Fashion in Vandago

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Natural engineers, Vandagan fashion is unique to that of other duchies in its extreme of structure and design. Tailoring to them is not viewed as a matter of style and beauty as much as a puzzle to be solved. Their extreme weather of cold and ice sharply contrasts with the warmer interiors of homes, making multi-functional dress a must.

Vandagans wear garments that can be folded up or down to insulate or ventilate, such as their well-known fur hat called the ushanka, with ear flaps that fold up to form a stylish brim or down to protect the ears in extreme weather.

Many women throughout the realm wear a bodice, but the six-paneled, steel boned corset is a Vandagan invention and staple. Where Lithmorrans wear the voluminous cloak, both men and women Vandagans, rich and poor alike, wear the Vandagan greatcoat: typically, but not always, a heavy wool coat with long tails, removable lining, and internal pockets.

Men and women both fill the space between their chin and bodywear to protect their necks from cold - men with layered cravats and women with the fichu - a tear-away kerchief designed specifically to protect the cleavage from the cold. The cuffs of Vandagan are often close cut and fold up or down to expose or protect the skin.

Wealth has a far greater impact on Vandagan dress than in other duchies. With many duchies, the difference between the rich and the poor is about the types of materials available, but in Vandagan society, whilst this holds true, there's an additional difference in the structure of the garb. Wealthy women, for example, often wear extremely complicated dresses like a formal mantua whilst poorer Vandagan women will wear the comparitively simple sarafan - though neither garment is simple in comparison to the less fitted garments of other duchies.

Likewise, Vandagan men of the gentry class will often wear waistcoats whilst their poorer counterparts will wear the traditional, narrow cut rubakha under a tailored vest.

Vandagans make heavy use of embellishments, from fur to buttons and weighty embroidery.