Log of OOC Meeting - 1/19/19

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2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:56 am

Kinaed wonders, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Kirill states to Kinaed, "Please put me down for a topic."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed muses, "Got you. Anyone else?"

Kinaed states, "Okay, if anyone thinks of one as we go, shoot me a tell. "

Kuzco says, "I'm good."

Kinaed says, "Meanwhile if you have a topic, please pre-type it so you're good to introduce us to it when called upon without a long typing delay. :)"

Kinaed states, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Kinaed says, "And so, let's kick off... Staff Updates."

Kinaed states, "I didn't really do jack shit last week that I can think of. Sorry guys. Work has been hectic. I'm getting to that point in Production on my current project (I'm making a video game) where time is at a premium."

Kuzco muses, "A Norrig videogame?"

Kinaed claims, "But! I have jail automation and warrant update spec on my plate. I've pushed the other things to other staff."

Kinaed claims to Kuzco, "No, but that'd be pretty cool."

Kinaed states, "That's all I've got. Az is up, but Az was feeling very unwell just a bit ago. Still flagged AFK, SO."

Kinaed trails off, "I'll have a quick look at our changes board and let you know know what I see..."

Kinaed states, ""HELP PLAYER <NAME>" has become "HELP CHARACTER <NAME>" to be a bit more consistent."

Kirill declaims to Azarial, "Hope you feel better soon!"

Kuzco says, "Yeah, that change clicked just right."

Kinaed says, "It looks like some Plot System bugs were killed."

Kinaed says, "That's it, nothing else that I think people haven't been alerted to, or is a small bug that no one would probably notice being fixed."

Kinaed says, "So I guess that concludes Staff Updates for this week. :)"

Starstarfish raises a hand, "I'm sure a number of folks noted it but the helpfile for that should probably be updated. The help character thing."

Kinaed muses to Starstarfish, "You mean HELP CHANGES?"

Meeeeoow states, "No, help helpinfo"

Meeeeoow says, "For one."

Meeeeoow says, "And possibly the chargen room, also, that goes with it? But I don't know, haven't been there for a little while, so don't remember if it's in a room desc or not."

Kinaed claims, "Sorry, I'm slow on this little sleep. What needs to be done? In baby talk. Sorry."

Kinaed muses, "Make sure 'desc helpinfo' help file is fixed?"

Starstarfish says, "Ah, yes."

Kinaed asks, "And check the new char zone?"

Starstarfish nods.

Kinaed says, "Oh, yes! Very smart."

Kinaed takes an action item, thank you!

Kinaed muses, "Alright then, Player Heartbeat. :) How was the game this last week?"

Kuzco declares, "Pretty intense with the two gambits and Joske's machinations!"

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Kirill claims, "Lots of great political RP."

Kinaed claims, "That sounds like a good time. I hope it has been thus far."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Tasker says, "Still looking for someone to apply into the Grand Master spot for the Knights! You'll get to do a lot of cool things, and swish about with a sword all fancy. "

Tasker says, "Outfit is cool too"

Tasker states, "Kinaed promised that we'd get power armour"

BloodMoon says, "I wish I could say, I've been away. With that said, I have to make a very public apology to Kuzco for leaving him hanging."

Kinaed states to Tasker, "I'm not THAT tired."

Kinaed has transferred Starlie. [OOC]

BloodMoon says, "Him and Calanthe"

Kinaed asks, "Anyone else want to tell us how the game went for them this last week? Anything shitting anything we ought to know about?"

Kinaed says, "(that isn't already a topic)"

Meeeeoow says, "I had a very busy week at the beginning of the week, so wasn't really able to dip in my toes. Just barely able to yesterday and today. So, not a lot to say."

Kinaed nods at Meeeeoow.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims, "No worries, hopefully you'll have a more fun week this week."

Kirill says, "Nothing shitting me. I do have an approved story on the story list (127) but I'm waiting for the political stuff to sort itself out before I decide on dates for the ST."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed claims, "Exciting to hear we have another story in the works. :)"

Starlie states, "I'm too new to know what's right or wrong."

Kinaed says to Starlie, "Please read the help files in HELP POLICY"

Starlie exclaims, "Okay!"

