curious how feasible it would be staff to run a plot like that again, and if people would actually be interested in such a plot."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi grins.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde giggles.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "That was fun."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed headscratches, "We turned people into newts?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Margaux claims, "I don't remember that."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed peers slyly at Temi, "I don't recall this."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Symon claims, "They got better"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan queries, "Did... did they get better?"
Temi says to Kinaed, "The Daravi invasion plot"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed declaims, "Oh!"

Azarial claims, "Oh yes, that."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed queries, "Oh yeah, I did approve that, didn't I?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed coughs.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar fondly recalls being GI during that period and getting his quitquote.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi states, "No PCs were turned -fully- into newts."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "It was just this partial kind of thing. A newt leg, a new eye, rest of ye was human."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia admittingly never knew the intracies of it, as it was when I first joined and as such I'm just going with what I knew. Could have ran alot deeper than I know

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed is kidding.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "But we could potentially look at running something similar again at some pont."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston casts polymorph like it's Warcraft

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar claims, "I still say that a TI musical would be great. A spell forces those afflicted to speak in rhyme."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial claims, "Taht is the nice thing about non-consensual; we can run with newtering players."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan states, "Oh my god that would be amazing. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed winces as she detects a pun.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan claims, "All the Knights can sing the songs from Holy grail. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi says, "Takta ran an April Fool's plot last year with magicked goodies handed out."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed winces as she detects Monty Python humor.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston "Bravely bold Sir Gothan, came forth from Lithmore's keep..."
Dranston appears to be incapable at acting.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi says, "LIKE BUFFY"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "One of them made people only speak in rhyme, I think."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "I'd like to suggest Rothgar be played by Neil Patrick Harris."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia nods towards Temi "I just know it was a truly interesting looking plot from an outside perspective, and that it certainly did not seem like the typical 'Look there's a demon, let's kill it to solve our problems.' type of magey plot."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston "He was not afraid to die, brave, brave, Sir Gothan"
Dranston appears to be incapable at singing.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi claims, "Sorry, a late thing"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde laughs at Rothgar and totally agrees.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Dranston nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "We used to have staff each take a month and run a thing in the month they'd chosen, but I'm incapable of doing so at the moment, and I don't like asking staff to do something I myself cannot."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "Why do you folks think Rothgar hangs out with totes buff Knights all the time and hates women, THATS ALL I'M SAYIN"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "That said, I'll talk to staff about whether we have the druthers to run a big plot this year."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi says, "The Queen should have her marriage at some point this year."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi claims, "Forced to eat Sir Maerilin's minstrels"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Temi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi states, "And there was much rejoicing"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Margaux asks of Rothgar, "Knightly massage oil for Yule?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "Not much room for newts at the Queen's wedding though."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed grins at Sansi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi grins.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi says, "Not if it goes according to her plans, anyway."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Rothgar states to Kinaed, "Yeah, there's already Nobles there, so we've got a few spineless amphibia- WOAH I SAID THAT ALOUD"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial states, "If you present them right, on the feastng table"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed smiles at Temi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia states, "Darn daravi, trying to ruin such a joyous event by using their witchery to turn the queen into a newt"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea peers at Rothgar.
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Okay, thanks for the suggestion, Vicannia. We'll definitely put some thought into a quest."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Rimilde, you're up :)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia dips their head and retreats to their corner.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde says, "Hello, so probably something that has been decided in the past for a reason, but going to raise it regardless. My topic is about the OOC meetings themselves. Not everyone can come for all sorts of reasons but their feedback is and can be very valuable. I just want to suggest that instead of deciding game changes in the meeting, but that they are discussed and solutions go to the forum so everyone can have a say before a decision is made. I believe at the moment, some do and some don't. Just a suggestion on getting more people involved in the process that might be limited on schedules, so they are still engaged. Just a thought anyhow."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi states, "Some things definitely do go to forums, especially when there's a certain group of players not represented"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia has actually brought this up in the past. "Believe I got some response like if those who could not make it wanted their opinion added, they should have been here to say it."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed states to Rimilde, "I've had this come up before, and sadly, I have to reject it. It'd be nice if we could run at this really slow pace so everyone could participate, etc... but honestly, it doesn't work well for staff."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Temi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde exclaims, "Figured, well did my part thanks!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "We tend to take things we feel need to get a wider audience to the forums, regardless."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi trails off, "But things that don't get decided right away are often less likely to have anything happen, with Kin having dedicated time fo us today and such..."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Rimilde.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Klaetela, "You're up :)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed asks of Klaetela, "Did we lose you, Klaetela?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela claims, "Oh, I said most of this to you already, but it sort of like to encourage people to get out of their regular circles and think about talking with someone new. Because if when people login there's no one willing to RP, it's hard to stay motivated to stay on"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Klaetela.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "It's also fine to broadcast on the OOC Channel, or ask in tells, etc, if anyone is free/interested in RPing."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "I know that doesn't always net RP, but I think it has a comparatively good chance of it."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia nods towards Klaetela "It is certainly sad when someone limits whom they rp with to only those who meet their standards of poses."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "I agree, and to those players who are very 'circle agnostic' - you know who you are... willing to RP with anyone at the drop of a hat - my sincere gratitude."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Margaux queries, "What if we had a channel that you could ping on when you wanted RP that broadcast your game location?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan pontificates, "I always try to jump out of the keep and mingle with the newbies, but when you have so much going on with your peeps it can be pretty hard to fit it all in!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Margaux.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial asks, "'whererp'?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia nods to Gothan "It is tough balancing 'normal' rp and GL rp."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "I think it might get spammy and irritate people if that were going off ... but with regards to getting more XP for RPing with new people - we can detect people's familiarity and give a bonus (on top of the cyan bonus) for RPing with new people. I'm not sure, but we may already do so"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "We do have some people who go park at public restaurants and wait for scenes, and I appreciate them for doing it. I think for other people I assume it's plots I'm not aware of, or just social preferences"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan claims, "But I am throwing a new alt into the mix to try and get out more and get involved in other peoples jam. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial states, "We do"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed asks of Gothan, "Can you delegate some of your GL stuff to other guild members?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Azarial.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia says, "Sometimes even when you do that Kinaed, there is still so much that it's overwhelming."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde nods with Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
A flurry of fiery-colored leaves sweep across the area, rapidly coalescing into the winged shape of Niamh. [OOC]

