Log of OOC Meeting 2023-06-24

Talk about anything TI here! Also include suggestions for the game, website, and these forums.

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:30 pm

Sat Jun 24, 2023 5:40 pm

Ghed muses, "Before we begin, folks, here's a reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Everyone on TI does
 the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources
 available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Today's Agenda is:
   - Staff Updates
   - Player Heartbeat
   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If
 you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon.

Finally, who wants to scribe for today?"

DrHimbopotamus states, "I can scribe."

Konaa trails off, "Somebody brought their horse to the OOC meeting...based"

Ghed nods at DrHimbopotamus.

Borya claims, "Neigh."

Ghed has awarded you 2 QPs: scribe

Ghed has transferred HIEROPHANT.  [OOC]

Temi gives a little toy apothecary working at a cauldron half his size to HIEROPHANT.

Ghed declares, "If you think of any topic let me know and pre-write it please!"

Ghed claims, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Ghed states, "I didn't do all that much beyond basic requests and recommends. I've been busy IRL
 and this was a quieter week if your name isn't Leta."

Particles of light coalesce to form Leta. [OOC]

Leta waves.

Ghed has transferred Brando.  [OOC]
Temi gives a little toy apothecary working at a cauldron half his size to Leta.

Temi gives a little toy apothecary working at a cauldron half his size to Brando.

Borya trails off, "she has been summoned..."

Ghed claims to Leta, "Speaking of rome"

Leta says, "HI"

Leta states, "I am alive. I exist."

Ghed claims, "I have some things planned to implement and develop but they are on the backburner
 for now"

Arthur waves at Leta 

Brando states, "Thanks for the port and the gift."

Ghed questions to Leta, "Do you wanna give your update or do you need a minute? =)"

Leta waves to Arthur.

Ghed states to Brando, "Happy to have you back"

Leta claims, "My update is pretty simple: I did plot stuff."

Brando says, "Cheers Ghed :) "

Temi states, "And by simple, she means non-stop plot stuff."

Temi grins.

Leta states, "Thank you everyone for being so patient with me as I scurry about causing trouble for
 your characters."

Ghed says, "Yeah she has been everywhere"

Ghed says to Leta, "Thanks for all the amazing efforts"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Thank YOU for making me cry so many times"

Borya states, "I randomly passed leta by in the streets"

Yinadele exclaims, "Thank you, Leta!!"

Konaa says, "Same, I just kept on walkin cause I know my place"

Borya says, "Yeah same i didn't want that smoke"

Arthur says, "Thank you Leta, I appreciate the plague you've given us, it has brought us all

Leta grins.

Ghed chuckles at Konaa 

Solus says, "Leta, I absolutely adore you. I hope you've liked the Physicians buzzing around like

Leta says, "Happy folks are having a good time."

Ghed says, "I'm glad to see people buzzing around"

Ghed questions to Temi, "And what about you, T?"

plague claims, "I saw Leta at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was
 to meet her in person, but I didnt want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or
 anything. She said, Oh, like youre doing now? I was taken aback, and all I could say was Huh? but
 she kept cutting me off and going huh? huh? huh? and closing her hand shut in front of my face."

Temi claims, "My name is not Leta, so also not as busy."

Leta grins at plague.

Temi states, "Just trying to help out with some requests and things like that, probably not as much
 as needed."

Temi states, "But I'll be gone starting next Saturday for several days, so if you need something
 from me, get it to me in the next week."

Temi nods at Ghed.

Borya claims to plague, "Yeah that exactly"

Konaa states to Temi, "Hope you enjoy yourself, even if it's for work"

Borya says to Temi, "we'll miss you"

Temi claims, "No work - we're going camping!  And I bought enough alcohol at costco today that it
 should be plenty of fun, no matter how it goes."

Temi grins.

Ghed claims, "Excellent"

Ghed says, "Happy for you =)"

Ghed questions to Ilena, "And what about you?"

Ilena states, "Hello! I did a few phousing things, reached out and am working on some things. I
 just hope everyone is having fun."

Ghed claims, "Thanks for keeping things moving"

Ghed states, "And picking my slack when I let the recommends accumulate"

Eurus has lost link.

Eurus has reconnected.

Ghed wonders to Eurus, "And what about you?"

Eurus says, "Just coding stuff. i dont quite remember what I did in the last week, but mostly small
 tweaks to autotooler and some other random stuff"

Ghed says, "You did lots of little fixes mate"

Ghed claims, "If your car starts more easily tomorrow, it was eurus"

Ghed claims, "If the leak in your kitchen stopped, it was eurus"

Ghed sagenods

Temi nods in agreement.

Leta grins.

Ghed questions, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for

Solus says, "Very busy! Very... very busy."

RamblingSeert states, "Words cannot describe."

Paprika exclaims, "Weird!"