Starstarfish states, "Also, welcome in that case, Starlie."

Kinaed nods at Starstarfish.

Kuzco declares, "No need to apologis, BlooD!"

Kinaed claims, "Also, welcome to TI :)"

Kinaed wonders, "Shall we move on to Player Topics?"

Kinaed says to Kirill, "I only have your topic registered, but please, introduce us. :)"

Kirill wonders, "I'm wondering what's going on with retainers. They don't follow anymore while the PC is mounted, which I understand is necessitated by some code changes in preparation for retainers being able to ride mounts, but it's really harshing my noble gravitas when I ride around town all by my lonesome, having to re-summon my retainers every time I make a stop. Even with a macro, this feels like an unnecessary chore. I also get that riding around at a canter or gallop with retainers in tow is a bit unrealistic, but can we at least get them to follow again while at a walk or maybe even a trot?"

Kinaed states, "I honestly have no idea, it's a question only Azarial or a staff member who is in the know can answer. I will go back and get an answer for you and let you know though."

BloodMoon asks, "What if retainers were able to have their own cheap horses?"

BloodMoon asks, "What if retainers were able to have their own cheap horses?"

BloodMoon trails off, "Uh... cough cough"

Kirill claims to Kinaed, "No worries."

BloodMoon claims, "I have a topic to broach but it may be controversal."

Kinaed states to Kirill, "Sorry I don't know off the top of my head."

Kinaed states to BloodMoon, "It's okay. We have time."

Kinaed states to BloodMoon, "And all topics are welcome, just please try to abide by our OOC Pact about respect and trusting people are doing their best regardless of whatever we're bringing up to discuss."

Kinaed claims to BloodMoon, "Please, introduce us to your topic. :)"

BloodMoon states, "Ok so the Monarchy is rarely seen about the game. I've played for a month or two and only heard rumors or been told to speak to the Senechal about things needed. Is there a way we can incorporate the ruling class, like the Queen/king/princess what have you, in the game more often? I have more to add."

Kinaed finishes her note.

Kinaed listens.

Kuzco states, "You can interact with the Queen through plots."

BloodMoon says, "The reason I ask is, this can generate more rp and get more ideas flowing. Even in the olden days, the Monarchy was present more often to the people, seen at parties, balls and such. Special events with their personal guards and what have you. "

BloodMoon wonders, "Yes, through -plots- but why not have general interaction as well?"

Kinaed claims, "This monarchy actually follows the medieval tradition of touring the kingdom and staying with various nobles throughout the land most of the time. The Queen leaves a skeleton crew running things in Lithmore City, which is owned by the Seneschal and the Council."

Kinaed says, "They essentially make up Court. And they're PCs."

Tasker claims, "The position of the Seneschal was supposed to be this bridge to the monarchy, serving as their representative as the keeper of the seal."

Kinaed says, "Yes, depending on what you want, you can reach out to the Queen via a plot."

Kinaed nods at Tasker.

Kirill says, "Because the monarch and her retinue would have to be puppeted by staff, for one, and they don't have that kind of time. Royalty does make an appearance for special events, but overall, power here is meant to be in the hands of the players."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed says, "As stated the Seneschal and most of the Council are PCs."

Kuzco states, "Yeah go for the Seneschal, 99 per cent of the time."

Kuzco says, "Though if you burn a motherload of QP you can get your puppet :3"

Kinaed states, "According to the 'bid list' command, the bids for Seneschal begin in about 15 OOC days, by the way."

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

BloodMoon wonders, "What's a bid list?"

Kirill claims, "During a Seneschal race, it lists the characters currently bidding for the role."

Kirill says, "Outside of that, it lists the current Seneschal's tenure time."

Kinaed states to BloodMoon, "The way the Seneschal is chosen is through a process of 'gaining and utilizing social influence' to bid for the position. The winning bidder becomes the next Seneschal."

Kirill says, "Help bid list explains more, I believe."

Kinaed states, "When bids open, you can nominate yourself to run for Seneschal if you want. Then you need to gather as much support and influence as you possibly can before the race time runs out."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed states, "You can also engineer events to support yourself or attack your opponents using influence during the bid race."

