Jan 27th Log OOC Meeting

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:14 pm
Discord Handle: sippycup

Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:37 pm

Maeve claims, "The first thing on my notes about what I'm supposed to do is remind everyone to be nice during OOC Chat. Please be mindful of personal remarks, treat others the way you'd want to be treated, and don't share OOC information that ought not to be shared publicly."
say I'm happy to. I keep a shortcut to the forum lol
Tiberius states, "I'm happy to. I keep a shortcut to the forum lol"
Musketeer says, "Yeah, I can't even get logging to cooperate right now, gonna try percussive maintenance later"
Maeve smiles.
Musketeer states, "Anywho, off to a great start Maeve."
Maeve claims to Musketeer, "That you for taking notes too."
Maeve says, "(Thank) you."
Maeve claims, "Announcements: Staff had a meeting before this meeting, and we've agreed that I'll be stepping into Ghed's shoes as Implementor, at least temporarily."
Maeve claims, "This is an interim measure for the moment."
Jiraiya states, "Congrats and thanks"
Maeve says, "Mostly to let everyone know who to talk to."
Brando claps hands
Maeve smiles at Jiraiya.
Musketeer muses, "Okay, but will there be a cow level?"
Temi says, "Cows prefer ground level."
Maeve grins.
Tiberius laughs.
Musketeer grins.
Maeve wonders, "Does anyone have a player topic to register?"
Musketeer queries, "I have a small-ish thing to bring up, arguably?"
HIEROPHANT claims, "I have an extremely small one also."
Musketeer claims, "But I can probably defer to a request board."
Nevermore states, "Don't be shy."
Temi says, "Doesn't seem like we'll have too much, unless you'd rather now"
Sparkles says, "I have a little thing, but it can wait until the end."
PositronicJune claims, "I think I had something but I forgor"
Maeve claims, "Thanks, writing those names down."
Nevermore claims, "That's a lot of topics than usually come up at the meeting."
Nevermore declaims, "I like!"
NotClood states, "I- I like you.."
PositronicJune baps Clood with a newspaper.
NotClood cries.
Maeve states, "Oh, I forgot to say the agenda: Reminder to be nice, minute taker, announcements, staff topics, staff updates, player status, player topics"
Brando laughs in lithmorran
Maeve says, "Okay, so Staff Topics."
INFO: Sihtric has just created!
visnet Welcome! =D
(visnet) Player Tiberius: Welcome! =D
Maeve asks, "The one we wrote down is - Ghed's stepped down. I'm stepping in... what do you players want to see in terms of game direction?"
(visnet) Staff Maeve: Welcome Sihtric!
(visnet) Player Bishaar: Hi Sihtric, welcome to The Inquisition: Legacy! If you have any questions or the like, you can comment here with visnet <your message>.
Musketeer claims, "That's honestly a hard question to answer. I don't know if another big shake on the heels of the crusade is ideal, but I also feel like if things stay too quiet for too long, people will get bored."
Jiraiya says, "I think more things to do when people aren't on is good. WE've been going that direction already a bit"
Maeve nods at Musketeer.
Nospeedy nods.
Maeve nods at Jiraiya.
Maeve wonders to Jiraiya, "What kind of things do you mean?"
NotClood raises a hand.
Maeve smiles at NotClood.
ThatBard finishes the message he was writing.
Brando states, "Basically promote more burn the witchypoohs ... and if youre a witch ... burn them before they burn you eh. "
Maeve has transferred Sihtric. [OOC]
NotClood muses, "I dunno what sort of minigames were added for the brotherhood or for the sanctum, as I haven't played a member of either since they've been implemented... But could stuff of the sort be added to all of the guilds?"
Dalton pontificates, "We need more inquisitors and the like at some point!"
Temi gives assorted coin-shaped chocolates bearing crowns and chalices to Sihtric.
Nospeedy claims, "I think having some preist and inquisitor characters might be good."
Dalton claims, "The mages need to burn."
Dalton states, "There hasn't been a good ole pyring in forever."
Jiraiya says, "Things like the dailies thieves and sanctum have"
Maeve nods at Jiraiya.
PositronicJune says, "Whatever reason there isn't any inquisitors should probably be addressed"
Sparkles claims, "Some of the crafting/quest type things that have been added I think help give folks ways to stay logged in/engaged when other folks aren't on. When we have low pop times, it tends to kind of spiral as if folks aren't crafters there can be limited thoughts on how to entertain oneself."
say I have an idea after Clued.
Tiberius states, "I have an idea after Clued."
