Log of OOC Meeting 02/15/2014

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 479
Joined: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:15 pm

Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:16 am

Kinaed has transferred you.
A Comfortable Room
A plethora of gaily coloured silk pillows with fringes and tassels
completely conceal the floor. A large pillow in the corner stands out, a
brooding black mass of velvet and fringeless. Screens of nature scenes
painted with the spare strokes of a brush that hint at and outline the
subjects, leaving much to the imagination. Behind the screens, silk
curtains and sheets painted with bright patterns hide the walls, pulled
back only around the windows that pierce the southern and western walls to
look out over a lush garden filled with an untamed riot of plants and

[ Exits: -down- ]
The House Bids Spec rests here. (eastern edge)
A massive cask of spiced hot wassail for New Year's is here. (northern edge)
( 8)The House Bids Spec rests here. (northeastern corner)
A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather is here.
Samantha ab Vortina is sitting on a giant version of her Ovcharka [App: 5]
A coffee-complected woman with many slender braids is here. [App: 5]
[IAW] A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes is here. [App: 4]
Autumn ab Veridian is resting here. [App: 3]
Temi is here. [App: 5]
Kinaed is here. [App: 5]
Azarial is here. [App: 5]
Okay, action removed.

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

A massive, severe-looking Farin man has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair throws golden confetti in the air. "Thank you!"

Argider de Roldan has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Samantha ab Vortina lounges atop her massive ovcharka staring down at the ants "

Kinaed questions, "Can I get a volunteer Scribe to put a log up on the forums?"

Kinaed exclaims, "Okay, got one. Thank you!"

Kinaed trails off, "We've got a couple of minutes to be social..."

Kinaed has created a wax-sealed glass cube[30].

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says, "Kinaed, I'm thinking about doing a series of portraits / character concepts for all of the races on TI so we have kind of a visual guide."

Kinaed gives you a wax-sealed glass cube.

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Carmen questions, "With proper clothing? :D"

look cube
You examine a wax-sealed glass cube.
An imperfect glass cube filled with water, it contains a sleeping figure
of a woman with dirty blonde hair asleep on a bed of roses - no doubt a nod
to the Lithmorran sensibilities as the creature the snow globe commemorates
was most certainly naked. Dark blonde hair curls about her shoulders and a
tiny wax crown sits upon her brow to indicate that the globe contains
Katerina ab Samael, the regent murdered by the demon-possessed Lord Casimir
ab Azadar, Marquis of Avonna.

Temi holds a wax-sealed glass cube in her hand.

Temi shakes a wax-sealed glass cube.

Fiery rose petals scatter and fall through the water like embers about the sleeping figure of the deceased regent, Katerina ab Samael.

Kinaed wonders, "Nevermind, the scribe and I had a miscommuniction. Anyone else willing to scribe?"

Carmen grins at Temi.

Carmen claims, "Damn. "

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather states, "It could be optional *cough*"

Carmen claims, "I can scribe."

Kinaed states to Carmen, "Thank you."

Beronica von Destral has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Carmen claims, "Okay! Logging."

Kinaed says, "Thanks for coming, everyone. :) Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics."

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Carmen claims, "Somebody else coming shortly, btw."

Kinaed queries, "Are there any other topics players would like to add to the agenda to make sure we talk about?"

Beronica von Destral hugs a person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes opens a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather, revealing his identity.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes states, "Boo."

Carmen says, "Tiny combat tweak I'd like to ask about if we have time."

Carmen pontificates to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "Eek!"

Kinaed states, "Someone wants to talk about Food Helpfiles, but is not yet here - will be on soon. Added to the agenda."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, adding that to my list."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man removes an armored steel prosthesis featuring a lion's hind quarter, prompt beats a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes upside the head!

Beronica von Destral jumps up and gives a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes a noogie.

Samantha ab Vortina shrugs as she hears this "I got nothing to add."

Samantha ab Vortina rolls around on her amazing pet

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids exclaims, "Hi folks!"

Beronica von Destral trails off, "Oh, I can make Casimir a wooden hand now..."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes states to Beronica von Destral, "That sounds painful."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, to kick off the Staff Updates, I'll go first. I spent most of last week in a support role, but I got the Regency Quest schedule laid out and reviewed a HEAP of recommends from Casimir's story - which was great, thank you for running it Casimir. I hope the snow globe does it some justice."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says to Kinaed, "Thanks, kin =)"

Kinaed states, "Next week, I intend to be player support again and watch the RP goings on."

Kinaed smiles at a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes.

A massive, severe-looking Farin man trails off, "Which reminds me, I can't remember if I sent in a rec for that or not..."

Kinaed states, "That's pretty much it for me. Az, you're up."

Samantha ab Vortina queries, "What exactly is player support if i may inquire?"

