Log of OOC Meeting 2023-04-08

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:56 pm

Sat Apr 08, 2023 6:26 pm

Ghed wonders, "Before we begin, folks, here's a reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Today's Agenda is:
   - Staff Updates
   - Player Heartbeat
   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon.

Finally, who wants to scribe for today?"

Motherof states, "I have a topic."

Dragor exclaims, "Red team, red team!"

Ghed nods at Motherof.

TheBardyBoy cheers for the greens

Jackassaurus states, "I do as well"

Ghed asks, "Anyone else? Anyone for scribe?"

Ghed nods at Jackassaurus.

Deedee says, "I can scribe if no one else wants to."

Ghed nods at Deedee.

Ghed pontificates to Deedee, "Thanks!"

Ghed has awarded you 2> QPs: scribe

Ghed says, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Ghed declares, "(please begin pre-typing your topics meanwhile!)"

Ghed claims, "Long week for me IRL, writing my thesis until late hours, so not a lot of TI"

Deedee nods.

Ghed says, "I handled a heavy amount of policy this week, one of the highest in my time as staffer"

Himbopotamus says, "Ooh, man, familiar pain. Good luck, dude. ...The thesis, I mean, not the policy."

Ghed states, "I did recommends in spurts, and player requests, and worked on stuff with Eurus. Which means he did all the work and I just drank tea and nodded."

Ghed claims, "That man is a blessing from Dav himself"

Titania says, "Eurus is great"

Ghed claims, "He's not here today, but you can check his work of this week in help news."

Ghed claims, "He and I have been working on a bit of a secret project."

Temi states, "Eurus did give an update of the stuff in help news and good progress on functionalities for that secret project."

Temi nods at Ghed.

WhiskeyGabe states, "Ooooh."

TheBardyBoy cheers for ALL the staff peoples.

Nospeedy muses, "Secret project you say?"

Rowan clap claps.

Ghed claims, "We've almost completed (as in 99 per cent complete) on a new subsystem to enable players to do phome building commands"

Himbopotamus states, "DUDE."

plague claims, "Oh my god"

Motherof says OOCly, "Wow. That's DOPE."

TheBardyBoy asks, "Power t the people?"

Himbopotamus states, "That is incredible."

Nospeedy declaims, "Woo!"

Rowan states, "Josh bless"

Ghed states, "That's changing room flags, descriptions, names, loading items, and upgrading locks (I think)"

Ikeala muses, "Is that going to be related to the coordinating crafting skills?"

Ghed states to Ikeala, "I don't know, lol"

TheBardyBoy claims, "Now is the time to get in on that home decorator career I guess.."

Ghed says, "All commadns will be usable, all will cost money, all will be logged by staff to prevent unthemeliness, abuse, etc"

Anya claims, "I think that will help you guys a lot."

Himbopotamus nods at Anya.

Nospeedy nods at Anya.

Himbopotamus states, "Amazing how much work that's gonna take off staff's plate. How cool."
TheBardyBoy nods at Anya.

Ghed says, "If you change your phome room names to prevent knights from using travel to it I will eat your family"

Deedee asks, "Some of that will be locked out for the historical phomes I assume?"

Temi states, "I think it's less IC and more just a way to give us a little more breathing room, at least at this point"

HIEROPHANT sneezes loudly.

Rowan questions, "Would that mean it'd be a reasonable request to just ask you guys to create a room and do the writing and stuff in it ourselves?"

Dragor says, "That's really cool, actually."

Ghed states, "Phome design is the least efficient use of staff time -- we love it, it's great, but it demands a lot of work"

Rowan claims, "Errr, let us do the writing in it, rather"

Deedee nods.

TheBardyBoy says, "So we had better have spae family if we do that...got it. Kidding."

Yinadele declaims, "That will be pretty cool!"

Ghed claims, "It's why I always encourage people to use the real estate board"

Sue claims, "Imagine having a home"

Nospeedy claims, "That board is expensive"

Ghed claims, "Because buying a phome is severely cheaper for staff time"

Sue queries, "What are you, not poor?"

Tomato wonders, "If it works like other games do it I imagine we can just pop the extra rooms on ourselves right?"

Anya claims, "The board is cheaper than building from scratch."

Ghed claims, "And for you too as phomes come discounted"

Ghed nods at Anya.

Rowan claims to Sue, "I eat deluxe rat sticks"

TheBardyBoy claims, "I'm working on buying a shop."

Ghed states to Tomato, "Not yet, for some reasons such as vnum assignment"

Temi states to Rowan, "We have you do the room descriptions yourself already anyway"

Sue says, "Silence Richie Rich "

Ghed claims, "For now staff will still build the rooms themselves"

Tomato states, "Ah but still way easier"

Tomato claims, "And minor changes easier to make"

Ghed says, "It's a module to be explored after we make sure what we have prepared works well"

Tomato says, "And maybe doesn't require staff to pop into the room with you and a small group of people to make the room private >_>"

plague claims, "I prefer building things custom since I typically have a specific purpose and organization in mind, though my most recent purchase was very satisfactory (until I didn't want to write 10 roomdescs and simply did not do anything with it)"

Ghed states, "We hope it  will cut down on player requests, enabling us to do other things like plots and progs, and that it also will help players get what they want faster"

Himbopotamus states, "Could be a cool addition to stories down the line if it works. (I don't recall if Sts could already do room editing.)"

TheBardyBoy muses, "That also answers one of my future questions too! We can change room titles?"

