IC Events Archive

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Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:02 pm

A note has been posted by: Nedyra
From room : 69
In subject of: Meeting of the Royal Council
Date : Sat Jul 26 19:11:25 2014
Expires : Thu Apr 20 19:11:41 2017
To : all
The Royal Council will be called to meet on the 29th of Novembris, 362
(OOC: Sunday, July 27th, 4 pm EST. Apologies for late warning). All
guildleaders are invited as well as any chosen representatives from their
guilds they wish to have stand in for themselves, or accompany them;
additionally, all individuals welcomed at Court are invited to attend.
Other individuals interested in attending may attend with permission of the
Lord Regent, Ariel le Orban; a letter is suggested to ensure entry. The
Royal Council is known to primarily concern discussion of the Daravi War,
though scuttlebutt suggests it will also touch on official procedures to
remove guildleaders from their positions in the event of mass public

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:02 pm

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room : 97
In subject of: Jobs at Zarrova's
Date : Tue Aug 5 21:05:30 2014
Expires : Sun Apr 30 21:05:38 2017
To : All
Tastefully stationed notices have been seen in key points around the
city. They state that Zeita von Zarrova is presently looking to hire for
the following positions for her North Flairkin Street boutique:

Chef or Manager Chef for High Tea at Zarrova's:

This role will involve the preparation and presentation of 'high tea' style
delicacies catering primarily to a gentry and nobility clientele. Must
have a demonstrable knowledge of cuisine, particularly Vavardi tastes and
styles as well as delicate pastries. A talent for brewing (or sourcing)
exclusive drinks such as champagne, sweet wines and similar drinks would
also be highly regarded. A role as chef-manager may be available for the
proper candidate with greater control over the menu and pricing.

Beauty Assistant for Zarrova's Boutique Perfumery:

This part time role would suit a discerning woman with an eye for detail
and an existing talent for the application of cosmetics, effective grooming
and hairdressing. Skill with nail care, lacquer application and waxing
would also be highly regarded. For the right applicant, there will be an
opportunity to learn cosmetics and perfumery from perfumer mistress, Zeita
von Zarrova.

For interest in either role, please contact Zeita von Zarrova via mail.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:02 pm

A note has been posted by: Nedyra
From room : 97
In subject of: Losses at Edessa!
Date : Sun Aug 17 01:27:34 2014
Expires : Fri May 12 01:27:54 2017
To : all
Word begins to weave its way back to Lithmore. Defending forces in
Edessa have been forced to regroup. It's said the latest round of
reinforcements were too late to hold the line - the Daravi assault team was
given time to dig themselves in. The millitary is keeping specifics quiet,
but the gossip is the survivers are keeping their heads down and staying
out of the way.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:03 pm

Code: Select all

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room    : 69
In subject of: A Wedding Celebration!
Date         : Sat Aug 23 19:31:12 2014
Expires      : Thu May 18 19:31:16 2017
To           : All 
                __ .---.   .-``-,._
              .'  `     \ /     .  `\   The ab Jinosa household
              |     \    |   .'     |     would like to invite 
        _      \     `.  |  /    __/     the city to Town Hall's
     .-` `'.  .--;.       ,.O  --`   `\     Event Ball Room for 
     \  '-.  |     `-  o.O/o, __       |   wedding celebrations!
      '-.,__  \    .--' `\|o `  -.    /_
        _.--' /   `    ,  /  \        | `--.,
       /      |       /  :    '._    / -.    `\
      /   .-'  '.___.;   `      \`--'\    `    |
     |          /     \         /     '.__,.--,/
     '--..,___.'       `---'---'

         OOC: Thursday, 8-28-2014 8pm est Onward.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:04 pm

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room : 69
In subject of: Haidar de abn'Zahi
Date : Sat Aug 23 19:33:16 2014
Expires : Thu May 18 19:34:04 2017
To : All
With the dawning of another blood-sodden day amongst those still left
behind words trickles out from the front lines of yet another listing of
those either pronounced dead or missing-in-action. Among those names
listed one stands out:Knight and former commander of the Keep, General of
the Southern Marches Haidar de abn'Zahi. It is rumored that the Knight was
riding with a contingent of mercantile and military guardsmen providing
escort to a reclaimed village and orphanage when the strengthening Daravi
forces broke the defensive line. Urging civilians and injured ahead the
brave men and women raised their swords high riding into the screeching
throng as if the will of the Lord himself filled their veins.