Azarial claims, "I hvae finished up the bids spec, an assortment of bugs, and a few random improvements that tickled my fancy. or were on the bottom of my mail pile."

Kinaed claims to Samantha ab Vortina, "Answering questions, mediation, and resolving policy inquiries."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "So nothing different from what you normally do"

Kinaed smiles at Autumn ab Veridian.

Carmen states to Azarial, "Yay for weapon range change. :D"

Kinaed says, "... "

Kinaed smiles at Azarial.

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids declaims, ":D Weapon range!"

Samantha ab Vortina shrugs. May or may not be feeling heartless today "And glad to see weapon range finally come into play.

Kinaed tells you, "No, need to talk about that after. Right now is a bad time."

Azarial states, "Weapon ranges have been 'softened'; if youa re too far, you're too far, but if youa re too close you can 'choke up on the handle' and still hit them at a reduced penalty."

Azarial claims, "Large weapons are not that usable in small rooms as a side effect. take the glaive outside."

Beronica von Destral muses, "So no using a dagger from across the room?"

Carmen claims, "Hrm. No accommodation for too far at all? Seems to strongly favor long-range weapon."

Carmen questions, "Or are all inside rooms not so good for long-range?"

Azarial says, "Close in on them. it should dump them off the bottom of the table if theya re too close."

Carmen says, "The problem being you can't both move and attack, so fights where one fighter needs to reposition become movement-only per turn... but I'll wait and see how it feels in play."

Samantha ab Vortina rolls eyes "Oh yes.. close in on them and create that silly game of cat and mouse.. ever time i tried to get close to a character.. they just get closer..

Carmen nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

A wiry young woman with grey eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a wax-sealed glass cube to a wiry young woman with grey eyes.

Kinaed wonders, "Any more questions for Az?"

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Sorry meant to say they get farther way.. it creates a viscious cycle"

Kinaed claims, "Generally speaking, I just don't think a person should be able to hit someone with a dagger from across the room, so even if it does give a favor to longer range weapons, I think it's reasonable. There *is* a concession to longer range - and that is you CAN hit up to one range unit further than optimal for a weapon. It's just that's as long as we decided a person's arm can extend a weapon's range."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes queries to Azarial, "How do you stay so beautiful?"

Azarial claims, "Code."

Azarial states, "And of course, well-written strings."

Kinaed smiles at Autumn ab Veridian.

Carmen states, "Realism definitely has a place there, but it's possible to move as part of an attack, I think. And the problem is the movement loop Samantha described."

Kinaed states, "... Az. That is to Az. :)"

Carmen says, "In play it becomes very awkward for people using different-ranged weapons because if one moves to ideal range, the other will simply move away ad nauseum."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "Yeah, if I have a longer weapon and someone is fighting me with a dagger... we're just going to lunge to move every turn."

Autumn ab Veridian states, "I have to admit. I wanted to use a long range weapon but I think it will be a bit cheese or tedious rather than interesting."

Kinaed says, "I think it's a problem we're going to have to look at later."

Carmen nods at Autumn ab Veridian.

Azarial claims, "Unless you;re wedged in a corner. but combat is not finished. we have techniques waiting in the wings. they;re just not higher priority."

Samantha ab Vortina nods to Carmen "Exactly. A viscious cycle of 'Neener neener you can't get me.. but oh.. i can't attack either."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Maybe techniques could be coded in later to facilitate grappling, position, forcing people around the room, etc - all based on your skill with the weapon, dex, str, and maybe footwork skill."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes trails off, "Oh..."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Yeah, what they said."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "Alrighty, we'll look forward to that. :D"

Kinaed says, "We do have a list of techniques and also ranged weapons to add before combat will be 'finished'."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids pontificates, "Very cool!"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes exclaims, "What's the priority of ranged weapons? Cause I think it should be high. I hate not having access to realistic combat tactics!"

Kinaed muses, "Alright then, Temi - your turn?"

Samantha ab Vortina fears the day bows come into play

Kinaed claims to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "High, yes."

Kinaed claims to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "I've got Places Code and one other item I forget before it."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man asks, "Like crossbows, and whatnot?"

Kinaed nods at a massive, severe-looking Farin man.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes noddles.

Temi claims, "So! I have now, I believe, finished all the existing concoctions."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man declaims, "Woooooo!"

Carmen declaims, "Whoah! Awesome, Temi!"

Kinaed claps for Temi.

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "Niiiiiiice."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Are we technilogically advanced enough to have crossbows"

A massive, severe-looking Farin man says, "Crossbows are ancient, almost premedieval"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes queries to Temi, "Can I stockpile poisons?"

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "I'm not sure - but the point is that ranged weapons in general are on the agenda."

Temi claims, "I still need to go through and make sure they are appropriately priced, and make some of them more available for sale"

Beronica von Destral states, "Now it is time for me to wait to see how many approaches me about making them poisons."

