Log of OOC Meeting - 04/21/18

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2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:15 pm

Kinaed queries, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Valyn raises his hand.

Empena says, "I have something I'd like to bring up for the Physicians as a collective."

Steven says, "I just wanna see Vlora charge it like Don Quixote and a Windmill"

Kinaed states to Valyn, "I've added you to the list. Please pre-type your topic so you're ready to go when it's time."

Valyn nods.

Kinaed claims to Empena, "Got you."

Kinaed muses, "Anyone else? :)"

Theodora states, "I'd like to make an announcement at the end, but it's just a reminder about the ST, not a super long thing."

Kinaed nods at Theodora.

Kinaed claims to Theodora, "Adding you to the list."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, if not - let's kick off Staff Updates. Last week, I processed the Request Queue a few times, and that's pretty much it. No policy, you've all been stars."

Kinaed states, "On my plate - Jail Automation."

Norrig feels like a star.

Steven states, "I feel the itch for a policy case now"

Kinaed says, "That's it for me. Azarial, you're up :)"

Azarial states, "I've been poking bugs, and trying to track some down. apparantly the car has decided that now that tax season is done, it needs attention--so like any 3yo, it broke something."

Kinaed comforts Azarial.

Azarial states, "Still trying to get things wrangled and tested to make some headway"

Kinaed claims, "It's worth noting that, according to the Changes Board, you can no longer safe attack with real weapons. Nothing else looks major."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed claims to Temi, "Okay, Temi, you're up. :)"

Temi states, "Okay! Working on ramping up stuff for the plot accompanying the princess' wedding. In that regard, I had Alfred around Thursday night for people to talk with him in person, and I'll have him back again for probably the rest of today after the meeting."

Temi states, "That's for people who want to supply stuff or services for the wedding."

Temi states, "And I've also looked at a little revamp of the asset market display and pricings and posted that up on the board for staff to discuss and approve."

Temi states, "And that's about where I'm at."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims, "I do want to take a moment and thank the players who are getting involved in supplying goods and services to the wedding :)"

Norrig claps politely.

Temi nods in agreement.

Kinaed claims, "Niamh appears to be AFK, but I think she's been working with Temi on plot stuff too."

Temi claims, "Hopefully it's fun for you, but it also makes the process of putting on a wedding less work for me, so I can focus more on the drama."

Kinaed grins.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed queries, "I guess that's it for Staff Updates today, so next is Player Heartbeat. :) How has RP been in the last week, folks?"

Valyn shrugs. "Ehh.."

Noah states, "This has been my busiest week in terms of RP hour-wise"

Vlora claims, "I have like, so many Pages now. It's great having a populated Knighthood again! Hopefully my ducklings stick around and become Knights one day. "

Norrig states, "I have had a fantastic week."

Norrig says, "I love being a GL."

Kinaed says, "I hope it's been a good thing. I've noticed our numbers are down of late, so hopefully that's just the season and we'll see an uptick soon."

Justin has left the game.

Valyn claims, "I'm on and active when there's two names on WHO. I haven't seen anyone besides the two same faces I can only rely on enter my rooms on WHERERP.."

Kinaed queries to Norrig, "Glad to hear it. As I recall, you're on board with our opening Poet Knight apps, right?"

Kinaed comforts Valyn.

Kinaed muses, "Anyone else have anything they'd like to share before we kick off Player Topics?"

Theodora claims, "I've had a number of lovely scenes that were all over the place. I'd like to say thanks to everyone willing to play along and watch Bard stuff."

Vlora hisses at Farra

Kinaed states to Farra, "We're at Player Heartbeat and people telling us how their RP went last week."

Temi gives a Vandagan shepherd dog carrying a sharp stick in its mouth to Farra.

Farra stuffs a potato in Vlora's mouth.

Valyn states, "Bears beat dogs."

Kinaed suddenly wants potatos.

Vlora chokes

Valyn brandishes his an angry-looking grizzly bear, dressed in a bright red robe

Noah hugs Farra, with spikes covering his body

Farra declares, "Heresy!"

Temi attempts to look innocent.

Kinaed queries, "Where?"

Norrig declaims to Kinaed, "Yes! Loking for a PK!"

Kinaed nods at Norrig.

Farra laughs.

Kinaed states, "We'll get to that :)"

Kinaed whispers to Farra, eyes flickering nervously left and right, "Everywhere. It's everywhere."

Farra nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, if that's it for Player Heartbeat, let's kick off Player Topics with Valyn's topic. Valyn, won't you introduce us?"

