Log of OOC Meeting 11/23/2013

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 479
Joined: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:15 pm

Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:45 pm

Kinaed claims, "Today's agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Kinaed queries, "On the forums, Olivia suggested we make some other topics standard. Does anyone remember what they were?"

Seamus Harper wonders, "Does it bring out my eyes??"

Arynon von Eclen shakes his head to Azarial, " Nope, it was a set I bought off of the tradepost or auction house."

Azarial states to Arynon von Eclen, "Alright, typo that item then; that;s a bad wear slot."

Azarial states, "Otherwise it would hvae been a bad clothing generator for npcs."

Kinaed claims, "Taking a quick look."

Arynon von Eclen shrugs to Azarial, " I can just retool it as a helm."

Kinaed claims, "Can't find them quickly."

Azarial says, "If it was a player item, then that;s likley what happened, otherwise we should fix that"

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Sorry in advance if I'm quiet and for my past few days lackadaisical RP, not feeling the best."

Argider de Roldan has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Arynon von Eclen claims to Azarial, "It was a player made item."

Noah states to Aliana Demarnen, "Feel better soon! I doubt your RP was lackadaisical, though."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I can't find Olivia's suggestion on the forums."

Kinaed trails off, "So for today..."

Azarial states, "Okay. then I'll drop it"

Kinaed states, "Today's agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Kinaed states, "I'll kick off staff updates. This week, I resent RPxp values to Az to get updated. So far, reports have been positive from all players who have chosen to speak with me on the issue thus far."

Azarial muses, "Do I need to send more data?"

Kinaed states, "I think that's pretty much all I did. We have the things in order to run the quest for Dec, barring a piece that I'm waiting from Takta on, but I still haven't met with the staff to find out what their capacity is like to run the event as we planned atm, so if we're going ahead is still in the air."

Noah claims, "Sorry, I'll finish that tonight."

Kinaed says to Azarial, "No, but thank you for creating it multiple times. I'd turn the reporting off."

Azarial nods.

Azarial claims, "Aff"

Kinaed claims to Noah, "Thanks. It was a great experience, well written and I think people will find it fun. :)"

Kinaed claims to Noah, "I emailed you some refinements, but nothing major - maybe 3 or so points."

Noah asks, "If staff can't perhaps do it, I wonder if you could try a model of 'farming out' pieces of it to player STs?"

Noah nods.

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Noah states, "I got 'em; should be quick and easy."

Noah says, "Just the final part will take time."

Kinaed queries, "The only problem I see with that is that some people who are involved will lose the mystery. That said, any volunteers to be STs for Dec's quest?"

Seamus Harper wants to go pira...er I mean privateering.

Aliana Demarnen muses, "What are STs?"

Kinaed says, "In particular, we'd be looking for people to play some NPCs."

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "Story tellers. "

Aliana Demarnen states, "I would like to."

Noah wonders, "Is it still set for end of December?"

Seamus Harper asks, "I can play an npc, what's needed?"

Kinaed claims to Noah, "Yes, sorry. It's the only time I know I'll have off, though I may be travelling."

Noah nods.

Kinaed claims to Seamus Harper, "If I tell you here and now, we'll blow open the whole quest. It's supposed to start sneaky-like."

Aliana Demarnen states, "I'd like to, if you want me to, send me a tell later please."

Kinaed states to Seamus Harper, "I'll chat with staff as I can after, then we will decide if we're going ahead. If so, I'll tap Seamus and Aliana to help."

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Kinaed claims to Aliana Demarnen and Seamus Harper, "Thank you for volunteering."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Thanks."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed says, "That's it for me. Az, you're up."

Aliana Demarnen says, "NP."

Azarial says, "Well, new dice for rpxp, inverted the autowaning for hemote, started on the olc for poisons, then had to make some minor-cum-major fixes to the olc system."

[Action: a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes is laying on a thrown of kittens]

Azarial states, "Not many new bugs needed my attention--throne--this week, and the older ones need more work than I can give them."

Azarial states, "But now that I know rpxp is done, I can focus more heavily on what i need to add so temi can begin the data entry portion of her stuff while I figure out how to make them actually work."

Gavin has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial claims, "And maybe a few spells i owe tossed in the corners."

Kinaed beams.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes states, "New spells is always fun"

Kinaed says, "That's it for Staff Updates."

Azarial states, "I hvae been answer questions on 'how it used to be', and I can say taht it is always better now than it was."

Azarial shudders at some of the original bugs.