Temi says, "Brb."

Azarial muses, "Mail?"

Kinaed says to Beronica von Destral, "The Regency Quest is probably a good time to see."

Carmen claims, "It'd be awesome to have a lengthy discussion solely on ranged when it's time for that."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes questions, "Any plans in the works to include envenoming blades?"

Temi says, "Okay, sorry. Doorbell with my Indian delivery."

Carmen grins at Temi.

Samantha ab Vortina rolls shoulders while arching a brow seeming uncomfortable about something but shrugs it off and focuses on the meeting

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes claims to Temi, "Now probably isn't the best time for strippers, Temi."

Beronica von Destral asks of Temi, "Speaking of the new poisons, are the current antidotes available at Morris's still able to neutralize them?"

A massive, severe-looking Farin man steals Temi's Indiean food!

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair trails off, "Haha, Cas beat me to it..."

Kinaed claims, "Oh, I remember the other thing on the list - finish off herbalism. Needs lace and addiction."

Temi states, "Anyways, all concoctions are released and should be makable and usable. And no, antidotes wont really work now."

Carmen asks, "Erk, can you still buy antidotes at Morris?"

Temi states, "I'll make sure they're not there."

Beronica von Destral gets the following from a large leather water-proof haversack with an iron clasp:
( 4)a small glass phial of murky green antidote

Carmen claims to Temi, "I totally thought I removed them months ago. My bad."

Temi states, "Instead, some concoctions specifically remove other affects."

Beronica von Destral asks, "Want to eat mine, Temi?"

Temi states, "Ooh, delicious."

Beronica von Destral gives Temi the following:
( 4)a small glass phial of murky green antidote

Temi eats a small glass phial of murky green antidote.

Samantha ab Vortina has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi says, "Nom nom. Okay, and next I'll be delving into chandlery a bit more again."

Temi states, "We wanted to add some beauty products into it."

Kinaed smiles.

Carmen trails off, "Is it going to go beyond a half-craft? I saw the one rank 40 item..."

Temi states, "And the products which actually use the fragrances will be in there."

Samantha ab Vortina has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi says, "I haven't assessed it yet. But will see if it's got enough to go up to a full or three-quarter craft."

Temi claims, "The rank 40 item is just one I moved over from herbalism, when we decided it fit better there, and haven't adjusted yet."

Carmen exclaims, "Nifty!"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes frowns. "I'll never be able to eat food safely again."

Carmen grins at a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes.

Carmen states to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "If you get out of all of this alive, hire a taster."

Temi states, "Sniff command is in. You just get to look paranoid."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Oh, well that's normal."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes lifts a week's worth of iron rations to his nose and sniffs at it.

Kinaed grins.

Beronica von Destral grins to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes. "Only thing you will have to worry about from me is if I slip you something that will make you sleep."

Temi says, "Okay. That's it for me. Time to go serve up my Indian food."

Samantha ab Vortina smirks "Can you lace ingredients and have the affect go into the actual finished product?" would love to sell poisoned ingredients

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair does not have a Temi to sniff. (OOC Emote)

Beronica von Destral muses, "Are there going to be automatic checks when we go to eat or drink something?"

Azarial claims to Samantha ab Vortina, "No"

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Darn"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "I kind of like that, really. Rewards some paranoia."

Kinaed states, "It's an interesting idea though."

Kinaed claims, "Jotting it down for future discussion."

Samantha ab Vortina wonders, "Which idea is that?"

Kinaed muses to Temi, "Anything else to add?"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids lifts a filet of fresh fish to his nose and sniffs at it.

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "Awesome."

Beronica von Destral lifts a thick cabbage stew stirred with potatoes and lean venison to her nose and sniffs at it.

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says OOCly, "It would be interesting if mages had an unusual resistance to poison."

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes states, "As part of their "oddities"

Kinaed states, "I wonder if Temi's lost link or something."

Kinaed says OOCly, "Why, Keilani?"

Carmen claims, "She said she had to go afk and that was it."

Azarial says, "Dinner, i thought. she said she was done"

Kinaed says, "Ahh, I must have missed it."

Kinaed states, "Sorry folks."

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, so that leads us to Player Heartbeat. How was the RP last night?"

Kinaed declaims, "Last week!"

Temi exclaims, "Okay, I'm back. And I said I was done, sorry!"

Carmen states, "My only regret was I could not recommend Casimir twice in one week."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "CAS-I-MIR! CAS-I-MIR! That is all."

Kinaed says to Temi, "I'm just blind and handling tells too :)"

Kinaed smiles at Carmen.

Carmen says to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "Yooou are the wind... beneath my wiiiings."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Thanks, guys =) It was a load of fun and I'm glad people enjoyed it."

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather declares, "RP has been great on all fronts!"

