• Augustus 22, 362

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    July 2, 2014 /  Uncategorized

    I feel like water in a pot over the fire, boiling merrily along. Though in most cases this may sound like anger- it is not in this one for I am happy and greatly pleased. I am blessed with the friendship and love these days- something I thought would take far longer than 8 months to have.

    Meetings and letters to handle business are all easily handled as the days pass now, not with distaste and hate as I seem to have turned a leaf and come out of my state of mourning. The afternoons present a time where I can find myself within the city, shopping or simply moving about the people. Every other day however I spend on my hands and knees, tending to my gardens. Each blossom grown brings a smile to my lips- and the raspberries this summer made delicious pies to be enjoyed by myself and Lis. She seems to also have a great love for the blueberries which grow abundantly. My evenings however are filled with personal time- spars to train with the Knights and conversations with friends. It usually always ends the same- saddened farewells and promises of meeting the next day even though it may be a week or better before such comes to pass. It is of no consequence though, I am happy once again and it is a wonderful feeling. Even if I may never marry again at least I’ll remember this happiness and pleasure.

    One would think I should write on the Regency and the pending debates to come but that is nothing I wish to delve into.. Ariel has stepped up, and some ladies from last time returned to try one more.. The woman complimenter le Fictis of Tubor.. We’ll see.

    Posted by Katarina @ 7:28 pm