Log of OOC Meeting 11/30/13

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:12 pm

Kinaed claims, "Today's agenda:

- Staff updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes pummels a stuffed rainbow dragon toy "Die foul beast die!"

Kinaed muses, "Doea anyone have anything they want to add to the agenda?"

Samantha states, "I have something for player topics that i wish to bring up"

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Kinaed states, "What is that? I'll add it to the agenda."

Samantha claims, "Oh um regarding Cyan's and rp.."

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Beronica suddenly jumps from her chair dancing. She begins to sing, "I am a Turkey Bird, with a turkey life. I got thirteen turkey kids and a little turkey wife.

Kinaed claims, "Okay."

Kinaed licks her chops.

Kinaed trails off to Beronica, "Why... welcome to Thanksgiving..."

Samantha claims, "Yummy turkeys"

Delilah claims, "Better watch it Turkey, we'll eat you up."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair offers to make Beronica the guest of honor.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, Staff Updates. I'll kick off."

Beronica muses to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Going to give me a red pop up thermometer?"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair nods to Beronica, " I can do that."

Samantha shows her fangs "you think i will wait for you to cook?"

Kinaed says, "Last week I did a lot of minor admin stuff. Staff have agreed that we don't need new staff at the moment, so we're not looking for anyone. That said, we haven't agreed about Dec's quest, though we did put out the TI Purity Test just in case."

Samantha laughs evilly and suddenly at the comment "Oh yes the purity test.. i am glad most of my past characters do not apply for the test..

Kinaed claims, "I would request anyone who wants to participate, please take the test. Meanwhile, there's also a poll on the forums about staff priorities."

Kinaed says, "Next week, I intend to review the Mail Polca because that's looking like people's number one and Places (people's #2)"

Azarial says to Samantha, "It might be a useful RP tool"

Beronica claims, "I was a bit stumped on two questions, but I took them to mean actual characters and not things like npcs"

Kinaed says, "Then prioritize them."

Kinaed exclaims, "That's my update. Az, you'rr up!"

Casimir trails off, "I included all the vNPCs Casimir would have killed..."

Samantha , nods as she hears this "Prioitizing is always fun."

Samantha questions, "And does that include his army by chance casimir? "

Samantha winks

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair says, "I found the test to be kind of arbitrary. What if your high kill count is exclusively mages and you're a Knight? Why would that be a bad rating. *shrug*"

Beronica claims to Casimir, "Well the questions were the ones about indirect deaths. I'm a physician. People die no matter what I do."

Azarial claims, "Well, mostly working on jiggering olc around so it resembles the polca system."

Kinaed says, "The quiz is to facilitate a quest."

Azarial claims, "I've added the basics to the poison polca for temi, who is busy with RL for obvious reasons."

Samantha states, "Olc.. remind me again what olc stands for"

Kinaed claims, "Someone has requested we discuss Places code too."

Kinaed claims, "Online coder"

Azarial claims, "Once I am certain I have everything saving properly and consistently, I'll move on to converting the plants to taht as well and stubbing in something to hang the current functions on as a stopgap until I can get the soft affect system in place."

Azarial says, "A few minor bugs fixed as well, but mostly olc and herbalism."

Samantha claims, "Oh ok thanks you kinaed"

Kinaed muses to Azarial, "About how many weeks work is that, do you think?"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "I understand it's to facilitate a quest, but as we're asked if our responses can impact our characters IG, having things be vague or arbitrary... makes the outcomes or consequences of our answers feel like they will be vague or arbitrary."

Beronica questions, "Is there an eta yet for it?"

Kinaed queries, "Will we have Herbalism for Christmas?"

Casimir says to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "I'm more content to just go with the flow. Being a plot, I'm assuming that we can drop out at any time if we don't like what's going down."

Azarial states, "Oh, a couple. depends on RL, mostly."

Azarial says, "I dont; hvae to hold drywall this week, so I am making better time."

Kinaed claims to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "It's hard to say what the impact will be. I expect it to be minor. I don't subscribe to the idea that killing people is less heinous because one does it for a fanatical religious organozation rather than terrorism or something."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair nods, " It's all about perspective."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states to Casimir, "If we're talking about things that could get us killed by the Church or the Reeves, then I'm less confident in the ability to pull out. This is a non-consensual game at the end of the day."