Valyn states, "I want to raise some concern regarding the current state of the combat trainers, and the combat-scene in general if I can even be so free as to call it that. Now, ever since I joined TI a good few months ago, not a single soul with experience has ever recommended using them. This has left me at a point where I stuck to the very same skills I left chargen with for as long as... one week ago. Figured that was a thing people told because 1) The trainers give shitty POOL/XP. 2) They want to promote finding sparring partners. 3) TEACH is the best option to do so. 4) You'd ruin your pouch in trying to even get a single level in.

Now not until recently was I made aware that, in fact, these three trainers the Park Street area offers ARE very helpful in pooling your stuff up. That is, if you've the amazing stats to apparently stand toe-to-toe with them long enough. After having lost more than 600 silver, I haven't been able to up a weapon skill that wasn't past 30 more than five levels. The basic trainer almost does NOTHING besides critically hit me, which sometimes starts right from the get-go with only two turns of pause (Him using DEFEND) in between. Whether I made him change weapons, or wore leather/chainmail, I haven't been able to EVER stand in the room and get a skill past 'A little' on POOL, sometimes needing two fights to even hit that point."

Valyn claims, "To hear how others need but spend 50 silver to cap themselves up, while I've wasted hundreds of silvers into barely even hitting that point.. It's just disgusting. This WOULD however help explain how I haven't once seen people really walk into me at the Park Street. And yes, I know there's a very small group of people I could messenger to talk to, I know these PCs and can often quite guaranteedly pin-point them down on WHERE as being busy. So yes.. With that in mind, I totally get why nobody ever shows up, instead having far easier a time getting their share of combat XP from those trainers."

Steven says, "I've seen folks at Park Street Training rather often, myself."

Steven questions, "Not to be a jerk, but it feels like we hear you regularly make a complaint about nobody walking in on you for RP but you seem to get RP fairly regularly. Is there another issue here?"

Kinaed questions, "I'm not sure I understood the pointy part of what you're trying to get across in all of that. Are you saying that you dislike the trainers?"

Valyn says, "The few times I've seen gatherings there, any spars could only commence after my clock's been past 3 am. And no worries, none taken, but the RP I net aside: The trainers seem to currently only be a... treat to those with the stats to reap in sick rewards. In a MUD with players who've been at it for quite a while, to see how ineffective this one last resort -- which it is for me -- is for someone like me, with the experiences others more blessed in the stat department.. It just makes me frown."

Farra states, "The trainers are meant to be expensive. You might try disengaging and eating some rations throughout the training sesh, to keep from being knocked out so quickly, but that of course costs the silver for foodstuffs."

Steven wonders, "Are you using the basic trainer?"

Temi claims, "Okay, just got a call from the vet that they have the pup's meds ready and they are only open for 40 more minutes so... I'll read the minutes when I get back."

Temi has gone AFK.

Steven claims, "Because I can't say I've ever had an issue with them at starting levels. You could also go out and try hunting small animals like rabbits and such."

Farra squeezes Temi.

Vlora states, "I believe they kick you out if you disengage "

Farra declaims, "Ah, well nm to that then!"

Valyn says, "Yes, he still crits me constantly and, well.. I daresay the difference in me spending 250 plus silver on a basic trainer for a single MTCBG whereas others can just drop fifty to seventy-five can pool up three things.. It's concerning for me."

Kinaed claims, "Also, everyone starts the game with the same stat curve, so it's not like some people are truly much luckier than others. Those who have improved stats have done so over time and with equal opportunity and the same expense as yourself. I'm sure there are some strategies people can share, such as wearing armor and the aforementioned food suggestion though."

Empena says, "Well or asking someone who might like to cook for something to eat, not that I know one of those people."

Steven muses, "Is your str/dex/con really low?"

Valyn says, "Just earlier today, the basic trainer critted me for about ten time sin a row. And I used armour, and no, those three stats are all past the average."

Valyn says, "Armour didn't seem to give me any more rounds versus them."

Steven wonders, "Do you have your combat defense set to a decent one, and going in with fairly regened movement?"

Kinaed asks, "Is that the same experience for others?"

Farra says, "Dumb question, maybe, but are you certain you're dealing with the basic trainer? The first time I went to use them, I accidentally paid the wrong person and got creamed."

Steven claims, "Being low on MV actually hurts combat for you. As does using the wrong defense."

Valyn states, "I get why it is meant to be a slow curve, but that purpsoe is defeated when other aspiring combatants can gain thrice what I get for about thrice as low a price."

Kinaed nods at Steven.

Valyn claims, "Ye, I paid the basic one on ehundred percent sure of that."

Norrig claims, "They crit me a lot but the damage isn't that high. Super skills, lowish stats."