Beronica von Destral declares, "Pretty good. Ranged from not much to 'GAH! Too many people to RP with!""

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says OOCly, "Kinaed, it would be interesting because if you tried to poison someone and they lived through it, it would create suspicion of magery. *shrug* I think it just adds more RP to the game. I like paranoia."

Kinaed nods at a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes.

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "I heard the dance competition was fun, but I missed it."

Carmen trails off to a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes, "You CAN live through lethal poisons with luck, good health and a talented doctor... and mages have certain ways to deal with poison already... *grin*"

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says, "Not an immunity, either, of course."

Temi says, "Check out help deadly poison"

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes claims, "Some mages. Of some circles. Not all of them. It doesn't have to be a massive thing. Could even just be a rumor, mages are resistant to poison. *shrug*"

Beronica von Destral trails off to a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes, "Something that would be interesting would be special characteristics given to those who make mages and are awakened..."

Carmen states, "It's kinda cool as a rumor."

Kinaed states, "Yes, mages have spells to cure/remove poison... reminds me to make a note and make sure that particular spell places nicely with soft affects."

Temi states, "We have three deadly poisons in play, and the highest base chance is 90% chance of death."

Carmen claims, "Generally being extra resistant to pain, etc. stuff like that has been taken as sign of magery before."

Temi claims, "However, most poisons are RP stuff rather than deadly."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Whoa. That's almost a certain PK."

Carmen claims to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "Well, without a doctor's help. Or a mage's help."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes states, "Guess I won't be needing this anymore."

Temi states to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "Base chance. Before doctors and high con are taken into affect."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes stops using a blackened steel rapier with a gold-inlaid schiavona guard.

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Rp has been.. Interesting. "

Carmen lols.

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes claims, "Yeah, sturdily, but a code basis for it would be nice to counteract the fact that mages are an enormous pain in the ass to nuture, raise and bring to power. *shrug* "

A horribly scarred Tubori male has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Samantha ab Vortina states, "If not a bit frustrating in the long run"

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says, "But if poison is RP based, then perhaps the resistance can be RP based too."

Temi says, "There is a spell which is taken into account, but yeah, we can make sure it works nicely with soft affects."

Autumn ab Veridian asks, "Will poison bring about more things aliments, kind of like corpse rot?"

Temi claims, "Poison has all sorts of different affects."

Kinaed states, "Creating or getting your hands on a deadly poison is not as simple as snapping your fingers - it is very costly, at the minimum, to create - and it may in fact be harder than just walking up and smacking someone with a sword. Legitimately speaking, I know people are scared of being poisoned, but it's a reasonable part of play. Players have been asking for poisons for ages, we balanced it as best as we could given."

Temi states, "From things like boils on the skin to being exhausted or exhibiting poor judgment."

Carmen claims, "I'm sure if it sucks in actual play it can be re-examined, anyway."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "No offence, future dead person, but I'm really excited to see someone die of poison."

Kinaed nods at Carmen.

A horribly scarred Tubori male queries, "Will there be ones that kill?"

Kinaed queries to a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids, "Volunteering? *eyebrow wiggle*"

Carmen claims to a horribly scarred Tubori male, "Help deadly poison. *grin*"

Kinaed says to a horribly scarred Tubori male, "There are three poisons in game capable of killing."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids trails off, "*laughs!* Well, this character would happily work as a taster... ;)"

[ 4:32PM]

A horribly scarred Tubori male states, "Love that it's an RP choice. That's awesome."

[ 4:33PM]

Kinaed claims, "We've termed these 'deadly poisons'. They are expensive and difficult to make, let alone administer."

[ 4:33PM]

Kinaed trails off, "When you take a deadly poison..."

[ 4:33PM]

Temi says, "It's basically an RPA situation to determine death. You'll work with me sometime in the next 24 hours to figure out how it goes."

Kinaed states, "You get a message saying that you've been poisoned and outlining what should happen, how to contact a staff member and mediate your character's experience if you choose. Also, a post is posted on the staff boards alerting staff that someone has ingested a deadly poison so we can follow it up."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "And we'll let you play it out to best affect. No 'boom! you're dead'. No, you get to play it up with drama."

A coffee-complected woman with many slender braids wonders, "Does poison have a shelf life once made and/or applied?

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes trails off to Beronica von Destral, "Closer... come closer..."

Kinaed states, "It is one of the very few situations where a staff member can/will determine a death scenario, however."

Carmen says, "I might be unsure about the numbers but the basic system for deadly poisons is super cool."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes croaks.

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "That seems really cool."

Samantha ab Vortina leans against the wall and ponders

Kinaed claims to a coffee-complected woman with many slender braids, "I think it does, yes."

Beronica von Destral arches an eyebrow at a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes as she pokes him with the pointed end of a stick. "you dead yet?"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes muses, "Are we still on player heartbeat?"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes claims, "=P"

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather says, "It probably expires after 30 days of making."