Temi finishes abruptly, "We can certainly look at those, but just to be honest - those were all Ghed's specialty"
Maeve nods at Sparkles.
NotClood trails off, "Clued..."
PositronicJune claims, "Clued"
Maeve states, "I don't know what he did or how they work, but I can have a look."
Dalton trails off, "I always have things to do when I log in..."
Dalton coughs in Crafter and Guild Leader.
HIEROPHANT says, "There are always seasonal and holiday lulls in activity, and there are very limited lists of things to do during those periods, leading to a lot of flicker logging as people hop on, realize nobody's on, and hop off.
For overall game direction, yes, the core gameplay function of the Legitimate AUthorities is causing issues.
Send me a tell after this, Maeve, I can go into it in detail on the minigames - ours needs a bit of finishing up anywhow."
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.
HIEROPHANT claims, "Er, rather, the lack of Legitimate Authorities is causing issues for the core gameplay loop, excuse me."
Maeve says, "I'll send you a tell after, Hierophant."
Temi claims, "We did kick of seneschal bids again ow"
Dalton exclaims, "Hey! We also have a new Lord Justiciar"
Maeve queries, "Can you explain what you mean by lack of legitimate authorities?"
Musketeer states, "But Seneschal bids, in fairness, don't solve the lack of Inquisitors."
Dalton states, "So heres to hoping that the cops get to arresting people"
Maeve wonders, "Just people inactive?"
PositronicJune says, "I assume they mean like. Lack of Inquisitors, lack of reeves"
Maeve nods at PositronicJune.
Musketeer says, "To the point I've considered biting the proverbial bullet."
Temi claims, "The only thing that solves lack of inquisitors is inquisitors."
Temi grins.
Maeve nods at Temi.
HIEROPHANT states, "I can! Reeves and Inquisitors, played by players preferably, but also acceptably NPC authorities run via gpoint RPA as stand-ins until we get some, who serve as on-grid consequences for getting caught fooling around."
Temi claims, "But that's been a longterm problem we don't have a great solution for yet"
Musketeer pinches the bridge of his nose with a groan.
HIEROPHANT says, "NPCs via RPA are a staff burden and a stopgap/band-aid at best."
Dalton claims, "Knights are all well and good... but we need people who can wear that cardinal color wandering around ruining peoples days... I mean keeping the fine people of the city safe."
Maeve questions, "So players would like staff to run NPCs to fill those roles?"
Nevermore muses, "Why people are NOT playing inquisitors then?"
Sparkles claims, "I'm guessing there's a variety of reasons that's true, including community feeling and policy restrictions."
HIEROPHANT claims, "That's a whole topic in and of itself, I feel."
Jiraiya claims, "Inquisitor is a tough job. I don't mind NPCs supplementing that"
NotClood says, "I burnt myself out on my last PC and was tempted to make an inquisitor- But I wanted to first get back into the groove with a lighter character."
Maeve muses to Sparkles, "Do you think any particular policies need to be changed?"
Maeve nods at NotClood.
Brando states, "Bring on the NPC's if they are needed please"
Nevermore says, "Like, if we need them, and the only way to fix the issue is for people to play them, then naturally the issue is that people don't want to play them, logically the question would be why? Same goes for... Reeves, but to a lesser degree, we DO have a new Lord Justiciar."
Musketeer claims, "There's definitely a lot of grief towards those more.. What's the word I'm looking for? Conflict-inducing? Roles. I've seen a lot of people take IC conflict to an OOC tilt over my time playing."
Maeve nods at Nevermore.
Temi states, "We don't have enough staff to maintain a lot of on-grid functions in any sort of active role"
Maeve says to Musketeer, "That's sad."
Maeve nods at Temi.
Temi claims, "But yeah, people have definitely been great at those roles and quit because of the grief they get"
Sihtric questions, "To do the job properly (investigative inquisitor), you need a dedciated player imo. Perhaps reward them in some additional way to encourage people to play these roles?"
PositronicJune claims, "Yeah, solving the problem of not having enough inquisitors probably requires looking into the reasons why people don't play inquisitors"
Brando claims, "Then we go without i am afraid :("
Maeve nods at PositronicJune.
PositronicJune claims, "I'd kind of like to play an inquisitor, but I know I'd be highly sensitive to the grief I'd get and probably bad feelings I'd inevitably cause"
Maeve muses, "Why do the people in this room not want to make inquisitors?"
Maeve nods at PositronicJune.
esay Some can't because they have mage alts
Unrecognized command.
say Some can't because they have mage alts
Tiberius says, "Some can't because they have mage alts"
Temi says, "We can help stopgap moving things forwards, but it's no real replacement for active players in those roles"
Maeve nods at Tiberius.
