Phomes, Rent and Ownership

Ideas that have been discussed, approved, and are awaiting implementation.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:20 am

Considering making a phome flag to be used with room ownership on rooms.

Basically, the idea is to make it desirable for someone to own, borrow or rent a phome to make people who own and rent out phomes a legitimate source of income.

The problem is that possible advantages/disadvantages escape me. I'm not satisfied with what having these rooms might do, etc. We could set it up so that if a player logs out in a phome set to belong to them, they can either avoid consequences or get some special benefit?

1) avoid paying silver to sleep somewhere acceptable at the going rental rate?
2) avoid being somehow flagged as homeless in game?
3) be granted a well-rested flag that may affect their stats?
4) ... other ideas?

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:28 pm

In a phome, have a flag like is present on the hospital triage tables that +++healing rate.

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:30 pm

Have dirty flag accumulate slower if you're in a phome flagged room.

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:24 pm

Perhaps....have one that has an increased pooling of skills beyond what you normally learn? But only available in training halls or areas like it

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Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:00 am

Personally, I don't think any effects-over-time should be implemented in private homes. That would just encourage people to sit around there rather than RP in public.

However, I do think OWNING a phome, regardless of whether you spend a lot of time in it or not, should bring benefits. Perhaps levy a 10s rent on people without phomes per week, and people with phomes don't need to pay that (increase pay to 60s so it isn't a penalty to those without phomes, but rather a benefit to those with). I also think the increased regen/decreased dirty rate would be good as long as you don't need to spend time IN the home to do it.

Also, people with access to a guildhall that they can stay in, or owning a business, should be able to get phome benefits IMO.

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Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:46 pm

That might make sense (re: Estelle) in inflicting a "penalty" on the homeless. Right now, probably 80% of chars just wander around, logging in and out wherever. Why bother using the Travellers Inne at all (or the others?) We have an almshouse but its honestly not much more than for someone to say 'Oh, I stay at the almshouse' if asked directly where they sleep, and they have no phome/guild/etc..... in order to stay true to form, it probably shouldn't be a monetary penalty (I mean, hey, if you're homeless, why should we assume you have money but arne't spending it :) ), but maybe if there was a reason to have a home/register one somehow....

That's my vague 2 cents.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:27 am

I find myself agreeing with Estelle that we don't want to encourge people to be in the phome a lot, rather just encourage them to own one.

So far, I'm thinking from what I've seen:

1) maybe provide some silver to people who log out in a rent room?
---> I don't really like how this is unrealistic, but I think it'd greatly encourage people to find or source a place to live. It's a carrot... but on the stick side...
2) Have people who do not log out in a phome or rent room at least 50% of the time be flagged homeless (visibly? to the Reeves?) and therefore make it appropriate for them be harassed for vagrancy?
---> I'd rather a carrot than a stick...
3) Maybe you log in clean and won't get dirty the next time you log in if you last logged out of a room flagged phome/rent?
---> That's a nice carrot...

Other notes: add phome/rent flags to guildhall general quarters rooms.

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Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:46 pm

Maybe increased offline regen when logged off from a phome? I do like the (bathed) thing when logging back into one. Definitely prefer the carrot over stick choices.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:00 am

I'm not sure I like offline regenning because it gets around having to buy food to regen, actually, and I kinda feel like that's the only place anyone really -has- to spend money... albeit I take it some of the higher class people feel that clothing is extremely important - enough so that I'm not sure it's necessary to make things like food necessary. I ponder this.

Anyway, it's easy to tell where someone is logging in and out because they log in and out of the same place. I think giving them a reward is a good idea, so I'm pro the not getting dirty thing. I also wonder if we can somehow avoid having everyone login in disparate places and not going out of their homes to seek RP though - maybe there's some benefit we can give them that only kicks in if they go RP with someone?

I'm cautiously thinking about perhaps bringing inspiration back to address this.

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:59 pm

I don't think there should be strong penalties (ie the vagrancy flag) for logging out outside phomes. Take my noble for instance. House is so damn far from church square that I'm too OOCly lazy to walk there every single time I want to logout, and then walk back every single time I want to RP. But she's a noble, and she -does- own a home and -would- ICly be staying there... so it really doesn't make much IC sense for her to be a 'vagrant'. For others with faraway homes, this might also discourage them from going to public places at all.

Setting the 'vagrant' flag to people who do not 'own' a phome or 'register' at an inn or the almshouse might possibly make better sense. I like the 'carrots' better than the stick too :). I also think an additional income (to make up for auto-deducted 'rent') for phome owners wouldn't be too unrealistic, since they're not paying 'rent' but rather a one-time sum to buy the phome (or join a guild), so they should get more gross weekly income than others who do have to pay 'rent'.

I think having 'inspire' only pool WHILE you're in RP might be nice. ie you need the rpxp to inspire, but it also won't pool if you're not in RP.

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