Wilder Wilderness Rooms?

Specifically for code or policies you would like to see implemented.

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:48 am

Geras, I started a new thread for you; had some thoughts earlier.

Maybe throwing some crazy ideas at the existing grid could help.

Let's say you're out in the wilderness, and end up in a field of tall grass. It's so tall, you can't see any of the wildlife hiding in it, just an occasional room echo. If there's anyone in it at all, not even hiding, you can't see them unless you're grouped with them. The usual yells and rpyells can work, but not necessarily the search/track/mark commands. Maybe the knights/reeves can burn the grass down via plot, but it grows back really fast.

Let's say some of the deep forest rooms function the same way: can't see other PCs unless you're grouped with them. Maybe it's too thick for lethal wildlife mobs to attack; there's no combat possible at all because quarters are too close.

So essentially, some rooms could be flagged no-see, and in them only grouped PCs/mobs could interect together with the usual room commands, and ungrouped PCs/mobs can be heard/seen via rpyell/yell only. Maybe only HUGE luck rolls would overcome the no-see flag.

It could jank up the usual patrol searches and give baddies a sort-of natural hideout. Heck, maybe the flag could be seasonal and show up in the spring/summer/fall while things are growing and fade away during the dead of winter.
Old As Dirt

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Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:18 am

I think the hiding is going better these days, but I also think there's more demand for exploration. So that's more my angle now. Thoughts?

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Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:42 am

The wilderness is in need of a big rehaul. Hiding animals sounds feasible and perhaps themely. Will consider.
“What good is power when you're too wise to use it?”

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