Kinaed wonders, "Player Heartbeat - how's the RP this week? Any staff support needed for anything?"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes queries, "Were the bugs the size of cars Az? "

Kinaed claims, "Oh, I got Az to send me the old Idea command code."

Noah states, "I've had fun, several very different kinds of experiences across PCs."

Azarial says, "They were bugs I had to take an axe to."

Kinaed says, "Intend to re-implement it."

Azarial states, "No finesse, just chop the entire thing out."

Noah claims, "Marisa and I have an event scheduled on Monday night that everybody is invited to, by the way! Show up if you can, I know it's late for some folks. :)"

Sir de Ronthe has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Tristana Smithe claims, "I'll be at work, but I could try."

Kinaed gives a red Arien's Blood flower with serrated leaves to Sir de Ronthe.

Gavin says, "I'll be at work too. Sorry, Noah."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "I've had some interesting RP situations, different kinds."

Kinaed states, "I'm sure there will be players around at that time."

Kinaed smiles at Aliana Demarnen.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes clears her throat "Rp has actually been a double-sided coin.. On one hand one of my characters has been having so much fun... But on the other.." groans loudly "It has been such infurriating and stressful rp that i have debated on just saying screw the character and am tempted to have it destroyedretired."

Tristana Smithe states, "Rp for me has been good, if a bit stressful. Just trying to bear with it for the most part."

Kinaed comforts a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Kinaed questions to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "Is this with Samantha?"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes says, "Naw samantha's the calm rp.. but really it is not something to bring up during the chat"

Kinaed nods at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.]

Sir de Ronthe wears a red Arien's Blood flower with serrated leaves on his head.

Kinaed states, "Well, the game is supposed to be fun, not stressful. I hope people RPing with you take the fact that you've been having it tough lately into account for interaction though."

Sir de Ronthe's APP level is now over 900000

Aliana Demarnen claims, "I enjoyed that there were multiple kinds of interesting RP...I think all kinds make it more unpredictable and more fun."

Noah claims, "Yeah, there can be fun in things going wrong, honestly."

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "I'm very pleased to hear you've been enjoying yourself."

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Not responding to Samantha...just saying, I've had some good, and bad, situations, both enjoyable, because they felt "real"."

Kinaed muses, "I've got one tell for a request for personal attention after the chat. Given that, and everyone else saying it's been pretty okay, shall we move on to Player Topics?"

Kinaed queries, "What's on your mind, folks? Anything you want to talk about?"

Aliana Demarnen states, "Ummm...I have one question."

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "Sure :)"

Aliana Demarnen questions, "It was mentioned before, and I said no, but I'm wondering about it now. My character kept improving in Lithmorran because I didn't realize I could/should turn it off after a certain point. Is that done, or can it possibly be altered? reduced slightly?"

Kinaed says, "It can be reduced, yep."

Aliana Demarnen wonders, "Ok thanks...should we talk later, or post a request, or?"

Kinaed states, "I see that you're no longer cyan, but given how early it is in your character's career, I can drop you back in chargen to resolve it yourself."

Aliana Demarnen states, "Oh ok."

Aliana Demarnen says, "Thank you."

Kinaed claims, "Well, you can purchase skill <name> # where # is lower than your current skill rank, but the XP wouldn't be refunded."

Kinaed claims, "So you can actually do it yourself at any time."

Aliana Demarnen says, "Oh...that's what I was wondering, about the XP."

Noah says, "Yeah, no point lowering a skill if you can't get the XP abck. *grin*"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "Anytime while in chargen"

Kinaed says, "But I'm thinking since you were just cyan a little bit ago, it should be fine to consider it a rejig of base concept."

Aliana Demarnen asks, "Ok. And I can do that in chargen?"

Kinaed states to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "No, we opened purchase skill up for general play."

Kinaed states to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "In chargen, it will return XP."

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Noah questions, "Are people who aren't eligible to go back to chargen ever able to go through staff to lower skills and get XP back?"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "Oh really.. dang i did not know.."

Kinaed claims, "In or out of chargen, you can purchase skills down. In chargen, you can purchase skills up. Outside of chargen, you cannot purchase skills up."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "If this is opening up an unwanted can of worms, nevermind...it doesn't really matter. Just asking."

Sir de Ronthe queries, "Purchase skills down for a QP fee am I right?"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes tries to act all smartsy and fails.. "I will sit in the corner." moves hem's fancy butt to the corner

Gavin says, "It's a quick fix, Aliana. It'll take 2 minutes and you'll be good."

