IC Events Archive
Date : Wed Aug 14 18:27:39 2019
Expires : Mon May 9 18:27:42 2022
To : all
Word trickles back that the Duchy of Farin is beginning to mobilize. The
number of Knights and soldiers moving from their garrisons and into open
ground suggests that they're not going to assist with the Reeve - Knight
joint operation to evacuate citizens from the path of the anomaly that is
ravaging the Duchy of Farin. The only hint towards their purpose is in the
words the new Earl Marshall spoke when she addressed a group of citizens at
Church Square a few days prior: We will stand defiant against the dark.
In subject of: Sibylle executes Esmerelde for heresy
Date : Thu Aug 15 00:10:55 2019
Expires : Tue May 10 00:10:55 2022
To : all
Early morning on the 23rd of Quintilis rang the bells, again summoning the
Faithful of Lithmore to join Grand Inquisitor Sibylle dul Fontaine in
cleansing another wayward soul. Beneath the clouds above she cited Esmerelde
Hellessy for heresies: supporting, befriending, and experiencing a plethora
of mages and magical experiences over her life, yet never revealing such to
the Order.
Her Holy Honour spoke to the crowd of fears, of the difficulties in correctly
measuring this life against eternity. Even plagued by mental apparitions for
most of her life, she said, Miss Hellessy could not bear to do what she knew
was right. In talking with the woman, however, she told the people that she
had found a soul willing for redemption. It was shortly after the pyre was
Date : Fri Aug 16 17:16:31 2019
Expires : Wed May 11 17:16:59 2022
To : all
A well-appointed herald in the Queen's colors placed a scroll holding the
following announcement at the Court Malenta in the Royal Palace:
By authority of Her Royal Majesty, Queen Celeste I, and for skilled
leadership and years of steadfast and loyal service to the Crown, Lord Keeper
Kirill von Dmitreva hereby awards Poet Laudate Norrig op Arcenant with the
title to the Barony of Asglen. The Poet Laudate is to be addressed
henceforth as Lord (Poet Laudate) Norrig op Arcenant, and his wife and
children are to receive the same measure of courtesy as an extension of their
Lord. Upon his death, the title to Asglen will be passed to the Baron's
heir, not his wife, as per the usual rules of noble inheritance. Asglen
possesses a troubled history, and the responsibilities that come with the
title are by no means trivial. The expectation is that the new Baron Asglen
will work diligently to bring much needed stability and prosperity to his
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In subject of: A Noble Success!
Date : Sat Aug 17 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Thu May 12 00:00:10 2022
To : all
After many days, supplies have been brought to the city in an attempt to help
with crisis. Blankets, clothings, and food has been distributed all around
the city and things are looking up, hopefully in these dark times.
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In subject of: Two Decades of Life
Date : Sun Aug 18 21:20:47 2019
Expires : Fri May 13 21:20:57 2022
To : all
(*) - (*)
The Countess ab Croix invites the
city at large to attend festivities to
celebrate her Twentieth Birthday!
Treats and Refreshments will be provided
at Paarin Park, near the Pond.
No gifts are required or expected.
OOC: Wednesday at 5pm Server
(*) - (*)
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Date : Mon Aug 19 08:26:14 2019
Expires : Tue Dec 17 07:26:40 2019
To : all
The advance of the chaotic vortex from Farin did not stop, having passed
through Brune and drawing ever-closer to Lithmore city. Strange occurences
have begun springing up around the capital: food spoiling, animals afflicted
with rashes and boils, the ground cracking open to haze areas in strange
light as well as other anomalous events. It is unclear as to where the
center of this entity is, the city pluging ever deeper into entropy as it
draws closer.
From the city walls guards have spotted several lights blinking in and out at
night towards the south past the swamps, where its advance on Lithmore proper
was halted a good distance away, though close enough to see that a sizeable
camp had been erected. Reeves and Knights remain on high alert, unsure
whether a Daravi invasion is to be expected soon. Already a small task force
is being assembled by the Farin Reeve Captain, Vespan de Reeme, to approach
the looming southern threat.
(OOC: A time and date for the approach to the Daravi camp will be announced
as soon as I can get one anchored down, as well as give players enough time
to plan ahead for the sake of participation. See you soon!)
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In subject of: Garrisons and Refugees (Edited by Basdes) (Edited by Basdes)
Date : Mon Aug 19 10:08:53 2019
Edited : Mon Aug 19 13:38:50 2019
Expires : Tue Dec 17 09:09:10 2019
To : all
By the morning of the next day, Reeves and Knights from the walls of Lithmore
city see another camp, although to call it a camp would be an understatement.
Fortifications are erected around this camp and from the tall watchtowers
banners fly in the wind bearing colors of the Knight Lithmorran and the Duchy
of Farin. An assortment of tents houses hundreds of soldiers and Knights
close to the Brune border, not a single civilian in sight. The capitol
receives a missive from the leader of this camp, the Farin Grandmaster,
shortly after they are spotted:
By the Order of the Earl Marshall, here we shall hold the line.
Refugees from the areas devastated by the vortex are trickling through the
pickets and patrols set up by the mobilized Farin army, escorted by Reeves
and Orderites in packets numbering in the hundreds. The efforts taken by the
leaders of the guilds clearly reflected in the sight that greets Lithmore
upon the dawn of the day: The roads have been well-maintained, the refugees
have been fed, clothed and their families reunited. Even though they have
been affected by tragedy, the refugees remain hopeful and optimistic about
their future, thanks to the humanitarian intervention they were lucky enough
to receive.
(OOC: To have this impact the state of the city on a wider scale given
Farin-Lithmorran relations, please remember to 'city support race
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In subject of: Asglen mobilises for aid
Date : Tue Aug 20 02:20:29 2019
Expires : Sun May 15 02:20:29 2022
To : all
The few bards and travellers that still dare make the journey to Lithmore
bring news of Asglen: Lord Norrig op Arcenant has sent forth word to gather
the chevaliers and logistic support that can be spared from his new Barony,
and mobilise them to fall under the command of the Farin Grandmaster, as he
(she?) sees fit. Despite the small size of the domain, it is a grand effort
that will no doubt require help from other nobles as the double threat of the
incoming magical vortex and the mysterious invaders close in like a maw into
the heart of the Kingdom.
In the same venue, the Baron seeks to open a safe path for refugees to
trickle into Asglen and relieve Lithmore of pressure. The fariners and
lithmorrans who go this way should expect welcoming arms and as much aid as
can be mustered in such a short time.
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In subject of: A Shift in Infrastructure
Date : Tue Aug 20 13:52:39 2019
Expires : Sun May 15 13:52:39 2022
To : all
(Infrastructure shifts up from Challenged to Substandard.) Town Hall workers
have been spotted in strategic locations, routing traffic around the
mysterious cracks in the ground, setting up wooden signs and barriers for
people's safety, and advising citizens to take alternative routes to reach
their respective destinations. Coinciding with this, other work crews have
been seen making hasty preparations along those very routes to handle the
influx of pedestrians and carts.
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In subject of: Hope Through Faith
Date : Tue Aug 20 22:07:46 2019
Expires : Sun May 15 22:07:46 2022
To : all
On a rainy Augustus morning, Archbishop Rhett ab Sabedon acting on behalf of
the Order with the aid of Magnate Francesca dul Alberti acting on behalf of
the Merchant's Guild as well as her own charity, The Saint Francis
Foundation, stood within the Saint Celeste's Almshouse and distributed
chalice pendants and statuettes of the saints to any and all who desired one.