Safir says, "I haven't been to one in ages but will try and use some of them this week to get my low skills up. "

Empena states, "I have a different concern about trainers/training."

Kinaed says to Safir, "Thanks for checking it out."

Safir states, "That said, not all combat folks want to spar in Park Street for IC reasons, though I do tend to go there if I see it on, and there are in-game alternatives to the trainers."

Steven claims, "I know the Reeves regulalry refer new cadets to Savage Training."

Steven claims, "*regularly"

Kinaed muses to Empena, "What is your related concern?"

Valyn states, "The combat trainer of Savage hasn't been around for me."

Steven says, "If only to spawn RP"

Safir says, "I am the combat trainer of Savage."

Valyn queries, "You.. train weapons now?"

Norrig gasps at Safir!

Empena states, "It was my topic anyways."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Empena.

Safir states, "I always have. Not all of them, but some."

Steven states to Safir, "You can train me any day."

Norrig states to Steven, "She trains ME not YOU"

Kinaed claims to Empena, "Okay, let's wait until your topic."

Valyn trails off, "I thought you only do two..."

Safir claims, "Look, boys, I can whip all of you."

Norrig grins.

Kinaed shyly raises a hand, "Me too please?"

Steven claims, "Oh my."

Vlora projectile vomits

Kinaed snickers.

Steven states to Safir, "She even asked nicely."

Valyn trails off, "But well, I've said my thing. I dislike and am concerned to see how easily newer chars can advance at ridiculous speeds. Sure, they've invested time in the game on other chars, but it seems imbalanced regardless. It really doesn't seem to welcome in combatants without good stats to boost..."

Safir states to Kinaed, "For QP, sure thing."

Kinaed pouts, "I'm all out of QP."

Steven says, "New characters rarely raise skills ridiculously fast, Valyn."

Valyn trails off, "Guess I'll have to re-ask you ICly a few more times about your actual services. I just thought you did defenses plus like... how to punch or something"

Steven says, "Even if you max out your pool, it takes a while to tick down."

Steven states, "Especially if your Int and Wis are low"

Norrig says to Valyn, "She's the best."

Steven asks of Valyn, "Did you sacrifice either of those stats?"

Valyn says, "... But they can cap three skills for what, seventy-five silver. I can't gain five levels on six-hundred plus silver. That seems like it needs some tweaking."

Valyn states, "I've below-average Wis and Int."

Valyn states, "If I assume average to be fifty."

Kinaed claims to Safir, "Thanks for checking out the trainer. If you'd let me know what you find, and maybe share it with Valyn after, that'd be appreciated."

Valyn says, "Above*"

Farra states, "When I was new, I made a character with the default XP for starting and got a few combat skills up to about 50% without much issue using the trainers. This was 3 years ago now, and things might have changed, but."

Safir states, "You can talk to me IC about it. To be fair, every time you've come in, I think the scene has gone sideways and not into a lesson, or you haven't been able to show up. "

Kinaed says, "Okay, let's find out what Empena's topic is then. :) Empena, you're up! Please introduce us."

Steven states, "50 is actually rather low"

Empena states, "I know that it was agreed upon an idea of the being able to "infect" yourself. But in general, I'd like to put forth the idea about "safe" attacks and recently a whipping and other such things where a lack of coded injuries sort of take away from Physician types getting RP about it. I'm not sure that I want to strongly suggest a policy change, but as a reminder or thought - if you are doing RP where you getting the snot beat out of you. Please consider using inflict and help us all out. And thus related to the thoughts on trainers/training and grinding versus leading to more RP."

Valyn states, "Mmhm. I got pulled away twice by real life, the other two times were a success. Like I said, totally didn't know y ou offered a single combat skill besides punching."

Farra nods in agreement with Steven.

Vlora claims, "Never thought about inflicting while training! That's a good idea though."

Farra nods in agreement.

Valyn nods.

Valyn claims, "Helps with some of the PVents, too"

Kinaed states, "You can use inflict on other people if they're restrained, directly, and probably should as a matter of course when whipping someone."

Safir states, "I'll start doing dice rolls and inflicting my gym clientele. "

Farra claims, "Roll dex checks in combat; on a fail, inflict yourself a bit, and even if healed up code-wise consider going to a Physician for the RP of being fixed up."

Valyn is all about dem dice rolls.

Kinaed claims, "I suspect if it's not happening, it's because people just don't know about the command and how to use it rather than actively attempting to avoid leaving wounds."

Empena states, "Oh no, totally, that's why I was bringing it up."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Empena.

Farra states, "It's my third favorite command, inflict."

Empena states, "Also, maybe I'll ponder where it could go as a suggestion in some helpfiles."