Rowan asks of Temi, "I meant that as in, can we just ask you to slot in an empty room and just let us do all the fine tuning without the note system? Because it gets more cumbersome the more rooms you want added"

HIEROPHANT trails off, "That is Bad Ass. Finally, the secret lair of my dreams..."

Ghed claims to Himbopotamus, "They can't"

Anya states, "As a person who changes their mind about small things frequently, or notices that it wasn't quite what I intended to write, or even that I put things on the wrong side of the room, I like easy phome changes not taking up staff time when I'm the goober."

Himbopotamus nods at Anya.

Ghed states to Rowan, "That's the idea"

Temi says, "Ah, perhaps, we'll see how that goes."

Temi nods at Rowan.

Ghed nods at Anya.
Rowan says to Ghed, "Thats awesome"

Ghed claims, "Anyways, all the love to Eurus who rolled up his virtual sleeves and got to work on this"

HIEROPHANT says, "Oh, wow, that means one could add to their phome a bit at a time, rather than having to set it up all at once."

TheBardyBoy states, "It sounds like a big upgrade for player control and staff sanity to me."

Ghed pontificates, "So send him a tell of appreciation if you wanna! or not"

Rowan says, "Thanks to eurus i can finally have my 100 room phome"

HIEROPHANT says, "Just buy all the empty rooms up front and populate it later."

Ghed nods at TheBardyBoy.

plague says, "That's huge"

Temi claims, "There's still limits"

Ghed says, "Alright"

Ghed questions to Temi, "And what about you?"

Temi claims, "I've been trying to help keep up with the requests and things like that.  No big moves on the plot yet, but it's still there.  So if you would like to get things in motion, please take a look at pushing forwards on that, or I'm going to have to do stuff in motion as if you aren't."

Temi grins.

Temi claims, "I know there's several threads that I shouldn't just leave hanging forever."

Temi states, "But I think that's most of it for the moment."

Ghed nods.

Ghed states, "Thanks for the hard work T"

Yinadele claims, "I've pushed forwards on a big one, and once that one goes, I'll be able to handle the others now that IRL has stabilized when that one resolves."
RamblingSeert stops using a little toy tower with a wheel affixed at one of its sides.

Tomato says, "I admit i did everything i can act on for the plot and am mainly waiting for the Big Boys to push for it now"

TheBardyBoy muses, "Plot?"

Yinadele pontificates, "Sorry for any delays on the player end!"

Ghed claims, "It's greedily satisfying to wake up, get coffee, open TI and see 10 requests all handled by Temi in the night"

Motherof states, "Hah."

Ghed says to TheBardyBoy, "There's a big staff plot going on, slowly but surely"

WhiskeyGabe says, "Like Batman but not a dirty capitalist"

HIEROPHANT trails off to Ghed, "Rubbing your hands together and chuckling villeinously at your minions' efforts overnight..."

Tomato states, "The charali savages are attacking the Vavardi border because they dont like their land being stolen"

TheBardyBoy claims, "Ah, I must learn more of this plot then."

Temi states to TheBardyBoy, "The Vavardi have asked for help against the Charali, but the King isn't excited about the idea."

Temi grins.

Tomato states, "Plot header list should bring it up"

Ghed declares, "The charalis envy civilised people and do not understand notions of property! har har har"

Temi says, "Plot header review 68, specifically"

Dragor claims, "The king wanna beat the Daravi devils instead."

TheBardyBoy muses, "Ooh potential war?"

Temi nods in agreement.

TheBardyBoy says OOCly, "How does one get involved?"

Tomato says, "Its VERY far away from the capital so its sort of become somewhat stale news to the cushion politicians"

TheBardyBoy wonders, "How does one get involved?"

Ghed pontificates to TheBardyBoy, "There are NPCs at the Town Hall or Cathedral steps that will address you as you walk in -- or you can talk to guild leaders!"

Temi states, "And you can start a plot of your own if you want to give that a try, to get involved in some other way, writing home, etc."

TheBardyBoy questions, "I've noticed the npcs. How do you interact with them?"

Rowan states, "You can give em stuff"

Tomato says, "You give them stuff"

Ikeala states, "Put stuff in their bucket."

Titania claims, "Give them stuff"

Rowan states, "I gave one a meatpie once by accident"

Temi says, "Staff-sponsored plots have free plot interactions."

Temi nods.

Rowan says, "Hopefully it fed a hungry soldier"

Deedee claims, "You can also plot header list, plot header review (number) to see info about it. You can do a plot advance on your own against the header, but it's a bit complicated."

Yinadele says, "My character tries to stick around at the Town Hall Council chambers when available, if you want to talk or ask about politics! Feel free to notify or flag down the Seneschal."

Temi exclaims to Rowan, "I'm sure it will go to use!"

Titania claims to Yinadele, "Alright, on my way"

Yinadele says, "Hmmm help human resources"

Ghed nods.

TheBardyBoy muses, "Sounds like an oppurtunity for gentry to stick thier nose in politics and maybe profit?"

Ghed queries, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"

Ghed states to TheBardyBoy, "Y E S "

Dragor says, "I scream endlessly."

Dragor claims, "That's my heartbeat."

Tomato says, "So much RP, I can hardly keep up with all the people I need to talk to"

Motherof states, "Everything is made up and the points don't matter"

Ikeala claims, "It's certainly been a very interesting week."

WhiskeyGabe says, "I need to make a little more time to be around without specific tasks, but every time I AM around is awesome. Lots of IC 'work' to do."

Temi grins at Motherof.