What pendants and statuettes were not claimed during the time of the
Archbishop and Magnate's visit were donated to the almshouse. During his
visit, the Archbishop ab Sabedon also announced that a candlelit Mass would
be conducted soon if the populance of the faithful showed supportive of such
a venue.
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In subject of: Countess Hit
Date : Wed Aug 21 12:47:52 2019
Expires : Mon May 16 12:47:55 2022
To : all
As word filters through the city in one way or another it is confirmed, The
Countess ab Croix was struck by lightning on her Birthday. All celebrations
have been canceled, and later a date has not been announced or even
She appears to be only one person of the many to suffer this unfortunate and
often deadly fate.
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In subject of: Charali Camp Abandoned
Date : Wed Aug 21 13:33:49 2019
Expires : Mon May 16 13:33:49 2022
To : all
Watchers from the wall noted a caravan leaving the Charali encampment south
of the city and setting off to the west. Those who went to investigate the
camp afterwards found it hastily abandoned save for diseased or
lightning-stricken animals, and the ground in the camp sundered, an eery
white glow emanating from below.
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In subject of: Nominations for Seneschal Open
Date : Thu Aug 22 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Tue May 17 00:00:10 2022
To : all
Nominations for city Seneschal have begun! Residents of Lithmore are called
to present themselves as candidates for the role for the next two Sun Cycles.
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In subject of: A Shift in Infrastructure
Date : Sat Aug 24 15:08:31 2019
Expires : Thu May 19 15:08:31 2022
To : all
(Infrastructure shifts up from Substandard to Average.) Workers hired by Town
Hall have been spotted around the city in key locations, digging shallow
trenches to help redirect the accumulating water away from homes and
businesses. Where digging is dangerous or too difficult, bags of sand are
laid instead. Although the situation is not quite so dire, citizens are
nevertheless being calmly advised to make their preparations for themselves
and their families, just in case, and to ensure that their livestock are
appropriately sheltered.
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In subject of: Hope Through Faith
Date : Sat Aug 24 15:08:55 2019
Expires : Thu May 19 15:08:55 2022
To : all
On a rainy Augustus morning, Archbishop Rhett ab Sabedon acting on behalf of
the Order with the aid of Magnate Francesca dul Alberti acting on behalf of
the Merchant's Guild as well as her own charity, The Saint Francis
Foundation, stood within the Saint Celeste's Almshouse and distributed
chalice pendants and statuettes of the saints to any and all who desired one.
What pendants and statuettes were not claimed during the time of the
Archbishop and Magnate's visit were donated to the almshouse. During his
visit, the Archbishop ab Sabedon also announced that a candlelit Mass would
be conducted soon to help uplift the citizens, and refugees of the Holy
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In subject of: A Shift in Race Relations
Date : Mon Aug 26 17:04:30 2019
Expires : Sat May 21 17:04:30 2022
To : all
(Race Relations shifts up from Challenged to Substandard.) With the recent,
positive shift in race relations, Town Hall is making efforts to further mend
the divide. Officials tasked by Lord von Dmitreva have begun making appeals
to each quarter, urging citizens to cooperate for the good of the whole
during these difficult times. A temporary exchange system is set in place to
assist in the sharing of supplies for repairs and defenses, with Town Hall
officials monitoring and mediating the flow of goods. Meanwhile, ordinary
citizens are able to come and go from each quarter, native and outsider
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In subject of: A New Prime Medicus
Date : Mon Aug 26 17:53:33 2019
Expires : Sat May 21 17:53:37 2022
To : all
The Nursia that's been in charge of Madison's Triage during these trying
times has decided to take on the mantle of Prime Medicus, a spot that has
long been in need of finding a replacement. She's been heard saying that she
could in no way fill the late Prime Medicus' shoes, but will do her very best
to ensure that hospital business runs smoothly.
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In subject of: Norrig op Arcenant wins the House Bid!
Date : Tue Aug 27 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Sun May 22 00:00:10 2022
To : all
Norrig op Arcenant has de facto won the Bid for Seneschal as other would-be
candidates feared facing him during the campaign seasion.
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In subject of: The Faithful Unite
Date : Wed Aug 28 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Mon May 23 00:00:10 2022
To : all
After witnessing many of the citizens come to receive their statuette or
pendant, the Archbishop moves foward with his plans to conduct a special
candlelit Mass to be held within the Cathedral soon. Word quickly spreads
about this throughout the Holy City as members of the clergy are dispatched
to all the quarters of Lithmore, encouraging the faithful to attend.
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In subject of: Asglen bolsters Lithmore's defenses!
Date : Wed Aug 28 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Mon May 23 00:00:10 2022
To : all
After a month long campaign of frenetic messengers and preparations, a
contingent of Asglen chevaliers, followed by carts packed with food,
blankets, medicine and a few bards finished their reinforcing of Lithmore
city during the presence of the hated Daravi to the south. There they put
themselves under the command of the Grandmaster of Farin, as Lord Norrig op
Arcenant had sallied, as they started arriving, from the city with house
guards to meet his own men.
"Brave men" he had told them in his loud baritone, "Show these fariners what
good lithmorran stock can do. Make your Baron and your barony proud. Defend
our families and our brothers and sisters with all you have. Honor demands
it. Courage demands it. Faith demands it. For Dav and the Chalice, fight
to the last breath!"
Additionally, modest numbers of farin and lithmorran refugees were welcomed
in Asglen. Noticeably, there were significant contingents assisting, with
the black and amethyst of House Dmitreva; the gold, silver and sapphire of
House Croix; and the Lithmore Reeves assisting. Logistical support was
granted by the Royal Chancillery and envoys wearing the three Capuan roses of
the dul Alberti family.
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In subject of: Training new Reeves
Date : Wed Aug 28 12:52:59 2019
Expires : Mon May 23 12:52:59 2022
To : all
The Lord Justiciar Virgarth le Assanathdar has been hiring and training up
new Reeves to replenish numbers lost lately and to help keep up the law
within the city. He's asking for whatever support people can give to help
the new Reeves in their duties.
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In subject of: Vandago Stands Ready
Date : Thu Aug 29 15:33:18 2019
Expires : Tue May 24 15:33:25 2022
To : all
On a chilly Septembris morning, word began to spread of the arrival of a
mixed defense force flying the flags of each Vandagan domain, including the
black and amethyst banner of House Dmitreva of Garod County. The group is
said to have been called from Vandago under the former Seneschal prior to the
raid on the Daravi camp, to bolster Lithmore's defenses against the unknown
threat to the south.
With the news that the Daravi commander had escaped capture, the defense
force continued its march to the capital, where it awaits further direction
from Lithmore's new Seneschal. Whether the soldiers will be put to use, or
turned back toward the north, remains to be seen.
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In subject of: Training up new Reeves to uphold the law.
Date : Mon Sep 2 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Sat May 28 00:00:10 2022
To : all
Having achieved enough support from the people, the Lord Justiciar Virgarth
le Assanathdar has managed to hire quite a lot of new Reeves into the
position and has made sure to properly train these new Reeves to set them on
the right track in furthering to keep the law within the Holy City as well as
their other duties.