Haidar leaves behind a wife, three children, Brother and Sisters in Arms,
and his beloved bulldog. It is with a sad, heavy heart that this news
follows so closely with the loss of other well known military personel.
May Dav and the Lord lead us all.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:04 pm

A note has been posted by: Temi
From room : 97
In subject of: A Mage's Message
Date : Sun Aug 24 22:46:09 2014
Expires : Fri May 19 22:46:31 2017
To : all
At mid-day on the third month and twenty-first day, people across the
city of Lithmore heard a voice, echoing in their heads, that of a woman.

"My name is Autumn Prince, and I am a witch. I refuse to hide what, and
who, I really am - as one of the Gifted, I am not afraid of living my life
as I was born, as Fate intended. If there are any of you out there, those
of you who share my talent, and my blood, I bid you find me. Find me, my
brothers and sisters. Apart, we aren't really living - oppressed and
beaten into submission by the sick doctrine of Aelwyn and Dav. Together we
can throw off that fear. Together, we will find freedom - and life."

"To those of the Blooded set in there ways, set on hiding in fear... I
wish you the best of luck, and warn you: stay out of our way."

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:05 pm

A note has been posted by: Temi
From room : 97
In subject of: Wine Festival Celebration!
Date : Sun Aug 24 22:54:17 2014
Expires : Fri May 19 22:54:29 2017
To : all
To the people of Lithmore,

The wine festival is only a week away, and one brave and daring young
woman, Roewina Rosenscarth, as taken it upon herself to put together a
celebration for it! On Maritus 28th, there will be a fest held at the
Queen's Inn! Come, bring your girly, and enjoy yourself! And remember,
there will be wine, lots of wine!

(OOCLY: This Tuesday I will be holding an average food-and-drink and random
conversation event, probably in the earlier hours of the evening EST
probably starting around 4 or 5 and going until whenever. As a side note,
I would like everyone that is going to join this event, to please roll a
pvent with 'pvent roll' and accept the first one that comes up. This will
add a -very- interesting element to this event, and keep things fresh!)

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:05 pm

A note has been posted by: Kinaed
From room : 97
In subject of: Order's Response to Autumn Prince (Edited by Kinaed)
Date : Mon Aug 25 01:09:56 2014
Expires : Sat May 20 01:10:15 2017
To : All
Young acolytes and junior inquisitors flood the streets, barking to the
people that the Order has reponded the message that recently filled
everyone's head.

The statement reads:

Faithful Brothers and Sisters in Dav,

Lord fearing Davites: We all have heard the message asking for mages to
come find this Autumn Prince. The Order knows that this has frightened most
of you. Know this, good citizens of Lithmore, you can rest well this
evening, you are safe. We have sent the knights into the streets to sweep
for mages and heretics who are attempting to answer this poor sinner's

To Miss Prince, know this: We weep for you. We will pray for you. Most
importantly, we will find you and hold you accountable for your crimes.
You may turn yourself in to the Grand Inquisitor and mercy will come

To those tempted by her call: Resist! We pray that the Lord fill you with
strength to resist temptation! If you need strength come to the church,
lean on those of us who are here to help you! Together we can get through
this crisis! It will be better if you seek out one of the clergy to
confess your sins. That way you may be offered cleansing and forgiveness.

May the Lord of Springs love and Protect us all!

Yvelle von Raspien Gerolf von Stewart Aurther Auguste
Cardinal Grand Inquisitor Archbishop of Lithmore
(Cardinal's Seal) (Grand Inquisitor's Seal) (Archbishop's Seal)

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:05 pm

A note has been posted by: Nedyra
From room : 97
In subject of: Salazar dul Argyle ousted!
Date : Mon Sep 1 23:00:08 2014
Expires : Sat May 27 23:00:27 2017
To : all
Word begins to circulate that yet another Poet Laudate has developed a
streek of absenteeism. The Troubadours assembled a vote, and by majority
decree, Salazar dul Argyle has been removed from his post. The guild has
remained surprisingly quiet about the next steps, but it is rumored that
Evangeline op Trumina, only recently made Poet Knight, may be moving over
to fill the once again vacant position.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:41 pm
Discord Handle: azarial#7207

Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:07 pm

A note has been posted by: Nedyra
From room : 97
In subject of: Tellen von Tenrir resigns.
Date : Mon Sep 1 23:35:43 2014
Expires : Sat May 27 23:35:59 2017
To : all
Citing personal complications that have taken his time away from
responsibilities as the Grand Magnate, Tellen von Tenrir has opted to step
aside. Having served only briefly in that position, after serving
previously as Lithmore's Magnate, there is a growing sense that the guild
is once again in flux as the search is extended for his replacement.

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