Blindfolds and Spell Ideas

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Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:23 pm

The idea here is to make it easier to kidnap people WITHOUT having to kill them after due to them finding out your identity/hidey hole.

Idea 1: Coded blindfolds.

So the idea would be that the effect is similar to "oldschool" darkness, where you couldn't check the room description, you couldn't connect voices to names/remembers ("Someone says, "Hello there." vs Geras says, "Hello there"). No ability to check room exits either, nor to know which way you're being led. Under normal circumstances, you can just take the blindfold off, but not if you're restrained. The general purpose of this is if someone kidnaps you, it protects their identity and the location of their hideout.

Idea 2: Magic blindfold spell

Similar to above, except you cast it on someone without restraining them, though maybe only a 10% chance of success if they don't submit, and if they don't submit combat starts. Once it's on it's stuck on for a couple RL hours.

Idea 3: Magic restraints.

Self explanatory. Similar to above... they wear off in time.

Idea 4: Brenalry's Lock

Like the above, you can apply it to someone, but if they don't submit it only has a 10% chance of success. If successful, it teleports them to wherever you prepped the spell from or whatever room you targeted.

Idea 5: Phome hideouts

An exception to the P home rules that lets you pay to construct a temporary (couple months?) hideout that isn't at your regular home or business. Somewhere to stash something or someone for a defined period of time. Or maybe just a magecrafted cell? :)

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Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:29 pm

I dislike chance based things on principle. If it's meant to do something, just make it do it every time.

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Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:56 pm

Apparently previous reply didn't post.

Yah, maybe the 10% chance is a bad idea. Scrap that part of the suggestion.

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Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:25 am

I really like the idea of blindfolds, magical or otherwise!

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:39 am

Blindfolds already exist and work like that! Unless something has changed, I haven't tried in a few years.

It works the same as darkness IIRC. However, that does mean that room names are visible, just with a note to RP appropriately. The workaround for that it to be sure your v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶ guest is sleeping/unconscious while you're moving them.

They're made with a level 2 tailoring recipe. I'm not sure if there's shops that sell them or not.

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 4:18 pm

Yah, blindness/darkness used to strip away all that information both ICly and OOCly. I'm arguing for a reversion to that for blindfolds - since I think it's more fun for one to keep things a bit more mysterious and hard to put together even from an OOC perspective. I think it's human nature to sometimes leap to conclusions when you know the answer OOCly too unfortunately.

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:34 pm

Yeah, I would be a fan of further stripping the means for harboring OOC knowledge of a situation for this. Geras, you going to bring it up next OOC meeting?
Old As Dirt

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Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:45 pm

Can someone else? OOC chat time is usually booked for me.

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