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "Especially for the Order, I feel horribly for the GLs."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan says, "I still get to scene with a lot of different people by just bumbling around, because usually during the work day nothing is going on... and its just me and a couple people on throughout the day in GMT."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Niamh waves.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi gives a sickly, pistachio-hazelnut frosted cake, sporting a demon to Niamh.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed asks, "I am getting spammed, alas. Totally lost track of this convo. Oh, hi Niamh! Want to give us an update?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi waves happily back to Niamh.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Niamh says, "Iee"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Niamh eats a sickly, pistachio-hazelnut frosted cake, sporting a demon.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Dranston hugs Niamh.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed eats a sickly, pistachio-hazelnut frosted cake, sporting a demon.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston trails off, "I almost should eat it...I can't see hanging on to this IC going well"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Niamh declares, "I'm on my mobile so this is the brief version! Request and typo handling, and finished/released the bardic npc"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia says, "Ooc chat items can not be used against you icly"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "A reminder to the naughty staff - gifts ought to be things people are comfortable carting around IC. :)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar says, "You got my word that you'll only get a disapproving scowl."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Margaux queries, "Can the items be visibly flagged as OOC?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "They sure ought not to, because they're supposed to represent the latest trend of gag gifts going around Lithmore."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde nods to Margaux, "people don't always know what the ooc gifts are."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi states, "I think a demonly cake is perfectly accepable for a gag gift."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia chuckles as they remember the time they saw a severed head in their inventory, checked with staff first before doing anything.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston questions, "It can be in their keyword?"
Temi grins.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde claims, "I've seen people go down a rabbit hole with them because no one knew."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "But staff do have a bit of a mandate to try and not make people hve to suspend disbelief, particularly because after month OOC, people start to forget which objs are OOC Chat objs. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Temi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial states, "I did try stringig them with an OOC warning, but soeone else stripped it before the meeting. so I figured that Wasn't Allowed."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea states, "I think i like it if they dont have to be flagged ooc cause i like displaying them around my phome"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Haizea.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "And Haizea can probably attest to the stern disapproval."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "Okay, we have 15 minutes, and I've exhausted the agenda."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea says, "Oh haizea most certainly can"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea takes a drag from her long cigarette holder
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Margaux says to Rimilde, "I've been down that rabbit hole before. It isn't easy to tell, especially years later or for those that don't attend the chats."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