Deedee states, "Busy stressful time at work. I've made some time for TI though"

Ruby says, "I've been better, feeling burnt out"

Himbopotamus says, "My 'Days Without Crying' timer has reset so many times I made it my title"

TheBardyBoy states, "I've been good rp wise. Working on setting up some different stuff in game and having fun interacting."

Ruby claims, "Hoping a break fixes that "

Nospeedy claims, "Been pretty quiet outside of a few occasions for me, physician's guild is.. very quiet as well"

Dragor states, "I feel bad about some decisions I made, really, but overall I think it has been going well since I'm getting that good RP shit."

Yinadele exclaims, "Speaking in and leading to that! Hi guys, I'm sorry about being low activity before, as I've apologized, but now I'm hitting excellent RP hours rather than average properly again. I've gotten to be swept off my feet by a lot of RP!"

Ghed says to Ruby, "A break at the right moment can feel soo good"

Himbopotamus claims to Ruby, "We'll miss you but hope you have fun and come back relaxed. <3"

Ghed claims, "Like when you stop using a marker for a bit so it 'regains color'"

Serket claims, "I am looking forward to causing problems on purpose again"

Ghed is a serious adult

Rowan claims to Ruby, "I hope the sandwich is tasty"

Sue claims, "Like any real cop I'm not paid enough in Lithmore either"

Sue says, "That's my heartbeat"

Rowan states, "Just emblezzle your funds"

TheBardyBoy states, "Oh I should mention. I will be vanishing in a week or so for 5 days. I will miss the yule stuff. Sad about that"

Temi grins.

Ruby states, "I'm probably going to poof in the middle of the meeting to ride a crocodile but I just wanted to peep in with that "

Sue says, "That's illegal."

Rowan says, "Embezzle them, too"

TheBardyBoy claims, "I'm traveling"

HIEROPHANT says, "I put thirteen pages into my book, one I am proud of so far. I made some new friends. Looking forward to "making" other new friends, maybe. Practicing my villainous finger bridge in earnest. The good stuff."

Lisette says, "I'm so happy with howw easy it has been to find RP and how inclusive everyone has been."

Motherof claims, "Every time I turn around there's great RP, whether it's good, bad, or ugly. So, thank you other people for being awesome in all of those categories."

Himbopotamus says, "Crocodile Rematch"

plague claims, "Personally, I just can't wait until the next time I increase my wanted level."

Sue states, "You're already at 5 stars and I've got the helicopter."

Titania claims, "I may have made a mistake"

Titania states, "I'm not surey et"

Ruby states, "Crocodile Rematch"

WhiskeyGabe claims, "Plague made me cry, that's my real report"

TheBardyBoy questions, "Crocodile...boots?"

WhiskeyGabe claims, "CRY."

plague says, "Most GTA games have 6 stars so I've got a goal"

Dragor states, "Anyway, the week has been good and I had fun overall."

plague trails off, "Love you whiskeygabers..."

Ruby states, "Plague is good at making people cry "

RamblingSeert states, "I'm going absolutely insane"

Ghed queries, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and now?"

Sue states, "I'm going to make plague cry when I type dquarter"

Dragor muses, "May I start?"

Himbopotamus claims, "I think I said this last week but pllllease make travel not go through accept exits, or make a toggle"

HIEROPHANT muses to Ghed, "Ghed, why can't I retool my Very Big and Important Evil Murder Knife?"

Sue states, "Murder and knives are illegal"

Ghed claims to Himbopotamus, "Hm"

Himbopotamus states, "I can't get around without travel and the Hollow Globe has an accept exit right in the middle of it that all travels route me through."

HIEROPHANT states, "The default one doesn't go with my outfit."

Ghed claims to Himbopotamus, "I've no idea if that's even possible"

Himbopotamus claims, "I will live in hope."

Dragor states, "Ah yes"

Tomato states, "It used to not to but I think the rework wiggled it"

Dragor claims, "The drip clash."

Himbopotamus nods at Tomato.

Ikeala claims, "I mean the joke here potentially is to learn the layout of your work place to not require travel."

Serket states, "Are we on the shitting us part"

Deedee states, "I think there was a toggle planned to avoid routes through southside"

Dragor states, "How is that a joke that's how I roll."

Himbopotamus claims, "I have a pretty significant inability to do directions even IRL."

TheBardyBoy asks, "Is travel everyone elses crutch too?"

Rowan says, "Ayurp"

TheBardyBoy states, "I do love that command"

Serket says, "I'd appreciate more time before coded killing for emotes maybe"

Rowan claims, "I've only a basic idea about the city's layout lol"

Ghed says, "Okay"

Serket states, "I hate when I'm typing an emote and then we decide no I'd rather not have RP and just attack"

TheBardyBoy muses, "Getting lost part of being new ic and ooc?"

Serket claims, "Makes it hard to spoop when a bunch of people jump on you"

Ghed asks of Serket, "Has that been happening a lot?"

Ghed muses, "Or just when you spoop?"

Serket claims, "I dunno it was my first time doing it"

TheBardyBoy queries, "Spooping?"

Ghed states, "I remember being overeager to attack spoops when I was more around, but because it was the themely thing to do -- took me a while to go 'wait you're a party popper'"

Serket says, "Mage Shit"

Ikeala claims, "I will remind people that some Wizard Forms (tm) don't play nice with commands so being able to use the coded Turns command may or may not work. "

TheBardyBoy claims, "Ah okay."

Ghed says to TheBardyBoy, "Scare people with magic and sin and error and free thinking"

Himbopotamus says, "I think part of the issue is there are no guidelines/consistent sense of what is 'fair'."