Solus says, "I get a week back on my life every time somebody looks at me and goes 'give her a

DrHimbopotamus says, "Weird but in a really good way. "

Dreams states, "I have been all but gone. Apologies. And, unfortunately, circumstances will keep me
 splotchy for a good while, but hopefully it will all settle soonish."

Borya states, "Life has been a little stressful and i have finally began thinking "hm maybe I
 should rest and do some other things and not rp 24/7""

Arthur claims, "The week has been very fun for me, did a lot of RP this week and enjoyed every
 encounter, I think my legs may have been blown off at one point but I got better."

Borya states, "They got your toesies"

Kalana says, "Definitely have seen a lot of involvement from all sorts of plot stuff going on"

Leta asks of Borya, "Week-long nap once this is through?"

Brando says, "I logged on and paid my taxes and got and read all my letters ... that relaxed all my
 fears about my characters status. looking forward to getting some RP in very soon."

Solus claims, "You saw that Ahna got her feet maimed and went 'I can do better,' Arthur, it's okay."

Borya says to Leta, "For sure."

DrHimbopotamus states, "Lots of excitement waiting for tonight. :D"

Konaa says, "It's been a sleepy week for me, and not one for Fynn.  He finished a project, got up
 on the prestige boards, and even hit milestone 1"

Arthur states, "Our toes are surviving the plague."

Ghed states, "It's important to know that TI will always be there"

Ghed states, "With staff trapped in the machine, waiting for you -- forever"

Konaa says, "Oh god, they're all deus ex machina"

Brando says, "Cheers to all the mods and admin. you all rock."

Solus claims, "It'd be more like virgam ex machina."

Sue is idle.

Ghed states, "Lol ok"

Ghed queries, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and

Konaa states, "But yes.  I hear people who say they've been In It lately and I probably will wanna
 cut my hours back at least a touch once we're out of the Wasting.  Big ups to all of your hard
 work, staff, it's been my first Big Historical Moment in TI I've been here for"

maudimoo states, "Everything Happens So Much but thats not really a complaint"

DrHimbopotamus states, "I need a version of rummage that lets me search my horrible inventory"

Leta says, "TI's BIG HISTORICAL MOMENTS do tend to come with a bit of a 'wow we all need a few
 weeks of chill' at the end of them. On staff's end too"

Sue is no longer idle.
Sue has returned from AFK.

Borya claims, "I think the highlight of my day was talking to leta about how we are both scurrying
 like rats to get stuff done"

Konaa exclaims to Leta, "I bet!"

Leta grins at Borya.

Ghed states, "Alrighty, looks like it's goodness all over"

Ghed claims, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Ghed asks, "I don't think I have any registered topics?"

Ghed says, "(I did notice a drop in recommends this week btw)"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Oh god yeah gotta file my recs"

Solus says, "I have one singular thing I would like to sob about. It's not a big sob, I expect
 nothing from it, but it does hurt me quite greatly."

Arthur states, "Yeah I need to start doing more recommends, I've been lacking."

Ghed queries to Solus, "Yep?"

Konaa says to Ghed, "I am behind on them, it's true.  Thanks for the reminder"

Solus muses, "I'd love it if we could affix some kind of short desc to doors in some form? Closed
 ones? Or, like, labeling exits? If there are two closed doors at the east and the west, how am I
 supposed to know which one is the right office?"

Solus says, "Am I simply owned? I am always owned, of course, but it hurts."

Solus states, "Perhaps: I am stupid. Perhaps: I am smart. Either way, it'd be nice to like... have
 a method of being able to mark a door."

DrHimbopotamus states, "You're not alone. I have a problem with east/west and in my own phome I
 often go to the wrong room with the doors closed."

Borya trails off, "This is also really useful in case uh... say, you want to look south but
 something in the room has "south" as a keyword so you look at it instead"

Borya claims, "This one is real awkward"

DrHimbopotamus claims to Borya, "Look dir south, I learned that"

A male voice says, "Office labels and such are nominally handled in room descriptions, but it isn't
 always accurate.

You can get around that, borya, with 'look dir south'."

Ghed nods.

Borya states, "AH"

Ghed claims, "We implemented exactly that in the past"

DrHimbopotamus states, "Which, bless"

Ghed claims to Solus, "Not sure I follow you though"

DrHimbopotamus states to Solus, "I suppose you could put actual nameplate items in the room."

plague says, "They want fluff descs for exits."

maudimoo says, "People have been making literal items"

Solus says, "Blessings be to Plague. Borya, I DEMAND you get a plaque."

maudimoo claims, "And dropping them by exits"

Borya claims, "Say, you are in the Upper Madison Corridor. There is a door to the east and the door
 to the west. You have no idea which one is the epion's office and which one is the prime medicus'"

say God, I need to do that for my own house. Pathetic.