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In subject of: A Shift in Class Relations
Date : Tue Sep 3 08:15:59 2019
Expires : Sun May 29 08:15:59 2022
To : all
(Class Relations shifts up from Terrible to Poor.) The Lord Seneschal Norrig
op Arcenant started his tenure by welcoming the door to any who would want to
bring an issue, much like his predecessor, Count Kirill von Dmitreva did.
Freemen, gentries, nobles, people of all duchies and even the loose savage
were welcomed to bring forth problems, complaints, or congratulations. With
the threat of the magical vortex looming over everyone's heads, this may be a
step in the right direction to keep the davite community together.
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In subject of: A Magebane Masquerade
Date : Thu Sep 5 02:10:09 2019
Expires : Sat Oct 5 02:10:21 2019
To : all
| |
| The Troubadours & the Merchants |
| cordially invite you to attend |
| |
| |
| to be hosted at the Hollow Globe |
| at the very height of Magebane. |
| |
| There will be food, drinks, music |
| and dancing! Finely decorated masks |
| can be purchased from the merchants. |
| |
| Simple paper masks will be made available |
| to the public the day of the event. |
| |
(OOC: Monday, September 9 at 7 PM server).
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In subject of: Perelle Becomes Laudate
Date : Thu Sep 5 13:19:40 2019
Expires : Tue May 31 13:19:46 2022
To : all
On the evening of Octobris 13th, SC 382, the city was invited to witness an
announcement from the Troubadours' Guild of Lithmore. There, before
Troubadours and public audience alike, Perelle op Symons announced that she
had been selected to fill the role of Poet Laudate. On the heels of the
announcement, Perelle likewise announced the appointment of Master Bardess
Theodora op Arcenant to fill her prior role as Poet Knight.
The announcement was followed by a vast party in the Theatre, fitted with
food, drinks, music and dance provided by the Troubadours themselves, lasting
well into the night.
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In subject of: New Chancellor Appointed!
Date : Fri Sep 6 02:03:35 2019
Expires : Thu Dec 5 01:03:53 2019
To : all
Word has finally started to filter from Town Hall as a new Chancellor of the
Exchequer has been named. The Lady Annsleigh ab Croix of Sunset has taken to
the position previously held by Calanthe op Valencia during the Lord Kirill
von Dmitreva's tenure.
Little else has come forth from this recent announcement but one can only
speculate at what projects or festivities the woman will delve into first.
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In subject of: Knightfall to Dawn
Date : Sun Sep 8 16:16:41 2019
Expires : Mon Jan 6 15:17:39 2020
To : all
Natural weather patterns have been seen returning to Lithmore after a great
quake opened up a chasm at the Crossroads, followed by a party of brave
civilians that wandered into the city's bowels to take care of the infamous
Daravi mage, dressed in armors fitting for a Knight with glowing runes, that
had been causing the destruction all the way from Edessa to Lithmore proper.
Reports trickle in of several demons having been spotted during the long and
arduous campaign, and that several mages were present, assisting the party
with their knowledge of the mystic arts in several ways. One by one, the
glow has started fading from the cracks that had appeared across the city,
and all seems peaceful.
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In subject of: Sealing the Streets
Date : Wed Sep 11 02:03:57 2019
Expires : Mon Jun 6 02:03:57 2022
To : all
Following the conclusion of what seemed months of danger and blight a
relative relaxed state seems to have returned the Lady Chancellor rolls out
her first work. She is calling upon the people of the city to come forth to
help repair the cracks and chasms in the roadways of the city. Those able to
assist with the repair and rebuilding efforts are asked to contact the office
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In subject of: New Magnate Appointed
Date : Fri Sep 13 01:17:24 2019
Expires : Wed Jun 8 01:17:28 2022
To : all
Late one Novembris evening following a series of interviews of viable
candidates, word has filtered out of the Merchant's Guild: a new Magnate has
been appointed. Mister Aldin ab Turess, a previous Grand Magnate of the
Merchants, was promoted to the position after a public announcement made by
Grand Magnate dul Alberti in the gallery of the guild hall.
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In subject of: Physician Update
Date : Mon Sep 16 08:35:40 2019
Expires : Sat Jun 11 08:35:55 2022
To : all
In the days and weeks after the Daravi threat has been put down, a story
begins to emerge of a collective city effort led by the staff of the Madison
hospital. In the dark days after the death of Prime dul Soranson, the
hospital staff rallied in partnership with the Holy Order, the Merchant's
guild, and physicians from the outlining regions. While survivors from those
along the Daravi's path to Lithmore speak of a deadly madness that none could
survive inflicting the region, that illness was not seen in Lithmore
Cases of the madness were rare, and while a cure for the malady was not found
due to the tainted curse placed upon the patients, the Physicians were able
to calm the afflicted and the rate of infection was lower than expected.
Although difficult to see through the rain and storms of the time, braziers
were present throughout the streets of the city, with the air smelling of
often of hemp and rosemary. The rate of infection amongst the pious amongst
this time was even smaller, and many attending services would have noted
similar braziers within the churches.
While Prime Fahri took the mantle by the end of the threat against the city,
the cooperation began under the leadership of Epion Browne. They were
assisted with donations from the Grand Inquisitor Sibylle dul Fontaine,
Archbishop Rhett ab Sabedon, Grand Magnate Francesca dul Alberti, and Smith
Petera Tenurei, and the donations of many notables in the city, including the
Baron of Asglen, Lord Seneschal Norrig op Arecant.
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In subject of: Upcoming Yule Festivities
Date : Mon Sep 16 11:13:46 2019
Expires : Sat Jun 11 11:13:54 2022
To : all
| |
| The TROUBADOURS and the MERCHANTS invite you to |
| this year's Yule celebration! |
| |
| The YULE FAIRE will take place on Decembris 15th |
| at the TRADE HALL and will feature shopping, ice |
| skating, and refreshments catered by |
| |
| The YULE CHARITY GALA will take place on Decembris |
| 21st at the TOWN HALL BALLROOM and will be benefiting |
| |
| All questions concerning the YULE FAIRE should be |
| |
| All questions concerning the CHARITY GALA should be |
| |
(OOC: The Yule Faire will be Friday, September 20 at 7 PM server.
The Charity Gala will be Sunday, September 22 at 5 PM server.)
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In subject of: Fugitive Caught and Executed
Date : Mon Sep 16 22:43:31 2019
Expires : Sat Jun 11 22:43:59 2022
To : all
Word arrives from the Duchy of Farin: As the Knights Lithmorran seek to
re-establish the defenses against the recent Daravi incursion at the
kingdom's southern most-border their steadfast searches among the refugees
for anything untowards or suspicious eventually revealed something unexpected
- the long sought personage of the fugitive former Lord Justiciar Zolin
Though exact details of the capture seem to be speculation at best by the
time word reaches Lithmore, each version of the story ends with the same
conclusion - that the man was returned to the Lord by the cleansing fire of
the pyre.
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In subject of: Estella faces a gambit
Date : Mon Sep 16 23:45:04 2019
Expires : Sat Jun 11 23:45:04 2022
To : all
Following a series of political and operational issues, Grand Inquisitor
Sibylle dul Fontaine has written the High Synod and Knights Council to
initiate a Vote of No Confidence against the Earl Marshall of the Knights
Lithmorran. Citing transgressions of Inquisitorial authority, a collection
of privately relayed operational misgivings, and physical threats against the
Queen's authority, the Grand Inquisitor has requested authorities above her
in the Holy Order to find a better posting for the Dame.
