• Maritus, 363

    Comments Off on Maritus, 363
    January 8, 2015 /  Uncategorized

    There are approximately twenty-two days until I am wed once again.
    There is an edge of excitement but a greater worry of uncertainty.
    I hope I can provide Tomas with what he desires of me, my body has not
    been entirely the same since the loss of the baby so many months ago.. A
    year now? Things will work out properly though, my flow is present and that
    is a good sign. Fertility. Even so to ensure things move along with ease I
    am going to use my medicinal and herbal strengths to aid. After this child
    I imagine things will progress more easily towards pregnancies in the future.
    There will be less stress to produce an heir for Vees, and that will definitely
    ensure things go well. I-

    The entry ends there.

    Posted by Katarina @ 8:47 pm