Musketeer claims, "It's not a role I admit that is the most appealing, but if it's needed to the point that it can't be ignored, I'm willing to make the change over."
Eloxotzi is idle.
Maeve nods at Musketeer.
Maeve claims to Musketeer, "That's appreciated."
HIEROPHANT says, "I very obviously cannot do so, nor can I in the character after this one on account of crossover policy - but I think the root of the issue is the role itself generally feels like a burden."
ThatBard says, "I kinda want to play an inquisitor, but I can't due to alts and also the OOC drama."
Maeve says, "I don't want people to fall on their swords though. The game should be fun."
Maeve nods at ThatBard.
Nevermore claims to Maeve, "I played inquisitor and a reeve in the past and I can say that both feel like a IRL equivalent of having an actual job sometimes. Also stress, also the fact that for the amount effort there isn't much reward for the amount of effort one must put in order to make it work properly."
Musketeer says, "Be right back"
Maeve nods at Nevermore.
PositronicJune says, "I imagine reeves get less grief because reeves cause lesser consequence. Often if you get caught by the reeves, it's because you were doing crime, now you get a fine or something. If you get caught by the inquisition, you probably weren't doing something actually morally wrong and it might very well be over for you"
Maeve wonders, "What can we do to alleviate that?"
Eloxotzi is no longer idle.
Eloxotzi has returned from AFK.
NotClood states, "Abolish the church"
Sparkles states, "I'd say the 'not actually wrong' tends to be inaccurate just that most folks don't see what they are doing as wrong."
NotClood coughs.
Maeve chuckles.
HIEROPHANT states, "For sake of clarity of bookkeeping - are we done talking about game direction moving forward, and moving fully onto the topic of 'why is Inquisitor the least-popular guildrole in The Inquisition: Legacy', or is this still to remain within the scope of the original topic?
Because this is a layered issue to dig into, and could very easily eat up the whole hour if we let it."
Maeve nods at Sparkles.
ThatBard claims, "I remember that time I hosted a public Reeve Trial for people and then lost my job and was forced to not rp by the GI. Sometimes it felt like antagonistic roles don't get enough support. People dislike it when a Reeve Player does a reeves job."
PositronicJune says, "Sadly I don't have any ideas for alleviating the problems."
Maeve claims, "Yeah, I'm interested in Game Direction for the moment."
PositronicJune claims, "Reasonable, what's Hierophant's saying"
Maeve states, "I don't think we can solve Inquisitors right now."
Temi says, "We should maybe redirect back to direction, yeah."
Maeve nods at Temi.
Maeve states to HIEROPHANT, "Thank you for the redirection."
Nevermore claims, "Sorry for derailing the convo, whoops."
Tiberius laughs.
Temi states, "But trying to get those big roles staffed or handled in some way is a direction. Just not one to solve right now."
HIEROPHANT claims, "I figure the first few meetings without Ghed at the helm will be a bit rocky, no worries."
Maeve claims, "You didn't. It's just one of the many paths we could go down."
PositronicJune claims, "I will say I've appreciated the inquisitors I've interacted with in the past, as much as they stressed me out"
Maeve nods at Temi.
Temi states, "We can just note that as a problem people want seen to, though."
Maeve smiles at HIEROPHANT.
Elisabetta is idle.
Maeve nods at Temi.
Elisabetta is no longer idle.
Maeve queries, "Any other changes people would like to see game-wise?"
, /self looks to NotClood
Tiberius looks to NotClood
Sparkles claims, "I think for game direction, getting collectively on the same page as for where we see things going might be helpful. It has felt for a time there's been a certain tension between what players seem to seek/enjoy/want and what staff seems to seek/want."
NotClood eyes Tiberius
say If NotClood already went I had an idea
Tiberius states, "If NotClood already went I had an idea"
NotClood claims, "I'm gucci."
PositronicJune states, "I suppose a small issue is the economy, it's difficult to sell things, whether you're a hunter or a crafter. Partially because of assets being hard to compete with"
[OOC] Gwenda: "Is the chat still ongoing i spaced our ahaha"
PositronicJune says, "Well, maybe not small"
Maeve states, "I think my role is to make it as fun for everyone as possible."
Nospeedy nods.
