Log of OOC Meeting - 3/24/18

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2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:44 pm

Kinaed wonders, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Valyn claims, "Soo fast.."

Deaidry states, "Yes, I do."

Prisca muses, "I've got one. Did we get a scribe yet?"

Valyn points at Empena

Kinaed claims, "Yes, Empena. I do think maybe Empena should not use a trigger. :)"

Farra gets City Lore Updates.

Prisca nods.

Kinaed muses, "Anyone else have a topic for today?"

Kinaed claims, "I have Farra down only."

Deaidry says, "I do."

Prisca claims, "I do."

Ivar says, "Id like to bring up the topic of axes and displaying their sheathed state."

Niamh claims to Ivar, "Fix is on the bugs board, approved and everything."

say I have a topic, as well as one that I can imagine will come up anyways.

Empena claims, "I have a topic, as well as one that I can imagine will come up anyways."
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Niamh pats Ivar.

Ivar claims, "YAY"

Kinaed states, "Okay, I now have Farra, Deaidry, Prisca, and Ivar"

Valyn asks of Ivar, "Mmh?"

Kinaed states, "And Empena"

Ivar wonders, "WHEN IS IT GOING IN?"

Kinaed queries, "Anyone else?"

Valyn shakes his head.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, let's get this party started. Staff Updates, I'll kick off."

Kinaed states, "Last week, I handled policy. :( Not a fun one. A few minor things, not worth mentioning, like the Request Queue late at night. There is a spec here for those who haven't seen it for the update of the lore skill."

Kinaed points at the lore spec on the floor for everyone to have a gander.

Valyn gets City Lore Updates.

Prisca queries, "The banning case? How'd that end up happening?"

Valyn ganders with his hands only.

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "On my plate - Jail Automatic messaging and probably roles"

Kinaed queries to Prisca, "I'm not sure what you're asking - you want to know the story?"

Prisca states, "Just in general, and how it might be prevented in the future. It made quite a mess"

Vlora says, "A mess twice in a row... now that the new bid race is inexplicably canceled. "

Ivar states, "Well, cant really punish Justin by taking his Seneschal win away from him when a ban appeared to have been done in error."

Valyn agrees with Ivar.

Farra questions, "Yeah; I know the RP might be weird about it, but could we possibly get an IC explanation for it? Perhaps suggesting that, in fact, Justin's dad DIDNT die and it was an elaborate ruse by some jealous neighbors who had wanted to draw him away for an ambush? That way the RP that happened in the days between the ban and the lifting of the ban aren't in this weird space?"

Deaidry states, "Yeah, kind of with Vlora here. Since there was a mess, when he was banned, but then like the bid was cancelled, and it's like a rince and repeat sort of situation."

Laliene nods at Farra.

Ivar claims, "I think thats something that should be handled between staff and Justin so he can decide what happened with his character, or if he just wants it retconned."

Kinaed claims, "Two players came forward to say Justin was manipulating IC OOCly. These players historically were not close, so collusion definitely wasn't an issue. Both provided logs. One of the player's logs turned out to be altered, which we caught when we were provided alternate logs. We asked the player who provided the logs about the discrepencies, and they did not answer. I think their mental health isn't very good, so they bowed out."

Empena claims, "Bowed out? Are they getting banned? Because the last person who was noted as lying to staff and altering logs was banned. That seems a fairly serious thing."

Kinaed claims, "To avoid it - well, if you provide logs to staff, please don't edit them. If a staff member asks you about discrepancies, please answer the question clearly."

Valyn states, "Yuck.. That sounds bannable, aye. I've had to deal with folks trying to black-rep me with altered logs.."

Farra states, "Retconning -- what, 4 days? worth of Mud RP seems kind of shitty to everyone else. Obviously if there's no way to handle it otherwise then do what's best for Justin if he wasn't complicit in anything, but it seems like finding IC solution is the best of all worlds."

Valyn queries to Farra, "This game's been here for years. I doubt you've not solely been doing Seneschal-related things those four days, and.. how wouldn't that be retconnable?"

Safir claims, "It's only inconvenient to those involved in the bids and its only been four days. "

Kinaed states, "It is bannable, yes. We have not concluded the discussion on whether the player in question will be banned, but it is a possibility. I am personally sorry for the impact that had on everyone."

Valyn muses, "Just 'forget' you've, say, seen a new Seneschal candidate put her name forwards, or mentioned how a former candidate now has a new chance t o someone?"

