IC Events Archive

Post logs, pictures, poetry and more. (Please request the permission of others before posting logs about their characters. Thank you!)

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:20 pm

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room : 97
In subject of: New Merchant Guild Service
Date : Tue Oct 14 06:29:55 2014
Expires : Sun Jul 9 06:30:04 2017
To : All
Got someone that is hard to shop for?

Like surprises or a second opinion?

Then the Merchant Guild's discrete and personalised shopping service may be
for you. Just send the Grand Magnate a budget, details on who to shop for
and any other specifications. A service fee of 10% of costs or 50 silver
coins will be charged, whichever is higher.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:21 pm

A note has been posted by: Temi
From room : 97
In subject of: Discount Weapons & Armor Sale still ongoing
Date : Wed Nov 19 00:01:37 2014
Expires : Mon Aug 14 01:01:51 2017
To : all
The Grand Magnate wishes word spread that the Merchants Guild is still
holding onto a number of simple (OOC: untooled and unfinished) pieces of
steel armor and weaponry for sale at less than the cost to construct.
Please contact the Grand Magnate with any interest:

Inventory at last look is:

( 8)A pair of steel mail gauntlets
A set of steel mail sleeves
( 3)A steel mail haubergeon
( 3)A steel mail coif
( 4)A steel polearm with a long wooden handle
( 7)A steel flail with a wooden handle
( 2)A steel sword with a leather-wrapped hilt
( 11)A steel bracer with a leather strap
A steel axe with a wooden handle
A steel gorget
A steel shield with leather enarmes
( 2)Some steel faulds
( 3)A pair of steel mail chausses

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:22 pm

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room : 97
In subject of: Wedding Invitation - Aidan ab Breckenridge and Emma ab Courtland
Date : Mon Oct 20 15:24:38 2014
Expires : Sat Jul 15 15:25:06 2017
To : All

Code: Select all

                     ,.--'|              /''-..
                 ,-''      \            /      `-.
              ,-'           \          /          `-.
            ,'               |        /              `.
          ,'                 .       /                 '
         ,\_              _,,'-------`._             ,- `.
        /   `._       .-''              `-.        ,'     \
      ,'       `._ _,'                     `.   ,-'        \
     /           .'                          `\'            \_____
    /           ,'                              `           `====='
   /           /                                 `.            \ ||
  /           /                                   `.            /''\
 :           /                                      .          |____\
 ;`'....__  /           All citizens of              .       __|....|
 |        `
'.----'' /------\
 |         |  _          _                           |       (________)
 |         \_|_)  o     | |                          |           |
 |         | |      _|_ | |     _  _  _    __   ,_   |_          |
 |         |_|    |  |  |/ \   / |/ |/ |  /  \_/  |  |/          |
 |         (/\___/|_/|_/|   |_/  |  |  |_/\__/    |_/|__/        |
 |         |                                         |          /\
 |         |                                         |         <  >
 |_________|         are welcomed to attend the      |          \/
 |     _   |                                         |   _       |
 |    (_|   |   |_/     |     |  o                   |  | |      |
 |      |   |   | _   __|   __|      _  _    __,    _|  | |      |
 |      |   |   ||/  /  |  /  |  |  / |/ |  /  |   /  \_|/       |
 |       \_/ \_/ |__/\_/|_/\_/|_/|_/  |  |_/\_/|/  \__/ |__/     |
 |         |                                  /|     |  |\       |
 |         |                                  \|     |  |/       |
 |         |                                         |           |
 |         Aidan ab Breckenridge and Emma ab Courtland           |
 |         |     at The Saint Aelwyn's Cathedral     |           |
 |         |       on Novembris the Thirteenth       |___________|
 |.........|       (OOC: Evening of Oct. 25th)       |           |
 |         |                                         |           |
 |         |                                         |           |
 |         |                                         |           |

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:22 pm

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room : 97
In subject of: The Death of Aidan Robery Breckenridge
Date : Fri Oct 24 17:30:25 2014
Expires : Wed Jul 19 17:30:33 2017
To : All
A corpse identified as that of Aidan Robert Breckenridge was found in a
gutter in Southside, stripped bare of anything of value and bearing a
multitude of stab wounds. He had three sisters and no surviving parents.
His house was known for merchant ties with trade routs hailing from Tubor
and Vavard.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:23 pm

