• June 16, 2012 /  Logs

    Church Square
    [Freezing, cloudy, strong winds from the south, afternoon]
    The grand facade of the Lithmorran cathedral dominates the square, providing a stained-glass, gothic opulence to the space below. Laid in an artful pattern, red and white bricks converge in alternating bands towards a central fixture, a splendid fountain. Off to the southwest, in the tended lawn, stands a statue easily nine feet tall. Below it rests a bench, obscuring the engravings in the statue’s base. At each of the four corners of this square stands a tall stone lamp to light the square at night.

    (The Square looks reasonably neat, with the fountain looking recently cleaned and polished. People wander throughout the area, conversing with one another and whispering as they talk of events that have recently passed. )
    [ Exits: north east south west ]
    A baroque fountain spurts gloriously into the sky. (center)
    The square’s public board stands beneath a protective wood shingle roof. (northeastern corner)
    Edvard is here. [App: 3]
    Harund is here. [App: 4]
    A golden haired boy with green eyes is lingering near the fountain. [App: 4] He looks quite sick.

    [Action: Harund is standing by the statue.]

    A golden haired boy with green eyes nudges Edvard in the ribs. “Eddy. How come you don’t have a weapon?”

    Lien walks out of the townhall, a floppy black wool hat adorned with fluffy, emerald plumes tucked under one arm along with a whisper-thin steel rapier with a black leather hilt.

    A golden haired boy with green eyes waves a hand. “I gotta go. Laters!”

    A golden haired boy with green eyes is lingering near the fountain. He looks quite sick.
    This young man holds himself with a defiant stance, though clearly keeping out of the public eye. His bright green eyes set him apart from common Lithmore stock, his fair features the type to come only from Vavard, and meticulously upkept appearance makes him seem like of a higher class. He has shaggy platinum blonde hair, a single braid tied in front of his right ear with bright tubori beads, and decorative seaglass. The rest of his hair is tied in a very short tail at the nape of his neck. His masculine features are just starting to show through, his face having lost the appearance of a boy as it transitions into a man. He has a rigid jawline, no hint of fat left in his cheeks, which have smoothed out, and are just as pale and hairless as the rest of his visible body. When he speaks, he has a smooth voice, his throat raised by sea air. His equipment is hidden under a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather. He is taller than you by a hand.

    Edvard quirks a brow to Harund, “You find that amusing?” And grunts to a golden haired boy with green eyes, “Cause I don’t. Maybe Storm here’ll let me borrow hers.” He catches sight of Lien as he speaks, offering her a smile.

    A golden haired boy with green eyes leaves east with short, slow steps.

    A golden haired boy with green eyes slows to a halt.

    A golden haired boy with green eyes pivots on a heel and returns. “Guess not.”

    Harund nods “I thought it was funny.”

    [Action: Edvard stands near the fountain.]

    Lien eyes a whisper-thin steel rapier with a black leather hilt and then Edvard. “I had to wait nearly two months for this to come through you know.. not going to give it up just yet.. but if you need the coin for one… can you even wield a sword without getting flogged? Cause if not, you might be needing a dagger?”

    “Aye, I might be. Dagger’d be fine. Better with an axe, though.” Edvard mentions to Lien. Before glancing curiously over to a golden haired boy with green eyes.

    A golden haired boy with green eyes quirks a brow at Edvard. “Huh?”

    Lien skips over to Edvard’s side. Something is produced from within her cloak and offered to him hilt first. She looks over a golden haired boy with green eyes casually, her capacious eyes moving up over him.

    You get a small thin bladed steel dagger with a black leather hilt from a miniature vivid emerald green silk purse piped with black.

    You give a small thin bladed steel dagger with a black leather hilt to Edvard.

    A golden haired boy with green eyes rocks back and forth on his sandals, grinning like mad at Lien.

    Edvard slips a small thin bladed steel dagger with a black leather hilt an in inch out of its sheath, whistling quietly. “Thank’s Storm.” He slips it away for now, attention returning to a golden haired boy with green eyes, “Er.. Eriit, what are you doin’?”

