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Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:00 pm

In subject of: Natives of Eastgale speak out in support of their Lady
Date : Fri May 5 01:14:24 2017
Expires : Wed Jan 29 00:14:24 2020
To : all
A Consequential Influence Event

Natives of Eastgale speak out in support of their Lady.

The small but close-knit community of Eastgalians in Lithmore City have
recently gathered together to speak up in favour of their Lady's bid for

A merchant trading in finished goods from Vavard speaks first, "Eastgale was
a mess after those White Flame Cultists ravaged us, stealing our crops and
money, conscripting our youths and meting out terror. They even burned our
poor old Lady and her whole family alive. I was dubious at first, when Lady
Margaux came in- but I can't argue with what she's done for the land since
taking over. The harbour's been dredged for more port room, the bridge gates
widened and the whole tariff collection system streamlined to make sure the
right numbers are collected and without delaying the river trade too much at
all. Helps to keep out the smugglers too.

"Security," the spokesman of a group of grain farmers states in town to sell
their wares at market speaks next, "Security is what she's given us. I can
see the gallows hill from my farm, where the murderers and bandits get
hung... Seeing them swingin' in the wind lets me know I can bend my head
down and get on with working to the Station the Lord set me. Her soldiers
are always out patrolling, keeping us safe and seeing to their station- and
m'Lady? Ain't never met her meself, but there is no doubtin' she's seeing to
her station too by allowin' us all to see to ours."

"Aye, people feel safe again," agrees an older woman that regularly operates
a pilgrim guide group out of the city of Beornsmouth. "I remember back when
the Flame was running about... I was escortin' a group of Tubori penetants,
just regular folks mostly, down the River Road and the Flame soldiers
ambushed us. They dragged those Tubori off, Lord knows where... I never
heard from them again. But these last few years, the pilgrims have been
returning from near and far to walk the Bren and visit the holy sites."

An older gentleman that has worked in the kingdom's bureacracy for years is
the next to speak, "I knew the lady back when she was Seneschal of Lithmore
the first time, under the last Regent, ab Jinosa. She stood out even then,
driven to get things done and pushed through the bureacracy of the Court-
bringing in the engineers and getting people to work improving the city
roads. Then when that famine hit Lithmore, she got people organised hunting
& gathering, the grain stores fixed and the food ships coming in from the
Duchies. She has a good leadership quality about her, delegating just the
right amount so that she keeps an eye on things to address any issues, but
generally trusting the experts doing the work to get on with it."

Along with the Eastgalians, several prominent and influential Lithmorrans are
also said to be in favor of the Lady's bid, adding their support to her

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:00 pm

In subject of: The Poet Laudate speaks up
Date : Fri May 5 20:10:01 2017
Expires : Wed Jan 29 19:10:01 2020
To : all
A Trivial Influence Event

With the bidding for the next sensechal going on, there are plenty of words
going back and forth about the two who are seeking to get the position. The
Poet Laudate, Veilus Op Tethno, was heard talking about it at the Hollow

"I've talked to and worked with M'lady ab Aguarossa in the past. She's a
wonderful person and someone I would gladly support. I know she's capable
and willing to take action. Something that I respect in any leader and
strive to show for myself. I've certainly heard chatter about the Lord
Knight. I have a deep respect for all Knights and doubly so for the Lord
Knight. I also believe that he should continue on his path he has taken.
Afterall, the Oath to the Order is important, is it not?"

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:01 pm

In subject of: Gentryman Found Dead
Date : Mon May 8 23:01:48 2017
Expires : Sat Feb 1 22:01:57 2020
To : all
On Augustus the 8th in the Sun Cycle 373, the body of Alexander ab Courtland
was dragged out of the River Bren after the glint of his necklace was spotted
in the summer sunlight by a Brenlands fisherman and his son. Though law
enforcement was called to the scene, it was clear from the lack of external
injury that Mister ab Courtland fell in and drowned, wisely presumed by most
to have been too intoxicated to save himself.

