Log of OOC Meeting - 2022-05-21

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Posts: 174
Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:32 pm
Discord Handle: Lei#3876

Sat May 21, 2022 8:22 pm

Kinaed states, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Kinaed claims, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Kinaed says, "I'll take the silence as no one has a topic :)"

Kinaed trails off, "Kicking off Staff Updates ... :)"

Murrcognito declares, "Small one!"

Aprilis claims, "I have one."

Deedee states, "I'll take one"

Kinaed exclaims, "Okay, got all of you!"

Kinaed says, "Last week, Salem resigned. I've resolved the code access issues. Thus, today I'm going to push all of Masnuva's code that's been waiting for review live. This may mean that TI blows up, however Masnuva has agreed to be around in about 4 hours to fix anything catastrophic. That said, we do not anticipate anything catastrophic."

Temi claims, "Pretty small changes, in any case, not risky."

Anonymous wonders, "Is there a quick n fast summary of all the things Masnuva's code will do?"

Kinaed states, "The list of changes:

- Influence not anonymous
- Lockpicking fixes
- Locale quest always picking Church Square
- Hooks edit bug
- Void snake spell never expiring"

Kinaed states, "Yep, was just typing it :)"

Sparkles ponders.

Anonymous asks, "Influence not anonymous?"

Kinaed states, "When you send influence to someone, it used to give coded names instead of remembered names."

Sparkles says, "Ah"

Anonymous questions, "Oh, so it'll give remembered names now? Or no name if you don't know a name?"

Aprilis says, "Much better."

Kinaed states, "Okay, so we've also decided to change our staff operating rhythm around when OOC Chats are held, so expect a time update for that, and when we release code - I will now push Masnuva's code live weekly on a Saturday night server time and Masnuva will come online soon after to check for problems.."

Kinaed states to Anonymous, "I think it gives remembered names or doesn't use a name now. The fix isn't in the note."

Sparkles queries, "Can I give one thought?"

Kinaed claims to Sparkles, "Of course :)"

Sparkles wonders, "As rollover happens on Saturday night and so many systems rely on it, if code updates are pushed then is there a framework of what happens if rollover fails?"

Kinaed claims, "Yes, I think we can do a manual one."

Kinaed says, "But only certain parts of it."

Sparkles nods.

Kinaed claims, "Generally, I don't think we've got any work goig in at the moment that adjusts anything that would touch rollover."

Sparkles declares, "Okay!"

Kinaed states, "The last rollover failed because we exceeded our disk space, so had to do a cleanup of old otems."

Kinaed claims, "This is why we request players please get rid of old junk. Too many items in the game is a problem, and we generate a lot through play."

Kinaed claims, "We're a very large game for a text-based game :)"

Ghed states, "Really large"

Deedee claims, "I went through and junked a lot, but a lot of that still stays in the system now"

Ghed nods.

Kinaed says, "Okay, so that's probably it for my update. I'm currently working on finding another programmer and picking up some other things."

Ghed says, "Posting mail on ledgers helps a lot too"

Kinaed says to Deedee, "Junked items are destroyed once per week"

Kinaed nods at Ghed.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, that's everything from me. I'll go with Temi first this time :) Bottom up :)"

Temi grins.

Temi says, "I've been working no the large decoration recipes which were requested."

Kinaed smiles.

Temi says, "Started with blacksmithing and leatherworking"

Temi states, "And I've also been starting to plot another staff plot for a few months from now. We've got another one planned first"

Kinaed says, "Sweet :)"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed says to Ghed, "You're up :)"

Ghed nods.

Ghed says, "This week I did some minor fixes of things such as mobs having scripts that weren't working well. I did some plots about the end of the Crimson Troupe, some phome requests, and other minor stuff.
Please remember I'm still accepting ambiance suggestions at https://bit.ly/3sKwxhB"

Kinaed says to Ghed, "Thanks for the reminder. :)"

Ghed nods.

Kinaed claims, "That reminds ME: if you're interested in having your character feature on TI's website, here's the form: https://forms.gle/rqkR61D3unoiSKcG7"

Kinaed claims, "We do a portrait about once per month or so."