Kinaed nods at Safir.

Safir claims, "Yes, just forget it. "

Valyn nods.

Farra questions, "Sure, but it seems like there's solutions. It's not like we can go back and say Justin's been hard at work over those days. For example, Farra sent out a letter trying to direct city metrics a certain way. Has she now not done that?"

Ivar says, "I dont see how that has anything to do with Justin. All you need to do is just loop him in now."

Safir claims, "Why can't you go back and say he's been working over those days? If she wouldn't have done that given the current state of things, get the metric change or letter retconned, if she would have or it wouldn't matter, don't."

Zarryka wonders to Farra, "Would justin being unable to be contacted affect your city metric?"

Ivar states, "I find it kind of selfish that we should make him cater to something he didnt deserve happening."

Prisca claims, "I think Farra's idea has merit, but we can let Staff and Justin discuss it so we can get on with the meeting."

Safir nods in agreement with Ivar.

Valyn claims to Ivar, "Hear."

Farra nods at Prisca.

Ivar questions, "So uh... what kind of other staffly updates we got? >_>"

Prisca says to Kinaed, "Thanks for the explanation."

Farra nods in agreement.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, let's move on. However, from myself - my deepest apologies for this and the impact it's had on everyone."

Valyn claims to Kinaed, "Can't be helped, when folk tamper with logs for their own benefit."

Laliene states, "I assume he was still reprimanded for the other person's issues though. "

Kinaed claims to Valyn, "To be clear, by 'tamper' we mean omission (as in removing parts of a log that were pertinent and maybe not supportive of their cause) as opposed to rewriting a log."

Laliene nods at Kinaed.

Valyn nods understandingly.

Empena claims, "Either way, how is anyone going to feel comfortable potentially RPing with a player who will alter logs to try and get someone banned? That's a level of vindictive that's just way beyond."

Kinaed says, "Once, Tamara on Old TI got really pissed off at me inexplicably, and I didn't know why. Turned out that something I'd said in sarcasm to another player was snipped out of context and sent to her. That's the kind of thing."

Kinaed says to Empena, "We don't know that the player in question thought that they were getting Justin banned."

Kinaed states, "We chose the punishment for the crime we perceived."

Kinaed claims, "I do think we should move on, however, out of respect."

Valyn nods.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, Azarial, time for your update."

Azarial states, "Everything I do is on the server, so when the connection goes down I'm twiddling my thumbs wondering why there are no balls of light forming. I have washed a lot of dishes, floors, etc. -_-;"

Niamh comforts Azarial.

Farra claims, "Oof"

Ivar pets Az.

Kinaed questions, "I thought the DDOS stuff has ceased? Are we still having troubles?"

Niamh says, "The last death throes were yesterdayish."

Prisca asks, "Oh, is the OOC meeting item lag-related?"

Valyn claims, "I haven't experienced any issues yesterday, but did the day before that."

Azarial claims, "It seems to hvae mostly eased,"

Kinaed nods at Niamh.

Kinaed nods at Prisca.
Temi nods at Prisca.

Ivar nods at Prisca.

Valyn states, "... That said, I can't open the website."

Prisca stabs a puff of fog-gray wool, dangled from a fragile ribbon band.

Kinaed says, "Oh dear, thanks for letting us know."

Niamh trails off, "I like how the second I said it ended yesterday there was a lag bubble..."

Farra exclaims to Niamh, "WITCH!"

Valyn claims to Kinaed, "As in 'now'. I could an hour or so ago."

Farra claims to Niamh, "Omg lag bubble."

Niamh states to Farra, ">:("

Kinaed states, "Okay, the only thing I see here on the changes board worth noting is that we've added the bonus for emoting within 5 minutes of the last emote in the room."

Ivar states, "Oh ffs another lag bubble"

Kinaed states to Temi, "I think that means you're up. :)"

Temi states, "Okay! Yeah.. a rough week for getting anything done."

Temi states, "I have made some progress on that going through magecrafting stuff, and will continue on that this week."

Ivar says, "Could I get a port out. Seems I cant stay much longer."

Ivar has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi says, "Also, I've nailed down the date for a big event coming up in May. More info to come before the date, but I'll be working on that too."

Prisca muses, "I've noticed a channge to jewelcrafting, when was that done?"

Temi says, "And that about does me."