Titania states, "So, I saw Bimbly's way of handling it a while back and thought it was really cool"

Motherof asks, "What was that?"

Serket queries, "But given that I was essentially forcible crippled for like, three emotes? It felt lame"

Titania says, "Where if it's a harmless spoop, you spend some time building up to bashing it away to give them time to scene and react"

TheBardyBoy states, "I somehow think i can do that without magey stuff."

Titania states, "Instead of just bapping them"

Ghed says to Himbopotamus, "I think common courtesy can be extended unless your PCs well being is directly in mortal danger"

Rowan has lost link.
Rowan has reconnected.

Ghed nods at Titania.

Ghed claims to Titania, "That's how I roll now"

Jackassaurus is idle.

Ghed says, "If a mage comes and locks me in a room, well, I'll fight"

TheBardyBoy questions, "I would think rping with the mages before booping them is best?"

Ghed states, "If it's just scaring me I'll cry"

Jackassaurus is no longer idle.
Jackassaurus has returned from AFK.

Ghed nods at TheBardyBoy.

HIEROPHANT claims, "There is no obligation to let the spooper spoop, especially if they are interrupting an existing scene and derailing it. That said, making it interactive is fun."

Ghed nods at HIEROPHANT.

Ghed says, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Serket claims, "Like by all means, stab away, but I'm gonna stop doing it if it just gets me nothing"

Nospeedy says, "I have been having fun, but my only issue is just how quiet the Physician's guild is."

RamblingSeert claims, "I found one goofy bug that might not be a bug but a case of code clashing. Didn't even consider bringing it up today because I don't know if anything could be done about it."

Dragor says, "Oh boy."

Dragor declares, "Player topics!"

Ghed states to Nospeedy, "Hmm, I see, sorry to hear that"

plague says, "I think that sometimes due to the nature of secrecy re: danger it can be very hard to tell whether your character is actually in danger, so you may react unpredictably to spooky things. I've done so in the past"

Rowan questions, "Was that the snake bit? I do recall someone dropping a courtesy 'hey im gonna attack you' on osay"

Rowan states, "Unless Mage Shit interferes with osay, then, whoops"

Ghed claims to Rowan, "No IC sharing please"

plague says, "If I don't know if someone is killing me or scaring me I will probably relentlessly 'survive'"

Rowan says, "Eep"
Ghed muses to Motherof, "You had a topic?"

Rowan shuts up.

Motherof states, "Yeah, just real quick."

Ghed nods at plague.

Motherof says, "Something wonky is going on with the follow/group code. I had stuff going on and couldn't log or bugboard it, but it happened in RP two separate times already with some other characters. First time, somebody who shouldn't have been allowed to was able to bypass a guild xblock for no apparent reason, then the second time, somebody ungrouped me from a follow... left the room, and I was still following.

Anyway: keep an eye out, maybe, so you beat me to bugboarding it if you get the opportunity. That's all."

Ghed says, "Hm sometimes if you follow someone and you're grouped, you can just pass through xblocks on your own"

Ghed says, "As long as you remain grouped"

Deedee nods.

HIEROPHANT says, "Yes, groups function like that"

Motherof states, "Yeah, that wasn't the scenario at all."

Dragor says, "Oh yeah I had that once."

Ghed says, "Oh well I see"

Ghed wonders, "Did you bugboarrd it? I haven't checked"

Ghed claims, "And I'm too lazy to do it right now"

Rowan claims, "If someone follows you and you group them you can walk past their guilds xblocks too"

Temi says, "Hrm, yeah, definitely would like a bugboard on that if it's misbehaving"

plague muses, "What was the order of operations here?"

Motherof states, "I didn't want to bugboard without the log."

Anya claims, "Remaining grouped will allow them to pass xblocks, yes."

HIEROPHANT states, "I have gotten 'lost' while following before, where my character was dumber than the person I followed and they used Travel to go very far away. Instead of following them, I went to another room with a similar name as if -I- had tried to travel."

Himbopotamus states, "The ungroup thing was very weird and definitively buggy. Typed 'ungroup -motherof-' got the confirmation, walked off, and Motherof followed. Sorry, will bugnote with log after this."

HIEROPHANT wonders, "Possibly related?"

Motherof queries, "It happened twice, weirdly, so, just watch for it?"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Oh, ungroup does not unfollow, use NOFOLLOW for that."

Himbopotamus claims, "Ungroup has always unfollowed before."

Deedee says, "It used to unfollow"

Motherof says, "Yeah."

HIEROPHANT pontificates, "Not reliably for me!"

Ghed states to HIEROPHANT, "Hilarious"

Anya claims, "If grouped, ungroup should force an unfollow"

Ikeala states, "I think it stopped doing that awhile ago. Whether on purpose or not."

Motherof says, "It's been that way since forever, until recently. Weird."

Himbopotamus says, "So this is a bug, for sure. Okay, will note."

Ghed muses to Motherof, "So did you bugboardi t?"

HIEROPHANT claims to Ghed, "I was carrying a critically-injured person at the time, so it was... something! Funny, in hindsight, yes."

Deedee nods.

Tomato claims, "I have been using it without issue as well so it sounds like a bug"

plague says, "I think them being separate makes sense but I understand why others may dislike that functionality compared to the convenience"

HIEROPHANT says, "It stopped and I went "wait, this isn't the madison"."

Motherof claims, "I don't have the notes and had a major headache, so can't remember the specifics. Sorry."

Motherof claims, "No bugboard."

Deedee says, "The nofollow tag is a bit inconvenient in comparison to ungroup I think."