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In subject of: The Charalin Return
Date : Tue Sep 17 06:45:51 2019
Expires : Thu Oct 17 06:46:00 2019
To : all
With the Daravi threat handled, a steady trickle of Charalin have been
descending from the Hill Country and returning to the encampment to the south
of the city. For the first week of their return, drums could be heard from
the city walls and the camp was a haze of smoke smelling strongly of sage and
sweet grass as the camp was cleaned of any rotting carcasses and made
habitable again. With time, their caravan returns in full, bringing with it
their herds for cattle and horses. Before long, life in the camp is back as
it was. Traders resuming contact with the encampment may note that it
appears the Charalin suffered little, if any losses, amongst their livestock
and population as a result of their exodus during the threat.
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In subject of: A Siege on the Palace, the Death of the Queen
Date : Tue Sep 17 12:00:29 2019
Expires : Sun Jun 12 12:00:29 2022
To : all
At daybreak only hours after the Queen of Lithmore, Celeste ab Samael,
arrived in the Holy City, presumably on business relating to pending martial
contracts with Lord Warwick, a siege was enacted on the Palace by a group of
some fifty armed, armored, and brutally well-trained men and women - many of
who wore the cloaks and tabards of the Holy Order's own Knights Lithmorran -
calling themselves the "Knights of the Restoration," and headed by the
controversial Earl Marshall Estella ab Ciaradh. Motivated by evidence
revealed by the Earl Marshall that the Samael line trafficked with demons and
kept the close company of heretics, the army descended upon the Palace
quickly, suddenly, and just before dawn, declaring that "Enough is enough."
Their progress through the palace was slowed, but ultimately unprevented by
the Royal Guard, who had had a month's old warning from the Lord Seneschal
about a potential coup, five Reeves, and a not insignificant number of
Knights Lithmorran; the Knights Lithmorran who were already stationed at the
Palace turned upon their Earl Marshall when it became apparent what was
happening. They found themselves cut down with the rest, though Dame ab
Ciardadh sustained serious injuries during the melee and several among the
Restoration's numbers were killed.
Fighting continued through the Palace while the Dame and a close group of her
most trusted broke down the doors into the Royal Chambers. Queen Celeste ab
Samael, still abed, was dragged onto the floor, made to kneel, and
With the Knights of the Restoration now wielding the head of the former Queen
as a ward, the Royal Guard began to break. Those who refused to stand down
were slaughtered, and the remainder were forced from the Palace grounds.
The surviving Restoration moved through the Palace unfettered, executed any
and all individuals on the grounds with the Samael name, and took Lord
Warwick into custody of their new 'order.' The fate of the Lady Genevra,
Queen Celeste's Lady in Waiting and loyal companion, is unknown.
The Knights of the Restoration have secured the palace, for the time being
using it as a headquarters. The former Queen's head, they say, looks down
upon those who pass beneath the walls.
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In subject of: Smoother Travels
Date : Wed Sep 18 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Mon Jun 13 00:00:10 2022
To : all
The Chancellor of the Exechequer and Seneschal offices have been successful
in the repairs of the city's roads. With the effort and work of many of the
Capital's residents and support from other notable individuals there has been
marginal work to see the roads improved. Meals and warmth were provided to
the workers by the op Arcenant household and Troubadours. Supplies from the
Merchants and the coin for which to provide them by the Order and the Council
itself. Cracks have been smoothed, filled, and become a thing of story and
memory. Chasms took a bit more effort given the depth at which had to be
filled above the sewer beneath the popular junction, new cobbles lain for a
smoother traveling experience.
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In subject of: Yuletide Charity for the Southside Almshouse
Date : Wed Sep 18 02:07:00 2019
Expires : Mon Jun 13 02:07:00 2022
To : all
The Lady Marisa dul Damassande le Orban of Lyndale has announced a drive for
support for the Southside Almshouse alongside the efforts of the Troubadours,
who are holding a Yuletide Charity Gala, to ensure that no one is forgotten
in this festive season, no matter their challenges or humble beginnings. She
invites those wishing to contribute to either the charity gala or the
almshouse directly to reach out to either herself or the Troubadours.
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In subject of: Another Siege on the Palace
Date : Wed Sep 18 11:06:54 2019
Edited : Wed Sep 18 11:43:58 2019
Expires : Mon Jun 13 11:06:54 2022
To : all
On the morning of Decembris the 6th, 382, a small number of hired mercenaries
and some fifty Reeves marched toward the Palace, armed and armored, and settled
in preparation to place it under siege. The move, direct and visible, was
repelled by archers around the castle's defensible double walls, and many among
the band were slain before they could reach the castle bailey, scattering once
fired upon. They attempted to flee to cover while occasionally firing back at
the walls while being peppered with volley upon volley, until at last near all
were either felled - wounded beyond ability to remain - or slain. The company
withdrew, some dragging their fallen companions, and noted that they were not
fired upon during their retreat.
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In subject of: The Excommunication of Estella Ciaradh
Date : Wed Sep 18 14:17:06 2019
Expires : Mon Jun 13 14:17:06 2022
To : all
Hear ye, hear ye!
The excommunication of Estella Ciaradh has been ratified by the High Synod
for the reason of:
For the breaking of the Oaths of Knighthood, for circumventing the Holy
Authority of the Inquisition, for bringing violence and murder against
royalty and the Faithful of Lithmore. Sibylle's prior attempts at counsel
and repair have marked this traitor Knight as being unwilling to back down
from this course of madness and sin. She has led fellow Knights against the
Knights' Code and against the authority of the Holy Inquisition, and for this
she must be considered Anathema by the Holy Order
No good Davite shall provide the excommunicant succour. All assets owned by
the excommunicated are hereby seized by the order of the Grand Inquisitor.
Harm done against the personage of the excommunicant is no crime in the eyes
of the law, nor the Lord of the Springs.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Knight Regent and Exiles
Date : Wed Sep 18 14:37:55 2019
Expires : Mon Jun 13 14:37:55 2022
To : all
Shortly after the siege on the Palace, word trickles through that a new
banner flies on the palace walls, replacing the one that denotes the Queen is
in residence: crossed swords on a chalice, atop a bloodied hawk. Next to it,
another banner flies: Chalice surrounded by swords, above a crown. With this
change comes an announcement: Estella, the First Knight of the Restoration,
is the Knight Regent until Roland ab Harmon takes the throne. Couriers are
dispatched from the palace in all directions, with invitations for the
various notables of the Realm - most likely to swear fealty to Roland ab
Notices are posted on the Crossroads, Church Square, River Square, and all
the gates: For conspiring with the Crown against the Holy Order, Sibylle dul
Fontaine, Rhett ab Sabedon and Norrig op Arcenant are Exiled from the Realm.
Their property is to be seized and distributed to the poor, according to
sumptuary laws.
Despite what seems like the restoration of government function, the palace
still remains off-limits to all but those invited and it is uncertain when
normal function will be resumed.