Niamh claims, "2 months or so ago."

Niamh asks, "My turn?"

Kinaed states, "Niamh, you're up :)"

Prisca nods.

Niamh states, "This week I updated all the Leatherworking, Woodworking, and Blacksmithing recipes with notes - provided what they're for, how they're used, if they have any special functions/what they are, and where it seemed like what you guys were after it, some basic examples/guidelines on what scaling recipes should or shouldn't represent (decorated vs. not decorated, etc). I filled out a couple more exchange mobs at the peddler's market (keep typo boarding it when you find an old mat you can't craft with anymore, or even a whole bunch of the same type of thing where one or a couple are craftable but the rest aren't - I'll add an exchange for one of the ones you -can- craft with). Kept the boards clear as best I could between wretched lag."

Farra claims, "So, Niamh didn't do anything obvs >:("

Farra now goes to read all the stuff Niamh did.

Valyn declares, "Cooool!"

Farra cheers for Naimh.
Niamh states to Kinaed, "Done."

Niamh eyeballs Farra warily.

Kinaed wonders, "Is that everyone for staff udpates?"

Kinaed says, "Everything, even :)"

Niamh nodnods.

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, let's move on to Player Heartbeat - how was RP this last week, folks?"

Farra states, "Updates."

Valyn steps out of the lag-bubble

Farra nods solemnly.

Deaidry states, "Eh, it ebbs and flows."

say Well, now I'm sort of not sure how to say it was. It was ... eh, I had a few nice scenes.

Zarryka barely rp'd this week between some burnout and the attacks.

Empena claims, "Well, now I'm sort of not sure how to say it was. It was ... eh, I had a few nice scenes. "

Kinaed asks, "I'm not sure if everyone is taken by lag or not. Let's kick off Player Topics though,, in the interests of time. Farra, would you introduce us to your topic please?"

Farra states, "I can't stress how much it'll be impactful if we simply retcon any RP that happened involving Justin's temporary absence -- not even things against him, as I don't think my character has said anything about the sudden absence -- but it was a lynchpin for other meaningful RP that kind of falls apart if we all pretend like people weren't bidding or going around talking about this."

Valyn states, "Ebbs and flows, aye. Good scenes though. Babyparty was dope, too. Guild got some fresh blood, hopefully bringing some change, too."

Roslyn claims, "Good RP, but laggy."

Farra states, "So RP was either really great .. Or kinda sorta totally meaningless."

Kinaed says, "I forgot to ask - please pre-write your topics if you haven't already."

Farra wonders, "I really REALLY like the new City Lore stuff immensely, I think it's definitely a big step forwards for the skill. However, I did have three specific concerns/suggestions. I'll take them in pieces and hopefully we can get through them quick as I don't think any of them are all that complicated.

1) Is that I don't know that I think it's good to lock who the guildleaders of guilds are behind 1 rank in the skill; it makes it feel like that single rank is "necessary" to access information that should probably be easily knowledgeable. While this might not seem like a big problem for experienced players, new players can find things like this SUPER frustrating (like needing 1 rank in mercantilism to see an outfit sold in a PC shop, for instance). Why not make the rank 1-6 suggestion exist for ranks 0-6 instead?"

Kinaed claims, "When you seek, the game tells you flat out who to contact, and people still have access to guildlist, so I don't think item #1 is a major issue."

Azarial claims, "And the guildleader command"

Valyn nods.

Safir gets City Lore Updates.

Kinaed claims to Azarial, "The lore spec changes the guildleader command."

Niamh nods.

get lore
Empena gets City Lore Updates.

Niamh states to Azarial, "Hiss, booo."

Prisca claims, "I kind of felt the same, it should probably be from 0 rather than 1."

Azarial states, "I dont; have a copy; it;s not approved yet."

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

Farra states, "Could we perhaps set a rule where GL's need to include their full character name and title in their player helps, then? I feel like players should have access to stuff like that."

Prisca asks, "Will using the guildleader command pool, by the way?"

Niamh states, "It's on guildlist."

Kinaed says to Azarial, "You can get a preview if you like :)"

Farra states, "Ah, right; that's accessible for others."

Farra nods.

Farra states, "Say 2) Just a smaller flavor-of-life thing: if players who have a CHAMPION rank are going to be displayed to master-level lorists, would it be possible to include what skill family they are champion in? For example, if I were champion at axe, you might see:

Farra Combat.

