Hunting Skill

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:16 pm

I spoke briefly about this with Takta, but it'd be grand to have a Hunting skill/command.

Instead of manually loading mobs into the wilderness (or in addition to), have a skill/command called 'Hunt'.

When used, it would do a thread about tracking an animal, and then it would spawn that animal in your room if successful.

I imagine it working like forage in that you can either untarget it for a random animal or target it for specific animals with different difficulties, likely based on both rarity and how easy they are to find (track sizes/size/weather/etc).

I figure it'd help cut down on randomly strewn wilderness trash, too, if people can consolidate where they do their killing a bit.

P.S. Please stop leaving wilderness trash, guys. It's gross.

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Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:44 pm

Rabek wrote:I imagine it working like forage in that you can either untarget it for a random animal or target it for specific animals with different difficulties, likely based on both rarity and how easy they are to find (track sizes/size/weather/etc).
Forage for mobs, I like it.


Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:29 pm

I just want to say I LOVE this.

This would really solve the question of 'how to ensure people can find enough mobs for hunting without cluttering the grid with so many wandering mobs everything is spammy and irritating?'

Probably needs to be a limit on how many animals you can get from hunting at any given time, though, rather similar to forage.

I don't know if it needs to be a skill (maybe the same skill as tracking?) but it should at least be a command!

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Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:32 am

For those of us that have played thief characters why not make hunting similar to 'steal'. Basically, a thread that goes on and on until you stop it or 'fire' and take a shot at an animal.

You're in the woods and decide to hunt. By invoking the hunt skill you enter a thread where random (based on room type? forest? plain? etc maybe?) animals scroll by.

A four point deer enters your field of view at forty yards.

A snowshoe hare stops ten yards in front of you.


Until you take the shot or stop hunting. Your skill level, combined with how soon after the animal's echo going by, determines your range and chance to hit. Successful hit leaves that animals corpse in the room. Failure spooks the animals and taints that room for hunting for xx period. If you want to take it a step further then re-write 'track' and have a chance of the wounded animal bolting and having to be tracked down to where it died.

Just my $0.02

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Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:11 pm

Brent wrote:For those of us that have played thief characters why not make hunting similar to 'steal'.

I like the idea of making hunting like forage, but I really really like the idea of making it similar to steal. Good call.

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Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:21 am

I like that if it lets you choose what to attack, but not if it auto-kills whatever you're attacking. You're going to have people killing things that they never would have been able to code-wise kill by themselves. For example, someone could take down a bear that way, because they didn't have to go into combat with it, but probably wouldn't be able to to code wise. It also takes away chance of injury.

That element shouldn't be taken out of combat, IMHO.

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Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:47 am

I agree with Wimply.

Let's do it like steal, but instead of taking the shot, you choose to 'close in'- and that codewise loads the mob.

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