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Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:25 pm

In subject of: The Wedding of a Royal Princess (Edited by Kinaed)
Date : Sat Apr 7 01:35:12 2018
Edited : Wed May 9 09:51:32 2018
Expires : Thu Dec 31 00:35:47 2020
To : all
                                    |        |
                                    |________| (the image of a crown)

                                Augustus 4th, 377

                  Her Royal Highness Princess Celeste ab Samael

          Sister and Heir to Her Royal Majesty Queen Caitrin ab Samael

                                   is to wed

                           Lord Blaise dul Nizzola

             Half-Brother to His Grace Duke Loran dul Acris of Vavard


              Schedule of Events:
               o Augustus 1st, 377 - The Vavardi Delegation shall host
                 a reception in celebration of the upcoming nuptials
                 with a symbolic reenactment of the betrothal ceremony
                 for the people of Lithmore. (Evening, May 11)

               o Augustus 4th, 377 - The wedding of Princess Celeste 
                 and Lord Blaise shall take place. (Afternoon, May 12)

               o Augustus 7th, 377 - Queen Caitrin shall host a 
                 reception ball in celebration of her sister's 
                 marriage. (Afternoon, May 13)


             A delegate from Vavard will be arriving ahead of the 
             wedding to accept applications for service providers to
             support the royal wedding.  Applicants may apply in per
             at the Vavardi Trade Offices (Tent. Evening, April 19 or 
             Afternoon, April 21) or through mail to Alfred dul Coste.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:25 pm

In subject of: Offering Up the Princess Bride
Date : Fri May 11 21:09:44 2018
Expires : Wed Feb 3 20:09:44 2021
To : all
As the date approaches and the official events begin, the city is abuzz about
the marriage between Princess Celeste ab Samael, the Queen's younger sister
and her heir, and Lord Blaise dul Nizzola, the Duke of Vavard's younger
half-brother. Events stretch across the week, starting with a Vavardi
betrothal reception at the Dromande Fraise in the Vavardi Quarter. Later,
the wedding itself will occur at St. Aelwyn's Cathedral, and there will be a
few days before the Queen hosts the reception at the palace. All events are
to be public, with the assumption of good behavior and acceptable levels of

And yet there is a certain tenseness in all the dealings: the Queen's right
to rule has been called into question, along with her very suitability for
doing so. There is an unspoken understanding, as well, that all must go off
without a hitch in order to salvage the capital's relationship with Vavard,
long slighted at betrothal to only the second daughter and compounded by the
withdrawal from Edessa.

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Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:26 pm

In subject of: The Passing of a Queen
Date : Sun May 13 23:05:35 2018
Expires : Fri Feb 5 22:05:50 2021
To : all
On Augustus 8, 377, the cathedral bells rang out mournfully and criers called
down the streets about the death of Queen Caitrin ab Samael. No official
statement has been released, but there are whispers of poison at her sister's
wedding reception to the Duke of Vavard's half brother. It is assumed that
her sister Celeste, officially her heir, will succeed her.

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Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:26 pm

In subject of: Page ab Limar's Departure
Date : Mon May 14 11:35:13 2018
Expires : Sat Feb 6 10:35:24 2021
To : all
News has circulated that Page Valyn ab Limar of the Knights Lithmorran has left
Lithmore Capitol to return to his birthplace in the Barony of Rosewood, citing
the sudden death of his mother and the need to care for his family.

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Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:26 pm

In subject of: The Parade of a Marquessa
Date : Wed May 16 14:36:57 2018
Expires : Mon Feb 8 13:37:02 2021
To : all
On an early Augustus morning, the portcullis of Darton Gate was raised to
welcome the procession of the Marquessa of Gailiech, who originally intended
to arrive in time for the royal wedding. After being delayed upon the road,
the Lady Gertrude ab Blackwell entered the city proper mere days after the
tragic passing of the late Queen Caitrin. Onlookers reported the Marquessa's
grim visage and mourning gown as she and her retinue were escorted through
the city.