Azarial claims, "Killing someone changes you. especially if it is at melee ranges."

Kinaed says, "But the last question asks to what degree you want to participate."

Kinaed claims, "So answer that truthfully and you ought to be fine."

Casimir says to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "As far as I know, staff have no plans to off any characters throughout the game. The storyteller plot, and staff events, are mostly consensual."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "Without really saying what that participation means, with one option being no, and the other two being yes, without much of a clarification between the two (sure and eagerly, if I remember)"

Casimir states to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "It's why I actively -ask- for people who want to off their characters."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Casimir states to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "Because I can't just -do- it during a plot."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states to Casimir, "I understand that. Yours aren't staff run."

Delilah claims, "Staff will ask for permission before going 'Bang, you died."

Casimir says to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "It's the same concept, and at the end of that quiz they said as much. Something along the lines of 'your characters won't be killed'."

Kinaed says, "Short of explaining the entire plot, which I promise would ruin it, I'm not sure how I can put your fears to ease."

Casimir states to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "Staff aren't just going to off characters, or maim them, without consent. I wish they would, but they won't."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair is hoping for a santa demon, just sayin.

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "I get it. But if this is a space to provide feedback, then my feedback is I found the entire thing frustrating and off-putting for the quest. I didn't feel like I was able to provide feedback on the answers, the participation aspect wasn't clear, the repurcussions weren't clear, and I felt like several of the sections needed context for scores. It felt arbitrary."

Kinaed questions, "What are you looking for to help you decide?"

Kinaed says, "Okay, I can take that on board for feedback."

Kinaed nods at a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair.

Kinaed asks, "Do we need to do anything more on it, or is it a FYI for next time?"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "We've had quests in the past where we were asked to do things before hand, or sign up before hand, and then it didn't impact the actual quest at all. If this isn't going to be the case this time, that's great. But because it feels arbitrary, it makes me question it. If it's actually going to be worth the time of doing it so participation works/matters, that's great. "

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes queries, "Are y'all talking about the edessa plot?"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states, "And that'll be the last I say on it, since I'm side-tracking."

Kinaed says, "No, the TI Purity Test answers are intended to be used, for those who opt in, as part of our End of Year quest."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states, "Great. I hope it happens."

Kinaed queries, "Az, did we derail your update, or are you done?"

Samantha shudders as he rememebers last years end of year quest.

Azarial states, "I was pretty well done, unless I missed a question."

Azarial says, "What was last year's"

Azarial questions, "?"

Kinaed wonders if people prefer staff did not run and End of Year quest this year?

Delilah hums.

Kinaed claims, "Mage invasion, I think."

Azarial says, "Oh yes. that pointed out a number of balance issues."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair looks to Kinaed, " What do the staff think? I know you guys have alot on your plates, and have fewer imms to do it with now."

Delilah says, "But it was fun."

Kinaed states, "Led to a lot of combat spell removals."

Delilah states, "Minus the blinding every 5 secs."

Samantha states, "Ah yes the mage invasions.. i just remember the last 5 seconds.. but i think a staff should run a end of year quest.. i think it is fun.. the only one i have been a part of"

Azarial states, "I only provide code support, and I believe my contribution is done adn waiting."

Casimir says, "I'd prefer staff do whatever keeps them content. If ya'll have fun running those quests, then do them. If it's just another thing to worry over, I'd prefer players to get more involved with the ST code."

Kinaed states, "We had a plan to do something we thought would be fun, but the feedback seems a bit ... unsure if you guys trust us to run someth8ng worthwhile."

Samantha trails off, "Um kinaed to be honest i am only seeing one person who seems unsure... "

Delilah states, "We have had fewer STs going on."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair points out that Samantha can't see tells.

Kinaed states, "There was your emote about last year's and Sandne's questions. It just made me think I ought to check the player appetite."

Casimir claims to Delilah, "Could be for a number of reasons. Lower activity with the holidays, players feeling disgruntled about whatever, etc. It'd make it easier to hold if more was added to it, but of course there are priorities above that."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "And if that's the case, it'd be great to say it's more than one, because otherwise, I've just been put into a situation before the larger player community that I complained about an aspect of the upcoming quest, so it could be canceled."

Azarial states, "For the record, rpxp has been evalualted and ajusted again. it should be paying out decently. those that left can be assured that it has been balanced with more data."

