A New year

February 21st, 2016

The new year as per its usual fashion has not slowed down- things moved quickly through Yule and right on to now.. Oh, the date- 1-20.. I’ve seen friends fade from my life and not in ways I wish.. Tuan’s death never verified, Yrata and her issues and disappearance from our lives.. Liss attacking the Countess.. Such drama and such a mess. Why can things not go smoothly in this city? The troubadours are like a curse- and even as soon as I became Poet Knight again I seek to vacate the seat.. It is a terrible thing, but it must occur. Other venues of life must be sought out and learned, to survive. I feel to remain a troubadour is almost a curse..

On a more positive note I have enjoyed my momentary breaks in time with Hunapo and Margaux.. I enjoyed Yule with them both, and have managed to continue enjoying stolen moments with Hunapo. Our Proconsul as my neighbor has been quite a fortunate thing. All in good time though- a relationship or a friendship.. I dare not push for more than he’ll offer and I am allowed in this life.