(visnet) Player Jozafat: Ooc chat over?

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

(visnet) Staff Kinaed: Nope, want a trans?

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed has transferred Jozafat. [OOC]

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi gives a sickly, pistachio-hazelnut frosted cake, sporting a demon to Jozafat.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat dances happily.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "Oh, I know what. I'll show you guys the website template we bought."
Addienna is idle.
Symon is idle.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia says, "Just wanted to say, I love the addition of Reference and theme to whois info, even if I have yet to fill it out"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Symon is no longer idle.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi grind like an emoticon D

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "Http://www.gamesitetemplates.com/previe ... ss%20Theme"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi grins like an emoticon ":D:

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi claims, "This went poorly"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston queries, "'oocgift' as a keyword?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia trails off, "Was about to ask, how you grind like an emoticon..."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, weary, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
What the pistachio-hazelnut creme lacks in color, it makes up for with a
delicate, sweet flavor and a smooth, creamy texture that deliciously
complements the dark heart of the cake: moist crumbly chocolate with the
occasional surprise crunch of pistachio or hazelnut pieces.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "I think the reference is for people to put a link to a char pick."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "I need a themesong for Kinaed."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat states, "I got this Kin"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "Oh dude, the new site pic"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed wonders, "Did that link above work?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar claims, "Elf boobs, noic- I MEAN"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Niamh claims to Kinaed, "Welcome to the Jungle"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "It did but I presume we're replacing that part ;)"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Dranston.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia states, "Hmm... It certainly seems to fit TI's medieval/fantasy theme."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed states to Vicannia, "We'll probably alter the color a bit, and put the pic with the flagship char up top across the banner."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat states to Kinaed, "Https://youtu.be/4uxJxMjz3Io"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston questions, "Are we still structured at this point? I have a question I remembered about one of the updates earlier"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia nods "I figured."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed chuckles.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Rothgar says to Jozafat, "Muh childhood, so many quarters."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Dranston, "Nah, just ask your question. We finished the agenda."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "Just hanging out."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:54 am

Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:18 pm

Dranston states, "I have a question about assets now that Az has the system. Will there be enough warning period before 'purchase wealth' is turned off? I know some people (*cough*) have been saving for it, and if they're at 43k and then log in and see on the news that it's gone suddenly that might be saddening if they were planning on it for a phome, etc. Also if the details of how it works are able to be posted on the forums they could start making plans for what kind of income to expect from their XP investment like we can now with the long-established conversion rates when setting goals etc."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "We're not turning off purchase wealth at this time, just purchase silver."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "Oooooh"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston claims, "Okay that is good to know then."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia states, "Having details in advance would be nice, to try and plan ahead."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston says, "Well at least no one will get stranded almost there then"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "There will probably be very little warning though, because, uh... sorry Az... knowing when Az is getting to a particular item on her desk is a bit of a... mystery. To us all."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar snorts.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "That's fine then: silver is not something people plan for for a long time"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat says, "I always found purchase silver incredibly unthemely. Not that anyone asked for my opinion."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "That we've given the spec to Az is about as much warning as I can realistically offer/promise."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Margaux agrees with Jozafat. One of my house rules not to use it.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela claims, "Wow, I feel like that almost might make my character unplayable."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia imagines Azarial having a program on their computer that's sole purpose is to just mess with TI. "Sudden change." is scary afterall

