Chavara's Goodbye

Post logs, pictures, poetry and more. (Please request the permission of others before posting logs about their characters. Thank you!)

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Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:16 pm

Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:32 am

Disclaimer: Things were left out to avoid IC info from leaking out.

The key turns easily, unlocking the northern door with the rectory key.
You begin to move north.
You open the northern door.
You leave north, boots making a menacing rythm on the ground.

The Ahalin Order Cell
Rows of cold stone walls on two sides and barricades of steel bars on
the others offer bleak hospitality. A heavy wooden door mars the southern
grating that leads out to a hall beyond the cell, while the east reveals
only another prison past the bars. Several sets of crude steel manacles
hang from stone walls, several sets of four. Matted and dirty hay covers
the floor, much of the filth the product of slop buckets and the corner
privy, the scent of their union strong enough to curdle tears. Only a dim
glow filtering in from the torches beyond the cage illuminates the cell,
offering partial glimpses of the usual crude sketches and a few of the less
usual complex drawings.

(Two Orderites stand guard by the door, and a washbasin and soap rest in the corner.)

[ Exits: south ]
Chavara is here. [App: 3]

You have arrived.

Paere steps on in, locking the door behind him, before turning to face Chavara. His eyes are reddened from crying, and his arms cross over his chest.

Chavara raises to her feet when she sees you walk in the door, her own eyes just as red rimmed as hiss, "Hello, my love." Her voice is almost frail as she speaks, though there is an unmistakable longing in her eyes.

Paere flinches at Chavara's words, before he speaks, voice even. "Your love? Your ... love? Is that what I am? You... lied to me. And swore you never would." His eyes close, and he lets out a shallow exhale. "You tried to infiltrate the Knights. I don't know what hurts more. That you've been a mage all this time, or that you never told me."

Chavara tries to talk a step towards you, the chain attaching her to the wall preventing much movement and attracting her gave for merely a second before she looks up at you, "I am sorry that I lied to you about being a mage, but I couldn't tell you, or anyone, Paere. I was not acting against the Knights, I was working my way into the Manus to get tastoolsoktaos about them. I have never lied to you about how much you mean to me or how much I love you."

You will now speak Farin.

You yell, "You lied to me!"

Chavara flinches away from you, her back slamming into the wall as she drops her eyes to the stone floor in front of her, silent tears starting to fall as she tries to maintain her composure, "Please, Paere, let me explain."

Paere bellows that, fist slamming into the wall, angrily. "You betray me. You betray my trust. You told me you would never lie, and you did." your voice wavers with anger. "I love you! I love you, and you betray that love. First the Princess, now this. Everyone I loved betrayed me. I never thought it'd be you. I thought you the love of my life." He clenches his fists, arms dropping to his sides. "You told me to not let my walls become permanent. You told me that I should open up. And this is what came of it. I will never... never trust a soul again. Ever."

Chavara bites at her bottom lip hard as she lets her sapphire eyes move to look up at you, no longer able contain her emotions as she starts to sob quietly, "I am so sorry, Paere, I never meant to lie to you, never. I never wanted this, I never chose to be what I am, it just happened. I love you so much, I swear to you, I was trying to protect you, please, please let me explain."

"I am not Paere to you, heretic. I am Lord Templar de Laerne, Cudgel of Montford," growls you. "Speak quickly, but know now it means nothing." When Chavara begins to sob he avers his gaze, eyes closing tightly, his words an obvious lie, if the tears that stream down his face are anything to go by. [you ]

Chavara sinks down the wall, her arms moving to clutch her knees to her chest before she cries out, her legs quickly moves away as she gasps in pain. Her eyes are squeezes closed as she grits her teeth, her face turned to the side as she shakes her head, "I... wanted you to ksktalkkosk, to hear from me, because I wanted you to hear the truth. I have always been a loyal Knight, working to hunt down mages. I awoke as a mage just after moving here an saw the chance to get inside info mation on the Manus, so I took the chance." She looks up at you, sadness in her eyes as she softy adds, "I never expected to meet you, to love you, so much."

"If you fight fire with fire, you will only get a bigger fire," you says shakily. He turns those pale blue eyes towards Chavara, and his fists unclench, then clench once more. "You should not have studied it. You should ignored being awakened. Did what you wanted. While you had some twisted sense of good intentions," he rambles, "you chose your path. You chose to do magic." He grits his own teeth, while tears continue to run down his face. "And it kills me I still love you. It kills me. Without you, I am nothing. I was nothing until you came along." [you ]

Chavara shakes her head as she looks up at you, her whole body trembling as she looks up at him, "No, I didn't learn, I never did magic, Paere. I never and I never will. I was watching them, otoktaltotasp them... I wanted to learn what they do so that I could tell the Earl Marshall how to easily take them in, to avoid their magic and spells... I wanted to learn so I could protect you, all the other Knights and people that I love. I am not like them, Paere. Had I told you before, what would you have done?" She pauses for a moment before she softly adds, "And you are wrong."