Himbopotamus nods at Deedee.

HIEROPHANT says, "Well, motherof, thank you for making us all aware of it. Now if we run into it and can reproduce it we can bugboard it ourselves."

Temi claims, "Well, any additional info we can get would be good, if people keep their eyes out"

TheBardyBoy asks, "Everytime I follow people it works okay. Maybe it has to do with a specific scenario?"
Temi nods.

Ghed claims, "Yeah please"

TheBardyBoy opens eyes

Ghed states to Motherof, "Thanks a lot for bringing it to everyone's attention"

HIEROPHANT claims, "This is the perfect kind of venue for notices like that."

Ghed wonders to Jackassaurus, "You still with us?"

Jackassaurus says, "I usually don?t have much to say or have issues with. I?m generally pretty chill on many fronts. However, I think this whole POLICY around sex needs to be re-examined. If an underage character is hanging out with a clearly promiscuous adult with a history of that kind of stuff, I do not think it is so over the hill to inquire to said underage character if that was a possible incentive - to be have policy thrown at me over it seems like it is a shield, and I don't think that is fair. It is a choice to play an underage character, and if you're doing adult things in a position of an ADULT then you should be treated like one. It is hard to use suspensions of belief in this case for me. So I just want to remind people not to hide behind policy - and to use a little common sense when it comes to filing a complaint about policy breaches."

Rowan has lost link.

Rowan has reconnected.

Dragor says, "Uhm."

Ikeala claims, "Yikes."

Tomato claims, "I think if an underaged character is doing or being in a situation where you think it has sexual connotations you can osay it"

Titania queries, "Uh?"

Tomato says, "But underaged characters are codedly banned from adult locales like brothels"

Jackassaurus claims, "Yes it rubbed me the wrong eay"

Ghed scratches his cheek, "Alright. Let's not air policy here. Let's be careful with our choice of words, everyone."

Ghed claims, "But yes, I see what you mean, I get it"

Ruby wonders, "Ok is the context being the underage character hanging out with someone who does adult things or is it them exposing them to it?"

Ruby says, "For clarity because that changes my response"

plague states, "I feel like this one should have been private to staff and maybe the involved player if that, without details it sounds like you are saying things I assume you are not saying."

Dragor says, "If an adult char is exposing an underage char to the dirty bits that should be a policy case imo."

plague states, "And details should not be shared publicly, probably"

Tomato says, "And bringing up sexual situations with underaged characters is against policy, full stop. Whether a character is introducing it to them or about them"

WhiskeyGabe states, "Yeah, this feels a bit... tricky to weigh in on without context."

Deedee nods.

HIEROPHANT states, "I have no idea how to respond to this topic. Sorry."

Ruby says, "Yeah, if it's an adult character to underage character that's a policy case, but uh, also"

Ghed claims to Jackassaurus, "It's okay to express discomfort, and great to handle it oocly if the origin is ooc, but I'm not sure this is the ideal way to help you."

TheBardyBoy states, "Context is needed but also respect to those who may be involved I think."

Ruby muses, "Don't ask that IC? I don't know if it was asked IC but "

Ghed says, "The ideal VENUE rather"

Ruby says, "Like"

Anya says, "I find it absolutely not-ok that someone should play an underage character for the purpose of sexualizing them. It raises so many red flags in my mind that it is unreal - both for the people that would chase them (pedophiles), and for the one doing it (obsessed with sexual content for underage?). If I ever see a person playing an underage for the purpose of oversexualizing, I will and have reported that. However, that said, I... have no idea what this is about. So."

Tomato states, "I think this is best held for a discussion with staff not the Court of Public Opinion"

Ghed states, "Guys, let's just stop here."

Ghed states, "The lack of context is huge."

Rowan clears his throat.

Ghed claims, "Like I get Jacarys"

Dragor states, "Funny you mention that, Anya... I do have something about this."

Ghed states, "But everyone else is not on the loop"

Temi queries, "I can try to frame it a bit for folks to discuss?"

Deedee nods.

Ruby asks, "So if I play a child character I can't rp with anybody else?"

Ghed states to Temi, "Sure"

Rowan states, "Im so very confused as to whats happening"

Deedee looks to Temi. 

TheBardyBoy nods at Rowan.

Temi states, "I think the issue is that people have previously expressed reasonable discomfort with child characters being involved in sexual contexts, so it is against policy for them to be in those contexts, whether willingly or not, including accusations, so if there's suspicion that there is such a relationship, it should be a policy issue for us to put a stop to that, rather than to treat it ICly as if there could be such a relationship."

Dragor claims, "O"

Temi says, "And there's question if that should be the policy, and if people should be able to address the possibility, or if it should continue to be completely OOC polciy"

Dragor claims, "Well, I agree that shouldn't be brought up IC and rather be handled through staff and policy imo."

Jackassaurus says, "..."

Titania says, "I'm very confused and due to my confusion I am going to elect to say nothing about the ongoing circumstance"

plague states, "No, people should absolutely not be able to address the possibility or even pretend it is possible"

Ghed says, "It's like in games where certain topics are banned from even IC or OOC discussion (such as sexual violence), so if you suspect it might be happening there's no way to handle it"

Ruby claims, "I mean consider the following, imagine nothing going on but people accuse you of doing things with an underage character."

Tomato says, "Look, we don't allow rape RP or discussion about it, I don't think we should allow pedophile RP or discussion about it"

Ruby states, "Rumors are vicious and don't have to be true."

Dragor says, "I fully agree with Tomato."