Kinaed claims, "We've probably slipped into Player Topics since we're answering questions and whatnot :)"

Kinaed nods at a person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes states, "Speaking of death and heartbeats - just because somebody intentionally exposes themself to possession, magery, and kills people - doesn't mean they are trying to suicide their character. Damn sillies."

Kinaed claims, "I'm not keen on people creating huge backlog stocks of deadly whatever."

Carmen grins at a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes.

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather nods to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes.

[ 4:36PM]

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "Oh dear."

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes queries, "May I be transed out?"

A bronze-hued young man with wide, gray eyes has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, since we're at Player Topics..."

Kinaed queries to a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids, "Food Help Files? What did you want to chat about?"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids exclaims, "Ah, yes!"

Samantha ab Vortina just took a look at census and whistles "less than one quarter of the player base is active mages.. compared to a time not too long ago where we were at like half.. Sorry random comment."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids muses, "So, I notice all the various duchy food help files are eight years old, and I think they have a lot of... strange choices in them. I was wondering if anyone is super invested in them as standing lore, or if I could maybe rewrite them or something?"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "This character is all about the food, and I too am all about the food, so it got me thinking about that cultural element."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "Except Farin. Farin food is awesome already. *coughs*"

Temi claims, "Some of them are better than others."

Temi grins.

Kinaed says, "I'm not married to them, but certain concepts have been strongly interwoven with day-to-day use (for example, coffee being Farin or vodka being Vandagan). Those items, I would avoid changing."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "Yeah, I was also thinking I would check all the food stores on grid to make sure I'm not stepping on any existing toes."

Temi claims, "I think you get more flavor of their food from their restaurants than the helpfiles, necessarily."

Kinaed says, "I guess it depends on the particulars, but I'd be happy to discuss it with you and give you a thumbs up to update help files."

Carmen states, "It'd be nice if the helpfiles actually matched the restaurants. *grin*"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, put any food help file change requests up on the Request Board."

Kinaed wonders to Carmen, "Okay, combat tweak?"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "That would be great! Thanks guys, I will start looking at that."

Temi claims, "I know the restaurants I put in, I used the helpfile as a guiding idea... but I definitely had more thoughts than that and would occasionally ignore things I didn't really feel. Not contraditing it, just not using it."

Kinaed smiles at a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids.

Carmen states, "Okay! So a huge part of combat strategy is the weapon vs. the defense."

Carmen claims, "But this can be hard to use in practice because you don't know what defense your opponent is using - but it should be visible ICly when fighting."

Carmen claims, "It would be nice if there was a tag put on attacks when they were defended to show which codewise defense the defender was using."

Kinaed asks, "I thought it was in Combat Info or something?"

A horribly scarred Tubori male states, "Yes."

Carmen states, "You can see what defense YOU use but not what your opponent is using."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "This is a big one for me too! I would love for the defence being used to pop up like that."

Carmen says, "But it should be clear if they are parrying, dodging, etc."

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Only your defense is visible"

Kinaed claims, "That change was already approved, I think it just hasn't made it into 'done'."

Carmen says, "Okay, I wasn't sure. It would make a HUGE difference to combat in play."

[ 4:42PM]

Kinaed claims, "I'll review and make sure it's done."

[ 4:42PM]
say Thanks!

Carmen exclaims, "Thanks!"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "Sweet! Thanks, Kin."

Kinaed states, "Okay, those were the two items people raised to add to the agenda."

Kinaed queries, "Anyone else have anything they want to talk about or discuss?"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids wonders, "Can I bring up another combat thing?"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes declaims, "I rather it give an echo for every attack. Rather than 'You miss' because they parried, how about 'Your blade glances off of their weapon!'"

Kinaed nods at a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Unless that happens already. Which could be. I've just never seen it."

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather says, "Could I add on something too? Mage combat tweaks. I'd like to see damage influenced by a bit more than strength alone, if it is not so already. (Other than ranks)"

A horribly scarred Tubori male questions, "I just wanted to know, real quick, what the policy on seeking time vs auto entry into the guild was. Is that a thing we still do nowadays?"

Kinaed states, "Strength isn't taken into account for mage attacks. Mattack uses an average of your element and moon skill."

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather claims, "Hmm, I heard different somewhere else, but thanks."

Temi states, "No, no auto entry into guilds, that I know of."

Kinaed claims to a horribly scarred Tubori male, "I think 2 weeks without a response or contact is a reason to go to staff."

A horribly scarred Tubori male nods at Kinaed.

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "It's a tricky one, and I've sure it's been discussed before but: The way rounds work in combat. As is, there's an advantage to dishing out the first hit in a round, and nothing to stop someone from churning out very quick poses in order to always hit first. Or, even worse, to finish the previous round and get the first hit in of the second round. Damage done seems to factor a lot into combat skill, and I've seen people take advantage of this very twinky method to get an advantage."