    “I am pretty sure grinning at me like that is a flogging offense..” Lien complains to Edvard as she eyes a golden haired boy with green eyes and waves her hand vaguely at him. “As well, he’s done no curtsy, and hasn’t greeted me properly.”

    From here on you will remember a golden haired boy with green eyes as Eriit.

    Harund folds his arms, and watches the show.

    Eriit moves up to Lien, and gets down one one knee, a hand extended to Lien, and the other on his chest. “M’Lady. Perhaps you would grace me with your courtesy?”

    Edvard chuckles to Lien, “Ya might be best off not tryin’ to flog him. An’ generally, men don’t curtsy.”

    “I couldnae tell if he was a boy or girl with those curls so figured I’d cover both bases.” Lien says, positively beaming now at Eriit. She takes his hand and offers by way of introduction. “I am Lien le Storm, of the Barony Strongjaw … in Tubor. Nice place. Wines and stuff.”

    “Aye, he confuses me too, some days…” Edvard complains to Lien, smiling faintly.

    Eriit brings Lien’s hands to his lips, greeting her formally. “M’lady Storm. Never before have I seen such beauty produced from the Tubori islands as the visual rapture that is your eminent form. Your every contour speaks strength and grace, and I humbly request permission to admire Dav’s gift that is your angelic face.” he states in a smooth vavardi tone, keeping his eyes down.

    Lien grins even more broadly, and she looks across Eriit’s head to Edvard, then back down to him again. Lapping up the compliments, she uses her free hand to sweep a dusky lock back behind her ear. “I think, it would be rude of me to deny such a request. And you are, just Eriit? I do not suppose you would like to be my man servant because I could use someone like you in my employ.”

    Eriit gets to his feet, meeting Lien’s gaze. “Eriit Saoishe. Captain of the Siren’s call, and sailor born from Vavard. It is… The greatest pleasure to meet you m’lady.” he says with a light vavardi accent, his teeth bared in a crooked grin the entire time.

    From here on you will remember a golden haired boy with green eyes as Eriit Saoishe.

    Edvard grins to himself, eyes twinkling.

    Harund awkwardly stands to the side?

    “Ahh I can speak a little Vavardi but.. not very good so.. will have to excuse. It is nice to meet you Captain. You flatter me excessive -ly, and more than I deserve.” Lien says, fingers retucking the hair back behind her ear. “But still, I enjoy it none the less. Feel free to continue.” She says, grinning in return.

    Eriit Saoishe continues to grin like mad, taking a step back with a low bow. “M’lady Storm. I’m afraid there are no words to further express my immense rapture at your presence. The closest I could come would be to shower you with affection, but as I am not wed to you, and I am but a humble sea captain, that would be quite inappropriate indeed.”

    “It is quite alright. I -am- Tubori after all, and I am not yet wedded, so please feel free.” Lien says, still beaming at Eriit Saoishe, even giggling a little now at the excessive compliments. She places her hand upon her hip and idly toys with a wide black silk sash embroidered with tiny emerald leaves that is tied around her waist.

    Eriit Saoishe extends a hand towards Lien. “M’lady, should I ever aquire title, you can be sure that I will be the first to ask for your hand. As I am now, in fact. Would you like to dance?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye, leaning forward slightly with an arm behind his back.

    Edvard questions to Eriit Saoishe, “Woah there, forgetting the hopeful standing here?”

    Harund flips a hoodless, voluminous cloak of soft woven fabric back over his shoulder.
    Harund pulls closed his cloak, hiding his garments.
    Harund stops using a common Lithmorran eating knife with a scant wooden handle.
    Harund wields a rusty dagger.
    Harund stops using a rusty dagger.
    Harund wields a common Lithmorran eating knife with a scant wooden handle.

    “Well, he is the one who asked….” Lien says over her shoulder to Edvard, taking the hand that Eriit Saoishe extends towards her, gloved fingers wrapping around his. “Can you dance though Eriit Saoishe, Captain of the Siren’s call?”