Aprilis claims to Ghed, "I've been enjoying seeing those as they pop up"

RP Opportunity> Someone is at The Rubbish Heap looking for someone to scene with.

Kalana claims, "Very happy with mine, quite cool"

Ghed makes fingerguns at Aprilis

Kinaed declares, "Okay, I think that's everything from Staff side. Thank you Staff!"

Kinaed wonders, "Next up - Player Heartbeat! How was the game this week, folks?"

Lans says, "Witches are about."

Anonymous says, "WHAT"

Deedee claims, "Busy week IRL again, and few people on when I was free to play"

Lans states, "You know who you are."

Kinaed states, "I've heard rumors, but I've been keeping to my hut, personally."

Kalana says, "Haven't been too active. Not seen a lot of people during the times I've been around"

Kinaed comforts Deedee.

Kinaed comforts Kalana.

Murrcognito states, "Which witch"

Anonymous says, "Witches aren't allowed around in these parts"

Aprilis states, "I've been trying to stir the pot, in my own little ways."

Kinaed removes her 'I am a Witch' pin and tucks it away before anyone sees.

Kinaed smiles at Aprilis.

Kinaed claims to Aprilis, "That sounds like fun, and I sure hope that it is. :)"

Murrcognito claims, "But, got some writing in. Pleased to be around."

Aprilis exclaims to Kinaed, "Always!"

Kinaed says, "It sounds good on the whole, if slow. :)"

Kinaed claims, "Let's take a look at our Player Topics :)"

Kinaed claims to Murrcognito, "You were the first person on our list today :)"

Could the period of time before an inactive character is kicked from their guild be extended?

The present arrangement mostly punishes folks who frequently have play interruptions, which results in repeated 'need to reguild' requests.

In the game-world itself it's already assumed that characters are taking part in guild business while off screen; aka when a trouper isn't logged in, the character is presumably still doing trouping business.

Thoughts? Seems like a little thing, and it isn't like guilds are overflowing with extra bodies at the moment. [Murrcognito]

Deedee states, "I haven't noticed any being kicked automatically"

Deedee states, "And I currently have a member inactive for 91 weeks"

Kinaed says, "People aren't auto-kicked, they're auto moved to the "Retired" rank and the GL removes them if they feel it's warranted."

Temi states, "I did see your guildleader kick some people."

Ghed nods.

Kinaed claims, "Generally when "Retired", the character has hit a threshold to be called out to the GL, and the GL has to pay taxes for headcount on the books."

Murrcognito claims, "I'd update that to being: not having rank in guild changed."

Kinaed muses, "Why not just purchase it back?"

Deedee states, "As a note, your guild doesn't start getting charged for inactive people unless they're A inactive for more than 4 weeks, and B more than 2 inactive that long"

Kinaed states, "It already takes about four weeks of inactivity for that to happen"

Kinaed says, "I think giving more leeway is a bit much."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Murrcognito claims, "Heard. From my perspective the system is punishing inactivity in a way that makes it less likely to become active again, is all."

Deedee says, "The GL can restore the rank and such whenever they return"

Deedee states, "Not a system problem"

Kinaed says, "We're trying to help GLs manage their guild. The player also can purchase their rank up again too when they come back."

Ghed claims, "No need to interact with the GL or make excuses for inactivity when you purchase back"

Kinaed nods at Ghed.

Kinaed wonders, "Are you familiar with HELP COMMAND ROLES?"

Ghed claims, "I reckon it's a bit distasteful to have to say 'oh I was visiting my uncle on the other side of the world'"

Ghed has transferred GeeBee. [OOC]

Temi gives a small pinata in the shape of a tall man clad all in black to GeeBee.

Deedee asks, "For purchasing, does that allow them to restore their previous rank, or do they have to buy back each rank between?"

Temi says, "I think they'd meet the criteria for their previous rank"

Kinaed states to Deedee, "I'm not entirely sure, but it SHOULD let them purchase the rank so long as their "roles held" has the prerequisites in it."