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed states to Jozafat, "It was a holdover from Old TI when players were used to getting silver for RPing, similarly to RPxp."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "Well Klae you're still going to be able to turn XP -> money it's just via a more well defined system as far as I understand"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat claims to Kinaed, "I see."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Purchase silver was the 'don't hate us, but your beggar shouldn't be rich because they've RPed for 50000 hours'"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat says to Kinaed, "Exactly."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat claims, "You want money, play a merchant gentry who robs his peers via the brotherhood."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "Now we're moving to a more reasonable, realistic system where the economy actually is, well, an economy. And hopefully decisions about money are meaningful instead of easily circumvented with XP."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial says, "It was a hack to fill a gap. roster and class wages helped that some, but clearly more was needed in a thematic manner."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat states, "I feel people aren't strapped for cash as much as they should."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia stockpiles their gold like some bloody dragon.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "Having more people more poor would certainly make Brotherhood stuff easier."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston says, "I sure am"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial says, "It also did nto helpe people would take gentry for the income and playa s freemen"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat starts the revolution!

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat nods at Azarial.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "But it's only tied to how much you plan to spend it on. 2500 for a field to fit 3 herds"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea says, "I wouldnt mind some more pressure on the gentry to act at their station icly"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Eirian.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat claims, "You want real money? Make someone bleed."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "That was to Haizea."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela wonders, "But what kind of assets are Freeman characters going to expect access to? It's already really hard to realistically RP a person with a job not getting random Gentry money"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "I'm not sure how to pressure people to act their station though."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "Not without it feeling like we're looking down our noses and wagging our fingers."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial wonders, "Adding more lethal mobs to southside? got me"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi states, "We will have a full complement of freeman appropriate options"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Rothgar claims to Kinaed, "Ironically, the more of your station you act, the less RP you wind up having."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat states, "Nobles are quite good at smacking around people for not acting their station."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat bows to Eirian

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Sansi has lost link.
Sansi has reconnected.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed says to Klaetela, "Things like 'a steady job' or 'an unsteady job' might be a freeman asset."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea questions, "Will there be criminal assets? asking for a friend"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi nods at Haizea.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar gives Haizea 'the look.'

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia glances at Haizea "It would certainly help play gentry if people actually acknowledged the wealth. Gentry are afterall the only Class that has to be 'wealthy' whereas nobility do not have to wealthy, as their title is dependant on blood, not effort

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston says, "Rolls up a temijul smuggler"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "I don't see any reason why not. We'd be happy to take suggestions from the pbase."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat wants a cut of Haizea's criminal profits.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "We'll be able to create new assets on the fly."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi states, "All assets will be attached to metrics, or anti-metrics"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea trades hillman slaves, jozafat
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Temi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial states, "The way ti is setup, yes you can tie an assest to inverted lawful"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea is joking. probably.
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar claims, "Mm."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston says, "Sadly starting gentry arent wealthy at just 500 and really come into their own with the best purchase wealth options but it takes a while to get to 50000"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi says, "So, law being low will make more money for a subset of assets"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Dranston.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "Aldin has been stupidly poor looking because of that, pouring modest profits into farm expansion instead of looking his social rank"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia queries, "And assets can be purchased right? To increase your overall silver gain? so essentially invest to gain?"
They aren't here.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea states to Dranston, "And i will never stop giving him a hard time about that, don't you worry, buddo"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston declaims, "Wealth is coming!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed questions to Temi, "Do we have a spec we can show them?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston says, "Been playing it off as a younger son, family stingy with alloting him their money. They have it but he's not getting it. Promotion and making teh family look bad by making them seem poor as the reason for convincing them to give him access to more of it"

Kinaed says, "I think the one I have is unfinished."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "I think the one I have is unfinished."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "Oops, enter twice."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi claims, "Coming soon: WEALTH: The Movie"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia flexes fingers "Oh this will be fun."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi has created the ASSETS spec[1].

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi gives the ASSETS spec to Kinaed.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat rests.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed has created the ASSETS spec[20].

