Log of OOC Meeting 11/25/2023

Talk about anything TI here! Also include suggestions for the game, website, and these forums.

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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:48 pm

Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:04 pm

Ghed declares, "Alright, I think we can begin!"

Ghed questions, "Before we begin, folks, here's a reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Everyone on TI does
the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources
available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Today's Agenda is:
- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you
register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon.

Finally, who wants to scribe for today?"

Edison states, "I'll give someone else a turn, unless there's no one else"

Ghed has transferred Eel. [OOC]

Dalton has lost link.

Eel slows to a halt.

Ghed muses, "Who'd like to scribe if not for Eddie?"

Ghed exclaims to Edison, "Seems it's your trick again!"

Ikeala claims, "I mean I can but, I likely need it less, so ... have at."

Ghed nods at Ikeala.

Ghed states to Ikeala, "You have kinda a lot of QP"

Edison takes off his screaming hat and puts on his scribin' hat

Eel gets a spotted, ceramic vase, shaped like a lanky giraffe.

Alkide pontificates, "I can do it! Unless Eddie needs it"

Ikeala razzle dazzles a bit.

Ghed has transferred Archibald. [OOC]

Ghed looks at Edison

Edison declares, "Go for it Alk!"

Ghed has transferred Brando. [OOC]

osay Aite!

Alkide says OOCly, "Aite!"

Ghed declaims, "Please grab from the room!"

Ghed nods at Alkide.

Edison puts his screaming hat back on.

Brando gets a spotted, ceramic vase, shaped like a lanky giraffe.
Ghed has awarded you 2 QPs: scribe

Ghed says, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

System Message: Logging has started. Log file is C:/Users/jacob/.config/mudlet/profiles/ti-legacy.

Ghed claims, "I did a bit of a more plot-centered week this time around, including raids of various
type, and conspiracies"

Ghed claims, "It's been tiring but good"

Ghed claims, "Almost no policy, and a few but not enough recommends"

Musketeer claims, "Remember not to overdo it though."

Archibald gets a spotted, ceramic vase, shaped like a lanky giraffe.

Ghed says, "I always overdo it"

Musketeer gets a spotted, ceramic vase, shaped like a lanky giraffe.

Ghed says, "With that said, I'm all alone here today. Temi has been doing campaign stuff, Leta has
been assisting with player requests, Eurus has been patching up stuff in the background"

Ghed questions, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for

Musketeer states, "Eventful, I think is the best way to sum it up."

Edison finishes abruptly, "Whoever keeps leaving snakes - we'll only hold onto them for so long
before we have to legally turn them over to the orphanage"

Ghed chuckles

Gunn says, "Edible tho"

say Quite a fun week for me. A lot of things IC came to fruition this week.

Alkide says, "Quite a fun week for me. A lot of things IC came to fruition this week."

Ikeala states, "Professionally speaking, I don't recommend eating the snakes."

Musketeer claims, "What I heard was, eat the snakes."

Ghed questions, "Looks like the knights had their hands full (they did!), but what about the rest?"

ThatBard states, "I was preparing todays Ball and writing on my book."

Ghed states, "Excellent"

Eel queries, "There's a ball today?"

Archibald states, "I spent half of my weekend without a proper charger because my previous one

Archibald sobs

Ghed exclaims, "General board, note 16!"

Ikeala states, "It's been a complicated sort of week, I suppose to best summarize."

Archibald declaims, "I can't believe mages are screwing with my electronics in order to stop me!"

Ghed nods at Ikeala.

Ghed questions, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and

PositronicJune states, "We're inside your walls, Archibald."

Ghed declares, "If there's nothing, that's good!"

Ghed states, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Ghed exclaims, "I don't think I have registered topics!"

say I have a quick one, if it's alright, Ghed! I forgot to pre-write, however.

Alkide claims, "I have a quick one, if it's alright, Ghed! I forgot to pre-write, however."

Ghed declares to Alkide, "Let's hear it!"

Alkide states, "In short -- I've noticed that, in the buildup to the Crusade, a lot of us seem to be
feeling the crunch OOCly, and I just want to remind everyone to take a breath and have fun. A lot of
people are working really, really, hard -- literal RL days spent on things -- and while we ALL try
to be kind ALL the time, let's be particularly kind over the next couple of weeks OOCly. There's
also several players who have been very open, OOC, about really hard stuff in their lives, so let's
keep that in mind as we move forward as well and try our best to make allowances. This is NOT
directed at anyone in particular."

Ghed states, "I echo the thought. Some folks are really busting their butts."

Alkide drops his PSA face. "That's all I got!"

Ghed states, "So let's do an effort to recognize when someone is putting up extra effort and cut
them a lil' slack"

Ghed nods at Alkide.

Ghed states to Alkide, "Thanks"

Ghed asks, "Did anyone have anything else they wish to share/mention?"

Ikeala states, "I have one curious question about the Crusade stuff, I admit."

Ghed queries to Ikeala, "Yep?"

Ikeala states, "I'm guessing at some points, the action will inevitably lead to folks going off
grid. As you can't both be walking around in town and RPing you are at the Front."

Musketeer has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC

Ghed claims, "Yep. Go on."

Ikeala muses, "What's that going to mean as far as things like activity, crossover, etc depending on
how split up folks end up being?"

Ghed claims, "It's going to mean what seems obvious: some activity from grid will be reduced unless
frontline pcs play alts in the city ==)"

Dalton is idle.

say I also recall that Temi has mentioned some players will probably be able to rotate to and from
the Front to keep people from being off-grid forever and ever, if they choose.

Alkide states, "I also recall that Temi has mentioned some players will probably be able to rotate
to and from the Front to keep people from being off-grid forever and ever, if they choose."

Ghed states, "Yep"

Ghed claims, "Some folks made alts just for the campaign's duration last time"

Ikeala claims, "Yes, but that was also specifically noted as allowed/encouraged last time."

Dalton is no longer idle.

Dalton has returned from AFK.

Ghed asks, "Any other queries?"

Dalton states, "I feel like I missed something. So I will continue to be dumb."

Ghed trails off, "If that's all..."

Ghed states, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for
meaningful RP =)"

ThatBard queries, "What do we do if the only people left on grid are crossover cases? Do we just log

Ghed says, "No, you can rp with them, just don't go start a wild romance/feud"

ThatBard says, "I wasn't gonna. XD"

Edison is idle.

ThatBard declares, "Everyone come to the spring Ball at town hall!"

Ghed exclaims, "Yes! That sounds like it's going to be so much fun!"

Edison is no longer idle.
Edison has returned from AFK.

ThatBard claims, "I will send town criers around if I remember how. XD"

PositronicJune questions, "It's sending a messenger to all, right?"

Ghed declares, "You folks have fun and enjoy yourselves, and remember that event organizers work
really hard!"

Ghed claims, "So have food and get engaged"

Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."

Alkide declares, "Yes! Remember to recommend Event Organizers and have fun!"

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Ghed trails off, "1..."

Edison has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
Dalton has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
Brando has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
Archibald has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
Eel has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
PositronicJune has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
ThatBard has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
Ikeala has been transferred out by Ghed. [OOC
Ghed has transferred Alkide.

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