    Eriit Saoishe pulls Lien towards himself with surprising dexterity. “Any sailor can dance. It’s just putting the movements of the waves into motion.” he states in a tone as smooth as butter, his other hand coming to rest on Lien’s hip. “But can you?”

    Harund laughs “Well you guys have fun with that. I have some… Business… To deal with.”
    Harund drinks water from a simple, leather water-skin sealed with a tightly fit cork.

    “I am Tubori, what do you think?” Lien asks as she extends an arm across Eriit Saoishe’s shoulder and wraps fingers around the nape of his neck. She draws herself up to the tips of her toes, giving herself an extra inch and a half of height, before settling her heels back down on the ground. “Though I really wish I wasn’t wearing these Lithmorran clothes. Not sure how well that is going to go…”

    Harund leaves east.

    Edvard smiles, ambling over to the edge of the square, taking a seat on one of the benches.

    Eriit Saoishe begins to hum a jaunty vavardi sea shanty, pulling Lien into slow gyrations about the fountain. He can’t seem to take his eyes off of hers, absolutely enraptured, and makes a point of showing it.

    [Action: Edvard sits on a bench underneath the statue.]
    [Action: Eriit Saoishe is dancing around the fountain with Lien, oddly enough.]

    Lien gracefully matches Eriit Saoishe’s steps, at first a little slow as she gets used to his style and the nature of the song he hums. But it takes little more than a few seconds before she is up to speed and grining again. Soon she’s adding a little flare to her steps, hips moving quickly to cause her skirts to flare out around her ankles.

    Eriit Saoishe pauses for a moment, his body pressed against Lien’s. “Goodness. You Are a good dancer. It is a true shame that I can’t court you, you have the most beautiful eyes. They remind me of the seas of the Vavardi coast.”

    “I am.” Lien agrees, cheeks lightly flushed and a few of her dusky locks having fallen from where they had been pinned in a twist at the nape of her neck. She draws in a lengthy breath of air, and gives her head a quick shake. “You’re not so bad too.”

    Eriit Saoishe draws his fingertips along Lien’s cheekbone, tucking her hair behind her ear as he’d noticed. “I should hope not. I’ve heard I’m rather breathtaking.” he states in a low, warm, and incredibly smooth tone. The fingers come up to the bottom of Lien’s chin. “If I may?”

    Lien holds her self very still, capacious eyes fixed upon Eriit Saoishe and widening a fraction more for a moment. “You’re.. playing with me.” She accuses him, breath drawn sharply in at the contact to her chin but still she nods at his request.

    Eriit Saoishe smiles wryly for a moment, though it melts into happiness when he sees the smile, and he leans forward to place a chaste kiss on the corner of Lien’s lips, holding a centimetre away to see if she might reciprocate.

    “Dav help me..” Lien murmurs when Eriit Saoishe lays the kiss upon her lips. Still as a statue, with doe-like eyes open and watching him. Soon enough she returns the kiss in kind then starts to draws back, adding a few inches between them. “Not here.” She says when she comes to her senses.

    Edvard coughs into his hand, and speaking up, “Just so ya know Storm, Eriit just finished hittin’ on me when ya got here…”

    Eriit Saoishe brings his fist to his mouth in a stifled laugh. “M’Lady, wherever and whenever you should want me, all you need do is ask.” he murmurs. He shoots a wink back at Edvard.

    Edvard’s words are enough to cause her to blush and Eriit Saoishe’s laugh only adds to it. “Okay, you’ve had your joke.” She quickly pushes him back, or attempts to and starts to storm off Eastward. [Lien]

    Eriit Saoishe wishes to initiate a contest with you, using their dexterity.
    Contest of Eriit Saoishe’s dexterity vs Lien’s dexterity!
    Lien easily wins!

    Eriit Saoishe calls out, “Wait! m’lady! Please wait!” He sounds genuine, grasping for Lien’s hand, but it slips out. “T’was just a joke. I did no such thing.”