"You appeared out of thin air," growls you. "And what am I wrong about?" A huge, gauntleted hand lifts to wipe at his face in vain. [you ]

"That was not me, Paere, it was as I said. Karel made me appear in the park. I have the ability to do magic, but I don't. I am not one of them, I am a Knight." She takes a deep breathe as she pushes against the wall behind her to lift herself back to her full height, "You are wrong that you are nothing... You are everything. You are honourable, kind, sweet, caring... You are the most wonderful person I have ever known and you will continue to be, even without me." [Chavara ]

"How do I know what is true and what is a lie, little one? I don't know how to trust you at all," you rumbles, closing his eyes once more. "And I am a killer. A hunter of your kind. A soldier. I am the fist of the Order, and..." his voice breaks, but he regains his composure quickly. "They have decided you die. And you won't be cleansed, Chavara. You will have hot coals shoved down your throat until you choke and die. You will not see Dav, and it is all because of this." [you ]

Chavara reaches her cuffed hands to her cheeks as she wipes her own tears from her cheeks, "Look into my eyes, Paere. You know me well enough to know that I would not lie to you now. There is no point in lying to you now, none at all. The only reason I lied to you about being a mage is because I really needed to get as much as I could from them. * *** **** **** *** ***** *** ***** **. You didn't answer my question. What would you have done if I had come to you and told you I was a mage?"

"I would have chased you until the end of the Urth to give you Dav's justice," you states. After a long while, however, he adds, quietly, "But I would have given you a head start." His fists clench tighter. "Now. ***** ** *** *****?" [you ]

Chavara nods her head a little as keeps her eyes on you, a deep sadness lingering there as replies quietly, "And that is why I didn't tell you. I needed to get in there, Paere. I needed for this... this waste of my life to be worth some thing, to be able to do some thing to help the people I love." Tears spill down her cheeks as she chokes back a sob, "All I ever wanted was to be a Knight, to rid the Urth of mages," she pauses for a moment before she continues, "To one day be a good wife. If this was to be my fate, to be the one thing I hate the most, I needed to make some ktatototaltaskta. *** ***** ** *** ** **** ****** *** ****** ****, *** *** ***'* *** ** ***** ** ***'** *** * ****."

"I will not need to," you murmurs, quietly, while he stares at Chavara. "This is the last chance you will have to redeem yourself, little one." He drops his tearful eyes, and his own sob overtakes him, but he quickly quiets it. "I... will not be here when they kill you. I can not. I would not be able to stomach the sight. Of all the things I've seen, of all the times I've killed... I would not be able to see that." [you ]

Chavara tries to quiet her own sobs as she nods her head, "I didn't want you to be here, to have to see... what I have to do. You know I would do anything to redeem myself, Paere, anything. I really do love you, so very much. I never wanted this to happen. Please, tell me if there is anything I can do, please?"

"There is nothing," you says, the finality of that statement causing him to break into a fit of sobs, the huge knight displaying a vulnerability that would probably discomfort anyone else but Chavara. "Nothing." [you ]

Chavara sinks down to her knees as her trembling legs give way beneath her, her pain written plainly across her features as she whimpers, "I am so sorry, Paere, please, you have to believe me when I tell you that I love you, I will always love you, so much. I didn't chose this, I never wanted to be... -this-."

"Worry not for me," you manages to mumble, eyes lifting to Chavara, jaw trembling. "Worry for your soul. I will pray for you, one last time, tonight. I will pray that there will be mercy on you. I will pray that you are happy with the Lord." He exhales sharply, standing up straight, trying to regain his composure. "Then I will try my hardest never to..." He closes his eyes once more. "Never to think of you again." [you ]

Chavara looses her battle to remain composed as she hears your words, her lithe frame crumpling in on itself as sobs shake her whole body. Her hands cover her face as she leans into the wall, clearly too distressed to speak anymore. A soft mumble comes from behind her hands, though the words are too quiet or garbled to decipher."

Paere stares at Chavara for a good long time, face wet with tears, before, quietly, he murmurs, "I... love you. And would have loved you every moment I chased you." He releases a shuddering breath. "I would have chased you forever. I would never have caught you. Even if I..." his voice breaks off, and he turns, back to her. "Good bye."

You think to yourself, "My Chavara. My one and only."

Chavara quickly fumbles her way to her feet as she hears your good bye. She looks at him for a few moments before she says, "I am so sorry, Paere, so sorry. I will love you for the rest of my life, as short as that may be. And the last thing that will be going through my mind is how bless I was to have your love, even if I don't deserve it. I don't deserve your toolptatotastakk, and I would never ask for it, but please, please forgive yourself because this is in no way your fault and I know you will try and find some way to blame yourself."