Delilah claims, "I have to go get hay and feed my horse so here is my update in a paragraph. Enjoy: I have been busy with the holidays, but otherwise taking a crash course in mobprogs on my own and once making the game crash because of it. We came back RIGHT after it though. Adding washbasins to inn rooms that were supposed to have them and didnt and general fun stuff. Nothing grand- but I am working. :D"

Delilah claims, "So, BRB before it gets dark."

Delilah has gone AFK.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair comforts a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, " Don't worry about it."

Kinaed muses, "I'm getting a bit lost. Can I get the people who want us to runa qurst to say yea, those who don't to say nay, and I'll count the rest as abstains?"

Beronica claims, "You can do another poll on the forums.""

Samantha claims, "And to be honest i see it as if they are unsure then they just don't have to be a part of it.. and yeah i can't see tells.. but i still say anyone who is unsure has the choice of whether or not to be a part of it.. and my comment about last years event was not truly a negative one.. i just will always remember how the ultimate outcome of that quest was decicided by 5 minutes.. "

Casimir says to Kinaed, "I really hope you aren't planning to cancel a quest based on the opinion of those present, but for the record, yea."

Samantha states, "Sorry five seconds"

Samantha claims, "And yea on my part for the quest"

Kinaed states, "I can hold a poll on the forums, surr."

Beronica says, "Yes from me about the quest."

Casimir claims to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "And that wasn't targetted at you - but the opinion of those present does not represent the playerbase as a whole, is all, as has been brought up at past chats."
A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states to Kinaed, "I really wish you wouldn't, because that response feels like OOC bullying. It's clear I'm the only one that raised a concern."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes states, "I'm down for it, whether from my phone or laptop"

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "We do make decisions in this meeting, so I might if it seemed appropriate."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair abstains for the record.

Kinaed wonders, "Bullying?"

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has a bad habit of not being around for quests due to RL stuff.

Kinaed states, "I'm very sorry if anything I was saying felt like bullying. That is definitely not my intent"

Kinaed claims, "I think this line of discussion has gone poorly"

Azarial asks, "Next topic, then?"

Kinaed claims, "I think it's most appropriate for us to say our apologies and move on."

Kinaed asks, "Del, it's your floor for update? :)"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Argider claims, "I'm abstaining. I find the purity test to be weird and vague and agree with pretty much everything brown-eyed has said. Nothing against quests in general, though. The more the merrier, really, and I trust everyone to run them fairly."

Samantha says, "Delilah already gave her update kinaed.."

Beronica claims, "She already gave it then went afk."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair says OOCly, "Del updated, she had to go fill her horse troughs"

Kinaed nods at Argider.

Kinaed claims to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair, "We can continue to talk offline if you'd like."

Kinaed states, "Ahh, sorry. That's the trouble being on an itty bitty mobile."

Azarial claims, "Admittedly, it is tempting to find some of th websites that use a more 'real' version of said purity test and give them truely whacked out answers."

Kinaed muses, "Player Heartbeat! How's RP been and do you guys want staff support for anything?"

Casimir claims, "Always. Make me super human, plox."

Kinaed says, "To cas you already are super, dahling. :)"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair exclaims, " Rp has been awesome, especially yesterday. "

Casimir says, "Badaaw."

Kinaed says to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Good, good. :)"

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes states, "It was fuuuun! getting threatened by max is fun. been a good week imho"

Beronica nods her head vigorously. "Got some great RP in and I'm going to be getting married in a Week. AT least this character is.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair does wish drugs actually had effect timers though.

Kinaed asks, "So everything is well in player land?"

Argider claims, "RP has been great here. Been taking some risks, making some executive decisions."

Azarial claims to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Some will"

Samantha states, "Smirks a bit as she hears this "Well rp has actually been rather interesting lately.. with 3 characters running it has proved interesting.. "

Kinaed says, "New herbs will wear off."

Kinaed says, "Okay, Player Topics :) We had 2 requests."

Kinaed wonders, "Sam, you wanted to talk about Cyans?"

Azarial has not put in the changes to the cyan duration.

Samantha claims, "I will need a few minutes to get my pose together regarding it kinaed so if you want to come back to me"

Kinaed has lost link.
Kinaed has reconnected.