Kinaed claims to Noah, "I need to think about that and know why the person is asking."

Kinaed claims to Sir de Ronthe, "No, now you can just purchase skills down yourself without staff interference."

Aliana Demarnen says, "Ok."

Noah nods at Kinaed.

Sir de Ronthe pontificates, "Oh nice!"

Noah claims to Sir de Ronthe, "No XP back though, so be careful."

Sir de Ronthe says, "...D'oh"

Kinaed claims to Sir de Ronthe, "The catch is the XP won't be refunded. But you can, for example, decide not to be a sword grandmaster anymore and switch to something else."

Noah grins at Sir de Ronthe.

Noah claims, "Yeah."

Sir de Ronthe claims, "Oh, I think I'll deal with my choices, poor or not"

Noah claims, "I'd been pondering some changes, but probably won't worry about it unless learn master changes."

Kinaed nods at Sir de Ronthe.

Aliana Demarnen states, "I'm asking mainly because I think that there are certain definite things, in character, that the XP could be used for. If not I wouldn't ask about the XP...not trying to snag some. :)"

Kinaed states to Aliana Demarnen, "I figured you're still in 'learning the ins and outs of the game' mode to figure out what you want, which is why I offered the return to chargen. That's why we allow cyans to go back."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Ok...thanks."

Kinaed says, "Older players who know how languages work, for example, probably have less of a case to go back and 'fix' their Lith purchase :)"

Noah states, "Sometimes I wonder if cyan should last longer, since active players burn up that 10k RPXP fast."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes looks to Kinaed as she suddenly turns old and crispy while waving her cane "You young whipper-snappers and your fancy purchases..

Kinaed says to Noah, "We've thought about that before and just never picked a number to incrase it to."

Aliana Demarnen smiles at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Noah nods.

Kinaed grins at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Gavin says to Noah, "I feel like there should be a time-based component. Even if you get 10k XP, if you earn that in a week, it doesn't mean you're actually acculturated. Maybe 3 weeks plus 25k XP or something- two prongs to satisfy. Just spitballing."

Kinaed asks of Azarial, "What is it now? 10k in XP earned?"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes smirks "Even when stressed i still got it.."

Noah states to Gavin, "Yeah, time based might make sense."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Now don't get sexual Gavin."

Noah says to Aliana Demarnen, "Ew. *grin*"

Argider de Roldan chortles.

Aliana Demarnen states, "JK sorry."

Kinaed muses, "What if we made it, like, first 100 hours of RP?"

Kinaed queries to Aliana Demarnen, "That's about double what you've done thus far though. Too long?"

Gavin claims to Kinaed, "With the changes to RPXP and all the variables in place that adjust accural rate, going with a straight hours-based component would normalize the cyan period across all characters."

Aliana Demarnen questions, "To kinaed Ummm...for cyan?"

Kinaed nods at Gavin.

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Noah claims, "I think it really is better to err on the side of generous."

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "Right. For cyan."

Aliana Demarnen says, "Well I have two opinions on that:"

Kinaed says, "I wonder a bit if new players find it a bit weird and marking though."

Azarial claims, "It is 'sayto', one command, or the shortcut is '>"

Azarial says, "They can still 'purchase established'"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Tristana Smithe states, "............ Az, I love you. I never knew about >"

Kinaed says, "They won't, though. For the XP bonuses."

Aliana Demarnen states, "1) Yes, it should be increased to longer to make sure that all questions are answered, since logically they would have been asked by a certain time...all problems would have been encountered."

Nayiv de Reymes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Noah says, "I've discovered changes I wish I'd made - after falling out of cyan, on every PC so far. *grin* And cyan marks folks, to me, but in a good way. Delightful fresh meat."

Aliana Demarnen states, "Mathematically speaking."

Nayiv de Reymes waves.

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Sir de Ronthe says, "I would personally take away the xp cost for purchase established"

Azarial trails off, "....there should not be an xp cost"

Noah muses, "It has an XP cost? "

Seamus Harper queries, "What's established?"

Noah says, "I don't think it does."

Kinaed says, "And it's not necessarily a new player, just a new char that needs help establishing in the time continuum. "

Sir de Ronthe says, "Last time I checked it did"

Noah states to Seamus Harper, "The way to purchase not being cyan when cyan."

Aliana Demarnen says, "And 2) If the opening area explained things in a more thorough fashion, especially common things that people are shown but aren't sort of "forced to see" (like "block lithmorran") that would solve the problem too."

Azarial says, "All it should do is flag someone as not cyan."