HIEROPHANT states, "I don't have any hard solutions, but something I have brought up in past meetings for getting more Reeves is - modifications to chargen, such as:
Making the role cheaper to purchase when the guild is depopulated, or other chargen-specific incentives for brand-new and returning players;
Helpfile prompts in the role selection room to lead folks to helpfiles that better explain what the Guilds do, be it the Inquisition or otherwise;
And applying that eventually to every Guild, not just the Order roles."
[OOC] Temi: "It is, yep. Did you want to come?"
HIEROPHANT states, "Oops, that took a second to put into words, apologies."
[OOC] Gwenda: "Yes please"
Temi has transferred Gwenda. [OOC]
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.
Musketeer says, "One actually, regaarding the Knights and a change. Simply put, the Knights don't have access to guild funds, because they're lumped in with the Order, when after asking around, they used to be their own guild. But, plainly speaking, I've seen a LOT of new knights come in, and that has expenses that can't be addressed, and shouldn't be something solely reliant on the individual guild member to resolve out of their own pocket"
Temi gives assorted coin-shaped chocolates bearing crowns and chalices to Gwenda.
Maeve says, "I like those suggestions, thank you."
Nospeedy states, "Outside of like.. food. People dont really buy much regularly."
Nospeedy claims, "That I am aware of."
Maeve nods at Musketeer.
Temi states, "The knights should be treated as full members of the Order with their GLs able to serve as actual GLs"
Maeve nods at Temi.
Jiraiya claims, "Yah some sinks for materials would be nice"
Sparkles claims, "I think the trouble is some of the code/guilding isn't fully set up that way."
Sparkles claims, "At least from what I'm gathering."
Temi states, "Yeah... I think Az had some protests."
ThatBard says, "I got another topic for later."
Maeve says to Sparkles, "Putting checking that on my to do list."
Maeve nods at ThatBard.
Musketeer nods
HIEROPHANT states, "They are meant to be able to do so, but that's also a problem usually very trivially solved by having a GI or Archbishop, which means it's less a Knight issue and more that other topic."
Maeve nods.
Sparkles says, "Because it means since July, the Order has had no one with some functions so it's ... sort of put a hink in a lot of things."
Temi nods at Sparkles.
Temi says, "Yeah, we should address that."
NotClood muses, "GL Knights very much have access to guild funds?"
Sparkles states, "Like evidently, the Knights not being able to control money in the midst of a war."
Maeve claims to NotClood, "I'd like to think they do."
HIEROPHANT claims, "While considering that, please ensure they also have the other GL benefits, like generating IP and having free city support/subvert votes."
NotClood says, "There was a whole scandal revolving my Knight PC /taking/ money from the guild."
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.
HIEROPHANT claims, "I want my metric victories to feel earned. :D"
Dalton says, "If we're bringing up assets briefly I have a question on it that can wait for now."
Maeve nods at Dalton.
Maeve states, "I think we need to move on from this topic for the sake of time, but I do want to hear more."
Sparkles states, "In short, there's some issues that have a lot of impact on RP that might just require small building/typo/code things."
Maeve says, "Please send me tells after if you haven't been able to say what you'd like game direction-wise."
Maeve nods at Sparkles.
Jiraiya claims, "Might be a good forum post"
Maeve nods at Jiraiya.
HIEROPHANT claims, "As for the economy stuff - TI doesn't attempt to simulate a full-scale economy. Most purchases are, beyond the first few, essentially just a luxuries market; there's no 'hunger meter', nobody starves, etc.
The thing I will mention is there are no money pits; though it takes a long time to reach that point, because the closest thing to a money pit is phome building and furnishing and so on - but once you get there, there's very little to do, codedly, with money."
Maeve claims, "Good idea, I'll make a forum post about game direction."
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.
say Oh yeah. I should do mine as a forum post, for feedback.
Tiberius says, "Oh yeah. I should do mine as a forum post, for feedback."
Maeve claims, "Next is staff updates. I've been doing player requests for the most part."
Musketeer muses, "Gambling exists though, doesn't it?"
HIEROPHANT states, "Assets bring money into circulation, and only buying things from NPC shops, using it in plots, etc. removes it, so it tends to just pile up."
Brando nods
Maeve queries to Temi, "What about you?"
Temi says, "I've been mainly doing the Crusade stuff. We're getting towards the end now, though I don't think folks are quite done yet"
PositronicJune states, "Money piling up hasn't been a thing I've noticed"
Dalton wonders, "Oh! About those requests... Can we have that secure kill booth added into the Merchants now?"
Temi claims, "But folks have achieved an on-grid battle, so I'm working on putting together something exciting for that"
PositronicJune claims, "What"
Gwenda asks, "The what? "
say Sounds like a dangerous dunking booth
Tiberius says, "Sounds like a dangerous dunking booth"
Dalton wonders, "Huh?"