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Auto entry has never been a thing as far as i am aware of.. and yeah kinaed i asked that question a long time ago on mage channel and i am fairly certain azarial mentioned strength plays into mattack"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "It seems to reward either 1) Typing speed or 2) Bad poses."

Kinaed claims, "Someone sent me a tell: The prompt in "combat" changes when strength goes up with magic."

Kinaed says, "I'll have to look into that, so please bug it."

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather states, "^"

Carmen states, "HP plays into mattack."

Carmen says, "So strength plays into mattack in a secondary fashion."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes wonders to a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids, "How do you think it should be?"

Carmen states, "Just like HP plays into regular attack."

Kinaed says to a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids, "We can put a counter into that. Shouldn't be too hard to track if someone's doing that with code and nerf them."

Kinaed says to Carmen, "Thanks for that. It's true, I forgot."

Azarial says, "There are no direct stat bonuses."

Samantha ab Vortina arches a brow to Kinaed "Alright you know i have to question your statement there kinaed

Samantha ab Vortina m is working on comment

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather muses, "Azarial, is it just an output bug then?"

Carmen says, "It makes sense, honestly, because focusing is a physically exhausting task."

A horribly scarred Tubori male states, "Do what."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "That might work! To be honest, I'm not sure the best solution, I've just seen a few really narrow fights go the other way because of it."

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather says, "Mentally as well."

Azarial asks, "Is what an output bug?"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes states to a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids, "The only way to make that fair, in my mind, is to hold both partys' emotes via code - and then via code (dex check, skill checks) dish them out with whoever is first. But this ruins things like surprise, acting first, conviction."

Autumn ab Veridian starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Temi claims, "Stat matter, but it's an indirect effect, not a direct stat bonus."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes states to a copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids, "If I'm beating the shit out of a peasant but they're shaking in their conviction on attacking because they don't want to strike a noble, for instance."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes trails off, "Usually I'm the one typing fast, and I can churn out decent 2-5 line emotes in combat but it's mostly filler, and it's mostly annoying. As long as somebody isn't just like 'strikes with their sword'..."

A person wearing a hooded floor-length cloak of weighty waterproofed leather asks, ""combat" showing that magical damage changes when certain stats change, or is it reliant on HP?"

A red-lipped brunette with an hourglass figure has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Carmen says to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "I've honestly seen that before, though, used for the double-tap."

Carmen claims, "Cloak: As your strength changes your HP changes."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Now i have seen my fair share of what copper says but thing is some people are either faster typers or their opponent does a long pose.. I know i run into this because i write long attack poses but if your opponent at least as the basics for an attack pose why should it matter? I mean if they are using the same pose for each attack that is different.. but this sounds like just they are doing shorter less descriptive poses.."

Carmen states, "So the effect you're seeing is due to strength THROUGH hp."

Azarial says, "Reliant on hp versus max"

A horribly scarred Tubori male claims, "Honestly, on the combat thing, that should not be a code problem. That sounds like a problem between two players, and twinks should always be reported."

Kinaed states, "Okay, what I'm hearing is that we have an issue with people doing a double-tap and it IS greatly affecting the results of combat."

A horribly scarred Tubori male states, "I agree that I've seen it. I'm not denying that. But we shouldn't look for a code solution to it."
A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair has returned from AFK.

Temi states to a massive, severe-looking Farin man, "You sneezed Alphos into idle."

Carmen claims, "It DOES matter tremendously."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes claims to Carmen, "-That- should be reported, then, maybe. But I don't think the double-tap in of itself is a problem. Combat turns are five minutes long - and unless you go AFK (in which case maybe the timer could be extended if one person types afk, to like ten minutes) they should stay that way to keep resolution short."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes claims, "And action high."

Carmen claims, "And it's not blatantly twinking if yiou're a fast typist."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man grins at Temi.

Kinaed says, "Honestly, I have no quick solution, though I know we can detect the behavior with code very easily."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man declares to Temi, "I win!"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "I have a suggestion, but it might be too tricky a code problem."

Samantha ab Vortina laughs loudly "What temi said.. But yeah double taps are not the problem here

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says OOCly, "Pretty much. I type at about 100+ on a good day, so I tend to have 2-5 lines of an emote before most people. I'm not twinking, I just worked in a call center."

Autumn ab Veridian says, "For combat, there should be a combat order. "

A horribly scarred Tubori male states, "There... Is, though."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "Perhaps the damage dealt should not change effective combat skill until the end of a round. Then turn order would be irrelevant."

Carmen claims, "Not exactly an -order-."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes claims, "I've actually never done a double-tap >.> I usually just go in turns, no matter what, so maybe I'm not the most experienced party here."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "I don't know if that's even possible, but."