Sir de Ronthe states, "I guess it doesn't, huh."

Kinaed says, "I don't think it's ever had an XP cost, nope."

Sir de Ronthe muses, "What the hell was I on when I read that file?"

Edward Darson has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed wonders, "Silver, maybe?"

Nayiv de Reymes queries, "Kinaed, can I have one?"

Azarial says, "Nope. never cost a thing."

Kinaed gives a red Arien's Blood flower with serrated leaves to Nayiv de Reymes.

Kinaed claims to Nayiv de Reymes, "Sorry, luv."

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "No problem :)"

Kinaed flutters unicorn lashes at Nayiv de Reymes.

Edward Darson states, "What'd I miss, rather."

Aliana Demarnen says, "I don't think Cyan is a bad mark, I think it's a comforting mark."

Kinaed claims, "We're talking about extending the cyan period."

Edward Darson nods.

Kinaed states to Aliana Demarnen, "Good to hear."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "I think it would scare people off even more if they WEREN'T marked Cyan."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "New players, that is."

Tristana Smithe says, "We can all wear flowers in our hair, and hug and dance and preach peaceful things now. :D"

Noah claims, "I like 100 RP hours. I wonder if we really COULD add more to chargen."

Kinaed exclaims to Tristana Smithe, "Damn Cultists and their happy ways. Heretics!"

Noah trails off, "People often complain there's SO MUCH to read already... "

Edward Darson says, "Just my 0.02, for new, new players? Like, first time cyan and stuff. I personally believe it should be extended. For folks with an account and all that jazz? Nah. We're getting pretty good at earning RpXP"

Kinaed says, "I'm thinking more like 75 to start. 100 is double Aliana's time, and she's been here for 2 weeks thus far."

Aliana Demarnen says, "Those people probably won't stay anyways, Noah."

Arynon von Eclen learns improvised for the sole purpose of beating people to death with a flower

Noah grins at Aliana Demarnen.

Noah says to Aliana Demarnen, "Fair point."

Aliana Demarnen says, "People that complain about "too much" generally are lazy and will leave."

Noah states, "This especially is not the game for folks who don't like to read."

Aliana Demarnen nods.

Kinaed chuckles.

Aliana Demarnen says, "I think, INCREASE the reading...people that are lazy will drop quickly, others will appreciate the info and complexity and depth of info."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes trails off, "I don't know.. after my first character and on my second character i still did not understand the jist of tings.. Still am learning new things after my 17th character... "

Gavin says, "There's no harm in adding to it. And yes, I want new characters to have it too. I mean, it's a good thing. Hell, I'd love to see a monthly raffle that re-cyans an established player, and then everyone pounces on him or her for more XP. But that's a bit much. :p"

Beronica Destral states to Arynon von Eclen, "That is what earth magic is for."

Kinaed queries to Azarial, "Can you quickly change the cyan period to end at 75 RP hours, or do you want me to put it on the board?"

Noah snerks at Beronica Destral. 'Mattack target head grows a flower inside somebody's eye socket'?

Kinaed queries to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "Has it been that many?"

Arynon von Eclen questions to Gavin, "What about re-cyaning for a short period of time? like ten rp hours or something like that?"

[Action: Seamus Harper is standing behind the wheel of a two-master ship, a black and white flag flying above his head.]

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes groans as she realizes she has had that many characters "Yes.. four of them are still alive.."

Aliana Demarnen says, "I agree about the established player thing. We shouldn't be encouraging roleplay with someone's 11th character just because that character is new."

Nayiv de Reymes exclaims, "I definitely agree with what everyone is saying. Even for just new characters. Because even though you -know- how the game works, you are still making connections, trying to learn things about certain people/aspects. And I like the re-cyan idea, too!"

Kinaed says, "I kinda like Gavin's suggestion, but I'm not sure I'd want to mix it with cyans."

Noah states, "Well, I find that even as established as a PLAYER as I am, I like having my new PCs be cyan."

Beronica Destral questions, "Or cyan those who run events when the event polca goes in?"

Noah claims, "This way, people are drawn to me to help me fit -that- PC into the world."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes says, "You know me kinaed.. i just luv playin those characters who end up crispy.."

Nayiv de Reymes nods in agreement to Noah.

Kinaed grins at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Edward Darson nods at Noah.

Kinaed claims, "We love that you do too, though it's a shame we don't have more mages running about."

Aliana Demarnen states, "Good point, Noah."

Beronica Destral states to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "Or missing a head in one way or another."