This to just help direct interested people more towards what should be people of reknown skill, for lessons, tips, challenges, etcetc. Simply showing that the person IS a champion at SOMETHING doesn't really do a whole lot. And, obviously, sneaky skills shouldn't be included in this lore info, I wouldn't think (except maybe to Brotherhood members)."

Niamh claims, "It's not the fancy one GLs see, but it's got the name and such."

Kinaed claims, "It's in guildlist."

Azarial claims, "That messes up my todo list, alas. things ruminate in the back of my head. having unapproved things makes a hash"

Kinaed states, "The skill they are a champion in is not listed."

Valyn states to Farra, "Good point on the sneaky stuff."

Niamh says, "I think she means it would be cool to list a category. So say if somebody is champion of axe, it won't tell you that, but it might say "A Champion of Combat.""

Farra nods in agreement with Niamh.

Kinaed says, "I'd be concerned that we'd have champions of magic showign though"

Marisa states, "I do have characters that it would be suspicious if it were known they were a champion of anything at all."

Kinaed states, "We're avoiding that at the moment."

Prisca nods at Marisa.

Farra states, "I think seeing a random nobody on that list would be suspicious already."

Farra states, "'Oh, an guilding person who is just a simple farmer is a champion at something? INQUSITION TIME.'"

Farra says, "An unguilded**"

Margaux wonders, "Could it be semi familiarity based?"

Vlora is idle.

Kinaed says, "Might have to scrap that then, but I do want to put something up there for the highest ranks"

Azarial claims, "Champion forage, and off to the pyure they go."

Farra grins at Azarial.

Safir states, "Could be a champion at husbandry."

Niamh rofls.

Marisa says, "Champions of category, excluding magic and covert altogether would make sense."

Valyn says to Safir, "Clearly they use a spell to talk to animals and threaten them into slavery."

Farra states, "I don't think champion of sneaky skills or magic should display on the list NO MATTER HOW it goes."

Niamh asks of Kinaed, "Maybe people can opt-out by default?"

Kinaed says, "Though I daresay I'm disappointed that people would 'be suspicious' since to me it's all mining OOC info, and that should have no affect on IC suspicion. "

Farra queries, "The city lore command wouldn't give IC info? I thought champion is a very much IC thing?"

Niamh waves to Justin.

Temi gives a puff of fog-gray wool, dangled from a fragile ribbon band to Justin.

Farra exclaims, "In any case! That point's mentioned, idea on the table, we can move on!"

Farra muses, "3) I noticed there was no expansion on the support/subvert system in the spec, which seems precisely like the sort of thing City Lore would enable. Were these purposeful ommissions, or potential to be added if appropriately addressed?"

Justin waves.

Kinaed asks, "To narrow those metrics down to magery? Instead of the millions of things it could otherwise be? Yeah, that's the good old 'we ignore IC realities based on known OOC limitations'"

Safir drops City Lore Updates.

Prisca states, "Anyway, again, would be preferable if it's from 0 for 'guildleader'. It's the best way to view the active guilds currently."

Kinaed states, "Potential to be added. I just didn't think of it. That saying, we used to have the ability to investigate support, but it was problematic, so I may have skipped over the idea because of the pain of previous implementation"

Farra nods at Kinaed.

Farra pontificates, "I'll go to the forums with more elaborate commentary for points 2 and 3, since I think there's more discussion to be had but I think there's quite a queue for topics this meeting!"

Kinaed nods at Farra.

Kinaed states, "Probably a good idea. This spec is in feedback stage, so these ideas and things are great to discuss now prior to it going to Az officially for implementation."

Kinaed says, "Thank you for bringing them up and to our attention."

Kinaed muses to Deaidry, "Would you introduce us to your Topic? :)"

Deaidry states, "Yes, I have two of them. I put them all in one wall of text. here goes."

Deaidry states, "Okay so I have two things. the first is an easy one. What was the logic behind the peddler's market/ Okay so when I used to play a bit over a year ago, you could buy an apple for example, from the bountiful table, and use that to cook. Now, you have to take it to the peddler's market. it seems like an extra step. I don't mind the extra step, I'm honestly indifferent, but what was the logic behind that? Number two, assets. Okay so I know this is going to press a lot of hot buttons, I appologize in advanced. So essentially right now, what I've realized as a new player is, you get stuck behind a twenty twenty cycle. In that, you need silver to buy assets, but you need to buy assets to get any silver. Yes, you can do things obviously icly to make some silver, but it's just hard. So what new players essentially have to do is, create their char, play for a bit, and before their cyan runs out, go back to char gen, and hopefully buy another asset. So since there is a cap for how many assets a person can have, along with a total amount of levels, why not make it, so that you can buy assets with xp? Especially since now, you can't purchase wealth, which is understandable, since that defeats the whole purpose of the assets. That's just my peace for today, have at it."