Kinaed states, "Oh my, my mind is gone. I can't remember the original - oh, the Queen. Yes, so, pretty much Lithmore is run by the playerbase within the framework/with the backdrop of NPC ruling class who tour their realm during most months."

Kinaed claims, "I hope this answer is satisfactory. If you need something you cannot get with PCs, please do look to the plot system and raise a plot for staff to process. Note that it can cost QP, and can also cost things like silver (for example if you're bribing someone) to make things happen."

Kinaed says, "The plot system generally follows the guidelines in HELP RPA."

Kinaed muses, "Anything else on anyone's minds?"

Kuzco claims, "I think I'm alright for now."

Kirill says, "Best bet for getting ideas flowing is to get political with members of the city council, which includes GLs and nobles. More seasoned individuals can help brainstorm what makes sense within that framework/theme."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed states, "I think you can type 'guildlist council' and get a view of who you need to approach."

Starstarfish claims, "Guildleader PCs who are recommended would indeed love to be reached out to for the things others might say. That's the kind of stuff folks can tend to hope for."

Nojr questions, "Presumably there are other nobles running the courtly events that BloodMoon referred to?"

Kirill claims, "Guildlist council doesn't include the GLs of other guilds."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed claims to Kirill, "Fair enough."

Kirill says, "Guildlist council, guildlist nobles, guildleader."

Kinaed claims, "So 'guildlist council' + the list of people in 'guildleaders' make up the Lithmorran Council"

Kinaed asks of Nojr, "What do you mean?"

Starstarfish claims, "PC nobles indeed have and do attend or sometimes host events and special things."

Kinaed nods at Starstarfish.

Nojr claims, "Thanks. Question answered."

Kinaed smiles.

Kirill states, "Typically, they're not limited to a courtly audience, though."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kirill states, "Usually we try to keep things open to more of the playerbase/public."

Kinaed claims to Moonmoon, "We're currently discussing a query about how to interact with the NPC Royal Family, such as the Queen, etc."

Kinaed says, "The main way is through plots, but generally few things should go there as the Seneschal and Council run things on behalf of the Queen while she tours her realm, wining and dining (aherm, inspecting) the lands her vassals care for."

Kinaed says, "We also have bids for the next Seneschal coming up in about 15 days, and had a brief discussion about how to get in on it and how it works."

Kinaed questions, "On that, it's about 40 minutes into the hour. We're at the tail end of our topics and the agenda. What would be fun and interesting to discuss as a pbase?"

Kuzco says, "Oh yeah"

Kinaed says, "Otherwise, I can call it an early meeting and toss everyone back to the wolves. :)"

Kuzco says, "I'm concerned about people spamming rumors into this next election just to accrue IP to pour into it"

Kinaed's ears perk towards Kuzco.

Kinaed states, "I think that'd be pretty obvious to staff, and rumors need to be grouped. IE, they need to come up with a new rumor each time."

Kirill asks, "Has that happened before?"

Kinaed says, "I think there *may* also be a cap on how much IP you can earn from rumors in a period too, but I can't recall."

Kirill states, "I think there might be, yeah."

Kinaed says to Kirill, "Not to my awareness, but I don't watch those things."

Kirill says, "I don't mind an influx of rumors. Makes the Troubadours more relevant."

Starstarfish states, "There tends to be a feeling of a lot of throw away comments made during campaigns versus other times."

Kinaed nods at Starstarfish.

Kuzco claims to Kirill, "I mean unoriginal rumors that are just worded differently each time"

Kirill states, "That sounds against policy."

Kinaed says, "I'll make sure there is an IP cap from rumors in a period, but beyond that, I mainly see it as enriching the rumor system, which is why we provide a bonus for spreading rumors."

Kirill states, "And subject to being reported."

Kuzco declares, "1) Kuzco is great, vote fod him! 2) Kuzo isn't great, he's awesome! 3) Nay nay, he's magnaninous!"

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed claims, "That'd be against policy, and a staff member WILL notice, even if it's not me."

Kinaed says to Kuzco, "We'd consolidate those to one rumor."

Kuzco states, "Kuzco is magnawesome"

Kuzco nods.