Code: Select all
In subject of: The Seneschal Speaks to the People
Date : Thu Sep 19 02:55:21 2019
Expires : Tue Jun 14 02:55:31 2022
To : all
In the wake of the storming of the palace and the regicide of Queen Celeste
ab Samael by the Knights of the Restoration, the city is abuzz with fear and
wariness following the blood bath. With the Royal Guard and the court
murdered, the Lord Seneschal Norrig op Arcenant gathered in steel plate armor
outside Ahalin tower, with the Lord Justiciar Virgarth le Assanathdar, and
Dame Vlora von Vashaak of the Knights. The Keeper of the Seal thus gave an
impassionate speech of griefing for the deceased queen, rage against the
traitor knights, and preparations being made to bring justice to the kingdom.
He announced that all royal guilds have supported him, and that no citizen
may give any sort of quarter to the traitors or the fugitive criminal Roland
ab Beaufort.
Finally he made an announcement to take the mantle of the Kingdom's Regency,
in contradiction to Estella Ciaradh's, and that a Council meeting would be
assembled soon to treat this emergency.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Yule Fair Canceled
Date : Thu Sep 19 03:38:05 2019
Expires : Tue Jun 14 03:38:09 2022
To : all
Word has filtered out of the Merchant's Guild that this year's Yule Faire has
been canceled due to the current political climate within the city. The
Charity Gala being hosted by the Troubadours to benefit the Southside
Almshouse is still going forward as planned.
(OOC: No more faire on Friday! The Charity Gala will still be happening this
Sunday, the 22nd, at 5 PM server, though).
Code: Select all
In subject of: Warwick Missing
Date : Thu Sep 19 04:51:17 2019
Expires : Tue Jun 14 04:51:17 2022
To : all
Rumors of something happening in the Palace, which remains under the control
of the Knights of the Restoration, have spread like wildfire through the
city: Lord Warwick is gone, and the new knightly order seems to be scrambling
to make sense of it. Pigeons have been seen flying from windows throughout
the day.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Sapiente Movements
Date : Thu Sep 19 04:58:12 2019
Expires : Tue Jun 14 04:58:12 2022
To : all
Word filters from Southside that a hooded figure claiming to have the
authority of the Sapiente has been lurking around the training hall,
Warrior's Way, and taking the best fighters aside for discussions.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Bannermen Called to Lithmore
Date : Thu Sep 19 05:28:45 2019
Expires : Tue Jun 14 05:28:45 2022
To : all
With the disastrous first approach of the reeves and mercenaries to the
Palace said and done, the Lord Seneschal Norrig op Arcenant sets forth the
task of assembling the royal army and taking command of it. All duchies and
Lithmorran domains have been approached by letter to request assistance, with
the popular Keeper of the Seal not seeking a direct confrontation yet with
the so called 'Knights of the Restoration'.
Soldiers begin to camp outside of the city's gates (except the north one),
setting up tents and banners of noble houses assisting. Merchants and camp
followers begin flocking like barnacles to the newcomers. A tense, uneasy
air is breathed in the Holy City. War has come home.
Code: Select all
In subject of: The Interdiction of 382
Date : Thu Sep 19 05:50:33 2019
Expires : Tue Jun 14 05:50:33 2022
To : all
Hear ye, hear ye!
An Interdiction of the Knights of the Restoration has been ratified by the
High Synod for the reason of:
1. Breaking of the Tenets of the Knights' Code, including executing an
individual on suspicion of heresy and dealings with mages WITHOUT
authorization by the Holy Inquisition; the murder of innocents; and acting
against the interests of the Holy Order of Dav
2. Engaging willingly in the Sins of Heresy, Murder, Betrayal, Lawlessness,
Greed, and Denial of Station
3. Acting against the core purpose of the Knighthood, which is to serve as
the enforcement of the Church's investigations against Mages and Heretics
No good Davite shall provide the members under Interdiction succour. All
assets owned by the members under Interdiction are hereby seized by the order
of the Grand Inquisitor. Harm done against the persons belonging to members
under Interdiction is no crime in the eyes of the Law nor the Lord of the
The Grand Inquisitor has declared that those members of the so-named Knights
of the Restoration seeking earnest repentence may lay down their swords and
make Penance with the Holy Order of Dav to have the Interdiction removed from
their persons.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Seeking Reeves from afar.
Date : Thu Sep 19 05:56:11 2019
Expires : Tue Jun 14 05:56:11 2022
To : all
In an attempt to re-bolster their numbers after the failed siege, Lord
Justiciar Virgarth sends word to all surrounding duchies to ask the Reeves
there to help take back the Palace and to bring Justice to the traitor
He writes how imperative it is that everyone stands united, to show that no
matter what, Justice will prevail over all who would seek to bring chaos to
the Urth.
He asks his follow Reeves currently in Lithmore to stand united with him
during these dark times.
Code: Select all
In subject of: An Announcement comes from Amhurst
Date : Sat Sep 21 19:17:46 2019
Expires : Thu Jun 16 19:18:19 2022
To : all
Several days following the death of Celeste ab Samael, word began to rise in
domains with Harmon leanings, that the lords were travelling with their
bannermen towards Amhurst. On Decembris 12th 382, a growing assembly of men
were met by the Count Anschel ab Loguire and a regal man with a mane of
golden blond hair. The Count condemned the actions of Estella ab Ciaradh in
murdering the Queen, denouncing any involvement on behalf of himself or the
other man who is declared as King Roland ab Harmon, who he vouches for as his
guest since prior to this act of regicide. He put his support behind Roland
as the rightful monarch. Roland then addressed the crowd, expressing his
understanding of the concerns that Lithmore has been facing, led by a timid
girl who specialized in inaction, but he noted that he could not ally himself
with the former Earl Marshall after she had taken matters into her own hands,
betraying his own sense of rightness. He went on that he held to the terms
of his agreement with Celeste to stand by the decision of the baronial
council, and he took no actions against her. However, that agreement ended
with her life, and he does not intend to stand by while the kingdom is
delivered into the hands of foreigners of dubious origin. An invitation for
all loyal Lithmorrans to come and support a Harmon King was met with cheers
by the gathered crowd.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Blockade of the Palace
Date : Mon Sep 23 15:41:37 2019
Edited : Mon Sep 23 15:52:34 2019
Expires : Sat Jun 18 15:41:37 2022
To : all
Following the rushed and messy initial siege, reserve mercenary forces under
Acting General Prisca Connor withdraw to defensible locations on the roads
leading to the palace, establishing checkpoints. As time passes, further
mercenary bands and individual soldiers of fortune join the cause,
establishing a more complete, if not entirely orderly blockade, and close off
the roads to the palace to any easy re-supply or reinforcement for the
Knights of the Restoration. A large number of hastily-constructed
chevaux-de-frise are additionally put into place, extending beyond the flanks
of the checkpoints and making it difficult for riders to skirt. With a
frontline established, construction is started on siege engines by the
engineers of the loyalist Knights, though progress is slowed by the cold
Lithmorran winter.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Trouble in the garrisons
Date : Mon Sep 23 15:48:10 2019
Edited : Mon Sep 23 15:55:40 2019
Expires : Sat Jun 18 15:48:10 2022
To : all
As word spreads of Roland's intention to take the throne, unrest begins to
stir in the garrisons. The unrest becomes altercation and amidst the
confusion of what seems like conflicting orders or subpar leadership and
organization, one of the companies outside of Lithmore declare themselves for
Roland rather than whoever will succeed Celeste. They attack the blockade to
the palace for unknown reasons before being forced back without taking or
inflicting any significant casualties. The company was last seen heading
This incident did not stem the bleeding; Malcontent and disorder continues to
grow among the soldiers as the future remains uncertain
Code: Select all
In subject of: Charity Drive Spreads Yuletide Cheer
Date : Tue Sep 24 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Sun Jun 19 00:00:10 2022
To : all
Despite the turbulent political situation, a charity gala sponsored by the
Troubadours and an accompanying drive for support for the Southside Almshouse
by the Lady Damassande continued as planned, citing the significant need of
the people. Throughout the holiday, a wave of Yule gifts and contributions
has been taken down to some of the city's least fortunate. Though not
elaborate, the contributions have helped those in an unfortunate position to
feel valued and not forgotten at this festive time of year.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Heading to Amhurst
Date : Sat Sep 28 00:42:55 2019
Expires : Thu Jun 23 00:42:55 2022
To : all
One day, one of the mercenaries gets a bit too close to the walls and
realizes that there is no one up there. A few old helmets are laid scattered
about, and from a distance they certainly look like they are worn by someone.