Carmen says, "I've double-tapped easily before but I made a conscious decision to stop it."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "I think that's both respectable and correct, sir."

A horribly scarred Tubori male claims, "Again, I strongly suggest that if you see that sort of action, you should report it, rather then trying to get the imms to waste time coding it."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man asks, "What is a double-tap?"

Carmen says, "Because it is SO powerful."

Carmen states, "Attack 2nd in a round and then 1st in the next round."

Kinaed claims, "The imposition of rounds in and of itself is an imposition of combat order, but we chose to do it loosely because RP time to write emotes extended combat too long for people to be happy, especially back in the days when it took 20 rounds of combat to end a fight."

Kinaed nods at a horribly scarred Tubori male.

Autumn ab Veridian says, "You shouldn't be double attackign period."

Carmen says to a horribly scarred Tubori male, "We need agreement and official policy saying it's twinking first."

Carmen says, "Right now there is no rule against it."

Kinaed claims, "Loosely, people should be taking turns."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "Yeah, some kind of actual rule would be very nice."

A red-lipped brunette with an hourglass figure states, "I had no idea that that definition of double-tapping was considered twinking. O.O"

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids states, "Other than the rule of common decency and whatnot."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Wait a bloody second"

Carmen nods at a red-lipped brunette with an hourglass figure.

Kinaed says, "Well, actually, there is the Turns command and a general expectation that people take turns on TI, albeit we don't hold people to that fast because it's not always important."

[TURNS]: a horribly scarred Tubori male requests all RP partners take turns.

A horribly scarred Tubori male states, "Boom."

Carmen claims, "It's not something people have agreed it is twinking before because you are acting within the requirements of the coded system."

Autumn ab Veridian claims, "1st Person attacks, 2nd person defends then attacks,first perso ndefens and attacks."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Wait let me ask you all this. In real bloody life does combat take turns? Hell no. People can get in attacks before their opponent has a chance to respond."

Azarial states, "Abusing the code is where twinking comes in. the doubletap may not have been intended in the initial design"

Autumn ab Veridian states, "You shouldn't pose before someone has yet to react to your original pose."

Carmen states to Samantha ab Vortina, "In real life combat isn't governed by a rule system to make it balanced, fair and equitable for all parties."

Kinaed states, "In a situation where it is being used for a code advantage, most especially in a PKill situation, even though it is not an official rule (or wasn't before this meeting), I think it follows on that turns should be taken once combat is established, and that shouldn't be used the way people are saying it is being used."

Carmen states to Samantha ab Vortina, "But on a game it needs to be."

A red-lipped brunette with an hourglass figure says, "If that's considered poor form, at the very -least- it should be noted as such in the combat helpfiles. ...For bobble-heads like me."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Maybe a forum discussion would be a better place for this so we can establish the problem more thoroughly, present it, and fix it."

Kinaed nods at a red-lipped brunette with an hourglass figure.

Kinaed states, "We can add it to the help files."

Kinaed states, "Also, if people are doing that, use the Turns command."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids says, "Yeah, honestly, just there being an official stance would make me quite hqappy."

Kinaed nods at a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes.

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "Works for me."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man claims, "I've never double tapped if anything I may wait too long wating on the opponments response"

Carmen claims, "Yep! Put it in the helpfiles for sure."

Carmen states, "That would probably fix it."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids grins, "I am glad I brought up a fun one."

Kinaed says, "I can honestly say that when we wrote the combat code, we didn't think that it was a big deal because there was a 'turns-based' system where each round forced people to go only once, so we weren't expecting those double taps to really be that big of a deal."

A massive, severe-looking Farin man declaims, "Alright, time to wake the kiddo up... ya'll have a good one!"

Carmen says, "It also didn't matter so much until we upped damage."

Kinaed trails off, "But if in practice people are finding that it's a huge determining factor..."

Temi states, "Though when we initially created the system, fights were more drawn out."

Temi nods.

Kinaed nods at Carmen.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Honestly, it might be a problem - thinking about it now, if I were fighting Gavin I'd scrape for any advantage I could get to keep Casimir alive."

Kinaed states, "Okay, let's put this to a forum post for now."

Carmen grins at a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes.

Kinaed states, "But in the meantime, yes staff would view that as poor form in general."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "I agree with casimir on that.."

Kinaed nods.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes muses to Kinaed, "Has there been any thought given to giving characters with high dex, dual wielding two daggers, that sort of thing - a bonus?"

Kinaed says, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming - we have about 5 minutes left in this session."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes wonders to Kinaed, "Those who go for speed vs damage?"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "Because you really... can't, in this system."

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "I had one thing i wished to bring up before the chat ended"

A massive, severe-looking Farin man has left the game.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes claims, "Combat is really narrow at the moment, but there is a lot of room for really cool stuff."