Kinaed says, "And warn the player to keep it to one rumor, and if they fail, remove their ability to rumor after warnings."

Meeeeoow asks, "Beware the groove?"

Kinaed has a norumor command she's never used.

Kinaed wonders, "Anything else like that, or other things, on anyone's mind?"

Moonmoon begins to count their money.

Starstarfish says, "There's some nice suggestions on the ideas forums."

Kinaed nods at Starstarfish.

Kirill states, "Thanks to Empena's player for organizing the recent City Council meeting. It takes some OOC finagling to make sure people can make it, and I appreciate those efforts."

Kinaed says, "I have to go through them. Luckily, Niamh usually takes me by the ear and makes me do it once a month or so."

Kinaed claims to Starstarfish, "Oh, yeah! Thank you sincerely for running an event."

Kinaed claims, "Also to anyone else running events - I don't always see them happen."

Starstarfish claims, "Actually, that brings something up."

Kinaed states, "But it's great when people do, and I know how much effort can go into them."

Kinaed questions to Starstarfish, "Yes? :)"

Starstarfish states, "An ability to create a mail/pboard group for Guilds would be really, really helpful."

Kirill nods.

Kirill nods.

Kirill nods.

Kinaed states, "You can, just type pboard, note write, then address the guild."

Kirill says, "Mail."

BloodMoon says, "I need to take a nap guys, I'm sorry. I'll be back later"

Kirill states, "We can't group mail yet, I don't think, but that was supposed to be a benefit of Roles."

Kinaed muses, "That should be 'guildlist <guildname>', mail name1, name2, name3, and maybe even make an alias for it?"

Starstarfish says, "True, but I'd argue it would also be useful for say ... messengers in situations."

Kinaed claims, "I don't recall group mail being a benefit of roles, unless Azarial was musing at a point in time. Rather, we were hoping to put headers and footers on the role itself."

Kinaed muses, "You can definitely messenger a guildname?"

Kinaed says, "Just target the guild when writing your message prep, and the message will go to all members of the guild online."

Kirill says, "Yes, already possible to pboard and message entire guilds."

Kinaed says, "Just not mail, at least, not directly. :)"

Kirill states, "No, with mail, have to type out all the names or alias them and remember to update your alias."

Kirill nods.

Kinaed says, "But you can make an alias with the alias command, or your client."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed claims, "BloodMoon has a topic :)"

Kinaed states to BloodMoon, "Please, introduce us to your topic :)"

BloodMoon says, "I forgot something else. So in a room or a house, I noticed you have to set a temperature when you're creating that room. "

Kirill says, "You don't have to set it, no."

Kinaed claims, "Well, you can."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

BloodMoon questions, "Would it be possible to have it coded that we can change it like a mood?"

Kirill says, "It's an optional setting."

Kinaed ponders.

Kinaed states, "Generally, if not over-ridden, it will reflect the current external temperatures."

Kirill says, "If you don't set the temperature, it automatically changes with the game temperature."

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

BloodMoon states, "Yeah but that's difficult. If you have a ballroom and there's supposed to be fifty people inside, it won't be cold. But if you open the door, it can cool down."

Kinaed states, "If you want it permanently over-ridden, you can Request Board staff. As for setting it like a mood... well, I suppose we technically could program that change, but it would be low priority for us."

BloodMoon claims, "So the temperature of a room can change at will"

Kirill states, "People use moods to describe things that are temporarily different, like a breeze cooling the room."

Kinaed pontificates, "Oh, there are also magical ways to change the temperature in a room. Thanks anonymous tell-er!"

Tasker draws their sword

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

BloodMoon states, "But that's magical. If you're a mage that's great. But that can also cause panic. "

Kuzco claims, "But yeah temp is not dynamic."

Elysaveta has left the game.

Kuzco states, "Not at that level at least."

BloodMoon says, "Just a thought to leave you all with, that I think it should be dynamic, because the inside temperature doesn't always reflect the outside."

BloodMoon queries, "Ok, thank you Kinaed! I please can go now?"

Kinaed claims, "I think, given we have spells designed to let mages affect it, it'd devalue those spells if it became a moood."