Samantha says, "I will need a few minutes to get my pose together regarding it kinaed so if you want to come back to me (repost for kinky)"

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Kinaed says, "The other one... was a tell, imolying the owner wanted ti be anonymous... maybe."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair says OOCly, "Nah i'm good with being public"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair says OOCly, "I did it as a tell so it wouldn't be overlooked"

Kinaed queries, "Good, what was it again?"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair claims to Kinaed, "Places, I'm a bit skittish about them."

Kinaed questions to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Why?"

Delilah has returned from AFK.

Argider hugs Delilah.

Delilah hugs Argider.

Delilah states, "Back"

Kinaed states, "Wondering if Torian lost link... hmm."

Kinaed claims, "Oh, maybe I lost link. Oy."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair states to Kinaed, "Well for a few reasons, I've actually had a few toons be totally ignored by players in a scene, I've seen the same happen to others as well. It seems the Places would allow for people to just keep out people, then the player wouldn't be able to get any rp. Plus, instead of it a bunch of people doing something publicly, which leads to rumors and other various forms of rp, it makes everything more private, so in theory people could use places to do stuff without being caught, kind of takes out the risk of it all, I mean it makes sense in some areas, like private booths in the dance hall or something like that, but not in very public areas, just my opinion on it all."

Kinaed drops the following:
( 5)the Places Spec

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair says OOCly, "Nope, just a wall of text"

Kinaed smiles.

Azarial states, "There will be eavesdropping, much the same way whispers are mangled."

Kinaed says, "Hmm. There is the spec for anyone who wants to have a look."

Casimir states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "People shouldn't be ingnoring others. I doubt the places code will affect that, if some people just want to be assholes."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has lost link.

Kinaed queries, "Can I ask.. has anyone ever played a game with Places code before?"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair gets the Places Spec.

Casimir states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "I ignore people, but y'know, that's just what I do. Or sometimes I just want to come along and pool skills, cause I only have thirty minutes."

Casimir states to Kinaed, "A version of it, yes, as I've mentioned before."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair studies the Places Spec.

Kinaed states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Those may be valid concerns, so.."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair studies the Places Spec.

Kinaed asks of Casimir, "How did Places play out with regards to what Tor is raising?"

Azarial says, "Ti under Q had a version of it."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed says, "People liking that and problems with large events made it desirable here."

Argider studies the Places Spec.

Argider studies the Places Spec.

Casimir states to Kinaed, "Very well, but it was in a MUD with a much larger population and a more violent world. Initially it does provide a sense of cliques, but these cliques are IC, and shouldn't be taken as an OOC insult. The places code I interacted with was very backstage though, in its presentation. Passive."

Azarial queries, "How so?"

Casimir claims to Kinaed, "I personally loved it. It allowed a sense of intimacy with other players, but still kept you within larger scenes."
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Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:13 pm

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair has gone AFK.

Casimir claims to Azarial, "The code, as presented in the spec, will make players enter commands to interact with the places code. In the iteration I am familiar with, the objects were in the rooms and simply sitting at a booth would attach you to it, no strings attached, and others sitting with you would be otherwise grouped."

Kinaed states, "I think on the whole it might bring a lot of RPers hiding behind closed doors to talk out more."

Kinaed claims, "A net increase of access."

Azarial says, "Ahh. I was under the impression this would do the same, but I do not read the spec until it has passed muster."

Casimir claims to Azarial, "A few more, very overt commands, but generally the same thing yes."

Azarial says, "Just a slight change to commands to allow for place centric responses that are fuzzed, versus room general thigns that are not (outisd eof whisper)"

Kinaed asks, "Joinging a place is no different than typing 'sit table' though. That isn't passive...?"

Azarial says, "The difference might hvae been that say would be a place say if placed, with a seperate command for the room, versus the implementation I am awar eof."

Kinaed says, "I guess you may be OOCly more or less aware that you're joined. Hmm."

Casimir states to Kinaed, "I haven't seen the places spec in a while, so it may have changed, but when last I looked there were commands for 'making' a place, sort of like a group, and booting people from that group - and both seemed very OOC commands, rather than passively ICly presented. However, we are getting away from Torian's griefs with the system and towards mine, which I've already brought up before."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has reconnected.

Kinaed questions to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Re: your concerns, what would address them, do you think? I got the impression from your statement that it's more a nebulous concern rather than a strong thing?"