In reality, the palace had been abandoned and no one is sure for how long the
Knights of the Restoration had been gone.
The Lady Genevra, the Queen's Lady in Waiting, was found safe and sound
within the Queen's bedchamber, crying and weeping over the death of the
former Queen. She was in good health, physically, at least.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Sibylle executes Xenedra for magic
Date : Tue Oct 1 14:04:53 2019
Expires : Sun Jun 26 14:04:53 2022
To : all
Late in the night on Januarius the 27th the bells tolled for Xenedra dul
Bouchard as ordered by the Grand Inquisitor Sibylle dul Fontaine. The
Inquisitor spoke before the crowd about the young woman's Taint and how she
had been manipulated as an agent against the stability of the realm, but that
now after Review has seen the error of her ways. The former Reeve steps to
the pyre, repenting of her sins.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Maritus Market
Date : Fri Oct 4 18:41:35 2019
Expires : Wed Jun 29 18:41:38 2022
To : all
| |
| The peoples of Lithmore City are cordially invited to attend |
| |
| |
| to be hosted by the Merchant's Guild at |
| |
| |
| |
| This market will allow the populace the opportunity to |
| peruse the new spring fashions before the Troubadours' |
| grand festivities for Spring Awakening to be hosted in |
| Aprilis. |
| |
| Come out and enjoy a day of food, drink, and fashion! |
| |
(OOC: This will be on Friday, October 11 at 7 pm server!)
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In subject of: Support Troops Arrive
Date : Fri Sep 27 23:43:40 2019
Edited : Sun Oct 6 00:51:53 2019
Expires : Wed Jun 22 23:43:40 2022
To : all
Due to the combined efforts of many of Lithmore's most prestiguous elite, the
rallying cry to avenge the late Queen Celeste ab Samael sees rapid results.
Several hundred men and women of fighting capacity arrive to buffer existing
forces that lay siege to the palace.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Seneschal Ousts Justiciar
Date : Tue Oct 1 16:31:41 2019
Edited : Sun Oct 6 00:53:47 2019
Expires : Sun Jun 26 16:31:46 2022
To : all
On Januarius 26, the Lord Seneschal Norrig op Arcenant signed a declaration
removing Lord Justiciar Virgarth le Assanathdar from his functions. Citing
his reasons for it were Virgarth's neglicence when amply forewarned of the
regicide threat by the so called Knights of Restoration, his incompetence at
besieging the royal Palace, his moral debauchery, and his conspiring against
the Lord Seneschal's position and honor.
It remains to be seen if le Assanathdar's successor will take additional
actions regarding the man's apparent failure to protect the late Queen
Celeste ab Samael.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Mercenaries Ejected from Palace
Date : Wed Oct 2 16:35:14 2019
Edited : Sun Oct 6 00:55:41 2019
Expires : Mon Jun 27 16:35:14 2022
To : all
A group of hirelings under acting mercenary general Prisca Connor was thrown
out of the recently abandoned Palace by a host of five hundred of the Lord
Regent, Norrig ab Arcenant's, men. Aided by the Reeves on all fronts, the
mercenaries - some of whom were caught in the act of looting the grounds -
were thrown out and barred from reentry.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Lyonie Becomes Justiciar
Date : Thu Oct 3 02:39:07 2019
Edited : Sun Oct 6 00:58:45 2019
Expires : Fri Jan 31 01:39:16 2020
To : all
The ink on the declaration ousting Virgarth le Assanathdar was not yet dry when
the Royal Council, or what remained of it, convened to elect a replacement in
the midst of the ongoing crises following the death of Queen Celeste ab Samael.
Consultations with noteworthy jurists and the Proconsulate ensued, in a flurry
of efficiently arranged meetings and inquiries.
A scant few days later on the morning of Februarius 1st, SC 383 after a quiet
confirmation by the Royal Council and a private meeting of the gathered jurists,
magistrates, and counselors of the Judicial Council, Lyonie dul Acatsia, former
Seneschal and recently returned Reeve emerged into the Queen's Guard
Headquarters as the new Lady Justiciar.
Code: Select all
In subject of: The State of Affairs
Date : Fri Oct 4 19:14:02 2019
Edited : Sun Oct 6 01:00:54 2019
Expires : Wed Jun 29 19:14:15 2022
To : all
The Palace, stained red with the blood of countless soldiers, Knights,
Reeves, and mercenaries, has been perhaps most notably darkened by the
execution of the former Queen. The aftermath of the Knights of the
Restorations' successful coup has resolved in bannermen being called from
across the entire Kingdom of Lithmore, crowding around the capital's gates in
encampments that have kept the possibility of war at the forefront of
everyone's minds, purportedly in service to the Lord Seneschal Norrig ab
Acrenant. The Restoration's ringleader, former Earl Marshall of the Holy
Order Estella ab Ciaradh, has fled the Palace she held for many weeks with
what many believe is just a handful of surviving men. With her location
unknown and the Kingdom's powerhouses focused upon identifying a suitable
successor to the monarchy, things have rarely felt so uncertain. An
interdiction of the Holy Order remains in effect against the former Earl
Marshall and those knights who followed her.
At home in the Holy City, the Grey Wolf Guard is rumored to be at odds with
the Lord Seneschal; issues involving coin and men that have gone of yet
publicly undefined. Discontent rises in the former crown's more formal
troops, whose accommodations continue to be less than satisfactory. Unrest
in the Reeves has led to the removal or retirement of a Justiciar and a
replacement, the seasoned Lady Lyonie dul Acatsia, rising in his stead. The
void left by Earl Marshall ab Ciaradh's rebellion has been filled by another
seasoned fighter - the Lady Vlora von Vashaak - whose previous tenure in the
role was marked by publicly acknowledged success.