Paere flinches at Chavara's words, before he unlocks the door, face contorting with sorrow, that he's likely glad Chavara can't see. He pushes the door open, and quickly moves out, not saying another word. Once the door closes again, all that can be heard is the giant's sobbing on the other side of the door.

The key turns easily, unlocking the southern door with the rectory key.
You begin to move south.
You open the southern door.
You leave south, boots making a menacing rythm on the ground.

The Western Cellblock
This is the western end of the hall running the length of the cell
blocks. To the north an array of wood and steel forms a solid barrier to
seal off a large prison cell. Above the cell's sturdy wooden entrance door
is a plaque depicting a golden chalice. At the far end of the hall a set
of stairs descends past a sturdy trapdoor, complete with a large lock.
Flickering torches provide some light, but the atmosphere remains
oppressive and heavy. An alcove mars the otherwise straight wall opposite
the cell, a post for a solitary guard to maintain his watch over those held

[ Exits: north east -south- -west- -down- ]
You have arrived.
You close the northern door.
The key turns easily in the northern door with the rectory key.

Paere halts a moment, before, turning, he pulls open the door, after unlocking it.

The key turns easily, unlocking the northern door with the rectory key.
You begin to move north.
You open the northern door.
You leave north, boots making a menacing rythm on the ground.

The Ahalin Order Cell
Rows of cold stone walls on two sides and barricades of steel bars on
the others offer bleak hospitality. A heavy wooden door mars the southern
grating that leads out to a hall beyond the cell, while the east reveals
only another prison past the bars. Several sets of crude steel manacles
hang from stone walls, several sets of four. Matted and dirty hay covers
the floor, much of the filth the product of slop buckets and the corner
privy, the scent of their union strong enough to curdle tears. Only a dim
glow filtering in from the torches beyond the cage illuminates the cell,
offering partial glimpses of the usual crude sketches and a few of the less
usual complex drawings.

(Two Orderites stand guard by the door, and a washbasin and soap rest in the corner.)

[ Exits: south ]
Chavara is here. [App: 3]
You have arrived.
You close the southern door.
The key turns easily in the southern door with the rectory key.

Chavara is crouched down beside the wall, a vacant looks about her face until she sees you again. There is a questioning look on her face, perhaps even a glimmer of hope as she looks up at him.

Paere steps back through the door, pain evident on his face. "I have one more question to ask. **** ***** ****? **** ***** *** *** ***? *** ** ** * ****?" He quiets a moment, before correcting himself. "Two more questions."

[Censored for sensitive IC info.]

"I..." you shakes his head, eyes closing again, and this time, no words are spoken as he turns, fumbling with the key, trying to unlock the door. Tears keep running down the giant's face, but he ignores them now, trying to get out. [you ]

Chavara looks up at you, her own tears falling over her cheeks, "Paere, * ***** ***** *** *** * ***** *** **** ***, *** ****. I have been faithful to you for the whole of our marriage, since we met. I have always loved you with my whole heart."

"Don't," you pleads, key finally slipping into the keyhole. "Don't say that." He lets out a sound in his throat, and unlocks the door with a low click. "Don't make this..." he trails off. "I love you more then you can ever imagine. I wish... I wish things..." He doesn't finish, and moves off. [you ]

The key turns easily, unlocking the southern door with the rectory key.
You begin to move south.
You open the southern door.
You leave south, boots making a menacing rythm on the ground.

The Western Cellblock
This is the western end of the hall running the length of the cell
blocks. To the north an array of wood and steel forms a solid barrier to
seal off a large prison cell. Above the cell's sturdy wooden entrance door
is a plaque depicting a golden chalice. At the far end of the hall a set
of stairs descends past a sturdy trapdoor, complete with a large lock.
Flickering torches provide some light, but the atmosphere remains
oppressive and heavy. An alcove mars the otherwise straight wall opposite
the cell, a post for a solitary guard to maintain his watch over those held

[ Exits: north east -south- -west- -down- ]

You have arrived.
You close the northern door.
The key turns easily in the northern door with the rectory key.

To the north a woman yells, "Paere, Please, Please come back."

You have awarded Chavara 5 QPs: The saddest scene I ever had to play.

Paere doesn't go back, he just drops onto the ground at the door, sobbing.
All that can be heard is soft sobbing. [You (RPYell)])

Sorrowful sobbing can be heard beyond the northern door, anguish and desperation lingering in the pitiful sound. [Player (RPYell)] (To the north)

To the north a woman yells, "Paere, I am so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I swear to you. I only ever wanted to love you and be a good Knight and a good wife."
You think to yourself, "Stop. Stop. Please stop."

Posts: 137
Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:04 am

Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:28 am

I love this. :) You guys are both So. Awesome. I do sort of think logs shouldn't be made public til the string of RP involving a particular player is over though (don't think that many people know the whole story about Chav yet).

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