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed drops the following:
( 21)the ASSETS spec

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Dranston gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Vicannia gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Klaetela gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Rimilde gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

(spec will be posted below)

Vicannia claims, "I'd strongly suggest holding off on viewing the spec right this instant, less we spam the poor scribes log"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Mechislav gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat nods.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "We've blocked reading pages, I think."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "I think reading in OOC rooms should be silent,yeah"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "You should be able to read the ledger without spamming everyone."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia says, "Oh really? Well then nevermind. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Sansi gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Symon gets the ASSETS spec.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "We have some 2 minutes until this chat is over. There's about 8 hours left in the bidding process for being TI's flagship char on the website. For those of you have donated to defray my $500 bill, THANK YOU."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan claims, "Woops, I just remembered I was going to throw in a player topic... wasn't that important though, I'll throw it up on the forums. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed says to Gothan, "Happy for you to say it now if everyone else is happy to stick around."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat wonders to Kinaed, "A freeman can become a gentry. Can a gentry become a freeman?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed claims to Jozafat, "At the moment, we don't have a mechanism for that."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan says, "Would probably be better suited on the forums anyway. "

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Gothan.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed says to Jozafat, "I would be keen to hear ideas on how that might be managed on the forums."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat exclaims to Kinaed, "Falling from grace should be easy!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat cracks his imaginary whip.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "It should be, but that doesn't mean that it is easy to detect, particularly with code."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar states, "Mmm, whips."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia states, "I think there should certainly be a mechanic, as Gentry are definied by their wealth. If they don't have the silver to support it they are unworthy of the title. Also 8000 silver isn't all that much"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rothgar says, "Uhh. I mean, wat."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat says, "I'm jesting."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Azarial claims, "Most suggestins have been wealth related--total, income, or the like."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat claims to Vicannia, "I like that idea."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi claims, "8000 is more without being able to purchase silver."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi grins.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat grins at Temi.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Vicannia states to Temi, "If you are not busy after the chat, could I possibly speak with you on some matters not appropiate for general public."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed says, "They're defined by use of wealth though, not hording, so I'm reluctant to do it by bank account. We had considered coding a certain prestige to clothing or something (more than now) and requiring people maintain a certain stature or have their social rank put into jeopardy."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston states, "8000 silver is an absurd amount for a new gentry character unless they have pre-existing XP to immediately buy wealth"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Niamh has lost link.
Niamh has reconnected.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Dranston.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "And if they did in chargen, you'd think they'd just create a gentry char"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela sighs out quietly.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Haizea queries, "Are phome costs and things going to be rejiggered to account for how much less money theres going to be / are people who got all their purchases in early going to just have that benefit over new players?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia nods to Kinaed "Fair enough... I'm just very much in the mindset of "Gentry are to be wealthy. They must actively work to maintain their class versus the spoiled nobility

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed states to Haizea, "Quite possibly."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Dranston nods at Haizea.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "Our ideas on that front aren't fleshed out. Happy to see things on the forums, though it might be better to wait until assets are in so we can get a feel for what ideas suit the environment best."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Rimilde nods at Haizea, "rentals and such would be helpful with this too."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia flashes a pair of silk gossamer stockings in a goldish hue of ivory "And maintaining the perception of wealth is important." Vicannia smirks

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat claims, "I really like this change."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat considers switching to the Brotherhood.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Temi says, "I'm looking forwards to it."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Temi grins.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Jozafat tugs at Rimilde, saying: "Come with meeeee

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Mechislav has lost link.
Mechislav has reconnected.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I think it really is that time."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Dranston says, "Oh I'm just reading this finally. Freemen purchasing gentry for 8k is reasoanble if they have a popular field like woodworking or tailoring"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Klaetela states, "It feels like it's removing the reward for being active."

