• March 12, 2012 /  OOC Stuff

    I just want to take a moment to say thank you to Julea for enriching my game play, and everyone else’s for that matter. It’s a shame that she died, and I hope her player comes back to play one day.

    Julea’s player did a lot for TI – she’s responsible for our website, the blogs, and even really, for Chloe running the Murder Mystery Masquerade, which everyone seemed to enjoy. She sure brought a lot of drama and fun to everyone’s game, and freely gave us ideas from her own game, Dark Isles.

    On a personal level, I’ve lost characters before, and I remember it being horrible. These days those deaths don’t bother me remotely, but I know for a fact that there’s often a very real sense of grief that we have when a character dies. They’re a part of our psychology, afterall, and we can only meet them again in new worlds or stories we write instead of directly through play in their ‘homeworld’ so to speak.

    Anyway, if you have the chance to read this – we’ll miss you, Julea.

    Posted by Fox Countess @ 2:20 pm