• February 7, 2012 /  Uncategorized

    It is a simpler thing, I suppose, to start at the end than the beginning. The end is freshest, and it proves the best anchor for any story. With the end clearly in sight, those opening acts wear a different sort of import.

    So shall it be, then. I am Tobin ab Samael, and these are my words.

    The idea of spilling ink on the vain subject of one’s life is a difficult one for me. But I have seen what happens to men who allow history to be written for them. There are lies, and stories, and legends. Worse, there is dogma and vengeance. I have little interest in such things. If my name is to remain burned into the history of this kingdom, let the story told be truth. The truth is rarely so convenient as well crafted lies, but it serves its purpose with a quiet dignity that is all too familiar for me. Let me then do an old friend one last honor, and share the memory of truth.

    Posted by Tobin ab Samael @ 3:54 pm