Tomato claims, "Its better that this is not something that is handled IC because it is a DEEPLY uncomfortable topic for many people"

Titania says to Tomato, "I very much agree with this statement"

HIEROPHANT states, "Ah.

Yes, if I discover a situation that strongly implies someone is breaking consent or age policy in either direction I am going to notify staff and ignore it IC."

WhiskeyGabe states, "I'd be fine with this following the same policy as SA, because it is in fact SA."

Titania says to WhiskeyGabe, "^"

Anya claims, "I'm in agreement with Tomato."

plague claims, "I too am with Tomato"

Ruby claims, "I am Tomato."

Motherof states, "I thought that was already the game approach."

Tomato says, "It is, as far as policy is concerned"

plague claims, "I've been the victim of this circumstance in the past, and it was very frustrating to realize after the faact"

Dragor pontificates, "It's always good to clarify!"

Ambre claims, "Allowing pedophilia in the game might lead to legal issues, I think, on top of everything else"

Titania says, "I'm absolutely boggled at what could have happened"

Motherof says, "Plus it's gross."

Ruby states, "Also quick aside I HAVE broken that policy before as in accusing another and I deeply regret it, apologies"

Titania claims, "But this is not the place for gossip, so I leave it at 'Tomato and Gabe are very correct'"

Ghed states to Ambre, "No one is even considering something remotely related to that"

Ghed says, "This seems to be something that, if in doubt, reach staff first and foremost -- that's what my gut feeling tells me"

TheBardyBoy states, "I think we should try to make it so everyone is as comfortable as possible as much as we can. And that issue is abig and very uncomfortable one in my opinion."

Jackassaurus states, "I brought it up I'm done now. "

Ghed nods at Jackassaurus.

plague claims, "Thank you sorry if the response was in any way stressful"

Ghed says, "Okay, for now, let's move on"

Temi claims, "I think the mass of people are still onboard with completely treating it as OOC policy, so - yeah, if you suspect such things, feel free to report to us."

Jackassaurus states, "I have more to say but - I?m holding my fingers at bay."

Dragor trails off, "Well, now my topic feels slightly awkward..."

Ghed states to Jackassaurus, "We can talk one on one too if you wish =)"

Anya states, "I was around when the age of IC consent was raised from 16 to 18, which honestly gave me a HUGE sense of relief. I was very, very uncomfortable with people making 16 year olds for the purpose of finding husbands/wives. It was very much a thing."

Ghed wonders to Dragor, "You had a topic too?"

Dragor states, "Yeah"

Sue states, "Hm."

Dragor trails off, "Uhhhhhh..."

Dragor trails off, "Hi there! So uh, this has been somewhat of a weird one for me, because I don't specifically want to point this out? But there is some player chars who definitely have bodily descriptions that I would describe as attempting to be alluring - while being teenagers or just 18. That barely legal thing is somewhat uncomfortable to me? So I'd like to say that maybe it's not the best idea to describe your gentle curvature. This is especially for female teenage chars..."

HIEROPHANT says, "Both of these topics seem like things better handled privately with staff to me, in all blunt honesty."

Tomato says, "Fetishistic descriptions can and should be reported to staff yeah"

Titania claims, "I would kind of agree, yeah"

Deedee states, "The policy for no subjective adjectives isn't being followed/enforced for a lot of intros, too."

Ghed states, "If you see someone acting sexually or describing themselves sexually and are minors, report them to me"

Anya states, "I feel like, if you feel someone is oversexualizing in description for their age, it should be a request board report so the staff can look into it."

Sue says, "Hm."

Rowan stops using a little toy tower with a wheel affixed at one of its sides.

Dragor states, "Alrighty thanks, let's move on quickly because I rather not dwell on it."

HIEROPHANT says, "I don't see a way to interpret it as anything but an 'if you know, you know' call-out without naming names, which, while I may agree on the topic itself, I find wholly inappropriate for the OOC meeting format."

plague stops using a little toy tower with a wheel affixed at one of its sides.

Temi states, "Not that they can't be pretty, but yeah, actually sexually please report."

HIEROPHANT claims, "If there are descriptions you find uncomfortable please send a note to staff instead of mentioning it in here, IMO."

Titania puts her eye up to the barred window into her toy tower and gives a spin to the wheel at its side.

Ghed says, "Please remember that if you don't report to staff, we don't hear about it, and nothing gets solved"

Ghed claims, "We don't have the time or inclination to monitor stuff at that level"

Deedee nods.

TheBardyBoy nods.

Dragor nods.

Ghed queries, "Alright! Any other topics?"

Ambre nods.

Ghed eyes Himbopotamus warily

Himbopotamus says, "NOTHING TODAY"

Ghed grins.

Himbopotamus says, "I HAVE NO OPINIONS THIS WEEK"

Ruby states, "Hmm"

Tomato states, "Oh I have a small one"

Temi says to Himbopotamus, "You sound like you're trying to convince yourself."

HIEROPHANT claims, "It isn't a full topic, but I have a small one to bring up that might be the one tomato has."

HIEROPHANT states, "I will give him the floor to see if it is."

Himbopotamus states to Temi, "Temi i have so many opinions all of the time i'm so sorry"

Tomato states, "I have a unique item from an event a while ago, would it be kosher to try to do a plot or work with IC people to try to make it an item-item because I love it"

Tomato says, "(yes its cosmetics shut up I like cosmetics)"

Sue trails off, "Typical bard..."

Titania muses to Himbopotamus, "No opinions? :c"

Nospeedy is idle.

plague trails off, "My topic is, uhh... I wish I could see a list of the recommendations I've given out"

Nospeedy is no longer idle.
Nospeedy has returned from AFK.

