New Year 374

September 20th, 2017

I thought I had lost this ledger long ago. Half written pages taunt me this cold night as the boat bobs in the river’s gentle waves. Hunapo and Vono sleep peacefully, never did I think to be so blessed. Another babe well on its way into the world- I do love my boys but pray a girl greets me following the birth. Maybe she will look like me- a little.. Hunapo’s hair and my eyes? Only the Lord knows and only he knows why he has seen fit to bless my life.

Safety. Love.

I never thought myself deserving of such after all that transpired in my line of failed relationships and engagements toyed with. Hunapo provides me with it all, a grouse to those around but me. He lights up for Vono, I daresay I was concerned he would take poorly to fatherhood having not seen him with a child. Wrong, Completely. We have both grown and changed deeply since I last wrote in this ledger bound with my thoughts..

Love came to fruition in the form of children born from the marriage of Hunapo and I.. A rarely seen or felt love.. I have no doubt of it.

My breasts are heavy as I hear the baby beginning to stir and cry to seek a feeding. Farewell Journal- who knows when I shall find myself free to write again with another mini Hunapo on the way.

Addienna op Marama

(The name is signed with extra flourishes)