Kinaed states, "Actually, the % of mages is pretty okay."

Noah claims to Aliana Demarnen, "I have a cyan alt right now, so biased, I guess. ;) But it's nice to have that help."

Kinaed starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Aliana Demarnen states, "No, I agree with you, Noah. I didn't think of the social aspect, just the RP aspect."

Noah nods.

Kinaed finishes her note.

Aliana Demarnen says, "I mean, 11th characters don't need "RP help"...but they do need game help."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes grins "yeah.. what the hell is up with that folks.. i decided to stop playing a mage for a bit and you all go soft on me.. i am dissapointed'" she smirks like a mad man

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Aliana Demarnen states, "I say burn everyone, let Dav sort em out."

Aliana Demarnen queries, "Oops, did I say that?"

Beronica Destral claims to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "Nothing too traumatic yet for me to jump off the deep end."

Azarial muses, "Maybe structure the chargen as an outline, and the exits to the 'sides' have rooms with a lot more detail and such?"

Nayiv de Reymes giggles.

Aliana Demarnen asks, "May I offer an example from another (unnamed) MUD?"

Kinaed states, "Aliana's the only one who has gone through chargen as a new player recently, I think."

Noah says, "I like that, 'optional' extra info."

Kinaed says, "At least, of those in this room."

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Edward Darson asks, "Have we gotten around to discussing Honor's idea for the Brotherhood and Reeves?"

Kinaed wonders to Edward Darson, "Not at the moment. After this, remind me?"

Edward Darson nods at Kinaed.

Safir questions, "Thought she'd been getting feedback?"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes sribbles in the sand 'Oh seymor... How evil you were.. and all the virgins you had sacrifice to summon three demons.." sighs happily before looking to Aliana Demarnen and seeming to consider her "also eventually i have two things to bring up before the chat ends."

Aliana Demarnen says, "I think making the chargen more interactive, with NPCs responding to keywords would be a good way to keep attention and also educate slightly in how to communicate. Basically, each room has someone saying <X>, and asking you to respond in like fashion...it seems more like playing than learning."

Kinaed says to Safir, "I'm not familiar with it at all."

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "I have a probably silly question to ask eventually"

Noah states, "Oh man... chargens like that drive me crazy, I just want to read. But everybody's different. "

Safir states, "She posted to the Brotherhood and Reeves about it directly, and talked to Tennie about it, to see if anyone was interested before running with it, I think."

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Kinaed claims to Aliana Demarnen, "Honestly, we don't have the right staff mix at the moment to get something like that up even if we wanted to."

Safir says, "Not sure she's running with it, was just getting feedback from the involved groups."

Kinaed claims, "We lost two staffers, both builders, last week."

Nayiv de Reymes says, "I think our chargen is pretty great the way it is. It -would- be cool if there was a way for them to see a few finished example npcs.."

Noah claims, "It would be very, very basic mobprogging; Delilah could def do it."

Aliana Demarnen says, "I understand, just saying perhaps for the future."

Kinaed states to Aliana Demarnen, "Thanks for bringing it up, though. Might want to consider it."

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Noah says, "Just... lots of time."

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Argider de Roldan says to Nayiv de Reymes, "That's a good idea, actually. That was the one request I got the most."

Aliana Demarnen says, "Yeah I mean basically just so they HAVE to know basic commands...because the NPC won't let them by til they do."

Argider de Roldan queries, ""Can someone come check me out to make sure I did it right?""

Noah nods at Argider de Roldan.

Kinaed says, "One thing that concerns me about that is that we de-emphasize mobs in this world and try to focus on players. I wonder if that'd give people the idea that NPCs are a big focus."

Noah states, "Descs, short descs, etc."

Tristana Smithe checks Argider de Roldan out, and whistles

Nayiv de Reymes says, "I think It would be great. Because the instructions are good, but having an example is still extremely helpful to go off of."

Kinaed nods at Nayiv de Reymes.

Noah says to Aliana Demarnen, "Problem is, we have so many basic commands."

Argider de Roldan struts for Tristana Smithe, then checks self out.

Aliana Demarnen says, "Well Kinaed one NPC could make that clear, just say something like "Most NPCs...etc...but this is how you should interact with PCs...etc"."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, we're coming up to the 15 minute mark."

Aliana Demarnen nods at Noah.

Aliana Demarnen claims, "It would take a lot of time and refining."

Kinaed says, "In that vein, Edward, you had something to ask about. Safir wanted to know about Olivia's Thief Reeve thing, and Sam had a couple of things."