Kinaed nods at Empena.

Farra claims, "Behind MURDER and PREPARE FOR MURDER."

Kinaed states, "Happy to get some typos or if you approach a staff member to discuss."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, that's all I've got for player topics. I have Theodora down for an update or something? Theodora, want to tell us what you're advertising?"

Theodora declaims, "As a reminder the ST for the ballet is next Saturday after meeting time, I'll pin down a time today and make a general announcement, but we'd be happy to see you there!"

Kinaed smiles.

Norrig says, "It's looking G-R-E-A-T folks."

Kinaed muses, "Well, that wraps up all of the content we have for today. Everyone want to sit around and socialize, or get back to your RP?"

Farra exclaims, "I'll chime in a quick something to people!"

Kinaed claims to Farra, "Please do. Structured meeting is over, time for free for all."

say I have something I just thought to add too.

Empena claims, "I have something I just thought to add too."

Kinaed nods at Empena.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed says, "On a totally unrelated note, anyone following my Dragon Age fanfiction, I updated again last night: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10575 ... s/33221334"

Norrig states, "It's wickedly sexy writing."

Kinaed states to Norrig, "Why, thank you."

Norrig fans himself.

Kinaed needs to add a Savage trainer with a whip to it to achieve true heights of artistry though.

Norrig says, "I have something."

Farra declares, "For any newer players who might be present (or reading this after the fact), don't shy away from making a Clergy! There's honestly TOO MUCH HERESY going around for me and Sibylle, my one active Inquisitor, to always handle, and being a Priest or Inquisitor can open you up to a lot of types of RP you won't get here any other way. You don't need any crazy coded skills to do it; in fact, Clergy are perhaps the only guilded role in the game that you don't need to feel the need to pump a lot of XP into skills for!"

Kinaed queries to Norrig, "Sure :) Let's do Farra, Empena, then you?"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed says to Farra, "Thanks :)"

Kinaed queries to Empena, "What about your addition?"

Empena states, "I'd like to introduce the thought that some lower metrics like low Lawfulness or low Infastructure load some NPCs with sad injuries from "Bad Stuff" - as there's injuries besides Corpserot, also as Diagnose doesn't pool like Treat does. So ... NPCs with Corpserot doesn't help pool, alas. "
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Norrig claims, "I don't follow."

Norrig states, "Oh, said injuries."

Kinaed claims, "Oh, she's looking for us to add more NPCs on low metrics with other things physicians can treat."

Farra pontificates, "I need to bounce out! *waves*"

Kinaed states, "I think."

Empena nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims to Empena, "I'll add it to staff talking points for consideration. :)"

Norrig says, "So they can pool medicine. Smart."

Kinaed nods at Norrig.

Kinaed questions to Norrig, "Did you want to add something?"

Norrig claims, "I would like to propose an additional field for message prepare. Something that describes the type of messenger approaching. I have sometimes held up inquisitorial messengers or given undue haste to 'public event undergoing' messengers."

Empena claims, "I'd still love if you could purchase a messager profile like a mail profile"

Kinaed says, "Not sure I follow what you mean... for the alert message that a messenger is approaching? People can already override the type of approach."

Norrig asks, "How?"

Kinaed says, "Hmm, I might have to test it, maybe I'm wrong about where that appears. I'm thinking the room message can be used to describe who's approaching, but I guess you only see that on accept."

Azarial says, "Room message is what it prints when it gives the message"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial states, "Not when j. random messenger walks up"

Norrig claims, "Exactly."

Norrig claims, "Room is when you type m. receive"

Kinaed claims, "It does allow a player to describe who, but it doesn't give any special indication from whom the message came."

Norrig states, "Nah I mean to override 'A messenger patiently awaits the signal to approach Norrig'."

Kinaed claims, "At least, not until after receipt - but in a way, I'd think that'd be fair enough."

Azarial states, "Hence the confusion when the message arrives as to how important it is."

Kinaed claims, "Either you're accessible or you're not."

Empena states, "Sure, but like, I can tell when I open the door if it's the mailman or the cops."

Norrig states, "I'd love something to show me that an Inquisition or Royal Emissary waits for me to end up my spar "

Norrig states, "Or jacuzzi scene with the troubs."

Noah says, "Or you're in a scene with 3-4 people and you all spam the same messenger showing up :S"

Norrig declares, "Yeah!"

Kinaed nods thoughtfully, "Let me add this to staff talking points."

Kinaed wonders, "Anyone else have anything to add or that they want to discuss? Anyone willing or interested to write a review for TI on Reddit or TMC?"

say Have crafts been changed that they can use more than three items now?