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Delilah states, "Gotta run to town. "

Delilah hugs everyone.

Kinaed hugs Delilah.

Casimir claims to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Also, as a soft suggestion, I always try to make myself painfully obvious to others when they ignore me. Of course your character has a lot less leeway in this, but you can use vNPCs to your advantage without putting your character in a bad spot."
Delilah has left the game.

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes is going to go veg out for a bit.

Casimir states, "In general though, people shouldn't be ignoring others outright. RP ignoring them, perhaps. And in situations where time is of the essence, I find myself not emoting on passing through a room, and some people throw fits about that."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes waves to everyone!

Casimir states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "In short, I don't know the situations you've been in."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has left the game.

Kinaed questions, "We have 5 min, are we going to get to Sam's cyan thing?"

Samantha states, "I have it ready"

Kinaed wonders, "People okay sticking around an extra 10 min or so?"

Samantha claims, "Though it can always be saved for next week"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair looks to Kinaed, " Honestly I don't see the point of them, I mean why make them, except in certain circumstances like a booth." then to Casimir, " No, not talking about situations like that, those are perfectly legit, I'm talking about situations where someone has emote to someone, and the person doesn't respond at all."

Kinaed claims to Samantha, "Hate to put someone off a whole week."

Samantha shrugs "It is not really a pressing concern kinaed..

Casimir states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "In theory, the places code is an attempt to make larger group scenes more bearable for people. By placing yourself in a booth, you'll only see things from other people in that booth - but you'll still be within reach of the larger group if RP escalates."

Kinaed states, "It'll allow people to RP together more comfortably for large events. I've played systems with them before, but not Qharos'. To me , it seemed positive. A few players asked for them too."

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, thanks for your feedback, Torian."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair nods to Kinaed, " I've never used them, so my worries may actually be irrelevent.

Kinaed claims, "I'll have a think about it and see if we ought to change anything about the spec... yours too Casimir."

Kinaed queries to Samantha, "Okay, cyans?"

Samantha takes a deep breath "Ok.. so i recently helped a brand new player who had started playing.. This player while i admit her method of rp was the type who would sit in a public location for rp instead of actively seeking it out.. I had the player actually tell me they were leavin because they felt that as soon as they were no longer cyan that people were not rping with them anymore. I guess what i am trying to say is perhaps what we can do in the future to prevent new players from feeling that they no longer recieve rp because they aren't cyan anymore.. though i will admit the fact the player waited for rp to come to them likely did not help them and i honestly do not feel anyone purposefully ignores people who are no longer cyan but i know in the past i have gotten into ruts of rping with people and not seeking out new rp people.." Is not fully sure anymore what he intended the point be of this whole comment and feels he may have mangled his original purpose.

Kinaed states, "If they'rr horrible, I'm sure players will tell us and we'll fix it."

Samantha asks, "Horrible.. where exactly did you get horrible from?"

Kinaed trails off, "I'm sad to hear a new player left..."

Casimir states, "Everyone will have a different experiences. Personally, I don't pay attention to XP all that much, and I can't imagine anyone being so concerned with getting XP that they only RP with cyans."

Azarial claims to Samantha, "Places"

Kinaed claims, "But I have to admit that I don't feel, if they're a passive player, that it's other people's j9b to entertain them."

Azarial states to Casimir, "Some have been."

Azarial says, "We had to remove the 'xp' command that showed where everything was spent to reduce the drama around xp."

Samantha nods to Azarial before turning to Kinaed nodding "Neither do i..

Kinaed queries, "Is it unduly hard for players to find RP or have fun on TI at the moment?"

Argider states to Samantha, "That's a bummer she decided to leave because of that. I would find it hard to believe that she was purposefully ignored, but I'd advised her early on to seek out RP and explore. She said it wasn't IC for her character to do that."

Kinaed blinks.

Argider claims, "So, if you don't send messengers and you don't seek out RP because it's not 'IC' to do so... I don't know how to fix that."

Kinaed nods at Argider.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair shrugs to Kinaed, " Sometimes yes, there might be 15 people on who, but only like 3-5 on where, and only one of those might be a public place, makes it difficult sometimes, but not all the time."

Samantha nods to Argider "Yeah neither do i.. but i agree with torian as well.. i have ran into that situation plenty of times but it is not a constant thing

Casimir says to Kinaed, "Not at all for myself, and the complaints given are small, specific instances of things that may want to be looked at - not reviews of the experience as a whole."