Kinaed asks, "Edward, what was it that was on your mind earlier?"

Safir says, "I already know about it, I didn't want ot know about it."

Edward Darson states, "Just wanted to probe out to the general public about the Reeve/Brotherhood deal that Honor had proposed earlier."

Safir states, "Edward asked about it, not me."

Safir states, "It was only proposed to REeves and Thieves, Edward."

Kinaed muses, "Okay, I don't know anything about it. Someone clue me in?"

Safir claims, "So I don't think anyone without one of those knows about it. "

Noah states, "In a nutshell, sort of 'games' between Reeves and Thieves for resources/turf."

Kinaed wonders, "Oh. Should it remain secret?"

Edward Darson nods at Noah.

Safir claims, "She was extending feelers for ST thing for... yeah, what Ass said."

Kinaed says, "Sounds awesome to me."

Noah claims to Safir, "Seriously, re-remember me. :P"

Gavin claims, "I talked to Honor about it and we went through some things. I also think that, since it's her deal, that she ought to be the one to pitch it -- because it took about 20 minutes of explaining (it's that intricate) for me to grasp it. And I know I'm prettier than I am smart, but still."

Safir says, "Hehe"

Casimir ab Azadar has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Noah claims, "It's a cool idea, could very well tie into that talk of having some areas Reeve-patrolled more or less in the future."

Casimir ab Azadar is fashionably late. Dat Elder Scrolls beta though.

Edward Darson says, "Yeah. I was a bit uncertain about it, but it seemed to make sense. And it'd really give everyone something to do, rather then make up stupid stuff to derp around about."

Safir claims, "Yeah, I had to ask her some clarification on it to understand it, too. "

Noah states, "I'm not sure what she needed in the way of buy-in or support."

Safir states, "I think she just wanted to know if people wanted to do it and play in the playground before she built it."

Kinaed claims, "I'll shoot her a tell and see if we can help out in any way."

Safir states, "But dunno"

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, so Ed's stuff was Saf's stuff, and on to Sam?"

Kinaed turns the big eyes on a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Gavin states, "I'll say this for staff: it relies on the ST system, and I think there needs to be away to hide identities of ST participants from the ST. That is, if you have thieves in a quest, ought to be some way to keep their identities secret, if they want. Beyond that, I'd let Honor talk about it."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes states, "Getting my comment together.. "

Noah nods at Gavin.

Kinaed claims, "We've approved people to create alts to run stories before."

Casimir ab Azadar states, "^ I have one just for that."

Kinaed claims, "It should be okay to create or use an NPC unknown to all to do that."

Noah claims, "Anonymous STs both for the participants and the STer could be nice for the future."

Safir says, "It's not alts to run the story, but to participate in the story and on ST channl without people knowing who you are"

Gavin says, "What Safir said."

Safir claims, "Thieves are going to participate AS thieves as themselves in these STs, potentially."

Noah states, "Somebody chatted to me once about running a mage story, which would be awesome, but obviously difficult for the same reason."

Kinaed says, "Yeah, I'm not sure how much we can do of that."

Gavin states, "Yeah, maybe there's just got to be a trust element. I'll see what I can think of. I need coffee."

Kinaed states, "At some stage, you just have to trust your peers OOCly and all RP like mature adults. Recoding identity stuff for STs would probably be a MASSIVE low-function game rewrite."

Kinaed nods at Gavin.

Aliana Demarnen wonders what you burn besides mages..."More mages!" Slaps self.

Sir de Ronthe queries, "May I be transferred out please?"

Kinaed nods at Sir de Ronthe.

Sir de Ronthe has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes raises a hand "ah yes while on the topic of cyans i actually just thought of something.. Is there a helpfile that describes the different ways to target things? like targeting peopleitems/inventory/etc in a pose.. And second of all.. Well this one is more of a idea but well when i first started playing a mage i had no bloody idea what the hell i was doing.. I mean i did not really truly understand how spells or rituals worked or even that the two were linked together till about my "Checks her text file titled 'list of characters' "8th mage character.. and quite frankly it was frustrating since while i had people who awakened me.. they never seemed to live long enough to explain how it works.. and the process of doing a spell is not really explained well (in my opinion).. So my thing is.. So i guess i am asking if we could have slightly more explained helpfiles or if someone 'such as myself' wanted to create a video of them doing a spell could it be done to assist new mages in know what the hell to do?

Noah grins at Aliana Demarnen.