Azarial says, "I am working on a crafting mod that remove the need for a specific apple to cook with."

Justin begins to count their money.

Temi claims, "I think the idea is that the apple you would buy would work, but apples you have previously bought might not"

Niamh says, "You couldn't buy it from the Bountiful Table and cook with it a year ago. That's actually the problem it addressed. There's a ton of items you can't do anything with, now you can switch them out for ones you can."

Valyn states, "I don't think you're allowed to spend RPXP earned, only the actual RPXP you're given fresh as a newbie."

Niamh keeps reading.

Valyn queries, ".. Or is that only for skills?"

Kinaed claims, "Crafting recipes use vnums as inputs. Some apples work, some don't. If you have a 'don't work' apple, the peddler's market was to fix it."

Kinaed nods at Valyn.

Deaidry asks, "Ah I see, so it was a bug fix essentially?"

Azarial claims, "Yeah, working on removing that inadvertant limitation to the code."

Deaidry claims, "I see, okay that makes sense."

Farra claims, "I am generally not in favor of buying assets with XP out of chargen, as that somewhat defeats the point of the assets change. While I do think the asset system could use some expansion, I don't think doing it in that fashion would be the solution."

Kinaed states, "Valyn is correct - the purpose of the cyan period is not to go back and purchase skills and assets or anythinng else you couldn't afford - there's actually a sticky post about that on the General Board."

Deaidry claims, "Right, but see, if you have it with silver, you end up doing a twenty twenty cycle."

Deaidry claims, "Where you need silver to buy assets, but you need assets to get silver."

Farra claims, "Trust me, I know :) I've said quite a few words about assets in OOC meetings ;)"

say Also what was the decision on old assets cycling out? Otherwise, what's the bonus to buying an existing one versus making a new one?

Empena wonders, "Also what was the decision on old assets cycling out? Otherwise, what's the bonus to buying an existing one versus making a new one?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Azarial muses, "So more of a catch-22?"

Valyn states to Empena, "Very good question."

Deaidry says, "Yes, that's the word, i say twenty twenty cycle, but that's not the word."

Temi claims, "We've still got asset market discussions on the staff discussion list"

Temi states, "It needs work"

Valyn claims, "It look pointless to buy them on the market."

Deaidry says, "It is a catch 22."

Kinaed says, "The first asset is free. It's what everyone enjoys as a base. The next assets follow how things grow - investment. So businessness need to invest money into expanding, for example. This is a realistic economic behavior, and it's fine to never expand. It depends on whether one's goal is to make money or just have a source of income."

Kinaed claims, "Things are scrolling by too quickly for me to read, by the way, so apologies if I've missed something pertinent someone has said."

Deaidry claims, "Yes, but if you play a crafty char, it's ridiculously hard to do, on that one asset alone."

Prisca claims to Deaidry, "Catch 22 is the title of the book that features those no-win types of situations. Haven't read it though."

Valyn states to Deaidry, "That's where you could then opt to use your chargen-XP to buy more assets from the start."

Kinaed says, "Sell your crafts, get cash quicker than people just saving up, and expand that way. It's not meant to be easy."

Farra states, "@Deaidry Making friends with rich crafters who can help sponsor your learning might be the wiser course of action, which is generally reflective of reality."

Valyn states, "Perhaps be less versed in skills, but learn that in game."

Deaidry nods at Kinaed.

Justin claims, "I will mention that there are other ways to earn silver from other players. Which I've noticed happening more since the assets change. "

Zarryka says to Deaidry, "I can safely say that is incorrect."

The ribbon band dangling a puff of fog-gray wool crumbles, releasing the gather on the wool. As it too falls away, the shine of a gold coin is revealed within.

Farra states, "Hot damn."

Deaidry claims, "Uh... my wool thing just did something freaky friday odd."

Valyn states, "Oh dear.."