Kinaed states, "That's a bit cutting yourself off at the knees... "I like RP, but I'll create my first char as anti-social and my acid test for if the game is worthwhile it how hard other people try to include me"... not going to work out for obvious reasons."

Azarial claims, "Of course if there has been little to no rp, then there's little to retcon to adjust a difficult concept to garner rp"

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Kinaed queries, "What specifically could we look at to improve?"

Casimir claims to Kinaed, "IF you keep accepting player feedback, whatever the players tell you to, if they push hard enough."

Kinaed states, "It'd be nice if we had better ability to tell if someone on where was actually accessable."

Samantha would like to point out he may have forgotten the real reason why he brought this up since i had planned to bring this up for awhile

Casimir states, "Legacy, even for the years it's been open, is still a new, small MUD in the scheme of things. There's going to be a lot of problems and complaints, most coming from the lack of a larger playerbase - such as the problem of no RP."

Casimir claims, "But look at me, talking like a know shit."

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "I lost your train of thought there... but olayer feedback,, good or bad, is the cornerstone of the game."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair shakes his head to Kinaed, " Don't need to improve. I mean when I only see a few people out and about, that usually means it's time for me to cause trouble, which in turn leads to more rp for everyone."

Kinaed smiles.

Samantha says, "And you are good at that dusky"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair has returned from AFK.

Argider states, "I went out of my way a couple of times to include that newbie in RP but it's a two-way street."

Beronica has returned from AFK.

Argider states, "I'm trying to think of something else I could have done, but-- hrm."

Casimir says to Kinaed, "Well, you asked what you could look at specifically to improve. Just look to player feedback, like you've been doing? I dunno what else to tell you, missus. I can give you a whole list of things I'd want to change, but that's me. At a certain point you have to be like 'This is the MUD we want to be'."

Samantha says, "Indeed it is argider.. and since i know who you are talking about... which i why i encouraged them to work at a tavern which would fit with their player.. but yeah i am running into the same wall as you.. what else could i had done"

Kinaed claims, "I wonder if we need to set the expectation to people that if they're on where RP, they're inviting ppl to RP with them and if you see someone on whereRP, the understanding that even the flimsiest of excuaes, so long as it's IC, is okay."

Azarial claims, "The trick is to accept that it is someone else's game, and things that you might realy want may not be good for how the game is setup."

Casimir says to Kinaed, "I think the expectation is clear, and if people don't want to RP they'll throw out a quick one-liner. It isn't that hard of a concept to grasp, or thing to do, really."

Argider states, "Yeah, not sure how we could have improved things in her case. She really felt it very not in-character for her to be roaming around looking for RP."

Kinaed claims, "Ahh. Yeah, I didn't mean my question as a existential philosophical question. I was specifically asking if anyone had suggestions re: making finding RP easier."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair says, "Then she needed a different character concept."

Kinaed nods at Argider.

Kinaed nods at a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair.

Kinaed states, "For a first char, it just strikes me as unwise."

Casimir queries, "Can I get a trans out, please?"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair questions, "Perhaps a bonus to RPXP if you've got whererp turned on?"

Casimir claims, "Even if a character is anti-social, there are plenty of ways they can bend events to suit their RP, and get interaction."

Beronica asks, "Will we see you later Casim?"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair asks, "So people are easier to find?"

Kinaed claims, "That said, I do want to encourage people to RP in public areas."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair states, "If that's who I think it is, I've actually sent them a messenger once, got a tell in reply that they couldn't rp atm, next time I saw them right before I logged"

Samantha states, "Indeed.. i always adives newer players that your first character shouls ussually be a kind of tester.. so you can get to know the system"

Casimir says to Beronica, "MAybe much later tonight."

Casimir has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed states, "Aliana, it was."

Argider nods at Kinaed.

Samantha says, "That it was kinaed"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair points out that even if you're anti-social you still need to walk home, walk to the store, etc etc

Kinaed says, "And if she was that bad, then I suspect it's a "don't fix what ain't broken"."

Kinaed nods at a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair.

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states, "Where"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states, "Whoops"

Kinaed states, "The char could have worked if the OOC player wanted it to, without "undue" difficulty."