Noah states, "Help emote"

Kinaed nods at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Tristana Smithe claims to Safir, "Right, leave the peace loving hippies alone :P"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes wipes a bead of sweat away "Phew

Kinaed says, "Help- stop typing faster, noah."

Noah says, "NEVAR"

Tristana Smithe states, "Wrong pale target :P"

Kinaed falls into a deep sulk, swishing her tail at Noah.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "Oh.. it does exist.."

Noah states, "I was going to rewrite mage helpfiles."

Noah claims, "Actually... wait, I started."

Kinaed says, "Probably needs done."

Kinaed claims, "A lot of things need to be done on TI. >.<"

Noah questions, "I can finish them and submit them via Request board? "

Argider de Roldan comforts Kinaed.

Kinaed nods at Noah.

Aliana Demarnen comforts Kinaed.

Kinaed questions, "Oh, can I ask everyone to vote for TI as per the website?"

Nayiv de Reymes muses, "On the topic of mages... I seem to have missed a lot of the changes in that aspect. What happened? Mage tower gone, guild gone? Is there any sort of mage organization now?"

Arynon von Eclen voted today.

Kinaed says, "There's some links in the upper left hand corner. It seems that voting is helpful."

Kinaed states, "Thanks :)"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes queries, "Or what about a character who is publicly known as a mage but is only there to offer assistance to mage characters.. nothing more.. nothing less? and yes they are both gone"

Casimir ab Azadar claims to Kinaed, "Every game creator gets to that point. There's always so much you want to put into a project that it becomes not what needs to be done, but what needs to be prioritized. Like anonymous storytelling would be great, but like you said, one coder, low functionality, etc."

Kinaed claims to Nayiv de Reymes, "Nope."

Argider de Roldan says, "Done."

Casimir ab Azadar states, "But I don't trust people at all, so I won't run covert STs, and that sucks."

Kinaed nods at Casimir ab Azadar.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes is not the happiest regarding the temporary loss of the manus

Nayiv de Reymes wonders, "Are the mages supposed to be gone too? Or are they all just individual now"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "Individuals.. "

Edward Darson claims, "It's probably better for the feel of the game. Instead of being a legit organization, they gotta go all guerilla warfare now."

Edward Darson says, "Which is sick."

Kinaed claims, "The Manus is still around, just not a coded guild. I'm sure ex-Manus people would still identify themselves as Manus despite the loss of the tower."

Argider de Roldan grins.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "Though they can create covens or similar grouppings if they wanted to"

Noah says, "I only worry about new players finding awakeners. "

Nayiv de Reymes nods. "Cool."

Kinaed nods at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Edward Darson nods at Noah.

Gavin states, "Would suggest having a list of things that need to be done and offering bounties on doing them. Just a list. Some things, people can do. Plenty of people, I think, don't want the burden of being full-time staff, but they might take a project or two. More spitballing."

Noah claims, "It'd be nice if there were some way for a new mage to reach out in a signal only other mages can see, etc."

Kinaed states, "PLayers who don't find awakeners will eventually self-awaken."

Noah nods at Gavin.

Gavin asks, "Bat-signal?"

Kinaed claims, "It just takes a long time."

Casimir ab Azadar peers at Kinaed.

Nayiv de Reymes trails off, "It would be good if people still had some sort of secret way to sig... yah, what Noah said"

Casimir ab Azadar muses to Kinaed, "This is coded in?"

Tristana Smithe states, "I actrually totally agree with Noah there."

Aliana Demarnen questions, "Shining?"

Kinaed nods at Casimir ab Azadar.

Casimir ab Azadar says to Kinaed, "Well frak. Nobody told me -.-"

Noah laughs.

Kinaed says, "Go into the astral and beacon."

Noah states, "Right, but established mages don't hang out in th astral."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes states, "But to go into astral you have to be awakened"

Noah nods at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Noah states, "...that too"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes says, "Along with what hazely said"

Aliana Demarnen says, "Seriously, maybe the way that some animals communicate that only other animals of that type can comprehend."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes states, "Sorry don't remember you yet"

Kinaed claims, "Not meant to be easy. And for what it's worth - there was no coded mage guild from 1999-2004"

Noah states to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "That's fine. *grin*"

Aliana Demarnen says, "To everyone else meaningless, to a mage significant."

Kinaed says, "Game was just fine, and maybe a bit better, more insidious with regards to mages and covens."

Gavin states, "You could just give latents access to the astral, but not the ability to earn skills, perhaps."

Noah claims, "I'm just worried about new folks getting frustrated."