    Lien turns sharply and walks backwards now, eyeing Eriit Saoishe and passing a glance to Edvard. “That it was a joke. I hope you had fun messing with me, both of you.”

    Edvard quirks a brow, frowning. “I wasn’ae messing with you. I didn’t want to ruin your fun or anything..”

    Eriit Saoishe looks crestfallen, an expression of genuine hurt on his face. “Lady Storm, I would never be so stupid as to steal a kiss from a lady with the express intent of making her blush for all the wrong reasons. Please, forgive my reaction… I’m lighthearted by nature.”

    Eriit Saoishe extends a hand to Lien.

    Lien eyes the offered hand, then Eriit Saoishe and lastly Edvard whom she asks. “Was he Eddie? Is he speaking the truth now?” She asks, even as she steps forward to reach out and take the hand extended.

    Edvard shrugs in response to Lien, “I wouldn’t know the answer to that.”

    “Though, I wouldn’t think that Eriit would do such a thing.” Edvard ammends with a smile.

    Eriit Saoishe lays his other hand on top of Lien’s. “Lady Storm. I am not the most fluent of men, but I do hope you’ll accept me as I am, for I have no intentions of hunkering down to become a prude just yet.” he says with a soft smile.

    “Aye, wouldn’t it be a sight to see a prude-y Eriit..” Edvard mumbles, “Now, -that- would be a bothersome sight..”

    Lien looks quickly over towards Edvard, then settles her gaze back on Eriit Saoishe then on the hand in his. “Arien, this is going to get complicated isn’t it. Alright, alright. I’m Tubori, not Lithmorran. Despite the monk like dress I’m in, I can assure you, and I’m sure that Eddie will confirm this, nor am I a prude.”

    “Prune-y? Maybe, Nae a prude, though.” Edvard nods in agreement with Lien.

    Eriit Saoishe waves Edvard off without taking his eyes off of Lien. “M’lady, it is only as complicated as you let it be. It could be as easy as falling drunk off of a cart, if you want to be.” he states in a husky tone, a smirk on his lips

    “Ya mean ye could be as easy as fallin drunk off a cart.” Edvard states to Eriit Saoishe.

    “A couple of days.. at the Blind Horse, or where ever you want me. Southside though. Send me word, or Eddie. He knows usually where to find me.” Lien looks conflicted, her capacious eyes now caught in Eriit Saoishe’s. After a lengthy pause she adds, “I have to go.”

    Eriit Saoishe offers another kiss on Lien’s knuckle in parting. “Mayhap I can have an item of yours to remember you by? Perhaps a lock of hair, or a handkerchief?” he asks innocently as he raises back up. “It would be greatly appreciated, even if I have to earn your affections.”

    Lien actually laughs at this, grin wide upon her lips as she eyes Eriit Saoishe. “That is a bit cheesy you know…” She shakes her head, but none the less accedes to the request, drawing a silver ribbon from her purse, and offering it out to him.

    Eriit Saoishe watches the hand with abject interest, delicately winding it around his fingers. “Cheesy? To want to remember such a ravishing woman aside from the awe of being in her presence? Well, I suppose that’s just how I am.” he states the last bit as he looks up, a dangerously mischevious glimmer in his eyes.

    Edvard sighs, rubbing his neck. “If ya want some of my luscious locks, just ask me too.” He states to Eriit Saoishe.

    “I’m not used to it.” Lien says, lips also in a bit of a grin now. “You make me forget that I’m in Lithmore.” She adds, as she starts to draw backwards. “I really do have to go, Ari will kill me if I get home too late tonight, especially with Sien out and about.”

    Eriit Saoishe offers a sailors bow to Lien, raising with a crooked grin. “This Ari… He’s… Related, yes? Not a courtier?”

    “Cousin.” Lien says, darting off with a skip Eastwards. “Cousin!”

    You begin to move east.

    You leave east.

    Posted by Stormy @ 2:15 pm