Empena wonders, "Have crafts been changed that they can use more than three items now?"

Norrig claims to Empena, "It's a nice change"

Kinaed states to Empena, "I have no idea."

Safir states, "I have a thing, I think. "

Norrig states, "That it combines all your ingredients available"

Kinaed says to Safir, "Cool. :) Go ahead and raise it at will."

Safir says, "I haven't been paying attention, so maybe it's been brought up, Emps and I were talking about it earlier."

Norrig looks at Safir.

Safir says, "It'd be nice if there were some other uses for vanilla rather than just fancy oils. Like in cooking."

Kinaed nods at Safir.

Norrig says, "Yeah."

Norrig says, "Like... vanilla muffins."

Safir states, "Several of the rare spices don't have a heck of a lot of uses. An easy fix might just be adding them as a secondary option instead of fine spices in some of the gourmet dishes."

Norrig nods.

Kinaed nods at Safir.

Kinaed says, "I'll make a note and discuss with Temi and Niamh as they own the crafts."

Valyn states, "Carry them around in a sniff-box, impress all your friends with your rare spices."

Safir states, "Cinnamon, too. "

Empena claims, "I'd think a "Baking Spices" recipe that makes Fine Spices"

Valyn queries to Norrig, "Wanna sniff my vanilla muffin?"

say that can use cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, anise etc

Empena claims, "That can use cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, anise etc"

Valyn strokes his sniff-box.

Azarial claims, "Snuff, actually"

Kinaed claims, "Notes taken :)"

Valyn googles.

Kinaed queries, "We have fifteen minutes left. Everyone want to head back to the grid? Socialize OOCly? Other things?"

Vlora eats a pile of powdery gray ashes

Valyn blinks at Vlora.

Noah claims, "I think OOC chats break Vlora."

Safir states, "Mage ashes would make good fine spices, too."

Justin pops in

Empena claims, "Nice"

Vlora states, "This isn't chocolate milk mix"

Azarial states, "It would last longer as snuff"

Norrig nods.

Vlora states, "Mistakes were made"

say mmm, mmm, mmm
Valyn nods at Azarial.

Empena says, "Mmm, mmm, mmm"

Noah says, "I am ready to return to happy RP land :)"

Valyn exclaims, "Arr Pee!"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states, "Okay, let's wrap up a tad early today. I have a lot on with the kids."

Kinaed says, "Have a lovely day, folks! Catch you next week, same bat time, same bat place."

Posts: 428
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:22 pm

Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:05 am

Safir states, "Several of the rare spices don't have a heck of a lot of uses. An easy fix might just be adding them as a secondary option instead of fine spices in some of the gourmet dishes."

Code: Select all

Name : (749) Fine Spices
Known recipe
Skill: Cooking
Ranks required: 30
Steps taken   : 1
Energy spent  : 2 (2 total)
  1x a long, dried vanilla bean.
   OR  1x a sprig of fresh thyme.
   OR  1x a sprig of fresh rosemary.
   OR  1x some ground ginger.
  1x a pinch of bright yellow saffron pollen.
   OR  1x a small amount of ground nutmeg.
   OR  1x a small amount of ground cinnamon.
   OR  1x an amount of dried anise seeds.
  1x a pinch of fine spices.

2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:03 pm

This gives me so much happiness!

Could the chili powder from the Farin Quarter be added as well? :D

Posts: 180
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:53 am

Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:20 pm

Suggestion was more that in gourmet dishes you could use fine spices OR vanilla/cinnamon/whatever super rare spice. So a gourmet dish could be gourmet cake:
1x Fine spices
1x vanilla bean

If the idea is to incorporate rare spices into 'fine spices' then I'd like to see the easy to grow/find spices like rosemary and thyme (grow quick, don't need hothouse, etc.) removed as options. Maybe the chili powder and clove instead or something.

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Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:37 am

Rarer spices as an alternative to the fine spices ingredient would've been nice, but it's a matter of just changing one recipe rather than dozens for a similar end effect.

I don't think there's any problem with leaving rosemary and thyme in. They're still fancier than common herbs. The rarer ingredients like cinnamon can just go into the @taste at the end.

Though it'd be neat if it using them added something similar to the prestigious flag to the spices, which carried over to the end dish. It could show up on appraise that it includes whatever extra fancy spice.

2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sun Apr 29, 2018 6:37 pm

Could I humbly put forth the idea that lavender, bay laurel (mentioned in help spices), parsley (mentioned in help spices), chocolate (mentioned in help spices) be considered as well?

Arrowroot, Pepper, and Mint are also mentioned in help spices but arguably are lower cost and also have limited uses as edibles, atm.

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