Noah claims, "If they really want to play a mage and can't find a way to connect."

Casimir ab Azadar states, "I think it should be hard to be awakened. A lot of things -should- be hard that aren't."

Aliana Demarnen nods at Noah.

Kinaed claims, "I don't think people should find all things easy."

Kinaed nods at Casimir ab Azadar.

Casimir ab Azadar claims to Kinaed, "Stop copying me."

Edward Darson states, "Granted, Noah. But again, there was little advantage to being a mage -before.- I mean... Its not a route for those not dedicated, even on the best of days."

Noah claims, "Oh, I'd say it's still hard. Just because an existing mage KNOWS oyu're a mage doesn't mean they'll awaken you."

Aliana Demarnen states, "Not easy, but it should be seen as definitely POSSIBLE, if they try hard enough."

Kinaed claims to Casimir ab Azadar, "I think it's the other way around, I just type slow. :P"

Noah states, "They may get you killed instead, or ignore you."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes smirks "Oh how i love the peek skill.. you can sometimes find people who are mages just by what they carry around

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Like, not "hey, I'm a mage"...but "If I do ALL these things...I'll probably be a mage.""

Gavin claims, "I dunno. If it's a video game, and this is, and the big draw is raining down fire on religious heathens, then it should be reasonable for a new player to get a mage character."

Gavin says, "But I'm the anti-Casimir when it comes to this stuff."

Noah says, "I mostly worry that established players have a huge edge here."

Kinaed claims, "It's not hard to get a mage char, you select in chargen y/n."

Casimir ab Azadar claims to Gavin, "The jelly to my peanut butter."

Aliana Demarnen trails off, "But established players shouldn't use that edge. Else it's kinda...well..."

Noah claims, "Quick, you two, get in a sandwich."

Kinaed states, "Being successful, however, requires time and investment, as much as it does with any other character concept. Ideally, all char concepts have unique issues."

Aliana Demarnen nods.

Beronica Destral suddenly jumps up and begins to sing the 'Peanut butter and Jelly' song horribly off-key.

Edward Darson states, "Word. My goal of being a wholly unarmed fighter is easy to break into, but incredibly hard to master."

Gavin claims, "I don't care if there's a glut of mages, personally. That's one thing that shouldn't be "hard." Now, being a particularly skillful one-- sure. Hard."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes smirks "at least one successful mage character.. Check."

Aliana Demarnen states, "I have no idea about the actual class I'm just speaking, well, off the cuff and not very helpfully at this point. Sorry."

Arynon von Eclen gets a baseball bat, hands it to Beronica Destral.

Edward Darson claims, "And I'll probably always be outdone by an armed character."

[RPXP Gain: none XP: 18277] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] [ 5:59PM]

Casimir ab Azadar claims, "I'll never be able to do any character concepts at this rate. I just have... zero time to work the system."

Casimir ab Azadar pontificates, "Content to be the jeering drunk for now!"

Noah states, "Awww."

Noah hugs Cas.

Aliana Demarnen muses, "But the point shouldn't be anything beyond RPing your character...anyone who comes for anything, ahead of that, isn't wanted really, are they?"

Casimir ab Azadar claims, "Which, by the by, why have none of you joined the Dragonguard? C'mon."

Kinaed states, "Hey, guys - sorry to say it, but our time is up this week."

Argider de Roldan says, "Thanks for the meeting."

Noah says, "The problem is skill/stats/etc. are inexorably twined with RP."

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Depending on your character."

Kinaed states, "I made this week a bit early due to dance recitals for my daughter (two hours and the place is an hour away)"

Casimir ab Azadar states to Noah, "I'm doing my best to turn that on its head."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes stares at Casimir ab Azadar "I always wanted to join something that would ensure my death.:"

Kinaed says, "Next week's time I will post on the general or announce board."

Noah nods.

Kinaed states, "Thank you all for coming."

Azarial states, "....and someone hit the floor. brb"

Tristana Smithe says to Casimir ab Azadar, "I'm a hugger, not a fighter. You didn't advertise for hugging. "

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Thanks :)"

Noah says to Casimir ab Azadar, "You can always command me to join the Dragonguard. ;)"

"That is why you make mages," Beronica Destral states knowingly to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes. [Beronica Destral]

Casimir ab Azadar claims to Noah, "That'd be fun."

Kinaed states, "Okay, time to wrap up."

Kinaed hugs all.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes says, "Of course beronica"

Casimir ab Azadar pontificates, "Ciao!"

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