Azarial says to Kinaed, "We already bonus rpxp for being public places."

Argider claims, "Yeah, I get the sense that our community was very accommodating and helpful."

Azarial had to change a butt.

Samantha says, "On one hand i was like "Hey she makes great poses and what not" but on the otherhand it was like "Your placing expectations on others that you are not willing to do yourself..""

Kinaed muses, "Still, I do wonder if we should encourage public RP more... maybe like a whole game XP bonus when a certain threshold of people are RPing publically?"

Beronica states, "I remember I had one scene where I was rping with someone else, granted we were in a public area. She came in acted as a servant and it felt like she was expecting us to suddenly include her in on our private conversation."

Kinaed wonders, "Or do we hate the idea?"

Azarial says, "Ooo, hmmm. that would be interesting."

Kinaed nods at Beronica.

Azarial muses, "Would there be other possible globals like that I would need to plan for? critical mass of orderites? (heh)"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair claims to Kinaed, "Personally, i hate that, but only because i can only handle so many people at a time on my ipad, I can't handle big rooms"

Azarial states, "No pun in ten did."

Kinaed claims, "Generally, new players are great to ha e around, but not always."

Kinaed nods at a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair.

Azarial states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "I assuemd globally, not the same room"

Beronica nods at Kinaed.

Samantha shrugs in defeat

Kinaed says, "Okay, we'll nix the idea for now. :)"

Azarial claims, "Ie, two in river square, three in church square, seven wandering around southside, bam."

Azarial claims, "Bonus for everybody piublic."

Kinaed says to Samantha, "I'm sorry you lost a friend, Sam."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Beronica claims, "There is already a bonus for RPing in the real public places."

Kinaed nods at Beronica.

Samantha claims, "Eh i saw potential and that is more of what i find sad.. she had potential"

Azarial claims, "Yes, this would be a synergistic bonus beyond that"

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Azarial says, "It stacks, if you will."

Kinaed states, "It's 10:15am here, and we ha e some stuff on today."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair actually likes Az's idead, " Add it to autowarnings, ' You did not get a bonus for having rp on in a public place.-

Kinaed claims, "I want to thank everyone for com8ng and your patience with goi g over time."

Azarial says, "More, 'there are not enough public people for the exttra public places rpxp'"

Samantha states, "I am just glad to have been able to attend on time kinaed"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair states, "I like that :D"

Azarial queries, "Maybe whererp on would be another good one?"

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

Kinaed states to Azarial, "I'll bug board that one."

Argider states, "I'm not sure that sort of incentive would work on me. I like the whererp on much better."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "Yeah, suggested earlier that having whereRP on in a public place could give you a bonus, maybe."

Kinaed states, "I'm not sure encouraging public rp is necesaarily good though."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "I mean, I see people RPing in public-ish places all the time and I'm the only one of the group of however many with RP on."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair says, "They just don't have it one."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair says, "Say Then just having it on period."

Azarial states, "If it;s public, it;s autowhererp on"

Kinaed trails off, "I would like to see people idling in public, but that's double edged... newbie walks in and tries to rp with someone afk..."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair states, "Not all rooms are like that. Peacock, Stardust, etc. If you have it off, you won't show. "

Argider states, "I would definitely feel incentivized by a whererp on bonus. So if we think more people on where would be better for the game, might work."

Kinaed says, "We.might be good where we're at atm."

Argider claims, "Yeah, not all public places in the game are properly flagged."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair says, "Yeah, I IAW in public, and do other things, but don't always get flagged when someone walks in, so they may wait a while between checks."

Argider says, "I don't know if that was intentional for some shadier places or not."

Kinaed states, "I'd want more consideration before pushing it. Private RP is most fun, usually."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "So if people want private RP, turn it off. No bonus."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "It's just a bonus."

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed claims, "Some good suggestions"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair claims, "Not really different from RP bonus for being in a public room vs. not being in a public room."

Argider claims, "Appreciated the meeting. Hope everyone has a nice weekend."

Kinaed states, "I'll think on them."

Kinaed exclaims, "You guys too! :)"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair claims, "Or hemoting"

Kinaed waves.

Argider has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Beronica states, "What is frustrating me about the who whererp list is that majority of the time, I see people with it on in private places like baths or bedrooms."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair waves, " Thanks Kinky! have the funs"

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

The end
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