A note has been posted by: Temi
From room : 97
In subject of: Yule 363 Party
Date : Fri Oct 24 22:47:43 2014
Expires : Wed Jul 19 22:47:52 2017
To : all

Code: Select all

   __ /\ __       __ /\ __       __ /\ __       __ /\ __
   \_`\/`_/ .\'/. \_`\/`_/ .\'/. \_`\/`_/ .\'/. \_`\/`_/
   /_,/\,_\ '/.\' /_,/\,_\ '/.\' /_,/\,_\ '/.\' /_,/\,_\
      \/             \/             \/             \/
     .\/.                                         .\/.
    -=><=-       His Grace the Lord Regent       -=><=-
     '/\'      Ariel le Orban dul Damassande      '\/'
   __ /\ __           invites Lithmore          __ /\ __
   \_`\/`_/             to celebrate            \_`\/`_/
   <_>()<_>                                     <_>()<_>
   /_,/\,_\               YULE 363              /_,/\,_\
      \/                                           \/
     .\/.       at the Hollow Globe Theatre!      .\/.
    -=><=-                                       -=><=-
     '/\'            Come one, come all;          '\/'
   __ /\ __          No gifts required.         __ /\ __
   \_`\/`_/                                     \_`\/`_/
   <_>()<_>     Let winter's winds assail us    <_>()<_>
   /_,/\,_\      snug within stone walls;       /_,/\,_\
      \/          crowned in cozy mirth,           \/ 
     .\/.         Yuletime's glory calls.         .\/.     
    -=><=-                                       -=><=-
     '/\'                                         '/\'
   __ /\ __       __ /\ __       __ /\ __       __ /\ __
   \_`\/`_/ .\'/. \_`\/`_/ .\'/. \_`\/`_/ .\'/. \_`\/`_/
   /_,/\,_\ '/.\' /_,/\,_\ '/.\' /_,/\,_\ '/.\' /_,/\,_\
      \/             \/             \/             \/
(OOC note: Sunday, November 2nd, starting around 7 EST.)

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:24 pm

A note has been posted by: Temi
From room : 97
In subject of: Drug Law Released for Comment!
Date : Fri Oct 24 22:49:43 2014
Expires : Wed Jul 19 22:50:05 2017
To : all

Code: Select all

The Lithmorran Court released a statement today containing an initial draft
of a law rendering certain poisons illegal to sell or possess and certain
recreational drugs illegal to sell. The text of the law was included with a
note that all individuals may send commentary or suggestion to the Lord
Regent Ariel le Orban and the High Steward Tomas ab Jinosa if they wish,
before the Royal Council votes next month. (OOC: mail feedback by next
Saturday, November 1st, if desired!)
The law: 
Whereas there are drugs and poisons that can be used to cause harm or
death to other persons, and the Reeves require the authority to deal with
said substances to keep the people of the Kingdom of Lithmore safe,
     1.  Let the use of any drug on any individual without their consent
     outside of professional medical treatment be considered assault.  
     2.  Assaults, as defined in section 1, may be punished in manner
     similar to physical assault; with consideration for harm actually
     done, up to and including execution for murder by poison.
     3.  Let the Reeves have the authority to confiscate any drug that
     they believe is to be administered to an individual without their
     consent, whether or not the drug is illegal to possess.   Drugs may
     not be confiscated from any individual who is exempt from secular law
     without permission of the Throne.
     4.  Let the following drugs be illegal for a subject of the Kingdom
     of Lithmore to possess in any form, combination, or name:
         a.  Temijul itself and any concoctions that include it
         b.  Blightwater: causes cramping, headaches and pain
         c.  Bloodstaint: causes easy bruising and bleeding
         d.  Strangledust: a poisonous powder that impairs breathing
         e.  Sand Witch's Brew: terrible pain, paralysis, death
         f.  Deathsdream: hallucinations, vomiting, headaches, death
         g.  Sea Rover's Bite: chance of death, impaired breathing
         h.  Chainbreaker: used to terminate pregnancies
         i.  Any substance that which causes death that is henceforth
     5.  Let the sale or distribution of the following drugs in any 
     combination or name be illegal within the Kingdom of Lithmore:
         a.  Sweet Night
         b.  Coarse Ruby
         c.  Coamjar Dust
Recommended Guild Procedures and Practices:
The following are guidelines that are strongly suggested for the Reeves and 
Physicians Guild to adopt as part of their internal protocols and 
procedures for the handling of illegal substances.  It is not recommended 
to incorporate these procedures into law, so that the interested guilds may 
adjust procedure as is seen fit without the trouble of editing the legal 
Procedure for handling of suspected illegal substances by the Reeves and 
1. A Reeve should confiscate the drug.
2. The confiscated drug should be identified by a Physician. 
3. The Physician should dispose of the drug safely.   Poison samples may 
not be kept by the Reeves as evidence; reports from the Physicians 
certifying the sample is all that is required.  Possession of Chainbreaker 
should be reported to the Order.
Members of the Guild of Physicians, and those physicians who are licensed 
and/or properly affiliated with the Guild of Physicians may apply to the 
Prime Medicus for a permit to possess any of the illegal poisons or drugs 
for the purpose of conducting medical work and research.  These samples 
may not be sold or provided to any other individual.  A list of 
individuals licensed to keep illegal poisons or drugs should be provided to 
the Reeves by the Prime Medicus for their own records.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:25 pm