Mister ab Courtland is survived by his father, Carrick ab Courtland -- who
formally disowned Alexander many years ago -- and several sisters, the
youngest of which is Lady Emma ab Kovar, nee Courtland.

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:01 pm

In subject of: Three Officials stand in support of Aguarossa
Date : Wed May 10 04:22:49 2017
Expires : Mon Feb 3 03:22:49 2020
To : all
A Modest Influence Event

The Lady Justiciar Rimilde von Rievirkrintz stood outside of Town Hall in the
early morning of Septembris 26 along with Proconsul Jakob ab Weaver and
former Seneschal, Magistrate Hunapo le Marama. The three welcomed crowds
that gathered for a brief but passionate speech given on the upcoming
Seneschal race.

"The role of the Seneschal is vital to the prosperity of the Capital. In a
city as diverse as ours, with a variety of guilds, we need a Seneschal that
can balance different interests and bring people together. Lithmore is at
its best when it works together, if one aspect is too strong it can be at the
cost of another. As the Justiciar for a great many turns, I have seen the
city face both strife and uncertainty but together, we pulled through.
Through many of these challenges, I personally worked with Lady Margaux ab
Aguarossa in resolving the complex issues that the city faced. She is a
leader that knows when to take charge yet also works to promote others and
inspire strength in both leadership and the citizenry. The ability to build
a team, to delegate, is hard to undervalue.

The Justiciar continued, "I stand with my colleagues in agreement that Lady
ab Aguarossa is the best and the only choice for this office this term. Her
impressive resume aside, she has provided clear examples of how she will
achieve success in her role and work with city council. She understands what
the role of Seneschal requires and has a plan on how she will carry out her
tenure, as such, we believe she will breathe much needed life into the city
council and maintain Lithmore as the pride of the Queen and Dav, a city above
all others.

Finishing off the speech, the Lady Justiciar continued to speak with a
strong, confident tone, "I have worked with a variety of leaders over my
career. The most successful, are the ones who focus on the city before their
own interests. I have seen the approach that Lady Margaux ab Aguarossa has
taken in her previous leadership roles, her attitude is one of building
bridges and taking action. We are confident that she will serve the office
of Seneschal well, if elected."

Once the speech was over, the Lady Justiciar returned to Cityguard carrying a
stack of parchment in her arms, while Magistrate le Marama entertained the
crowd with a rendition of a victory march on his bagpipes and Proconsul Jakob
ab Weaver wandered off with his ferret.

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Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:10 pm

In subject of: The Merchants Change Leadership
Date : Fri May 12 07:54:32 2017
Expires : Wed Feb 5 06:54:39 2020
To : all
Another month, another change in leadership within the Guild of Merchants, it
would seem.

In the wake of yet another Grand Magnate performing a disappearing act
alarmingly soon after accepting such a promotion, another has been raised to
fill the void: Caterina dul Decapua.

Looking rather pale in the chill of the Octobris morning, the young woman
from Vavard stood within the elegant courtyard before the Merchants'
Guildhall to deliver a soft-spoken speech to the small crowd - mostly
composed of other merchants - who had gathered there. "Good morning,
Lithmore. As it is rather cold today, I will do my best to be brief."

"For too long now has the Guild of Merchants been a ship adrift. For too
long have the concerns of its members gone unanswered. For too long have the
needs of the city gone unaccounted for." Pointing toward the entrance hall to
the guild with one hand, the young woman then said, "You have called for 'no
more empty promises'. And you shall have none from me. You have called for
'no more absent leaders'." With a lift of her chin, the Vavardi girl declared
with a hint of challenge in her otherwise soft voice, "And I am going

"It is with both great honor and great pleasure that I accept this office
today. The faith the guild - and the city - has shown in me thus far fills
my heart with lightness and hope. With the help of all of you-" She gestured
to the other merchants in the crowd. "-It is my desire to raise our guild up
to its former glory, to breathe new life into its halls, and to give it a
proper direction once more. And with the help of our fellow citizens -
across all guilds within this great capital - it is my desire to bring
further joy, beauty, economic security, and charity to Lithmore City."