Temi states, "Based on the what2meet, looks like we're going to do 6 pm system time tomorrow"
Maeve says, "Cool"
Temi says, "But it will probably continue on for a bit and others can join if they become available"
Musketeer says, "No conflict for my d&d game, sweet"
Temi says, "I'll reach out to my NPC volunteers on a group note tonight. I'll be leaving some direction to you guys as far as decisions you want to make, etc."
Temi nods at Maeve.
Maeve states, "Eurus told me he was going afk. His update is that he's fixed a few minor bugs."
Musketeer asks, "I'll ask the hanging question, is the battle worth any points?"
HIEROPHANT declaims, "The battle is a reward from gaining many points, I believe!"
Musketeer claims, "I feel I need a break from my losing streak."
HIEROPHANT says, "Wartime battle scenes and RP are a treat, they're really, really rare since they require staff and volunteer time. Kinda like big STs."
Dalton trails off, "Nah..."
Dalton states, "Need more losses"
Temi states, "But yeah, I was planning on having some points at stake further"
Dalton trails off, "Losses make hard times... something something something... soft men make losses"
PositronicJune states, "Weak men make me h"
Eurus is idle.
Maeve asks, "We ready to move on? How was the game for everyone in the last week or so?"
Dalton claims, "Ah yes. Weak mean make losses."
Dalton glances at Musketeer.
Sparkles exclaims, "A super thanks to everyone who came on the story last weekend!"
Musketeer queries, "Can I speak bluntly in that regard?"
Maeve nods at Musketeer.
HIEROPHANT says, "I have been having a great time. I have had -something- to do in TI every single day, which is a wonderful return to regular activity from the winter holiday lull."
Maeve smiles at HIEROPHANT.
Nevermore says, "To say the least, a lot of unexpected stuff happened, but so far, so good. I managed to hook a lot of people into RP from what it sounds like, and I'm proud over it."
Maeve smiles at Nevermore.
Dalton states, "I got touched... by a shadow. So you know. Pretty good overall."
Kalana claims, "Definitely seems to be more active this week"
NotClood eyes Dalton warily.
Unrecognized command.
Nevermore exclaims, "Say no, Shadows can't touch you without your consent!"
Nospeedy claims, "Shadows can be fun."
Maeve says, "Thank you to our storytellers this last week, by the way. I know it's a lot of effort, and I can tell people really appreciated it from the recommend queue."
Temi nods in agreement with Maeve.
Maeve asks of Musketeer, "Did you have something you wanted to share?"
Temi claims, "Absolutely, I wasn't in a position to run that, despite being Crusade-related, so thanks for running that."
Dalton claims, "He's writing it out I think"
Dalton nods to Maeve.
Maeve says, "I'll wait then. :)"
Sparkles states, "It was fun, I remember reading lots of accounts of folks doing things like that, and wanted to share the joy."
HIEROPHANT claims, "It was a great start to this year of TI for me for sure."
ThatBard claims, "I liked it alot. XD"
Musketeer states, "For the record, if anyone here ever has an issue ICly with me that is too hot to handle, please just send me a tell OOCly, and we can adjust accordingly. I don't like people not having fun with the game. But that doesn't excuse downright rude behaviours on both levels, and then just alt-f4'ing after you catch a bit of thematic IC heat, and you don't like it."
Nevermore trails off, "I wanted to run a few City ST's, I was thinking something like Call of Cthulhu themed..."
Eloxotzi is idle.
HIEROPHANT asks, "If I could be blunt in return, Musketeer?"
Eloxotzi is no longer idle.
Musketeer claims, "By all means, I'd prefer it."
, /self picks his teeth to keep from going idle
Tiberius picks his teeth to keep from going idle
Eloxotzi has returned from AFK.
HIEROPHANT muses, "'Send me a tell' is a fine thing to invite, but it goes the other direction, too. If someone does something you dislike enough to bring it up in the OOC meeting, maybe consider using board 7 and writing them a note, preferably with staff included on it for transparency/mediation?"
Brando nods
HIEROPHANT queries, "IC drama is one thing, but if it strays into OOC territory, that's something to be proactive about resolving, yeah?"
Maeve claims, "I appreciate that. I was thinking that I might have to point back at the 'be nice' reminder. I do think it's best to pboard the people who acted rude and deal with it directly if possible, or reach out to staff privately if there's a pattern."
Musketeer claims, "A valid point, and I would have, but that's arguably hard to do when they've dropped the game entirely."