Zarryka says, "I've only had the free asset since day one, and have been rping out when I'm broke and whatnot."

Farra pontificates, "Gold for all!"

Justin says, "That's awesome"

Valyn tucks that gold coin into his man-cleavage.

Deaidry begins to count their money.

Prisca puts a gold coin in a practical, leather belt hung with a functional coin purse.

Safir puts a gold coin in a tasset kilt of black and sienna cloth, layered over armor.

Justin says to Temi, "Super cool"

Temi grins at Justin.

Deaidry puts a gold coin in a large black leather satchel.

Temi says, "The fog cleared up."

Farra works on writing up the official Church statement about anyone not donating a gold coin in the next IC month being an apostate.

Kinaed smiles.

Valyn rofls

Deaidry states, "Anyways, I was saying, before freaky Friday things occured, I'm not asking for a solution here. I just wanted to bring it to your attention. that it is really hard to be a new player, to be a crafting one, and be stuck in a catch 22 cycle."

Zarryka states to Farra, "I did, offscreeen."

Deaidry states, "I get that nothing may change in the end, but I wanted to just say my peace."

Niamh nods at Deaidry.

Farra pontificates to Zarryka, "Donations cannot be handled off screen ;) as per `chelp donation`w!"

Kinaed nods at Deaidry.

Niamh states to Farra, "WRONG COLORCODES OWNED."

Farra claims, "Also I have been fucking up my color codes so much this past week why I haven't played the ` MUD in like 2 years."

Valyn states to Deaidry, "Well, even with two tier one assets from the start, you're barely covered your general costs of.. ya know.. RPing at 90% of the places where there's thing to buy/drink/do/pay for."

Farra says to Niamh, "GO SIT ON A TORB TURRET NIAMH"

Niamh beams.

Zarryka claims to Farra, "The guy I gave the money to said he was part of the church"

Valyn begins to count their money.

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, Prisca - would you mind introducing us to your topic?"

Farra exclaims to Zarryka, "Ignorance is no excuse, citizen! *balefires*"

Prisca states, "This one's on the forums already, but thought it could use attention/discussion here. To copy/paste:
As a physician, I've noticed there's been quite a lack of treatment opportunities of late."

Prisca claims, "Oop one sec"

Prisca says, "Likewise, I've noticed over the years that many characters will spar with their normal weapons, rather than buy practice weapons from woodworkers or the NPC shop.

To encourage both, I'd like to put forward the suggestion that safe attack could give a chance of injury when used with a real weapon."

Justin claims, "Go out and hit more people"

Valyn states to Prisca, "... I gave yesterday my best lol"

Temi claims, "I kinda like it."

Valyn claims to Prisca, "I can't help it my amazing body heals so fast."

Kinaed queries, "Or maybe you just can't safe attack with a real weapon?"

Valyn strokes his bodeh

Niamh snickers at Valyn.

Niamh nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed states, "Or boh."

Deaidry claims, "I like Kin's idea better. that you can't safe attack with a real weapon. It makes more sense."

Niamh trails off, "That does seem pretty reasonable. I'm not sure how you stab somebody with a steel dagger safely..."

Justin states, "I like both"

Prisca claims, "One more try, pasting all at once"

Prisca states, "This one's on the forums already, but thought it could use attention/discussion here. To copy/paste:
As a physician, I've noticed there's been quite a lack of treatment opportunities of late.

Niamh stabs Farra with a steel dagger safely.

Valyn claims to Niamh, "You hold it the other way around and pommel-poke."


Niamh grins at Valyn.

Prisca asks, "Agh what am I doing wrong?"

Azarial states, "Not deleting EOL characters"

Deaidry claims, "It doesn't like you."

Kinaed states to Zarryka, "I think that works with poison apples more so than flails, yes."
Niamh queries to Prisca, "Linebreaks or semi-colons, maybe?"

Vlora pontificates, "Pasting, apparently!"

Justin muses, "Could you do chance of injury based on skill? "

Safir claims, "I think the idea was that the higher your skill in a weapon, less likely you'd be to cause injury with a real weapon and safe attacking, but the ability to still safe attack with the weapon would open up some chances of injury so those players would be giving the physicians someone to treat."
Prisca declaims to Azarial, "Oh. right. sorry one more time!"