Carmen claims, "Differential hit-loc difficulties of targeting would add so much. </plug>"

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says OOCly, "Unrelated idea whenever there's time for it."

A horribly scarred Tubori male says, "Would kill for a disarm command."

Kinaed says to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "Combat advantage is around a rock-paper-scissors setup, so you can RP being that kind of character, or you can RP being of any other style from swashbuckler to paladin in shining armor and the underlying mechanics won't look at combat that way to determine which style is better."

Kinaed states, "So please RP out your style."

Carmen states, "(Don't ever dual-wield the same weapon though)"

Kinaed says to Carmen, "I don't think there's any disadvantage to it, just no advantage."

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Can we look into fixing the unarmed problem? I really hate it how i can not have a weapon sheathed and use unarmed.. i pretty much have to remove all and any weapons just to use unarmed which puts my opponent at an advantage if i want to switch weapons mid combat"

Carmen states, "There is a disadvantage."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says, "It just kind of sucks that style has no affect on code, at the moment. The best combatant in my mind is Carmen over there - probably amazing strength, and she's got an axe. There's no speed disadvantage, and she can dodge just as easily as somebody with a rapier."

Carmen states, "You get penalized for dual-wielding a few notches on the table, and you get no advantage back cause they're the same weapon."

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "I'll write that down."

Carmen nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Carmen states to Samantha ab Vortina, "Reeeally good point."

A copper-skinned man with a mass of black braids claims, "Yeah, that's a good one."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "I mean it has irked my cookies for the longest time.. especially with my newest character"

Samantha ab Vortina loves his strength 98 stat

Samantha ab Vortina sneezes loudly.

Temi says to Samantha ab Vortina, "Dav bless! You didn't sneeze anyone into idle though."

Samantha ab Vortina sneezes on a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes "That is for the scar..

Beronica von Destral states to Samantha ab Vortina, "I think you actually beat Maxwell on Strength now."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, our time is up. I've made notes on that meeting and we have a staff meeting immediately after."

Kinaed states, "So thank you for participating, everyone."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Misune does beat maxell on strength beronica.."

A red-lipped brunette with an hourglass figure waves to everyone.

Kinaed claims, "I hope you enjoy the Regency Quest and the Baronial Council is set to start in 2 hours."

Temi says, "Thre."

Kinaed muses to Temi, "I got that right, right?"

Kinaed pontificates, "Ahh, okay. Three hours!"

Temi states, "I've got some more cleaning to do after staff meeting."

Kinaed claims, "May the best politico win. :)"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes asks, "Can I go to the Baronial Council?"

Temi pontificates to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "I won't stop you!"

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Oh also temi"

Kinaed states to a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes, "You can do whatever you want."

Carmen grins at a trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes.

A coffee-complected woman with many slender braids states, "IF you sit in the naughty corner."

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes claims, "I think it would be neat if we had an OOC room. "

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes shrugs.

Temi says, "I won't stop them from stopping you either."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "There is still banquet tables in the ballroom.."

Carmen claims to a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes, "It would be nice."

Beronica von Destral queries, "Btw Can I get my request processed quickly, since I would like it available for a bit of RP I'm about to do?"

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes trails off to Temi, "But..."

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes claims, "Like a room we could type OOCroom to get to. I'm logged in for social reasons, rather than RP. "

Temi nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Temi states, "I'll look at that."

Kinaed says to a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes, "I've seen them on other games and people tend to hang out there far more than they play. Personally strongly hate them."

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes queries, "Mm, make skills unusable in them then? "

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes claims, "I just don't really want to idle out in public. *laughs*"

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Ok temi.. just wanted to let you know.. and keilani that is kind of why we have the ooc chat"

Autumn ab Veridian states, "I agree with the OOC room thing. Would be better just to use OOc chat i think."

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says, "I think it would cut down on OOC chatter."

Kinaed says, "I'm sorry, but I won't add an OOC room to the game."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "People can just turn off the ooc channel if it is bothering them.."

Temi claims, "We don't have an issue with OOC chatter, I think."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes states to a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes, "We have an OOC channel for OOC chatter- if osay chatter is getting too much you can tell people to shut it and usually they will."

Carmen states to a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes, "Phome to idle in might help."

Kinaed says, "I'm strongly against them because of what I've seen on other RP games that have them."

A dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes says, "Honestly, I liked the mud better when there wasn't an OOC channel, but that's me."

Temi states, "But we'd like to encourage people to know where they are on the grid and what's going on."

A trim Lithmorran male with gray-blue eyes says to a dusky damsel with blonde hair and celeste eyes, "You can turn the OOC channel off, too."

Kinaed pontificates, "Alas, it's time to break this up. :) And next OOC Chat, we can discuss OOC Channels if we like! :)"

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