DrHimbopotamus states, "God, I need to do that for my own house. Pathetic."

Ikeala queries, "Perhaps folks could submit extra room descs for important offices like that?"

A male voice says, "When doors are shut, exits just shows a closed door, so if the room outside of
 a building - say, the street, or a road - doesn't have something indicative in its room
 description, you end up with mystery doors that you should -probably- be able to tell what it
 leads into. This applies to various phomes and such too."

Borya claims to Solus, "Yeah i'll get one made with guild money dw"

Ghed states, "Oh right"

A male voice claims, "Submit that sort of thing on the typo board I think."

Ghed states, "We do have keywords to change from 'doors' such as 'gate' so long as they have

maudimoo states, "Guild hall changes too come from the guild funds"

Ghed claims, "But it's unideal"

maudimoo says, "I'd say update the literal hallway desc, you can do taht"

Ghed claims, "Though it's also true that the surroundings should always be included in the room
 desc if possible"

Ghed trails off, "Though with phomes... street descs are harder to keep up to date"

A male voice says, "It's largely up to the phome owner to submit that."

Ghed states, "A good thing to request if the door would betray expectations: ie being not just a
 wooden rectangular door"

Ghed claims, "I'll think about it but it'd be low priority"

Solus pontificates, "Yeah, I figured it would be low priority, don't worry!"

Leta says, "For now: request desc changes in guildhalls, create signs"

Ghed claims, "But yeah we -can- meanwhile update doors with a single keyword instead"

Ghed says, "Like gate or trapdoor"

Temi nods.

Ghed claims, "Curtain too"

A male voice says, "It's a weird situation where you can't tell what's beyond a door whatsoever
 sometimes. Especially phomes outside the walls where there's just... a door in a wilderness room.
 Am I looking at a thatch-roofed shack, or a four-story stone tower? I have no way to know. But not
 much of a priority for phomes which are fairly transient."

Ghed states, "Or those cute curtains made of hanging bead strings"

Ghed says, "Ooof yes"

Ghed says, "Been there"

Ghed states, "It's surreal"

A male voice claims, "And while I can just fly up to see how tall it is that's not something most
 people can do."

Ghed says, "In those rather extreme cases staff can update the desc of the room outside"

Ghed queries, "Alrighty?"

Ghed states, "If there are no more topics I can just send y'all back to experience Leta's creative

Borya claims, "fastest ooc meeting i've been a part of"

A male voice states, "There was one once with no topics at all."

Yinadele states, "Alright mission complete APC destroyed"

Ghed claims, "The fast and the spurious"

Arthur says, "I think it was a good meeting, I request more unique forage locations inside the
 city, feed my addiction."

A male voice states, "Family."

Ikeala says, "I have a request/reminder but I almost feel guilty bringing it up given how busy
 folks have been bringing us fun."

Ghed says, "Speak now, witch"

Borya trails off, "damn... harsh"

A male voice says, "Damn. Can't even get away from it in the OOC room."

Ghed says, "I was being light"

Ikeala says, "If there's a moment could the IC Event thread get updated on the forums? We've had
 new chars etc since then and they might want to get a peek at our past nonsense."

Ghed states, "It's all good =)"

Ghed claims, "Ooooooooooof"

Ghed states, "That's my ball, I dropped it"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "We love our friendly neighborhood witches"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Almost as much as our less friendly neighborhood witches"


Leta nods in agreement to DrHimbopotamus. 

Viper claims, "I love you all too."

Arthur asks, "What about the sewer witches?"

Ikeala claims, "If your neighbourhood witches aren't being friendly, please report them to the
 Wizard Council."

Ghed says, "I'll update that, thanks"

Ikeala nods.

A male voice claims, "If you see your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, run in terror oh god it's a

Konaa claims, "I am always interested in the history of the game"

Borya states, "Big same"

RamblingSeert states, "Auuuuugh"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Can't wait to start writing an excessively long and detailed history of

Ghed says, "Okay folks I think we're happily done here"

RamblingSeert claims, "Arthur you can't call them witches because they have skin disease"

Ikeala raises a gnarled wooden staff in salute.

RamblingSeert says, "Shame on you"

Ghed states, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for
 meaningful RP =)"

DrHimbopotamus weeps, cnotes

Solus trails off, "I need to go on a recommend binge after this plot..."

Ghed says, "See what I did there? I wrote cnote discoveries."

plague claims, "Go on a rec binge NOW"

Borya states, "Yeah same"

Arthur states, "I mean actually that's what the Erra Pater teaches us"


Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."

Arthur declares, "All people with skin conditions are witches, go to your location skin care shop

Solus says, "Weeeeeeeeeee"

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Eurus grabs his net and jumps into the code, ready to go bughunting. [OOC]

Ghed trails off, "1..."

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