Prisca says, "'This one's on the forums already, but thought it could use attention/discussion here. To copy/paste:
As a physician, I've noticed there's been quite a lack of treatment opportunities of late.
Likewise, I've noticed over the years that many characters will spar with their normal weapons, rather than buy practice weapons from woodworkers or the NPC shop.

To encourage both, I'd like to put forward the suggestion that safe attack could give a chance of injury when used with a real weapon.
The chance could start out high, and decrease with the skill level in that weapon- that is to say, someone inept at using a sword would have a high chance of hurting someone with it, while a grandmaster has the control to (almost?) never injure.

Another thought I just had this morning, perhaps using a real weapon under this system could offer a bonus to pool, as a sort of reward for the risk, and thus help with point 1."

Farra says, "Safe attack with real weapons unlocked at mastery levels of that weapon."

Kinaed says, "Okay, I think we have direction on that one."

Valyn stabs towards Niamh's face, missing by an inch. Then, he thwaps the blade aside that missing inch, swatting the Staffer on the cheek lightly. "Safe attack!"

Valyn says to Farra, "I.. like that idea."

Justin smiles at Safir.

Niamh pontificates to Valyn, "BAD!"

Justin states, "What she said"

Niamh takes out her newspaper and swats.

Valyn horribly fails his constitution check! [Em137]
Azarial gets a small box of weapons from pico, a text editor.

Valyn dies

Azarial gets an obtanium sword of death suitable for all ages from a small box of weapons.

Niamh states, "Hah."

Vlora says, "I do like that idea, but it may just cause people to just use emotes instead. Cus, sparring to pool up is already a pretty big waste of time."

Niamh says, "10/10 stat check timing."

Kinaed says, "Someone clean Valyn off the floor, and let's move on ti ... Ivar has left... Empena? You're up. :)"

Empena says, "Outside of the policy concerns the latest two Seneschal bids brought up two things - you can currently start a Seneschal bid as a cyan player and even as one without a help player file. Personally, I feel like given that purchase silver is no longer equally accessible on grid outside of chargen and that elections can indeed to some degree be "bought" with silver via buying IP and passing it around I feel like you should need to purchase established and have a help player file before you put in a bid."

Farra queries, "You cannot buy IP anymore, I don't think?"

Justin says, "You can"

say you absolutely can, improve IP.

Empena says, "You absolutely can, improve IP."

Niamh claims, "You can. 200 silver for 1 IP."

Justin states, "(I did)"

Farra claims, "I LIED."

Zarryka wouldn't mind an obtanium sword of death.

Temi claims, "I think ideally, someone would not be buying their entire campaign themself."

Farra claims, "I feel like you should have to have 50 RP hours to have a Seneschal bid, to be honest."

Safir asks, "I thought it was weird you could do that w/o having a player helpful at the least, you need that for seeking guilds, no? "

Safir states, "Helpfile"

Farra says, "That's a limit which exists in other parts of the game, and I think it'd be appropriate there."

Justin says, "Silver alone can't possibly buy you an election"

Margaux says, "Needing a helpfile seems like common sense."
Prisca nods in agreement.

Justin states, "To put things in context, I spent a total of 95 IP"
Farra claims to Safir, "You need a helpfile to be GUILDED."

Temi states, "But rather getting other people involved. I don't think it should have differing requirements from any other GL. But the helpfile is definitely required before becoming seneschal"

Valyn nods.

Deaidry questions, "Okay I'm with Empena on this one. maybe you can be cyan, but you still need to have a help file. I mean you need it even to enter a guild, why not for higher positions?"

Laliene nods at Margaux.
Farra claims to Safir, "But do not need one to begin the seeking process."

Empena claims, "Well, the helpfile thing happened, common sense or otherwise, it currently isn't a code restriction at least like being Guilded is."

Zarryka claims, "When you can get a free phome, then you should be able to be the Royal's right hand. I agree that it was really odd that someone with no helpfile was able to put in for a bid."

Niamh asks, "I'm fairly sure helpinfo is required of 500 characters or more by the GL code?"

Niamh muses, "Seneschal's a GL, so they'd have to have one to have it set, yeah?"

say Maybe to take the position, not to put their name in.

Empena states, "Maybe to take the position, not to put their name in."

Niamh trails off, "Oh... for the bidding..."

Niamh nods at Empena.

Valyn nods at Niamh.

Farra pats Niamh on the head.

Empena claims, "Which means people can't know what they are agreeing to, in theory."

Prisca nods.

Niamh states, "I like that much."