Temi claims, "I don't entirely follow the issue"

Himbopotamus says to plague, "Oh my god amen."

Ghed muses to Tomato, "What would you define as an item-item?"

TheBardyBoy claims, "Don't hate the bard when you can instead celebrate"

Temi nods at Ghed.

Ghed queries, "One that can be bought, duplicated essentially?"

HIEROPHANT queries, "Do you mean, make it something you can get on-grid?"

Titania says to plague, "YEAH, I WANT THIS"

Tomato claims, "A non-craftable cosmetic item from the discovery fair, but cannot be crafted, with a unique soft affect that I would like to see on the grid"

TheBardyBoy muses, "Craftable?"

Himbopotamus states, "I can't remember when I recommended people last and people are so good."

Yinadele pontificates, "Agreed strongly!"

Sue says, "I chronicly forget to recommend people all the time"

Yinadele says, "I always feel weird recommending someone I've ever recommended before"

Sue claims, "It doesn't mean I don't love you"

RamblingSeert claims, "Likewise."

plague says, "I think you can get things added as rare materials that cost qp"

Temi states, "Let's do one at a time"

Yinadele pontificates, "And that's not great!"

Rowan claims, "I had a big habit of recommending, need to gather all my positive energies to do it again"

Tomato trails off, "I wasn't certain if that was something I could pursue so since we had time extra... if its kosher I can pursue it IC"

Ghed claims, "The idea around unique items is that, well, they're unique"

Ikeala queries, "You could perhaps see if a Milestone could be used to add it to a more permanent IC shop as that's an option?"

Ghed states, "TI is a game where the economy matters comparatively little"

Ghed claims, "Unique items are truly valuable"

Ruby claims, "You can also only see the recommends you've had total I'd like a way to see only the last five Ive had"

Ghed states, "Like books that are not submitted to staff"

Temi claims, "We do want to keep things that are unique as special for the most part."

Tomato trails off, "Hence my asking if it was worth roping other people in..."

TheBardyBoy states, "Wait. Book submissions? We can make our own books? Sorry but thats awesome."

Deedee nods.

Ghed claims, "Life is special, everyone is unique, each day is irreplaceable, you will never drink twice from the same river"

Tomato claims, "I'll take that as a soft no and yield the stage"

Temi nods at TheBardyBoy.

Ghed says, "It's a 'I get it, but it's better this way'"

Temi exclaims to TheBardyBoy, "And get rewarded well for it!"

Ghed states, "And Source: Trust Me Dude"

Rowan claims, "You can make custom tomes with artwork too"

Sue says, "Life is crime, everyone is crime, each day is crime, I will drink all the crime."

WhiskeyGabe states to TheBardyBoy, "It's a great way to make a permanent impact."

TheBardyBoy states, "Now I really do wanna write bard comics series."

Titania says, "Always trust Ghed, the Gods speak through jim"

Ghed says, "Yeah I've written some books too"

HIEROPHANT says, "Speaking of books, I have a smol topic about them to go next. Very short."

Titania says, "He is an oracle"

WhiskeyGabe states, "Take a look at the Grand Library to see what books look like in length/format."

Dragor says, "The gods speak through Jim"

Deedee states, "I think you can request items unavailable on grid for QP. And perhaps things like that could be added to the QP shop on request."

Ruby says, "Iirc a milestone is to get something added to a shop "

Dragor claims, "I wrote a smol book and got 25 QP so people should definitely do it."

Rowan has lost link.

Ruby states, "Never said it can't be a QP shop "

Rowan has reconnected.

Ghed pontificates, "Okay!"

Ghed wonders, "Anything else?"

HIEROPHANT claims, "If you give books any kind of extended description, it's pointless, because once you write or post something in it, looking at it only shows the table of contents. What gives? Is this on purpose?

I would very much like to make my Very Scary and Evil Magic Grimoires of Doom and Frilly Lace some cool extended descriptions and embellishments."

Tomato says, "Illuminated manuscripts seem to retain their look"

HIEROPHANT claims, "I stole this from tomato in visnet this week and I am not ashamed in the slightest for my theft."

Tomato says, "Source: i did"

Sue trails off, "Sounds illegal..."

Ghed says, "Call the reeves"

Tomato states, "But book books do lose it"

Jackassaurus says, "As an addition"

Ghed high fives Sue 

Jackassaurus questions, "Can we explore making it 18 minimum age to lead a guild then?"

Motherof questions, "Is an illuminated manuscript a high level art recipe or something?"

WhiskeyGabe claims, "Yeah."

Deedee claims, "You might be able to add extendeds seperate from the keywords on the book."

plague claims, "I do not feel as though being a guildleader is an inherently sexual action."

Ghed says to Jackassaurus, "Now that's a topic that is sure to stir up (respectful) debate, separate from today"

Dragor states, "You are the domme of the entire guild, clearly it's sexual."

Ghed says, "But then I think about Marquis de Lafayette or Joan of Arc"

Titania states, "This is a lot."

Rowan says, "Guh"

Himbopotamus says, "It IS typical to be able to look at an item with its standard keyword to get ideas of other keywords, so it'd be nice if 'look book' gave you both table of contents AND any ed desc for the baisc keyword."

Deedee claims, "I think thematically, upper ranks in guilds should be limited to the age of majority."