A note has been posted by: Support Daemon
From room : 99
In subject of: The Brotherhood's Bloodless Response to Violence
Date : Mon Oct 27 00:08:13 2014
Expires : Sat Jul 22 00:08:13 2017
To : all
Tenebrae's approval shifts from Neutral to Approved.

Citizens living throughout Southside, Lithmore city's poorest quarter,
recently found Yule gift baskets delivered to their doors. Though no one
has personally claimed responsibility for what has become an annual
tradition, it is generally assumed that the Brotherhood of Common Goods is
behind the act of generosity.

Word is that the Yule gifts came a hair early this year to address rising
tensions over recent violence involving Knights and Reeves along
Southside's borders. Many have taken heart from this, citing it as proof
that the Brotherhood is working to keep the actions of a few from ruining
the lives of many. Given the bloodless approach, it's assumed that the
Brotherhood wasn't behind the initial attacks, and none of the smaller
gangs in Southside have stepped up to take credit either.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:25 pm

A note has been posted by: Nedyra
From room : 97
In subject of: New Poet Laudate Named!
Date : Tue Oct 28 00:19:45 2014
Expires : Sun Jul 23 00:20:05 2017
To : all
Recent news has arisen from the Hollow Globe Theatre regarding the
appointment of a new Poet Laudate to the Troubadours in the city by the
name of Audric op Vilar. Bards in taverns about the city have been making
comments regarding the appointment in hopes that revitalization projects
within the guild will run smoothly as well as some murmurings in court that
have been spreading like wildfire.

The Poet Laudate has made an official announcement to the city at large, or
at least, interested parties within regarding the appointment and
encourages those who are interested in joining the guild to send him letter
by courier.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:26 pm

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room : 99
In subject of: High Steward Offends the People
Date : Tue Oct 28 02:40:51 2014
Expires : Sun Jul 23 02:40:51 2017
To : all
Tomas's approval shifts from Approved to Neutral.

Rumors have gotten out that the High Steward appeared on the doorstep of
the Justiciar with the Proconsul in tow, demanding access to his home.
When the guards refused to allow entry, they were bullied and told that the
High Stweard was invading the home of the Justiciar on the authority of the
Regent himself.

Once the High Steward gained access, they ransacked his home. To add
insult to injury, however, he returned the next day to do it again,
presumably because the first search failled to prove any wrongdoing on the
part of the well-approved Justiciar.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:26 pm

A note has been posted by: Support Daemon
From room : 99
In subject of: Justiciar's Fight Confirms Guilt
Date : Tue Oct 28 04:08:15 2014
Expires : Sun Jul 23 04:08:15 2017
To : all
Terryn's approval shifts from Approved to Approved.

As the High Steward goes about his duties, capturing negative attention for
the heavy-handedness in which the topic was addressed, the people can't
help but wonder why - if the Justiciar believes himself innocent of
wrong-doing - is he so afraid of being investigated? Why on Urth would his
guards have physically engaged the High Steward at all if there weren't
something serious to hide?

One would think that by consenting to the investigation it could be over
all the faster. A Justiciar shouldn't be obstructing justice. It's kind
of the opposite of their job.

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