The column was briefly halted after mislaid cobble felled a horse near the
front, but soon afterwards the Lady ab Blackwell, having complained about the
delay, made her way on foot for the rest of the journey to the North Gate and

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Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:10 am

In subject of: The Hawk and the Lion
Date : Mon May 21 01:13:52 2018
Expires : Sat Feb 13 00:13:52 2021
To : all
Following the death of Queen Caitrin ab Samael, poisoned by capuan at her
sister's wedding, Princess Celeste is expected to take her place, but the
future of the kingdom is far from certain. Rumor has several potential
perpetrators of Caitrin's assassination in custody: Celeste's new husband
Prince Blaise, two of his men, her brother Marquis Amir dul Ansari, and the
Baron Roland ab Beaufort of Asglen who has contested the Samael right to the
throne in favor of his own Harmon lineage.

Local Vavardi have begun to protest the suspicion placed upon the new prince,
whose marriage had long been awaited to salve diplomatic ties with the duchy,
while many of the Lithmorran nobility are clamoring against the possibility
that Lord Beaufort could be involved. Celeste herself has failed to speak
publicly on the topic thus far.

Across the city and kingdom, various factions are forming, debating the
Samael right to rule, Celeste's suitability, the Vavardi influence, and
Beaufort's Harmon lineage. Beaufort enjoys wide support across a number of
noble families, but pockets of commonfolk have started protesting his
supposed attitude towards those of lesser blood.

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Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:16 am

In subject of: The Tenebrae Speaks Up
Date : Mon May 21 01:18:19 2018
Expires : Sat Feb 13 00:18:19 2021
To : all
It was during the evening of Septembris 1st that an unfamiliar voice called
freemen of all walks to the plaza before the church. Those who gathered
first had their curiosity met with a man wearing an gray cloak clasped with a
hand, face was obscured by a mask of two hands, who stood protected by
various cloaked individuals, a common sight in the south.

It would not take too long for the crowd to grow larger, and for the man to
reveal his identity: The Tenebrae of the Brotherhood of Common Goods... Or
so he claimed. None present questioned it.

While the exact speech he gave is a bit different based upon who you ask, the
final words often remain the same, being spoken with vigor and pride by those
who repeat it.

"This is Our World! Our Kingdom! Our Lives! And it is time we make our
voice known, make our power known! And most importantly make any who treat
us as pawns and insects second guess their choices!"

"Spread this message across the land, to any who will listen! If the
Vultures ignore our words and the Usurper takes the throne, the Majority will
ensure his arse does not have time to stain that honorable seat, as we will

"We will not stand by and be lead to our destruction! If matters come to it,
the Majority will reclaim our Kingdom from the Usurper and Vultures!"

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Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:16 am

In subject of: Grand Magnate Steps Down
Date : Thu May 24 13:21:01 2018
Expires : Tue Feb 16 12:21:04 2021
To : all
Word filters through that the now former Grand Magnate, Laliene ab Hoffman,
has decided to step aside. In her place, she has named the somewhat noteable
banker Kiryn von Rhyll. Questions about Laliene's departure are repeatedly
being referred to the Office of the Grand Magnate. Meanwhile, the guild's
perpetual search for a Magnate continues.

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Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:16 am

In subject of: Farra executes Justin
Date : Thu May 24 20:11:09 2018
Expires : Tue Feb 16 19:11:09 2021
To : all
On a rainy Solisda day on the 20th of Septembris 377, Farra dul Baildana
performed before Ahalin Tower the Sacred Cleansing by the Fire upon the
arrested, beaten, and recently bloodied Lord Seneschal Justin ab Fairfield,
condemning him for the anethema sin of Magery atop a broad host of lower
heresies and secular crimes, including collusion with the Brotherhood of
Common Goods against the Crown. The pyring marked the second political
opponent the noble Grand Inquisitor had burned in her rule as Holy Honour,
this coming at a time of extreme uncertainty for the Kingdom as the aftermath
of the death of Her Royal Majesty Caitrin ab Samael had yet to fully

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Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:15 am

Date : Fri May 25 03:52:59 2018
Expires : Wed Feb 17 02:52:59 2021
To : all
Nominations for city Seneschal have begun! Residents of Lithmore are called
to present themselves as candidates for the role for the next two Sun Cycles.

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