Kinaed nods at BloodMoon.

Kinaed says, "Okay, a request from Azarial - recently we've noticed activity is still slightly down on where we're currently at year on year. We've been getting a lot of flicker-logging... when a player logs in, checks who, doesn't see enough people or someone in particular they're looking for, then logs right back out."

Kuzco states, "Oh :("

Kinaed exclaims, "If you can stick around a bit, like 5 min, we'd really appreciate it. It helps people who might otherwise stay and play know that there's people around who are interested!"

Starlie claims, "As a new person, I have no idea where everyone is, after wandering around."

Kinaed says to Starlie, "If you type 'where', you'll find them. Then you can 'travel <location>' :)"

Starlie exclaims, "Oh okay! Thanks!"

Moonmoon asks, "Well, I'm new but also not new, but sometimes initiating roleplay can still be daunting, plus, when you logon, look on where, and there are 10 people on, but only two places on where, and you can't perhaps access one of the places?"

Kinaed nods at Moonmoon.

Kirill claims, "Best bet is to hang out in a public area, like Crossroads, Church Square, or one of the major taverns and hope someone joins you. Or, if you have cause to, reach out via messenger or mail to try and hook people into RP."

Meeeeoow claims, "OR, all of the people on where are not public. I have seen that a lot."

Kinaed claims, "Messengers are pretty good, as is doing something worth sending a messenger out about."

Kinaed says, "I've received a tell that there have been some rather... I haven't seen them, but I'd characterize them as 'rude' from the description... comments on Discord that there's 'no one good on' or something to that effect."

Meeeeoow says, "So, I can't get to them, even if I wanted to. And... when the people online aren't people my PC is familiar with, or people she'd have reason or right to message, it can be hard."

Kirill claims, "The more proactive you can be, the better, though it's understandably difficult at first if you don't know anyone. But if you're looking for work, you might send out samples or business cards or something, for example. Or post to the public boards IC about looking for a job."

Kinaed says, "That's not particularly nice, and if people are speaking that way about the other people online, then I wouldn't blame people for not rushing to interact."

Kinaed says, "With regards to finding RP, I am sorry to say that, while it is available, waiting around is probably the second worst way to go about getting it."

Kirill claims, "You can use info in people's helpinfo (HELP CHARACTER <name>) to initiate things, too. Stuff there is considered public knowledge or at least find-out-able knowledge."

Kuzco says, "Being proactive is the best, yeah. Don't be afraid to write a noble just because you're a freeman"

Kinaed claims, "I personally am highly inclined to get myself in trouble, so might do something and send out a messenger or whatever, but that's me. It's not necessarily right for every character - but the reason RP can be harder to find is because people are generally actively in RP when online for the most part."

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Kinaed claims, "I once defaced a statue and called the Reeves. I once broke into a noble's apartment and smeared feces all over (albeit I didn't want RP RIGHT THEN, so was happy not to get caught...) Hmm."

Tasker claims, "Bants"

Kinaed claims, "Anyway yeah, you can wait around in a tavern, but if you do, it means you'll be at the end of the queue. Oh, you can ask people to RP on the OOC Channel or even send a tell."

Kinaed states, "Just asking if they're free and interested."

Kirill states, "So, in summary, I'd suggest hanging out in a public place while you're making your plans, sending your messengers, or writing your letters or whatnot."

Kuzco says, "Kinky you'd be the best partner in crime"

Kirill states, "That way, people can find you, but you're also not just sitting there twiddling your thumbs."

Kinaed trails off, "And I recommend doing something with yourself that's more interesting than waiting around, reaching out OOCly if you get no IC bites, and... "

Kinaed says, "Well, I'm now restating what Kirill's saying or maybe vice versa :)"

Kinaed says, "But we acknowledge it's a bit of an issue."

Kirill claims, "Well, I'm not advocating for smearing feces. But I think we're in agreement."

Kirill grins.

Kinaed claims, "If you have other suggestions, we're happy to hear them."

Moonmoon states, "Well, in terms of expressing myself as a new character, I've found that the best roleplay includes being a participant in either conflict or plots, but I'm not saying this to ask 'people run more plots', but when you can roleplay organically off a goal that is shared however loosely between different people i feel it allows me to be more proactive"

Kinaed nods at Moonmoon.