Jackassaurus says, "I am not talking about sex"

Ghed states, "(what is it with frenchmen and teenage military masters)"

Temi wonders, "Did you try adding different extras than the keywords of the object itself?"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Oh. I am beginning to understand the context. As there are diseases you get primarily from sexual relations out of wedlock."

Sue says, "Hm."

Tomato says, "Certain guilds do have age limits for promotions usually"

Titania states to Ghed, "The french are crazy."

Ghed says, "Knights definitely do request some basic seniority"

Ghed states, "Like you won't be belted before age 16-18, depends"

Ikeala states, "Except a lot of people's backgrounds do that very thing."

Ghed says, "I'd make it far older but people like to play very young to, sometimes, avoid age code"

Titania muses, "There's age code?"

Ghed states, "Oh sweet summer child"

WhiskeyGabe claims, "At age 45 you start getting weaker."

Ghed says, "47"

WhiskeyGabe claims, "OR that's how it used to be."

WhiskeyGabe nods at Ghed.

Ghed states, "And you go down fast"

Deedee claims, "Under 17 stats are also capped."

Ghed claims, "Your max MV, HP, and all physical skills go down"

Sue states, "Haha, old."

Tomato says, "You should get a boost to wis with age"

Tomato claims, "Older and wiser"

Motherof grins.

Ghed says, "You do get a boost to prestige"

WhiskeyGabe claims, "And blinder though"

Nospeedy nods at Tomato.

Deedee states, "I agree on that, but perhaps a discussion for next time."

Ghed nods at Deedee.

Ambre muses, "Wisdom represents learning ability, doesn't it?"

Ghed says, "It does"

Jackassaurus says, "I will bring it up next week thenZ"

Himbopotamus asks, "Oh god uh, prestige, do you have to have a prestige title if you have a prestige title?"

Himbopotamus queries, "Does it cause an issue if you never set one?"

Ghed states to Himbopotamus, "Not at all"

Temi claims, "It's an optional"

RamblingSeert says, "I JUST had an idea for a funny little prog or whatever it's called idk I'm not smart.

Wandering proselytizer that wanders the streets and every so often spouts random lines from the Erra Pater or prays. Reactive to Piety metric as when piety gets low enough he wanders around drunkenly and stops putting in effort. Maybe mumbles about something called the end times which don't exist in-universe but you get the idea."

Himbopotamus claims, "I can't come up with one that doesn't seem hilariously dumb and I hit prestige by accident and I'm not syre how."

Titania claims, "I do wish there was an infamy system alongside the prestige system"

Titania states, "So people who are remarkably notorious can also have special shortdescs"

Tomato says, "Prestige is largely ignored until it isnt, its funny"

Deedee nods in agreement.

Nospeedy nods.

plague claims, "I want both the street preacher and the crime fame"

Sue says, "What is this prestige you speak of"

Titania claims, "I look directly at our Archmage"

Motherof says, "I like him already, Ramb."

Sue says, "This foreign thing"

Sue claims, "This strange thing"

WhiskeyGabe says, "Street preacher is cool. Color mobs in general cool. Lot of work to do for color, though."

WhiskeyGabe claims, "If the PCs building stuff system works well, maybe a long time down the road PCs could submit stuff like that to add to the grid without burdening staff."

Motherof states, "That would be glory"

Deedee states, "If you write up the preacher's intro, desc, and some things for him to spout, I'm sure staff would be happy to make it if you post it to them on a pboard."

Ghed muses, "Alright I think we're done here eh?"

Nospeedy states, "Would be funny for there to be some infamy titles, like if you ended up doing magic in public with no disguise it'd append a title next to your name, or if you have a particular habit of finding yourself in the Reeve cells.."

Ghed claims, "Lol maybe"

Yinadele states, "An infamy system would be cool and flavorful."

Motherof wonders, "A new milestone perk?"

Ghed says, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for meaningful RP =)"

Motherof states, "I wanna say there's an old forum thread out there exploring pros and cons of infamy."

Ghed claims, "C n o t e"

Ikeala waves.

plague claims, "I'd like the Order and Reeves to be able to apply a temporary title to someone with IP so that everyone would recognize them as, say, 'The Dung-Eater'"

Motherof waves.

Rowan screams!!!

Ghed muses, "Why don't you cnote right after here?"

Ruby declares, "I keep forgetting to cnote I'm sorry!!!"

Anya states, "Indeed on the recommends. They are warm and fuzzy."

Ghed exclaims, "Do it right now!"

Titania claims to Ghed, "I'm cnoting that I was abducted to another plane and spoken to about some arcane ritual called 'cnoting'"

Ghed says to plague, "That's a Troubadour's job"

HIEROPHANT pontificates, "You get bonus XP for 24 hours after cnoting!"

HIEROPHANT declaims, "Cnote every day!"

plague claims, "Bard moment, very well"

HIEROPHANT exclaims, "Do something worth cnoting every day!"

Ghed states, "Lol troubs being able to stick titles to people"

Dragor claims, "I cnote my bunghole."

Titania claims, "I am now the Witch-Lady"

Ghed says, "I actually love that idea"

plague says, "New bard power"

Titania says, "And I like that title"

Temi says, "It does sound fun in ways"

Temi grins.

Titania claims, "It's a good title"

Ghed trails off, "Okay! engaging warp drive in 3..."

HIEROPHANT trails off, "Especially if they don't know that's their title until later..."

Dragor claims, "Goodbye friends"

HIEROPHANT states, "Ehehehe."

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Rowan says, "Ahhhhh"

Motherof says, "Hahah"

Dragor states, "TIll next week"

Ghed trails off, "1..."

Nospeedy states, "Beam me up scotty"

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