Guildleaders and wealthy individuals with the influence to call upon personal
forces have done so, bringing their household guards into the ever swelling
force under the Lord Seneschal. A contender for the crown in the recent
past, former Baron Roland ab Harmon-Beaufort, has condemned the execution of
the Samael queen, but is widely assumed will soon call for a Baronial Council
to determine a successor. Those loyal to him have reinforced their
statements of support in letters to the County Amhurst, where the former Lord
has been long shielded against interference by the Count ab Loguire. Other
contenders have likewise emerged, with some calling upon the Lady Cellan ab
Samael's offspring with earlier husbands to claim the crown: Lord Amir and
Lady Alessandra's names have been mentioned, and research into their claims
has begun. Less known is whether ab Ciaradh or ab Arcenant intend to stake
their own claims. There is a great deal unknown.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Encampments Surrounding the City
Date : Sun Oct 6 19:00:18 2019
Expires : Fri Jul 1 19:00:33 2022
To : all
Temporary encampments surround the gates of the city, spreading out in a sea
of tents and mud. They house the soldiers and bannermen called to the
capital to siege the palace and kept in place against the possibilities of
impending civil war. However, the influx of people has put strains on the
city infrastructure, magnified by the haphazard quality of their lodgings.
Bored soldiers spill into the city in their free-time, crowding taverns and
entertainment establishments, but also bringing coin to spend. Many local
businesses celebrate the increased spendings, while the city's inhabitants
bemoan the crowding and the taxed resources.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Sibylle executes Jaide for magic
Date : Mon Oct 7 17:06:51 2019
Expires : Sat Jul 2 17:06:51 2022
To : all
Early in the morning on Circadi, Februarius 20th, Grand Inquisitor Sibylle
dul Fontaine rang the church bells. The Faithful of Lithmore gathered to
bear witness before Ahalin Tower where a young woman, Jaide Tavis, was set to
be pyred. The Grand Inquisitor spoke, sharing that the girl had come forward
and identified herself as a mage seeking to be cleansed. The impromptu Mass
reminded the populace that the Taint might arise in any, young or old, but
that any might work to bear Faith and bravery as strong as Miss Tavis.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Organising the war camps
Date : Thu Oct 10 23:52:28 2019
Expires : Tue Jul 5 23:52:28 2022
To : all
With the mounting strain on the city's infrastructure and logistics due to
the presence of the royal army, the Lord Seneschal has set forth an organised
push to improve the living conditions of the troops. He is asking the
physicians, reeves and merchants to collaborate with medicines, supplies, and
marshalls for the betterment of the kingdom's forces.
Code: Select all
In subject of: The Gemini Crown Royale
Date : Sat Oct 12 15:02:25 2019
Expires : Thu Jul 7 15:02:25 2022
To : all
It is unclear which twin arrived in the city first, but on Maritus 10th, 383,
both Lady Alessandra dul Ansari and Lord Amir dul Ansari announced their
arrival in Lithmore, despite poor winter traveling conditions. Amir arrived
from the Front with a band of fighting men, while Alessandra has sailed up
the Bren, having crossed the Kirulean from Vavard, where she has been staying
with family from their father's side.
Upon his arrival, Lord Amir immediately called for the baronial council to be
convened to confirm him as Celeste's true heir and the rightful king, getting
the jump on expectations from Roland ab Beaufort-Harmon to ask for a similar
Reported animosity between the siblings was seemingly confirmed when
Alessandra answered with her own announcement: Amir has no superiority to her
in claim or ability, and she is not the one who has lost Edessa. The
noblewoman declares that she too would seek the crown. Amir has supposedly
discounted her claim, stating that no one in the council would take her
seriously, and declined to make any sort of official response.
Roland, on the other hand, is reportedly still in Amhurst with a number of
supporters. The north of the kingdom, however, continues to suffer under
worsening winter conditions, making travel dangerous if not impossible. Word
flying in on the hardiest of pigeons indicates his own continued intention to
take the throne.
OOC: The Baronial Council will be held off-screen on Thursday 10/17. Titled
nobles can submit their vote via the plot system by EOD Thursday, to better
account for differing availability. Any players may engage with the plot
with one plot of type Staff-sponsored Header Plot at a time. (Votes will not
count against the one plot limit).
TLDR: Amir has arrived in Lithmore, demanding a baronial council, while his
twin sister also demands consideration and Roland remains in Amhurst mired in
winter weather.
Code: Select all
In subject of: The army camp is improved
Date : Sat Oct 19 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Thu Jul 14 00:00:10 2022
To : all
After a significant push to involve physicians, reeves, and merchants, the
Lord Seneschal announced that the royal army's war camps have been cleaned,
provided for, and pacified. Medicines now keep the typical diseases like
scurvy, tubori fever, white itch and more at bay. Winter gear, fresh
footwear, carts filled with rations, and new horse saddles mantain the army's
preparedness. Reeves arrest drunkard or conflictive soldiers, help settle
disputes, and mantain trouble at a minimum.
Code: Select all
In subject of: A New King is Confirmed!
Date : Fri Oct 18 22:05:36 2019
Edited : Sat Oct 19 00:01:47 2019
Expires : Wed Jul 13 22:06:02 2022
To : all
Aprilis 4th 383, in the midst of Spring Awakening festivities, titled nobles
of Lithmore gathered at the Royal Palace in the Court Malenta to hold a
baronial council, the first such event since the death of Queen Celeste in
Decembris. The question put before them was straightforward: would the
council confirm Lord Amir dul Ansari, Celeste's half-brother, as the King of
Lithmore? Or would they instead prefer his twin sister, Alessandra, or
Roland ab Beaufort-Harmon, the former Baron of Asglen and a descendant of the
Harmon royal line?
The discussion was heated, citing concerns of every flavor, from Amir's
status as a twin and his Vavardi heritage, to the terms of Roland's previous
agreement with Celeste. In the end, votes were cast by colored marble: blue
for Amir, yellow for Alessandra and red for Roland. When the marbles were
counted, each color was present, but the blues outnumbered the reds by a
handful. The gathered council concurred: Amir is the new King of Lithmore.
Roland has not arrived in Lithmore despite expectations to the contrary, and
not insignificant swathes of the nobility also did not make it for the vote.
As the word is announced, however, this has not stopped celebration in the
capital, underlining a normally festive Spring Awakening with the joy of a
confirmed succession, leaving Roland as a problem for another day.
TLDR: Amir is confirmed as Lithmore's new king by baronial council vote.
Code: Select all
In subject of: A Shift in Race Relations
Date : Sat Oct 19 19:01:07 2019
Expires : Thu Jul 14 19:01:07 2022
To : all
(Race Relations shifts up from Terrible to Poor.) With the royal election
concluded, the Lord Seneschal has invited people from all the realm to
celebrate and put aside tensions and differences. In Lithmore City, all city
quarters are thus welcomed in the Faire Grounds (accessible thanks to town
hall wagons at the Crossroads) to celebrate the Spring Awakening with the
Code: Select all
In subject of: Arrivals from the North and a Royal Announcement
Date : Wed Oct 23 22:00:18 2019
Moved : Wed Oct 23 23:12:12 2019
Expires : Sun Jul 17 22:00:29 2022
To : all
As the winter weather finally breaks, a group of noblemen and some of their
bannermen arrive in the Brenlands from Northwatch, led by Roland ab
Harmon-Beaufort. Encountering celebrations for the vote confirming Amir as
king, conducted without them, the caravan pulls up short, making camp still a
day's ride from Lithmore. A smaller group continues on to Lithmore, headed
by the Count of Amhurst. They demand to know why the vote was still held
when so many had been detained by the weather, protesting that the decision
belongs to the kingdom, not the city. Following a shouting match at the
palace, in which the new King is rumored to have taken part, the noblemen
storm back to Roland, vowing that this would not stand.
