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Assets List

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:03 pm
by Kinaed

We notice that the "Assets List" command is a bit basic. Anyone want to suggest what might be good to have there? I'm thinking things like:

- Base income
- Last three weeks' income
- Asset Level
- Linked metric
- Base Silver Value

Etc. Any additions you think would be really useful?

Warm regards,

Re: Assets List

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:48 pm
by Voxumo
Say I think it would be nice to be able to see when an asset was purchased or claimed when using asset review.

Re: Assets List

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:21 pm
by Kinaed
Also good to add: How many assets a person has versus their available slots.

Re: Assets List

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:23 pm
by Voxumo
Given the ooc topic, I think having asset review show how much your asset is making with current metrics would be nice, as it presently only shows the base amount.

Re: Assets List

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:55 pm
by Kinaed
Thanks ;) That's in the list above, with a three week history also.

Re: Assets List

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:45 pm
by Starstarfish
I'd like to propose the idea that each character be able to vote for or against a metric, but across an account you can't vote for/against the same matric more than once in a turn.

That way people who have alts who are invested into vastly different metrics say ... Economics and Lawfulness can participate now that metrics are tied to each character having money. It allows a wider variance of people to politic and get involved in different things.