Temi says, "It would make sense if that were an additional check. I think we just missed it."

Niamh says, "Lag why though"

Zarryka states, "I kind of feel like bidding gives time to dig up dirt. We had one potential that was around since Dav was alive, one that may be a Slaver, and one that.........could have changed their helpfile at the last minute if they won."

Kinaed states, "Okay, we can probably pretty easily add the 'guild leader' checks that are on promoting someone to a leader to the Seneschal nominate command."

Temi states, "The cyan-state is different"

Niamh states, "LAG PLEASE"

Justin asks, "Am I the only one getting lag?"

Margaux states, "I've got no real issue with cyans bidding."
Farra claims to Justin, "YES"

Valyn shakes his head at Justin

Deaidry says, "No, the evil lag has returned."

Vlora exclaims, "I blame Deaidry!"
Farra states to Justin, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT"

Justin blames Niamh.

Laliene laughs.

Deaidry exclaims, "I didn't do it!!!"

Prisca muses, "Does this mean when get another OOC chat item?"

Farra swears at Vlora.

Safir claims, "Lag."

Vlora claims, "No bulli"

Prisca states, "Mine broke."
Farra states to Vlora, "WE NEED TO BE ON THE SAME PAGE BUB."

Deaidry continuously pokes Vlora.

Empena says, "Also, going with the idea of more Physician type stuff. I'd like to propose the idea of an "infect" ability like the "inflict" ability where you can for the purposes of RP give yourself some of the lower level diseases like Colic or whatever Drunkard's Cure is meant to deal with."

"Finger pointing gets us nowhere.." Valyn goes, all Randy Marsh-like, an index finger suddenly aimed at Farra. "..FARRA!" [Valyn]

Kinaed says, "Not only do I not have an issue with cyans bidding or running, I think it's important in terms of population to support the system"

Temi finishes abruptly, "If nothing else happens all week, due to more lag, we can pass them out next weeks - or turkey sandwiches"

Farra nods.

Valyn says, "YES"

Kinaed nods at Empena.

Farra exclaims, "I'm in the clear minority related to that, s'fine!"

Niamh states, "OoOoOoOoo"

Kinaed claims, "I like that idea"

Prisca likes it too.

Niamh loves.

Empena says, "I actually don't know what Drunkard's Cure cures of it's just an RP item as I've noted Alcohol currently doesn't have a tolerance. "

Valyn claims, "Inflict sounds coolio."

Safir asks of Empena, "Can Charalin and Hillman infect people with cooties?"

Safir wants to have a super power.

Kinaed claims, "I think we've gone through the entire list, barring Ivar who had to go."

Prisca nods at Safir.

Niamh says to Safir, "They already do. >:("

Kinaed muses, "Farra, you wanted to do a last minute plug?"

Temi claims, "I think that one might be just an rp prop"

Safir says to Niamh, "I want to code-wise tho"

Niamh grins.

Farra pontificates, "xR REMEMBER!

Troubadour performance scheduled for shortly after the OOC meeting. Messengers will be sent out and we don't expect the performance to last all evening. Please consider coming by an supporting your local --> ME!! <-- but also the Hollow Globe I guess and Rana who has done all the work for this!"

Safir claims to Niamh, "And then make them come to me for treatment."

say White Itch, Charalin pass out fleas

Empena claims, "White Itch, Charalin pass out fleas"

Prisca claims to Safir, "Infect white itch"

Niamh claims to Safir, "Playing the long game. I like it."

Vlora states, "Mate I'm DOING ALL THE WORK"

Kinaed says, "Thank you, everyone who is putting together an event."

emote high-fives Prisca.

Empena high-fives Prisca.

Farra states, "Vlora did literally 1% of the work."

Valyn says, "I always support me. You're good, Farra."

Azarial trails off, "'infect pox' 'breed farra' 'breed justin' 'breed... 'drink cure_for_pox'"

Safir states to Niamh, "Bleed 'em for all they are worth."

Farra says, ":|"

Vlora says, "Like, that's your opinion."


Valyn asks, "I heard there was a catfight after?"

Niamh exclaims, "It sounds like it's going to be a pretty amazing event!"

The dreams of Justin suddenly come true, the attention of Azarial. [Justin]

Kinaed states, "Okay, it's time to let everyone get back to their regularly scheduled RP."

Kinaed claims, "Thanks again for attending. :)"

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