Temi says, "It'll be an adjustment, but we think it will be good, overall"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Vicannia states, "Thinks the vavardi had the right idea all along, with merchant families truly running vavard"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed wonders, "Does anyone have anything final to add or say before I ship everyone back to the grid for their RP to commence?"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Haizea claims to Dranston, "I think crafting prices will necessarily go way down"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Sansi claims, "I got nuttin'."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Jozafat says to Klaetela, "Use that active time to steal, cheat or make sound investments."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
A flurry of fiery-colored leaves whirl around Niamh, and when they scatter she's gone. [OOC]

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Gothan declaims, "Beam me up!"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Dranston states to Gothan, "Down"

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed exclaims, "Thanks for coming, everyone!"

Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:54 am

Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:18 pm

aaaand the assets spec, cut out for anyone interested:

01: Overview
02: Assets
03: Asedit
04: Asset Market
05: Calculations
06: Staff Guidelines

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "Note: This is missing some calculations."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Subject: Overview

Date: Sat Feb 4 18:33:09 2017

Circadi, Septembris 29, 372


Create a system where economics is not open-ended accumulative, assets are
ICly defined and tradable, assets have associated benefits and are linked
to social class, and income is based on a mixture of assets. Allow players
to combat one another through their assets in a rock-paper-scissors outcome
that should advance RP. Allow players to sell assets, but do not allow them
to give them away without a third party's assistance (to prevent OOC
give-away behaviors.)

Limits - players can have a number of assets limited by social class.
Freemen can have 2 assets, Nobles can have 3 assets, and Genty can have 3.
Assets are purchasable in chargen, or in game.

Social class:
- Freemen players can become gentry in-game by having a Reeve recognize them
by using a class command. Moving from freeman to gentry costs 8000 silver
(the command itself consumes that silver).
- Other methods of becoming gentry are to become a GL or get it through
a role when roles come in. These are temporary overwrites of a char's
default social class.
- Nobility is handed out by the Keeper of the Seal under the same ennoble
rules as now.
- Staff can set social class via normal class commands.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Subject: Assets

Date: Sat Feb 4 18:36:35 2017

Circadi, Septembris 29, 372

- Remove purchase silver completely. (once assets are fully set-up)
- Start all new players with 500 silver to allow in-game purchases.
- Assets purchased in chargen cost XP.
- Assets purchased in game are a new object type (sold in stores) and cost
silver. Assets are objects of type Asset linked to the asset vnum in an
@asset extra description.

Syntax: Purchase Asset <name>
Asset list
Asset market
Asset purchase #
Asset sell # <silver amount>
Asset score #
Asset rename # <new name>
Asset redeem # silver
Asset redeem # perk #

Syntax: Asset <player name> create
Asset <player name> list
Asset <player name> edit #
Asset <player name> score #
Asedit create <vnum> <-- creates new asset types

Purchase asset <name> enters the player into an Asset POLCA to
fill in their Asset's details. They must type 'purchase' and have enough
available XP to purchase the asset.

Asset Purchase

Owner : <default to the creator's name, only staff can change it>
Asset Name : <default name provided, 27 character limit>
Description: <default blank, editor with 800 character limit>
Type : <default "? type" for a list of options, from Asedit modified by active assets>

[ Press (c)ontinue, (r)efresh, (b)ack, (q)uit or hit (h)elp ] (52% complete)
Gothan gets the ASSETS spec.

[ Press (c)ontinue, (r)efresh, (b)ack, (q)uit or hit (h)elp ] (52% complete)
Class : <the asset's social class based on type>
Income : <the asset's average expected weekly income from type>
City Metric: <city metric it is linked to, based on type>
Health : <default Average, 50%>
XP Cost : <default calculated field, see Calculations>
Capacity : <default calculated field, see Calculations>
Resale-able: <default yes>
Active : <default to the owner's activity status>
Affects : <default None, represents affects against the asset>
Benefits : <list of benefits, indented to actually list>

Type 'purchase' to create this asset or type 'cancel' to abort.

Asset list allows a player to view the assets they own. Asset score
allows a player to review the asset in detail. Asset market alone lists
all assets on the market (See Asset Market Format). Asset market #
displays the score information for an asset on the market. Asset purchase
# allows a player to purchase an asset on the market. Asset sell #
<silver> allows a player to place an asset on the market for a specified

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Subject: Asedit

Date: Sat Feb 4 18:40:40 2017

Circadi, Septembris 29, 372


Asedit is a new asset editor that staff can use to create asset types. When
staff do this, the assets become available to players when they type
'? type' in the Asset Purchase POLCA.