With a dip of her head, the young woman finished with, "We have much to do,"
before she stood by, taking questions until the crowd finally dispersed.
Only then did she slip back within the depths of the guild hall, returning to

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her work.

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Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:11 pm

In subject of: Order Restored in Western Dastur
Date : Wed May 17 19:00:26 2017
Expires : Mon Feb 10 18:00:37 2020
To : all
During the second week of Octobris, the Marquis of Dastur was seen entering
the gates of Hazelwood, accompanied by members of his traveling retinue.
With his return comes news from the March, spread by travelers and traders
who had requested safe passage within the nobleman's well-guarded caravan:

The Hillmen, they say, have resumed peaceful trade with Lithmorran Merchants.
Although the details are unclear, it is said that Lithmore's own Proconsul,
as well as a hired Hillman guard, were both instrumental in the negotiations
and helped to ensure the future prosperity of the March, all without shedding
a drop of native blood.

Also during the month of Septembris, Heath ab Andrews, a disgruntled former
Chamberlain, was found guilty of desecrating the late Marquessa's tomb and,
by order of the Marquis, was sentenced to death for his offenses. Proconsul
Jakob ab Weaver served as an impartial reviewer for the case and supported
the local Reeves' conclusions regarding the evidence against Andrews.
Inquisitor Snyder Pimsley, who was present for the public execution, was
recorded as having said the following words to the crowd gathered outside
Castle Dastur's keep:

"People of Dastur, I do not wish to lambast you with threats of brimstone and
flame, nor coddle you with assurances that everything will be all right.
What I tell you is this: offenses against common decency and respect will be
repaid in kind. The only way Lithmore works is with everyone performing
their duty. Whether you are young or old, mighty or infirm, you are fully
expected to do your duty in reporting crimes like this to the proper
authorities. This crime, heinous though it was, has come to an agreeable
end. Join the Order and the Reeves in ensuring it is but the first of many!"

The unrepentant Andrews was then promptly hanged by the neck until dead, his
body returned to his disgraced family for burial. Those who were present for
the public execution seem hesitant to describe the exact nature of Andrews'
crimes, which evidently do not bear repeating among polite company.

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Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:12 pm

In subject of: Removal of the Poet Knight
Date : Thu May 18 14:01:00 2017
Expires : Tue Feb 11 13:01:06 2020
To : all
Word spread quickly after the announcement of Gildarts' warrenting as a mage.
The Troubadours were especially concerned about what happen and why was the
Poet Laudate, not responding to the issuing of that warrent. Once the Poet
Laudate returned to the capital, he immediately set about removing Gildart
from the Troubadours. He was heard saying the following.

"It is unfortunate this happen when I was not in the Capital to deal with it
immediately. I can only hope that Mister Gildart sees what the taint has
done to him. Harming friends, hurting others? This isn't something a good
Davite would do. While I am sad that I have to remove him from the position
and the Troubadours, I have stated it before and do so now. I'll be the
first to escort someone with Taint to the Order that they may be helped and
cleansed in the pyre."

The Troubadours are abuzz with the rumors about what will happen now. Once
again Veilus Op Tethno is left alone at the top. Already there is jockeying
in the ranks for who else may qualify for Poet Knight. There are also
questions about how they will find the mage, if they can.