In the wake of the departing noblemen, Amir has announced that he will be
taking the surname Harmons, in deference to his Lithmorran heritage and in
memory of the extinct royal line. This move has drawn mixed reactions from
the people of Lithmore, with some glad he is accepting the primacy of his
Lithmorran mother, through whom he inherited the crown, rather than taking
the crown with a Vavardi name, while others consider his statements a direct
dig at Roland.
TLDR: Roland's supporters object to the vote being held without them, and
Amir has announced that he will rule as King Amir ab Harmons.
Code: Select all
In subject of: End of the Knights of the Restoration
Date : Sat Oct 26 02:39:05 2019
Expires : Thu Jul 21 02:39:05 2022
To : all
Word filters through Lithmore that the tired and bedraggled remnants of the
Knights of the Restoration arrived at the border of the County Amhurst led by
the former Earl Marshall Estella Ciaradh, spied crossing over the border
little more than a week ago. The group was quickly intercepted by the Count
Loguire's men and escorted to Roland ab Harmon. Granted the opportunity to
face the man they pledged to support, Ciaradh was permitted to state her
piece before an audience of the Court of Amhurst and the only known
descendant of Dav's bloodline. Surprising to very few, faced with the woman
who had raised arms against the Royal Palace, ab Harmon's judgment was
decisive and hard. Denouncing the beheading of the "Samael girl" as murder
and stating in unequivocal terms that what was done had tarnished him
personally, he nonetheless expressed some empathy with the fallen Dame.
At the chopping block, surrounded by the citizens and members of the Court of
Amhurst, ab Harmon acknowledged the frustration that can build in the soul
when faced with the kind of incompetence that the Samaels brought to the
throne. Nevertheless, he decried giving in to those immoral impulses as
weakness and presumption - if he himself had not taken to arms to seize what
was his, no man or woman had the right to force his hand and do it for him.
For her laundry list of crimes, Estella Ciaradh was sentenced to execution by
beheading - an appropriate penalty, ab Harmon said, for the woman who had
granted the same death to a non-combatant in a crown.
Wielding the executioner's sword personally, the sentence was carried out by
ab Harmon's own hand. Ciaradh's head was surmounted on the walls of the
Castle Loguire and her body consigned to the flames; the latter was said to
have been a kindness the Samael girl did not receive. The remaining Knights
of the Restoration were kept in custody until they could be released to the
Holy Order's Amhurst chapter for penance and reeducation.
(Tldr: Estella Ciaradh executed by Roland ab Harmon in Amhurst, remaining
Knights of the Restoration released to the Holy Order for reeducation.)
Code: Select all
In subject of: King Amir extends an invitation
Date : Thu Oct 31 23:10:40 2019
Expires : Tue Jul 26 23:10:55 2022
To : all
King Amir has extended an invitation to the nobility and other council
members in residence in Lithmore to gather at the palace to discuss the
current situations in the Kingdom and make his acquaintance. This stands in
lieu of a more open court, which he has noted will have to wait until matters
are under control.
(OOC: Sunday November 3rd, roughly 9 PM System)
Code: Select all
In subject of: Summer Road Repairs
Date : Fri Nov 1 00:34:53 2019
Expires : Wed Jul 27 00:34:53 2022
To : all
The Lord Seneschal and Lady Chancellor are once more spearheading effots to
keep our city's streets and buildings in good repair. Word and flyers have
been sent out that they are seeking eligible workers to be put to task.
Positions are open for various masons and just about anyone willing to do
some hard labor. Meals are to be provided as well as lodging for those from
outside the city proper.
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In subject of: Criminals Brought Home
Date : Sat Nov 2 01:40:30 2019
Expires : Thu Jul 28 01:40:30 2022
To : all
A procession of prisoners guarded by Knights and Reeves and red-robed priests
returned to Lithmore today, apparently bringing back a caravan of the Knights
of the Restoration for judgment. Few could say what the haggard, harried
faces of the prisoners truly revealed of their states of mind or inclinations
towards penance, but none could be said to radiate the same easy pride or
reverence that the unchained Knights did. Word spread ahead of the caravan,
alerting many on the road to gather to jeer and pelt the prisoners with food
and other waste.
Interest remains, though, with what their ultimate fate may be. Some
remember the original proclamation of Interdiction to include the possibility
of returning to the fold, but would that still hold so many months later?
((Summary: Knights of the Restoration are returned to Ahalin to await
judgment by the Grand Inquisitor and Reeves))
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In subject of: Summer Repairs Successful
Date : Fri Nov 8 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Wed Aug 3 01:00:10 2022
To : all
With the help of various notable in the city the Chancellor and Seneschal
have been able to bring the appropriate people in to see to the tending of
the roads as summer approaches. Damages produced by winter and the excessive
traffic of newcomer soldiers. Missing or chipped cobbles have been replaced
on paved streets and holes filled on the more common. Even buildings have
been attended to, fresh paint and such where applicable.
Code: Select all
In subject of: Knightfall
Date : Sat Nov 9 15:03:17 2019
Expires : Thu Aug 4 16:03:17 2022
To : all
In what would unfold to be a lengthy cleansing to match the lengthy Review,
the Holy Inquisition of Lithmore, led by Grand Inquisitor Sibylle dul
Fontaine, commenced with the sentencing and Penance of the surviving Knights
of the Restoration. Those numbers culled by the violence inherent in their
oathbreaking and treason as well as potentially the fallout of their being
excommunicated, thirty eight were slated to be executed by holy pyre in a
multi-day event.
Many bore the branding of a T across their face, marking them as penitent for
their sins and earnest in their desire to join with the Lord of the Springs.
While so earnest in their religious sorrow, the dire nature of their
oathbreaking - both having a part to play in the murder of Lithmore's royalty
and her defenders as well as their mutiny against the Holy Inquisition - left
no other option for their cleansing than the flame.
Several bore their way to the pyre with defiance and pride. These eleven
called the crowd to uphold the banishing of dul Fontaine, Bishop ab Sabedon,
and of course the Seneschal. These men, the Grand Inquisitor proclaimed,
remained excommunicated. Their trip to the pyre would not bear their souls
to the Fountis, leaving them eternally wandering and bereft of salvation, but
denied still to the Abyss.
(TLDR: The Knights of the Restoration are executed. Some have proven
penitent enough to be no longer excommunicated, while others remain denied
the Springs in their death.)
Code: Select all
In subject of: A Shift in Class Relations
Date : Sun Nov 10 00:21:00 2019
Expires : Fri Aug 5 01:21:00 2022
To : all
(Class Relations shifts up from Poor to Challenged.) The royal Council met on
June 26, Sun Cycle 383 to discuss the matter of, at last, the royal funeral
of the late Queen Celeste I ab Samael. A series of directives were laid by
the Lord Seneschal Norrig op Arcenant, with agreement of the guilds.
Furthermore, the Holy Order shared the situation of the captive Knights of
the Restoration, seeking to heal a wound that had been making the heart of
the kingdom bleed, and bring the people together again. TL; DR: Council
discusses royal funeral and captive knights; Class Relations improve.
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