Maeve claims, "I would ask that people keep the rude IC. :)"
Dalton says, "I mean... back in the day... And that makes me sound old. But I played back in 2016, which I remember Temi from there... When you pull some BS IC, you got IC consequences that could include losing a hand, getting branded, or at the far end, getting pyred. As for the alt-f4'ing out... I attended said scene and tried to de-escalate it, but the person in question didn't seem amenable to the idea of de-escalating rather just... Indirectly insulting other people in the scene and then getting called out for it which caused the alt-f4."
Musketeer states, "At the time I hadn't even been able to get an osay off, let alone a tell or board before they'd left."
HIEROPHANT states, "Okay.
I really don't think hashing any of this out in the meeting is even remotely appropriate, because it's gone beyond the hypotheticals into specifics."
Dalton says, "And the called out... was through IC means I should mention."
Maeve claims, "It sounds like something that probably is a specific incident that may either need specific staff intervention or a private convo. "
Maeve claims, "I appreciate the general sentiment though."
Sparkles says, "I admit I was present for what's being referenced, and I was going to attempt to be a bit more general in how I mentioned it. But, can note the details for staff later."
Maeve says to Sparkles, "Thanks :)"
Maeve exclaims, "Okay player topics!"
Maeve says to Musketeer, "You're first"
Maeve asks, "Or was that your topic?"
Musketeer claims, "I kind of covered my bases actually, with everything."
Temi nods.
Maeve smiles.
Maeve trails off, "Okay, next up is ..."
Maeve states to HIEROPHANT, "You :)"
HIEROPHANT states, "My little topic to present is:
Blacksmithing has recipes to turn big ingots into small bars, and also to turn small bars back into big ingots.
Jeweling recipes don't. That's kind of weird. It'd be a handy little QOL thing to have it work the same for both skills, if that's not a big ask.
There are, for transparency, Wizard Reasons for this, that I necessarily cannot go into in the meeting."
Maeve looks to Temi who is agreed to own crafts.
Temi states, "To be fair: big ingots and small bars are legacy that should just be gone"
PositronicJune claims, "Yeah I was going to say, having done blacksmithing, the big bars don't seem to have a major reason to exist"
Temi claims, "We could go to the effort of removing them if that consistency would help folks"
Musketeer states, "For big jewelry obviously"
HIEROPHANT states, "Maybe? I will admit it is somewhat tedious on the blacksmithing side, but it's necessary to turn horseshoes into ingots into bars, for example.
The other reason they exist is storage, if you store materials in bulk."
PositronicJune states, "I feel like having to use charcoal to convert them makes using it for storage not worth it"
Dalton trails off, "I like storing things..."
Dalton claims, "Also if we remove the Ingots, we lose the ability to buy 1 ingot and get 4 bars for jeweling"
, /self munches on a lump of charcoal
Tiberius munches on a lump of charcoal
PositronicJune asks, "Wow Tiberius, are you insulting Ambre's cooking?"
say lol no
Tiberius states, "Lol no"
Dalton says, "That's what it sounds like to me."
HIEROPHANT states, "That depends on how you get your charcoal.
Also, rare item loads for ingots, both ones that exist now and ones future nobles add as imports or the QP shop - those have better value if they can turn into bars."
say I heard about an old woman who used to eat coal sometiems.
Tiberius states, "I heard about an old woman who used to eat coal sometiems."
Temi states, "Storage might be a benefit, but it wasn't the reason they exist. That's purely because they used to exist and we didn't expunge them fully, even with moving to primarily bars"
HIEROPHANT wonders, "Ah, let me clarify it as a reason to keep it, then?"
Temi claims, "But yeah, if you guys would rather keep it, that's very easy for us to not remove them."
Gwenda is idle.
Temi says, "But I don't think I'd be inclined to add more of that fussiness to other crafts"
Maeve states, "With four more people to go and technically eight minutes, I'll let Hiero say one more thing, then will move to the next."
HIEROPHANT claims, "Nothing else to say on the topic publically, just going to send a tell for ~sekrit reasons~."
Maeve states, "Thanks, and sorry for cutting the topic off."
Elisabetta gasps
Maeve claims to Sparkles, "You're up next :)"
Sparkles queries, "Oh, I just had a short question. Tis Yule time but also Big War Time. There are some items that have traditionally been for sale at Yule, will that happen this year or best to plan around it this year?"
Maeve asks, "I have no idea - Temi do you know?"
Nevermore says, "We're bringing Edessa back as a Yule gift to everyone."
Nevermore cackles maddeningly
Gwenda is no longer idle.