Deedee says, "Not if their previous rank had the inbetween ranks as prereqs"

Kinaed claims, "All roles a character has held in the past are in their roles held history."

Deedee states, "I see"

Kinaed says, "And I think that's the table the game looks up to see if they're eligible for the next rank."

Deedee says, "We'll have to see how it works in practice"

Temi says, "So if it doesn't work in practice, may be a bug"

Murrcognito says, "Not working"

Kinaed says, "That said, I don't know how far back the history goes beyond when the roles system was introduced."

Murrcognito claims, "I'll board it :)"

Kinaed claims to Murrcognito, "Request Board a staff member, yep"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "That's what I was thinking - either a bug, or the roles system is so new that it doesn't have all of the history in it."

Kinaed says to Murrcognito, "Thank you for raising your topic, I am confident we can fix the issue for you."

Ghed says to Murrcognito, "Yeah mate thanks"

Deedee claims, "As an aside"
Kinaed questions to Aprilis, "Your topic is next on the list. Care to raise it?"

Deedee quiets.
Kinaed states to Deedee, "Oh, sorry."

Deedee says, "Lol"

Kinaed muses to Deedee, "Want to go real quick?"

Murrcognito finishes his note.

Deedee states, "Sure"

Deedee says, "As an aside, when people go inactive is wipes their subrank, which is rather annoying"

Lans claims, "Heresy is annoying."

Kinaed states, "Ahh, yeah, that will be pretty hard to fix since it's a mask that's not saved anywhere."

Kinaed makes a note regardless.

Deedee nods.

Kinaed wonders to Aprilis, "Apologies for that detour. Are you ready?"

Aprilis muses, "It's nothing too crazy. Wondering what sorts of things we're involved with for recruitment, gamewise. Do we have advertisements running? Is now a good time for us to be helping with monetery donations to help fund an advertising effort to net us some new players?"

Kinaed claims to Aprilis, "We are in desperate need of help with advertising. I paid for some advertisements to be made, but when I went to post them, the advertisers didn't respond to my messages."

Temi trails off, "So if anyone knows about getting ads posted..."

Aprilis ponders.

Kinaed states to Aprilis, "We're a bit hopeless in terms of manpower or even knowing where or how to advertise. I've made a list from player suggestions, but... yeah, a bit blocked by ineptitude, really."

Temi states, "I think we need know-how more than anything else right at this time."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Aprilis nods. "Okay. Good to have that on the table. Maybe someone in our base can help."

Kinaed states, "I have some money for it, I don't need to tap the pbase. What I don't have are the actual locations, context, or understanding of how to do it."

Kinaed nods at Aprilis.

Kinaed says, "I do have an action item to follow up with my previous attempt in a different way this weekend."

Aprilis nods at Kinaed.

Sparkles nods.
Kinaed claims, "But yeah, if anyone is a marketing guru and keen to help, please let us know."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, thank you for that, Aprilis :)"

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "Lucky last :)"

Deedee nods.

Aprilis says, "Sure. I'll be mulling that over."

Deedee says, "I think this is something staff is already considering, but I just wanted to ask the player base what they would think about adding a courier and bank to the recovery ward at the Ocarian clinic in Southside. This would mean the Physicians would technically have two, including the one in the Madison's recovery ward."

Sparkles wonders, "I guess my first question would be ... why?"

Lans asks, "You still don't have an office in the Town Hall, right?"

Anonymous claims, "*cough* I fixed that a while ago"

Deedee says, "For patients stuck there"

Sparkles wonders, "Have there been an PC patients stuck there thus far?"

Deedee claims, "Not recently to my knowledge. I don't get down that way often though"

Temi claims, "I don't know that it would be ideal to strand patients there regardless, due to less RP opportunities"

Kinaed claims, "I don't think there's a major issue with the courier, esp if it's publicly accessible"

Deedee says, "Some would rather keep their RP in southside"

Kinaed claims, "The bank is a bit more awkward because it feels a bit OOC."

Deedee claims, "I'd be fine with just the courier."

