Almost There

We’ve been sailing about ten days now. The second that I get off the boat, I’m going to find that Inn I was told about. I’m going to get my appearance changed as much as I can and then head off to the Le Salyndri cane farm place. I figure that somebody will likely know where it is, and I’ll head out there to start my search of her cult. I mean, it seems the most likely place to go in search of a place with people I can hide with. I’m just not sure if I’ll ever go back to Lithmore once I get there. As much as I love a lot of people in the capitol, I think about how much havoc I’ve caused, and I just don’t know anymore.


Ran into “Eddie” on the ship. Arien. He told me Lady le Storm had challenged Wolfe to a duel over all of what’s gone on. Double Arien. I never would’ve thought she’d be so upset she’d duel him. Talk about unexpected reactions…completely and utterly unexpected reactions. It was a gamble telling him to go ahead and write and tell her I’m alive, but that poor woman really has been through the wringer enough. Oh, she’s absolutely 100% out of her mind stir crazy. But I still like her, and she has been pretty decent to me.

I got drunk on some rum after the storm had passed and wrote Talya. If she writes back, she’ll probably cuss me out, but I couldn’t help it. I miss her a lot.