Gwenda has left the game.
Temi claims, "That was a Leta thing, so I probably wouldn't have them this year and maybe not as-is in the future"
Sihtric states, "Sounds like regifting to me. :)"
Sparkles exclaims, "Ah, alright, understood!"
Maeve claims, "Thanks :)"
Maeve says to ThatBard, "I have your name down as next :)"
ThatBard states, "I noticed some of the guild roles are not set up correctly, specifically skill requirements. I have seen the Physicians have a skill requirement of Language 47 (is that even possible?) and chandlery 47. The Bards seem similarly set up. Now I'm not a GL, so I can't exactly fix or even see stuff, but maybe we should have Gls check their roles so people can purchase things if Gl's are afk or something similar."
Maeve says, "That's a good idea. I believe guild leaders can set up roles and the requirements for them."
Dalton asks, "Can we?"
Dalton trails off, "Hold up..."
NotClood says, "Oh god"
Maeve questions, "?"
NotClood states, "He's going mad with power"
Dalton declares, "Mwahaha.... MWHAAHAHAHAHA!"
HIEROPHANT claims, "Okay, small PSA, lol. When you promote to GL you gain access to a bunch of GL-specific helpfiles."
Dalton coughs.
Nospeedy states, "I am so confused why chandlery of all things is needed for a Physician role.."
NotClood says, "You do! I had a fun time finding the ones I found."
Musketeer says, "Dalton, we talked about this. Mad power day is MONDAY, not Saturday."
Maeve states, "We probably need a help file that is like "Here is a list of things GLs can do" and link to the appropriate command help files and so forth."
Dalton muses, "... How bout we split the difference and make it Sunday?"
Dalton questions, "Or is that gumbo day?"
Maeve states, "For all I know, that exists. I'll check."
HIEROPHANT says, "I don't think there is a help guildleader <helpfile> category, no."
Sparkles says, "Sunday is for indulgences."
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.
HIEROPHANT claims, "That is what helpfile categories are for though."
PositronicJune states, "I think Language 47 would be possible. Categories of skills have their own ranks, derived somehow from the ranks in their skills"
Elisabetta nods at sparkles
Temi claims, "Yeah, chandlery isn't something staff put in as a requirement for physicians, though it's possible that a physician GL put in at some point"
Maeve nods at Temi.
, /self thinks and thinks why that might be, but is content to leave it as a mystery for now
Tiberius thinks and thinks why that might be, but is content to leave it as a mystery for now
Musketeer states, "Sunday is also for all of us LOTR nerds storming the Black Gate, sand edition."
Maeve says, "If you're a guild leader and type 'help roles', there's a list of GL syntax there, including how to manage roles."
Temi claims, "But probably shouldn't be, with it being a guildskill for another guild"
Nospeedy claims, "Dune: Medieval edition."
Brando trails off, "Soap is important cleanliness thingy ... dont forget to wash your hands eh"
ThatBard wonders, "Well it's not a physician guildskill so it's impossible to achieve(except with heavy bribes to the merchants?)"
Maeve nods at Temi.
Dalton coughs in not being bribed enough.
Maeve claims, "We can reach out to the relevant GL and request it be fixed, or change it directly. Maybe we shouldn't let roles use guildskills from other guilds codewise."
Maeve muses to PositronicJune, "You mentioned you might have a topic. Do you?"
HIEROPHANT states to Temi, "When I first promoted to 2GL, Leta approached me with a little check-in board note, and a month later, she got with me in tells to see how I'd settled in. I unfortunately don't have that board note cnoted but presumably that's something to consider to alleviate this notion."
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.
HIEROPHANT states, "I have no idea if that's just something she did on her own initiative or an internal staff policy."
HIEROPHANT says, "But it was nice! I hope other GLs get the same helping hand."
Temi claims, "That was definitely a her thing that I never even saw"
NotClood says, "I had a /little/ bit of help from Ghed when I was made GM. But most everything else, I was kinda' thrown into the deep end on."
PositronicJune says to Maeve, "Oh, no, sorry"
Nevermore states, "Never been a GL, seems like it's REALLY stressing though"
Maeve questions, "No worries. Have I missed anyone that has a topic?"
Elisabetta begins to descend.
Dalton states, "Me."
Elisabetta leaves down.
Nospeedy says, "Burned me out abit last I tried."
Musketeer says, "It CAN BE, but that is in part decided by your guild"
Maeve states to Dalton, "Thank you for your patience. Please raise your topic - and if anyone has to leave, it's okay to go down."