Asset Editor
Keyword : <single unique word, 3+ chars, appears in purchase with '? type'>
XP Cost : <default 0, means the type can be picked up for 0 silver>
Class : <default freeman, social type the player must have to own>
Released : <default no, yes means it will appear in '? type'>
City Metric: <related metric>
Benefits : <toggle benefit, see BENEFITS section, can be multiple, '? benefits' for a list>
Redeem : <list of obj vnums that can be redeemed instead of benefits>
Roster : <vnum of a rostered room>

- Tier 1 silver - 50 silver per week unmodified, cost 0 RPXP
- Tier 2 silver - 100 silver per week unmodified, cost 15,000 RPXP
- Tier 3 silver - 150 silver per week unmodified, cost 25,000 RPXP
- Tier 1 IP - 1 IP per week, cost 10,000 RPXP
- Tier 2 IP - 3 IP per week, cost 15,000 RPXP
- Tier 3 IP - 5 IP per week, cost 20,000 RPXP

- XP Cost is the total value of all benefits, plus the template value of an
object x100.
- Rosters have no XP Cost associated with them.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

Kinaed states, "And a few small bits here and there. I think."

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Subject: Asset Market

Date: Sat Feb 4 18:48:32 2017

Circadi, Septembris 29, 372

Asset Market

The asset market allows players to purchase available assets. The market is
limited to 3x the number of active players. Assets owned by inactive players
will be removed from the market to make room for active player buying and

Asset Market Format:

1 Azarial The Zen Garden Noble 100000 N
2 Temi Jewel Family Fortune Gentry 12000 Y
3 Kinaed Dockworker Job Freeman 5000 Y

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Subject: Calculations

Date: Sun Feb 5 15:56:41 2017

Solisda, Octobris 2, 372

For metrics: Value+(Metric%-50%)*Value = Silver Output
For inverted metrics: Value+(50%-Metric%)*Value = Silver Output

Limits of available types:
Active assets = belonging to active characters or available in asset store.
No more than 10% of active assets for a metric allowed. Inverted metric counts as a
different metric. Types will not be shown that exceed this.
Freemen cannot have more than 3 total tiers, ie if they already have 2 tiers, only
tier 1 types will be shown.
Gentry/Nobles cannot have more than 6 total tiers, ie 3+2+1 or 2+2+2.
No more than 5 (tier 2/3) assets of any type can be active at any time. (No absolute
limits on tier 1 assets) Assets which exceed this will not be shown. (Or add a limit
value to types.)

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
Subject: Staff Guidelines

Date: Sun Feb 5 15:57:47 2017

Solisda, Octobris 2, 372

Staff Guidelines for Type Building:
Build evenly: Every metric and inverted metric should have at least one type, and
metrics should not have more than one more type than any other metric, but counted
separately for freeman/gentry.
Objects are half-price (as with crafting): The sum of objects added's values should
not come to more than twice the value of the asset.
Domains are staff-created: Domains should be tier 2 noble assets which go to the
titled noble and get passed if they change hands. The metric should define a major
problem/need the domain faces that affects its output (ie bandits: lawfulness,
regulations: inverted lawfulness) and be evenly distributed among active domains (no
doubling up).
Tier 1 types should be the sort of thing there would be hundreds per city. Ie: Small
farm, manual labor job.
Tier 2 types should be the sort of thing there would be only a few per city. Ie: large
estate, specialized business
Tier 3 types should be the sort of thing there would be only a few per duchy. Ie:
trade empire, shipping fleet
Resale-able should be limited to items which would be owned. Jobs and allowances
should not be.

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)
01: Overview
02: Assets
03: Asedit
04: Asset Market
05: Calculations
06: Staff Guidelines

[Haizea von Mazina] [none: 692] [perfect, worked, walk] (Lithmorran) (R)

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