GeeBee declares, "I think a courier would make sense!"

Kinaed nods.

Sparkles claims, "Also a bank with no guards in Southside seems like it's asking for trouble."

Temi nods in agreement.

Murrcognito questions, "You should be able to add a courier to your own facilities through the usual approach of updating guild locations. Correct?"

Kinaed states, "Could have a shady AF credit exchange though or something."

Kinaed nods at Murrcognito.

Kinaed claims, "For the most part, it's just a Request Board."

Deedee says, "For the Madison's banker, we just assume them to be a runner."

Temi states, "It was requested as a part of guild edits, but we do want to keep some limits on those things being added, especially in places where people can use them to avoid being accessible"

Kinaed muses, "Okay, anything else people want to talk about?"

Kinaed states, "Otherwise, we can wrap up this week's OOC Chat :)"

Lans claims, "I've nothing to raise."

Anonymous questions, "Except pyre stakes?"

Kinaed grins.

Sparkles claims, "I have an idea if there's a moment for it."

Kinaed says to Sparkles, "For sure :)"

Sparkles says, "We have some items that only have one or kind of limited uses and sometimes I wonder if them having more application would create more economy for them etc. One such thing is nettles and I was pondering suggesting a craft to turn them into that itchy low quality fabric sold at the Southside Market."

Sparkles claims, "Even if it takes a boatload of them."

Kinaed claims, "I've no experience with these items and don't manage the craft, so I don't have an opinion on the request. "

Temi claims, "I don't know that I feel everything needs a bunch of different options"

Kinaed says, "In a general sense I agree that we want items to be valuable though."

Temi says, "That is one that's used in at least several different recipes, though some of them are a guildskill"

Kinaed states, "Maybe not everything, but maybe some specific items, like nettles making low quality cloth might be good."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims, "I think this is the sort of thing where we'd want to do a case-by-case review."

Temi claims, "I don't know if I'm completely opposed to the suggestion, but definitely not a wider goal to have no niche goods."

Sparkles says, "Having more limited uses for things can tend to encourage a bit of meta about them so that's one idea about combating."

Kinaed says, "So we're happy to hear suggestions for stuff like this and implement the ones we think are good ideas given our balance and stuff."

Deedee questions, "How about adding a generic to such items?"

Ghed asks of Sparkles, "Like chalk?"

Sparkles claims, "Ah, yes, the great chalk wars."

Temi finishes abruptly, "That one does have a generic - herb"

Sparkles claims, "But, yes, that was just one I thought about off-hand the other day."

Temi claims, "So it can be used in a lot of recipes just for that."

Deedee states, "Okay, sounds like nettle is taken care of at least. But items that really do have single use maybe could have generics added"

Temi nods.

Deedee wonders, "I'm also not certain herb is a good generic for nettle- isn't it poisonous?"

Temi states, "Definitely open for looking at those as they are suggested on the forums."

Ghed says, "Like frying pans -- only in hindsight I realised that they are only used for grasshopper food"

Temi says, "Nettles are edible"

Temi says, "I think part of them is irritating on contact, though."

Deedee nods.

Aprilis claims, "Yes. I can attest to that from personal experience."

Temi grins.

River says, "The stingy part breaks down when you heat them. But yeah, edible."

Sparkles states, "Also evidently feeding them to your chickens makes the yolks super super yellow. So there's something I learned today."

Ghed claims, "Huh"

Sparkles states, "But thanks for thinking about it."

Kinaed pontificates, "Thanks :) Got distracted with some messages. Sorry!"

Sparkles nods.

Kinaed says, "Okay we're near the top of the hour, so I'm going to call it today :) There's a lot to do, and I'd like to get on top of my actions for today :)"

Kinaed pontificates, "Thank you everyone for joining this week's OOC Chat!"

Deedee waves.

Sparkles waves.

Kinaed states, "We'll see you next week :)"

Kinaed trails off, "Retrans in 3..."

Aprilis waves.

Kinaed trails off, "2..."

Kinaed trails off, "1 ..."

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