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Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:12 pm

In subject of: The Magebane Festival Approaches!
Date : Thu May 18 22:27:09 2017
Expires : Tue Feb 11 21:27:18 2020
To : all

Code: Select all

       ,.   (   .        )        .      "
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    .; )  ' (( (" )     ;(,     ((  (  ;)  "  )"
 .. _"., ,._'_.,)_(..,.( . )_  _' )_') (. _..( '...,
With the Magebane Festival swiftly approaching, flyers
promoting the upcoming festivities begin appearing around
Lithmore City.
((o))                                                )
 \U/_________       _______         _____       ____/
   |                                               |
   |                                               |
   |                                               |
   |              Magebane Approaches!             |
   |                                               |
   |                                               |
   |      Festivities will commence on Octobris    |
   |      29th with the burning of a mage effigy   |
   |       at the River Square, led by the High    |
   |                  Inquisitor!                  |
   |                                               |
   |                                               |       
   |      Festivities will end on Novembris 2nd    |
   |      with a masked feast and informal ball    |
   |     to be held at the Merchant's Trade Hall,  |
   |      hosted by the Guild of Merchants and     |
   |               the Troubadours!                |
   |                                               |
   |                                               |
   |      Free masks and candles will be provided  |
   |      to the city throughout this time. Please |
   |         contact the Grand Magnate with any    |
   |                   questions!                  |
   |                                               |
   |____      _______      __    ____      ______  |
  /A\                                              \
 ((o))                                              )

(OOC: The pyre event will take place Monday, May 22nd at 6 pm EST! The masked feast/informal ball will take place Tuesday, May 23rd at 6 pm EST!)

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Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:12 pm

In subject of: A Public Warrant for Gildarts op Averey
Date : Thu May 18 22:27:50 2017
Expires : Tue Feb 11 21:27:59 2020
To : all
The Earl Marshall Merick ab Ironwall has put out a warrant on Poet Knight
Gildarts op Averey, a bearded Lithmorran male with well-groomed hair, who may
very well still be wearing bardic clothing and carrying a Troubadour sceptre
within his belongings.

The Earl Marshall made a short and direct speech to the public after
instructing the knights on how to handle the situation: "The charges leveled
on Gildarts op Averey are magery and resisting arrest by the Order, he should
be considered dangerous and certainly clever, don't listen to whatever he
might have to say. Do not attempt to apprehend this man alone, any relevant
information would be well received, please report whatever you may know, time
is of the essence, his soul must be saved, however, the general population
should not attempt to apprehend him at all, leave this work to the

With that the Earl Marshall went about his business and the knights have gone
to work seeking the former Poet Knight.

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Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:31 pm

In subject of: The Pyre of Mechislav Krysov
Date : Fri May 19 14:46:35 2017
Expires : Wed Feb 12 13:46:43 2020
To : all
On the windy early morning of Octobris 14 the thrum in the air was palpable
from River Square as the faithful gathered to witness a Magebane celebration
a bit early in its arrival. A single defined figure arrived - the Grand
Inquisitor Empena dul Cybinese clad in her defining red armour with a
prisoner bound and gagged and dragged along in chains. There are whispers
and rumours of various levels about the state of either party but a good
number keep to one detail - that the Grand Inquisitor had blood on her own

As the hush fell over the crowd, the ringing voice of the fervant young woman
called out to the Square, "On the eve of this Magebane as you prepare your
bonfires and warm your homes, give yourself succor and comfort, and give your
children this hope. One less shadow of darkness will haunt our steps this
year and ever after - Mechislav Krysov known also as Keaton Judson, former
Inquisitor, Dean of the University, the Enlightened, and other delightful
names of grandeur he deemed himself, purifies his soul this morning from the
black taint of Magery. Those who conspired with him, and harbored and helped
him in his reign of terror - mage or simply those who so willfully ignore the
Law of Consortion will be found, and they will also be purified by pyre or
penance. This I promise."

Before she lit the pyre, there are reports that the woman leaned over and
whispered something into the bound man's ear with an air of almost intimate
familiarity though what exactly was said will likely be the stuff of
speculation and hearsay for untold time. The flames were lit and alone in
the firelight the woman stood free her more usual known spot in the imposing
shadow of the High Inquisitor. Satisfied when the fire died down and there
was naught left but dry ash, she offered a prayer of cleansing over the area
and offered soft words over those that stood to the end. "Remember the Seven
and remember Dav," she was said to have said as she returned to her duties.

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