Kinaed says, "We do run plots as staff, and we also have players who frequently run them (Kirill is probably our most prolific, active storyteller at the moment)."

Moonmoon questions, "It's part of the reason why I like dipping my toes into the water of inquisition in the sense of attending pyrings, seeing people fight and being a party to it because while being proactive as a new player is necessary it is also difficult, and it's easier to be proactive if other things are actively happening, and perhaps your embarassing attempt could get lost in the 'noise'? Maybe?"

Kinaed claims, "But we also have limited time and resources for such things, so TI generally does not promise or set the expectation that we will run plots."

Kinaed nods at Moonmoon.

Kinaed says, "I've received a tell requesting that people who are in private RP, please make an effort to move out of it and attend public events when players announce them."

Kinaed says, "It seems someone has run a spur of the moment, open invitation event or two, but no one attended, so they felt sad and disinclined to do so again."

Kinaed states, "That said, running spur of the moment events is a pretty good idea to drum up some fast RP."

Kinaed queries, "I'd just send a messenger to the Poet Laudate, "hey, mind if I auction you off for a date or something" and see if the auction gets any traction by sending out messengers when he (of course!) agrees. Because who wouldn't agree to that?"

Kuzco nods.

Cheeky states, "His wife would probably object."

Moonmoon queries, "Auction for a date? huh?"

Cheeky states, "If she didn't at least get a cut of the profits."

Kirill claims, "I'm beginning to get a sense for the kind of troublemaker Chloe von Dmitreva must have been."

Kirill chuckles.

Kuzco grins at Cheeky: "You know her."

Moonmoon wonders, "Wait was chloe von dmitreva an actual player?"

Kinaed states, "Just as an example of how one can get RP by making an effort to, themselves, be interesting. That said - yes, you're right. It's harder as a new player. It just is. You don't have the contacts, and maybe the context even, to put yourself out there so easily."

Tasker says, "Piggybacks from Knights"

Kinaed says to Moonmoon, "Yes, she was."

Moonmoon claims, "Oh, wow"

Kinaed claims to Kirill, "If you want, I can take you through a couple of the things she did that aren't as widely known"

Kinaed claims to Moonmoon, "She was my alt a long time ago"

Starstarfish looks back and forth.

Kirill says, "I don't know if my innocent mind could handle it."

Moonmoon says, "Hearing what your great grandmother got up to in college is a harrowing experience"

Cheeky claims, "For the spur of the moment RP event makers: thanks! Don't give up, and try not to take it personally if you get low attendance."

Kirill exclaims, "Agreed!"

Kirill claims, "Sometimes timing just doesn't work out."

Kinaed claims, "I've had an anonymous response to the 'please drop private RP to attend events' - someone believes this may be an event they attended where it took the person nearly 15 minutes to respond to emotes, and they seemed half hearted, so they didn't feel encouraged to remain. So, if you're running an event, please also be present."

Kinaed wonders, "Everyone knows that slow emoting reduces RPxp, right?"

Kinaed claims, "The algorithm likes a respond within five minutes."

Moonmoon claims, "I've been slow in emotes sometimes while frantically checking helpfiles and having to scroll back up to see what someone said, i apologize"

Kinaed claims, "Er, response."

Kuzco says, "I try to have a nicer rhythm to my events, not too much to be in the spotlight, but trying to rope people in."

Kinaed states, "It's fine! But you will earn more RPxp if you emote within 5 minutes of the last person emoting in the room. Everyone will."

Kirill says, "You can also recommend people for running public events, even if you can't attend, to show appreciation for the effort."

Kinaed nods at Kuzco.

Kinaed nods at Kirill.

Kinaed claims, "Wow, we went over time."

Kinaed pontificates, "I was wondering if we had to close early, and I glance at the clock... oops! Sorry!"

Kinaed declaims, "Thanks for your time this week, everyone! :)"

Kirill waves.

Kinaed states, "I hope you have a great week. Please consider voting for us or writing a review on Reddit or TMC to help guide more players to play with you :)"

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Otherwise, see you next week - same time, same place :)"

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