Musketeer claims, "Guild members, sorry, fingers fat, brain slow."
Dalton states, "My topic is just that... is there a specific reason that Assets were moved out of Chargen thus outside of being able to gain through XP while in Chargen on top of coin on grid. This has caused a good number of our newer players to not have assets or understand how they work anymore... I've had to take the time myself to explain to every new player that i've interacted with in the past... since I joined. 'How assets work.' 'What resources would work for your craft.' 'How to figure out all that fun stuff.'"
esay remember to delegate lol
Unrecognized command.
Dalton claims, "Pre-typed topic go."
Brando nods at Nospeedy
Eloxotzi is idle.
Eloxotzi is no longer idle.
Eloxotzi has returned from AFK.
HIEROPHANT says, "They have been on-grid only since I started playing, so that change is at least a year and a half-ish old? There -is- a chargen room that talks about them, but you have to go to the town hall to do it. I agree it's very clunky."
Dalton states, "It used to be handled in both is why I ask."
Maeve says, "I don't have enough history in staff at this time to answer the question, though Temi may have insight."
Nospeedy claims, "Yeah, I never really thought about having a asset for getting.. stuff."
NotClood still doesn't even know how assets work. Starting asset ftw.
Dalton finishes abruptly, "For crafters... it's basically a requirement unless you already know how to play Farmville - TI Edition"
Nospeedy nods to notclood
Brando says, "Assets are very important for both monetary and crafting reasons "
HIEROPHANT says, "It's a good question. I didn't think of it, I just chalked it up to TI jank."
, /self loves his assets
Tiberius loves his assets
Musketeer states, "Embrace the jank. Consume the jank. BE. THE JANK."
HIEROPHANT claims, "God if you only knew"
PositronicJune trails off, "I wonder how much silver I could have saved buying an asset for resources..."
Temi claims, "But yeah, assets never got to quite where we wanted, but some simplification and less everyone starting with all the income, and having something to work towards if you have played before"
Musketeer says, "I have some ideas, don't worry."
Nevermore says, "I didn't learn about assets until like an OOC month after creating my character."
Dalton exclaims, "Side note... If anyone has crafting materials in their Assets... Your Merchant 1st GL wants to talk to you!"
Dalton uncle sam points.
Dalton trails off, "Yea..."
Temi claims, "We'll probably revisit assets at some point, but it's not proven an easy thing with a shared view on how it should actually look"
Temi grins.
Sparkles claims, "I will say changing away from getting assets with XP kind of makes it feel like a reverse goal post."
Nospeedy says, "I only ever knew assets as that one thing I do once a week for silver.."
HIEROPHANT says, "Anyway - The most obfuscated part about it is definitely the resources. Assets themselves are somewhat straightforward, even if it isn't clear from the outset how valuable they are; they take what, about 2.5 IRL months to pay themselves off, on average? Depends on the metrics, but."
Dalton says, "The problem is for those established, they are easy to pick up and work with. For those not established. They are easily forgotten about or not known in the first place. So you end up losing out on the coin to be able to do things."
Musketeer muses, "What do you mean by reverse goal post?"
Maeve nods at Dalton.
Maeve states, "Thank you for raising assets - and honestly, roles too. We are ten minutes over, and I have a few tells of people who need to get going."
Dalton claims, "I understand needing coin to buy an asset... But if you need thousands of coin to buy an asset... The standard asset you start with, won't get you there before several months are up."
Dalton waves.
Maeve nods at Dalton.
HIEROPHANT claims, "If the goal of assets is dissuade having lots of money right out of chargen and instead a trickle over time, then they probably shouldn't cost only silver to buy, because the optimal move for generating money is to buy them right away, which means purchasing wealth with XP in chargen or with QP.
Which is counterintuitive, I think, if that's the goal."
Dalton exclaims, "Support your local merchants with business!"
Eloxotzi begins to descend.
Eloxotzi limps down.
Maeve declares, "Thank you for attending everyone!"
Maeve pontificates, "Please note that bids for Seneschal are now open!"
say Great job. Thans
Tiberius states, "Great job. Thans"
say Thanks
Tiberius claims, "Thanks"
Brando says, "Please make a forum post if you missed out on having your say today ok"
Musketeer stands up.
Musketeer begins to descend.
Maeve nods at Brando.
Musketeer leaves down.
HIEROPHANT says, "Oh gee, I'll get right on that. :^)"
Maeve chuckles.
NotClood claims, "Vote for me."
Maeve claims, "Returning everyone to the game."
Dalton trails off, "Need more Hierophant posts..."

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